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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2017
While the roster choices are......questionable, what matters in the end is the gameplay. People who have played the game at demos all agree that the game is fun, and in the end, that's what matters.

I've also gone back and played the older games (except Tellius for the same reasons as you) and i'm in the belief that Koei Tecmo had the right idea. Shadow Dragon is very popular in Japan and was also the first Fire Emblem. Awakening and Fates are currently the most popular games overall. It makes sense to start with those three. Now, those three being the first DLC focus, well, that's a different story.

Would i have prefered to see other games in this? Yes. Is it the end of the world that they aren't? Not really. Now if they put Jugdral in this game, then it'll be the end of the world.

Also, this fanbase gets upset at practically everything, don't blame it on Koei Tecmo.

Actually, Navarre is in the game already. He was leaked in the NoE trailer.
He's right there, behind Marth.
Sorry to go back to Warriors, I just wanted to reply to this.

Like I said I'm sure the game will be fine and if the game is good then that is what matters, and it's not the base roster that I entirely have a problem with, and I should make it clear that I don't entirely disagree with the choices for the base game because it does make sense, and I don't mind the Shadow Dragon DLC,(also thanks for pointing out Navarre) due to the lack of characters for that game. What I have a problem with is that unlike even the base Hyrule Warriors, every character is simply a safe pick, and even then there's really not much variety in terms of game play, whereas in Hyrule Warriors, pretty much every character in terms game play stuck out in some form. And while yes you can argue that the characters in Hyrule Warrios base roster kind of made sense, they were always so creative, very different and found ways to still give them that "what in the world" feeling to them. These character's are just simply the safest picks and there's no real "what in the world" type of character, if that makes sense. That said, Wrys, Shadow Dragon DLC, make it happen.

EDIT: On the subject of what I meant by the DLC, for people who are getting the game, the DLC is a good offer, but for others, who aren't planning on getting it for why, this isn't going to give any real incentive to buy the game for a good amount of people, as you said your getting Xenoblade 2 and will be going back for the DLC, but for other people, they may just want to move on to the newest game, it's not a point against the game, I'm just saying that later on down the line, if they ever do have DLC for older characters, for some it may be too late, I know this isn't the best wording, but I hope that you understand what I'm trying to say.

After thinking it over a bit, do I blame Koei Tecmo, not entirely, though I think that they still could've handled the game better and it still isn't going to change what I think of the game at this current point in time. They, for me, have just made too many questionable decisions that really have just turned me off from the game.

Now can it be possible that they have another warriors game featuring older characters rather than having simply expansion packs(though if they added as expansions I hope that they add to the story and give new support conversations for the pre-existing characters), which when I think about it isn't entirely unlikely, but as of right now, I still don't plan to get the game and will reserve my decision to get it based upon what I hear more people say about the full game. If people say that it is great for what it is as a whole, not just hearing from the demos, then perhaps I will consider giving it a look.

And yeah, Fire Emblem Fans are a fickle bunch, but that's part of why this upsets me. I want to see the fan base get better(which is ultimately unlikely), but this game isn't really helping much, but then again that's I suppose that's what happens when people enter this series at different times and simply see that path as the only path.

Also, Anna's trailer is golden, not gonna lie I laughed quite a bit at the end.

As for the topic of the new Heroes banner, all I will say is, I will get Azura. Also hi Shigure, kind of surprised to a child character now, but hey whatever.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
You've got to remember that Hyrule Warriors was so wacky and absurd vecause LoZ can be a really wacky and absurd game. Cartoon logic is not out of place in Hyrule. FE, while it does have its Shaunty Pete jokes and giant anime swords, has an overall more serious tone compared to Zelda. Even then, we still see some silly characters in FEW like Tiki, Lissa and Anna. Even if we got Wrys, I can't see him being any sillier than Lissa, and definitely not Tiki. And I'd still disagree that the others are boring.

Frederick's moveset looks awesome. You can really see the weight in his attacks, such as when his horse skids around in a circle. Leo and Robin, rather than depending on just a single magic type, throw an entire arsenal of spells at their enemies. Corrin has a varied and wild moveset thanks to dragon fang, and fliers are just fun to watch simply due to the virtue of, well, flying.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2017
You've got to remember that Hyrule Warriors was so wacky and absurd vecause LoZ can be a really wacky and absurd game. Cartoon logic is not out of place in Hyrule. FE, while it does have its Shaunty Pete jokes and giant anime swords, has an overall more serious tone compared to Zelda. Even then, we still see some silly characters in FEW like Tiki, Lissa and Anna. Even if we got Wrys, I can't see him being any sillier than Lissa, and definitely not Tiki. And I'd still disagree that the others are boring.

