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  • lol

    haha and yes, you only wish your showers were as sexy as mine :mad:

    Btw, you should get to bed soon xD
    You must be dead tired, unless that nap was longer than 2 hours xD
    For whatever reason, the dresser came already built.

    The bed came dismantled, so why not the dresser right?

    Oh well

    My mom will have to go back and get a refund on it later this week, and she'll have to go search for a new, smaller dresser haha

    And god, I haven't had a shower that felt that good in awhile O__o
    Daaamn never thought of that lol

    It's too late though, they had to take it back xD

    But whatever, not my dresser :p

    Yes Sir!


    Random Note: I got some mover guys here right now to bring in the stuff my mom bought, but they can't get it into my mom's room xD

    The hallway is too **** small and the dresser is massive


    *Practices on the mover guys*
    Nah, I actually like the whoring myself out idea better :)

    But yeah, just because I don't know stuff now doesn't mean I can't learn in like a few days worth of studying :p

    But again, why study when my whoring abilities are top-notch!

    lol :laugh:

    But chances are I'd have to start as a lackey.

    Unless I flirt and ***** my way up the ladder from the get go :p

    I think it's do-able, for me anyways xD

    hahaha jk
    Oh yeah!


    But it still pretty much throws the idea of working in a large aquarium out the window lmao
    But the Ocean is where it's at anyways :p
    Good to hear your mom is doing well. Hope she makes a complete recovery. <3

    Oh, and August couldn't come any slower... D:

    I know.

    What's really awesome is the fact that I want to pursue a career that involves Oceanic Wildlife.
    Maybe I should reconsider things.....

    I kinda wanted to do that after the first 3-4 fish died after about a week of us having them.

    And yes, I'll teach you everything you need to know :p
    The outdoor tank had like an Iron coating on it xD
    God knows how that happened haha

    Maybe it's our water supply or something
    It was so murky, I could barely fish them out

    And when I feed them I either feed them WAY to much, or I just forget to feed them for a few days.

    I know, I'm pretty awesome. I'm sure my mom feeds them though, I think

    So yeah, we fail at both of the things fish need to live haha
    We should not have fish ever again.
    haha Mission Complete
    Fish Saved: 4 ish
    Bet a couple will die anyways xD

    Me and mom are getting rid of the **** things now, cause we know nothing when it comes to taking care of them xD

    You're right! 80's music is like sex when combined with hot showers!

    *Takes notes*

    You'll have to excuse me while I go save my fish. They are dying again hahaha
    Stupid fish
    Oh but I thought that was obvious.
    Every Shower is a hot sexy shower :mad:

    Especially the 45 minute ones
    ***** I'm coming over to use your shower D:<
    And I'll make it a 30 minute shower :evil:

    haha I know right?
    That's why I'm always tempted to take 25 minute showers xD
    But my mom hates when I do that :p

    ****, posted on my own wall D=
    Yeah I'd just take it easy today xD
    Make it a lazy day where you just eat and don't shower (unless you want to). Oh and don't bother getting dressed. You shan't be needed clothes for today :p

    Did I actually spell Shan't correctly? Or is SWF messing with me.....
    God ****

    You're gonna have a rough day xD
    Unless you're used to pulling all nighters....
    Yeah, let's just hope I'm ready for it when it does happen.
    Like 50 years from now xD

    No wait, I'll be dead before that.....

    And how much sleep did you actually get?
    God that's a relieve.

    ****ing Doctors >__>

    I never did trust them.....

    I can onky imagine what you felt though. All I know is that when I randomly think about losing my mom I just feel horrible after, cause I don't know what I'd do without her :(
    I see that she is doing okay? Good to hear.

    Believe me, if I could be asleep right now, I would be.
    Yeah man, I only wish the best. I can't even imagine anything bad happening, so let's hope that my silly optimistic mind proves true.
    Oh wow, I was just about to say what Ben said :3
    Beat me to it.....

    But yeah, you know I'm always here for you buddy.
    You're still up, eh? Sleep is for the weak, right? ^__^

    Yeah, I know about what happened. I hope things work out and if you wanna talk, I'm here.
    I got one of my girlfriends really horny for me today lLOL
    She likes me and me making fake moans doesn't help.
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