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  • Nah that was some time earlier in February.


    It was funny in grand finals, ADHD took Ally to Rainbow Cruise twice for some reason (idk apparently he thought it might work or something) and Ally got an utilt kill when ADHD was at 50 near the top of the screen lol...

    And then Ally started counter picking Rainbow lol. Ally is really good at edge guarding as Snake, too...

    Go to about 1:25...

    Brawl Wombo Combo?

    San is incredible.... Did you watch the VC7 stream, or hear about what happened at VC7? Like 110 people entered and San, an Ike, got 9th in a tourney STACKED with talent O_o (oh and Ally + Adderal = completely broken (supposedly he took Adderal before his matches, and ended up ****** everything...). Ban drugged Ally, imo :P).
    It wasn't me, I swear!!!!! :p

    the unable table is the tag I'll be entering tourneys with from now on XD

    If ever I become a good player, though, I'll start entering as "the able table"... but we know that won't happen :p

    How was Geeks?
    Well I spent the time mingling at home doing nothing because of this stupid snow thinking of a new name.

    And after watching the VC7 stream, I'm gonna try and learn Snake and Diddy. They look like so much fun!
    MOTHER ****ING ***** SUCK *** GOD **** **** **** ****TING ****ING GOD **** WHEATHER

    An inch and a half of snow outside right now, still snowing, and the wheather had apparently said that we'd be getting 6-18 inches...

    So I probably won't be coming over..........
    EDIT: That is quite a lot of asterisks lol...
    CF and Ganon probably have worse recoveries due to their stupid lag from landing on stage after attempting to recover...

    Hope I can too... it would suck to not be able to go just because of some ****ing snow...
    Except MK can gimp EVERYONE lol. Pointing out how badly he gets gimped by MK is just plain redundant since he can do the same to everyone :p

    Fun fact, Zelda's Up-B takes like 30 frames for her to finally turn invisible. You have like 30 frames to attack her out of her Up-B.

    Zelda has absolutely nothing at a high level. SDI her smashes and she hit you with them. She can't force an approach at all, and can't approach safely...

    Link atleast has projectiles that aren't easily spot-dodged.

    I hope I can. There's a chance that it'll snow tonight. If the snow is bad we won't be able to get off this ****ing god-forsaken mountain... but if we can get off... yeah be there tomorrow and leave on Monday :p
    Not sure... Before 5 I'm sure...

    50% trip rate, but his trip makes him invincible throught the whole trip, his trip slides him waaaaay across the whole stage, can be interupted at ANY time, has a hitbox that does 14%.

    And FAir has the most stupid trajectory ever.

    He's regarded as the most broken in Brawl-... and that's saying something lol.
    Okay. My dad'll probably want to give me a ride earlier, so that he isn't heading home in rush hour traffic.

    Oh and want me to bring my SD card with all the Brawl- stuff on it? It's really fun :p
    Hey, do you wanna hang out this weekend? There are two tournies this weekend (http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=8896 and Geeks), so I was wondering if maybe I could stay at your house from Saturday to Monday and we could go to the tournies and do friendlies and stuff.

    My dad is saying he'd be willing to drive me out to the tourney on Saturday if I'd be able to stay at your house and pick me up on Monday; because my mom has a doctor's appointment.

    And we could do Melee friendlies all night (I want to get better with my Fox especially (he's so much fun)) :P if you can (/want to) anyways...
    I don't remember lol. Not very many, though.

    I don't remember his name either haha. But I know I saw him doing the commentary, so I assume we're talking about the same person.

    I just think that the overall skill level is better.
    TP4 Brawl was friggin awesome.

    I met LuigiKing and had a $1 Luigi ditto MM... took him to third match XD and we had a bunch of doubles friendlies as double Luigi

    And I met this cool Bowser guy (his Bowser was good). I played M2K in a bunch of friendlies... he cheats because he's psychic.

    Oh and SoCal is way better than Washington :p
    Don't his projectiles kinda suck for trying to get your opponent to approach you? I mean can't you just jump to shut down his camp game lol? Idk I haven't seen a really good Link.

    What I'm really looking for is a character I can camp REALLY hard with. I just... enjoy playing campy characters lol.
    My problem with Melee is just that none of the characters feel... comfortable... you know what I mean? Like all of the characters just feel limited when I play them (not that they are limited, just in my hands they are :p)

    If I ever can learn a good strategy for timing people out with Jiggs, I'm gonna start playing Melee more XD

    Who are you maining in Melee, Falco?
    So you're done with Brawl, then?

    Actually I'm having a bit of an identity crisis in Melee now. I have no clue who to main. Fox is fun (but I'm awful with him), Sheik is really simple (compared to the other characters, anyway), Jiggs is... well a Brawl character in Melee, and Marth plays a lot like MK so it's not really new to me. And Falco's combo and camp game is fun, too.

    Nah my parents didn't want to give me a ride :(
    I know when I saw Mango freaken jab Hbox out of rest I was like "wow I didn't realize he was such an *******" lol

    Oh cool, I like playing smart players :p Ask if he can go to SCSA.
    So are you gonna enter the brawl part of SCSA? Or the melee part?

