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Critique my Falco plox


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
yeah whaddup im KUSH. and i guess this is my first post. ive been playing smash seriously since the summer and my good friend Tyranny(hes on these boards) has taught me everything i know.


so yeah tell me what i should do more of and stuff. i usually play better with more shffling and what not. i like the combo at the end lol thanks for watching! subscribe if you want more smash vids too:bee:


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2009
hey man!

I'm not a falco main, but I'm in the process of making him my main hopefully.
Some basic stuff I saw were that you never shot lasers. Falco's lasers are broken.
definitely work on fast falling your down airs and L canceling so he can't grab you.
I saw that you tried to catch him with a shine in the air. that move is really good, and instead of jumping right away, you can waveland on a platform and keep the combo going for even longer.
you do a lot of shine --> full jump into an attack. it works on this gannon, but as you play people who know how to DI better, you're going to have to learn how to waveshine so you can follow up your shines.
really good for only playing since summer! practice hard!


Smash Lord
May 11, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Learn to waveshine asap =)
Don't do those predictable fullhop dairs all the time.
Delay your aerials more so that you won't get shieldgrabbed before your shine.

Work on your overall smoothness. When you aren't doing simple techskill errors anymore it will be easier to know what you need to work on :)

It's good to see that you chose the coolest character of them all.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
hey man!

I'm not a falco main, but I'm in the process of making him my main hopefully.
Some basic stuff I saw were that you never shot lasers. Falco's lasers are broken.
definitely work on fast falling your down airs and L canceling so he can't grab you.
I saw that you tried to catch him with a shine in the air. that move is really good, and instead of jumping right away, you can waveland on a platform and keep the combo going for even longer.
you do a lot of shine --> full jump into an attack. it works on this gannon, but as you play people who know how to DI better, you're going to have to learn how to waveshine so you can follow up your shines.
really good for only playing since summer! practice hard!
Hey thanks for responding! Yes im currently working on SHL haha i just cant remember to do them but they're coming forsure. And i will deff learn how to waveshine now that you mention em. Thanks again!:awesome:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
Learn to waveshine asap =)
Don't do those predictable fullhop dairs all the time.
Delay your aerials more so that you won't get shieldgrabbed before your shine.

Work on your overall smoothness. When you aren't doing simple techskill errors anymore it will be easier to know what you need to work on :)

It's good to see that you chose the coolest character of them all.
Thanks bro, i will forsure work on waveshines now, and yeah the birdman rules all!
Anyone else? :awesome:


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Just iron out that tech skill man. Melee is unforgiving, so you have to be able to land every L-cancel and do everything as fast as possible. Just grind it out in your room with the lights off. Jump out of shine as soon as possible, dashdance, wavedash, reverse short hop lasers, ledge hop double lasers, EVERYTHING. It will come eventually. lol


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
Just iron out that tech skill man. Melee is unforgiving, so you have to be able to land every L-cancel and do everything as fast as possible. Just grind it out in your room with the lights off. Jump out of shine as soon as possible, dashdance, wavedash, reverse short hop lasers, ledge hop double lasers, EVERYTHING. It will come eventually. lol
hey thanks dude, yeah im usually better at all the tech ****. unfortunately i can only practice at tyrannys crib as i dont own the game haha:awesome:


Smash Cadet
Aug 13, 2011
South Florida
I'm subscribing just for that channel name lmao.

Anyway, I'd say right now the next main thing you should try to work on is those lasers. Even if your tech skill isnt incredible (waveshining / multishining), one well placed laser is enough to **** anyone's momentum up if you can abuse the hitstun it gives them, especially a character like Ganon.


If you scroll down a bit you'll see a gif where he shoots three consecutive lasers at different heights. I was like you in the sense that I didnt have my own copy of the game and only played at my friends house, but since he was also using ganon (a non ****** character) you wont really need to learn how to drag those lasers down too much. Just try spamming the short hop lasers at any height and eventually it'll be on it's own type of autopilot.

And like some of the other guys said just try to get as many of those L cancels as you can. Like Bones said, this game can be hella unforgiving lol.


Smash Rookie
Dec 16, 2011
San Francisco
I suggest watching some good falco players on Youtube for things you can incorporate into your game. Watching them play can help you a lot, with their little switch-ups and psych-outs that you can try on other people. Only take ideas you know you can practice, because some of their tech skill is outrageously difficult to incorporate into your game. It will give you a sense of how falco can be used to his fullest potential.

Players to watch: DaShizWiz, Dr. Peepee, Zhu, and (of course) Mango.

