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  • Legendary stuff drops from most of the higher level raids, but it's extremely rare.
    Sometimes you have to combine two stupid epic things together to get a legendary, but there's not many items like that.
    Epic stuff rarely drops off of mobs, but I've gotten some epic gear from just random stuff.
    I've gotten random blues, too, and lots and lots of random greens.

    Epic gear is basically gotten from instances and raids, although lower level instances for the most part drop greens and blues.
    Gray items are teh suck
    White items are usable
    Green items are uncommon and better than white
    Blue items are rare and usually a lot better than greens
    Epic items are usually significantly better than blues/greens.
    Orange items are legendary

    There's also usually level requirements for gear.
    Well, they all technically give def. against physical stuff.

    And yeah, some adds spellpower, some adds intellect, some agility, etc etc.
    There's also resistance and resilience etc. It's complicated to explain but easy to learn lol

    But it's a combo of skill and gear/spec.

    Someone in tier 7.5 is going to be tougher than someone in a bunch of greens, even if they totally suck. Still killable though.
    If they're in tier 7.5, chances are they're not awful.
    Honestly I don't mind the changes Blizz has done with the classes.
    All you do is change your tactic a little bit and tweak your gear/spec and you're set again.
    Everyone complains about everything in PVP. I think that's why locks got f'ed so bad.
    Eh. My main was actually a shaman but Death Knights are easy so she's higher lol
    you should see if someone will let you play on their account if they have a 55+ toon.

    You can start a Death Knight at level 55.
    The starting areas usually look pretty deserted.
    I usually don't play unless my boyfriend's on or I get bored too easily.

    We have a 75 DK, 80 DK, 2 70 Rogues, 2 70 mages, 70 paladin, 70 warlock and a 70 shaman lol
    Not one of my smartest things i've done eh? Its all good. Thats for the Cheer up I appricate it.
    Your right though, I might have made a really really really bad mistake. I was offered to stop and be unbanned, but i figured: If i did stop I would be lying to myself, so I pressed on. I should have said lol jk, but it wouldn`t feel right.
    But Im done though. Makes no sense to sacrifice 100 men to destroy a cannon, or something like that. Im no good with sayings or proverbs.
    Yeah, it tries to point you to where your corpse is, but there are usually mountains in the way.
    The basics really aren't that hard.

    One of the main complaints about the game is running to your corpse when you die.
    The problem is that I do know what im talking about. Its just that Im having a hard time expressing myself with this kind of pressure. I tried organizing myself and glance though some pages in my manual and still got it wrong. By this time i do give up.

    I never said I was a pro. Im actually really bad. I just wanted to try to prove that I did play the game.
    I wouldn't ban him, but I don't take kindly to people fibbing to me.
    It's insulting.
    You should tell this guy to stop trying to convince me he know what he's talking about.

    He's going to get himself in deeper ****.
    That's fine, he just needs to accept that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Like, not a thing. He hasn't said a single thing that's correct so far.
    i thought u'd get mad that i blew ur house down but u didnt.

    then u called me mr. bonne
    but im a dude with a girl av thats why im confused lol.
    I didn't make that far with my more recent files where I play as Cliff, but I have one from several years ago where I played as Fayt (lvl.190+) and I think I got stuck there as well. If I'm thinking about the same Blair though, because you had to finish the Maze of Tribulations to fight this one....
    I played that file not too long ago just to see my character / tactical choice from when I first played. I let the AI controll Fayt while I was Cliff, and I could have sworn Fayt just looked at an enemy and it instantly froze / shattered.... 0_o;;

    (Some kid plays SOCOM)

    [Mickey Mouse voice]: "Holy cow, I had to use my AK-47 on that guy!"
    *gets fragged*
    "Gah... go on without me, guise...."
    lol Wow, I would not be able to beat an RPG under those conditions. I always have to have a healer in my team. But if that healer dies then I'm pretty much done for, so that's one less weakness you don't have.

    If there's a game I don't use strategy, it's shooters. I usually just shoot whatever the heck I want, even in SOCOM where I'm paired with 15 other people. The only main times I strategize and team up with someone is if they're friends of mine, or if I'm listening to someone's conversation over the mic and they got a good idea.

    Killa47: "OOOOOH I wish I was an Oscameyer Weiner...."
    Jeff: "DID YOU SAY ******???"
    Killa47: "OOOOH I wish I was an Oscameyer ******...."
    XxStealthxX: "Hay guise, I'm a little drunk tonight... any girls on our team?"
    Gigas: "*lowers voice* Sup, baby? The name's Marsha."
    XxStealthxX: "Uuuuuh yeah, hi there Marsha...." *Leaves*

    The only other one I've played was 'Till the End of Time on the PS2. I love playing as Cliff and setting his jab to Stun. I gave Maria that trophy you get from winning against Solon Solute and Dirna Hamelton so she's kind of like a Samus with Ice Beam. Then I had Nell for healing / offense.

    Bosses probably hated fighting my Cliff since they get KO'd every 3-4 jabs usually. I can imagine the tee'd off AI mashing buttons like crazy while I'm just laughing and going on Stun-sprees.
    0_o I lost on the second round as well. It was some sort of monster, wasn't it? His clap killed me in about 3 shots. Well, knowing that I wasn't just pure failing in there I might pick up the game again.

    Then in the comeback rounds the knight comboed me to death. I don't know how you faired in there.

    I probably shouldn't even bother thinking about defeating the blue-haired dude. Unless I had a Fishing Rod to distract him....
    [Twilight Princess reference]
    You've played Second Evolution?

    I got to the next continent where you sign up at the "armory tournament". I was just following the story and signed up in it.
    PersonA: "Well, it's going to be a day or two before the tournament, so how about we walk around town?"
    Gigas: "Hm... it's been about an hour since I last saved." *Searches for save-point in town*
    There is no save-point.
    Gigas: "Eh, I'll just level up outside for a while then since this is a new area, then head back to the other continent to save."
    PersonB: "Hey, what are you doing? We can't leave now that you've signed up for the tournament."
    *Progresses story*
    *Gets destroyed in tournament and dies in a snap*
    Gigas: ".... -_-" *Shuts game off and does not touch PSP for several days*

    So I'm waiting for an online RPG on the Wii. I don't know all the details about the new Final Fantasy coming out... I should probably check that out.
    Ugh.... I'm at a segment in Star Ocean where the only known save-point is on a previous continent.

    ...I might continue playing in a couple weeks. lol
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