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Catherine Mafia Game Over! Lolilovesrain wins in Queenmaker!

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Dragging this day out would not only result in some pretty bad inactivity[/b]

uh, how? and who cares? and keeping it short allows potential scum to not have to commit to much of anything today. A decent number of people haven't contributed much of anything, and those that did only really discussed zen. If there's only one wagon, joining it doesn't really mean much since everyone else is doing it anyways.

Also, "dragging this day out" means playing for longer than a day? right.

but it would allow scum more room to escape.
This is marshy's reasoning, and yea but that's just a sign of bad town. If you really caught someone for doing something scummy than you don't just let them wiggle out of a lynch just because you prolong the day.

Ask soup how well quicklynching worked for us in gorf's game (despite the setup favoring town)

this might not be that big a deal if zen flips scum though. but still

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
uh, how? and who cares? and keeping it short allows potential scum to not have to commit to much of anything today. A decent number of people haven't contributed much of anything, and those that did only really discussed zen. If there's only one wagon, joining it doesn't really mean much since everyone else is doing it anyways.

Also, "dragging this day out" means playing for longer than a day? right.
Yeah, your "less contribution" points are good, but this is a small game. Common sense says that there's only a 2-Man scumteam; there's less connections that need to be analyzed.

Regular days on SWF almost always drag out into the very end of the day, if a quicklynch doesn't occur. Like I said, dragging this day out can result in a whole lot of nothing, which isn't good.

This is marshy's reasoning, and yea but that's just a sign of bad town. If you really caught someone for doing something scummy than you don't just let them wiggle out of a lynch just because you prolong the day.
But that's what longer days and multiple wagons do. It's possible for something else to happen in a long day, and multiple wagons can also result in that person escaping.

We don't need a daylong discussion before going back to our origional target. This is a small game. Common sense says that there's only a 2-Man scumteam; there's less connections that need to be analyzed.

And yes, I believe that Zen could wiggle out of this town.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
First off, Soup you did expect the hammer to drop. Hence why you asked multiple people to hammer. Own up to your bad play this game.

Second, the people on my wagon are to blame. Not myself. Badwolf continues to play the same despite people expressing discontent with his play. If people continue to follow anything Ryker says, you're going to lose. It's really that simple.

Badwolf for now on Macman gets to control the final say in your vote. Do what he says for goodness sake.

Ori has a random town read on me despite others discontent. Likely because he is mafia and knows I'm town. Looking pretty clear to me that he is trying to set himself up as "i told you so" blameless for the lynch.

Bardull would be my second suspicion simply based on vibe.

Make sure no one gets away with inactivity. You guys can at least kill off an inactive d2 and then get down to real business d3.

Please respect my wish in ignoring Ryker. No idea why you guys were getting on me for saying that. He really is a player that should be ignored. He has too much influence that drives town in a bad direction.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Doc on me. I'm winning this game. Zen, you're an *******, you know that?

In the event that I die, lynch DH with extreme prejudice. Hammer and rampant baseless set-up speculation. Uguu is probably town. I don't like Clover's push for a claim because I didn't expect it from a new slot. Ori actually is probably scum. It's ironic because Zen thinks he is because how could anyone possibly have developed a town read on Zen. Soup is my third choice after DH and Ori.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
First off, Soup you did expect the hammer to drop. Hence why you asked multiple people to hammer. Own up to your bad play this game.
No, you played badly and got yourself lynched, I agreed with mac on waiting but you can't pin this **** on me.

Good day.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
In the event that I die, lynch DH with extreme prejudice. Hammer and rampant baseless set-up speculation.
Not really, unless you're talking about how I sai that there's probably a two man scumteam, which I use to show why we don't need things like multiple real wagons.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
No, you played badly and got yourself lynched, I agreed with mac on waiting but you can't pin this **** on me.

Good day.
well he has a point in that you said you didn't really want a hammer, yet you were encouraging others to hammer. This is odd because your actions and your statements don't line up

I disagree that it's bad play but it could potentially be scummy.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
also i agree with murderbush's reads. cept uguu should still get policy lynched

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Vote Count 1-5

1. Zen {6 -
} - Murderbush, Soup, BadClover, SummonerAU, Uguu, Dark Horse

2. LoliH.Riddle {0}
3. Macman {0}
4. Uguu {1 -
} - Macman
5. Murderbush {0}
6. BadClover {0}
7. Ori_Bro {0}
8. SummonerAU {0}
9. Soup {0}
10. Dark Horse {0}
11. Bardull {1 -
} - Zen

Not Voting {3 -
- LoliH.Riddle, Ori_Bro, Bardull

Oh dear, well that ended a lot quicker than I imagined. Seems the fellow players thought this poor man was part of the reason for all their troubles. Too bad they were wrong.