DaShizWiz is fun to watch because of how aggressive he plays. He's not afraid to get in your face, even if you're one of the best players in melee.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
I'm subscribing just for that channel name lmao.

Anyway, I'd say right now the next main thing you should try to work on is those lasers. Even if your tech skill isnt incredible (waveshining / multishining), one well placed laser is enough to **** anyone's momentum up if you can abuse the hitstun it gives them, especially a character like Ganon.


If you scroll down a bit you'll see a gif where he shoots three consecutive lasers at different heights. I was like you in the sense that I didnt have my own copy of the game and only played at my friends house, but since he was also using ganon (a non ****** character) you wont really need to learn how to drag those lasers down too much. Just try spamming the short hop lasers at any height and eventually it'll be on it's own type of autopilot.

And like some of the other guys said just try to get as many of those L cancels as you can. Like Bones said, this game can be hella unforgiving lol.
Hell yeah dude haha thanks for your response! I was playing earlier today with him and incorporating SHL's and it makes a considerable difference. Im working on getting a copy so i can practice my tech stuff at my crib:cool:

I suggest watching some good falco players on Youtube for things you can incorporate into your game. Watching them play can help you a lot, with their little switch-ups and psych-outs that you can try on other people. Only take ideas you know you can practice, because some of their tech skill is outrageously difficult to incorporate into your game. It will give you a sense of how falco can be used to his fullest potential.

Players to watch: DaShizWiz, Dr. Peepee, Zhu, and (of course) Mango.

DaShizWiz is fun to watch because of how aggressive he plays. He's not afraid to get in you face, even if you're one of the best players in melee.
Thanks for your response dude, yeah i always watch matches of pros, Shiz is actually one of my favorites, he wrecks fools.:awesome:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007
Don't stand stll so much. Makes you very predictable. If you move around more you might bait your opponent into doing a mistake (Say you dash towards your friend and short jump fast fall, then fall back fram what ever attack he may throw and then run back in the lagg of his attack and punish it.)

Use lasers alot. Work on short op lasers, getting them to be mid range is a good start so they hit all characters when they're standing up. Instant shooting lasers out of short jumps will go over everyone except Ganon, Marth and Mewtwo pretty much. Keep pressure with the lasers, force your opponent to run into you while spacing lasers and punish him. Always keep his shield pressured with something.

Limit your use of Dash Attacks and other groundbased attacks such as smashes if your opponent is standing still shielding. Then you'll just get shieldgrabbed or baired(if you run past him). Lasers and ariel into shines are much better approahes at a beginner level.

Later on you will need to mix up your approaches. Can't always run in with Dair + Shine combos, will make you predictable in the end. Laser aproaching into a jumpcaneled grab(Y + Z while running, Y slightly before Z) and throwing the person forward seeing if you can do something out of that is another option. Falco has a lot of different options to approach. Dash attack is in my opinion atleast very punishable.

And work in the basics obviously. Short Jump, Wavedash, L Cancel, Fastfall(!)

Mix up your ariels, find the use for Nairs and Uairs aswell, maybe even fairs. (Good for combos at high percents) Nairs are very good for leading combos as falco. Combos well into ground attacks, dair, shine or even more nairs.

Grab alot more. You never grab. Even if you can't up throw uair or up throw rest or chaingrab like other characters it mixes up your game, gives you option to throw some one out of the ledge or techchase some.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2010
Chilliwack, B.C., Canada
I know this is kind of old, and I'm not exactly an expert on fighting Ganon, but I thought I'd try to help anyway.

You seem to hang out on the platforms too much when you're opponents below. Many characters can do some nasty things while you're up there. If you play against a Marth, avoid that situation at ALL costs.

Another thing you want to do is use your second jump less frequently. If you get knocked off the stage after you use it, it makes it a lot harder to recover.

Also, I've always preferred using shine>dair while I'm already in the air, since Falco's second jump is MUCH faster than his first jump. Of course, when you shine on the ground, you want it to be a waveshine. A good switch up from the shine would be up tilt, which is an excellent move.

A good thing to get down is shortening your side b's. This can be done by hitting b a second time after you use your side b. However, it takes some pretty precise timing. This is good when you're closer to the stage, obviously. What makes it so good is that most of the time, your opponent will expect you to do a full side b. By doing a shortened one, you find you'll make it back to the stage more often.

You should also mix things up more. If you get too predictable, you'll find yourself not landing too many hits. Everyone has a pattern, but the more you mix yours up, the better.

One last piece of advice. I highly recommend you read Hugs' blog. I know it helped me quite a lot, and I'm sure it would help you too.