Frederick's moveset looks awesome. You can really see the weight in his attacks, such as when his horse skids around in a circle. Leo and Robin, rather than depending on just a single magic type, throw an entire arsenal of spells at their enemies. Corrin has a varied and wild moveset thanks to dragon fang, and fliers are just fun to watch simply due to the virtue of, well, flying.
I get that and understand where your coming from, and I get that LoZ works for Hyrule Warriors because of the varying tones, but I suppose what get's me about this roster, personally, is that they aren't necessarily boring, but more so that they are boring picks, which mind you I have no problem with some of these characters, they all look satisfying in there own regard, but at the same time, even the silly characters like Lissa and Anna(again love that trailer) are still characters that don't entirely surprise me because when I think about it, they also make sense(Lissa can promote to a class that can use axes and is relatively consistent in Awakenings story, and Anna is just goofy buy nature(see what I did there) but also popular and consistent throughout the series). Not to mention, I feel as if Awakening and Fates, had so many other characters to choose from, yet even the likes of Azura are not in the base game? Was there any rule stating that these were the characters that in here HAD to be included. Being entirely honest, the character from those two games that honestly surprised me was Cordelia. I know she's popular, but at the same time, so is Tharja, yet Cordelia was chosen over her, and a common theme these characters share is that they are all story important in some fashion, except for Cordelia. I don't know about you, but I would've like to have at least have seen a blend of these safe characters, and characters that weren't necessarily important, as frequently appearing in the main story. And we've seen that with characters like Owain, Oboro, and Niles, are in the game in some fashion, and to me, shows that we could've had more of these less important, yet arguably more interesting, characters involved in this games in a playable form. To me, the idea of playing as Owain is just more interesting than playing as say, Chrom, because there's so much more you could do with Owain. What about popular character's like Oboro why not include her as a playable character, it'd be another lance user in a game that is frankly lacking in weapon variety.

Really this is more of a personal thing, but for me, even with the silly characters, this roster is just too standard in my opinion. Again, I get why these character's were chosen, but for me, it still just doesn't interest me. For me, it's a matter of personal taste. I am in no means saying that these characters are boring gameplay wise, but it's just kind of underwhelming when you pick these safe characters, rather than a few more of the fan-favorite characters. I know this would make me seem like a hypocrite, but if Lyn and Celica were removed and replaced with say, Owain, Niles and Oboro as playable characters, I would've been fine with that, since there's so much you could do there and it would just add more variety and they'd be more relatively out there picks, if that makes sense.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Here are the datamined neutral stats for the new Dancers


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014

i heard Warriors talk was going on over here

FEW is pretty fun

Frederick's moveset looks awesome. You can really see the weight in his attacks, such as when his horse skids around in a circle. Leo and Robin, rather than depending on just a single magic type, throw an entire arsenal of spells at their enemies. Corrin has a varied and wild moveset thanks to dragon fang, and fliers are just fun to watch simply due to the virtue of, well, flying.
If anyone told me Frederick was going to be my favorite character, I probably would've laughed at them. But man, horse beyblade owns, and dragging soldiers along the ground is so satisfying. Though I'm only through chapter 8, so I'm still missing a bunch of characters, but the point remains that he's real fun.

Corrin feels half copypasted from Sm4sh, she literally has fsmash (uncharged C1), Counter Surge (sans being a counter; charged C1), and instapin+kick (C4). I'm not complaining, but it's kind of funny to see similar tools in a different type of game.

Azura [and Tharja] are not in the base game
I'd bet both will end up being DLC. Popular characters are a cashgrab opportunity, and they both fill underrepresented roles (Robin's the only unmounted mage, and Oboro is both the only unmounted lance user and not playable yet (but I'd bet money she will be eventually))

Cordelia's pretty ??? to me too as a pick, but with how the story mode's laid out I feel like it may have had more to do with them wanting to introduce a flier during the Awakening-focused segment. If they had the story set up first and picked a character based on that, then she seems logical.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Well, Olivia will be good just by virtue of her being a dancer. All dancers are good, and she's especially good because of her B-passive. But, even with bad offensive stats, she can take up the role of being an excellent debuffer. The main problem with most of the ninjas is that debuffing is the only thing they can do. Debuffing is nice, but it's a waste of a character slot if that's all they can do. Olivia doesn't suffer from that problem, since she can dance. This puts her in a top support position, since she can dance, buff, and debuff. That's a very versatile support role.
Thats a fair assumption.
Since the analysis I did was kinda long, I put it in spoilers:

As for Azura, I don't think anyone is concerned with the buffs stacking. The main thing is that this is the single most overpowered assist in the game. It's essentially Dance + Rally Everything. This also leaves her C-passive free, and, furthermore, she has a legendary weapon, so her attack is guaranteed to be at least decent. Also, unlike the other dancers here, she's not giving up her B-passive slot for the buff power. She'll be free to run lancebreaker or some other shenanigans.

With respect to the point that the buff is "too late into the turn" for -blade tome users to make use of it, that just doesn't make sense at all. Eirika & Ephraim are currently considered the best support units for infantry bladerunners, and they're expected to run a Rally skill. So suppose Eirika is running my build, which is Rally Def/Res with Hone Spd 3, alongside Nino. She needs to rally for Nino to get a buff to every stat (4 to Spd, 3 to all others), and Nino needs to be standing next to Eirika at the start of the turn. So one character expends a turn to do this, and the other 3 can still act.

With Azura, Nino can start the turn wherever, she can then move and perform an action, and then Azura can dance for her, which gives her a buff of 3 to all stats. So one character's turn is expended, and the other 3 can still act. Nino has one less buff point to Spd, but she was a lot less constrained in her position at the start of the turn, and she can move over a lot more ground. If Nino needs positioning at the end of her turn, that's what Reposition and Draw Back are for.

So she can usurp the main roles of Eirika/Ephraim no problem.

