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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
They... they couldn't go with Fire/Fighting, right? Not after Fire/Fighting's become the butt of so many jokes at the series' expense? Right?



Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Me and my friend seem to be the only one who noticed this.
About that:

Probably is just a figure of speech but still, it's been in front of us all this time.

They... they couldn't go with Fire/Fighting, right? Not after Fire/Fighting's become the butt of so many jokes at the series' expense? Right?

Leaks suggest it's Fire/Dark because it's a heel wrestler (AKA a dirty fighter).
Design still sucks though.


Deleted member

-Rowlet's evolution is easily my favorite one. I thought it looked cool in the concept art and it looks cool now. I like the concept of an archer owl, especially when I can name it "Takumi". :p I was so hyped when this got confirmed!

-Popplio's evolution is pretty good. I like how it was designed when I saw the concept art, but I am curious about it's typing. I heard it's water/fairy, but it's not confirmed yet.

-Litten's evolution is easily the worst in my eyes. I'm not a fan of its design... at all.


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
Hmm, yeah, Litten's is kind of out of left field, isn't it? All of the other ones of its ilk started sporting looks similar to their final form in the middle stage, but Litten's middle step was just a bigger cat. And then that.

Unless. Dirty fighter... sudden unexplained growth... my god, it evolves with steroids!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
In addition to the final evolutions of the starters, all the Alola Pokemon and Alola Forms have been leaked thanks to someone data mining the demo. For those that want to see all the new Alola Pokemon, here they are below. I've enclosed them in a spoilers tag just in case.

And now for my thoughts:

Nice to see the starter evolutions are the real deal! Entermaid's sprite looks great, and so does Robinroot's. Beltigre's? Not so much.

Alola Persian looks bad. The face and puffed-up head completely ruins it for me.

Alola Geodude and Alola Graveler look pretty cool with those eyebrows. Alola Golem will take some getting used to though thanks to the beard and mustache. Hopefully it gets better typing compared to its normal form.

I'm predicting Pikachu will be the only Pokemon that can wear a special clothing: Ash's hat. Maybe its a reward you get for completing the game?

So Pikipekk evolves into the speculated Toucan Pokemon? Didn't expect that at first, but after reading how woodpeckers and toucans are closely related, I think the evolution makes sense. That Toucan 'mon is also one of the most realistic-looking Pokemon I have ever seen.

Not digging the Crawbrawler evolution at the moment. The face looks rather odd.

It looks like Toad was the inspiration for Morellul's evolution. They both have very strong similarities with each other, though the Morelull evolution looks pretty creepy.

I like Salandit's evolution. They definitely pulled off the femine aspect about it pretty well.

That virus-looking evolution line looks interesting. Something tells me it's going to have a pretty unique typing.

The sea-urchin leaked mon from the Sun and Moon TCG box picture looks alright. Same can be said about its evolution.

An anchor Pokemon? Pretty surprising. I'm predicting it will be a Steel/Water-type to fit the anchor theme, but the torn drape over its body makes the Ghost-type pretty plausible as well. I can imagine this Pokemon the likes of the Garbodor line, the Vanilluxe line, Klefki, the Palossand line, etc. as the kind of Pokemon Genwunners will point to as a sign GameFreak is running out of ideas. It has also has no evolutions or pre-evolutions, so I'm curious to see if it will be viablor the metagame when Sun and Moon comes out.

Wimpod's evolution is definitely badass. It looks like an alien out of those sci-fi alien invasion films. It even gives me Predator vibes. You know, come to think of it, remember when people speculated Wimpod would be the Magikarp/Feebas of Alola? If Wimpod is the type of Pokemon that chickens out and runs away from foes, its evolution looks the Pokemon that will relentlessly pursue its enemy no matter what. It really is a scary predator!

Komala and Mimikkyu don't gain evolutions? Not what I expected. I'm hoping they get some good stats to compensate that.

Looks like Kommo-o is our pseudo-legendary for this generation.

Tapu Koko is my favorite of the four Guardian Deities. I'm curious to know what animal do the pink and red Tapus take the shape of. I know the purple one is a Narwhal, but the other two are harder to identify for me. Is the red Tapu the one based on the Strange Souvenir? If it merged its arms together, it might look like a human tiki head, but I'm still not sure.

While the pre-evolution theory seems plausible, I think those small little things next to Solgaleo and Lunala respectively could be similar to Hoopa and its Unbound form where the little things are supposed to be the restrained form of the legendaries while Solgaleo and Lunala are supposed to be their true, "unbound" forms so to speak. I also speculate that these little things could be like the parasites similar to the Cloverfield monster. They latch on to the legendaries, but instead of being hostile like the Cloverfield parasites, they are docile in nature. They could also serve some kind of purpose for helping these legendaries out.

The UBs look cool, especially the crab-looking one.

