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Famicom Tantei Detective Ayumi Tachibana Thread (There Was Almost an Ayumi Costume in Bayonetta)

Do you support Ayumi Tachibana and the detective?

  • Total voters

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

I'm a little (just a little) surprised that there was not a thread about them already, so here it comes.

This is the thread to support Ayumi Tachibana and the nameless protagonist from Famicom Tantei Club.

What is Famicom Tantei Club?
Famicom Tantei Club is one of the original Famicom Disk System series, created by Gunpei Yokoi and developed by Nintendo R&D1. It was a text-based series, one of the firsts of the kind.
Famicom Tantei Club had some similarities with another text-based series, Famicom Mukashi Banashi:
1) The games from both series occupied two disks each.
2) Two games from each series were released for the Famicom Disk System: The Missing Heir and its prequel The Girl Who Stands In the Back were Famicom Tantei Club games, while Shin Onigashima and Yuyuki were Famicom Mukashi Banashi games.
3) Both franchises were revived for the Satellaview.

Who are those characters?
The detective is the nameless protagonist of the first two games of the series. He worked as an assistant of Shunsuke Utsugi. The player controls him via text-based commands in order to interact with people and look for clues.
Ayumi Tachibana is a girl who was a member of the detective of club of her school. She later joins the Utsugi detective agency as an assistant. She was the protagonists of the third game of the series, Lost Memories In the Snow.

In Melee, Ayumi appears as a trophy. In Brawl, the main theme of The Girl Who Stands In the Back plays shortly during the NES Medley.

Ayumi Tachibana herself was originally considered for Melee according to Sakurai, but was decided against because of lack of Western familiarity (Plus, a FDC character having fewer requests in comparison to any Fire Emblem characters). The trophy that you saw in the game could have been something you would receive for beating Classic Mode with her.

Some music:

Link to the support thread for Ayumi Tachibana in Brawl: http://smashboards.com/threads/better-wtf-character-ayumi-tachibana.99257/
Oh, and there are some really cool fanarts of them in Pixiv. Use this search term: "ファミコン探偵倶楽部"

Ayumi Tachibana Moveset

Ayumi is not a skilled fighter, that's for sure. As such, her moveset is based around the idea that she starts off weak, and has to use defensive skills to keep her safe (ie, she could have a ranged flashlight attack). Taking some inspiration from Phoenix Wright in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Ayumi's Down B technique would be to search for evidence. In a way, this attack is meant to serve as a buff and as a debuff. As she collects more evidence, she gets stronger and stronger (kind of like a certain Aura Pokemon’s gimmick, except based on a special stat). Overall, it should be considered a "confidence" stat - when she has found more evidence, she can do better overall. This stat affects the damage of every attack she has.


Screen Name: Ayumi Tachibana

Size: 5/10

Weight: 3/10

(Running) Speed: 5/10

Power: Varies, but starts at 3/10

Jump: 5/10

Fall Speed: 6/10

Crouch: Yes

Crawl: No you perverts!

Wall Jump: Yes

Wall Cling: Yes. (which character doesn't?)

Entrance Animation: Ayumi walks onto the stage with her partner the Protagonist, who would leave her behind and she begs for him not to go.

Idle Animation: She stands nervously with her hands at her side. Sometimes she would mess around with her ponytail or even look at her map from the BS sequel.

Walking Animation: She walks slowly like any timid girl would do.

Running Animation: She runs quickly while shuffling her arms within each stop (typical schoolgirl run).

Stunned Animation: She struggles to hold herself up like she’s preparing to faint with her hands wobbling and eyes looking faint.

Sleeping Animation: She sleeps on her back peacefully like she’s doing so back in her home in Ochitana Village.

B: Evidence -Ayumi, using the evidence she had gathered, confronts the opponent with their apparent "crime". Ayumi fires the evidence at the opponent, who must dodge, parry, and shield the best he or she can since it’s a fast moving projectile. The opponent has a health meter for this portion, which depletes when an attack is not shielded, parried, or dodged. The more evidence Ayumi has, the more likely she is to come out the victor. But if she throws every evidence she has, she is back to her default strength. She would start the match without any evidence like how Olimar would start with few Pikmin in any Smash round.

Magnifying Glass: A light and fast moving projectile that deals minimal damage.

Vase: A heavier object that shatters upon impact and can’t be thrown very far, slightly stinger damage.

Coffee: It’s a projectile that can be thrown half the distance of the magnifying glass and can put foes to sleep upon impact.

