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COMPETITIVE SMASH: Everything You Need to Know


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2007
I’m placing this is Brawl Discussion because this is the most read board and sees the most traffic from the flood of new members.

I’d appreciate it this got stickied, so that this explanation and argument will not have to be explained, fought over, etc.


I. What is Competitive Smash?

Smash has been a wonderful game through all these years, from 64 to Melee and will be with the addition of Brawl. Everyone and their brother has heard of this game and probably played it at least once. But what is Competitive Smash and why do they play with such strict rules?

Competitive Gaming of any sort takes the game from its standard mainstream level of play into the most skill-based intense play. It’d be the same as playing Street Ball for kicks compared to the NBA.

So with more talented players testing their skill against each other, there must be an agreed upon rule system. While the game comes with a plethora of stages, items, and in Brawl’s case Final Smashes, rules have been created to account for higher level of play.

II. Metagame

How a game is played, through evolution in thought and practice is the Metagame. I will use some examples from Melee. Why do some new players to the game love Roy and dislike Marth? Why do some think Mewtwo is “really cool and awesome”? Well the answer to this is they don’t understand the current Metagame. Through exploration, practice, tournaments, etc., we have found many Advanced Techniques, which make some characters stronger than others. Fox’s down b, or shine, is very effective in higher play, making him one of the best characters.

III. Tier List

This entails the large discussion of Tier Lists. I won’t go much into that, but I feel that it should be covered in a discussion about Competitive Smash. A Tier List is the list of characters in descending order of their innate talent or abilities. Tier Lists assume equal ability or skill of all players playing at current Metagame.

This does not necessarily mean the top character on the Tier List (Fox) will always beat a character further down the Tier List. Marth, who is currently 4th on the Tier List, has a slight advantage against Falco, who is currently 2nd on the Tier List. The Tier List simply says overall who is “better”.

And yes, TIRES DO EXIST. Fox is significantly better than Pichu (Top vs. Bottom of Tier List). Players of EQUAL skill will find that characters on the bottom of the Tier List are not as good as characters on the top. Okay, enough of this…

IV. Luck

So you may still be asking, “What’s with all these rules? You might have explained Metagame and Tier Lists, but I’ve watched YouTube videos, I know this stuff.” Well, in short the aforementioned rules that the Competitive Smash Scene agreed to are not only standard rules in any professional setting, as the NBA would have standard rules, but are rules to eliminate as much luck as possible.

Luck is eliminated currently through no items being used and banning of stages deemed unfair. “But Vro, who gets to deem stages unfair? My friend says the tree in Dreamland 64 always blows in his direction when he tries to recover. And how can you ban Temple? I LOVE THAT STAGE.”

Easy there. Stages are banned per tournament, but generally ban the same stages. Some tournaments allow Green Greens, some don’t. But almost all tournaments will agree Icicle Mountain is not a good stage to fight on. Why? Because the factor of Luck. Well… any good player won’t be caught by the simple tricks of Icicle Mountain, but Flat Zone’s falling buckets are purely a matter of Luck. Also, some stages are better suited to certain characters. Fox will be used in a lot of examples, because he’s very quick and has a projectile. He can run circles in Temple without ever being caught. And if Bowser is on Icicle Mountain, he’s going to have difficulty following the silliness of stage scrolling at random.

V. The Casuals


Okay! Go ahead and play it. When I say it’s a banned stage I don’t mean no one can play it. I mean that in tournaments that stage is unusable. That stage really doesn’t measure skill. There are a lot of competitive flaws with that stage. But if you want to play it, be my guest.

When competitive players train often and go out of their way to tournaments, sometimes even out of state, they don’t want to put their skills to the test with luck involved. And I’m sure they don’t want to lose a match because a Fox player ran around Temple spamming lasers. They want to measure skill; mano a mano. (Spanish for hand to hand)

“But Vro, items test SK!llz”

Not really… They will drop randomly on the stage, giving random advantages. Faster characters, who are normally high on the Tier List become better. There’s just a lot of things going against items for competitive play.

But I mean. Play however you want. You want Temple timed-match with items on? Be my guest. I, and anyone here on Smashboards, WILL NEVER FORCE YOU TO PLAY A CERTAIN WAY. I choose to play competitively. I choose to agree to these rules when I enter a tournament. I choose to play by these rules. You can choose not to.

