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BaganSmashBros and ko.'s Kustom Kontent - King K. Rool, Kraid and...Metal Face?!

How would you rate each project?

  • (K. Rool) Kotally Awesome 5/5

    Votes: 166 80.2%
  • (K. Rool) Kool 4/5

    Votes: 18 8.7%
  • (K. Rool) ...ok? 3/5

    Votes: 10 4.8%
  • (K. Rool) K. Rapp 2/5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • (K. Rool) Kek 1/5

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • (Kraid) Awesomesauce 5/5

    Votes: 54 26.1%
  • (Kraid) Very good 4/5

    Votes: 27 13.0%
  • (Kraid) Good 3/5

    Votes: 34 16.4%
  • (Kraid) Fair 2/5

    Votes: 14 6.8%
  • (Kraid) Poor 1/5

    Votes: 15 7.2%
  • (Metal Face) ...SMASHING! Hah hah hah 5/5

    Votes: 90 43.5%
  • (Metal Face) Acceptable 4/5

    Votes: 38 18.4%
  • (Metal Face) Weak! 3/5

    Votes: 15 7.2%
  • (Metal Face) Pathetic! 2/5

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • (Metal Face) Worthless! 1/5

    Votes: 16 7.7%

  • Total voters


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
OP under construction (among things to do are spoilers, banners for each character, full moveset list, etc) and everything is subject to change due to various reasons. Movesets, for example, can get very noticable changes depending on what fits the character better or whats more balanced.

Since i felt that stuffing all of this into my PM Ridley mod thread would be difficult to handle, i decided to make a new thread. Below are characters that have any progress done and will be finished in next year with one exception. Size comparisons use orthographic...perspective...whatever to make sure angle doesn't makes X character or Y character look bigger or smaller and models have size that their FitCharacter.pac use in attributes. They are put in such poses to make sure they don't clip into each other and because they are more likely to be in similar pose than with arms spread or something. K.Rool isn't standing like this because its impossible for now. And yes, those mods are meant to be used in PM, but should work in vBrawl.
...and sorry for the whole "K instead of C" thing. Couldn't do anything about it.

King K.Rool
Developers: BaganSmashBros, Álvaro_WS (model), jaystring (rigging), drogoth232 (not sure yet)
Priority: top priority
Recolors: N/A
What's done: custom model and textures for K.Rool and his Blunderbuss
Size comparison:

Current moveset:

  • Specials:
    • Neutral B - launches a cannonball from his Blunderbuss. Can be charged. Cannonballs can't be absorbed, but they can be reflected and they are affected by gravity. If charged for too long, Blunderbuss explodes, dealing high knockback to opponent and high damage to K.Rool.
    • Side B - throws his crown like a boomerang. Crown can hit twice (when it goes forward and when it goes back to K.Rool). Can't be used until crown is back to his head. If it goes off-screen, it just appears on his head. Can be reflected.
    • Down B - N/A
    • Up B - uses his jetpack to recover. Can be interrupted with any attack. If he doesn't deactivates it in time, it malfunctions and shocks him (and whoever is touching him) before exploding. Deals 11% total to K.Rool and opponents.
    • Final Smash - uses his Blunderbuss to pull opponents closer, then starts shooting random projectiles (spiked cannonballs, normal cannonballs, freezing gas, paralyzing gas, toxic gas, water, etc). At some point, his Blunderbuss starts overheating, which causes it to malfunction and explode.
Screenshots: N/A
Base character used for him will be Toon Link because he has a boomerang (crown toss), arrows (cannonballs), Final Smash i need and TL is a semi-clone already.
K.Rool is kinda similar to Little Mac from SSB4. He is far better on the ground than in the air and his attacks are fast and yet still powerful. But i wouldn't say he is exactly like him. He is heavier, bigger and a bit slower, his ground attacks aren't that f***ing good compared to aerial attacks, his recovery isn't useless, he has strong projectiles and he can freeze, paralyze, bury and poison his opponent with his throws. His ground jump is surprisingly high for someone like him, but air jump is a lot worse and he has high falling speed. His running speed is high, but his dash attack and grab are slow.

