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  • The below post reminded me about this. A few nights ago (the very night I started playing SF6) I had a dream where I was using the game's new "secondary" function where you could pick a character (w/alt and control style) to instantly swap to in between online matches, like when you're grinding matches with someone or just playing a set. That's highkey a really cool feature my brain came up with there.
    I wonder if Shadow Generations will confirm what Ian Flynn said, that the Time Eater is made up of remnant matter from Mephiles that survived the erasure of events. (especially since Flynn is the one writing it)

    TBH as a kid I'd always assumed the Time Eater was an evolved Void wisp, since it's implied that Eggman discovered him after being stranded in space in Colors. Plus the general mouth shape and the whole eating thing.
    When I first heard about Sonic X Shadow Generations, I didn't know about the State of Play leak, I thought the main leak was that the website was a 404 error. Which lead me to believe it was a dilemma similar to 'what was up with the guy who found out we could milk cows'

    this probably won't be the last post I make about this game's title specifically, I'm not sorry
    So I had a dream where I was playing Shovel Knight 2, and it has two antagonist groups, the army of the wizard who made the cursed amulet, and a modern technology-based army. I know I played the whole thing but don't remember anything except the last level, where you scale the ruins of the Enchantress' castle that has now been repaired with high-tech stuff. Also, part of the plot was like the old SMB fan theory, because the royal family had been turned into blocks. At one point of the game, it's seemingly required to destroy a block that used to be the king's brother because it's in the way of the next room, but I didn't want to, so I fumbled around for a bit until I found a secret passageway to the secret bosses and the true ending of the game. Everything goes 3D, and you fought a giant sorcerer, a giant mech, and then both simultaneously while they have a kaiju fight with each other. You also get the parry from Rivals of Aether in 3D, idk why. Anyways I died on the last fight and had to play through it again, but this time the game turned into Spider-Man 2018 and the bosses were completely different (but still the same concepts).

    I'm not sure about all the 3D stuff, but I would honestly love if the next Shovel Knight had some kind of reference to Rivals.
    The first 100% completion bonus I remember was the dance party in Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal. I remember the game needed you to get 52 emblems for it, but there weren't enough levels for that high a number, so for like 10 days I had to play the game to do a daily quick time event. It was such a strange game.
    I have thankfully never sunk to depression since quarantine, however the holidays and their following January is always hardest for me. Not only do I feel the loneliness hit hard, not being able to see my friends almost at all, and staying in my room a lot because of the cold, but that loneliness results in me feeling like I'm simply not enough. I don't get enough "practice" at living per se, I spend the whole two months almost entirely in my head and on the screen, so I have no time to truly just go out there and exist in my own beautiful and creative way.

    However, I got the urge to look back at my profile posts tonight. I never had realized just how much of a personal diary SB profile posts has been for me. I mean, some of the stuff on here is genuinely really surprising to me. Like, wow. I was that funny, or oh, I remember how much that moment hurt. Dang, I actually had that terrible opinion? (Specifically referring to when I said I didn't like Metro Boomin's Spider-Verse soundtrack.) Parts of me I never knew existed because I'm so prone to thinking of myself as a boring white cis kid who hasn't faced real struggle and hasn't done enough with the privilege inherently granted to him.

    Looking at these posts, though, I feel comforted. I'm laughing at myself, I'm thinking "wow, this guy's cool" and that guy is me. It's not that I have low self-esteem. I know I'm a good natured, handsome person who is pretty smart and creative. But in reflection, I'm second-guessing my every move, wondering why I'm not making more plans with people, why I'm not writing right now, why I fumbled that one girl that one time, etc etc etc. And whenever I'm asked about myself, I can never answer. I've had to memorize pre-written answers for those kinds of questions. Which is how, for a whole week, "The Terminal starring Tom Hanks" was my vocal stim, because I had to train myself to know what to say when I was asked for my favorite movie. I have no, absolutely no clue who I am or what I'm here for. I'm not sure if I'll ever know, really. But knowing who I was in the past is a big help.

    (And then of course, at the back of my mind is always the "does God exist?" question, which is always a ****y one, because the Church has this way of saying very manipulative statemenets. Like you know how Moses broke the rock with his stick and God got angry at him, because Moses tried to make his own path without God who he should have taken the strength from, instead of himself? I think that's how it went? Churches love that story and try to use its morals to get you to come back, saying that you must be humble and submit to God, or else you will fail in life. That the aimlessness we experience in life is purely because we do not trust in Him. But I feel like if I rely too much in God, won't I become too relient on Him and become a less resilient, less determined person? Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Maybe I'll try being super religious during Lent (though don't worry, I won't listen to Bible verses that make zero sense in the modern era), and if that works out then I'll continue it, and if it doesn't then I'll drop it. Sorry for the religion ramble, it had almost nothing to do with this post but it came up adjacently and I had to type my thoughts out.)