Marshadow turned out to be much smaller than I expected. I think the small form we're likely at could be similar to what Solgaleo and Lunala and we will find out how Marshadow truly looks like in a few years, or it could be our Mew/Celebi/Jirachi/Manaphy/Shaymin/Victini of this generation.

Other thoughts:

Looks like this generation once again focused on quality over quantity similar to generation 6. There's not too many Alola Pokemon I dislike. However, it seems like GameFreak didn't learn their lesson in regards to revealing too much information, at least in terms of the Pokemon department. They made that mistake in ORAS with the Mega Evolutions, and it seems like here they repeated the mistake with the new Pokemon this around. A large majority of the Alola Pokemon and the Alola forms have already been revealed. At least they haven't revealed too much about the story or the in-game locations though.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Is anyone playing the demo? I'm enjoying it. I was originally going to attempt to soft-reset until i get a Shiny Ash-Greninja but due to the nature of how you get it, that won't be possible. It also looks like Jangmo-o is an early game Pokemon. The first early game Dragon-Type, that would be amazing.
Hey, I wonder what the Shiny forms of Lynaroc are

Oh no. Sonic became a Pokemon.

Some do seem to match up, others are a bit of a stretch. But Hala's Ultra Beast may suggest that the Ultra Beasts are just mimicking the characters and are not actually them, which would make sense, because it DOES look like you can catch them.
Alola Persian looks bad. The face and puffed-up head completely ruins it for me.
I thought that too. Then I realized its just a blue Garfield and now I actually like it.
Alola Golem will take some getting used to though thanks to the beard and mustache.
I actually didn't notice the beard and mustache until you pointed it out. Yeah, it does look weird. But the thing on its back makes it look like a mech so it gets points for that.
Marshadow turned out to be much smaller than I expected
Wait, the little black ghost Pokemon is Marshadow? Wow. Since it was next to Magearna, i thought it was a Mythical. BTW, when you mean Marshadowm you are referring to this guy, right?
Screenshot (88).png


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Wait, the little black ghost Pokemon is Marshadow? Wow. Since it was next to Magearna, i thought it was a Mythical. BTW, when you mean Marshadowm you are referring to this guy, right?
Yep, that's Marshadow. The leaker in the video confirmed it.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Me and my friend seem to be the only one who noticed this.
Guzma referred to himself as destruction in human form. There might have been more to that statement than one would think. It might be referring to the name of the Ultra Beast, UB-03 Destruction. I say "03" because according to this, at the very bottom, Destruction is listed right after Beauty, but Beauty alongside Absorption are UB-02. I have a feeling that some of the Ultra Beasts are going to be version exclusive. Why else would Beauty and Absorption share the same code name?

I think people got Gladion's connection to Absorption wrong. His real connection is this UB!
UB-0X Gladion.png

Gladion's name derives from Gladiolus which means "sword lily." The legs of this Ultra Beast resembles swords. Gladion's clothes have slashes which can be attribute to a blade like knives or swords. Absorption's color scheme is largely red with some black. Gladion is the opposite, he wears mostly black but has some red in him. This UB is all black.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
NX---------N E W S--------T O M O R O W ----------B O Y Z
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain
My quick thoughts:

* Consolidating Nintendo's handheld and console isn't a bad idea, but I'm not quite sold on it yet.

* Showing off Skyrim seems like an odd choice given that it will be over 5 years old by the time it launches. Fallout 4 or DOOM would have been more hype for a Bethesda developed/published game on the console.

* I kinda get the impression that more people are excited by the hints of Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon updates (and the possibility of a Smash remaster) than the console itself. That isn't a bad thing on its own, but a console should be exciting for the possibilities of the new generation, not just old games given a facelift. Nintendo has already sort of fallen into that trap, and they really don't need to do it again.
(Then again that is assuming the Mario Kart and Splatoon aren't sequels, which they may very well be)

On a brighter note, this means Fire Emblem 15 is most likely coming to the Switch. I would love to see what a HD Fire Emblem would look like - Imagine Fates' map to battle transitions in full HD.
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Your fate is clear!
Jan 12, 2016
Trieste, Italy
They basically have mixed all the good aspects of home consoles and handheld in a single console...
Sign me up, best console ever :happysheep:


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
* I kinda get the impression that more people are excited by the hints of Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon updates (and the possibility of a Smash remaster) than the console itself. That isn't a bad thing on its own, but a console should be exciting for the possibilities of the new generation, not just old games given a facelift. Nintendo has already sort of fallen into that trap, and they really don't need to do it again.
I think the reason they're doing this is mostly because the Wii U was a huge flop.
There were a lot of people who would of played games like Splatoon and MK8 if they actually had the console, but didn't think it was worth the buy.

I'm pretty excited for the console. I don't like racing games and I'm just not interested in Splatoon, but I've always preferred handhelds for their mobility and I'm happy to see that the new console doubles as one.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I guess they SWITCHED the name of the console. Get it? Because it was known as the NX before they SWITCHED it to the Nintendo Switch? I'll go now.