(Fake?) Kraid
Developers: BaganSmashBros, Frayark (model and possibly animations)
Priority: mid/high
Recolors: normal (green scales, red eyes and yellow/white skin), red team (red scales, orange eyes and grey skin), blue team (dark blue scales, blue eyes and blue skin), purple (purple scales, orange eyes and red skin), orange (orange scales, green eyes and yellow skin) and gold (everything is gold except for eyes and mouth).
What's done: model
Size comparison: N/A
Current moveset: N/A
Screenshots: N/A
Not sure why exactly i want to make this guy, but he really needs some love. I haven't seen him appear anywhere since Zero Mission and it was like what, 2005? Since i can't really show the model right now (i don't have it and i think its not finished yet), here is what Frayark is using as a base for the model: http://francoferrari.deviantart.com/art/Golden-Statue-KRAID-Final-Shading-543611620
Kraid is not going to win any race anytime soon, but he certainly can break bones. While he is slow, he is very strong and abuses light and heavy armor. His recovery is also bad, but you have to launch him first and he is heavier than Bowser. He also has strong projectiles that can't be absorbed. Im sure PM and even Brawl are bad places for such characters, but i want to be able to handle even this kind of s**t.

Metal Face
Developers: BaganSmashBros
Priority: low
Recolors: normal (black body with red lines and gold parts), red team (red body with blue lines and gold parts), green team (green/jade body with red lines and gold parts), blue team (blue body with red lines and gold parts), silver (silver body with red lines and gold parts), normal (upgraded, black body with red lines and gold parts), red (upgraded, same as red team), green (upgraded, same as green team), blue (upgraded, same as blue team), gold (upgraded, with gold body, green lines and red parts).
What's done: default colors of normal Metal Face, upgraded Metal Face and SSB4 Metal Face (model taken from Models Resource and ripped by ThatTrueStruggle, but i can remove it if i can't use it), all attacks except for Down Throw and most of get hit animations.
Size comparison:


  • Specials:
    • Neutral B - charges up energy on the tip of his cannon. Takes a while to fully charge up (not sure how much exactly). While charging, if B is pressed, he shoots a fast projectile with mediocre knockback that can be absorbed and reflected. Charging it doesn't makes projectile stronger until its fully charged. When fully charged, he releases all of the energy in form of a powerful beam that deals 30% and very high shield damage. Beam lasts for 60 frames, but damage is reduced by 5% with each 10 frames until it reaches 5%. Can be absorbed, but not reflected. Based on his Grand Shot attack.
    • Side B - leans back, takes a few steps forward, slashing his opponent with his long claws 3 times, then dashes forward. Has low priority since none of hitboxes on this attack deal more than 3%. Taken from one annoying boss from another fighting game with similar design to Metal Face. If used in the air, he goes into his jet mode and dashes forward. It is a good horizontal recovery, but useless as vertical recovery.
    • Up B - goes into his jet mode and flies up. Similar to Charizard's, but hit multiple times and goes higher. You can make him move forward or back a bit, but its not very useful as horizontal recovery thanks to Metal Face's high falling speed.
    • Down B - charges up energy in his claws, then smashes the ground. Can hit only if opponent is on the ground (there still is a hitbox on his hand before he touches the ground). Hits mutiple times, with last hit paralyzing like ZSS' Paralyzer. In the air, its same as aerial Side B except aimed down.
    • Final Smash - charges up and releases energy in form of a powerful beam like with Neutral B, but it hits multiple times and its a lot stronger. This is mostly a placeholder for now, but it might stay.
Yes, im serious about this thing. It all started when i had nothing to do and was tired of working on Ridley (something i've been doing for a whole year). And yes, even if you know about Xenoblade Chronicles' plot, it still possible for him to be smaller. Base character used for this guy is ROB because...well, at first, i wanted to use his laser beam for neutral B, but its trail disappeared too quickly and i couldn't fix it.
This guy is a very large (bigger than anyone else) heavyweight with high falling speed. This is a very bad combination, so, getting hit just once might not end well. Fortunately, he is actually rather fast and yet he is strong. Something between Captain Falcon and Ganondorf in terms of speed and attack power. His attack range is high, but only claws are disjointed. He also has a chargeable projectile (well, it doesn't changes at all until you fully charge it and then it becomes Grand Shot) and his recovery specials go very far, but only in one direction and all end with him in helpless state.