T.U. Pen: Throw farther and faster than the magnifying glass to deal minimal slash damage.

Plastering Tools: Does more damage than the pen, but can be thrown at a short distance due to weight. Has a high possibility of breaking shields and other defenses.

Mirror Shard: The rarest evidence of the bunch, it can be thrown at the fastest speed in comparison to any projectile and deals more slash damage than the T.U. Pen.

Side B: Flashlight - A ranged attack that does no knockback or damage, but stuns the opponent, giving her time to build up her evidence.

Up B: Umbrella - Ayumi pulls out her umbrella, and a gust of wind carries her upward and sideways. Unlike Peach’s, it’s a non damaging move and she can cancel it more easily.

Down B: Evidence Shift - Works as described in lead paragraph. Does nothing if she already has all three pieces of evidence. All of the B attacks are designed to be around defense or general non-violence with the exception of the Neutral Special. Some of these items include material like magnifying glass, vase, coffee, T.U. pen, plastering tools, and mirror shard.

Final Smash: The Girl in the Back- An ominous “Ayuuuuuuumiiiii!” can be heard as Ayumi herself grow scared and shivers in fear. The screen starts to dark with a minor fog rolling in to surround her body. Then the ghost of Yoko Kojima suddenly appears with her tattered appearance and Ayum looks back at her. The ghost would emit a banshee like wail that terrifies her living friend and any other fighter around a medium sized radius. This would then send opponents flying away and they would have a high chance of being KO’d depending on how high their damage meter is (Think the 5-volt stage hazard from the Gamer stage). Once the Final Smash is over, the ghastly girl would disappear leaving Ayumi covering her head in fear. The terrified girl would get up and look around to see if the ghost is gone and sighs in relief after it’s over.

A (low confidence): A light slap (like the one any girl would do)

A (high confidence): A simple jab

AA (high confidence): A harder jab

AAA (high confidence): The last jab required for kickback.

Dash A (low confidence): Trip & Tumble - Ayumi clumsily trips on her shoe and tumbles back onto her feet.

Dash A (high confidence): Ayumi leaps forward and performs a kick.

Up tilt (low confidence): Ayumi blindly slaps into the air.

Up tilt (high confidence): Ayumi throws a quick punch into the air.

Down tilt (low confidence): Ayumi does a light kick.

Down A (high confidence): Ayumi trips the opponent with her left leg.

Forward tilt (low confidence): Ayumi throws a small rock.

Forward tilt (high confidence): Ayumi throws this rock at a further distance with some strength in the projectile.

Forward Smash (low confidence): Ayumi swings her shoulder case.

Forward Smash (high confidence): Ayumi performs a multi-punch attack.

Up Smash (low confidence): Ayumi performs an ineffectual attack into the air with her shoulder case.

Up Smash (high confidence): Ayumi uppercuts into the air.

Down Smash (low confidence): Ayumi swings her handbag downwards.

Down Smash (high confidence): Ayumi kicks the opponent down into the ground hard.

Neutral air (low confidence): Swings a school book.

Neutral air (high confidence): Does a rotational kick with her left leg.

Forward air (low confidence): Pops her parasol open forward.

Forward air (high confidence): Does a punch that carries with it a small forward movement.

Back air (low confidence): Quickly swings her shoulder case behind her.

Back air (high confidence): Sharply jabs backwards with her elbow.

Up air (low confidence): Pops her parasol open upward gives her a small lift, but is closed quickly afterward).

Up air (high confidence): Does an uppercut into the air, which gives her a small lift.

Down air (low confidence): Swings her map from the Sattelaview sequel downwards.

Down air (high confidence): Does a divekick.

Grab (low confidence): Reluctantly grabs the opponent.

Grab (high confidence): Twists the opponent's arm behind his or her back like a detective.

Pummel (low confidence): Slaps the opponent.

Pummel (high confidence): Punches the opponent.

Forward Throw (low confidence): Pushes the opponent away (hard enough to create SOME distance at least).

Forward Throw (high confidence): Headbutts the opponent and launches him or her forward.

Up Throw (low confidence): Tosses them slightly into the air.

Up Throw (high confidence): Punches the opponent in the chin and sends him or her upward.

Back Throw (low confidence): Spins around behind the opponent and shoves him or her.

Back Throw (high confidence): Swings the opponent around and around and throws him or her behind her.