Outside of blade tomes, basically everyone loves a dancer and a buff to every stat, and it comes without the traditional positioning constraints of the hone/fortify skills. There has never been a skill that buffed every stat before, and this is a really broken way to do it, since she is doing it via dance. She occupies the role a dancer traditionally has, but with the ability to buff everything, and she has a legendary weapon, so she's virtually guaranteed to have some offensive presence, and she has her B and C slots are free to run whatever.

In sum, she's definitely pretty broken.
What I mean in "too late" in the turn, is that to "buff" the Unit, the Unit has to have acted already.

Eirika/Ephraim have the boon of giving Nino the firepower she needs to kill certain units, and then can be danced to kill two.
With Azura, she more than often won't be able to take the first "nuke" on, and then either die, or be forced to not attack and just stop there, be danced, and kill one unit with the dance buffs. With no option to retreat at all.

You -can- now put a non-buffer unit in your team, but to be honest... Eirika and Ephraim are still Units that can act/attack/tank. I wouldn't disqualify their turn for "not being used". And if you say you -have- to rally to kill this certain Unit, then I got bad news for you... it means that Azura won't be able to buff enough to kill that unit either.

I mean, you see what I'm getting at, I hope. Positioning restrains are pretty acceptable, as long as you aren't horse emblem and blocked by every second tree. But loosing your nuke in arena/GHB, where you are not allowed to lose a single unit, it will often become a situation of "Ah damn, I can't kill unbuffed, but I'll loose my deathless run if I waste my dance to buff..."

Edit: I am not saying she isn't good. She's just not -that- good, is what I am getting at. Atleast in Blade-teams.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
No 3/3/3/3 stat boost will ever hild a candle to Emblem Teams, which is why I think they really gave D!Azura that powerful of a boost. In a horse defined meta, it takes crazy stat boosts to stand out, so I'm not worried about Azura. Kind of like how Delthea's Dark Aura or B!Lucy's drive stacking aren't totally broken - they have horse and flier buffs to compete with.
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Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
I had some good luck in this banner, I got Azura and Shigure so far. Going to try for more summons in a little while to see if I can summon Inigo and potentially Olivia too. Inigo is my goal, with some good luck lol.

I think that Azura has a really good buff attached to her dancing, but I also agree that it isn't game changing. There's lots of units that can apply strong buffs, like Takeo mentioned. She's going to make Arena more frustrating, most likely, since dancers on arena already are more difficult to work around.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain

I got Azura and Inigo within my first 100 orbs, then got absolutely nothing with the other 200. Lesson learned.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2017
Had somewhat poor luck with this banner, spent almost all 100 orbs I had and got no one from the banner, instead I got an abnormal amount of 3 stars, and a decent amount of 4 stars. At least I got Delthea and Lukas both at five stars, and I could get more stuff to the units I already had as five stars.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I spent 100+ orbs and got no 5* aside from Maria. I normally don't mind off-banner characters, but Maria is such a waste. She instantly earned herself a nice spot on the bench right next to my 5*+1 Lucius. At least my pity-breaker Priscilla has a horse.

But I suppose I shouldn't complain. I am lucky enough to have both regular Azura and an arena-viable +1 Ninian, so I'm not really starved for dancers.
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Deleted member

Well... my luck had built up for a while.
After having Soren kill my pity percent rate, not getting anyone decent enough for fodder, and running low on Orbs, I finally got Azura! I freaked out because in seasonal banners like this, I usually get the unit I don't want, this case being Inigo. I was expecting to get two of him before her but I was shocked when the opposite happened; I got two Azuras before Inigo.
Unfortunately the Azuras I got have bad IVs; one is -Speed and the other was -Attack. I might try to get another Azura with better IVs, but I don't think they matter as much for dancers; they want to be on the backlines, not the frontlines.

...Oh, and I got a 5 star Sheena with good IVs. I wish that went to an Azura with good IVs or Amelia, but OK game.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Spent over 100 orbs, and of course I got Inigo and not Azura. My pity rate, after the destruction by Inigo, is 3.75%, so hopefully I'll be able to get Azura with that... I really want to pull that Nohrian Azura! Gah! At least I got Inigo, but I really want Azura.

Well, I guess this is karma for me saying I'd be okay with Lilith being DLC over Azura in Warriors!

On the plus side, I pulled enough Cecilias to finish merging her to 4*+10. I also pulled a few Faes, so I got me some Renewal and Draw Back fodder. The game also served me up some Boeys, so that I have Renewal 1&2 fodder, which allows me to use those Faes as just Renewal 3+Draw Back fodder. Also pulled a Barst, who's good for Reposition, and a Nino for more Draw Back. Those are my two favorite positioning skills. I also got tons of Arthurs...

And a Cherche, which I embarrassingly thought was +Atk. After I promoted her to 5*, I realized my error. She was +Hp/-Spd. My regular Cherche is +Hp/-Res... so now she's that, but +1! I don't really mind, I was sitting on over 60k feathers anyway, and Cherche has been one of my most steadfast axers.

I spent 100+ orbs and got no 5* aside from Maria. I normally don't mind off-banner characters, but Maria is such a waste. She instantly earned herself a nice spot on the bench right next to my 5*+1 Lucius. At least my pity-breaker Priscilla has a horse.