All this man was, was a man with a jaded past. His mother had him locked up in the basement, she continuously ***** him and abused him till he was finally able to escape. He used the rest of his life to make try and salvage it, but he continuously began to abuse women himself in a different way. He would sleep with them and then take all their money and run. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't stop.

His ultimate nightmare was his mother.

However, that wasn't what ended him. It was the people around him that decided his time was up.

"Mr. Archie died this morning." said Lindsay and Martha from their booth. As usual, the women were correct.

Archie (Ramen King), Town Vanilla, has been lynched!

Well my lovely contestants, seems you got this one wrong. Or maybe that's what you wanted in the end? A little chaos isn't a bad thing is it?​

Night 1 begins!

Deadline is set for 7/30 at midnight CMT.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Well, it seems you all have returned to continue the fight. How thrilling. However, it seems not all of you will be returning to this battlefield.

A sheep died last night trying to fight their way to the top.

He was a simple man, with a sad past. His wife died at the fate of another cruel individual. Kind of fitting he died the same way. At the fate of another cruel individual. He was trying to fight his way to the top to hopefully find a way out of his nightmare but it was too much for him. With a feel push of a block, he tried to jump out of the way and ended up dieing at the hands of his nightmare. His wife.

"The dreamy Mr. Morgan died this morning." said Lindsay and Marsha in creepy unison again.

Morgan (Macman), Town Vanilla, was killed during the night!

Well with two sheep down and out of the herd, here's to more bloodshed in hopes of winning this fight.

Vote Count 2-1

1. LoliH.Riddle {0}
2. Uguu {0}
3. Murderbush {0}
4. BadClover {0}
5. Ori_Bro {0}
6. SummonerAU {0}
7. Soup {0}
8. Dark Horse {0}
9. Nabe {0)

Not Voting {9 -
- LoliH.Riddle, Uguu, Murderbush, BadClover, Ori_Bro, SummonerAU, Soup, Dark Horse, Nabe

Day 2 Begins!
Deadline is set for 8/5 at 12:00pm CMT

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
I claim Jonathon "Jonny" Ariga, town census taker. Once during the game I can tell how many town and how many scum (not specific alignment) are on the lynch wagon. There were two scum on the wagon last yesterday.

Vote Dark Horse

I hate his hammer, his justification for it, and his set-up speculation.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I agree that Dark Horse was being weird about hammering, he kept mention how he wanted to do it and then just does it anyway. I need to look at Clover's posts again to decide if I want them move than Dark Horse. I remember clover saying some things that I thought were odd at the time.

I think that the two scum are within soup/clover/horse, Uguu was looking pretty town yesterday. You three, tell me what's up and what you want to do with the info ryker given.

Nabe/Loli, need posts from you about the current situation and who you think needs to go. It's pretty annoying that a day has passed and your two slots has next to nothing contributed.

why you guys gotta be hammering while I sleep, geez.


Smash Rookie
Jul 18, 2012
I claim Jonathon "Jonny" Ariga, town census taker. Once during the game I can tell how many town and how many scum (not specific alignment) are on the lynch wagon. There were two scum on the wagon last yesterday.

Vote Dark Horse

I hate his hammer, his justification for it, and his set-up speculation.
If Dark Horse flipped scum who would be his buddy?

Why should we trust you?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
I agree that Dark Horse was being weird about hammering, he kept mention how he wanted to do it and then just does it anyway.
I'm not going to go and hammer before at least getting some sort of OK. Otherwise, I would just trip up people. By the time I hammered, it seeened as though macman was the only one that was really against the hammer.

Vote Dark Horse

I hate his hammer, his justification for it, and his set-up speculation.
Setup speculation? Seriously? The closest I had ever come to setup speculation was saying "there's probably two scum, so there's less connections to be analyzed"


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
My bad at the murderbush slot, I only recognise Ryker's name in it so I keep calling the slot Ryker. Moving on...

Does BadClover asking why we should trust the murderbush claim not strike you as scummy?

Let me lay this down in case you need it. Murderbush has not named any scum, all he has said is that their are two scum on the wagon. He then made a push that used reasons that were not connected to his roleclaim at all. Basically he's made a push for a lynch that he didn't need to claim for while giving reasons for who he thinks is one of those scum members. Basically, he hasn't made any pushes 'asking us to trust him' and his claim basically boils down to him saying he's town and that he things there are 2 scum between these 5 people. (I won't explain how this would impact how scum would NK if Ryker were scum)

There's nothing to 'trust' about murderbush besides normal lynch pushes. The only reason I can see for asking "why should we trust you" is to bring doubt onto the additional information he's given about the number of scum on the wagon. Which I can only see you doing if you don't want that info taken into consideration. Should have done this in my last post, I blame posting while in the middle of an assignment Vote: BadClover

like there's no reason to suggest that Ryker shouldn't be trusted, but that isn't the same as saying he should be trusted if you understand the distinction I'm trying to make. whatever I'm going to bed

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Raziek, at any point yesterDay did it occur to you that townZen never holds himself accountable for anything? In Fire Emblem as scum I got on him for that, you might recall. Was the push Ryker's idea?