So who is right in this Competitive vs. Casual nonsense? NO ONE. No one is right. Ultimately everyone plays how THEY THEMSELVES want to play.

Sure, there are more competitive players on Smashboards, but guess what? These boards were created by competitive players and are run by them. Competitive players will want to drop by more than casuals because they feel this game is not just a casual game. But no one is right in this situation because again:

No one is right. Ultimately everyone plays how THEY THEMSELVES want to play.

TL;DR: No one is right. Ultimately everyone plays how THEY THEMSELVES want to play.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2007

The Tier List is not created by tournament outcome solely. It is taken into consideration, however it is not the only point. Fox, innately, is better than Pichu. Yes, a skilled Pichu player will most likely beat an unskilled Fox player; however Tier List put skills at equal levels.

Originally Posted by AlphaZealot
The tier list is a measure of how characters stack up in tournament play according to the current metagame.

So, no, character potential has nothing to do with the list, at least in the sense that you are trying to predict how a character will evolve to be played a year from now.

The list is just a current representation of how things play out on the tournament scene as a result of the metagame. Falco's game has been evolving over the last year and as a result we have seen Falco shoot up a few notches. Fox's game has undergone that same evolution. Meanwhile very little has been added to Sheik's metagame. Chu Dat started a revolution with Ice Climbers, but it was slow to catch on, which is why the previous list has the Ice Climbers lower than this new list. The new list actually takes into account that other people are playing the Ice Climbers, not just Chu Dat (meep, azn lep, among a few others).

This list is the RESULT of tournament play. Keep that in mind. Many people seem to be saying that this list will influence people, while it is really the opposite way around, the list is influenced by the competitive community. On the noncompetitve newby level the tier list may seem to be counter to logic or just a popularity contest, but it really isn't. Certain characters are played more frequently than other characters because they have more going for them.

Also, I apologize if my tone is hard towards casuals. My examples of Roy vs. Marth and Mewtwo or low tier lovers should not have been worded the way they were. You can play whoever you want, however just because you like them doesn't mean they are "AMZING L33t". Tier Lists are still applicable.

Also, my stage banning explanation was rushed. I hope I made the general understanding clear.

OP: Your example for banning stages is terrible. You should've simply used the Hyrule and Brinstar Depths examples. Hyrule is banned because it has a circle layout, which allows the faster character to run around in circles without being caught. Brinstar Depths is banned because the stage changes randomly with almost no indication of which way it's going to change, which can force someone into a bad position when the opponent never did anything
Umm... No, not the NBA. More like any generic organized league.
MLG, which has hosted several Smash Tournaments, is considered Professional.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
"hand to hand" se dice en español "mano a mano"... "y" mas bien quiere decir "and"

mmm I still think that time matches with -2 on suicides are very good for 3 or 4 players.... in that way win who deserbs to win, who kill more and died less, also aplicable for 1 vs 1 matches... and ofcurse you can see who is winning with "socre display on" in the option screen;););)


Smash Rookie
Jan 13, 2008
"hand to hand" se dice en español "mano a mano"... "y" mas bien quiere decir "and"

mmm I still think that time matches with -2 on suicides are very good for 3 or 4 players.... in that way win who deserbs to win, who kill more and died less, also aplicable for 1 vs 1 matches... and ofcurse you can see who is winning with "socre display on" in the option screen;););)
Then, by all means, play that way. Everyone can play how they want to, which is the point this thread is trying to make.


Smash Rookie
Dec 31, 2007
What is a "tilt." I've seen it mentioned countless times and I still have no clue what it is

Deleted member

Very nice post. A tilt is reffered to the in the manual as a "strong attack". It is where u lightly press the control stick in a certain direction and press a.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
great post. I wouldnt mind doing a money match with items involved....the randomness is what gets your blood pressure up plus there is obviously ...money on the line. You are afraid of what you cannot control and cannot see.

In short, play the way you want to play. Dont tell others how the game SHOULD be played.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2007
Columbus, OH
Hey, I am a casual player who nonetheless enjoys the competitive scene and all it's facets. I can wavedash but not in a useful way and I've never put the effort forth to do things like SHFFL and crazy things with the "shines" mostly because my friends don't do it and my fingers don't move fast enough.

