I don't normally do this, and I'm not saying it's definitely going to happen, but would you guys feel a bit less salty about the dash cancel removal if I mentioned we've been toying with the idea of removing other janky cancels like Wolf's AD cancel too?
Yeah, this war on "Jank" has gone on far enough. At this point "Jank," "Gimmicky" and "Polarizing" are just buzzwords thrown around that basically mean "not melee."
"We decided to remove the AD cancel on Wolf's laser because we felt that it was a very *not melee* tool that players couldn't adjust to. It really *not melee*d his kit, and that is against our design goals. Wolf was talked about as a very *not melee* character, so we decided to tone that down."
I mean, there's a reason I switched to melee characters like Roy and Falcon. Their jankness was in melee, so it's pretty much safe. I mean, think about it. How fing gimmicky is shine? How polarizing is falcons knee? How jank is peaches float? How well does Marth's grab "fit his character?" Melee top tiers almost all had something totally ******** and busted about them, and that's WHY they were top tiers, and that's why they are cool.
If we want to throw around jank, gimmicky and polarizing, then let's talk about how.
Shine, Knee, Float, Jiggles bair spacing, shiek ftilt, marth grab, roy upair, luigi's wave dash and missiles are all three. Those are never getting "fixed" though because melee. You know why melee was good? Because those things existed. While it's fine to have run of the mill and by the books basic characters, it's great to have polarized, jank and gimmicky characters too, as long as it isn't OP or toxic. I mean, Fox is probably the most jank, polarizing and gimmicky character to ever be in a smash game.
I don't even play Wolf, but please don't flat out remove AD cancel. Cool things are cool, and they make the game interesting. I don't want to play PM if every non-melee character is going to be generic because whatever makes them cool wasn't a melee mechanic.
So, in conclusion, it would make me even MORE salty. To the point where I would write a giant essay in GD. As of right now, ZSS is kind of an isolated incident. Even if ZSS doesn't get changed, my making as much noise about this as possible is partially an attempt to make the PMDT think "Wow, that didn't go over well, let's not overhaul weird but balanced characters."