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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
\-*<Project Report- Chapter 10; 100% completion.>*-/

Hello and hello to all who know me not.

'Tis I, Destiny Smasher, bound and determined writer.

Some of you may know me from my works "Quest for Destiny!" "A New Breed of Tournament" or "Torch's Tale: Friends Forever."

You might note that "Quest for Destiny!" is the fic I take most seriously, however.

All right, then.

Now, before I explain what this fic will be about...I need to explain what Q4D! IS...

Q4D! is really a HUGE story composed of a TON of smaller, more individual stories that intertwine and connect, while separating at times, as well.

For example, here are some of the 'sub-plots' that help make up Q4D!:

Yoshi's trek for the Gold Egg.
The journeys of the Melee League.
The trials Bowser and his family face trying to find a true family.
Torch and his friends being dragged into the War of Fate.
Mario trying to discover what the N-Force is, how to teach others about it, all while trying to uncover his past, and who he really is.
Sierra and her little band of cadets trying to infiltrate Kamek's Kastle.

These are a few of the bigger ones, I guess, but you get the idea.

Now, an idea struck me.

Since my fic is really a bunch of smaller stories put together in a complex web, why not cut out portions of it that creat their own story and put them up as different ones?

Perhaps you aren't interested in my rambling...

But if you've caught up with my Smashboards version of Q4D!, you may realize by now just the sheer NUMBER OF CHARACTERS involved. The design behind my Winds of Fate project- if I choose to go with it- will be to simply tell part of the story through the eyes of a few characters, and not 50 of them.

Although some, like this, won't seem to relate with Q4D!, the truth is that they have everything to do with it.

In particular, the goal of Teen Titans- The X Factor will be to help tell how the Titans get dragged into the War of Fate.

No, you won't have to read Q4D! to understand the story, but a few parts may be a tad confusing, and leave you in the dust.

This fic in particular will be a lot more independent of Q4D! than others I am planning.

For any Q4D! readers, you will find out how and why the Titans appear in my ACTUAL story- as I will not go into a lot of detail as to why.

I am also planning on doing this with a few other smaller plot-lines, like Project WATERFALL. They should all be stuff I WOULD be writing to add to the fic, anyway, I just feel like separating them.

But I'm going to see how this one turns out first. It won't be TERRIBLY long, but decent.

I will use my Q4D! style, as well.

Anyway, maybe some Pokemon fans who want to read Torch's Tale will get a chance to see some of it up close, in the style I once wrote THAT in.

Sorry, my Pokemon fic is not online at ALL quite yet- it's buried within about 5 packed notebooks in my dresser.

OK, OK, I'm getting a little too far ahead...

Just let me know what ya think of this idea, and I will try to jump-start it soon.

(Yes, I am cheap, I tried voting myself 5 stars, buT I can, because I already know what will happen, and I like it. So there! :p

OH! DUH! And Teen Titans fans might like this...dur...I barely mentioned it stars them...

I am hoping to post up the first section of the Prologue either today or tomorrow, but I can't make any gaurantees, as my computer is stupid.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
---*<Begin Transmission>*---

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: Teen Titans: The X Factor

Prologue- Wind's Whispers

The city was deep and relaxed, in its prime time. The glowing rays of the sun had just fled from the navy skies, and small traces of them remained, stretching out their fingers to the residents of the city.

The day had been a calm and peaceful one, and for the Titans, that was good and plenty. Not a speck of villainy was to be spotted all day, despite their patrols. And so, they rested on a triangular rooftoop, starving to eat their long-awaited dinner.

The air was rather warm and inviting, the summer zephyrs pleasant to the touch. A nice, long breeze flew by, and a slightly tan-skinned girl with deep red hair smiled as she felt it pass over her. She had eyes that glowed with emotion, and had a dainty-looking form. She sat patiently, her arms folded in her lap neatly. She was being relatively quiet, abosorbing in the atmosphere.

However, she was quickly broken out of her evening dream as bitter voices began to puncture her thoughts.

"NO! Listen, man, I WILL NOT eat meat!!" came a kind of high and defensive tone.

"Come ON, B, just this once?!" a deep, smooth voice spoke back.

The owner of the first voice was standing up, his hands on the table, his face beginning to fume a bit. He was a little unique in comparison to other people, for he was green. His eyes were very expressive and wild. He was Beastboy, a marvel with the power to transform into creatures at will. Very flexible in combat situations.