But I suppose I shouldn't complain. I am lucky enough to have both regular Azura and an arena-viable +1 Ninian, so I'm not really starved for dancers.
Looks like you came out worse than I did, at least I managed Inigo. Well, we have a month with this banner! So perhaps it will all work out, and we'll get who we want... If not, well, I'm not really in a position to complain. Inigo is good, and I pulled Elincia with my free summon on her banner, that was a tremendous blessing. I have regular Azura as well, so that's some consolation. No Ninian though, despite me putting quite an effort to attract her on several occasions.

Well... my luck had built up for a while.
After having Soren kill my pity percent rate, not getting anyone decent enough for fodder, and running low on Orbs, I finally got Azura! I freaked out because in seasonal banners like this, I usually get the unit I don't want, this case being Inigo. I was expecting to get two of him before her but I was shocked when the opposite happened; I got two Azuras before Inigo.
Unfortunately the Azuras I got have bad IVs; one is -Speed and the other was -Attack. I might try to get another Azura with better IVs, but I don't think they matter as much for dancers; they want to be on the backlines, not the frontlines.

...Oh, and I got a 5 star Sheena with good IVs. I wish that went to an Azura with good IVs or Amelia, but OK game.
Gimme one of them! Or, you could give one to Armagon Armagon as I think he'd like (and deserves) a visit from Azura...

I don't like posting text walls, and I don't think everyone's interested in analyses, so my responses and analyses in response to LordTakeo LordTakeo are in the spoilers:

What I mean in "too late" in the turn, is that to "buff" the Unit, the Unit has to have acted already.
Yeah, but, again, I don't see why it matters if the unit has already acted, since they get to go again.

Eirika/Ephraim have the boon of giving Nino the firepower she needs to kill certain units, and then can be danced to kill two.
With Azura, she more than often won't be able to take the first "nuke" on, and then either die, or be forced to not attack and just stop there, be danced, and kill one unit with the dance buffs. With no option to retreat at all.
I didn't propose any change to the team composition beyond swapping out Eirika/Ephraim for Azura, so this really isn't much of a counterpoint. The analysis I provided was comparing Azura to Eirika/Ephraim. I thought the argument I offered was straightforward enough, but I'll clarify it:

Let's just say the original team was Eirika w/Hone Spd 3 & Rally Def/Res, Nino, Olivia, and Reinhardt. Eirika's job is to buff Nino, so, when the player's turn rolls around, Eirika and Nino need to start the turn next to each other, and Eirika's action will be to rally Nino. So Eirika's action is completed, and Nino (fully buffed), Olivia, and Reinhardt are ready to act.

So now we swap out Eirika for Azura. This means the team is now Azura, Nino, Olivia, and Reinhardt. In this case, Nino can start wherever, and she can perform one action, whatever it is. She can also wait in place, it doesn't matter. After she does that, Azura dances for her. At this point, Nino is fully buffed and available to act, as are Olivia and Reinhardt.

What's the difference between these two scenarios? At the end of both, the primary buffer has used their turn, and the remaining 3 characters are ready to act. Nino has a +3 buff to every stat, except, with Eirika, she has +4 to Spd, but the extra point is usually going to be pretty trivial. The main difference is that, with Azura, Nino gets an extra pre-buffed action and she can start anywhere. So she's got a good deal more mobility, she can soften an enemy up (or take it out, since Nino is pretty great even without buffs).

The conclusion to be drawn here is that Azura works really well with bladerunners, and can be comparable to Eirika/Ephraim just on this point of being a dedicated buffer, and, in some ways, is better.

You -can- now put a non-buffer unit in your team, but to be honest... Eirika and Ephraim are still Units that can act/attack/tank. I wouldn't disqualify their turn for "not being used".
In the example, they were performing a rally. Their main function is support, so their turn is most often being used for a support function. Their offensive capabilities are not very good, so support is their primary function. Azura, on the other hand, actually has quite respectable offensive stats, since she's good in both Atk & Spd. She's quite frail though.

And if you say you -have- to rally to kill this certain Unit, then I got bad news for you... it means that Azura won't be able to buff enough to kill that unit either.
But I never said that Azura buffed more than Eirika/Ephraim. Indeed, I specifically said that she buffs one stat point less than them under comparable circumstances. Azura's dance is one stat point less than an Eirika/Ephraim passive buff plus Rally Def/Res.

I mean, you see what I'm getting at, I hope. Positioning restrains are pretty acceptable, as long as you aren't horse emblem and blocked by every second tree. But loosing your nuke in arena/GHB, where you are not allowed to lose a single unit, it will often become a situation of "Ah damn, I can't kill unbuffed, but I'll loose my deathless run if I waste my dance to buff..."

Edit: I am not saying she isn't good. She's just not -that- good, is what I am getting at. Atleast in Blade-teams.

No, I really don't see what you're getting at. For some reason, you said, multiple times, that the inclusion of Azura as a buffer results in Nino being left in a death zone. If Nino wasn't in a death zone when Eirika or Ephraim was the buffer, and the only change is now Azura is the buffer, how does that make sense?

And, moreover, it's ridiculous to suggest that you can't adapt your team to have at least one person run Reposition or Draw Back to remove a nuke-type character from danger.

