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does MK have any real weaknesses? or is he just the most overpowered character ever?


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
i find playing against MK really really frustrating, cause he seems to have no ****ing weaknesses. Amazingly over power up B, stupidly prioritizing B moves. ridiculous running speed and grab speed. absolutely no lag time on any moves. ridiculous recovery. so small so u can do SH fairs on him. impressive range(especially down tilt). amazing combo potential. annoyingly hard for him to be comboed...ummm i'm sure i will think of others

anyone can just spam tornado, and the opponent will always find it tough. He also seems to have only 1 weak match up (snake- check character match up thread).

the only weakness i can find about MK is his weight, but i mean, u can never get a hit in anyway, so its not that much of a fault. NINTENDO are complete *******s for making him this gd and i really hate playing against him

unluckily, most of my friends online main him lol (and they are decent MK's as well, no noobs)

if anyone can give a reasonable weakness (weight isn't one of them), plz let me know.

defend ur "precious" MK !!!!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
South Dakota
No spike lol

but seriously
... - lack of KO moves at % below 120 (from a reasonable position on the stage, not close to the edge)
- easily KO'd (yes wieght, srry))
- easily spiked (maybe i just play with people who are excellent at it)
- his moves are highly spammable and very fast, making them more susceptible to move decay (giving you even less options to kill with)
- MK attracts the most noobs and the most flamers

MK's biggest weakness is his weight, but he has others, wether they are technical or meta game weaknesses he still has them, personally i think being KO'd easily is QUITE a weakness

btw: your not the first person to complain about MK, get in line or just learn to counter him


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
New York
No spike lol

but seriously
... - lack of KO moves at % below 120 (from a reasonable position on the stage, not close to the edge)
- easily KO'd (yes wieght, srry))
- easily spiked (maybe i just play with people who are excellent at it)
- his moves are highly spammable and very fast, making them more susceptible to move decay (giving you even less options to kill with)
- MK attracts the most noobs and the most flamers

MK's biggest weakness is his weight, but he has others, wether they are technical or meta game weaknesses he still has them, personally i think being KO'd easily is QUITE a weakness

btw: your not the first person to complain about MK, get in line or just learn to counter him
Most of this is true, except for the spiking part since all of his up b moves can out prioritize a spike. R1ngo can you explain move decay though? I lkeep hearing this but not sure what it means.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2004
Socal 805 (aka Hyrule)
I'm not a MK main and I'll straight out say that he's got weaknesses. Every character does. MK might be one of the best characters in the game, but he doesn't have a free win in most matchups.

Here are a few weaknesses
-Light Weight makes him easy to KO (You can't discount this just because you don't want to count it as a weakness. It is. I play lightweight characters, you're at a disadvantage of being KOed earlier than normal)
-Lack of killing moves. Improper use can make it hard for him to KO, considering his smashes are always tempting due to their speed.
-No projectile game or reflector

MK is easily one of the best characters in the game. But a good opponent is going to play his weaknesses against him and isn't going to fall for all of his high priority attacks (like trying to attack him in a glide or in the tornado, etc).

When you lose to MK, try and figure out why and what you can do about it. Complaining about MK isn't going to do much, learning how to play against him will.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
South Dakota
Most of this is true, except for the spiking part since all of his up b moves can out prioritize a spike. R1ngo can you explain move decay though? I lkeep hearing this but not sure what it means.
Sorry, but MK CAN BE SPIKED while doing upb forwardb neutralb and downb, Move decay: moves decay with use, aka, doing less dmg and having less knockback the more you use it, you can test it with a friend, a good example is the down throw, the first down throw with do 12% or something, the next will to 11, the next 10, 10,9,9,8. downthrow is an easy one to see, but all moves are affected, so dont' abuse your downsmash

D. M.

Smash Rookie
Feb 19, 2008
Shame so manypeople try to shame Meta Knight, one of the best Kirby characters,by spamming him. It's ridiculous. But that's Smash for ya. They did it to Marth in Melee, which sucks as I have to hopefully avoid being grouped with the typical players of those characters.

In my experiences, Meta can miss often, which can leave him very open. He's a lightweight, he can have move decay as someone said above, and if Dimensional Cape is used incorrectly, you have a free hit for a brief moment.

Use dodge a lot.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
I think Snake is more broken than MK.

Id have to disagree with the spiking comment... however, I can see how ppl get spiked with MK more frequently due to their tendency to offensively come back to the stage. Ppl get greedy and try to SL the guy as they jump out for a spike. Thats more a function of the player or playstyle than of the character, IMO.

I think the lack of a projectile is a big one.