"No is NO, Cyborg! You KNOW there's no point, so give it up, man!" he grumbled to the broad person who sat to his left on the circular, red table.

In physical appearence, he was a machine, but at heart, he was human. Composed of metal, plastic, wires, ciruitry, skin, and flesh, he was an odd sight. But a formidible foe, for sure. He had a spirit as tough as the steel that plated his head. And his eyes...One was a glowing red light, the other a sharp human one. Any flesh that was shown on him was of a brown color. He was Cyborg.

"Oh, PLEASE! Every da** time we order pizza, I never get my meat! I need my protein! Why do you keep denying me the "All Meat Experience"?! Come on, I'll pay for my own, just lemme me eat some red stuff, for Superman's sake!"

He was getting a little worked up, and it showed as one of his super-strength arms pounded into the table, shaking it a little more than was neccessary. His face got nervous immediately, and he scanned around in shock, hoping he hadn't drawn too much attention.

A calm and relaxed tone came from Cyborb's left, and it's owner had an exhausted look about him.

"Guys...Can't we just order? It's really not that hard a task..." He let out a deep sigh and slumped over in his seat, resting his head in his arms, which were folded across the plastic table.

The red-haired girl cleared her throat and proposed timidly, "I am eager to experiment upon our pizza with some mint frosting..."

Beastboy and Cyborg, who had just began to bicker a bit more stared at her dully, and BB muttered, as if this was routine, "Star...Mint frosting ISN'T a topping on pizza...Remember...?"

Starfire, an alien being with super natural powers, let out a disappointed sigh and murmured politely, "I understand your view, Beastboy, but I do not understand...Is there a law somewhere that states that mint frosting is not permitted to be placed on pizza...?"

Beastboy gave her the most puzzled look any of them had shown all day, and he couldn't come up with an answer.

"Uh..." He blinked a few times in confusion, and the leader of their little band came in to settle the matter. His eyes were cloaked by a black mask of sorts, which only covered them, so they appeared as white spaces on his face. He had messy, black hair, and a tight outfit of red and green, with a yellow belt and cape to finish it off. He was Robin, the leader of the Titans.

"OK, listen...Starfire...MOST people don't eat...minty...stuff...on their pizza...Then again, most people don't drink MUSTARD..." he paused a moment to reflect. "But ya know what, Star? You're not normal. Psh," he chuckled warmly, "NONE of us are normal, let's face it!"

A few laughes came out from the bunch, except one. She had remained still and silent for the past while, not even moving. She sat in her seat, her eyes closed, her hands stretched out in a meditative pose. She had dark and depressing eyes and shining, silver hair which ran down to her shoulders. Those eyes were almost expressionless at the time, which was what she was trying to acheive. She was Raven, by far the most mysterious of the group.

Out of nowhere, it seemed, she suddenly burst out a comment. It was monotone and dim, but a comment, nonetheless. Her voice also had a slight bit of raspyness to it. Just barely.

"...Why don't we just order and get out of here...?"

Starfire let out a sigh and answered, "I apologize for the inconvenience, friends. I was merely making a suggestion."

"No, no, no, wait," Robin spat out, waving his arms around. "Ya know what, guys? How long has it been since STARFIRE got to choose the pizza?"

There was utter silence as the others stared in dismay, almost knowing what was about to happen.

"We're supposed to be a team, and teams are fair, right?"


Robin cleared his throat, uncomfortable from the lack of communication. Starfire, meanwhile, was staring at him expectantly.

"Right...So, I say we let Star pick tonight." He coughed out a bit as he finished by saying, "Mint frosting it is..."

There were no objections, at least not any verbal ones, and the long-haired girl was delighted.

"Oh, Robin, I thank you dearly! Thank you, friends, for joining me in my curiosity!"

"No prob," Cyborg murmured dully.

"You bet," Beastboy muttered, his eyes wandering.

"Mm hm," Raven hummed, as plain as ever.

Robin sucked in a deep breath, laid back in his seat and mumbled, "See? Now, was that so hard...?"


A set of shining, solid teeth sliced apart the odd food viciously, and the tongue that rested within the mouth seemed pleased. His partially mechanic arm reached out for another piece of this strange delight, his mouth watering for more.

"Man!" he cried, shaking his head in astonishment. "This is pretty GOOD!"

"Really," Beastboy agreed, his voice muffled from the sea-green plastered pizza in his jaws.

