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Meta Zero's Advice: General Matchup Q&A


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
It's more of a heads up and that the thread exists. :p
Can you imagine the irony if in the near future you guys be discussing Falcon, and we actually be discussing the Falco match up and go call you guys out ?
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Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
It's more of a heads up and that the thread exists. :p
It was already linked in the op before the heads up. Thanks though.

Tomorrow is the last day of Captain Falcon!

Seems like once again I'm in the optimistic minority. This MU feels incredibly even to me still as long as you stay safe and knowledgeable of what works and what doesn't at certain %'s.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Can you imagine the irony if in the near future you guys be discussing Falcon, and we actually be discussing the Falco match up and go call you guys out ?
I was thinking of making several threads just to set things up, but I don't want to overload stuff with like 40 new threads in a day. Anyway, since there are videos of Captain Falco vs. Falco, it wouldn't be that much of a trouble. That and a user suggested something that I'll talk about later.

It was already linked in the op before the heads up. Thanks though.

Tomorrow is the last day of Captain Falcon!

Seems like once again I'm in the optimistic minority. This MU feels incredibly even to me still as long as you stay safe and knowledgeable of what works and what doesn't at certain %'s.
I don't remember the previous discussion well, but I do remember fighting Mega Man and it was more of a punish game. Anyway, this was suggested by @Captain Rage Quit 69, but what if during the MU talk, we all play against each other?

The ZSS MU thread I made just ran into an issue where we couldn't find any ZSS vs. Falco videos and nobody really knows aside from basic things like avoid ZSS's Down Smash or avoid Falco's Fair, but if we all fought each other, then we could understand our MUs much better. I mean, we have the internet and we can share NNIDs and FCs, what are we doing theorizing when we could just find out results by ourselves? Even if we all suck, we could at least learn about basic things that don't require theory.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 22, 2014
I love that idea. Especially because it seems that, unsurprisingly, the Falcons feel it's in MM's favor and the MMs feel it's in Falcon's favor.

I'm down for it.

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
I love that idea. Especially because it seems that, unsurprisingly, the Falcons feel it's in MM's favor and the MMs feel it's in Falcon's favor.

I'm down for it.
That's interesting, because I looked in the Falcon subforum and searched for MM to find anything of interest... and came up pretty empty. Just the normal, "MM's annoying," which isn't false, but I thought the general perception there was that it was an even/not talked about MU. Can you elaborate?

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
CF's a hard matchup to discuss because the match differs widely between the "on paper" answer and the "in reality" answer.

For example, on paper, Ganondorf loses like every matchup in this game because he loses the neutral so hard. In reality, killing at 60-80% is fantastic for him, and it makes most matchups significantly better.

to me, we win the neutral against CF. I don't see how this is debatable. And in theory, this means with perfect play, we win the matchup. however, in real life, CF is going to land hits, and the unfortunate reality is that his hits... really hurt.

this is a swag number, but to keep up with CF in terms of damage output and killpower, we have to get about 5x the number of good setups that he does. Add this to him being fast enough to weave through the projectile wall with some mixups, and general difficulty in successfully edgeguarding him, and this is a hard matchup, imo.

This is also muddied by the fact that there's about a bajillion bad CF players (see HERE) for every actually good one (similar is true for Mega Man).

Against a pro CF, this matchup seems like it will be dictated by CF's punishes... and as such, I think it's a 4-6

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
CF's a hard matchup to discuss because the match differs widely between the "on paper" answer and the "in reality" answer.

For example, on paper, Ganondorf loses like every matchup in this game because he loses the neutral so hard. In reality, killing at 60-80% is fantastic for him, and it makes most matchups significantly better.

to me, we win the neutral against CF. I don't see how this is debatable. And in theory, this means with perfect play, we win the matchup. however, in real life, CF is going to land hits, and the unfortunate reality is that his hits... really hurt.

this is a swag number, but to keep up with CF in terms of damage output and killpower, we have to get about 5x the number of good setups that he does. Add this to him being fast enough to weave through the projectile wall with some mixups, and general difficulty in successfully edgeguarding him, and this is a hard matchup, imo.

This is also muddied by the fact that there's about a bajillion bad CF players (see HERE) for every actually good one (similar is true for Mega Man).

Against a pro CF, this matchup seems like it will be dictated by CF's punishes... and as such, I think it's a 4-6
But... we can punish him equally as hard on his approaches. If you can minimize how much CF can punish, which we can do well, he has to do something.

I just checked and suspicion confirmed. Falcon is a slow walker (35th between Dedede and Kirby) which means he'll be dashing in/aerial approaching more times than not. When he's at utilt %, dash attack/grab is a 50-50 chance of him connecting or dying. If you're CF, that risk/reward isn't totally in your favor. Even at mid %'s, that's a 17% punish and a setup for uair juggles, which he can get juggled hard because of his weight.

That leaves aerial approaches, which we have good tools for as well (and we can always shield). I know it might be too theoretical, but our punish game is amazing in this respect and can tilt this matchup more towards even.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 22, 2014
Well, I was mostly referencing the discussion in this thread and some comments made today in the Falcon QA thread. My local scene also has plenty of Falcons and MMs, and I myself play both characters, so I'm familiar with the matchup (but there's still plenty I need to learn, so take that with a grain of salt).

Some random thoughts about the MU: I disagree with 2-3 punishes == dead Megaman. Both characters are combo fodder for each other, and both characters hate being juggled. It hasn't been mentioned, but grounded u-air -> u-air is a true combo on Falcon that does 40%, for example. Falcon has more consistent follow-ups for d-throw, but they aren't guaranteed by any means, and n-air is a good combo breaker at low percentages if you DI horizontally away from Falcon. Falcon wins the CQC, true, but at point-blank Mega's jab is faster and knocks Falcon away, so it's not hopeless. Falcon's OOS options suck compared to Mega's. Both characters are heavy and live long, and both characters have strong kill options (which are heavily punisheable save for b-air), so rage is very important.

Basically for every strength one character has I can think of counter-play from the other side.

The one common disagreement I see is with regards to gimping, and how easy/hard it is for Megaman to force Falcon into a bad position. A good Falcon has seen this scenario a million times, so it's not a free win by any means, but you can't discount just how many options Megaman can cover with his kit:

- Blades can force either a low recovery (airdodge) or a high recovery (early second jump). Both situations are good for Megaman.
- D-air is okay but not great for ledge vulnerability. It lasts 4 frames and has a long startup, so you have to be precise. D-tilt has 22 active frames, although I'm not sure how many of those can hit at the ledge, or how useful it is. I have not tested this yet, tbh.
- B-air and N-air are both great for gimping if you chase a low recovery. A N-air sweetspot will pretty much end any Falcon without his second jump at that height, and B-air can stage spike (or gimp, if the last hit doesn't connect).
- Aggressively chasing a Falcon (i.e. not waiting at the ledge) and throwing pellets is very disruptive and safe. A badly timed double-jump can mean the stock, and airdodging towards the stage only makes the N-air sweetspot more likely. It's a very bad position for Falcon to be in.
- Leafstooling is very situational, but extremely effective.
- Z-dropped metal blades are not meant to hit, they're meant to restrict paths for recovery.
- If they make it to the ledge, you're still in the advantageous position. Do what you can to push them back off-stage and repeat.

The only things to be wary of are U-air, Up-B, and B-air (which shouldn't happen often). So basically, don't approach from straight up unless you want to go for a spike, but that's not a very reliable option.

