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Q&A Doc's Tips: A Little Mac Q&A Thread


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2006
Can someone explain this? This is INSANE.
KO punch is looking more like a gambit with all these weird glitchs and stuff.
very cool. i think the blue marth perfect shielded the white marth's first hit on the same frame (or the frame before) the KO punch connected, so the perfect shield negated any KO punch hitbox from actually connecting. that's my guess.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2015
Can someone explain this? This is INSANE.
KO punch is looking more like a gambit with all these weird glitchs and stuff.
It might have something to do with the fact that the other marth is hitting his shield right at the same time as the KO punch conects. Putting the first marth`s shield in a wierd state that ignores the KO punch. I don`t know if you become intangible when perfect shielding something, if that is the case that would explain it. I do know that your entire character is in a diffrent state when you perfect shield something. It seems like the marth has intangible properties, however the KO punch hits him as if he did not.


Smash Cadet
Jul 16, 2015
Meditating in the "Fountain of Dreams"
It might have something to do with the fact that the other marth is hitting his shield right at the same time as the KO punch conects. Putting the first marth`s shield in a wierd state that ignores the KO punch. I don`t know if you become intangible when perfect shielding something, if that is the case that would explain it. I do know that your entire character is in a diffrent state when you perfect shield something. It seems like the marth has intangible properties, however the KO punch hits him as if he did not.
Im just gonna put down here what I put on youtube comments section.

I believe I have your answer for the first one and the second one. The first one is a case of Perfect Shield, but not of Little Mac's Ko, but rather Marth's dancing Blade. If you look closely enough, you can see that the Dancing Blade hit's marth shield literally 1 frame before Mac Ko hitbox touches marth. (For those who are not aware, KO punch ignores shield. It's just like transcedant priority, there is nothing you can do about it) Apparently, If an attack is perfect shielded, the character that perfect shield is sent into "Safe" mode. This "Safe" mode makes it that for certain frames, the character is %100 invulnarable to everything, regardless of the scenario. So here is a good breakdown of what most likely happened: Marth 1 activates Shield. Marth 2 Dancing Blade clashes with Marth's shield, activating the perfect Shield and "Safe" mode. Mac's KO hitboxes connect's 1 frame later while Marth is in this 'Safe" mode. The scuffles settles with Marth sliding off (Most likely due to the second hit of Dancing Blade) and a neutral reset. That would explain the Marth scenario very well. The charizard scenario seems very strange, and a little hard at first, but you can tell that it's actually a clash scenario that we are seeing here. If it was a super armor situation, there would have been damage taken. My best guess is that Mac's KO and Charizard's F-Smash have such an insane priority in there hitboxes, that they connected and clashed. The moves are more than likely not programmed to be sent into a "Stun" phase when they collide, which would explain a "Clash" scenario without seeing the usual stun animations. Im pretty confident this most likely explains the insanity of what we just witnessed. Hope this helps out
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Zoramine Fae

Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2015
United States of Go Screw Yourself
Charizard might also be due to the fact Charizard's Forward Smash has invincibility and was then out-prioritized by the KO Punch, causing no damage. And since Charizard's Forward Smash isn't supposed to just clash with any normal attacks, no stun occured and since KO Punch can't clash (always beats out attacks), it also didn't have any stun.

Just my added thoughts.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
it could also be z-axis shenanigans. doubt it- but just offering something no one has put out yet.

KO punch windbox + charizards low sweeping body animation puts him at the right angle to miss.

but its most likely just the invincibility. frames 22-25 on charizards fsmash


Smash Apprentice
Mar 31, 2010
while I don't think this is what happened in the video, I wanted to point out that a KO punch started while in the air CAN be perfect shielded (this also includes jump cancelled KO punches obviously)
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Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2011
Virginia State University
How do you gain better control of Mac's basic and advance movements. I'm having issue doing Perfect Pivots and not getting him to dash as much because i try to utilized his tilts. What other basic and advance movement tech should I learn to use Mac properly.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
while I don't think this is what happened in the video, I wanted to point out that a KO punch started while in the air CAN be perfect shielded (this also includes jump cancelled KO punches obviously)
i was unable to replicate a perfect shield on a jump canceled KO punch.

Any efficient way of playing Air Mac?
uair and fair are useful. i like to do dtilt > uair/fair when my sideb no longer connects. if they doublejump away then simply follow them, if they airdodge then it can be punishable. baiting airdodges becomes easier when you make your opponent aware of your aerial presence.

shdair oos is not a bad choice. if youre in shield for too long it can prevent grabs.

going offstage- the best way to edgeguard is to use sideb to ledgesnap. side b has a long active hitbox and can stagespike anyone with a good amount of %. what i do is throw out an aerial to make as if im really trying to hit them with it when in reality im just trying to bait an airdodge forcing them to take a much more predictable path to the ledge- and at the same time space myself out to get that sideb stage spike. always buffer a roll/jump onto stage in case you get trumped.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2008
Oklahoma City,Oklahoma
Sup Macs don't play the character but a big fan of anyone who does~

That aside I was skimming through the MU and couldn't find any info on the Diddy MU. Anyone have any advice on what to do in Macs perspective and what you would look out for? Thanks in advance.

