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  • I'm afraid that I have bad news related to Grazien, He decided to stop posting in that ultimate discussion thread due to being bashed on by some two people, one of them was feeling guilty about it.
    ay son let's go vandalize stuff I bet your graffiti would be beautiful
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    I kinda hate graffiti tho. I currently live in a poor are (i'm gonna get out one day!) and graffiti just reminds me of the bad people who live here lol
    Thank you for the welcome earlier!

    Definitely saw some super nice and level headed people on here, and I am hopeful we can all get along and become friends :)

    (Of course the art can't be understated, you have talent, and I hope to see you grow and aspire for even more!) ^-^
    I approve of your new profile pic.
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    ...I don't. :/

    It has nothing to do with Incineroar, no not at all, I just liked his previous one a lot, and it's disappointing to see it go...
    Want to join me on the "Sora will probably get in instead of my preferred Squenix rep..." wagon?

    All aboard!

    i feel your pain
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    As long as I don't think about it it won't hurt!
    Seriously though, i'm not counting Geno out just yet. Until he's deconfirmed I ain't jumping on the Sora bandwagon.
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    Reactions: NineS
    Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I really loved your art style for the season 2 smashboards poster, and your inkling pac-man and G&W comic. Keep up the awesome art!
    So, what was with the anime talk yesterday? I didn't get into that.
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    I’d like to see myself drawn in your art style lol
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    I also agree with Nate Fernandez, I'd like to see you draw me, but you probably won't as I don't have a avatar, sorry. Oh, and I would have brown hair with black eyes and glasses.
    I have been liked. This means I shall be in the sequel I think! :p
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    Hey, I know we barely talk on the General Smash Ultimate Discussion thread (you may not recognize me ^_^'...), but I just wanted to tell you that I really love your art style. It's something that not a lot of animators or artists do nowadays and do something quite similar to others instead. IDK how to describe it but yours just kind of pops with being colourful and amusing, and that fits your personality and positive attitude. Your drawings remind me on some cartoons I used to watch when I was little, so that's another reason why I love your art. Not that long ago, I saw your recent artwork with some Smashboard users like SmashingRamen, Mr. Wario, Zinith and other users, it was really good and was like an anime kind of crew except they're all just smash fans with no super powers/abilities that I was laughing. Even your Ridley art style made me love the character even more, it's so cute.
    One of my hobbies (besides video games of course...) is to follow artists and see their art, I also collect a few artists' work here and there. And now I want to see your artwork because I'm in love with it! Do you have any social network where you post stuff or where you are in general besides Smashboards so I can follow you? (btw I just found out you can follow other users here too, so I'll just- *Instantly follows*) Thanks for taking the time for reading my long post :).
    Yep. I was just trying out some new languages. I've been learning Japanese for a while.
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    That's pretty cool. I'd love to learn a new language but i'm incredibly lazy
    I've also tried Italian, because I'm learning Spanish in class (and it's easier), and I wouldn't stop joking about it for some reason.

    Also, it's about a month and one day until my birthday happens! November always happens to be one of the better times of the year for me.
    Happy birthday! Hope it's a cool one.
    Thanks so much!
    Jeez, sorry for not seeing your response, but I haven't had any real free time with school/soccer, but thanks for getting back to me!
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    No problemo, i'll try to get it done tonight. I've had a lot on my plate haha.
    You are too sweet for me.
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    Deleted member
    Shrieking skulls will shock your soul...
    You are Sans.
    Okay seriously, what's happening right now?
    Deleted member
    We need to find Drat.
    Oh wait, for Incineroar, I meant to say that I would have to change everything I can to show him, so more than the avatar actually.
    Hey, I'm obviously not the first person here to do this, but I do enjoy the cartoony-ness in your art, and would like to compliment you on it
    Simultaneously, I was wondering if you could do a drawing of Tails, (either on his own or carrying Sonic, with Tails remaining the main focus) for my profile picture? If you can't for any reason that's fine, just thought I'd ask
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    OOF. sorry for being so late, I don't check mt profile as much as I should. That picture will be done!
    Adding a follow here. You definitely deserve one.
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    Why thank you! If you don't mind me asking, what make you thin I deserve a follow?
    Well, you're a friendly and helpful guy. I honestly don't see a reason against it.
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    I see you made a great avatar for Zinith Zinith! Is it possible you can try something for me? Definitely becoming a fan of your art. It reminds me of some cartoon I don't think I can remember very well...
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    Reactions: Noipoi and Zinith
    I'd love too! Have anything in mind?
    I was thinking maybe either:
    1. Link angrily throwing out a sword beam,
    2. Him about to land from his Paraglider, with him staring down at a ready Ganondorf (imagine the angle like in a film, perhaps) or
    3. A cute pic of Link and Zelda (I don't know, maybe holding hands towards us or something).

    Honestly, I'm fine with whatever you choose. I got myself wanting all of these, but I don't want to overwork you. If you can do all in time though, that would be great!
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    :> Just wanted to say that I like your colorful/lineless artstyle! o3o It seems perfectly fitting for an animation! :D Keep up the great work!
    hiya! wanted to hop in and say i really like your art style! as someone who uses their art for avatars a lot of the time, it's cool to see other people doing it too, with a different sort of feel to it as well!
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    Why thank you! My art style really isn't anything special, I just turned off anti-aliasing on the pen tool and doodled, but i'm glad you like it!
    Hey man, I just wanted to comment on your avatar/sig. Assuming its your own work, the line work and form are both extremely impressive. It looks like it's done in MS Paint, but no tablet I know supports MS Paint, yet the work looks so natural and smooth. I'm curious as to what you used for it?
    Thanks! You're right, I did it myself in Clip Studio Paint. I just turned off the anti-aliasing to give it a pixel-y look.
    Ah, that makes sense! Might have to give that a shot myself, totally dig that look. Anyway cheers mate, keep up the good work.
    To avoid clogging up the Ultimate thread I'll answer your question here. That girl is Himiko Toga, a villain. Her quirk is that when she drinks someone's blood, she can transform her body into an exact copy of theirs, and can speak with their voice. She can't use their quirk though. She's uh... kinda crazy too. Wants to kill everyone she likes and become them
    Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?
    Deleted member
    Eye of newt, I cast a hex on you!

    Grandma's wig, this will make you big!
    Kitten spit, soon your pants won't fit!
    Pantalones giganticus!
    Oh, no! Not again!
    She can rule the world and still finish all her homework.
    Deleted member
    Everyone knows I'm the greatest--
    I like your sig :3
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    Reactions: Noipoi
    I'd like to use the Ashley head if possible, mines a bit small ^^;
    Btw, what is it that attracts you to Ashley's character to begin with :o ??
    When I was younger I was a pretty lonely guy, and Ashley's solitary nature and longing for friendship connected with me. Also she's adorable.
    I like that about her too, she's kind of tsundere in a way, i dont know how else to put it. On the outside she believes she has to put on this tough front as a witch, but secretly she just wants a true friend; it just makes her come off as so cute~
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