Azura is immediately one of the best characters in the game, just by virtue of having the singular most broken assist ever available. She's the most busted character for Arena Defense. The Arena was annoying enough without that gimmick. She'll definitely have a more than substantial impact on the Arena.

Also, how about GHBs where you start in a separated position? E.g. Berkut's?


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Eirika and Ephraim still have important niches as to keep them from being totally outclassed by Azura. Most obviously, they are different colors. But, more importantly, their assist skill slot is open. This allows them to run draw back or reposition. While D!Azura needs a third character to run dance, reposition, or draw back to pull your blade nuke out of danger, the twins are able to do that themselves and open up the opportunity your other teammates to spend their turn doing something else.

And besides, while there's no denying that B!Azura is extremely good, her weapon still has nothing on cavalry/flier buffs. As long as her buffs aren't that powerful, I don't think she'll really shake the meta that much at all.
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Deleted member

Straight from Source Gaming.
I have to say that this is a poor decision on Koei Tecmo's behalf. The future is uncertain and we don't know when or if FEW2 will come out. I understand saving some titles for the next game, but with how many people love Ike and Roy, this is a massive missed opportunity. Hopefully they will reverse what they said and add Ike and Roy.
But as it stands, I am a bit disappointed by this move.

Gimme one of them! Or, you could give one to Armagon Armagon as I think he'd like (and deserves) a visit from Azura...
I wish I could, though I have already merged my Azuras.
Part of me is tempted to try and pull another Azura before the banner ends, but I need to see how she fares in the next BHB/GHB. My regular Azura is also -Speed and she's been doing fine at her job.

Eirika and Ephraim still have important niches as to keep them from being totally outclassed by Azura. Most obviously, they are different colors. But, more importantly, their assist skill slot is open. This allows them to run draw back or reposition. While D!Azura needs a third character to run dance, reposition, or draw back to pull your blade nuke out of danger, the twins are able to do that themselves and open up the opportunity your other teammates to spend their turn doing something else.

And besides, while there's no denying that B!Azura is extremely good, her weapon still has nothing on cavalry/flier buffs. As long as her buffs aren't that powerful, I don't think she'll really shake the meta that much at all.
I don't feel like that Eirika and Ephraim are going anywhere. Unlike Azura, they can buff two stats on one turn with their weapon and a hone skill while Azura needs to dedicate a turn to give units those buffs. I personally wouldn't waste a turn doing that when I could nuke someone, sing with Azura, and keep on nuking or retreating.

On a side note, running a Rally skill isn't a bad idea for the twins. I have Rally Defense on my Eirika and it has helped me clutch some parts of Tempest Trials; my units either survive a physical attack or my Blade Linde gets that extra firepower to finish off a unit she couldn't have finished off.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Astellius Astellius
Since I really dun wanna copypaste this wall of text, and I -can- even answer short:

I simply missunderstood what you said. I thought you were to combine buffer(Ephraim/Eirika) -with- dancer, (Olivia in your test-case).

So basically, if you only aim to replace the Buffer Unit, it's pretty fine. I can agree with that, tho I do not think it's that much of an improvement, aside of positioning freedom, in exchange for being able to dance Ephraim/Eirika to clear up threats that the mages can't/don't want to handle, since Azura can't be danced.

And that the Buff only is applied to one blade-tome user, unlike double blade-teams. But then again, you can simply dance twice, which is also again pretty nice.

My point still stands, it's not broken op, it's just... different imo. Still good.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016

This is my Black Knight build. I don't know what good C-Skill to give him but i'm really proud of this one. He's running Steady Stance 3 which gives him +6 Defense when attacked. He's also running the Distant Def 1, which gives him a +2 boost to Defense and Resistance when attacked. This helps his poor Res a bit while also further increasing his Def when attacked (35+6+2=43 Def when attacked). And then, he's also running Vantage 3, so he can easily strike first. Add in the fact that his Def (and Res) are boosted when the enemy initiates the attack, it's just amazing. And that's not counting his built-in Distant Counter with Alondite and the deadly Black Luna. It's so evil, it's beautiful.

Or, you could give one to Armagon Armagon as I think he'd like (and deserves) a visit from Azura...
Yes, i am in desperate need of Azura. The best thing about this Banner is that there are two chances for me to get Azura. I'd be totally fine with regular Azura (even if Nohrian!Azura is better, not just from a gameplay standpoint, but from a design standpoint as well).

Straight from Source Gaming.
I have to say that this is a poor decision on Koei Tecmo's behalf. The future is uncertain and we don't know when or if FEW2 will come out. I understand saving some titles for the next game, but with how many people love Ike and Roy, this is a massive missed opportunity. Hopefully they will reverse what they said and add Ike and Roy.
But as it stands, I am a bit disappointed by this move.
Well that's disappointing. Are they just gonna keep making DLC based on the three focus games then? If so, then just....wow. From what i hear, Nintendo and IS were heavily involved in the project, whereas with Hyrule Warriors, it was all on Koei Tecmo, and i think that's the reason why these questionable decisions are being made. Nintendo only wants to promote the two most popular games+the original, which, while it makes sense, limiting the DLC to those three is dumb. There's literally no reason to not have Ike or Roy.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
(even if Nohrian!Azura is better, not just from a gameplay standpoint, but from a design standpoint as well).
I prefere the azure&white design far more, as it harmonizes well.
With the black dress, it covers her pretty face and her yellow eyes with the faint yellow/golden pieces on her dress get diminished with the sudden purple.