I'm in love with the Nintendo Switch. The console/handheld hybrid design just works, especially since it's cartridge based. Speaking of, put this into perspective. Final Fantasy 7 wasn't on the N64 because it would take 27 N64 cartridges to fit on it. Now look at the Switch. Skyrim fits on one cartridge and the physical size of the cartridge isn't that big either, it looks to be smaller than 3DS cartridges.

They also teased Breath of the Wild, what appears to be a remastering of Mario Kart 8 or maybe it's Mario Kart 9, a new Mario game, which, BTW, Mario did a Triple Jump which proves that it's not just another 3D World. I am praying that it's Galaxy 3. We also saw Splatoon and, not sure if anybody noticed, but the Inklings had new hairstyles, which could mean one of two things: It's a remastering OR it's SplaTWOon.

The Switch has so many 3rd Party supporters. Inti Creates is one of them and that makes me happy because that potentially opens the door for the eventual (hopefully) Azure Striker Gunvolt 3.

Literally my only concern is the tiny, detachable controllers. I really hope those are replaceable because they look like something that could be lost pretty easily. By replaceable, i mean, like the DS Stylus, where it's pretty easy to buy one if you lose it.

I'm so excited for the Switch. It comes out in March 2017, and, while there's no price (as far as i'm aware), I should start saving up for it.

Here's hoping for Fire Emblem 15 on Switch.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2016
literally ticked all the boxes
Does it have a unique name yes
Is there third party support yes from the looks of things
will it have good games yes
Does the controller work and is it innovative yes
Is it also a true handheld yes
additional pros include multiplayer on go without multiple controllers, a stand for the portable part, headphone support, cartridges and a good button styled primary controller for the first time since game cube.
Am concerned that the small controllers might be awkward to handle but it probably wont.


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
* Showing off Skyrim seems like an odd choice given that it will be over 5 years old by the time it launches. Fallout 4 or DOOM would have been more hype for a Bethesda developed/published game on the console.
Wait, is it regular old and busted Skyrim, or is it the upcoming Skyrim Remastered? Would make at least a bit more sense then.

Regardless, I'm gonna be sitting over here being the surly curmudgeon who refuses to get hyped for anything. Set expectations low and be pleased when things turn out to be good, that's how I do.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Wait, is it regular old and busted Skyrim, or is it the upcoming Skyrim Remastered? Would make at least a bit more sense then.
Skyrim Remastered. Plenty of people are neglecting to mention that it's the remaster.
Says a bit about the Switch's power if it can run that in handheld form.

I'd love to see DOOM on it. That game is a real beauty of demon gore.


Deleted member

My thoughts on the Switch?
-First up, I like the name Switch. It rolls off the tongue and conveys the console itself. It's miles better than "Wii U".
-I was expecting the worst when it came to the gimmick, but it's actually pretty good! You can play console games on the TV and on the go anywhere; this gimmick isn't forced like motion controls or the GamePad, which I like. This will make developers easily port over games to the console.
-I actually like having cartridges over discs. These will last for a long time.
-I do like the controller, but I can tell the controller itself will have some wear and tear. Thankfully, there is a pro controller and it has a nice, simplistic design. The pro controller kinda reminds me of a GameCube controller, which is a massive plus in my book.
-The games they showed were pretty interesting. I was shocked to see Skyrim actually; this is the first Elder Scrolls on a Nintendo console in fact. BotW looks interesting as always, and I'm glad to see a new 3D Mario game (with a triple jump! hopefully it's not another 3D Land/World game). It seems like they are also porting Wii U games like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon, just with more features (like King Boo and using 2 items in MK8).
-Wow, look at all the 3rd party support! I hope it lasts!

Overall, I'm impressed. I had low expectations and expecting a gimmick that was ultimately going to be underutilized and hostile for 3rd party developers, but it looks like it won't be the case. It seems like to me it's the Wii U done right and more powerful. I just hope that it's more powerful than current gen systems, because the power of Nintendo systems is kinda behind the times.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Copy and pasting my thoughts on the reveal from another Social I'm a part of:

Absolutely loving the Nintendo Switch! The name is very clever, and I'm really glad they learned their lesson on renaming consoles after what happened with the WiiU. The rumors of the console being a cross between console and handheld turned out to be true, and I think Nintendo pulled off this concept perfectly. I really like how you can take the controller with you wherever you go. It's what the WiiU should've been! The console design looks very slick and cool, and even the controllers look great! It also looks like it doesn't use any cables whatsoever. If so, I'm glad they're making it super easy to set up.

And the Mario Kart and Splatoon footage. I don't care if they are ports new sequels. It's great to see both games are going to get some kind of exciting new treatment. King Boo coming back and the return of using two items in stock is great to see. With Splatoon, I'm happy we're getting more customization options. It also seems like Nintendo wants to Splatoon give some major competitive spotlight based on that footage of the Splatoom match in the middle of a wide audience.