    And nah I still love both games, just in different ways. I'm gonna probably play more melee than I do now so I can try and stand a chance in a melee tourney, but I'm not bored with Brawl yet.
    Oh the disrespecting was in grand finals.

    It was 4th match, 2-1 Mango so far (Mango went Fox first match, got *****, went Puff and won the other two). I think they were both at last stock but Hbox was at a really high percent. Hbox rests and misses, and then Mango walks up to him and instead of resting in return to win, gets all cocky and dash dances and then jabs him.

    Ends up winning and walks away and doesn't even shake Hbox's hand.

    Hbox was apparently really mad about it (frankly if I had gotten to grand finals of the biggest tourney ever and lost to someone who did that, I think I would be too).

    Is that guy Ken any good? I want to play Melee soooo bad. Melee puff and Fox are so much fun to play.

    My mom said I can't sleep over before this time :( But I'll meet you there!
    Yeah I was watching that on livestream...

    wait winners finals or grand finals?

    Meh puff dittos no difference anyways... might as well watch Brawl :p

    Did you see Mango disrespectin' Hbox after grand finals? I lost some respect for him after that.

    I'm rooting for M2K in Melee from now on.

    Oh and Diddy hard counters MK (according to M2K).

    I haven't been able to play Melee since the last time I was at your house :(

    You're going to SCSA this weekend, right?
    Srsly he's sooooooo fast

    How was Geeks, btw?

    Oh and when I was at my grandfathers I watched the Pound 4 livestream all day.

    Did you see M2K vs Armada? M2K is my favorite smasher now. :p
    Meh you just need practice.

    My Fox is bad, but he's SO MUCH FUN to play :p

    I probably won't be, idk we'll see.

    Oh and I'll be showing up at your place probably around 1:00 PM. That's fine, right?
    So my grandfather in Arizona has been in the hospital for a couple days with extreme pain, and we don't know what it is. So we're driving down there on Friday to help out; so I won't be able to go to world 2-3...

    This god **** day ****ing sucks.

    EDITEDITEDIT: Wait nevermind. We aren't going to leave until like Wensday or something like that next week, so we'll still be here this weekend and I'll be able to go to the tourney.

    Okay this day got better. See you on Friday :p
    So stuff happened today.

    Apparently the doctors at reception before basic examined the plate in my dad's leg and they aren't allowing him to ship to basic.

    So I guess I'm staying in SoCal :p

    I literally yelled "WHAT THE ****?!" when I saw that.


    Oh and I downloaded Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, and Super Metroid ROMs for my Wii. Trying to decide which to play through first...
    Nope lol. What's the address?

    You know what we should do? Next time there's a tournament without a ledge grab limit, we should go as double MK in teams and JUST plank. Like learn to plank in sync on the same ledge. That'd be EPIC, imo.
    O_o that would be freaken epic if you could... but what does Luigi have to help him gay people out? I mean Wario has aerial mobility up the ***, Falco has the B button, MK is MK and can do anything... but Luigi?

    My mom says that we can probably get there by 5ish on Friday, but we'll need to know where the event is in-case we don't make it in time because it's, well you know, 5 PM traffic on a Friday...

    Yeah I gay out CPUs, as well. But, I mean, they're so stupid you can plank with anyone (I've beaten a CPU by planking with Ganon lol). Actually I was messing with Wario so he'd be BASED upon being gay and timing out people. Lowered the damage and knockback of all of his attacks, but gave him 2 more jumps, made his midair jumps go higher, and WAY more aerial mobility. Like Sonic fast, but in the air (it's friggin insane).

    Made to hit you once, then circle camp you by going under the stage in one jump (he can do 2 loops around FD without touching the ground or ledge... 3 if you're smart with bike/fart lol. Or if you bike and fart smartly, you can do a loop and a half around FREAKEN HYRULE lol).

    And made his DAir have stupid amounts of hitlag but sped it up. So it's like twice the speed as usual, but with all the hitlag (and made it so you can't SDI it) it takes like 4 seconds to finish if you're hitting with it lol.


    Actually... my mom and I were planning on going to a museum this Friday. Do you think it'd be okay if after going to the museum my mom drops me off at your house and I stay over until like Sunday and we go to the tourney together and such?

    Also are you maining MK now? I can't really imagine you timing people out as Luigi lol.
    My mom says I can.

    Also if you're watching ANY of my matches and see that I'm not playing gay enough, make sure to tell me so I can play gayer.

    I have like this... problem where I go into this like auto-pilot trance and stop playing gay... so I need you to tell me when I'm not playing gay enough :p
    Oh what the hell.

    False alarm about Ken apparently. People go on for like a page and a half about how he's coming back, and then apparently it was fake, or something... lol

    I feel like I got trolled...
    Well the downloader was only about 1.5 MB. Then from running the downloader, Maplestory itself is around 1500 MB, which is like 1.5 GB. That would kill my internet 5 times over lol.

    Oh and did you read Ken is getting back into Melee? Apparently he's crazy rusty, though.

    I can't wait for Pound 4.

    I hope M2K gets top 3 :p (it's crazy that he's such an underdog nowadays...)

    Someone on ZU posted this pic and I thought it was funny:
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