But thats very up to everyones tastes.

I wonder why they wouldn't add roy&ike. Seeing how their history mode is a beautiful retelling tool... having FE grid combat, with warriors combat at impact. I can't help but to think how much wasted opportunities they would get.
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Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
I feel like the thing that we gain is that now we can dance/sing to do two things, give the unit a second turn, plus give the unit buffs. If you were already already going to dance/sing for the unit, that makes it a nice added bonus. If you were already going to use a dancer/singer, now you get a strictly better version of dance/sing. I'll admit, my primary purpose for using dancers/singers is to train other units plus for grand hero battles, so I know the buffs will really be useful for me. Also, having full color coverage (I have Olivia, Azura, and now Nohrian Azura) with my dancers, so I can always pick a good complementary color to the unit I'm training.

I'm laughing a bit at myself in terms of unit building. After carefully considering my SI fodder options, I'm building my new Azura the exact same way I built my old Azura and my old Olivia: Triangle adept + Wings of Mercy. Gotta wait for more moonbow fodder, but that's my goal special skill for her. She's going to work exactly the same as my old dancers, and I love it lmao.

Shigure I'm still considering options with. He has meh defenses, and his speed is a bit lackluster (mine has 29 spd). I'm wondering if a raven tome build would be better for him, or possibly a blade build.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Straight from Source Gaming.
I have to say that this is a poor decision on Koei Tecmo's behalf. The future is uncertain and we don't know when or if FEW2 will come out. I understand saving some titles for the next game, but with how many people love Ike and Roy, this is a massive missed opportunity. Hopefully they will reverse what they said and add Ike and Roy.
But as it stands, I am a bit disappointed by this move.
I really hope this is nothing but a sick joke but if it's not, then this is beyond disappointment. It's a goddamn disaster.

Great, now I can't sleep because of this...
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Spent ~110 orbs trying to get an Azura or Inigo

Instead got Shigure, who I really was not interested in getting

oh well, I'll try again later when I have some more orbs again

This is my Black Knight build. I don't know what good C-Skill to give him but i'm really proud of this one. He's running Steady Stance 3 which gives him +6 Defense when attacked. He's also running the Distant Def 1, which gives him a +2 boost to Defense and Resistance when attacked. This helps his poor Res a bit while also further increasing his Def when attacked (35+6+2=43 Def when attacked). And then, he's also running Vantage 3, so he can easily strike first. Add in the fact that his Def (and Res) are boosted when the enemy initiates the attack, it's just amazing. And that's not counting his built-in Distant Counter with Alondite and the deadly Black Luna. It's so evil, it's beautiful.
That's pretty close to how I'm making mine too, just doing Quick Riposte instead of Vantage.

C slot is always that "idk wtf to do with this" slot lol


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
Black Knight is a great unit, I've been using mine a lot on tempest trials. I am using mine with vantage for TT because it works great for the long game. I also gave mine quick riposte 2 (along with swap from Subaki, my favorite assist move for armors), which I used to beat the Clarisse GHB.

For C skills, I gave my personal one ward armor since I've been using him paired with Amelia and Effie, but aside from emblem buffs, one of my favorite C skills is hone attack. Pretty much every unit in the game likes receiving attack buffs, so it's hard to go wrong with that lol. That, and threaten attack are some skills I go for when I can't think of anything else to give a unit.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
I think I am the only person alive who is angered about this, but:

I just got an P!Azura. An good IV one even, with +spd.

But it broke my 4% pity-rate for Olivia... I still have a month left, but its just so frustrating, honestly... 2nd time I got a green hero, instead of Olivia.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I think I am the only person alive who is angered about this, but:

I just got an P!Azura. An good IV one even, with +spd.

But it broke my 4% pity-rate for Olivia... I still have a month left, but its just so frustrating, honestly... 2nd time I got a green hero, instead of Olivia.
Hey man, at least you have her. But i know your frustration. I spent the last few days grinding up Orbs from the Training Tower, Tempest Trials, Chain Challenge, etc. The only noticeable thing i got out of it was a 5-Star Titania. Which probably means i'm not getting another 5-Star for like two months..

Please IS, let me buy Heroes (specifically Azura) with those Sacred Coins that were revealed like two months ago. I'd gladly even take a 1-Star Azura (Nohrian or regular).


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
I'd like to know what they're planning with the sacred coins too. I was actually hoping for weapon forging myself. A lot of meh units in this game would be so much better if we could replace the meh effects on their weapons or make their weapons stronger, like Seliph's Tyrfing with essentially defiant def 2, or Roy's Binding Blade only giving +2 def/res when he is attacked. It'd be cool if we could forge weapons to change their effects (i.e. make Roy's Binding Blade have distant counter, but at the cost of a lot of sacred coins), or to make them stronger.

I'm totally just speculating, though, I have no idea what they're going to do with sacred coins. I'll just keep collecting them in the meantime lol.