Progress on each character will be posted here. There will be no speciffic time when i do it for obvious reasons and it depends on how fast things go with development. Beta testers no longer are accepted.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2015
Pretty awesome roster if you ask me. Remember, I'm always here for beta testing.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2015
Just saw the thread! That K.Rool standing besides DK brings tears to my eyes! Metal Face is not anywhere near my top 100 most wanted characters though
Call me if you want me to play devil's advocate again:smirk:


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Just saw the thread! That K.Rool standing besides DK brings tears to my eyes! Metal Face is not anywhere near my top 100 most wanted characters though
Call me if you want me to play devil's advocate again:smirk:
Its safe to say that he isn't in top 100 most wanted characters for at least 98% of people here, but i had nothing to do, so, eh.
Should i call you when K.Rool will be ready for testing? Right now, only Metal Face is ready for testing and he is the only one who is fully rigged and stuff, but he isn't the main attraction here.
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2015
I can't even play PM right now, but sure, maybe Metal Face too, but I haven't finished playing XB yet so I don't know much about him to suggest any moves or anything like that


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
I can't even play PM right now, but sure, maybe Metal Face too, but I haven't finished playing XB yet so I don't know much about him to suggest any moves or anything like that
Just balancing and bug testing is needed. There isn't enough stuff for him in XC to use for moveset anyway.

Material test for K.Rool:
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2014
Gotta say Metal Face is one of those things that you never knew you wanted until you saw it, much like Ryu was for me. Can't wait until I can see video of him in action. I'm also pretty hype for Kraid, I'd love to see this happen a lot, I hope me, MerryShadow, and KingOfTheHill helped you a bit during our move-set brainstorming (sorry if I'm leaving anyone else out who also participated in that discussion).


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Gotta say Metal Face is one of those things that you never knew you wanted until you saw it, much like Ryu was for me. Can't wait until I can see video of him in action. I'm also pretty hype for Kraid, I'd love to see this happen a lot, I hope me, MerryShadow, and KingOfTheHill helped you a bit during our move-set brainstorming (sorry if I'm leaving anyone else out who also participated in that discussion).
Kinda surprised to hear that (that and Metal Face having good results in the poll) and you certainly helped with Kraid, but first, gotta choose what works better.
I would like to test Metal Face, if only to see your interpretation (hey, your Ridley was amazing, so Metal Face would be cool!)
Then here are few questions:
  • Can you handle large and heavy character with high falling speed (like Ganondorf and Captain Falcon)? This is to make sure you understand how things go.
  • Do you know all of the basic ATs like l-cancelling and wavedashing?
  • Wii/WiiU or Dolphin?
  • Do you want to test only K.Rool? Only Kraid? Only Metal Face? Any character? Only 2 out of 3?
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Banned via Administration
Oct 28, 2014
I'd be open for test any of the characters here, I love your Ridley mod so I want to help balance and test since I'm not really busy with anything right now.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
I'd be open for test any of the characters here, I love your Ridley mod so I want to help balance and test since I'm not really busy with anything right now.
Then answer questions above. Gotta make sure everything goes smooth with testing.
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Banned via Administration
Oct 28, 2014
Then answer questions above. Gotta make sure everything goes smooth with testing.

Kinda surprised to hear that (that and Metal Face having good results in the poll) and you certainly helped with Kraid, but first, gotta choose what works better.

Then here are few questions:
  • Can you handle large and heavy character with high falling speed (like Ganondorf and Captain Falcon)? This is to make sure you understand how things go.
  • Do you know all of the basic ATs like l-cancelling and wavedashing?
  • Wii/WiiU or Dolphin?
Yes, Ganondorf is one of my mains so I'm sure I can handle it high falling speeds.