Raven's narrow eyes were glaring at the unique food in dismay, and she seemed to be pondering whether or not to try any. If she didn't QUICK, it was all going to be gone.

"Not hungry, Raven?" Robin muttered, noticing her statue state.

She didn't reply, nor did she acknowledge his existence- but Robin was used to that, and let her continue.

Starfire's gleeful eyes sparkled with happiness as she let her jaws dive into her third slice of 'Pizza a la Mint'.

"Whoa, Star," Beastboy chuckled, having just completed his first piece. "Don't wanna choke on that..."

Starfire began to attempt to speak, but realized that her mouth was full- a rude gesture, if her memories on American Culture were correct. It was hard, trying to remember all of their odd customs. But Starfire had an excellent memory, and was motivated just by the chance to learn something new.

After having gulped the food hastily, she let out a few coughs, her hands slapping her face to stop any material from flying around.

Beastboy almost jumped out of his seat, but before anyone got worried, Starfire cleared her throat and murmured, "Sorry," her face beet red.

With a nervous laugh, BB sat back down, sighing of relief.

"See?" he muttered, shaking his head. "I'll admit, though, Star, this is wicked stuff..."

The green monster rubbed his gloved hands together and grabbed his second slice eagerly, while Cyborg was working on his third, not bothering to pay any heed to those around him.

Raven finally decided to wait until they got home to eat, and began to meditate once again.

Starfire stared at the creation before her in thought, then her eyes lit up. She raised up her hand and waved it a bit, trying to catch some attention from the people wandering around the tables in uniform.

"May I request the presence of a 'waiter'?" she asked loudly, excited.

One responded, and came rushing over to their round, red eating surface.

He was kind of short for his age, and a medium build. About seventeen, from the looks of it. His legs were strong and firm, and his arms were almost equally so. His smile was inviting, and he adorned a white sweatshirt and slightly baggy blue jeans. White rubber gloves were on his hands, meant to prevent any of his skin from getting on food. A black baseball cap with the words, 'Pie in the Sky' printed in crimson red on its surface rested on his mess of light brown hair. The same logo was also on his white shirt. He almost had sideburns, and slight traces of black hairs were visible under his nose. His nose, in fact, was kind of round and slightly large. He spoke out to them in a casual tone.

"What can I do for ya, Miss?"

Starfire blushed at him, feeling slightly odd inside at first, but she dismissed the feeling as best she could and made her request.

"Dear serviceman, may you deliver a bottle of...-" She had to think a minute to remember the word for it. "-mustard...please?"

The teen worker paused, quickly surveyed the food upon the table in perplexment, but shrugged and nodded.

"Uh...Sure, Miss...Comin' right up. Just gimme a sec, okey dokey?"

Starfire nodded, smiling at the waiter warmly. "Many thanks, Sir..." she murmured, trying to pry her eyes away from his own. There was something about them...They glimmered with mystery and spirit, almost like the stars themselves. When Starfire stared into them, she felt a surge of emotion flood into her. It was strange to her, indeed. The other Titans didn't seem to notice all too much- they were too busy scarfing down mint pizza.

Starfire watched the young man walk off toward the counter near the roof's edge, and she noticed that in his big back pocket there was nestled another hat. A bright red one.

She then realized in dismay that the pizza was almost gone, and reached out to snatch a last to herself, placing it on her plate gingerly.

"Who's that guy?" Robin muttered, staring at the waiter curiously. "Haven't seen him around..."

Starfire paused, unsure herself.

"Must be new here," Beastboy suggested with a shrug, a piece of baked dough covered in green cream in his grip.

"Yea," Robin mumbled with a shrug. They came to this place frequently, and new faces didn't appear all too often.

Starfire waited patiently, not even looking at her pizza. Her eyes were up in the air as she pondered who this person was. For some reason, he struck her as a very unqiue person. Different from everyone else there. It was quite puzzling to her...

Her thoughts were popped like a bubble when a yellow tube with a sharp, pointed top was placed before her, and that odd boy gave her a grin.

"There ya go!" he declared. "Have a nice night, guys..."

"Will do," BB cried as the figure began to walk away, leaving Starfire feeling a bit shaken by his sudden presence.

Beastboy's eyes glanced over at Starfire, who, no pun intended, looked starstruck. He let out a chuckled and poked out playfully at his red-headed friend.