Also, the third parties! Great to see there will be a large group to start off. Arc System Works being among them excites me. I'd love to see BlazBlue: CentralFiction gain a Switch port.

Also, a friend of mine pointed out that the Nintendo Switch logo resembles the Yin Yang symbol, and I can definitely see it.

Definitely looks like a console I want to get at launch. I'm hoping the Switch will have a good launch line up and a reasonable price.

And on this exciting day for Nintendo, a Fire Emblem Fates character coincidentally has a birthday today! Happy Birthday Selkie!

Might be a stretch, but want to know a connection? The Nintendo Switch is all about fun and playing, and Selkie happens to be someone who loves to play with people. I can already see her having fun with the new console!
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Ok so, the latest episode of Pokemon XY&Z genuinely made me cry a little.
Going in, I already knew Ash was going to release Greninja. But the way it happened, it genuinely made me cry a little. I know a lot of people are going to complain about Ash releasing yet another Pokemon but Ash wants what's best for his Pokemon. If Greninja wants to stay behind and protect the Kalos region, Ash will let him stay behind and protect the Kalos region.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Ok so, the latest episode of Pokemon XY&Z genuinely made me cry a little.
Going in, I already knew Ash was going to release Greninja. But the way it happened, it genuinely made me cry a little. I know a lot of people are going to complain about Ash releasing yet another Pokemon but Ash wants what's best for his Pokemon. If Greninja wants to stay behind and protect the Kalos region, Ash will let him stay behind and protect the Kalos region.
I got misty-eyed at that same scene. What really heightened the emotion in that scene wasn't just the hug and the flashbacks, but also the setting with the sunset as the sunlight shone through the trees.

Greninja may not be staying back in Oak's Lab, but I think staying behind and protecting the Kalos region is a much more noteworthy and respectable action, especially how it will also serve as Zygarde's bodyguard.


So in Fire Emblem Fates news, transcripts for all 8 tracks in the first Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright Drama CD have finally been uploaded. For those that want a link to each track's transcript:

Birthright Drama CD 1 - Takumi's Prequel: Corrin's Homecoming Tale
Track 1: A Prince's Return
Track 2: Tainted by Nohr
Track 3: Hoshido's First Battle
Track 4: The Qualifications for Being Accepted
Track 5: A Pair of Hostages
Track 6: The Third Prince
Track 7: Fear of the White Night
Track 8: The Waning Moon

The only lackluster tracks are tracks 3 and 5. The rest are really good, especially the 6th track.

And in case Tumblr doesn't work, there's always Serenes Forest.

I already discussed my thoughts on the the first three tracks (my thoughts on the first two can be read here; I didn't have much to say for the third track), so I'm going to jump right in and give my thoughts on tracks 4-8:

Track 4:

They really nailed Takumi's character here. My favorite moment here is when Takumi joyfully runs up to Ryoma... only to see him patting Corrin's head. Takumi's following narration is just makes you feel for the poor guy: "Until now I had been Ryoma’s only younger brother. So then, why is he so taken with this stranger, when the brother who has been with him for so long is right here? I was always the one to support him. I should have been the one to help him save Hinoka and Sakura. To see a stranger standing in my place made me feel sick. I stopped calling out and remained where I was."

And it turns out Corrin and Takumi's meet-up in Chapter 5 wasn't their first encounter. The Drama CD points out they met the night they came back from the battle. There, Takumi isn't rude to Corrin after all. Rather, he displays a "I can't trust you attitude" similar to Saizo towards Corrin in their C-support. Takumi even raises up some reasonable as to why he should be suspicious towards Corrin, much have echo back to Saizo's dialogue from the 2nd track.

Track 5:

Not much to say here. I thought Azura came up with a nice idea where Corrin could eat some Hoshidan food to regain his memory. Connects perfectly to the events of Chapter 5 where Corrin and Azura travel through that Hoshidan festival

Track 6:

Now THIS is where things get really good. We get to see even more of Team Takumi than we did in the first track. Hinata is as humorous and peppy as ever, and Oboro knows when to make the right ques, especially with her face. I also like how Takumi hangs out with them as if they were his closest friends, and Takumi's discussion with them regarding Corrin was pretty nice too. Takumi acknowledge that he might have been to hard on Corrin, and he even wanted to apologize to Corrin from what happened in track 4.

Kaze enters the room and tells Team Takumi about the family training (Ryoma, Azura, Corrin, Hinoka, and Sakura) currently going on. Takumi states that he felt left out again, but he managed to suppress the feelings once he realized he was probably left out because of his prior words to Corrin. Since the training going on was related to katanas and bows, Takumi inquires Kaze regarding how good Corrin is with the bow. Kaze suggests that Corrin has gotten used to katanas due to his prior experience with swords, so Kaze thinks Corrin is learning how to use bows well.