I appreciate and understand the competitive community. In fact, so would the vast majority of casual players. Having said that though, this post has a lot of problems, and here's why:

Competitive Gaming of any sort takes the game from its standard mainstream level of play into the most skill-based intense play. It’d be the same as playing Street Ball for kicks compared to the NBA.
Umm... No, not the NBA. More like any generic organized league.

How a game is played, through evolution in thought and practice is the Metagame. I will use some examples from Melee. Why do some new players to the game love Roy and dislike Marth? Why do some think Mewtwo is “really cool and awesome”? Well the answer to this is they don’t understand the current Metagame. Through exploration, practice, tournaments, etc., we have found many Advanced Techniques, which make some characters stronger than others. Fox’s down b, or shine, is very effective in higher play, making him one of the best characters.
This is a very bad way to put it that belittles casual players. Why do I like Ness and Mew-Two? Who cares, that's up to me, I can like whatever I want. I don't need to explain myself by saying I don't "understand the current Metagame" because I'm just one person.

I would recommend putting it the other way around: Why does the entire competitive community dislike Roy and Mew-Two? Because that's where the meta-game has led.

This entails the large discussion of Tier Lists. I won’t go much into that, but I feel that it should be covered in a discussion about Competitive Smash. A Tier List is the list of characters in descending order of their innate talent or abilities. Tier Lists assume equal ability or skill of all players playing at current Metagame.

This does not necessarily mean the top character on the Tier List (Fox) will always beat a character further down the Tier List. Marth, who is currently 4th on the Tier List, has a slight advantage against Falco, who is currently 2nd on the Tier List. The Tier List simply says overall who is “better”.

And yes, TIRES DO EXIST. Fox is significantly better than Pichu (Top vs. Bottom of Tier List). Players of EQUAL skill will find that characters on the bottom of the Tier List are not as good as characters on the top. Okay, enough of this…
This is not the best definition of tiers. Tiers represent the recent tournament scene: who's winning, who's getting used a lot, etc. It has nothing to do with "innate talent or abilities" directly.

Tiers do exist, but not for 99% of players, only in the competitive scene. For most players Kirby and Sheik are basically equally usable.

And, I agree, tires do exist. I own four, and a spare.


Smash Cadet
Nov 4, 2007
I agree with this post so very much, but there is one thing that bothers me.

Brawl is a BRAND NEW game, and still so many people refuse to even try to play with items competitively. It's as if they don't even want to try to relearn the way to play more than they have to.

Who knows, Sakurai may have worked on making the items more balanced in hopes the more "competitive" players could use them too. (Not that this'll change the minds of any of the "hardcore competitive" players though.)


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2008
And if Bowser is on Icicle Mountain, he’s going to have difficulty follow the silliness of stage scrolling at random.
A Bowser-maining friend of mine has never had problems on Icicle Mountain. Jumping + Whirling Fortress isn't a hassle.

As for the issues on items... are you people serious?! The way I see it, items don't take away from competition; they add onto it. For one, they give lesser skilled/knowledgeable players the chance to even the score. Not everyone knows about Smash's tiers. Hell, I didn't until yesterday. Items add to the game's element of requiring skill, reflexes, knowledge, and timing. Sure, luck plays a big part too, but again, that just adds to the fun. It's not like you can't pick and choose which items will drop or how fast. If someone of competition-level using Fox or whomever gets the item, well, that's just attributed to the player's skill and selection. Sure, you may say that allowing luck-based elements such as items favors the speedier characters, but it's not like the other player can't stop them, or even go pick up an item of his own to fight back. In addition, just because someone has an item doesn't mean they're going to use it successfully. A Sniper Scope? Jumping up or down will get you out of the way. Mines? Not hard to avoid. Poke Balls? There's enough to go around. Assist Trophies? Please. We all know what they do now, so it's not hard to avoid those either. My point is, stop whining because you got KOed by a Poke Ball.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2006
Springfield, Ga
Umm... No, not the NBA. More like any generic organized league.
What are you talking about? He compared casual smash to street hoops and competitive smash to the NBA. You're just nitpicking dumb stuff (and being WRONG, I might add.)