"My, he was nice." Starfire's shimmering eyes met his for a moment. They were narrow and sly, as he raised his brows up and down in a joking manner.

"Um..." She did not quite know how to take this gesture, and decided to pass it off.

Raven was too busy muttering to herself in deep thought, Cyborg was too busy engulfing mint pizza with his jaws, and Robin was too deeply lost in the atmosphere of the evening- so none of them noticed Starfire gleefully squeezing mustard onto her already...unique pizza.

Beastboy stared at her like she was insane, realized she was STARFIRE, and proceeded to eat his own pizza without a second thought.

Starfire scrambled to get a sufficient amount of the yellow stuff on her food, and she lifted it to her lips and opened the 'hatch doors.' However, just before it arrived on her tongue, a sound shattered their dinner.

It was a scream. A female one, coming from about a hundred yards in front of her, and about ten stories down. The pizza slipped out of her hands and plopped on her plate in surprise. Why now, of all times?

Robin jumped like a bolt of lightning and cried out, "Titans...Moof!!" There was still some pizza leftover in his mouth.

One by one, they all snapped into action, bounding away to fight the crime that dared to intrude on their evening. Starfire lagged behind by a second or two as she swallowed her piece in two bites and soared off like a bird.

The teen who had served them a minute ago spun around in alarm, sensing that someone was in danger. His eyes shimmered with seriousness, and he reached up his arm to remove the brand-name cap from his head.

It slapped against the cement floor gentley, and the boy tore the white gloves from his hands, letting them land softly next to the hat. He ripped off his white sweatshirt to reveal a crimsom red tee shirt. Now that the white shirt was gone, you could see that his blue denim jeans were in reality overalls, and two straps loosely hung over his shoulders, golden, shining buttons holding them in place.

He began to pound his black-sneakered feet against the stone beneath him, and he reached out into his huge back pocket to pull out that bright red hat. He shook it a bit, trying to unfold it, and he placed it on his head roughly, fastening it a little as he reached the building's edge.

His cap was completely red, except for a spot on his forehead- a white semi-circle rested there, and printed in this space was a big, almost glowing red 'M'.

"Time to get down to business," he muttered to himself as he tossed his body off the building nimbly, soaring down to the chaotic streets below.


End Transmission


So...You like? I hope so. Things are just getting started.

Now, I'm REALLY HOPING that perhaps you guys might recognize the style of clothing this person is wearing, and any of my Q4D! readers must be wondering whether or not I'm on drugs.

Guess if you will, but you will not find out the answers until the end of this fic, which will not be TOO long, might I add. Long enough, but not a LOT....I think.

Anyway, things are about to get a LOT more confusing for my Q4D! readers in Chapter 1, but don't worry those of who who DON'T read my fic. You'll still enjoy this, I'll bet. It won't really seem to have anything to do with my actual fic until the end, but don't worry, you shouldn't miss out on too much.

HOWEVER, do feel free to start reading Q4D! Hehe...

You can visit the Smashboards version, which is pretty far into the plot, but has horrible style compared to this until about halfway through it...

Or you can visit the Fanfiction.net version, which is not nearly as far, but a LOT more detailed, and is what I will consider the actual version, for future reference.

BLECH. OK, OK. Gimme some time to collect my thoughts and write MORE, MmmKay?

By the way, in case you haven't noticed, pay attention to the little thingy at the beginning of the entire topic- it will tell you how far I've written. Once I complete a Chapter, I will get it up ASAP.


Dec 19, 2002
I never knew Mario was that young. well it is YOUR fic. update when you have time.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Listen, buddy...:chuckle: It IS my fic, and Mario, he...GAH!

Listen, this fic DOES relate to Q4D!, OK? In Q4D! Mario is the age he is in Melee. I don't want to ruin the plot, because it's crucial to whole fic, and will be revealed in the end, but...

This is not supposed to be the same Mario, OK? You will be meeting a few more familiar faces, and bear with me- they are not exactly the same. Not yelling at you, just setting you straight. If you go into the fic thinking that the characters are supposed to the same ones from their series', you're gonna get REAL confused...

Well...I would update, and Chapter 1 is complete, but I would like maybe another reader or two, and perhaps...

Well, even if it's just you, could you tell me what ya like and don't like so far? Chapter 1 REALLY throws a lot of ideas into your head, and is meant to leave you guessing. So if there's a question you want answered, ASK ME. If it won't ruin the plot, I'll explain. OK? OK.