When things are reversed, it's not very scary. Just keep your double jump at all costs, be ready to tech a stage-spike attempt, and whatever you do DON'T miss the ledge sweetspot. Falcon will D-tilt (great horizontal knockback) or U-tilt and that's most likely going to be the stock.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Yeah I think we're done with CF. I'm fine with even, although I still believe 4-6, but anything in there is fine.

For next match, I'd suggest ROB, Fox, TL, Falco, or Pika

Diamond Octobot

Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2014
In space, GMT +2
Yeah I think we're done with CF. I'm fine with even, although I still believe 4-6, but anything in there is fine.

For next match, I'd suggest ROB, Fox, TL, Falco, or Pika
As annoying as the Links are ( curse you Hyrulean Shield >.< ), I think we should get on Pikachu. Yes, ROB & Falco have silly reflectors, but Pikachu is the only one who is agile enough to go through our projectile walls.
I'd like to see what the others think about it. :ohwell:

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
Sorry about the late topic switch. I had a topic in mind yesterday and was doing some looking around before actually posting it.

Can we talk about a new threat? How about the fellow 20XX brother, Fox?
We'll get to Fox soon. I think the average competitive Fox is just learning how good his jab cancels are (note: very very good), so I want to hold off until then.
For next match, I'd suggest ROB, Fox, TL, Falco, or Pika
Pika is, in the same vein as Fox, as a lot of people recognize he's good but there aren't many who play him that have realized his potential. This is also the first time I've seen Pika be mentioned on the MM boards. TL, Falco, and ROB's are rare as well so I think we'll stick to my original topic of choice. After this topic, we can have a week of the two Links and then go from there.

For future topic suggestions, it would be great to have that discussion in the general MU thread, which I watch quite closely. That way we don't clutter this thread and keep it as easy to read as possible. :)

There has been recent discussion in the general MU thread about Ness, and I think taking a break from the zone breaking archetype might do us some good.



Here are some things to get started:

Kel vs Amida at 2:25:00
Zucco vs Nakat - note this is pretty old (October)

Ness is one of the only MU's I personally try to abuse leaf shield, it seems to be that good against him.

His recovery is a lot better in this game, but you can still abuse it. For instance if he wants to recover low and snap to the edge, he HAS to use PKT2. A simple down tilt can hit him out if he tries to just double jump. If now just throw a metal blade at him/leafstool him or something. Be careful though, if you mess up be ready to tech the PKT2 on stage or you will be down a stock.

Respect his fair in the air. Just shield or shoot lemons/metal blades from a distance on it.

When you hit him with a crash bomb watch what he does. Sometimes a Ness player will try and absorb it. This should be an easy punish.

I'm pretty sure metal blades can shorten the length of his PKT2, I recall gimping with it when he was recovering at max range.

He has limited approach options, and we can zone him and force him to approach, so abuse this.

I don't think this matchup is that bad in my opinion (I secondary Ness so maybe I just have an easier time with it due to that).
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Diamond Octobot

Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2014
In space, GMT +2
I don't even know what to say. As a Ness main I'm happy, but at the same time, it feels a bit weird...

Anyway, first things first : AVOID F-SMASH AT ALL COSTS !
Seriously, Ness has both a Reflector in a way and his PK Magnet. unless you are REALLY close to him, he'll either absorb it and heal for 30% or send it back in our face for an 0% Kill. Always avoid it, except for mindgames.

Now, the thing is that Ness can easily be baited into PK Magnet if he isn't careful : he can absorb lemons, CB's blast and a Charge shot, but that's about it. If he gets Magnet happy, send him a MB for immediate punish, as Magnet's endlag will make him unable to do anything. on the ground, no problem , a correct spacing will make Ness unable to do anything.

In the air, its a completely different story : I am 100% sure Ness dominates while we are both in the air or when Mega Man is above him. His Uair deals HUGE damage and Knockback, Bair kills and hurts a lot, Nair can allow him to gain some control and rack up damage, and don't get me started on his Fair (we should all know that it can combo into itself, gimp us sometimes and that it hurts a lot too ). Our best pick should be Nair in most cases since we can retreat with it, or Fair when we have enough time/space/luck. I must admit that I dont know how to deal with PK Thunder tho...

I feel like it is a relatively even MU, But we should beware of Ness' grab setups and throws above anything, while he will try to avoid geting gimped or stopped by LS and MB.

I'll edit this after fiding some vids & the posts about Mega Man on the Ness board:upsidedown:

1st edit :
Dat topic on the Ness/MM MU on the Ness boards:

Tourney records might come tomorrow... (homework & school are important too :ohwell: )
Sorry 'bout the delay ^^'

Roll Em Up | Zucco (Megaman/DrMario) vs LoF NAKAT (Fox/Ness)
Lilo (Ness) vs Jules (Megaman) - SSB4 Winners Bracket - The Smash Loft

2nd edit : So, I found more topics, but no more records...
I think I need some help XD ( or a very few people recorded this MU...)
"Who says Mega Man is bad ?" (Ness boards)
"How do you deal with zoning characters?" (Ness boards)
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Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Good choice.

I feel like we win every single aspect of this matchup, and people who lose to Ness got outplayed or don't understand the matchup.

Let's break down his kit in general.
-Lots of strange disjoints... fair in particular. Very high priority with decent range across the board.
-PKfire is a safeish midrange projectile that (usually) guarantees a followup
-bthrow killmove. quite a few other solid killmoves (fsmash, uair, nair, etc)
-Good low% combos from dthrow
-Terrible recovery

Looking at this kit... it becomes obvious what strengths we have to work around and weaknesses we have to exploit.

it is incredibly... INCREDIBLY important to avoid PKfire. Because it is a reliable setup into grab which again is integral to his low % damage output and high % killpower. the good news is that it's honestly not that hard to avoid. Watch your landings, as he is able to punish any lag with it. Otherwise, you can avoid and potentially punish it with jumping metal blade, shield it, or roll away. Ness doesn't have time to close the gap and land a grab after PKfire as long as you don't get hit by it and don't just dumbly hold shield.

2nd thing to avoid... grab. Good news is, his grab range and ground speed is not that great, so if you get grabbed, it's USUALLY your own fault for playing too defensively or overreaching on shield. just pay attention to his grab always and be safe on your on-block options and you will be ok.

If you neutralize those 2 options, Ness has a HARD time against Mega. His fair is a good midair zoning tool, and one of the only options that straight up outprioritizes our bair, but it's not hard to avoid/react to. Our mobility is greater than his across the board, and he has a large issue dealing with our zoning tools.
He can dowbB absorb a few of our options, but that really should never be an option if you remember that he can use it on our fsmash. Against pellets, it's not safe for him to throw out a down B. He can absorb the crash bomb, but he only gets 2% from it, and again, it's not safe.
He also has a reflector in the bat... probably just a good idea not to fsmash

Offstage, your goal should be to steal his 2nd jump by hitting a projectile or aerial, or just stopping him from landing. bait an airdodge and bair him as an optimal punish.
Once his 2nd jump is gone, he's forced to upB. At this point, we have SO MANY OPTIONS for punishment. metal blade, dair, fair, bair, nair, leafstool are all fine punishes for different spacings. Just determine how much time you have and throw a hitbox (and possibly followup with 1 more) and he dies.