    I guess the point of me posting this is to say that I have never spoken to anyone with the level of comfort and trust that I scream into the SmashBoards profile post void. And looking back on my posts gives me a really unique sense of clarity of myself and my worldview and my relationships. I guess I have really undervalued the importance this site holds to me. So thank you, to my friends and to the people who made the website possible, for providing such a space where I can confide. And also a place where my stupid ass ideas for videogames get turned into fun theorycraft thanks to corporate-adjacent-democracy-based D&D games.
    I really love Doki Doki Literature Club, but I don't want to download it for myself. I'm cool with just watching let's play's. Even the thought of having some of the **** from that game on my laptop screen churns my stomach.

    I think it may have something to do with how I can't watch horror movies by myself. I need someone else there and YouTubers suffice when it comes to stuff like DDLC.
    New Super Lucky's Tale is a pretty fun game. The guy moves a bit slow for me (would've loved for that momentum-slide move to be expanded upon, and not just available on hard surfaces), but the level design is tight and there are enough gimmicks to keep me posted. Probably won't 100% it though, it's hard for me to do that in platformers with non-essential levels.
    I had a dream where all of SB was watching the new Smash trailer, and in the trailer Mario was about to open two treasure chests. The first one he opened had the Lens of Truth in it, which apparently summoned Skull Kid and the Moon. Then after the Smash Brothers fought Skull Kid, Mario opened the next chest, in which there was someone who was apparently from Xenoblade 3, but it wasn't based on any specific character, my brain just made one up based on the general concept of Xenoblade I guess. They were like some kind of cyborg jester with a katana. Anyways our Smashboards trailer watch party got upset about the characters so we stormed Nintendo to complain. When we busted down the doors, the inside of the building looked like the first diverging pathway in the Stanley Parable, with two TV's on each side. One was cycling through upcoming trailer footage, where we learned that the next two characters were TOTK Ganondorf and Dee Jay, and that was so based that most of us walked home satisfied. The other TV had Sakurai on it (kind of like the Joker TV's in Arkham Asylum) and as soon as I saw his face I woke up.
    So there's a sidequest in Sea of Stars where you go through a Lost Woods kind of map and have to take all the right doorways to fight a boss called The Queen That Was. There is a way to correct the right path in-game, but I didn't want to go through all the trouble so I googled "path for the queen that was." Google gave me the route Queen Elizabeth's coffin procession took.
    I really don't get all the Hydrocity debates, it's so heated. What's with all the animo city?
    I really love the White Park Act 2 song from Sonic 4-2. It's one of the few Sonic 4 tracks that comes close to the original Gensis sound, and honestly reminds me a lot of the Sonic 3 multiplayer level songs.

    I might do a "favorite song from every Sonic game" thing again, but this time I would want to do every game, including ones I haven't played (Which mainly means the 8-bit ones, most of the handheld ones, the Wii U ones, and Superstars.)
    Sonic Dream Team is really good! I wish it had a trick system (it already has physics that feel like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) and that the missions weren't as repetitive, but otherwise excellent, especially for a mobile game. I hope it gets a Switch port so that I don't have to run it on my crappy phone.
    Can't believe i'm saying this, but I miss Ultimate. Especially the early meta.

    I'd enter an online tournament (against my better judgement) but my card reader is busted so that's a no go.
    I want to enjoy ultimate but all of my favorite characters either being anti-meta (Hero), mid tier destroyers (Link), or solved (Byleth), I struggle to fight certain really good cast members that also happen to be extremely common.

    Granted, being forced to fight these uncomfortable MU's constantly while also playing a pretty difficult and exhausting character (mainly Hero) has built up my mental stamina and understanding of the game. But when I'm constantly fighting the same characters, I find it difficult to enjoy myself.

    Not to mention everybody takes this game super seriously and has an ego the size of Jupiter, so finding genuinely chill people is difficult.
    I miss the early meta too when Ultimate felt like a real game and not a broken button masher.
    The main reason I want a Steam Deck is just because emulating portable games on my laptop feels very wrong.

    Do you guys know of any good handheld emulation devices? Preferably not phones, and something with a big enough screen that DS and 3DS games are possible.
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