He then states it's no surprise Corrin is that skilled since he is the second prince. The "second prince" triggers Takumi. What follows is a damn good Takumi monologue. This is worthy of a copy and paste:

"The third prince. Those words hurt me deeply. It wasn't as if I was concerned about losing the honor of my title. I hated that Corrin was taking not just part of my self-conception, but also my place in life. My title of second prince, my talent for archery, even my siblings... He was taking everything from me! ... 'Then, I might as well not exist.' That's what I honestly thought that day. My intention to apologize to Corrin quickly vanished. Instead, the need to outdo and best Corrin began to dominate me... I began to remember the day I was accepted by the Fujin Yumi. 'Mother must have originally intended it for Corrin! I was just the replacement after he was kidnapped!'Although these thoughts were ludicrous, I took them for the truth."

^Now, I previously mentioned Takumi's dialogue with Saizo was the main reason why Takumi acted the way he did toward Corrin in Chapter 5. As it turns out, the conversation with Saizo was the main reason why Takumi grew suspicious of Corrin. Now, Takumi's conversation with Kaze gives us the main reason why Takumi was suspicious AND rude to Corrin in Chapter 5 (or at least a culminating reason in the long run, because it's possible the 2nd Birthright CD might give us another explanation as to why Takumi was rude to Corrin in Chapter 5).

And you can't help but feel sorrow for the poor guy. The way he abruptly leaves the area makes Hinata and Oboro worried. Oboro even has a nice moment right before Takumi's departure. After Hinata talks about the idea about Takumi as the "third prince," Oboro gushes about Takumi's looks. Yeah, this is Oboro exposing her feelings for Takumi, but I can't help but think she might've tried to say something reassuring knowing how the phrase could impact her master.

What I really like about this track is that it further demonstrates why Takumi is an incredibly relatable character. The way how Takumi felt left out of his family moments following Corrin's return made me think back to the times I was uninvited to certain parties that my closest friends attended. Then there was his dialogue about how Corrin was "taking everything" from him. Takumi's words reminded me of certain times in high school when I felt like I was being surpassed amongst my closest friends and peers in different fields, and in those times, I felt as negative as Takumi does here. I can perfectly understand where he is coming from as he speaks those words.

Track 7:

The Takumi feels continues in this track. You can tell Takumi was on the verge of crying as he hands back the Fujin Yumi to Mikoto, and the words he tells her a good reflection to his monologue from track 6.

Nothing much to say about the second battle with the Faceless though. Ryoma's comment about the barrier weakening could be foreshadowing to the events of Chapter 5. That is, it could perfectly explain how the hooded man easily managed to enter into Hoshido.

Track 8:

Takumi's opening line was a pretty relatable one, especially for me. There were times when I just wanted to be alone "with no destination in mind" in order to find peace, similar to what Takumi is trying to do here.

Gotta love how Hinata and Oboro save the day. Their actions following the battle was the real highlight of this track. Say what you will about Hinata and Oboro, but this track proves the two are the best retainers anyone could wish for. They went as far as eavesdropping on Takumi's conversation with Mikoto because they were concerned by the way their master stormed out of the room after thinking about the phrase "third prince." It comes to show how worried they were. Their words following that are really sweet. Another conversation that's worth the copy and paste:

Takumi: Yes, you guys saved me. Thank you. But how did you know where I was?

*Hinata and Oboro fall to their knees*

Hinata: We are so sorry, Lord Takumi!

Oboro: We are deeply sorry!!

Takumi: Huh? What’s wrong you two? Why are you suddenly kneeling before me?

Oboro: To tell the truth.. we listened in on your conversation with Queen Mikoto..

Takumi: Eh?

Oboro: We are very sorry for eavesdropping, but.. there is something we want you to know.

Hinata: We do not serve whoever is the second prince. It doesn’t matter what number of prince you are, nor if you wield the Fuujin or not, we are here to serve you!

Oboro: Nothing and no one will ever change that! No matter what happens, we are your allies!

Hinata: Our katana and spear are wielded in your name only!

Takumi: Hinata.. Oboro..

Hinata: We are prepared to receive our punishment.

Oboro: Do whatever you please with us.

Takumi: *soft chuckle* There won’t be any punishment. Instead, I want to thank you.

Oboro: Eh?

Takumi: Not just for saving me.. but also for your kind words that I was so happy to hear. Truly, from the bottom of my heart.

Oboro: *in tears* That’s..

Hinata: We are so incredibly glad to hear you say this!!

Mikoto then walks in on this happy meeting and hands back the Fujin Yumi to Takumi. She states the weapon belongs to Takumi since "it chose [him]" after all. It reaffirms the fact that bow is only meant for a select few. I like Takumi's brief line of caution as he receive the Fujin Yumi again. He's just like me, a cautious individual! The two also affirm to one another that they are their beloved mother and son respectively.

Takumi then provides a possible reason why Corrin doesn't remember anything from his prior life in Hoshido: Nohr could've done something with his memories. He then suggests that Corrin should sit on the Hoshidan throne because it reveals a person's true form and heart, and it could help him recall his memories that way. This basically confirms when Mikoto suggested Corrin should sit on the throne in Chapter 5, she actually got the suggestion from Takumi.