Down Throw (low confidence): Flings the foe down in fear.

Down Throw (high confidence): Lays the foe on the ground for a quick punt with her foot.

Taunt 1 (low confidence): She pulls out a photo and says “Oh Yoko” in a sorrowful tone.

Taunt 1 (high confidence): Pulls out a thick notebook and reads its contents.

Taunt 2 (low confidence): Looks through her shoulder case in a panicked gesture.

Taunt 2 (high confidence): Pulls a magnifying glass out of her shoulder case and examines a piece of evidence.

Taunt 3 (low confidence): Tries to get her phone to work, only to become give up to lack of patience.

Taunt 3 (high confidence): Calls somebody on the phone, and then hangs up.

Victory Animation 1: She cheers by jumping in excitement and says “I did it!” before doing a V for Victory pose.

Victory Animation 2: She holds her hand in front of her chest while saying “Yoko, I bet you’ll be proud of the justice I commit today” before looking at the camera with a sad look.

Victory Animation 3: The Protagonist would appear beside her and rubs her head like an older brother would. Ayumi would say “Stop that, we know that the case was solved” before glaring at him, which would cause him to laugh at her.

Lose Animation: She cries with her eyes open and sorrowful look on her face, reference to The Girl in the Back’s intro when she saw Yoko’s corpse.

Series Icon: A detective’s magnifying glass

Victory Theme: A remixed part of Famciom Tantei Club II’s Title Screen Intro.

Denoxkun: I am currently waiting for a negotiation on my 2nd Lucina with the Robin with a friend and I really hope to come in an agreement with him soon. Once we do, I should be getting the 2nd Lucina Amiibo for the contest.

The contest I plan to do is NOT only a fanart contest but a free for all one that would require you to make something creative out of Ayumi Tachibana like animations, figurines, 3D Art, etc. Use your wildest imaginations. Once the video is made, more details on the contest will be explained on how I want it to be executed.

The point of this contest is to insure exposure of Ayumi Tachibana in the west. I want the Ayumi video to be spread like wildfire and will also require anyone who wishes to enter to send me a screenshot of you voting for Ayumi and the reason why. You will know her history in that video before you are told to do so.

Even if Ayumi does not appear in Smash, but we can create a bigger demand on reviving the Famicon Detective Club series and introduce it to the west. Plus there is a Lucina Amiibo on the line for the overall lucky winner of this contest who shows the most epic piece of work out of Ayumi Tachibana will win the prize.

The only drawback is that at the moment, the Lucina Amiibo prize is US/Canada/PR exclusive due to the high cost of shipping the amiibo internationally and being in a tight budget at this moment. But even if you are outside of the US, I encourage you to still participate if you have a strong desire to because YOU are guaranteed to get a shoutout and acknowledgement in the video when the winner is announced no matter how good or bad the content you make for Ayumi Tachibana.

The last thing I will say is that once the video is uploaded, the contest will begin! This will last until August-September 2015 to give artists and creators enough time to make a masterpiece out of her. So be prepared for it coming because this contest will guarantee that Ayumi will be a lot more popular in the west than it ever been before BUT I would need your help to help spread the word of this contest!

List of Detective Club Members:
The Light Music Club
Darth Nightmaricus
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I like the music, but I would be kinda upset to see a character from the series.

(Also, I love your signature. Did you make those yourself?)

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I would like to see a moveset, preferably one as good as this one.

Either way, I'm in favor of a rep from that series since it would be the closest thing to a playable Phoenix Wright.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
I would like to see a moveset, preferably one as good as this one.

Either way, I'm in favor of a rep from that series since it would be the closest thing to a playable Phoenix Wright.
Honestly, I usually don't like the idea of fan-made movesets, but I really liked the idea of using a magnifing lens to burn the oponent. It could be similar to General Zod's eye beam in Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Honestly, I usually don't like the idea of fan-made movesets, but I really liked the idea of using a magnifing lens to burn the oponent. It could be similar to General Zod's eye beam in Injustice: Gods Among Us.
Yeah, I agree that everything else is sorta random. Though the suitcase is important since that's her trademark item. Perhaps some actual evidence from the games could be used for other attacks instead of the forced martial arts.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
Although I'd prefer Ashley from Another Code, I think Smash Bros deserves to have a rep for those textual adventure games, mainly Famicom Tantei Club, Another Code and Hotel Dusk (not sure if there's other games)

So I support! (can't say no to a character with a japanese school uniform :troll:)


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
Well, there are threads for Agumon and Honey Queen, so I when I noticed there wasn't a thread for the Famitan characters, I thought "why the hell not?"
So, here we are.