Chaotic Yoshi

Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2001
Good try but lots of mistakes. Most obvious one being your tier list definition. The tier list order is based on tournament standings, and how well characters do in tournaments, NOT their individual abilities although yes you could argue that there is a connection between the two. Also fox has alot more going for him than his shine, he can win matches without it just fine with a few exceptions. Like if marth is chaingrabbing him, he needs to not DI and time the shine to get out of it, marth can work around this but still.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2007
Columbus, OH
What are you talking about? He compared casual smash to street hoops and competitive smash to the NBA. You're just nitpicking dumb stuff (and being WRONG, I might add.)
Fair enough, it's nitpicking. But the main problem with the post is all the little words that, while trying to sway casual players, is only going to make them angry, like comparing competitive smash to the NBA while casual players are just Woody Harrelson. It's like "Understand, we don't hate you, we're just better than you."

A lot of the points are valid, but when you read between the lines, it sounds like, "Go ahead, play however you want. If you want to suck at brawl, that's fine with me!" which is just the attitude a lot of casual players can't get past.

I'd point out a few examples in the post but i gtg ttyl.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2007
Very good post. Thank you. I do agree with Joepinion, at least with some coments about the metagame entry...It's a little degrading to people who aren't competitive...for example, I do understand the metagame, intellectually at least, but still find Mewtwo to be awesome (not always in the gameplay sense, but I digress), and a friend of mine who understands the competitive scene in a similar nature to myself still preferrs Roy to Marth. (At least when playing against me).

Point is, the metagame entry is a little inflammatory and could use a revision...because you really have thought this out well and are trying to be polite to both groups of players! Kudos to you!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2008
Good try but lots of mistakes. Most obvious one being your tier list definition. The tier list order is based on tournament standings, and how well characters do in tournaments, NOT their individual abilities although yes you could argue that there is a connection between the two. Also fox has alot more going for him than his shine, he can win matches without it just fine with a few exceptions. Like if marth is chaingrabbing him, he needs to not DI and time the shine to get out of it, marth can work around this but still.
Agreed. Tier lists are how well characters are being used, not the innate power of a character. Perhaps Pichu and Bowser are slightly less innately KO-ful than Falco or Fox, and definitely harder to use effectively, but they can still BEAT Falco and Fox, even at a competitive level, as long as you have the skill with your character, and know your opponent.

There is a modicum of truth to tier lists, but they are by no means the be-all end-all of what characters are 'good' and 'bad'.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2006
Springfield, Ga
Good try but lots of mistakes. Most obvious one being your tier list definition. The tier list order is based on tournament standings, and how well characters do in tournaments, NOT their individual abilities although yes you could argue that there is a connection between the two. Also fox has alot more going for him than his shine, he can win matches without it just fine with a few exceptions. Like if marth is chaingrabbing him, he needs to not DI and time the shine to get out of it, marth can work around this but still.
Dead on. Correlation =/= causation. The tier list doesn't say who's the best. It says who wins the most.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Items weren't always banned. Heart container, maxim tomato, bob-omb, starman etc. were banned right away of course, but it took a while to come to the point we are now with no items. Exploding crates and capsules posed a problem. Party ball was banned because of the bob-ombs... Finally tournament play was itemless and only small part of the stages were legal. Randomness has been removed, which is a good thing.

Gimpyfish said on a recent getyourtournament.com interview that we shouldn't automatically get rid of every item. Check it out if you already haven't. It's on his Youtube channel.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
can I play time matches and still play competitive at the same time?

I dont see why not:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^If that's where the competative scene leads, then yes. The reason items were banned in melee was because (after years of testing) items were deemed to be too random and influential for tournament play. Because items spawn randomly, they reward a player for their position, which they may not have even earned. If items spawned at more predicatble intervals, at more predictable locations, then they'd be better for tournament play.

No one says that it takes no skill to use items, because it obviously does. What takes no skill is being near an item when it spawns, because spawning is completely random. I think items will probably be banned again for this reason.

OP: Your example for banning stages is terrible. You should've simply used the Hyrule and Brinstar Depths examples. Hyrule is banned because it has a circle layout, which allows the faster character to run around in circles without being caught. Brinstar Depths is banned because the stage changes randomly with almost no indication of which way it's going to change, which can force someone into a bad position when the opponent never did anything.

Your definition of tier lists is also wrong. The tier list is based off of tournament results. Foxes tend to place higher than other characters, and in greater numbers, which is why he's so high. The tier list is based on who is being played at the highest level, not the other way around.


Smash Cadet
Apr 22, 2006
Don't forget that it's actually a really good post.
If you edit it so that it's perfectly correct, it would be great to have it stickied.
I think that it would be very good if casuals and competitive players could reach some kind of understanding.
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