Hinata and Oboro's dialogue as they walk back into the castle was pretty entertaining. Once again, we see Hinata acting as his cheerful and silly self while Oboro once again checks on Hinata's behavior in a humorous light. Mikoto comments that Takumi "really has wonderful retainers." See, even she knows that Hinata and Oboro are the best retainers anyone could ask for!

In all, a great first Drama CD! Not only did my appreciation for Takumi deepen throughout it, but also my love for Team Takumi as well. If I were a royal, I'd love to have Hinata and Oboro as my retainers!
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Ok, this is VERY interesting. It's fan-made and there's only 1 part right now but it's about a younger Camilla and what happened during the concubine wars. Basically, this is how Camilla dealt with that time where all the Norhian Royal children (minus Xander I assume, Azura and obviously Elise because she wasn't born yet) were trying to kill each other. We even see Camilla's mother (fan-made of course).


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Ok, this is VERY interesting. It's fan-made and there's only 1 part right now but it's about a younger Camilla and what happened during the concubine wars. Basically, this is how Camilla dealt with that time where all the Norhian Royal children (minus Xander I assume, Azura and obviously Elise because she wasn't born yet) were trying to kill each other. We even see Camilla's mother (fan-made of course).
The Azura cameo was a very nice touch. When she talked about escaping the castle, I was reminded of her supports with Arthur where we learn some backstories.

It would've been really cool if we learned more about the concubine wars in the games. It's only briefly mentioned in Niles and Camilla's supports while we gain more details about it in Leo and Elise's supports. It's also nice to see a headcanon featuring Camilla as a child. Makes me want to see similar custom-made conversations like that featuring other royals as children.

Deleted member

How is Lunatic Mode on Birthright? I was thinking it might be fun to start a Lunatic Classic file of Birthright after I finish Revelation, but I wanna make sure Lunatic is the fun kind of difficulty and not the cheap kind like I've heard Awakening's is. :p


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
How is Lunatic Mode on Birthright? I was thinking it might be fun to start a Lunatic Classic file of Birthright after I finish Revelation, but I wanna make sure Lunatic is the fun kind of difficulty and not the cheap kind like I've heard Awakening's is. :p
While i haven't tested it myself, I do believe Lunatic Birthright is actually a fun challenge and isn't cheap like Awakening's (although Awakening got especially cheap with Lunatic+).


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
How is Lunatic Mode on Birthright? I was thinking it might be fun to start a Lunatic Classic file of Birthright after I finish Revelation, but I wanna make sure Lunatic is the fun kind of difficulty and not the cheap kind like I've heard Awakening's is. :p
Lunatic Birthright is alright. I think it could of been done a little better in some ways but it's not cheap at all. I played through it without any grinding, although I did have to rely on Ryoma more than I would of liked(though that may of been avoidable if I managed exp and s-supports better).

Lunatic Conquest is ridiculously hard, but there are only a few chapters that I'd describe as "cheap". Overall it's really enjoyable so long as you're okay with resetting a thousand times over until you figure out a strategy that works.

Lunatic Revelation is awful though. They were probably running out of time and had to rush it with that one.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
So the following are very interesting videos.

This one takes place after Revelation. Remember Sakura and Elise's Support convo? This is what happens after.

This one takes place in Revelation after a certain someone is defeated for good.

What happened to Soleil after the war? Find out now.

The prolouge to the Cheve incident

And finally, the two most interesting of all. These take place after Conquest in a timeline where Oboro was spared. Some time after Xander's coronation, Oboro attempted (and failed) to murder Corrin at the opera house. What's interesting is that Corrin isn't featured in this but rather, Kana, an adult Kana specifically.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2015
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday the chivalrous Crown Prince and future King of Nohr, Xander!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
New Sun and Moon trailer has been posted!

The final evolutions of the starter finally have their big reveal. Rowlet's evolution is named Decidueye, Litten's is named Incineroar, and Popplio's is named Primarina. Decidueye is Grass/Ghost, Incineroar is Fire/Dark, and Primarina is Water/Fairy.

They also revealed the Guardian Pokemon in the other islands, as well as a new Pokemon named Cosmog and the Alola Persian. It's also confirmed that a Pokemon League is being built in Alola, and in it, you'll be able to fight past trainers: Cynthia and Wally among them. My boy Wally has returned! Praise this day!

You'll also get to fight an older Red and Green at some point as well.

I'll post the rest of my thoughts later.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
The new Sun&Moon trailer revealed a lot of stuff. A bit too much stuff if you ask me. But, i'll post my thoughts.

I was not expecting Decidueye to be Grass/Ghost. But hey, you know what, i'll take it, as that typing does fit. It's signature move is Spirit Shackle, a Ghost-Type move, which is basically an attack version of Mean Look. Also, i'm having trouble spelling Decidueye's name correctly without looking it up. It's one of those names.

