Seagull Joe, you're not going to get keyboard-warriors who don't impact tournaments to actually have a pragmatic understanding to why thesehttp:// are problems.
A counter existing to something "stupid" doesn't change it being "stupid" (yes yes, let's all argue the use of the word stupid is stupid and hence everything I say is stupid, stupid). The counter existing being a problem in and of itself, like let's say "legalizing Wii Fit Studio as it has no ledges" just goes to show how poor their understanding of the competitive game as it is. Then they'll expect for an argument to be made back and tout victory (DON'T WANT WIIFIT LEGAL? SCRUB, KEEP COMPLAINING ABOUT EXTREME BALLOON TRIP MEW2KING) while nothing actually gets resolved.
"Arrogant" (salty/biased/whatever) high level players and "modern" theorycrafters are the two extreme ends of the same 'political' spectrum . The difference is that high level players are actually relevant stakeholders to the future of the game, while theorycrafters are not (
if you want I could go on about the similarities to the US' support of neo-fascist regimes in accordance to any left-wing threats throughout middle-asia/eastern europe/africa while support for socialism by world powers is all but dead [or results in UN sanctions that cripple their economies]; but alas I digress). This won't change while theorycrafters only purport "ADAPT AND GET BETTER" or suggest asinine solutions, it's a long dark future ahead of us where theorycrafting used to be something I prided myself upon.
Customs on is a different game with a different meta (it hasn't taken long for it to diverge noticeably as such, even if Diddy still takes the cake). I don't have issue with a game that has all the best characters killing at 60% (been making this statement for weeks, maybe even months now). It seems generally more and more noticeable that this is what the best characters tend to be able to do, it's not a bad thing when enough of the cast has it. The anti-meta happens to be characters with custom specials that annihilate all zoning or semblance of 'neutral' that existed in other games; in the long run that anti-meta is likely of detriment to the game's survival if those characters actually end up being high/top tier in viability (heck they don't even need to be, if they're
popular people WILL quit the game [inb4 "good riddance", the attitude both sides take that always makes me sad

Diddy/Sheik are still demons in customs off, virtually causing the same problems just there's even more of it; tell me Sheik isn't a shut-down-all-game-play and time you out with needles or Diddy's insanely early kill confirms aren't estranged from the rest of the cast. The problem that XYZ causes isn't resolved by having even more characters pose that problem on the rest of the metagame (broken beating broken is usually a good fun time though). But the game play differences within customs is a bit farfetched for
anyone to expect the
entirety of the community to accept with open arms.
I used to feel customs was just an extension of the meta or improving characters in ways that more aptly coincide with competitive play, but I really can't justify that opinion anymore. It's not that customs are bad or great or whatever else, it's asking us to play a different game when there is no way to argue one is better than the other objectively. I'm for the most part really excited to see that this game we have can have so much "in it" with just a small twinge of game-play options and would only ever want both games to continually develop (until they eventually converge). I see the issues of customs-off (Diddy) being addressed by Xyro in a "we'll ban Diddy before allowing customs, and if his dominance remains after 12 months he will be banned" and in my eyes that looks like a lot more balanced game than customs-on offers. Balancing the game ourselves is dangerous but without the willingness to do so the game will/would die (e.g. no LGL in Brawl), and that's something
none of us want.