Mario & Sonic Guy
Old rivalries live on!
The Rosalina General/Social Thread: 2nd Edition
Welcome to the new Rosalina general/social thread. This thread will serve as the successor of the old general/social thread that has been around since the speculation period for Smash 3DS and Smash Wii U.
Much like with the old general/social thread, this thread will serve to bring up conversations that don't belong anywhere else at Rosalina's sub-forum. This includes game discussions, introductions, social talk, and even topics involving Rosalina.
However, before posting here, please follow the rules that are displayed below.
- No spam posts
- Do not make posts that serve no purpose whatsoever. This includes the usage of spam images.
- No image-only posts
- If you want to post an image, please be sure to type a full sentence that mentions the image itself.
- Image-only posts will be treated as spam.
- Be civilized towards other users
- When making conversations, please be polite and civil with the other users who post.
- Please do not start up any unnecessary arguments.
- Spoiler tag tall images
- When posting images, please pay attention to how large their height is. If an image's height is too tall (over 800 pixels), then you should put it in a spoiler tag so that it won't be an eyesore for the other users.
- To create a spoiler tag, type [spoiler][/spoiler].
- Do not quote embedded videos
- While you are permitted to embed videos here, please do not quote posts that contain embedded videos, as too many videos on a single page can potentially cause a user's browser to slow down.
- Instead, tag a user if you want to discuss the video that was posted.
- Alternatively, you can remove the video from the quoted post.
- Do not post inappropriate content
- Inappropriate images and conversations are "not" allowed here at all.
- This includes all human cannibalism depictions.
- Do not bring up "any" sexual topics here.
- This includes talking about a female character's body.
- Certain words are also used for sexual talk. Please be careful with what you're typing.
- This is your only warning. Any users who are caught breaking this rule "will" receive an infraction.
- Inappropriate images and conversations are "not" allowed here at all.
- Follow the Terms and Rules
- The SmashBoards rules are applied here as well.
- Report is your friend
- If you catch any posts that are breaking any of the rules mentioned above, don't be afraid to make a report. The SmashBoards staff will try to handle the report as quickly as possible.