I know how to do it, but with every fighter no.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2015
I would like to be a beta tester to.
I play both captain falcon and ganondorf
I know all the basic AT's
Play on wii


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
This is great to hear! Great K. Rool model! (Maybe he could use a tail, though...however small).
I don't know how much of a lock the current moveset is (and I imagine there are technical limitations in implementing some things) but here are some moveset ideas by fans, if the moveset is still under development.

by GameFAQS' "Daeyrat":

By @Zombie Saurian

By @CyberWolfJV TheGuy07

I don't think I ever found out who made this one.



Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
This is great to hear! Great K. Rool model! (Maybe he could use a tail, though...however small).
I don't know how much of a lock the current moveset is (and I imagine there are technical limitations in implementing some things) but here are some moveset ideas by fans, if the moveset is still under development.

by GameFAQS' "Daeyrat":

By @Zombie Saurian

By @CyberWolfJV TheGuy07

I don't think I ever found out who made this one.

Noice. The only things that are locked are specials and possibly throws, but i'll certainly use few things from one of those movesets.
I would like to be a beta tester to.
I play both captain falcon and ganondorf
I know all the basic AT's
Play on wii
Ok then.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2015
Wily Castle
This is so awesome! Being a huge fan of the Ridley mod you created and a K. Rool supporter, I can't wait until it is finished.

Then here are few questions:
  • Can you handle large and heavy character with high falling speed (like Ganondorf and Captain Falcon)? This is to make sure you understand how things go.
  • Do you know all of the basic ATs like l-cancelling and wavedashing?
  • Wii/WiiU or Dolphin?
  • Yes
  • Somewhat
  • Wii U.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
This is so awesome! Being a huge fan of the Ridley mod you created and a K. Rool supporter, I can't wait until it is finished.

  • Yes
  • Somewhat
  • Wii U.

Since im adding beta testers to a conversation and i have limit on that and those who want to test only K.Rool and/or Kraid won't be able to do so for a while, i'll just keep a list and add you later. I'll add extra question (Do you want to test only K.Rool? Only Kraid? Only Metal Face? Any character? Only 2 out of 3?) to make sure i know who you want to test.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2015
Wily Castle

Since im adding beta testers to a conversation and i have limit on that and those who want to test only K.Rool and/or Kraid won't be able to do so for a while, i'll just keep a list and add you later. I'll add extra question (Do you want to test only K.Rool? Only Kraid? Only Metal Face? Any character? Only 2 out of 3?) to make sure i know who you want to test.
Honestly, any of the characters I am fine with testing. I can test all of them, but if I had to choose one it would easily be King K. Rool. If you need anyone to test characters for the wii u, I'm here.
Feb 14, 2015
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Count me up for testing K.Rool, as well. I have no need for Toon Link.

Considering I'm already a tester for the Ridley mod, I suppose I shouldn't need to repeat myself. :p


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2015
Count me in on the testing too.
Just finished watching all Metal Face's cinematics from xenoblade, I'm hype AF.
Next I'll look up info on K.Rool, so i can help with his design if necessary.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
Also in for testing please.
Then here are few questions:
  • Can you handle large and heavy character with high falling speed (like Ganondorf and Captain Falcon)? This is to make sure you understand how things go.
  • Do you know all of the basic ATs like l-cancelling and wavedashing?
  • Wii/WiiU or Dolphin?
Not at all
Wii U/Dolphin

??Sanic Hedgehog??

Smash Ace
Aug 18, 2014
#1 I Use Ganon and CF so this is not a problem
#2 Yes, I can DD, L Cancel, and Wavedash
#3 Wii U
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Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2014
Everyone seems to be in on this entire testing thing. I don't care much if I'm actually considered, but Metal Face HAS captured my interest. So just in case:

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Wii
4. Any really, but Metal Face for now

Really nice work here, I have to say. I'm excited to see where it goes.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2014

Since im adding beta testers to a conversation and i have limit on that and those who want to test only K.Rool and/or Kraid won't be able to do so for a while, i'll just keep a list and add you later. I'll add extra question (Do you want to test only K.Rool? Only Kraid? Only Metal Face? Any character? Only 2 out of 3?) to make sure i know who you want to test.
I'll be up for testing King K. Rool and Kraid when the time comes.

