Smash Hero
In association with the Midwest Get Hype! Circuit
Nebraska Smash Presents
Nebraska's Donation to Rocha
Location: 3304 Davenport St, omaha, NE
Time and Date:
This will be the weekend of Saturday 4/20, with possible events on 4/21
Friday-I get off work around 9:30 so OOS can feel free and show up around 10 p.m. If you need to get here earlier than that it should work out, but please let me know beforehand.
Saturday-Venue is open all night, I'll probably get out of bed around 11:30 because people probably won't let me sleep.
Signups start at 1:00 p.m. for both games, ending hopefully at around 2:30 (you're welcome, Lux).
Pools start around 3:00 for both games
Break around 4:20
Doubles for both games will start after that
Singles bracket will begin before/after dinner/break.
Project M/Low Tiers if there's time.
Really it depends on how many people/set ups we have for how long everything takes and when things finish up and begin again from there.
Sunday-Low/Mid-Low Tier brawl/melee, Project melee, whatever else.
Prices: MRM Special-Enter Brawl/Melee Doubles/Singles for $35 dollars
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Singles-$9
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Doubles-$16 per team ($8 person)
MWGH Circuit Fee-$3 (50% of it goes towards circuit winners, 50% of it goes towards bonus championship pot at Get Hype 3)
Super Smash Brothers Melee Singles-$10
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Doubles-$10 per team ($5 per person)
Venue Fee-$5
potential discounts for bringing set ups or new players or far OOS or party favors, but if you want a smoothly ran tournament, you should bring a set up (system/game) at least. I have like 8 TVs, but only 2 melee set ups because my Wii doesn't play brawl.
Sunday-If you did not pay venue/circuit fee the previous day, $3.
Project melee-$5
Low/Mid-Low Tier prices $2 Per person per event (so $4 for doubles).
Entry Pot Cuts based on attendance
Less than 8 will be round robin and everyone will be given a lot of free points for circuit
If 23-8 attend
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%
If 24 or over attend
1st - 52%
2nd -26%
3rd -14%
4th - 8%
There is PLENTY of housing at the current venue and there are a lot of hotels around my part of town.
General Rules
#0-Don't be a jerk
#1-No stealing
#2-Cigg smoking outside
#3-Don't trip over hippies
#4-Be respectful of other peoples property and person
#5-Be on time for your matches, let the TO know if you are going for a smoke break or food break.
#6-Coaching allowed between matches, not during
#7-You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility (including battery issues with a Wii Remote), so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. Both parties need to agree if a match is to be paused or restarted because of these problems.
I understand that people play pranks. Joker doesn't know this but on someones wii all of his inputs are set to shield and taunt, so if something like this occurs, I will laugh at you, but your match will be restarted with the understanding that you must change your controls afterwards.
#8--Intentional forfeiting, match fixing and any other forms of bracket manipulation are not allowed and punishable by the TO. Splitting is a touchy subject, but so long as you play your set out, I don't care what you do with your $ or who you share it with.
#9-All hacks must be approved by the TO, specifically stage/character textures. Music is usually fine but I may request that you turn off some specific songs, and you must oblige.
Seeding: I might run pools, if 24 or less everyone will make it to bracket. Otherwise I will be looking for one person per area to assist in seeding. PR rankings will be acknowledged. So make your fake PRs now.
Furthermore, people who have not played each other yet in the circuit will be more likely to play each other early on at this tournament.
Brawl rules
* 3 stock, 9:00 minutes
* Items are set to "OFF" and "NONE"
* Pause is set to "OFF" if players agree
* Metaknights infinite dimensional cape and extended dimesional cape are banned.
* 50 Ledge Grab Limit for Low Tier characters [15 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
* 40 Ledge Grab Limit for Mid Tier characters (Borderline) [13 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
* 30 Ledge Grab Limit for High Tier characters (S tier) [10 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
-If a player goes over the ledge grab limit and the game goes to time, the opponent will be declared the winner. If both players exceed the ledge grab limit, normal win conditions apply.
* See Stage Striking for more information on how stages are selected and banned.
* Ties after the time limit are determined by stocks, then by percentage.
* No player may choose a stage they have already played on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.
* In teams matches, ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins G&W Judgement will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the G&W Judgement winner will get the last port. If there is a conflict in singles, G&W Judgment will determine who chooses port/stage striking first.
* Stalling is banned. Stalling is defined as the act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while endlessly grabbing the ledge or flying underneath the stage is. Any infinite chain grabs must end immediately after 200% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling. If stalling is confirmed by the tournament organizer, the offending player will forfeit the match.
* In the event of a Bowser/Ganon/Dedede/Kirbycide
#1-If the game goes to sudden death, sudden death is played out
#2-If the game goes to the winner screen, the one who did the suicide move wins.