It's still the worst looking of the three final evolutions, i'm sorry. I can't take it seriously. It's signature move, Darkest Lariat, a Dark-Type move, deals damage while ignoring the opponent's stat changes. At least its not Fire/Fighting.

Primarina's an adorable princess, nuff said. It's signature move, Sparkiling Aria, is a Water-Type move that heals burns. The question is, does it do double damage to burned targets in return for curing the burn? Because then it makes sense. Primarina being Water/Fairy makes me happy. Decidueye is the best looking of the three but i'm still going with Popplio. I always choose the Water Starter.

Tapu Lele, Bulu, and Fini
So we get the remaining members of the Tapu Gaurdians (BTW, you've already noticed that the fonts all weird, I don't know which is the default). Tapu Lele has that cute anime girl vibe and it's a Psychic/Fairy. Tapu Bulu being Grass/Fairy upsets me because it does not look like a Grass-type at all. Juvia Lockser Tapu Fini being Water/Fairy was surprising but it's also the closest we'll get to a dolphin Pokemon. All the Tapus share a unique Z-Move: Guardians of Alola. That's like, the most brutal move in the series. Especially the trainer's movements, they were enjoying crushing their opponent.

So it turns out, Cosmog is the Pokemon that's inside Lillie's bag. Now the pieces are starting to fit in. This is why Lillie is important to the story, because she's the one who has Cosmog. And Cosmog's description mentions that when it absorbs light, it grows. This could be evidence to the rumor this is pretty much proof that Cosmog will eventually evolve into Solgaleo or Lunala, making it the first time a Legendary evolves. I suppose Lillie having Cosmog disproves the theory that she's UB-01, so the Ultra Beasts really are just mimicking their forms. Cosmog was also named by the Aether Foundation. I don't trust those guys BTW.
So Alola doesn't have a League but one is being built. In addition, the Battle Tree seems to be the post game facility of this Gen. You get to fight Cynthia, Wally, Blue and most importantly of all, you get to fight Red! Looks like Red got tired of that cold mountain. Also, Red has a Mega Bracelet if you look at his artwork.

We also saw Alola Persian but we all saw that coming.
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Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
At this point we could probably make teams consisting entirely of Pokes that resemble anime-ish girls with the Tapus in the mix. Joining the ranks of Lilligant, Gardevoir, Goth-whatever and Meloetta. Maybe Primarina would count too? The snout kinda throws off the theme though. Pretty Fairy-heavy for a team too.

Oh! If we actually can catch the Ultra Beasts, I should name Expansion "Larry" and put him in a team with them.
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Deleted member

I didn't expect Decidueye to be Grass/Ghost! I like this typing more! I also like its signature move, where it's basically an attack version of Mean Look... that will be very useful in battle. I'm so glad that I chose Rowlet from the beginning; the road to the final evolution did not disappoint!

Primarina is a pretty good final evolution for Popplio and it was Water/Fairy all along, which I am OK with. Its signature move cures burns, but I have to also wonder if it does double damage to burned opponents.

Incineroar is easily the worst final evolution from a design standpoint. Seriously, it goes from a cute kitty to... this? At least it's Fire/Dark and not Fire/Fighting. Its signature move ignores stat boosts... OK.

Fighting against trainers like Cynthia and Wally are cool and all, but what abo- RED AND BLUE ARE IN THE GAME?! Yes! That is perfect! I noticed that the song at the end was a remix of Blue's theme, which is pretty cool. I hope we will hear some awesome remixes of the Kanto and Johto Champion themes.

Also... I can't help but post this, as I am excited for Takhoomi!
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
As promised, here are my thoughts on today's news, copy and pasted from another social I'm a part of:

Final evolution starters hype! Just like how my opinion on Kommo-o improved after watching gameplay footage of it, my opinion on Incineroar improved after I saw its animations in action. It's still my least favorite of the three starters, but I no longer dislike it. I really like its mannerisms in the way it acts. I'm pretty glad it didn't turn out to be Fire/Fighting.

Decidueye has been growing on me these past few months, but with today's reveal, seeing its animations really made me like the Pokemon. Surprised it turned out to be Grass/Ghost, but that's better typing that Grass/Flying, so I'll take it. I like the aesthetics in its signature move, and it even has a pretty neat effect. Primarina truly looks gorgeous in its 3D animations, already solidifying my love for this Pokemon. I find its signature move interesting in that it removes the Burn condition from foes, but after reading the Pokemon's description, it makes sense.

In all, these starters will probably go down as one of my favorites in all the generations, in terms of the three together. I like Decidueye and Primarina equally with Incineroar being my least favorite, but I can now say I have a favorable opinion on Incineroar.