Deleted member

The thing I want the most from the Sacred Coins is to reset character IVs.
I am more than happy to get rare characters like Summer Elise and Nephenee, but I won't use them that much because they have terrible IVs (the former is minus speed, the latter is minus defense). I think resetting the IVs to neutral and only neutral would make people more happy about the units they got, not to mention we won't feel ticked off when our favorite characters are being held back from IVs.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Astellius Astellius
Since I really dun wanna copypaste this wall of text, and I -can- even answer short:

I simply missunderstood what you said. I thought you were to combine buffer(Ephraim/Eirika) -with- dancer, (Olivia in your test-case).

So basically, if you only aim to replace the Buffer Unit, it's pretty fine. I can agree with that, tho I do not think it's that much of an improvement, aside of positioning freedom, in exchange for being able to dance Ephraim/Eirika to clear up threats that the mages can't/don't want to handle, since Azura can't be danced.

And that the Buff only is applied to one blade-tome user, unlike double blade-teams. But then again, you can simply dance twice, which is also again pretty nice.

My point still stands, it's not broken op, it's just... different imo. Still good.
Well, I did say that it was only an arguable improvement. It probably doesn't usually amount to much most of the time, except in cases like Berkut's GHB, or maybe maps like 11-3 (I think it's that one, the Echoes split mountain map). The main benefit she has over Eirika or Ephraim is that she's also a dancer, so she's extremely versatile when fielded. She also has nice offensive stats, so she's one of the most versatile characters in the game. So I stand by my original conclusion, which is that she is pretty broken. I intentionally included the qualifier "pretty," since I don't think she's ridiculously broken. She's easily one of the top 5 characters in the game, and she obviously has the best assist in the game.

Spent ~110 orbs trying to get an Azura or Inigo

Instead got Shigure, who I really was not interested in getting

oh well, I'll try again later when I have some more orbs again
Looks like quite a few of us have dumped over 100 orbs into this banner, while not getting the summons we want... My current pity rate is 4.25%... Please grant me Azura, oh RNGoddess!

is promoting my fates discord server allowed on the corrin boards?
I've no objections to it, and, since this is a social thread, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to share your discord bit. Obviously don't derail the thread, but I don't think anyone would mind if you wanted to post an invite link.

The thing I want the most from the Sacred Coins is to reset character IVs.
Agree! This seems like a great use of the coins. I'm also thoroughly against forged weapons, that's just a bad time waiting to happen.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
In order for something to be broken, it has to change how the game is played. Horse Emblem is broken, since it trivializes much of the game's difficulty and overcentralizes the metagame, forcing everyone to carry a dedicated counters. B!Azura seems extremely good, but I can't see her as broken unless you consider dancers as broken (which in all fairness, a case could be made for that). She's a flexible unit, but she doesn't do anything so incredible that it totally changes the game. Almost anyone who was prepared for the horse/dancer metagame before will still be prepared for it now.

And don't get too excited for the coins - the developers said in the interview that they don't know how they feel about changing IVs yet in a recent interview. Most likely? They'll effect sacred seals in some way. But we can't know for sure, don't set yourselves up for disappointment.
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Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
I'd imagine, if the coins are an IV reroll system, they likely are gonna say something like:

"Pay 100 coins, to "roll" for the guranteed banner!"
What I mean by that is, look at the Brave heroes banner giving you a free neutral hero. Paying 100 coins is fair, as you'd need atleast 4 weeks at minimum, to get -one- guranteed hero. And it could even be just the banners with -new- heroes on it, tho I fear, that we sometime will run out of new heroes in the future, so it could propably be made for every banner... also solved the colourless hell problem, alongside the IV problem, as those "free" coin heroes would be neutral.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I'd imagine, if the coins are an IV reroll system, they likely are gonna say something like:

"Pay 100 coins, to "roll" for the guranteed banner!"
What I mean by that is, look at the Brave heroes banner giving you a free neutral hero. Paying 100 coins is fair, as you'd need atleast 4 weeks at minimum, to get -one- guranteed hero. And it could even be just the banners with -new- heroes on it, tho I fear, that we sometime will run out of new heroes in the future, so it could propably be made for every banner... also solved the colourless hell problem, alongside the IV problem, as those "free" coin heroes would be neutral.
Yes please. Now, one might argue "but IS might lose money if they let you just choose who you want". Not really. Whales would still be putting money into the game regardless. Using 100 Sacred Coins to get the Heroes you want would just be another options for F2P-players. And, choosing which Hero you want will most likely come with neutral stats, when certain IVs would be more optimal, hence, people who pour money into this game will continue to do so regardless. Also, the fact that you have to wait at least 4 weeks minimum. Yeah, 100 Coins for one guaranteed Focus Hero is fair.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Yes please. Now, one might argue "but IS might lose money if they let you just choose who you want". Not really. Whales would still be putting money into the game regardless. Using 100 Sacred Coins to get the Heroes you want would just be another options for F2P-players. And, choosing which Hero you want will most likely come with neutral stats, when certain IVs would be more optimal, hence, people who pour money into this game will continue to do so regardless. Also, the fact that you have to wait at least 4 weeks minimum. Yeah, 100 Coins for one guaranteed Focus Hero is fair.
Indeed! Even made a reddit post about it by now, just in case -anyone- on IS is reading through the reddit by just the faintest of chances. I don't doubt IS is cool and prolly has this planned all along, but if I can steer the wheel of fate by even a 1% chance, I'd take it.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
As I said before, don't get your expectations too high. I'd love to fix my B!Roys IVs or buy myself a 5* hero, but both those options just seem to good to be true. I think we're just feeling a little spoiled after the CYL event and the current TT givings us amazing 5*s for free. I could see a character shop as a possibility, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Even if it did, I doubt there'd be 5* exclusives in it, at least at first.