* If a sudden death is initiated by both players dying at the exact same time or a tie in both stock count and percentage, sudden death will be played out
*In the event pause is left on and is pressed, immediately call over the TO. Based upon the TO's judgment, the situation will be resolved. Punishment may range from nothing, a warning, free attack (will be chosen by the TO and will be character specific), loss of stock/match/set or ejection from venue.
*Any additional disputes will be up to determination by the tournament organizer.
Stage Striking:
-In the event of a dispute, G&W Judgement will be used to determine who strikes first.
After each match:
1. Winner announces 2 stage bans
2. Loser chooses counter-pick stage
3. Winner chooses their character
4. Loser chooses their character
Doubles-Specific Rules:
* Life stealing is allowed
* Team Attack is turned ON
* Double Metaknight is banned unless agreed upon by all FOUR players
* If a player is using the character Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, or Sonic, either team may request that team colors be changed to make it easier to tell the difference between team players.
TLDR: Brawl Rules
3 stocks, 9 minutes, WF/LF/GF b/o 5, 2 stage bans. There are no starters/counters, Double MK banned
:yoshisb: :Vote for Stage:
Melee Rules
4 stocks, 8 minutes, WF/LF/GF b/o 5, 2 stage bans until WF/LF/GF then 1 stage ban.
Neutral: :battlefieldm: :fdm: :dreamland: :fountain: :yoshis:
s1: :kongo64:
Doubles: :battlefieldm: :dreamland: :fdm:
s1: :yoshis:
CP: :kongo64: :To Be Voted On:
Low/Mid-Low Tier Singles/Doubles specific rules
Allowed Characters for Brawl (13)
F: Yoshi, Ness, Pokémon Trainer, Luigi
G: Lucas, Mario, Samus, Bowser, Captain Falcon
H: Jigglypuff, Link, Zelda, Ganondorf
Allowed Characters for Melee (11)
E: Link, Young Link
F: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Yoshi, Mr. Game & Watch
G: Ness, Bowser, Kirby, Pichu
Project Melee Singles/Doubles specific rules
Please read the above information carefully. By participating, you are agreeing to follow all rules. Any failure to do so can and will result in you being asked to leave (no refund). Also by participating you are agreeing not to hold us, the venue, or any parties involved responsible for any property or personal loss or damage.
Contact Info
MegaRobMoore-402-305-5522, PM me
Nebraska Smash Presents
Nebraska's Donation to Rocha
Location: 3304 Davenport St, omaha, NE
Time and Date:
This will be the weekend of Saturday 4/20, with possible events on 4/21
Friday-I get off work around 9:30 so OOS can feel free and show up around 10 p.m. If you need to get here earlier than that it should work out, but please let me know beforehand.
Saturday-Venue is open all night, I'll probably get out of bed around 11:30 because people probably won't let me sleep.
Signups start at 1:00 p.m. for both games, ending hopefully at around 2:30 (you're welcome, Lux).
Pools start around 3:00 for both games
Break around 4:20
Doubles for both games will start after that
Singles bracket will begin before/after dinner/break.
Project M/Low Tiers if there's time.
Really it depends on how many people/set ups we have for how long everything takes and when things finish up and begin again from there.
Sunday-Low/Mid-Low Tier brawl/melee, Project melee, whatever else.
Prices: MRM Special-Enter Brawl/Melee Doubles/Singles for $35 dollars
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Singles-$9
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Doubles-$16 per team ($8 person)
MWGH Circuit Fee-$3 (50% of it goes towards circuit winners, 50% of it goes towards bonus championship pot at Get Hype 3)
Super Smash Brothers Melee Singles-$10
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Doubles-$10 per team ($5 per person)
Venue Fee-$5
potential discounts for bringing set ups or new players or far OOS or party favors, but if you want a smoothly ran tournament, you should bring a set up (system/game) at least. I have like 8 TVs, but only 2 melee set ups because my Wii doesn't play brawl.
Sunday-If you did not pay venue/circuit fee the previous day, $3.
Project melee-$5
Low/Mid-Low Tier prices $2 Per person per event (so $4 for doubles).
Entry Pot Cuts based on attendance
Less than 8 will be round robin and everyone will be given a lot of free points for circuit
If 23-8 attend
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%
If 24 or over attend
1st - 52%
2nd -26%
3rd -14%
4th - 8%
There is PLENTY of housing at the current venue and there are a lot of hotels around my part of town.
General Rules
#0-Don't be a jerk
#1-No stealing
#2-Cigg smoking outside
#3-Don't trip over hippies
#4-Be respectful of other peoples property and person
#5-Be on time for your matches, let the TO know if you are going for a smoke break or food break.