Btw, considering this was after half a year after you started playing smash seriously, I have this to say: you're MUCH better than I was half a year in! Just work at it, and I think you could be a pretty good player. =)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
I know this is kind of old, and I'm not exactly an expert on fighting Ganon, but I thought I'd try to help anyway.

You seem to hang out on the platforms too much when you're opponents below. Many characters can do some nasty things while you're up there. If you play against a Marth, avoid that situation at ALL costs.

Another thing you want to do is use your second jump less frequently. If you get knocked off the stage after you use it, it makes it a lot harder to recover.

Also, I've always preferred using shine>dair while I'm already in the air, since Falco's second jump is MUCH faster than his first jump. Of course, when you shine on the ground, you want it to be a waveshine. A good switch up from the shine would be up tilt, which is an excellent move.

A good thing to get down is shortening your side b's. This can be done by hitting b a second time after you use your side b. However, it takes some pretty precise timing. This is good when you're closer to the stage, obviously. What makes it so good is that most of the time, your opponent will expect you to do a full side b. By doing a shortened one, you find you'll make it back to the stage more often.

You should also mix things up more. If you get too predictable, you'll find yourself not landing too many hits. Everyone has a pattern, but the more you mix yours up, the better.

One last piece of advice. I highly recommend you read Hugs' blog. I know it helped me quite a lot, and I'm sure it would help you too.


Btw, considering this was after half a year after you started playing smash seriously, I have this to say: you're MUCH better than I was half a year in! Just work at it, and I think you could be a pretty good player. =)
yo thanks alot man, ive been working hard at it and i think ive become loads better than what i was in that video. ill try and get an updated video of my playing soon! also thanks for showing me Hugs blog, theres some good **** in there. Thanks again fool!:awesome:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2012
I'm new to these new Falco skills as well as you. I have studied many top Falco players such as Mango and Zhu and what I can say after watching your video is that you need to shuffle and Laser a lot more. Don't just rely on jumping out of shine to do an aerial for combing. Try using up tilt more to stabilize your enemy, and just practice a lot more with edge hopping, and wave dashing for speedy consistent recoveries and edge guards.

The quicker you do everything, the more it will scare or give your opponent a small time or space to think about what they are going to do.


Smash Ace
Jun 23, 2011
Being a scrub in NorCal
I was going to give general advice, but then I saw that everyone basically answered everything.

I do have one thing to say tho, @1:22 that combo was good, but I think you might have been able to kill him if you shined instead of baired when you were near the top of the screen. (or at least i'm pretty sure he was a high enough % for it). I've killed a ganon at my club with a double shine, so experiment and test when you can get those and on what characters.

^but this shouldn't be a main concern for you right now, I highly suggest learning the basics like everyone says. Those full hop approaches will get ya eventually.

Also watch Dr.PP. That guy is soooooo fun to watch.
Really good matches with Dr.PP:
Dr.PP vs m2k @ Rom 3:Grand finals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdwhcf87s3s
Dr.PP vs Armada @ Pound 5:Grand finals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQSMTKhdsDY .<- The combos in these matches were insane for combos on peach.
Dr.PP vs SS @ Pound 4:Friendlies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8AG9dcscRk (mainly @2:12)


Smash Ace
Jun 23, 2011
Being a scrub in NorCal
Your approaches were a lot better in this video. You should get out of the habit of rolling though. I also think you threw out too many smashes, doing this will screw you up vs certain players. One more thing I noticed is that when you got an aerial in, your shine didn't come out very fast, be sure to master that. Otherwise gj.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
Your approaches were a lot better in this video. You should get out of the habit of rolling though. I also think you threw out too many smashes, doing this will screw you up vs certain players. One more thing I noticed is that when you got an aerial in, your shine didn't come out very fast, be sure to master that. Otherwise gj.
Hey thanks alot for your response dude, those are good tips i didnt even think about (except the smashes of course lolol). i will forsure work on those things and for those who are still interested i reuploaded the vid cause it was all weird, here it is



Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Mogi-Guaçu / Brazil
Don't use your second jump unless you are sure your enemy can't hit you. Many times you died because you were basically at the center of the stage and then performed a 2nd jump, things don't end well when you get knocked off the stage and Falco's recovery isn't too good.

Another thing, spacing. You need to work on your spacing. :)

Work on your combos, get the timing precisely. Perform more U-Air and B-Air when you find an opening.

Harass more with your laser, you will be surprised at how game-breaking it can be, some people tend to mess up when they are constantly under the pressure of lasers, thus, letting their guard down.

The more you play him, the faster you will become.

Hmm, there's a lot of things I noticed just by a first glance, but your spacing and too much use of 2nd jumps that end in a death are are good things to start working on.

Good luck!
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