Those coins are so hard to grind that it'd be disappointing if it isn't something amazing already, but if you get too excited over it it'd just sting even worse. This game rarely disappoints, but it happens to everything eventually.
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Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
As I said before, don't get your expectations too high. I'd love to fix my B!Roys IVs or buy myself a 5* hero, but both those options just seem to good to be true. I think we're just feeling a little spoiled after the CYL event and the current TT givings us amazing 5*s for free. I could see a character shop as a possibility, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Even if it did, I doubt there'd be 5* exclusives in it, at least at first.

Those coins are so hard to grind that it'd be disappointing if it isn't something amazing already, but if you get too excited over it it'd just sting even worse. This game rarely disappoints, but it happens to everything eventually.
It's mostly a fun thing to think of something, that solves problems.

I don't care if the coins are simply there to buy seals/skills, or give you a chance at an guranteed character once per banner with neutral IV and 1* rarity.

I just try to find a solution to a problem, which is fun! Can't be dissapointed with it, as it won't change my experience up until now for the worse. It's just a bonus, really.

BUT! I understand your concern, especially after the Warriors salt-base.

Also... getting those free guranteed heroes at 1* would make sense even, since it encourages more time spend inside the game, aka, more stuff to do, meaning people have always a goal in sight, even durin droughts of content... hm...
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Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
I can't see weapon forging being more broken than the original SI mechanic itself (which I prefer over the old way; SI adds so much more diversity and depth to each unit when you can transfer new skills to them), but I digress.

Maybe they'll go the Pokemon route: you use coins to buy fixes to a unit's IVs. I believe it's called hyper training in Pokemon Sun/Moon? In the case of Heroes, it could be using a bunch of coins to raise a bane IV to a neutral IV, and then a bunch of coins to raise a neutral IV to a boon IV, or something like that. Then you'd have to use a lot a lot of coins to make truly "perfect" units, with all boon IVs, which keeps the whales interested and grinding the game to truly maximize their +10 units. It'd also give us the ability to grow our units past current limitations without having to add a 6th star for Units lol. Again, just speculation. I just can't see them only using sacred coins for an update that benefits f2p, they have to add depth to it that benefits the pay2play players too.

Just realized that next season will have the load of new dancers as bonus units. In some ways that's good, because using one of my new dancers sounds fun, but I'm also dreading it, because that means more dancer shenanigans on defense teams too. I suspect this upcoming arena season is going to suck. x.x


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I can't see weapon forging being more broken than the original SI mechanic itself
It honestly depends on what the limits are. A simple power boost may help Killer weapons catch up to the objectively better Slayer weapons. But if forging can make weapons more powerful while reducing it's negatives (like the Brave Weapons' -speed debuff), then it starts to get a bit broken. If forging enhances weapon effects, then things start to get really broken, especially when you consider the CYL weapons.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
It honestly depends on what the limits are. A simple power boost may help Killer weapons catch up to the objectively better Slayer weapons. But if forging can make weapons more powerful while reducing it's negatives (like the Brave Weapons' -speed debuff), then it starts to get a bit broken. If forging enhances weapon effects, then things start to get really broken, especially when you consider the CYL weapons.
That's true. I was thinking of it more from the perspective of replacing one weapon effect with another weapon effect tbh. Like trading Roy's weapon effect for distant counter, but not keeping the original effect (seems like a good trade-off to me). You can choose to pick up the new effect on your weapon, but can't have 2 weapon effects equipped at the same time. Characters that have good effects on their weapons out of the box, like Ike and Black Knight, won't need to use this option, since they'd just want to keep their inherent distant counter, but if they wanted to, they could also choose to replace distant counter with another skill, like another skill available out of the current pool of legendary weapon skills, but it'd help units like Roy, Seliph, and Alfonse. As for adding power, that one I was thinking mainly for non-legendary weapons, something to give them a small boost, especially to like killer weapons or armorslayers, weapons that are considered generally underwhelming. Maybe like forging to add +1 or +2 might, with restrictions so that you can't boost already strong weapons like brave weapons lol. At least, that's how I was thinking of it.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Honestly, if that mechanic was intrduced, everyone would end up using distant counter or maybe Armad's QR2. Some characters also use their legendary weapons to set themselves apart. Eirika wouldn't be nearly as good as she is if Sieglinde wasn't exclusive to her.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Well, after ratcheting up a 4.50% pity rate, I got...


Yes! Finally! It only took upwards of 150 orbs. She has an unfortunate nature of -Spd/+Res, so her offensive abilities are somewhat compromised, but at least she decided to join me. Actually, I'll probably give her Lancebreaker, so that should serve as something of a remedy for the Spd bane. That allows her to fully cover the blues, and her +Res nature means she should have no problem being able to bait Reinhardt.

I'm quite pleased that the game didn't throw me another Inigo or some off-season green. Thank you RNGoddess, for listening to my prayers!
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