I seem to have a lot to respond to.
Next CaptainAwesum played against Bloodcross who basically imploded. Bloodcross had been sent to losers by JohnNumbers in some fascinating and complicated Wii Fit Trainer vs Charizard matches (related, this match-up would never, ever happen in customs off) and was clearly rattled by the loss from the start. He played as Fox and played like a madman. He ran in with the lead for no clear reason. He would hold his reflector against projectiles, Villager would throw projectiles, and he'd drop the reflector and run into the projectiles, getting hit. His solution to Villager ledgestalling was to jump above the ledge and aim Twisting Fox down which doesn't actually make any sense and just kept getting him hit. He only seemed to try the "down smash the non-invincible ledgegrab" thing I keep saying once, and it killed Villager when he did it. After getting that kill that way, he went back to trying to challenge it with Twisting Fox which doesn't work and lost the game. He counterpicked Halberd and still didn't seem to know what to do but kept it close despite not really playing in a strategic way. However, he lost the first stock and then immediately forfeited the match, leaving the play area visibly upset. Bloodcross does not seem to be a bad player so I believe on another day he would have been able to win, but his mind was not in the game and he defeated himself. Custom Villager gets no points for this win.
Then it gets golden. Mike Kirby using Meteor Stone annihilates CaptainAwesum, landing early kills with it in both games (Villager was around 20% when it killed him in the second game). Mike Kirby never used the "don't approach when you have the lead" strategy; he just challenged everything and won convincingly. CaptainAwesum then got on the stream to talk about his loss. He accused Mike Kirby of being scummy for not explaining his customs before the game and generally attributed his loss to being surprised by Meteor Stone. He worded his johns carefully so the commentator interviewing him took him as a good sport and even praised him for having a good attitude. This set twitch chat off since they had just watched him get basically two fluke wins in a row using his gimmicky strategies, lose resoundingly to a straight up solid player, and then talk like that on stream. I'm not even trying to criticize him; it's incredible for the scene when people act like he did. He cast himself as a near perfect villain, and there's a great storyline at the next tournament if he gets paired against any of his last three opponents. Players like him get streams emotionally invested in the game. He didn't really make custom Villager look all that powerful either; it took some massively good fortune for him to place as well as 4th. I don't think anything bad happened at that tournament, and I remain convinced custom Villager is a decent but not notably good character (probably around 10th best in the cast, kinda polarizing but very tame compared to similar characters from other games and the customs aren't the main thing that make him polarizing).
I do get a sense that Villager is a character a lot of people really don't understand; this is making is clear to me I need to produce an anti-Villager guide that both shows very specifically how to beat the ledgestalling (it's not like walk-off camping at all; it's just a bad tactic that should lose 100% of the time in a consistent, formulaic fashion) and discusses in general how to fight against this weird, annoying character including his customs (the short version is that if you play a heavy you're probably screwed but are screwed whether customs are on or not, and everyone else can deal with Villager's various gimmicks). A good guide on this topic hopefully should diffuse the anti-Villager sentiment that seems to be at the heart of a lot of anti-custom concerns. I'll do it as a video since more people seem to pay attention to those, but I won't be able to make it until the weekend since I'll need a recording partner to show both sides of exchanges and such. Jaxas had a really good thread he even called "dealing with jank" that has a lot of good intel, and while I can only do so much, I definitely do hope that will get revived and filled with information about countering Kong Cyclone and other such moves that often concern people. If we work together and spread good, helpful information, we can definitely make this customs on game a lot more fun for everyone which I think is an everyone wins scenario. I think that's something good to pursue.
Custom gimmicks don't dominate locals in Kansas though, and if we have anything, we have mid-high level players. Of course, we also play all the time with customs on so it's just the game we know; we definitely saw players get rocked by Hammer Spin Dash the first time they saw it (we have two local Sonics who take great advantage of that move), but everyone has learned how to play around it as well as they've learned to play around everything else. We've actually seen it be a positive dynamic around here, just expanding the range of things players can go for. What makes Kansas so different from your local scene? When I see customs work so well here at home and also at a national scale among top players, it's just really hard for me to see the specific type of player who is needing help especially since it seems like we seldom get good cases of players articulating specific complaints clearly.The problem with the "git good" argument regarding balance is that people care more about the games balance at mid-high level rather then top. Compare Melee and Brawl for that, MK at TOP level had pretty inconsistent results that weren't much worse then other competitive games. But he dominated mid-high level and was prone to Cinderella stories, and this was (incorrectly) attributed to the same degree of dominance at top level. In Melee fox has similar results at the top, but people are generally willing to give that a pass because below top level you can give fox a hard time.
Whether that's logical or not that's just the way it is, and customs advocates should be rightly worried of the perception of fairness/balance at mid- high level. At the very least though it can be said to potentially make the game unfun for mid-high level play which constitutes a ton of players, so changing that perception if possible is key.