Aug 12, 2002
Chugiak, Alaska
Hehe, I checked this out just because I watched a couple episodes of Teen Titans and enjoyed it, so I thought I'd try it out. ^_^

Oh, and one thing before I continue... isn't it "Starfighter," not "Starfire"? o_o'

Anways, it's very enjoyable with a nice amount of humor so far. The writing and descriptions are well done in my opinion, but... it's kinda hard to decide anything from one chapter. :/

Anyways, keep it up! I'd like to see where this fic goes. ^.^

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I know, I know. I just wanted to explain that to ya. No offense thrown.

It's STARFIRE, thank you very much! I may not know everything there is to know about Teen Titans, but I HAVE watched every episode thus far (except the one where Robin and Cyborg have their argument) so I think I kinda know what's goin' on.

The next Chapter is half action, half mystery, and I hope you enjoy it. If all goes well, it will be up by the end of the day, allright?

Hehe...Happy. :D I kinda can't wait to see who this 'X' guy is that's going to be in this Staurday's episode. As the fic revolves around the letter 'X' a lot...He very well might make an appearence...Unless he gets disintegrated or something...:confused:

Well, anyway, I'll see you all after school! (None of you will have read this by now, anyhow. :p)


Dec 19, 2002
Teen titans is my fav show but I can't watch it here in Japan so I'm missin episodes:cry:. I bet th lady is peach as a teen and bowser is causing trouble:D. so what was the Japanese version of the theme song like?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
??? :crazy: You live in JAPAN?! Sweet! I'm from the good ol' USA...

Teen Titans...Isn't it Japan? That's odd- sometimes the intro is sung in Japanese, and the show looks like it has a lot of of Japanese infulence to it. It's GOTTA be in Japan somewhere...

I feel sorry for ya now...

Well, er...I guess if you PMed me, I could summarize every episode I've seen so far...

What's all this nonsense about Peach and Bowser and...:eek: OHHH...Hehe...I get it. *sweatdrop* I'm forgetting, I've written Chapter 1, but I haven't POSTED it yet. Just another couple of hours and it'll be up, I'll try my best. (I'm in school right now, and I don't have the file on me...)

WELL, then...

Yea, I guess it would be logical to see a teen version of Bowser and Peach, but...Well, you'll just have to wait and see...

I WILL say that you will see characters from different series', though. You'll see, soon enough.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
---*<Begin Transmission>*---

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: Teen Titans- The X Factor

Chapter 1- Crossroads of Chaos

A maniacal chuckle erupted from the creature before them as he pulverized Cyborg, senting the mechanical young man flying into a parked car. The impact was rough, and the car was crushed with a loud crunching sound.

The laugh was high, quick, and frightening- but the Titans were anything but cowardly.

It's owner was a thin and lanky fellow. He had very skinny arms and legs, and a tall head. Long, thin locks of pale green hair dangled down over his face, each one reaching almost to his feet. They flew around crazily as he moved. His eyes were wide and insane, and his grin was equally so- though it was much dirtier looking than his eyes. He had a long, pointy nose, like a cone. His outfit was one made almost entirely of treebark, oddly enough.

He let out another psychotic giggle as Raven blasted a shadowy fire hydrant at him, which she had ripped from the sidewalk with her powers.

The villain simply lashed out one of his arms, which amazingly stretched out like a whip, and lashed the hydrant back at her with stunning force and accuracy. Raven was caught off guard at close range, and she, too, was knocked backward.

The other Titans were working on hacking away this creeps small army of freaks. Each one looked like a little tree- like him- but they weren't as tall, and much weaker than he. In numbers, however, they were becoming a nuisance.

"What's UP with these things?!" Beastboy cried as he transformed into a green and black panda, scarfing them down like snacks.

"I have not the slightest clue," Starfire admitted in a shout as she fried about five of them with a nicely aimed beam of energy. She shot it from her palms, and it exploded upon contact with the black pavement.

Robin was a little distant from them, and handling himself just fine. He'd kick one, punch another, lash out his boomerang at the next...They were small fry. But they were getting ANNOYING.

Just as his fist bashed into one's head, crushing it into a mushy gree pulp, Robin looked up when he heard a shrill cry.

It was the boss of these creatures, and he looked satisfied as a few of his odd, vine-like locks of hair joined together to form a thick rope, which wrapped around Robin, clutching his tight.