Regardless, the Zen push was a good idea. It's easy to imagine that Ryker had a hunch on Zen and followed through with it immediately because you guys are census taker and wanted to generate an aggressive lynch to either get scum in D1 or clean up on scum with the census. And then suddenly everything you did yesterDay makes sense.

Your claim toDay is a little bit hard to swallow. You could be a lynch-based role justifying yesterDay's and toDay's projected behaviour via fakeclaim. And toDay I feel a bit torn on you, because you've offered DH reasoning and it feels a bit fake, like your push yesterDay.

I'd like to hear other reads from your slot, and soon, as well as more DH commentary and a little bit of other-player commentary. And I'd like a synopsis of your PM flavour, i.e. how J justifies your character as a census taker.


#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
There's nothing to 'trust' about murderbush besides normal lynch pushes. The only reason I can see for asking "why should we trust you" is to bring doubt onto the additional information he's given about the number of scum on the wagon. Which I can only see you doing if you don't want that info taken into consideration. Should have done this in my last post, I blame posting while in the middle of an assignment Vote: BadClover

like there's no reason to suggest that Ryker shouldn't be trusted, but that isn't the same as saying he should be trusted if you understand the distinction I'm trying to make. whatever I'm going to bed
Who are your other reads? Also, is this read new, or does it follow from Clover's play yesterDay as well?


#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I see you named some other reads here, Summoner, I'm dumb. A little elaboration on them please, and in a hurry on Horse in particular if you follow me.
Nabe/Loli, need posts from you about the current situation and who you think needs to go. It's pretty annoying that a day has passed and your two slots has next to nothing contributed.
You don't think the previous Day was reasonably short?


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I claim Jonathon "Jonny" Ariga, town census taker. Once during the game I can tell how many town and how many scum (not specific alignment) are on the lynch wagon. There were two scum on the wagon last yesterday.

Vote Dark Horse

I hate his hammer, his justification for it, and his set-up speculation.
If you're telling the truth, I would prefer BadClover. Why did you claim exactly? I want to look at a couple of things again.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I still like Summoner. I am very cautious of Muderbush. Nabe had a great entry post. Why is Uguu town again? Let me read Dark Horse too really quick.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
That's what I assumed he was claiming to be annoying.

Raz has not posted in the thread since I posted the Unvote/Vote post. He was offline for the entirety of the Zen lynch unless he logged in that morning before the day ended. Regardless, he didn't disagree with me.

Town Zen never holds himself accountable for anything, but neither does scum Zen. If town Zen wants to play that game with me, he can continue to die until it stops. I did think he would flip scum and my thought process is in the thread already.

Our role PM does not specifically justify being a Census Taker unless you count something along the lines of "you keep your compsure, regardless of the situation" as justification. Aside from that, it basically tells us that after saying we are one of the protagonist's best friends and that we have some skeletons in our own closet. Then it launches into our ability and win con. All of that is paraphrased.

The character has been Raz's avatar this game. I have not played the game.

Clover, the question isn't why you should trust me, it is what is the problem you have with the information I've put forward.

Summoner, Clover sits on null lean scum same as yesterday. All I've seen is a new player that leaps at a chance to ask Zen to claim after I proposed it when he only had three votes and that remains ****ing weird.

Nabe, reads are in the thread from yesterday and remain mostly untouched. Ori looks much better because there are two scum that can't be him. DH's hammer and terrible justification is ****ing ****ty. I see no gain from his two scum comment. As the game currently stands, he sits at the top of my lynchpool. Mac flip does him no favors.

No, I will not be pushing to end this day quickly.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Soup triple ninja.

If you're telling the truth, I would prefer BadClover. Why did you claim exactly? I want to look at a couple of things again.
Because I have a one shot ability that is used with positive results. I would be ****ing stupid not to claim.

Why Clover? Also give me a read on DH. Assume that we lynch both with only one scum between them and that two players off the wagon die and flip town, where do you go next based on what we have now?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup triple ninja.

Because I have a one shot ability that is used with positive results. I would be ****ing stupid not to claim.

Why Clover? Also give me a read on DH. Assume that we lynch both with only one scum between them and that two players off the wagon die and flip town, where do you go next based on what we have now?
I was considering Bardull for his only post asking Zen what his reads should be, but then he replaced out before I could do anything at all wrt that slot. I will in a second.
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