I'm surprised they revealed the other Tapus this soon. The trailer confirms the GameXplain theory regarding the names of the rest of the islands. I like Tapu Fini the most of the three revealed; now that we have a better look at its design, I gotta say it looks really nice. Tapu Lele follows after it, with Tapu Bulu being my least favorite of the Alola Guardians (the buffed appearance doesn't appeal to me that much). Despite this, Tapu Bulu interests me for the fact it could be the Island Souvenir long hyped about (its Tiki design resembles a human head quite a bit). I really wish we got to see how the other Guardians looked like in their Tiki forms in the trailer. Their Z-move looks pretty cool too, and I can't wait to see how they'll impact the competitive environment thanks to their new abilities.

Not much to say about Cosmog, though I'm interested to learning more about how Aether Foundation has been researching it. Some source yesterday mentioned that Cosmog is the Pokemon was the Pokemon in Lillie's bag. Putting the pieces together, I guess this might imply Lillie really is connected with the Aether Foundation in some way.

And it looks we'll gain access to the Alola Pokemon League in the postgame. I'm betting the Kahunas will turn into the Elite Four, but that's just me.

And the Battle Tree, Cynthia is coming back. That's cool, and so is... hold on... WALLY? WALLY IS COMING BACK! OMG YES! MY FAVORITE RIVAL IS RETURNING! HE STILL HAS HIS GALLADE! YES! YES! YES!

^That was my reaction to Wally's reveal in that trailer. So happy he made a return! Looks like we're going to be dealing with that monstrous Smogon-style team again, complete with that awesome Mega Gallade. He even looks a bit older, but I guess I got that impression from looking at his face. I'm literally going to be playing Wally's theme all day today to celebrate this joyous day. I'm really interested in hearing a Sun/Moon remix of it once I get to battle him.

And Red and Green will return too? Heck yes! I like the new designs on both of them, but I prefer Red's in-game sprite to his official art. You can tell both trainers really grew up. Who wants to bet Red's Pikachu will be even higher-levee than it was in HG/SS?


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Ok so the episode hasn't been subbed yet so i haven't seen the whole episode but
I don't care that they didn't actually show the kiss but the faces of Bonnie, Clemont, and Pikachu prove that this was in fact, a kiss, most likely on the lips. And remember, Ash and Serena are around 16 in the Japanese version, so it makes sense. Can't wait for the dub to ruin this scene just like how they ruined Ash-Greninja vs Mega Sceptile.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I'm copy/pasting my quick thoughts from elsewhere.

- Decidueye looks a lot better than I thought it would based off that concept art leak. Ghost typing is a nice surprise. I'm definitely sold on Team Rowlet now.

- Say what you will about Incineroar, but that Pokemon has some personality to it. I actually wasn't surprised by the dark typing, I already figured they wouldn't pull out another fire/fighting type after the fan outlash at Emboar.

- Primaria's okay, I guess. It's good to have another fairy for compeitive play. That signature move though...it better have high base power or something, or it's getting the bench for Scald or Hydro Pump.

- Tapu Lele and Bulu are kind of disappointments after Tapu Koko was so cool. Tapu Fini is alright though.

- I love that Z-move though.

- Cosmog's reveal was kind of random. After the starters and legendaries, it's kind of easy to forget that it was part of the reveal.

- Alolan Persian is alright I guess. I still prefer the original.

- I like the idea of the Battle Tree. Is it going to be the main focus of the post game, like the Battle Frontier was?

- "What do you say, Red?"
"... ... ..."


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2014
Volcanic plains
I wasn't going to pick litten even though I have this unhealthy biased for choosing the fire starter in each new main Pokemon game and tigers are one of my favorite animals.Litten is way too cute for my taste but the design of incineroar makes up for that. We'll see.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Ok so the episode hasn't been subbed yet so i haven't seen the whole episode but
I don't care that they didn't actually show the kiss but the faces of Bonnie, Clemont, and Pikachu prove that this was in fact, a kiss, most likely on the lips. And remember, Ash and Serena are around 16 in the Japanese version, so it makes sense. Can't wait for the dub to ruin this scene just like how they ruined Ash-Greninja vs Mega Sceptile.
Yesterday was a fantastic day to be an Amourshipper indeed.

She also tells Ash, "You're my goal" before riding the escalator prior to the kiss, which confirms the ship even further.

I'm thinking of using that kiss scene as signature material in the future because of how adorable it was.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Remember this
Ok, this is VERY interesting. It's fan-made and there's only 1 part right now but it's about a younger Camilla and what happened during the concubine wars. Basically, this is how Camilla dealt with that time where all the Norhian Royal children (minus Xander I assume, Azura and obviously Elise because she wasn't born yet) were trying to kill each other. We even see Camilla's mother (fan-made of course).
Here's part 2
We get to see Leo's mother.

Despite being fan-made, this short story really does show why Camilla is the way she is in Fates. Maybe you didn't like Camilla before but perhaps your opinion on her will change after these two videos. Yes it's fan-made but it's so well done, you might mistake it for a DLC story, similar to Heirs of Fate and Future Past.

The third and final part is coming out soon, I don't know when though.
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