This is at least a 6-4 matchup for us, imo. He doesn't have the horizontal speed to catch up to our zoning, so if we play the defensive game, he can't get through it. the only reservation I would have for putting it as 7-3ish is that he does have good damage output and killpower, but he has to hit us... and he has a fairly hard time doing that.
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Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
Now, the thing is that Ness can easily be baited into PK Magnet if he isn't careful : he can absorb lemons, CB's blast and a Charge shot, but that's about it. If he gets Magnet happy, send him a MB for immediate punish, as Magnet's endlag will make him unable to do anything. on the ground, no problem , a correct spacing will make Ness unable to do anything.

I'll edit this abfter fiding some vids & the posts about Mega Man on the Ness board:upsidedown:
Doing my homework for me. I like it. I was just about to go looking on the ness boards. Thanks.

As for baiting the magnet. I'd go for something better than a metal blade. Max punish with utilt or something like that. Or diagonal metal blade >utilt.

I'll post my thoughts on this MU later. I played a good Mega Man in sonicmega who went Ness as a counter pick against me in an online tourney. So there's a school of thought that Ness wins the MU.

I 3-stocked his Ness.

Edit: Something I don't know that would be useful to know... - Dthrow>FAir chain. What are you supposed to do? DI away?

Also, it was discussed slightly in the general MU thread, but stage-wise is there anything of note?
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Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Edit: Something I don't know that would be useful to know... - Dthrow>FAir chain. What are you supposed to do? DI away?
So I've actually done some testing on this on some unsuspecting for gloryers.
DI away tends to always lead to us eating the fair > whatever at low %.
DI Up and toward tends to lead to no followup or an uair in most cases... much better option.

At high %s, DI away to avoid the uair killer.

RE: stages... I like the smaller stages here (again offstage Ness = at-risk Ness). Lylat if any Ness player is stupid enough to not ban it. Duck hunt can screw him up in multiple ways. Transforms can screw him, but water can save him, so Skyloft is ok? Other than just trying to screw his recovery, I don't feel like the stage matters all that much in the matchup.
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Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2013
Wyong, NSW, Australia
Switch FC
SW 0386 4264 7224
It's not really worth it for Ness to magnet lemons.
magnet punish with utilt
/start sarcasm
Yeah, just like we can punish the 420 frames of ending lag on your Utilt with a fully charged Fsmash right?...What? Just like you, I checked the Mega Man boards for relevant frame data before making a post.
/end sarcasm
1. Mega Man can't punish a baited magnet, All his magnetable moves (lemons, crash bomb, Fsmash) are too slow to let him follow up with anything.
2. The amount of time it takes for Mega Man to land, run over and Utilt Ness is much less than the 12 frames of endlag on Magnet plus the one frame it takes to shield and Fsmash you for trying something as silly as that.
3. If Ness absorbs anything, you will taste wood if you try to punish the nonexistent ending lag.
Don't Fsmash at all.
The best and safest way to gimp Ness is to make PKT2 collide with a lemon or blade.
When offstage, don't get hit by Nair or Fair because both put you in a position to be gimped.
Mega Man doesn't have a distinct advantage in this MU outside of camping.
Ness wins the air game.
Mega Man wins the ground game.
Offstage is fairly even.
This matchup is probably even. Maybe +1 Mega Man.
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Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
It's not safe for Ness to magnet lemons.

/start sarcasm
Yeah, just like we can punish the 420 frames of ending lag on your Utilt with a fully charged Fsmash right?...What? Just like you, I checked the Mega Man boards for relevant frame data before making a post.
/end sarcasm
1. Mega Man can't punish a baited magnet, All his magnetable moves (lemons, crash bomb, Fsmash) are too slow to let him follow up with anything.
2. The amount of time it takes for Mega Man to land, run over and Utilt Ness is much less than the 12 frames of endlag on Magnet plus the one frame it takes to shield and Fsmash you for trying something as silly as that.
3. If Ness absorbs anything, you will taste wood if you try to punish the nonexistent ending lag.
Don't Fsmash at all.
The best and safest way to gimp Ness is to make PKT2 collide with a lemon or blade.
When offstage, don't get hit by Nair or Fair because both put you in a position to be gimped.
Mega Man doesn't have a distinct advantage in this MU outside of camping.
Ness wins the air game.
Mega Man wins the ground game.
Offstage is fairly even.
This matchup is probably even. Maybe +1 Mega Man.
Whoops. Looks like I pushed a button. Apologies, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I guess I should edit that with a whiffed magnet. When I think of baiting, I think of Ness pre-emptively magneting nothing. Since Mega Man is usually at mid-range (pellet range), SH>(optional fastfall) utilt is doable. Not expecting anyone to know any of the following, since I didn't until I just tested it, and note that this is highly theoretical mostly to back up what I have done a couple times in games.

I did a quick search and found that the magnet comes out f10 and lasts for 35 frames at the minimum? Add in, what you say is 12 frames of endlag, and that's a 57 frame commitment.

Mega Man's SH is somewhere around 22-28 frames estimating based on how a rising SH FAir hits for 8% near the peak of the jump (f9-11) and covers about the same distance as pellet range (imagine that? Dev team making sense all of a sudden). Jump squat is 6(?)+28(being generous)+3(soft landing)+6 (utilt) is 43 frames. Shorten the air-time with a fast fall depending on how close you are to your opponent, and you might be able to trim it down to below 37 frames giving you a 20 frame window to react the startup of PK magnet and a 10 frame window to react to the actual appearance of the magnet.

/end theory

Regardless, I think we can do better than just a metal blade as a punish. That was what I was mostly trying to say. Adopting the idea of "Max Punish" is something I have started to emphasize in my game play and I think it is important for Mega Man as he has some great quick punish moves that are often shied away from because they're unsafe if they don't hit (like... really unsafe).

I also heard recently that you can act out of magnet immediately once you absorb something (much like Fox can act out of his reflector). That's pretty cool and definitely notable. I agree that if you actually magnet something, we can't really do anything (with the exception of maybe crash bomb, since it detonates at a later time).

I've had really good success gimping Ness with leaf shield, as it can steal your very important second jump and lead to a footstool. Then you have to startup PKT which can be challenged before it hits you, you just have to be confident that you'll get there before you get hit with PKT2. Because of Leaf Shield, Mega Man gimps Ness better than most of the cast. Also, projectile DAir spike allows you to line up the shot while being semi-safe. However, making PKT2 collide with a blade is great. As for us getting gimped by Ness, as long as I'm not getting FAired into the blast zone, as long as I be wise with my double jump (mostly saving it after up-B), I'm never too worried about getting gimped by Ness in my experience.

And then there's the air game. Pellet spacing applies to the air game as well, but most notably (@ Fenrir VII Fenrir VII ) our BAir outranges their FAir, which is incredibly useful against a Ness who walls with his FAir.

Mega Man's utilt is big in this MU because Ness relies on his grab to get kills on grounded opponents. PK Fire can be SH>Utilted (this I'm absolutely sure about, because of the number of times I do it. We punish PK Fire so hard because of how fast utilt is), and a whiffed grab can be punished accordingly. I rarely shield in this MU. SH is a better option 9/10 times because we end up just above his hitboxes. Dash attack/grab loses to SH. His entire grounded kit sans utilt (poor horizontal range) and usmash (commitment) loses to SH. If you can SH pellet, you can shut down his FAir/NAir game along with his ground approach very well.

It feels like Ness needs to play rush down in this matchup instead of his normal spacing game, because he is simply outspaced by Mega Man. I treat this MU like a slower Diddy (without his stupid FAir) and a more punishable banana (pk fire).

Kill moves for Ness: PKT2, PK flash (lol), Fsmash, Bthrow, Uair, Usmash, BAir, NAir, Dsmash. I find it hard for Ness to kill us with any of these outside of NAir if we stay safe and in our mid-range.