It's not a matter of obscurity, really. As long as it is a Nintendo franchise that was released on this planet, it deserves some love. :)

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Instead of a duo, let's just have Ayumi by herself since she seems more joke character potential (though the games are pretty dark). Just the idea of a school girl killing Bowser would be hilarious, Hell, I think the blood stained ghost of her friend could be used as a Final Smash. :troll:
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Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
Instead of a duo, let's just have Ayumi by herself since she seems more joke character potential (though the games are pretty dark). Just the idea of a school girl killing Bowser would be hilarious, Hell, I think the blood stained ghost of her friend could be used as a Final Smash. :troll:
I see your point. Ayumi really has more potential than the protagonist, since his design is very bland. Also, she has an actual name.
Even if they don't make it as playable charaters, it would be fun to have the ghost as an assist trophy, since The Girl Who Stands In the Back is the most well-known installment of the franchise.
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Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
Every time I see a reply here, I just have to take the time to listen to the music. Seriously, what a nice soundtrack.
The whole album is like that. Their rendition of Shin Onigashima is one of the best things I've ever heard.
BTW, Kenji Yamamoto (you know, from Metroid), was the original composer for the Famicom Tantei Club games.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2013
Why does it matter?
OH. MY. GOD. THIS SOUNDTRACK IS AMAZING. They would be an interesting addition, I think. If either of them being playable would mean these amazing music pieces, then I support so much.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2012
It's funny to think about, but at the time of the first Smash Bros, Famicom Detective Club was actually one of the more prominent Nintendo series at least in Japan, with 4 games (including a remake and a Satellaview game). That was more than Star Fox, F-Zero and Mother. Imagine if Ayumi had been chosen as an "unorthodox" type character in that game over Ness, Captain Falcon or Fox. Sadly, I think that was the only chance she had. Nowadays, she's generally considered a "retro" character, a slot which has a LOT of competition. Too bad Nintendo didn't continue this and the Famicom Fairytales franchise since the visual novel genre ended up becoming very popular in Japan, and Ayumi is a total Otaku-bait character who could have become pretty popular.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2013
Why does it matter?
If I ever learn how to make flash games and create a Smash Bros. fangame, I'm going to include Ayumi as a WTF character. I think I'm gonna request Mega Bidoof to include her in his fangame...


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
What in the...how in the... thanks for making this thread...

I'm a fan of the genre. I overlooked any references from Smash. Like... this is the first time I am hearing about this series, but it isn't. And now I am both curious and interested.

The music is good; the games seem good, too. I have alot of catching up to do. But I support this 100%.
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Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
Updated the OP with a list of support members. I added every member who said that supported them or wanted them in the game. If you want to be included/removed from the list, tell me via pm or post here.

Don't be hatin' on my Honey Queen Thread :troll:
The Honey Queen thread was the most different thread on the first page when I created this thread. I'm sorry. XD

I'd be cool IF it was Ayumi alone.
Actually, me too.

Dang... Detective gets no love. At the very least, Detective could be an alternate costume.
He could be an assist trophy. Or a regular trophy, even though he's the main character. Kinda like the Villager trophy in Brawl. I don't mind him being overshadowed by Ayumi, but I want people to know he even exists. XD


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
Bump, for a good a reason.
Famicom Tantei Club Part I is now available for the Wii U Virtual Console in Japan, since 05/28/2014. This is fairly recent, and this shows that Nintendo didn't forget this series' existence.

Video time:
Famicom Tantei Club Part I on Wii U.

Famicom Tantei Club Part II (Super Famicom version) on Wii U.

Famicom Tantei Club Part I on Nintendo 3DS.

Famicom Tantei Club Part II on Nintendo 3DS.

Ayumi's theme being played on Daigasso Band Brother DX:
It was a downloadable song. You need an account on Niconico to watch. It's free.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Bump, for a good a reason.
Famicom Tantei Club Part I is now available for the Wii U Virtual Console in Japan, since 05/28/2014. This is fairly recent, and this shows that Nintendo didn't forget this series' existence.

Video time:
Famicom Tantei Club Part I on Wii U.

Famicom Tantei Club Part II (Super Famicom version) on Wii U.

Famicom Tantei Club Part I on Nintendo 3DS.

