Quick update on the W.I.P.
Hasbro Platform Fighter thread!
The first set of jobs are all properly planned out, and I already drafted the opening write-up. Everything is on schedule, and the thread should launch either this Sunday or Monday; either way, it'll be the beginning of next week.
However, there is one thing I have yet to figure out: Timezones.
I live in the Central Standard Timezone (CST) in the U.S. My current idea is to post new jobs daily at
9 to 10 A.M. CST, as this is in between the time I wake up and go to work.
I wanted to ask directly if there were
any other suggestions for which time I should post; I want to accomodate as many people as I can, whilst maintaining a consistent posting schedule. This is all I have left to ask before this Sunday/Monday.
DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis is currently nominating it's
final DC character! Any character not currently playable is elligible, and so far only a handful have been submitted; Now's your chance to participate and play a part in the thread's final major additions