#6-Coaching allowed between matches, not during
#7-You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility (including battery issues with a Wii Remote), so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. Both parties need to agree if a match is to be paused or restarted because of these problems.
I understand that people play pranks. Joker doesn't know this but on someones wii all of his inputs are set to shield and taunt, so if something like this occurs, I will laugh at you, but your match will be restarted with the understanding that you must change your controls afterwards.
#8--Intentional forfeiting, match fixing and any other forms of bracket manipulation are not allowed and punishable by the TO. Splitting is a touchy subject, but so long as you play your set out, I don't care what you do with your $ or who you share it with.
#9-All hacks must be approved by the TO, specifically stage/character textures. Music is usually fine but I may request that you turn off some specific songs, and you must oblige.
Seeding: I might run pools, if 24 or less everyone will make it to bracket. Otherwise I will be looking for one person per area to assist in seeding. PR rankings will be acknowledged. So make your fake PRs now.
Furthermore, people who have not played each other yet in the circuit will be more likely to play each other early on at this tournament.
Brawl rules
* 3 stock, 9:00 minutes
* Items are set to "OFF" and "NONE"
* Pause is set to "OFF" if players agree
* Metaknights infinite dimensional cape and extended dimesional cape are banned.
* 50 Ledge Grab Limit for Low Tier characters [15 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
* 40 Ledge Grab Limit for Mid Tier characters (Borderline) [13 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
* 30 Ledge Grab Limit for High Tier characters (S tier) [10 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
-If a player goes over the ledge grab limit and the game goes to time, the opponent will be declared the winner. If both players exceed the ledge grab limit, normal win conditions apply.
* See Stage Striking for more information on how stages are selected and banned.
* Ties after the time limit are determined by stocks, then by percentage.
* No player may choose a stage they have already played on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.
* In teams matches, ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins G&W Judgement will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the G&W Judgement winner will get the last port. If there is a conflict in singles, G&W Judgment will determine who chooses port/stage striking first.
* Stalling is banned. Stalling is defined as the act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while endlessly grabbing the ledge or flying underneath the stage is. Any infinite chain grabs must end immediately after 200% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling. If stalling is confirmed by the tournament organizer, the offending player will forfeit the match.
* In the event of a Bowser/Ganon/Dedede/Kirbycide
#1-If the game goes to sudden death, sudden death is played out
#2-If the game goes to the winner screen, the one who did the suicide move wins.
* If a sudden death is initiated by both players dying at the exact same time or a tie in both stock count and percentage, sudden death will be played out
*In the event pause is left on and is pressed, immediately call over the TO. Based upon the TO's judgment, the situation will be resolved. Punishment may range from nothing, a warning, free attack (will be chosen by the TO and will be character specific), loss of stock/match/set or ejection from venue.
*Any additional disputes will be up to determination by the tournament organizer.
Stage Striking:
-In the event of a dispute, G&W Judgement will be used to determine who strikes first.
After each match:
1. Winner announces 2 stage bans
2. Loser chooses counter-pick stage
3. Winner chooses their character
4. Loser chooses their character
Doubles-Specific Rules:
* Life stealing is allowed
* Team Attack is turned ON
* Double Metaknight is banned unless agreed upon by all FOUR players
* If a player is using the character Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, or Sonic, either team may request that team colors be changed to make it easier to tell the difference between team players.
TLDR: Brawl Rules
3 stocks, 9 minutes, WF/LF/GF b/o 5, 2 stage bans. There are no starters/counters, Double MK banned
Melee Rules
4 stocks, 8 minutes, WF/LF/GF b/o 5, 2 stage bans until WF/LF/GF then 1 stage ban.
Neutral: :battlefieldm: :fdm: :dreamland: :fountain: :yoshis:

Doubles: :battlefieldm: :dreamland: :fdm:

CP: :kongo64: :To Be Voted On:
Low/Mid-Low Tier Singles/Doubles specific rules
Allowed Characters for Brawl (13)
F: Yoshi, Ness, Pokémon Trainer, Luigi
G: Lucas, Mario, Samus, Bowser, Captain Falcon
H: Jigglypuff, Link, Zelda, Ganondorf
Allowed Characters for Melee (11)
E: Link, Young Link
F: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Yoshi, Mr. Game & Watch
G: Ness, Bowser, Kirby, Pichu
Project Melee Singles/Doubles specific rules
Please read the above information carefully. By participating, you are agreeing to follow all rules. Any failure to do so can and will result in you being asked to leave (no refund). Also by participating you are agreeing not to hold us, the venue, or any parties involved responsible for any property or personal loss or damage.
Contact Info
MegaRobMoore-402-305-5522, PM me