I'm with Fenrir in that I think we win this one pretty hard. 7-3 feels right to me and is what I have in my book.

But I'm also in the camp that is not sold on Ness as a top tier character, which he is agreed upon as such by the majority of top players, so take with some grain of salt.

EDIT: Crouch canceling a landing FAir at almost all %'s gives us a free utilt. Crouch canceling BAir might push us back too far, but I think we might get a dtilt slide out of it. Someone should start looking into crouch canceling... :um:
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Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2013
Wyong, NSW, Australia
Switch FC
SW 0386 4264 7224
mega man does not run across half the stage in a few frames. No good ness player is going to whip out magnet right next to mega man.
to summarize.... so you're saying that Ness loses to mega man -3 because, to put it simply
- he's outranged
- you can utilt the ending lag on his moves
- leaf shield footstool works on him.

I don't need a sarcastic example for this one. Do I?

EDIT: HOLY SH*T. Crouch canceling a landing FAir at almost all %'s gives us a free utilt.
I was going to find a GIF... then I realised I don't know any good GIF sites...

EDIT: OK, i am going to TRY. Do not expect a sarcasm free response.
Mega Man's utilt is big in this MU because Ness relies on his grab to get kills on grounded opponents. PK Fire can be SH>Utilted
We can Fsmash your Dair landing.
(this I'm absolutely sure about, because of the number of times I do it. We punish PK Fire so hard because of how fast utilt is),
We punish your entire aerial and ground game because of how fast spotdodge comes out
and a whiffed grab can be punished accordingly.
As can a whiffed anything from you
I rarely shield in this MU
. SH is a better option 9/10 times
Shieldgrabbing your stuff is a better option 99/100 times
because we end up just above his hitboxes.
Our FH puts us out of range of your ENTIRE CAMPING GAME.
Dash attack/grab loses to SH.
His entire grounded kit sans utilt (poor horizontal range) and usmash
Utilt. Double standards. You can hardly dismiss our Usmash when you start advocating Utilt as the solution to every single one of Mega Man's problems.
loses to SH.
Nair, Fair, Bair, Uair, also waiting for your landing.

If you can SH pellet, you can shut down his FAir/NAir game along with his ground approach very well.
If we Fsmash we can shut down your entire camping game

It feels like Ness needs to play rush down in this matchup instead of his normal spacing game,
Since when did we NOT play an aggressive game?

because he is simply outspaced by Mega Man.
That doesn't mean his entire moveset is useless. Fair is just as good on Mega Man as it is on other characters.

I treat this MU like a slower Diddy (without his stupid FAir) and a more punishable banana (pk fire).
I treat this MU like a faster Bowser (add in a camping game and ranged, fast attacks) and a more punishable Up-B (No whirling fortress)

Kill moves for Ness: PKT2, PK flash (lol), Fsmash, Bthrow, Uair, Usmash, BAir, NAir, Dsmash. I find it hard for Ness to kill us with any of these outside of NAir if we stay safe and in our mid-range.
What do you do when we get inside?
Bair? Shieldgrab.
SH? Shieldgrab.
Roll away? Dash grab.
Spotdodge? Pivot grab.
Utilt? Fsmash.
Shield? Grab.

But I'm also in the camp that is not sold on Ness as a top tier character, which he is agreed upon as such by the majority of top players, so take with some grain of salt.
I will take the whole bottle.

EDIT: HOLY SH*T. Crouch canceling a landing FAir at almost all %'s gives us a free utilt.
You don't have to crouch cancel Fair landing lag to get a free Utilt.

Crouch canceling BAir might push us back too far, but I think we might get a dtilt slide out of it.
Shielding your Bair gives you Utilt, without the commitment and situationality of a crouch.
Someone should start looking into crouch canceling... :um:
My point?
You are cherrypicking.

Mega Man's close range options are useless against Ness. Every single one of his options can either be shielded and punished accordingly or avoided by SH (grab)

Fsmash beats all of his camping utilities.

Using PKF just out of his range beats all of Mega Man's grounded options.

Using PKT2 at close range also beats all his smashes, Utilt, and SH aerials.

offstage, if he spotdodges when we jump at him, then uses his double jump, we can punish with Nair and gimp him.

I really think we win this one 80:20 because of how Mega Man is forced to play a camping game instead of his usual rushdown game.

...is what your post sounded like to me.
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Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
mega man does not run across half the stage in a few frames. No good ness player is going to whip out magnet right next to mega man.
to summarize.... so you're saying that Ness loses to mega man -3 because, to put it simply
- he's outranged
- you can utilt the ending lag on his moves
- leaf shield footstool works on him.

I don't need a sarcastic example for this one. Do I?

I was going to find a GIF... then I realised I don't know any good GIF sites...
I realize no good Ness will use magnet right next to Mega man. However, at the edge of pellet range (similar to the edge of pk fire range) which is where MM wants to be, he is able to close that gap and punish based purely on the frame data. 30 frames is half a second. Speedier characters would punish magnet at that range even easier. Essentially, the argument is to discourage any idea of magneting pellets.

Same goes for PK fire. Not everyone can punish that move as hard as we can and our SH is super low that it helps a lot.

But yeah, pretty much... 30-70 translates more to a -2 I thought (1 for every 10?). The leafshield edge guard works really well if Ness tries and recover low with his double jump. In general, I think Mega Man can gimp Ness almost as good as Rosalina. Being outranged is a big thing when you don't really have the mobility to get in. In neutral, Ness' strength in neutral is his range on his aerials and reward off of a grab/pk fire. When Ness' FAir gets outranged, pk fire becomes a high risk/high reward move, and he has trouble getting past the wall of projectiles to land a grab, I'm not sure what Ness can fall back on.

Sorry about the crouch cancel edit. I was very surprised to find it and got excited. It's something I hadn't thought of at all against any opponent.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off as disrespectful. I don't mean to. With regards to the frame data, I didn't expect you to have anything on magnet, since there isn't IASA/FAF data out for many of the characters, which is why I didn't look and just was talking from personal experience. I just think it's a really rough matchup for Ness. MM can kill earlier than ness on a quick punish/read, he camps out ness very hard, he wins off stage, and wins in the air. Ness can punish unsafe moves well (fsmash), combo with throws, and rack up free damage offstage with pkt, but none of those really come in to play often because of the aforementioned disadvantages.

A non-sarcastic point would be appreciated. I am curious about how other people see this as a more even matchup.

(Tumblr gifs or you can filter google images to only show animated images... That's where I usually get gifs)


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2013
Wyong, NSW, Australia
Switch FC
SW 0386 4264 7224
ohh god...
ok if that's what you truly think I can't really do anything about it. You'll just have to play a few good Nesses. +2 isn't impossible but it's really a stretch to say Mega Man is a Ness counter. I thought you meant 30:70 as in -3 (like in Brawl), and that was what I had a problem with.
have fun with your 30:70, +3, +2, whatever you wanna call it (that's why we use the new numbering system... 0, +1, +2, +3, +4). I'm kinda over this. It is your MU thread....
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Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Ok enough about magnet, because I think we can summarize that it's not a good idea against anything other than fsmash, and if we bait it, we can punish (I also want to point out the obvious that a landed metal blade > utilt if done correctly, so... Everybody is right). I just think magnet is so secondary in the matchup that it doesn't deserve the discussion other than "mega man shouldn't fsmash in most circumstances"

What is relevant (and what I would like to hear a counter for from @ PKBeam PKBeam ) is that mega man controls the spacing game in this match. We've established that magnet is not reliably safe against pellets and metal blades. And Ness does not have anything that straight up beats the zoning game, or the ground speed to close distance as quickly as he needs to approach thru it.
Most people are saying Ness wins the air game. I'm not so quick to give him that, as our bair alone outranges all of Ness's options, and we have higher overall mobility. Ness is generally forced to fortress by throwing hitboxes and hoping they connect, and everything is punishable.
Megaman just has so much direct control over the pacing of the match that I really can't see it being good at all for Ness, and that's completely disregarding the gimping discussion.

