CT Chia
Smash Obsessed
Welcome to Dexter Mafia. This is a mafia game with flavor and roles based on the hit television series on Showtime, Dexter. This game follows no season directly, and instead takes elements from all 5 seasons. Characters that are deceased in the show might be alive in this game, and characters that did not interact with each other in the show might in this game. The time line of events may be altered slightly in this game for flavor purposes. There is no factual information about the set-up of the game in any flavor posted by the mod, though perhaps some hints might be left about that some may pick up on. Knowledge of the show is not required, though may aid you. Feel free to reference any information online you can, such as wikis, etc.
- Have fun and do not personally attack another player in an offensive manner.
- Once you have died in the game, you are no longer allowed to make any more posts in the thread for any reason whatsoever.
- No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise.)
- Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread.
- Do not edit your posts. Double posting is fine in its place.
- I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing.
- You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.).
- You may not post screenshots of any kind. These will be immediately edited out by the mod.
- The use of non-English, invisible, hidden, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is strictly prohibited. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
- You may not quote logs of communication with other players. You are free to paraphrase.
- Failure to adhere to the rules will result in replacement or modkill based on the moderator's discretion.
- This is a game of Mafia. I am your game moderator, vVv ChiboSempai. Please direct any questions you have about the game to me, either with the @mod: command in thread or via PM (if necessary). I will not answer questions in the public forum related to privately disseminated information barring that it was mentioned in the sample role PM.
Voting and Lynching
- Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, vote: Virgilijus.
- To unvote, use the command unvote. For example, unvote vote: Eor. You do not have to unvote before voting again.
- No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, vote: No Lynch.
- After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. The Twilight phase ends when the game moderator posts the lynch scene and officially begins the Night phase.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
- There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase.
Activity and Deadline
- You are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of 4 prods will result in replacing/modkilling you if feasible. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill. If you do not post in the thread after 24 hours of receiving a prod, you will receive another one. Based on the overall activity of the game and how far the game is in progress, I might grant the removal of some accumulated prods.
- I do not expect to grant deadline extensions, barring extenuating circumstances. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Certain game events may also result in a change of deadline.
- Days will generally last 7 days.
- Twilight phases will last anywhere from 1-24 hours, however I see fit.
- Nights will generally last approximately 48 hours. If you have a Night action and do not wish to use it, please send me a PM to that effect, lest I have to wait until the deadline for naught. Note that Nights will only end early if all actions have been submitted prior to the deadline, and all players have been online since the Night phase began.
- All roles are assigned entirely at random.
- I do not confirm the absence or presence of any role.
- Modkills only end days if the player being modkilled is town-aligned. Otherwise, day continues. In the event that a player is modkilled during twilight/night, the modkill will affect the next day phase (meaning that day would automatically end if the player is town and that day would continue as normal if otherwise). Exceptions to this rule may be made based on the state of the game and my personal judgment.
- I confirm there is a Town faction and there is at least one Mafiosi faction; although I do not confirm the number of Mafiosi factions.
- I do not confirm that all information relayed from the Game Moderator in private is strictly accurate.
- I do confirm that all information relayed from the Game Moderator in public is strictly accurate.
- All roles are assigned entirely at random.
- All of these rules are written on a dry erase board. In the event of a conflict between these rules and any game-specific rules or mod communication, the game-specific rules/mod communication take precedence.
[collapse=Sample Role PM and Role PM Information]
All Role PMs are formed in the same fashion using a template. This Sample PM follows the same template, and the template will be explained after the PM. The character used for this Role PM is NOT in the game.
vVv ChiboSempai said:
Welcome to the game... Ellen Wolf. You're a no good defense attorney, and you happen to be a damn good one. You are hated by many for offering to defend criminals, and bending the legal system as much as possible to get them back on the street. However it's your job, it's what you do. People can't be upset about that, can they? Little do people know, you actually do somewhat have a conscience.
Role Name: Ellen Wolf
Role: Town Attorney
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
As a quality defense attorney, you know how to work the legal system. You can spin evidence to make people appear guilty or innocent.
Ability: Law: Player Name (Town or Mafia) Each night you may choose to use said command by PM'ing it to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai) with a player followed by the word Town or Mafia. If successful, that player will appear as the alignment you chose to any cop investigations that night.
[/collapse]Template said:Cool image goes here
Welcome to the game... ROLE NAME. All words here are simply flavor used to describe the character to the player, get the mood going for the game, etc. Nothing from this section should be taken as factual information confirming the game set-up, though some hints have been placed if you wish to take them as such. Not all flavor matches the events of the television show 100%.
Role Name: ROLE NAME
Role: ROLE (the color LIME is used for all town roles)
Win Condition: WIN CONDITION (the win condition for town is You win when all threats to the town are eliminated)
If you have traits and or abilities, a short bit of flavor will be written here explaining why your character has them, with parts pertaining to your actual trait or ability being bolded. See the sample role PM for an example.
Traits are then listed here if the player has any. Traits are characteristics of the role that take place automatically, such as a Godfather being seen as town to cop investigations.
Abilities are then listed here if the player has any. Abilities are actions the player can choose to use on their own, such as a cop investigating someone.
[collapse=Player List]
1. Tandora
2. Glyph
3. JTB
4. Rajam
5. vVv Choice
6. WashedLaundry
7. Ryker
8. Gordito
10. Red Ryu
11. Gheb_01
12. Soupamario
13. T-block
14. Dark Horse
15. Asdioh
16. J
Replacements Requested:
Player Links:
Tandora - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=160900&searchthreadid=302963
Glyph - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=43187&searchthreadid=302963
JTB - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=50229&searchthreadid=302963
Rajam - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=131340&searchthreadid=302963
vVv Choice - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=170335&searchthreadid=302963
WashedLaundry - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=187411&searchthreadid=302963
Ryker - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=129916&searchthreadid=302963
Gordito - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=146703&searchthreadid=302963
RocketPSIence - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=150758&searchthreadid=302963
Red Ryu - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=119088&searchthreadid=302963
Gheb_01 - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=120558&searchthreadid=302963
Soupamario - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=177817&searchthreadid=302963
T-block - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=139373&searchthreadid=302963
Dark Horse - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=172671&searchthreadid=302963
Asdioh - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=120040&searchthreadid=302963
J - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=166290&searchthreadid=302963
Zen - http://www.smashboards.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=123891&searchthreadid=302963
[collapse=Player Information]
* = Prod
vVv Choice
Dark Horse
Red Ryu - Joey Quinn, Town Cop
Zen - Maria LaGuerta, Town Switch
Gordito - Anton Briggs, Vanilla Townie
WashedLaundry - Cody Bennett, Vanilla Townie
Glyph - Boyd Fowler, Mafia Mentee
[collapse=Important Posts]
Day 1 Begins - http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12662822&postcount=8
Twilight 1 Begins - http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12686055&postcount=933
Night 1 Begins - http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12687077&postcount=960
Day 2 Begins - http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12699464&postcount=961
Twilight 2 Begins - http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12710944&postcount=1153
Night 2 Begins - http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12711596&postcount=1168