Also, MK's inability to effectively play defensively forces the MK player to constantly be on the offensive. If you consider that this game really tends to favor the defending character, having to constantly approach and engage can be difficult against a good defensive character (like snake). Other characters can sit back and pop off a few projectiles or just bait the opponent into attacking. MK has only one option: attack.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
Oviedo, FL
Im surprised you didnt meantion no projectiles or refelctors like S2 did, R1ngo. That was one of the main things I disliked about Meta Knight's playstyle when I first played as him (I wouldn't give up on MK though, he's my favorite character :D)


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
Plainview, New York
yea the lack of a projectile and the low weight doesn't help his ability to force the opponent to approach you.

ALSO according to your little picture you main donkey kong. A chracter who literally killing metaknight at50-60 with a smash attack or his neutral b

DK - metaknight is not a bad match up
cause im pretty sure i got ***** by Bum at the NYC weeklies


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas

-Weight. Probably his most accountable weakness. Whether you want to hear that or not, MK's light weight can get him killed early. Smart players know how to take advantage of that.
-KO. UpB, Dsmash. Only good ko hits he can account for. Yes other moves can kill but those 2 are the most notable, and dont exactly kill too early, if not near the edge and played smart.
-Projectile. This makes for a weak defensive game putting MK on a constant offensive attack. This is indeed, a defensive styled game and makes it hard for most characters to play an offensive style like MK's. (Although he pulls it off rather nicely) :)
-Move Decay. Mediocre MK's tend to actually abuse their Dsmash and UpB, making it even harder to ko a character.

Those 4 are typically his most notable weaknesses to all characters.
There are things to do about it.

I'll quote S2 here and say if you can't beat it. Figure out why. Know why he killed you, how you put yourself there, and what you could have done different. Complaining isn't going to get you anywhere. Learning will. Pce.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Meta Knight has some of the slowest horizontal air movement in the game, but Meta Knight makes for his slow air movement with multiple mid-air jumps and quick disjointed hitboxes.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Zacoalco, Mexico
Sorry, but MK CAN BE SPIKED while doing upb forwardb neutralb and downb, Move decay: moves decay with use, aka, doing less dmg and having less knockback the more you use it, you can test it with a friend, a good example is the down throw, the first down throw with do 12% or something, the next will to 11, the next 10, 10,9,9,8. downthrow is an easy one to see, but all moves are affected, so dont' abuse your downsmash
This is essentially the "Stale Moves" penalty from Melee having an effect during the fight.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Zacoalco, Mexico

-Weight. Probably his most accountable weakness. Whether you want to hear that or not, MK's light weight can get him killed early. Smart players know how to take advantage of that.
-KO. UpB, Dsmash. Only good ko hits he can account for. Yes other moves can kill but those 2 are the most notable, and dont exactly kill too early, if not near the edge and played smart.
-Projectile. This makes for a weak defensive game putting MK on a constant offensive attack. This is indeed, a defensive styled game and makes it hard for most characters to play an offensive style like MK's. (Although he pulls it off rather nicely) :)
-Move Decay. Mediocre MK's tend to actually abuse their Dsmash and UpB, making it even harder to ko a character.

Those 4 are typically his most notable weaknesses to all characters.
There are things to do about it.

I'll quote S2 here and say if you can't beat it. Figure out why. Know why he killed you, how you put yourself there, and what you could have done different. Complaining isn't going to get you anywhere. Learning will. Pce.

This is somewhat minor, but all 3 of his specials knock him into fallspecial, which leaves absolutely no room for error during a fight.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
New York
Yea MK is overpowered probably number 1 in the game. He has 1 Weakness, Snake probably the second.

But that doesnt mean you can't stop them keep at it man.


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
One that hasn't been mentioned yet is that he runs into ****.
He's fast and to play him well, you have to keep up the pace and go ape****. It just makes it even harder and gives you less time to hit the brakes when you realize you're about to get hit by something if you don't stop.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Meta Knight's reach isn't that great, so he needs to get close to do any considerable damage. That's a problem when facing foes with a long reach.


Smash Cadet
May 3, 2008
Projectile spam.
That should get to him.

I don't know whether any projectiles can stop tornado, but maybe.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
i don't see move decay as a real problem though, as a very gd player will just use the non lethal moves to create damage, and save the upB and down smash for the 120% . also, a spamming MK is pretty mighty. yes, i do main DK (usually, if the mood takes me), and i know he's a gd match up, and i can win with him. its just that with nearly anyone else, its just an uphill struggle.

lack of projectiles... well his tornado usually prioratises over most projectiles anyway, so in some ways, i don't think he even needs a ranged weapon, he has something better. also his running is very fast, making approaches very rapid and not leaving the opponent much time to use projectiles anyway

weight- yeah, its bad, but not as bad as it could be. but as MK can combo like hell anyway, i find he still usually only has half the % than me (maybe its just me, but i do notice a pattern).