Note that I'm not mentioning mega man "camping". I don't think a defensive campy megaman is optimal. Rather, the aggressive midrange megaman is incredibly hard for Ness to approach and hit.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2013
Wyong, NSW, Australia
Switch FC
SW 0386 4264 7224
Mega Man probably does have an advantage, and that's why I said maybe -1.
But you're describing a -3 matchup so go ahead and stick that on the OP, maybe we'll start mega man discussion since he is now much worse than Diddy/Sheik/Sonic/Rosalina -1. After I saw the WFT matchup discussion... and this, I really don't care what other people say about Ness anymore.

Have fun.
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Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
That's... not helpful. Posting to say you don't care what the other side is saying... without really debating any of the points doesn't help anybody. I had hoped for better discussion here.

And to clarify something:
50:50 = 0
60:40 = +1
70:30 = +2

everything in between (i.e. 55:45, 65:45, etc) are denoted by .5 values.

The worst we have said is a -2 for you. not -3.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2014
O think this is one of megamans better match ups ness can't do much aganst aganst spam and His downB dose leave him open (even if he can cancel out of it) the only thing he can do is try and approach and get pellets or run back. Metal blades is your best friend in this fight be don't let ness get your blade. We are also faster then ness so we can run around and spam for days. Off stage megaman and stop his 2nd jump with a pellet and leaf shield his upB but be careful edge guarding ness is just as dangerous to you as it is to him.

Everyone already said pretty much everything that I was going to say anyway I would put the match up at 60/40 megamans favor.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2014
Jabroni Drive
Ness/Megaman is a pretty even matchup. Maybe it's because Megaman really isn't used much but no Ness main shudders at the thought of Megaman like we do with Sonic and RosaLuma,

Megaman has a solid camping game, not as amazing as Brawl Snake or Dunk Hunt but a solid, reliable and effective one. However, like any decent player, a good Ness will adapt and learn through maneuver through it because at close range I believe Ness has a significant advantage. From personal experience most Megaman's go on the defensive once Ness gets close enough because they know they're in for some pain if Ness gets a grab on them and there's nothing reliable in their arsenal that can deal with Ness at close range (maybe d-tilt? I haven't looked up at frame data on MM.) On the air this belongs to Ness. We'll gladly have you stale the only aerial that can match us in the air (by the way this also happens to be one of your only reliable kill moves.)

Gimping PKT does give Megaman a distinct advantage. Although Ness' "gimpability" really gets overrated. His 2nd jump is usually enough to get him back on stage and he doesn't need to use PKT2 half of the time unless he gets send at a downward trajectory. You'll notice a lot less player will challenge Ness' PKT because if they're off by half a second they lose their stock. It's extremely risky and unless you have safe options you don't want to challenge PKT2. However Megaman does have these options if he can hit a Ness during his second jump but again, that's easier said than done.

tl;dr: Ness is better at close range, superior in the air and has more reliable setups and KO moves. Megaman however has enough zoning tools to make Ness approach and has some of the best tools in the game to gimp Ness. Overall it's in Megaman's favor but it's close.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
@ j3lly j3lly

"Megaman has a solid camping game"
I actually don't find this to be true. Mega isn't all that great at a distance because you can simply shield all of his long range stuff and he can't do all that much about it. Mega's game is all about the midrange zoning, around the tip of the pellet range. At that point, he can pew pew to keep you out, FH metal blade down45 to poke and land a followup if it connects (or if Ness shields), or double jump dair over Ness completely safely. To combat any of this, Ness has to read a jump that Mega has already committed to. His slow jump speed essentially makes him anticipate Mega jumping, to which Mega can react to and avoid (with an airdodge or simply a retreating nair). That semi-circle of zoning is very tough for anybody without very quick movements or armor.

"there's nothing reliable in their arsenal that can deal with Ness at close range (maybe d-tilt? I haven't looked up at frame data on MM.)"
I mean... short range standing jab pushes ness back into optimal zoning range (also it can't be shield grabbed when mega can jump out of it). I don't see why this is always omitted in discussions of Mega's short game. dtilt is fine but punishable on bait, our dodges are all decent, and we have the upB jettison if things get crazy for us.

"We'll gladly have you stale the only aerial that can match us in the air (by the way this also happens to be one of your only reliable kill moves.)"
So megaman doesn't care too much about staling. When you can land easy buster shots or metal blades or dairs or whatever, you can quickly unstale the bair. It's also worth noting that this is the only aerial that can match your fair in the air (our nair notwithstanding because pew pew)... your other aerials lose to our fair in terms of range and priority.
Also, we have a lot of utilt possibility in this match. Can use it on any predicted PK fire, any spot dodged grab attempt, any on-stage landing PKT2, most shielded landing aerials, or any successful angle MB hit... not to even mention reading rolls or ledge getups.

"Although Ness' "gimpability" really gets overrated. His 2nd jump is usually enough to get him back on stage and he doesn't need to use PKT2 half of the time unless he gets send at a downward trajectory"
agreed on this entire paragraph, although I will say leaf shield stops your 2nd jump from grabbing the edge, so you literally have to recover high onto the stage to avoid using PKT. I think it's a more dynamic interaction than most players would, but essentially if we guess right or get lucky, Ness dies. the same isn't true the other way around.
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Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2014
Jabroni Drive
@ j3lly j3lly

"Megaman has a solid camping game"
I actually don't find this to be true. Mega isn't all that great at a distance because you can simply shield all of his long range stuff and he can't do all that much about it. Mega's game is all about the midrange zoning, around the tip of the pellet range. At that point, he can pew pew to keep you out, FH metal blade down45 to poke and land a followup if it connects (or if Ness shields), or double jump dair over Ness completely safely. To combat any of this, Ness has to read a jump that Mega has already committed to. His slow jump speed essentially makes him anticipate Mega jumping, to which Mega can react to and avoid (with an airdodge or simply a retreating nair). That semi-circle of zoning is very tough for anybody without very quick movements or armor.

"there's nothing reliable in their arsenal that can deal with Ness at close range (maybe d-tilt? I haven't looked up at frame data on MM.)"
I mean... short range standing jab pushes ness back into optimal zoning range (also it can't be shield grabbed when mega can jump out of it). I don't see why this is always omitted in discussions of Mega's short game. dtilt is fine but punishable on bait, our dodges are all decent, and we have the upB jettison if things get crazy for us.

"We'll gladly have you stale the only aerial that can match us in the air (by the way this also happens to be one of your only reliable kill moves.)"
So megaman doesn't care too much about staling. When you can land easy buster shots or metal blades or dairs or whatever, you can quickly unstale the bair. It's also worth noting that this is the only aerial that can match your fair in the air (our nair notwithstanding because pew pew)... your other aerials lose to our fair in terms of range and priority.
Also, we have a lot of utilt possibility in this match. Can use it on any predicted PK fire, any spot dodged grab attempt, any on-stage landing PKT2, most shielded landing aerials, or any successful angle MB hit... not to even mention reading rolls or ledge getups.