I have a Wii U that can run Project M.
I can do the basic ATs like Wave Dashing and L-canceling, I can also perform DACUS if it helps.
I don't really have any problems with heavy characters, I can use them decently.
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Boss Bossanova

Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2015
Check your rear view mirror
[QUOTE="BaganSmashBros, post
Then here are few questions:
  • Can you handle large and heavy character with high falling speed (like Ganondorf and Captain Falcon)? This is to make sure you understand how things go.
  • Do you know all of the basic ATs like l-cancelling and wavedashing?
  • Wii/WiiU or Dolphin?

Ganon's one of my favs, I understand waved asking and am beginning to figure out l canceling, and I use normal wifi. Sorry for the lateness in my reply!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
Could I sign up to be a beta tester?

I think I'd be fine with heavy/fastfalling characters.
I do know the basic wave-dashing and l-cancelling. (Though since I can only use a Wii Mote with Project M on my Wii U, my ability to do so isn't perfect.)
I use the Wii U
I'd like to test K. Rool specifically, since he's the character I want most to be in Smash.

Admittedly, I know very little about Project M and Melee's meta, so I might not be able to give a whole lot of input in that regard, but I can try.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Count me up for testing K.Rool, as well. I have no need for Toon Link.

Considering I'm already a tester for the Ridley mod, I suppose I shouldn't need to repeat myself. :p
Count me in on the testing too.
Just finished watching all Metal Face's cinematics from xenoblade, I'm hype AF.
Next I'll look up info on K.Rool, so i can help with his design if necessary.
Also in for testing please.

Not at all
Wii U/Dolphin
Same, still up to testing.
#1 I Use Ganon and CF so this is not a problem
#2 Yes, I can DD, L Cancel, and Wavedash
#3 Wii U
Everyone seems to be in on this entire testing thing. I don't care much if I'm actually considered, but Metal Face HAS captured my interest. So just in case:

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Wii
4. Any really, but Metal Face for now

Really nice work here, I have to say. I'm excited to see where it goes.
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Dolphin
4) All of Them
I'll be up for testing King K. Rool and Kraid when the time comes.

I have a Wii U that can run Project M.
I can do the basic ATs like Wave Dashing and L-canceling, I can also perform DACUS if it helps.
I don't really have any problems with heavy characters, I can use them decently.
Ganon's one of my favs, I understand waved asking and am beginning to figure out l canceling, and I use normal wifi. Sorry for the lateness in my reply!
I'd love to be a tester.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Wii U
4. Kraid
Count me in on the beta testing as well. I will do what I can to help! :D
Could I sign up to be a beta tester?

I think I'd be fine with heavy/fastfalling characters.
I do know the basic wave-dashing and l-cancelling. (Though since I can only use a Wii Mote with Project M on my Wii U, my ability to do so isn't perfect.)
I use the Wii U
I'd like to test K. Rool specifically, since he's the character I want most to be in Smash.

Admittedly, I know very little about Project M and Melee's meta, so I might not be able to give a whole lot of input in that regard, but I can try.
Thats a lot of beta testers. More than what Ridley had. Very well then. Gotta make more than one conversation then.
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Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2014
Ah bummer. I was at work and couldn't post. Looks like you have more than enough testers. But just in case...
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Wii


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Added grab attack and Massacre Lotus or whatever its called (taken from...someone who should not be mentioned) as Down Throw to Metal Face.

Unlike original attack, it doesn't instantly kills for obvious reasons. Instead, it deals high damage (17%), but its also very slow and knockback growth isn't high. He either laughs or uses one of randomly chosen lines during this throw.
Note: framerate on the .gif is 20fps. And mii post image in the background was not intentional.
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