easy to meteor? nah, never found that. he has so many recovery options, that its very hard to predict his positioning for a meteor, and usually my opponent just up bs out of it anyway

btw, i was in a pretty bad mood when i made the post, sorry about the tone of it.
maybe if u can't beat them , join them..nah

btw, ZSS side B can hit MK in the tornado if spaced properly :)

and i did guess there were other threads, but i like to do stuff for myself lol
thanks for all the responses

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Being one of the lightest characters in the game makes Meta Knight a highly risky character against some of the more aggressive characters in the game, ESPECIALLY Snake, and while it's true that Mach Tornado out-prioritizes most projectiles, you're going to have a difficult time against characters who don't have that problem (Wolf, Ness, Lucas and ROB amongst examples).

Trust me, MK's a great character, but he's a risky one.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Snake is a hard matchup for mk b/c of his ridiuclous projectile spamming...

MK's tornado can be cancelled by many moves:
falco's and wolf's blasters
Ivysaurs razor leaf
pits arrows
almost every other projectile in the game....

Heavy people are bad for MK, he can go bye bye at very low percents.(I have the same issue with fox, my other main. DK's tick me off).


Smash Cadet
May 16, 2008
of course he has weaknesses just like anyone.
He is light so he goes flying when hit
slowish aerial movement
shortish range
weak dmg
weak knockback

Just cuz hes fast u cant ignore he is weak.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Snake is a hard matchup for mk b/c of his ridiuclous projectile spamming...

MK's tornado can be cancelled by many moves:
falco's and wolf's blasters
Ivysaurs razor leaf
pits arrows
almost every other projectile in the game....

Heavy people are bad for MK, he can go bye bye at very low percents.(I have the same issue with fox, my other main. DK's tick me off).
Ivysaur's razor leaf and pits arrows are both owned by mach tornado. (pits arrows might beat it if fully charged, i have to check on this though)

falcos and wolfs blasters do beat it though.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I think Snake is more broken than MK.

Id have to disagree with the spiking comment... however, I can see how ppl get spiked with MK more frequently due to their tendency to offensively come back to the stage. Ppl get greedy and try to SL the guy as they jump out for a spike. Thats more a function of the player or playstyle than of the character, IMO.

I think the lack of a projectile is a big one.

Also, MK's inability to effectively play defensively forces the MK player to constantly be on the offensive. If you consider that this game really tends to favor the defending character, having to constantly approach and engage can be difficult against a good defensive character (like snake). Other characters can sit back and pop off a few projectiles or just bait the opponent into attacking. MK has only one option: attack.
snake is an hard match up because he can play defense or strong offense. mk hates toon links that are spammy with the b moves. Marth has longer range and his counter stops the tornado.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Toon Link's arrows and boomerangs can be quickly answered with well-placed Mach Tornadoes and Drill Rushes, however you do have to watch out for his bombs.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
i find that zero suit samus (she's so muhc fun), also has a get advantage vs MK, due to long range and very gd mind games with down b jump. maybe i've just got better.

anyway, i'd like to stop this post now, cause it was made in anger, and i know MK has weaknesses. thanks for all the inputs


Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2008
I think Snake is more broken than MK.

Id have to disagree with the spiking comment... however, I can see how ppl get spiked with MK more frequently due to their tendency to offensively come back to the stage. Ppl get greedy and try to SL the guy as they jump out for a spike. Thats more a function of the player or playstyle than of the character, IMO.

I think the lack of a projectile is a big one.

Also, MK's inability to effectively play defensively forces the MK player to constantly be on the offensive. If you consider that this game really tends to favor the defending character, having to constantly approach and engage can be difficult against a good defensive character (like snake). Other characters can sit back and pop off a few projectiles or just bait the opponent into attacking. MK has only one option: attack.
i dont think either is broken, snake is easily comboed and mk is light as crap as well as having an extremely tough time killing anyone

its funny, when i see mk i always think (lol this is gunna be easy)
maybe its because heavy weights crush him at like 50% and he cant kill them till like 150%
another thing is that mk himself isnt overpowered, its freaking mach tornado, its impossible to beat except with a few characters, u can just spam it all day and win
and the only reason snake is overpowered is his super camping and glitched infinite recovery
how easy would snake be able to beat without his infinite recovery? yeah exactly, fight lvl 9 cpu snakes, ITS EASY TO GIMP THEM

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Most anyone can shield Mach Tornado and catch MK off guard after he's done with it (if he's up-close after the attack), and people who are above MK during MT can damage him from above.. I mainly use to catch people off-guard, especially Snakes who love their ftilts and dashes. ALWAYS use Mach Tornado on a running Snake.
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