"Although Ness' "gimpability" really gets overrated. His 2nd jump is usually enough to get him back on stage and he doesn't need to use PKT2 half of the time unless he gets send at a downward trajectory"
agreed on this entire paragraph, although I will say leaf shield stops your 2nd jump from grabbing the edge, so you literally have to recover high onto the stage to avoid using PKT. I think it's a more dynamic interaction than most players would, but essentially if we guess right or get lucky, Ness dies. the same isn't true the other way around.
Good points, I'm on my phone, otherwise I'd continue to discuss this, but I think we're just beating a dead horse here. The matchup is in Megaman's favor, I just don't think it's a matchup where Ness players should immediately switch to a secondary one.

Like I mentioned earlier I'm still trying to pick up Megaman but still haven't looked through his entire moveset in detail so a lot of my anaylsis was anecdotal.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2010
Ness' recovery gets absolutely demolished by pellets.
Just stand on the edge and shoot. Ness won't ledge snap, and PK Thunder will most likely collide with the stage if Ness isn't ready.
There's nothing more painful than watching a Ness die at 2%.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Hey. So far it seems that only one ness main has given input on this matchup so I'll give some more.

I play against three megmans pretty regularly. They each have slightly different approaches to mega man, each relying on different amounts of pellets, fairs, metal blades, and grabs. So I have quite some experience in this matchup.

In my opinion this matchup is either even or a slight advantage for mega man. Personally I think it's even, but I understand if someone thinks it's -1 or 45:55 for Ness. I think those are perfect ably reasonable. I think 6:4 is a bit of a stretch, especially this early in the meta, but 6:4 isn't outrageous.

Ness has a lot of difficulty against mega man in neutral. Ness is not a mobile character at all, and this is very apparent against zoning characters who can put huge hitboxes in Ness's way. Dealing with pellets, metal blades, and fairs is not easy for ness. Ness is forced to stay in shield a lot against mega man, and depending on the distance, sometimes mega man can just mixup and land a grab. Thankfully for Ness, mega man has a pretty weak reward out of grab.

Dealing with lemons is very difficult, but mega man has to retreat with them to be safe. He can't rely on this all the time or he'd run out of stage.

Metal blade is very good at mid range, but if used at closer ranges ness can just jump over it and punish mega man with a grab or nair.

Mega man sh fairs are interesting. Is mega man does a rising fair, we can really only punish with a pivot pk Fire. If Megaman is doing a later fair at the apex of his jump, we can beat it by doing a sh Nair or rising fair ourselves. Mega man's rising fair always beats our trades with the 1% hit of ness's fair, while a late fair by mega man is difficult to punish on shield and can punish us for trying to space our fair.

Now I've outlined how ness and mega man tend to work in neutral when ness is approaching. They both have plenty of options to beat each other, but mega man generally has the upper hand because his options cover more of our options than vice versa.

The reason why this matchup is even however is that mega man does not do very well in disadvantage against ness, and has much more trouble killing. Mega man has no fast aerials that put a hitbox below him so juggling him with pk thunder is quite easy. And if mega man recovers low we can also hit him with pk Thunder since he doesn't have enough time to throw and uair and still make it back. Pk Thunder leads to a lot of free damage every time ness lands a grab, and is quite impactful in this matchup.

Ness also has more reliable KO options than mega man. Ness's uair and bthrow are much easier to land compared to mega man's kill moves. Megaman's bair can only land the final hit if Ness has jumped into the air. Usmash is great for capturing Ness if he tries to land with an aerial but is very punishable on whiff. Using fsmash is to risky because of psi magnet. Utilt comes out pretty quickly, but the sweetspot hitbox on it is very small. You can't use utilt out of a run so it typically only gets used in extended cqc which is not comment in the Ness Mega man matchup. Just trying to short hop into an utilt or just walk up and utilt usually won't work, as a Ness should just sh nair or jab when opponents go into that range. Mega man's bthrow only kills at reasonable percents with a lot of rage and at the edge, which limits its usage.

On the other hand Ness's uair has a very huge hitbox, comes out on frame 10, can be done while moving, and is not that punishable on whiff. Mega man's dair is not very useful in juggling situations. Often times if mega man air dodges through uair, you can punish him with nair, which at higher percents will send him offstage and into a recovery situation. Landing a pk thunder that props megaman onstage forces him into a 50/50 where he airdodges Ness's uair or lands on stage with landing lag and gets grabbed and dies to bthrow. When megaman is on the ledge, Ness can punish his getup options with a well timed bair, dsmash, or grab if you get a good read.

Ness has an easier time KO'ing in this matchup, as Mega man's ko options take more commitment and he does not have as many setups into them.

Because of this, I think the matchups is even, or a slight advantage in Mega man's favor. Mega man does better in neutral, but does have trouble in disadvantage against Ness, and is not as strong at KO'ing, which evens out the matchup.

A Ness player should never lose to a Mega man player that he is better than, assuming that they both know the matchup well. And Megaman player should never lose to a worse Ness player. When they are both evenly skilled, they will go back and forth, but the Mega man player should have a slight edge.

That's all I can write now I might write more later. Just my opinion.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
@ Noa. Noa. , Thanks for the post. I disagree with a few points, though.

Thankfully for Ness, mega man has a pretty weak reward out of grab.
I strongly disagree with this. At low %s, Mega can dthrow > bair x2 for a quick 30%. At high %s, it puts Ness (A) in the air above megaman... which is a negative position for Ness against Mega, who can punish landings well, or (B) offstage. Now I'm not in the camp that offstage Ness = dead Ness, but we all have to admit that it is a high-risk situation, and if Mega lands 1 read, Ness can die (also consider that Mega has a lot of tools to steal the double jump). As you said, it is fairly simple to grab Ness, but the reward is greater than you're saying.

Dealing with lemons is very difficult, but mega man has to retreat with them to be safe. He can't rely on this all the time or he'd run out of stage.
Why does Megaman have to retreat? I mean, I get that we can't stand there and pew pew... but we have more options than just moving backward. For instance, we have safe options for going over Ness and completely resetting spacing. we have a single full hop down45 thrown metal blade and double jump dair over Ness that literally stop him from punishing it. And if you read it and jump to punish, we can jump out of it before a punish. This is the main basis for my stance that Ness can't deal with zoning.

Metal blade is very good at mid range, but if used at closer ranges ness can just jump over it and punish mega man with a grab or nair.
This is assuming a standing horizontally-thrown metal blade, which is by far the worst use of the move.