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Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2016
combo question: dtilt to jolt

can you ever jump+jolt to reduce how far you go, to make this more safe from SDing when closer to ledge?
will it still combo?


Smash Master
Oct 4, 2014
Hey Mac mains! I have a question :> I don't really use Mac that much, but sometimes I do pull him out (as he's one of my old secondaries), but I was messing around with him and found that you can in fact, reach the lower tree branches with this

So my question is, was this already known? And if so, why do I only see Macs trying to get the ducks? O.o'' Like, is there some downside to doing this?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2006
Hey Mac mains! I have a question :> I don't really use Mac that much, but sometimes I do pull him out (as he's one of my old secondaries), but I was messing around with him and found that you can in fact, reach the lower tree branches with this

So my question is, was this already known? And if so, why do I only see Macs trying to get the ducks? O.o'' Like, is there some downside to doing this?
haven't really been on the boards in a long time, but i do think this is relatively old knowledge. the reason why it's not done more often is because it still uses his second jump, and you're pretty close to the ledge. eg. a drop-through bair would put mac in a really bad spot. with the ducks, you're closer to the center of the stage even if you use your second jump. i think it's a good option sometimes as a mixup, but i don't think it's game changing.

tl;dr it's a little more risky than the ducks.


Smash Rookie
Jul 28, 2016
So I have decided to start playing Smash 4. I have never played a Smash game competitively.I have played a lot of Street Fighter and UMVC3 Competitively, and even won a few tournaments here and there.

So I have a WiiU, a Pro Controller, and a copy of the game, and I'd like to learn to play Little Mac.

I have started learning the Bidou Control scheme, since allegedly it makes learning techniques easier, and I am coming into the game fresh, with no previous bias to the traditional smash control scheme.

Where should I start?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2015
So I have decided to start playing Smash 4. I have never played a Smash game competitively.I have played a lot of Street Fighter and UMVC3 Competitively, and even won a few tournaments here and there.

So I have a WiiU, a Pro Controller, and a copy of the game, and I'd like to learn to play Little Mac.

I have started learning the Bidou Control scheme, since allegedly it makes learning techniques easier, and I am coming into the game fresh, with no previous bias to the traditional smash control scheme.

Where should I start?
1. I´d not recomend you start with playing bidou. It will make advanced techs more easy to preform, that is true. However you should start with learning the fundamental basics of the game first. Its only really usefull if you understand how the game works in the big picture.

2. Learn about little mac and how he plays. Read some guides, watch some videos, and play some for glory. You know all that good stuff.

3 Learn how the game works. What the current meta is, DI, smash DI, matchups and stuff like that.

4 Just play the game. Even if you are just fighting level 1 CPUs that is still something. Play classic mode, or other modes that are in the game. Just get a good feel for how the game works and plays.

5 Join the Little mac discord group. We have lots of good mac players here, feel free to ask any questions. Find other good mac players to play with and learn from. Link exspires after 24 hours: https://discord.gg/AaYD9. Ask for a new one if you are too late.

Hope that helps! Hope to see you around soon.


Smash Ace
May 27, 2015
Buena Park, CA
What would Mac's hardest MU's be? I'm having trouble beating his ground game. For some reason, I struggle with him even when I know what the other player's going to do. Maybe I'm just playing it wrong (I main Ryu), but I'm interested to know who gives him a hard time and why
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Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
hey dudes, I'm trying to collect a bunch of quick easy info graphics on essential character knowledge to make a quick reference guide for commentators (we all hate it when a commentator says something that is wrong)
This shulk thing here is an example of the kinda stuff I am looking for

I'm going around to all the character boards and it'll be a little messy for me to try and check them all, so if you have any cool things like that, or just some useful info that I could turn into a similar picture, please send me a message. Cheers lads.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2014
So I have decided to start playing Smash 4. I have never played a Smash game competitively.I have played a lot of Street Fighter and UMVC3 Competitively, and even won a few tournaments here and there.

So I have a WiiU, a Pro Controller, and a copy of the game, and I'd like to learn to play Little Mac.

I have started learning the Bidou Control scheme, since allegedly it makes learning techniques easier, and I am coming into the game fresh, with no previous bias to the traditional smash control scheme.

Where should I start?
I think starting with the Bidou control scheme is not a bad idea since it's your first control scheme experience. I practiced for an hour or so and found it cumbersome but I've been playing Smash since 64 and have used a similar control scheme since Brawl.

I recommend you watch Art of Smash by Izaw on Youtube. Start with the first chapter. The first chapter is very basic but I found it useful still and there were a few things I didn't know especially near the end. When people say "Git Gud" I think they should say "Watch Art of Smash" instead.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
So I think that I had the misfortune/honor of running into Sol online today during his Twitch stream. Normally these things are saved, so where exactly would I be able to find the vid of his stream today?
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