I feel like we need to actually look at the games in depth at Smash Attack 6 that let CaptainAwesum do as well as he did (4th place). First he beat Snakee's Rosalina in a ridiculously tense set. Snakee misplayed and dropped game one to Villager, but he came back and beat that Villager in game two and seemed clearly on the road to winning the set. The captain counterpicked Battlefield/Kong Cyclone and went to work. Snakee generally responded to Kong Cyclone poorly, running into it a lot and never punishing bad landings with it (as spammy as Captain was, he could have just run away and spammed Shooting Star Bit honestly). Regardless, he just boxed his way to a good lead, but he was just failing to land any kind of a kill and started to play really scared (not asserting control over the match at all). This happens a lot in game 3 losers bracket games in tournaments; the nerves got to him, and it hurts a control based character like Rosalina the most since you lose so badly with her if you lose focus (and she also has no "easy" kills; you have to be on-point to land fatal blows with her). Either way, Snakee's lead was big enough that he has time and eventually lands a Luma Warp that was a forced convert to an fsmash kill... and messes up his execution and doesn't fsmash. The dance continues and he does it again; he hits with another Luma Warp that is a forced kill set-up and just drops his input. After this the dance continues and DK finally snipes with an off-stage kill. Snakee outplayed CaptainAwesum but made significant execution errors and played scared in a critical game three, and it cost him the win. This should mean a lot to him as a player but wasn't about the customs beating him.My specific issue is that, outside of @Amazing Ampharos (whom I thank for making the effort to actually producing an argument), no one including yourself has been willing to accept that in the customs meta, there are tactics and strategies that are abusive in the tournament scene, and dealing with these players who are willing to abuse them just aren't fun. Funny how Smash Attack had this very player reach 4th place by abusing Villager camping and Kong Cyclone. Even further, LGL are being proposed now. The LGL rule isn't saying "Villager camping is unbeatable". The LGL rule is saying "Villager camping is stupid and we want it to die".
Next CaptainAwesum played against Bloodcross who basically imploded. Bloodcross had been sent to losers by JohnNumbers in some fascinating and complicated Wii Fit Trainer vs Charizard matches (related, this match-up would never, ever happen in customs off) and was clearly rattled by the loss from the start. He played as Fox and played like a madman. He ran in with the lead for no clear reason. He would hold his reflector against projectiles, Villager would throw projectiles, and he'd drop the reflector and run into the projectiles, getting hit. His solution to Villager ledgestalling was to jump above the ledge and aim Twisting Fox down which doesn't actually make any sense and just kept getting him hit. He only seemed to try the "down smash the non-invincible ledgegrab" thing I keep saying once, and it killed Villager when he did it. After getting that kill that way, he went back to trying to challenge it with Twisting Fox which doesn't work and lost the game. He counterpicked Halberd and still didn't seem to know what to do but kept it close despite not really playing in a strategic way. However, he lost the first stock and then immediately forfeited the match, leaving the play area visibly upset. Bloodcross does not seem to be a bad player so I believe on another day he would have been able to win, but his mind was not in the game and he defeated himself. Custom Villager gets no points for this win.
Then it gets golden. Mike Kirby using Meteor Stone annihilates CaptainAwesum, landing early kills with it in both games (Villager was around 20% when it killed him in the second game). Mike Kirby never used the "don't approach when you have the lead" strategy; he just challenged everything and won convincingly. CaptainAwesum then got on the stream to talk about his loss. He accused Mike Kirby of being scummy for not explaining his customs before the game and generally attributed his loss to being surprised by Meteor Stone. He worded his johns carefully so the commentator interviewing him took him as a good sport and even praised him for having a good attitude. This set twitch chat off since they had just watched him get basically two fluke wins in a row using his gimmicky strategies, lose resoundingly to a straight up solid player, and then talk like that on stream. I'm not even trying to criticize him; it's incredible for the scene when people act like he did. He cast himself as a near perfect villain, and there's a great storyline at the next tournament if he gets paired against any of his last three opponents. Players like him get streams emotionally invested in the game. He didn't really make custom Villager look all that powerful either; it took some massively good fortune for him to place as well as 4th. I don't think anything bad happened at that tournament, and I remain convinced custom Villager is a decent but not notably good character (probably around 10th best in the cast, kinda polarizing but very tame compared to similar characters from other games and the customs aren't the main thing that make him polarizing).
Come on Shaya; I pick my words for many reasons but not to spite you. I think you are sometimes intentionally difficult and are inclined to play devil's advocate, but I actually do like you and wouldn't go out of my way to spite you. The response I really wanted was for people to actually delve into specific customs so we could talk about them; I really feel like all cases of "custom jank" are primarily due to a lack of player education on effective tactics. I obviously can't explain how to beat all 408 custom moves just because even I can only type so much so I need directed toward which moves the anti-custom side has issue with so we can properly document the appropriate counter-strategies, thus reducing people's reason to criticize customs by teaching them how to beat the things that are problems for them. I'm also a bit of a natural cynic and suspect some anti-custom people are slow to publicly commit to detailed criticism of specific customs for tactical political reasons, and I do want to defeat those people politically by trying to force them to commit. So yeah I'm killing two birds with one stone, but I promise I'm altruistic in the end.I don't make any claims for broken. The only argument I would make is strategically or mechanically different to the rest of the game. How one perceives that would be up to the beholder. Anyone with wit can word a conundrum that cannot be beaten when you hold all the cards on subjective terming. This is coming from the guy who honestly uses the word objectively just to spite me I'm pretty sure, he knows what he's doing.
I do get a sense that Villager is a character a lot of people really don't understand; this is making is clear to me I need to produce an anti-Villager guide that both shows very specifically how to beat the ledgestalling (it's not like walk-off camping at all; it's just a bad tactic that should lose 100% of the time in a consistent, formulaic fashion) and discusses in general how to fight against this weird, annoying character including his customs (the short version is that if you play a heavy you're probably screwed but are screwed whether customs are on or not, and everyone else can deal with Villager's various gimmicks). A good guide on this topic hopefully should diffuse the anti-Villager sentiment that seems to be at the heart of a lot of anti-custom concerns. I'll do it as a video since more people seem to pay attention to those, but I won't be able to make it until the weekend since I'll need a recording partner to show both sides of exchanges and such. Jaxas had a really good thread he even called "dealing with jank" that has a lot of good intel, and while I can only do so much, I definitely do hope that will get revived and filled with information about countering Kong Cyclone and other such moves that often concern people. If we work together and spread good, helpful information, we can definitely make this customs on game a lot more fun for everyone which I think is an everyone wins scenario. I think that's something good to pursue.