The reason why this matchup is even however is that mega man does not do very well in disadvantage against ness, and has much more trouble killing. Mega man has no fast aerials that put a hitbox below him so juggling him with pk thunder is quite easy. ... Pk Thunder leads to a lot of free damage every time ness lands a grab, and is quite impactful in this matchup.
Ness also has more reliable KO options than mega man. ... Megaman's bair can only land the final hit if Ness has jumped into the air. ... Utilt comes out pretty quickly, but the sweetspot hitbox on it is very small. You can't use utilt out of a run so it typically only gets used in extended cqc which is not comment in the Ness Mega man matchup. Just trying to short hop into an utilt or just walk up and utilt usually won't work, as a Ness should just sh nair or jab when opponents go into that range. Mega man's bthrow only kills at reasonable percents with a lot of rage and at the edge, which limits its usage.
Ness has an easier time KO'ing in this matchup, as Mega man's ko options take more commitment and he does not have as many setups into them.
Because of this, I think the matchups is even, or a slight advantage in Mega man's favor. Mega man does better in neutral, but does have trouble in disadvantage against Ness, and is not as strong at KO'ing, which evens out the matchup.
Ok there's a lot to respond to in this section. I feel you are overstating the difference in reliable killpower, especially considering the relative weight differences. even completely taking away all of Mega's smashes and utilt... our bair will kill starting roughly the same % as your uair starts killing (and even if it doesn't kill, you're far offstage and now have to recover). And no... you don't have to jump to get hit by it. The third hit can poke a standing Ness, it outranges all of your aerials, and is an amazing punish for practically anything on whiff. It also makes the on-ledge game very risky for ness.
Now let's talk about utilt. If you aerial a shield, we can utilt (we can also beat an aerial without shield due to invincibility). If you roll and we read it, we can utilt. If you throw a PK fire and we SH'ed on prediction, we can land utilt. if you magnet and we haven't shot a pellet, we can utilt. If you PKT2 onstage or try to use it as an attack, we can utilt. If we land a down45 Metal Blade off a full hop, we can utilt. another big one... if you try to juggle us with PKT and miss for some reason, either by an air dodge or anything else, you're eating an utilt.
I know we have come off in the past as overstating utilt... but you are criminally understating it. I mean... on hit, it's going to kill Ness in the 70-90 range (depending on rage). Considering I stated a 0-30 combo before, this is a huge issue and something that Ness has to constantly be mindful of. Because practically ANYTHING we predict, we can punish with utilt in some fashion.
Ness has good killmoves. I can't argue that, but considering everything I just said, along with Mega's weight and the edgeguarding vs recovery curve being significantly in Mega's favor... the kill ratio is not nearly as lopsided as you are saying. It may be slightly Ness's favor, but I don't even believe that. Ness's primary setup is grab... and you really haven't established how Ness is going to land a reliable grab out of neutral (again, the primary problem for Ness in this matchup is approaching)

Yes we have endlag on miss, but we do have reliable kill setups... especially off of metal blades
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
@ Noa. Noa. , Thanks for the post. I disagree with a few points, though.

I strongly disagree with this. At low %s, Mega can dthrow > bair x2 for a quick 30%. At high %s, it puts Ness (A) in the air above megaman... which is a negative position for Ness against Mega, who can punish landings well, or (B) offstage. Now I'm not in the camp that offstage Ness = dead Ness, but we all have to admit that it is a high-risk situation, and if Mega lands 1 read, Ness can die (also consider that Mega has a lot of tools to steal the double jump). As you said, it is fairly simple to grab Ness, but the reward is greater than you're saying.
I wasn't aware of any grab combos that Mega Man had. I'm not sure how reliable they are with proper DI but I'll take your word for it. In juggling situations Mega Man doesn't seem too threatening. Ness's aerial acceleration means that he can weave around uair pretty easily. Punishing Ness's landing with metal blade is difficult since it gets canceled out by nair. Usmash is very good at capturing opponents who are trying to land into Mega Man but does not work against opponents who are trying to run away. Fsmash can usually punish landings from farther away but the risk of PSI magnet healing is huge. If Mega man tries to dash grab or dash attack it loses to Ness's aeials. I mean obviously Ness is in a disadvantage when he's above Mega Man, but relative to most of the cast I wouldn't say he's too threatening in a juggling situation.

Getting Ness offstage is a pretty scary situation for Ness. I agree with you. It's not an auto death for Ness when he's offstage. As long as Ness has his double jump he is fine. But if you land a hard read and knock Ness offfstage without a double jump, he's dead if he has to use pkt2 to recover. Though Mega Man is not great at taking out Ness's double jump.

Why does Megaman have to retreat? I mean, I get that we can't stand there and pew pew... but we have more options than just moving backward. For instance, we have safe options for going over Ness and completely resetting spacing. we have a single full hop down45 thrown metal blade and double jump dair over Ness that literally stop him from punishing it. And if you read it and jump to punish, we can jump out of it before a punish. This is the main basis for my stance that Ness can't deal with zoning.
I'm just saying that Mega Man has to retreat to use lemons safely. He has tons of other options that don't require him to retreat. Ness does have trouble dealing with Mega Man's zoning due to his poor mobility I agree.

This is assuming a standing horizontally-thrown metal blade, which is by far the worst use of the move.
Mega Man shouldn't use metal blade in close range and I was just stating why. It's a great mid range tool and punishable on a read in close range. That's all I was saying.

Ok there's a lot to respond to in this section. I feel you are overstating the difference in reliable killpower, especially considering the relative weight differences. even completely taking away all of Mega's smashes and utilt... our bair will kill starting roughly the same % as your uair starts killing (and even if it doesn't kill, you're far offstage and now have to recover). And no... you don't have to jump to get hit by it. The third hit can poke a standing Ness, it outranges all of your aerials, and is an amazing punish for practically anything on whiff. It also makes the on-ledge game very risky for ness.
The third hit can poke a standing Ness if he's doing nothing. I mean you can't realiably expect to hit a standing Ness with the the third hit of bair. What is Ness doing? Jabbing? Charging fsmash? If you're doing a shorthop into a late bair I don't know why Ness isn't just sh nairing, sh fairing, or just shielding. Landing a bair on a standing opponent is not reliably at all.

It does beat all our aerials, which is why I said we have to jump to get hit by it.

I find it difficult to imagine Mega Man's bair punishing anything on whiff on the ground. The move would have to be laggy enough that you could see the opponent do it, turn around, short hop, and then do a late bair to get the final hit. There are very few moves that are laggy enough to fit that bill, and Ness doesn't use any of those kinds of moves.

Doing a ledge jump is easily punished by bair. As I said, bair can really only be landed when Ness is forced into the air at a distance.

Now let's talk about utilt. If you aerial a shield, we can utilt (we can also beat an aerial without shield due to invincibility). If you roll and we read it, we can utilt. If you throw a PK fire and we SH'ed on prediction, we can land utilt. if you magnet and we haven't shot a pellet, we can utilt. If you PKT2 onstage or try to use it as an attack, we can utilt.
All of these are really bad options that good players shouldn't be using. If you space Ness's nair, bair, or uair on shield you can't punish them with an uair. Rolling is pretty awful and should be rarely used. Using pk fire on opponents who are standing on the ground is horrendous. It's a tool that is used to punish people's landings. Ness's that try to use pk fire while opponents can shield or jump over it are bad. Magnet is really bad in this matchup and should only be used against fsmashes. Trying to magnet pellets or crash bombs is a sign of a Ness who has little experience in this matchup. Using pkt2 as an attack should not happen in neutral. It should only happen during a pk thunder juggle, where you cannot land and punish it.

I mean if you wanna just list off a lot of bad options bad players will do then go ahead. But come on, we like to assume both players are good when discussing a matchup. And none of those situations are going to occur when you have good players involved.