Famicom Tantei Club Part II on Nintendo 3DS.

Ayumi's theme being played on Daigasso Band Brother DX:
It was a downloadable song. You need an account on Niconico to watch. It's free.
Too bad this will never be localized unlike Nazo no Murasame-Jo since this is a more text heavy game. Which is sad since Westerners need to know that Ace Attorney isn't the only epic click and point game that has a great mystery (or mysteries in AA's case).

I guess Nintendo thought that Trace Memory on the DS was good enough for us. :(
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Wanted to bump the thread. Also, how do you all think her trailer would go if she was revealed and who do you all think her voice actor would be? I heard somewhere that she has a voice actress already, and it's Videl's (from DBZ) voice actress in Japanese.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
Yes, she was voiced by Yuko Minaguchi in BS Detective Club: Lost Memories In the Snow. Minaguchi voiced both Videl and Pan. I'd love her to reprise her role as Ayumi, but she's studying overseas right now, so that wouldn't be possible. This is also the reason why Shino Kakinuma is voicing Videl in Dragon Ball Kai.

Her trailer could be like this:
It's night time. Behind a fog, we can see the skyline of a city, The camera closes on a school building. Some music begins to play. We see Ayumi looking through the window of the building. She is not happy. It looks like she's thinking about something.
Suddenly, we hear some loud noises. Ayumi looks behind her. Bowser, Wario and Ganondorf are fighting. She in not amused. She punches Ganondorf in the face. She kicks Bowser away. She throws Wario into offscreen oblivion. She looks at the camera.


Then we get some cool footage of her fighting while some cool tracks play.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
Sure, this is from more than two years ago, but I found this and I was looking for it for a long time:
Famitsu readers ranked the 50 best Nintendo games ever. The Girl Who Stands In the Back is in 14th place, and The Missing Heir is in 46th place. So, the whole "even Japan forgot about this series" argument is flawed.

(Man, I really wish I had posted this in the Rate Their Chances thread when Ayumi was being ranked. Sure, this wouldn't help her ratings, but it would counter some bad arguments I saw there.)
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
So does anyone think that Ayumi could have the Famicom Detective as an alt.? or maybe the other way around? My point being I support both for SSB4 and who knows? Maybe one or the other will be our mystery newcomer tomorrow!:awesome: (BTW, Is anyone going to put a support list for these guys? The OP seems a bit incomplete in quite a few ways.)


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2014
Murasame Castle
So does anyone think that Ayumi could have the Famicom Detective as an alt.? or maybe the other way around? My point being I support both for SSB4 and who knows? Maybe one or the other will be our mystery newcomer tomorrow!:awesome: (BTW, Is anyone going to put a support list for these guys? The OP seems a bit incomplete in quite a few ways.)
About the alt thing, that would depend on Ayumi's taunts and victory poses. It could get awkward, but it would be possible if done right.
I really, really hope they are playable, but I'm happy enough if they get a better representation than in Brawl. Like a trophy.

About the OP, I added every user who said that supported them (like you just said). Did I miss anyone? o.0


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
About the alt thing, that would depend on Ayumi's taunts and victory poses. It could get awkward, but it would be possible if done right.
I really, really hope they are playable, but I'm happy enough if they get a better representation than in Brawl. Like a trophy.

About the OP, I added every user who said that supported them (like you just said). Did I miss anyone? o.0


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2013
The fan translation of the remake was fantastic. I would love to have her in Smash.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Hey guys, according to this list, how would Ayumi's moveset be classified? (hybrid classes are possible):

Zoner - Character whose strength lies in forcing their opponent to stay in a certain area. Ex: :4marth:

Ranger - Character whose strength lies in their ranged attacks to force opponents to keep their distance. Ex: :4link:

Speedster - Character whose strength lies in their speed and ability to overwhelm their opponents with relentless attacks. Ex: :4pikachu:

Trickster - Character whose strength lies in a quirky moveset that is hard to predict and can alter the battle field. Ex: :4villager:

Bruiser - Character whose strength lies in devastating attacks to quickly finish off opponents. Ex: :4falcon:

Resistor - Character whose strength lies in super armor that allows them to tank hits to strike down opponents. Ex: :4bowser:

Puppeteer - Character whose strength lies in overwhelming opponents with relentless attacks stopping opponents from striking back. Strength in numbers. Ex: :rosalina:

Juggler - Character whose strength lies in being able to string combos together to finish off opponents. Ex: :4luigi:
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