If we land a down45 Metal Blade off a full hop, we can utilt.
I don't see how this is going to happen often? In this matchups the Ness player should be conditioned to shield often agaisnt lemons, metal blades, and aerials. If Mega Man jumps into the air, a Ness should either resort to shield, or a sh aerial. I can't imagine a situation in which getting hit by a metal blade in that angle would lead to an utilt. The hitstun on metal blade is not that long, and if you land it while we're in the air utilt won't land since its hitbox is so small. What are you envisioning that Ness is doing when you full hop into the air?

another big one... if you try to juggle us with PKT and miss for some reason, either by an air dodge or anything else, you're eating an utilt.
I know we have come off in the past as overstating utilt... but you are criminally understating it. I mean... on hit, it's going to kill Ness in the 70-90 range (depending on rage). Considering I stated a 0-30 combo before, this is a huge issue and something that Ness has to constantly be mindful of. Because practically ANYTHING we predict, we can punish with utilt in some fashion.
Ness has good killmoves. I can't argue that, but considering everything I just said, along with Mega's weight and the edgeguarding vs recovery curve being significantly in Mega's favor... the kill ratio is not nearly as lopsided as you are saying. It may be slightly Ness's favor, but I don't even believe that. Ness's primary setup is grab... and you really haven't established how Ness is going to land a reliable grab out of neutral (again, the primary problem for Ness in this matchup is approaching)

Yes we have endlag on miss, but we do have reliable kill setups... especially off of metal blades
I mean I just don't see utilt as a move that lands very easily. You're really understating the small size of the hitbox. The fact that you can't do it out of a run also limits its applications. Mega Man stays almost the entire matchup just at lemon range, which is where he should be. That is well outside the threat of utilt. Mega Man's utilt comes out on frame 6. However if Ness is ever in cqc situations, his immediate options are jab, nair, and grab. Jab comes out frame 3 and nair coms out frame 5. Both are faster than Mega Man's utilt. Grab comes out frame 7 or later I think, but is obviously intended to be used if you predict that Mega Man is going to shield.

Anyways it seems that we both agree on very important things. Ness has trouble getting in against Mega Man in the neutral due to his zoning with projectiles and Ness's low mobility. Ness however has an easier time killing and is stronger in a more advantageous position. Overall the matchups leans towards Mega Man.

We seem to slightly disagree on how big or small each of these advantages or disadvantages are in the matchup, but that's to be expected.

As for what the matchup should be labeled, I stated this earlier:

A Ness player should never lose to a Mega man player that he is better than, assuming that they both know the matchup well. And Megaman player should never lose to a worse Ness player. When they are both evenly skilled, they will go back and forth, but the Mega man player should have a slight edge.
I still stand by this and believe this. Mega Man has an advantage in this matchup. It's pretty small, but existent nonetheless. I can even see why it'd be listed as a solid advantage instead of a small one, though I don't see it as so.

Now labels is a pretty important discussion to have. I see right now that you guys like the ratio out of a 100 label. Personally, I really dislike using matchup ratios.

In brawl when we discussed matchups this is what I saw as the meaning for matchup ratios:

50:50 even obviously

55:45 mostly even, but one character has a definite edge. It's very small, but definitely there.

60:40 solid advantage, soft counter. Difficult matchup but still perfectly winnable You have to be better than your opponent to win, but not that much better really.

65:35 hard counter. Really difficult matchup. You have to be much better than your opponent to win this matchup in a tournament set. A secondary is not absolutely required, but is definitely recommended.

70:30 Unwinnable. Must use a secondary to beat this character in a tournament setting.

Now this is obviously how I interpreted these numbers. Lots of other people shared similar interpretations to these, but everyone is different. Reading the OP of this thread this is what I coudl find:

The overall score will be based on a score of 100. We will mostly use multiples of 5. The number on the left will represent Mega Man, the number on the right the current match-up opponent in discussion. For example, let's say that we have a favorable match-up against Mewtwo, we would say 70-30 if its solidly in Mega Man's advantage. 90-10 would be a close to unwinnable matchup. 80-20 is a strong "hard counter". 70-30 is a solid advantage. 60-40 would be for an advantage. 50-50 would be neutral. And then it switches sides. Green will indicate an advantage while red is disadvantage for Mega Man. The lighter the color, the more intense the advantage/disadvantage.
You've defined what the meaning is for 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10 is. However, I would suggest that you elaborate further on what each number actually means. When you say that Mega Man has a solid advantage, what does that mean? When does a matchup stop being a solid advantage, and starts being a hard counter. Doing your best to clearly define the borders and boundaries between what each definition entails is important. It makes it easier to organize matchups if everyone knows exactly what a ratio means for a matchup. That's why when I described the ratios earlier, I evaluated the matchup in a variety of ways. How should you expect to perform in tournament against equally skilled player, and players who are worse than you? Do you need a secondary? How often should you be winning? By establishing clear cut definitions it's easier to have a dialogue. This is especially helpful when you invite people from other character boards.

When I first came in here and saw that you had listed this matchup as 70:30 I thought you were all being ridiculous. But then I saw what you actually meant by 70:30; solid advantage. I can see that. PK beam reacted so poorly because he misunderstood what you meant when you said that matchup was 70:30.

This is why I don't really like the matchup ratio system. It seems that everyone has a different meaning for each of the numbers and what they mean. They have such a loaded history from Brawl that they should probably be avoided. Plus how many levels of matchups are there really?


Slight advantage

Solid advantage

Huge advantage


I would say that all matchups can fall under one of those five categories comfortably. Trying to delineate it any further would be a waste of time in my opinion. If there are really only five different kinds of matchups, then why implement a system that has room for 100 different kinds of matchups?

What's the difference between a 65:35, 75:25, and 70:30? It seems rather arbitrary at that point. You have Diddy listed as 52.5:47.5? What does that even mean?

Even just simplifying it down to single digits creates superfluous ratios. 5:5, 6:4, 7:3, 8:2, and 9:1 all have a purpose. What's the difference between a 9:1 or 10:0 matchup though?

Meh this is why I prefer just plain old numbers. 0, +1, +2, +3, and +4. By clearly defining what each number means, you can arrive to a conclusion easily. And you don't have any superfluous or meaningless labels like with other systems.

ON that note I will say reiterate my feelings on the Ness Mega Man matchup.

Mostly even, but one character has a definite edge. It's very small, but definitely there.


Solid advantage, soft counter. Difficult matchup but still perfectly winnable You have to be better than your opponent to win, but not that much better really.

I see either of those two applying. Personally I think it's a smaller advantage instead, but solid advantage is fine too. Assign whatever number you think is appropriate for my description in of the matchup.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
@ Noa. Noa.

That's a good, thorough post and I'm just going to quibble with two parts:

On utilt: Utilt has invincibility frames that come out on frame 5, so jab is Ness's only CQC option that will truly beat it. Nair or grab will both result in a shoryu to the face, if theoretically inputted at the exact same time.

I often catch people with the full hop diagonal Metal Blade shoryu combo as a fakeout. Dash back, feint like I am full hopping onto a platform, b-reverse a metal blade or toss one over my shoulder. You'd be surprised how often I catch people who try to dash or foxtrot after me when I do this. I also frequently catch people with this combo at the ledge--if you try to stand up from ledge and this catches you before you get your shield up, it's all over for you.

Finally, you don't just have to do the MB shoryu out of a fullhop. Double jumping or insta wall jumping from ledge to horizontal MB to utilt also works, as does jumping from ledge to MB, as does simply throwing one out as you fall to about full hop height.

On edgeguarding: I think Mega Man is better at removing Ness's double jump than you give him credit for.

Z-dropping a Metal Blade followed up by a nair, fair, or bair can be really tough to avoid, even with Ness's solid air dodge capabilities. Mega Man is capable of throwing out a lot of hitboxes in very quick succession, and it's not very easy to time your airdodge or attacks to get through that onslaught. All MM needs is to land just one of these hitboxes to force Ness to use PKT2, which is not a good position for him to be in.

And that's without customs. With customs on, MM can send out Danger Wraps and Tornado Holds, which are even harder to avoid.
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