He couldn't break free, though he struggled. His body was lifted into the air, and he grunted in annoyance, helpless.

An innocent face stared in shock when it realized what had just happened, and a gasp erupted from its mouth.

"Robin!" a sweet voice cried in fright. "Do not worry, Robin, I am coming!"

As she sped through the air, her hands out sharply, her shining red hair flapped like mad. As she closed in on the target, green orbs of light and heat formed in her fists, and she prepared to let them fly. However, she didn't notice the pointy object that came whizzing straight at her until it was too late. A sharp dart of sorts struck her in the neck, and she cried out in pain as some strange substance seeped into her body. Whatever it was, it made her fall asleep in a matter of seconds. Her body was speeding through the air at a high velocity, but was snatched by one of the villain's vines like a frog's tongue on a fly.

Another squeaky snicker poured out from the oddball's mouth as he danced with glee, two of the five in his possession.

Robin continued to fight, but he could feel his body numbing, as well.

"DUDE!" Beastboy cried, nimbly leaping over some of the sproutling freaks and dashing at the creature.

"You're gonna be sorry, man!" he declared boldly, as he hunched over and tranformed into an emerald-colored bear, running as he did so.

"I ain't out for the count just yet!" came the booming voice of Cyborg as he, too, came rushing in, his arm extended in its cannon form.

As the two came dashing in, the lanky man had to think fast.

He came up with his strategy as large, neon blue beams of plasma came soaring at his face, directly from Cyborg's arm.

The clever woodland guy stuck out his odd nose, letting it absorb the impact in full.

"YEA, baby!" Cyborg cheered- but too soon. He skidded to a halt as he noticed the stranger's cone-shaped nose was glowing blue, and he looked unharmed.

"Aw, sh**," he mumbled to himself in dismay, as his own attacks were used against him, the power of all of his shots ramming into his body at once in a turrent of blue.

He twitched like crazy, his system scrambled, and collapsed to the pavement.

The half-man, half-tree whirled around to see this green bear lunging for him, but was prepared. As he had reflected Cyborg's attacks with his nose, his arms and dug into his huge mess of 'hair' and pulled out two large beehives.

The beehives were launched liek bombs at Beastboy, who snarled in surprise as they exploded with insects. At first he continued, as if they ahdn't hit, but he quickly realized these weren't ordinary bees. The green and white striped bugs injected his body with the ame toxin that had struck Starfire and Robin, and he soon warped back to his neautral self, rolling into the ground harshly.

In utter joy, the madman scooped these two new trophies up, very pleased with himself, and let loose one of his insane laughs. But a slightly scratchy tone interrupted his fun.

"...A word of advice...Stop giggling like a child...And cut your hair while you're at it..."

It was Raven, who came gliding toward the beast, ready to avenge her fallen comrades, who were all knocked out cold.

The tree-man snorted in defiance and prepared to lash out his vines. But as they whipped through the sky, they smacked harslhy against the black barrier that raven had formed around her body.

"Nice try," she muttered, raising her palms.

She blasted the group of vines back with a little effort, and swerved around the creature, ready to strike.

But this criminal was not ready to give up just yet. He still had some more tricks.

His nose- that odd and bulbous monstrsity- began to pulse a purple color, and he focused his sights on following this pale-skinned girl as she came in for the kill.

But when Raven was about to dish out her power, a purple missile punctured her forcefield, shattering it like glass. Her foe's flying nose exploded in a cloud of purple dust, and Raven fought to stay in control of her body. But her eyes were blinded, they stung...She felt herself give in to this strange poison...

And the last of the Titans fell to the clutches of this psychopath.

He screamed in delight at the task he had accomplished. For months he'd developed his tactics, ready to annialate the Teen Titans. It had paid off.

"MREHEHEEEEEHEEEEEE!!" he wailed joyfully. "The pathetic Titans have fallen to the hands of the WHOMPING WILLOW!!"

As a barrage of frightening laughed flew into the air, the man danced around, waving the teens in the air within the grip of his long hair.

"Dammit, do I hate it when they talk in third person like that," someone muttered to himself as he stormed onto the scene.

It was the strange waiter from the 'Pie in the Sky' pizza parlor, garbed in his unique outfit.

He landed on the pavement nimbly, absorbing the fall with ease. As he rose up in an erect position, he straightened his red cap, which looked maroon in the early night's dim light.

He stood tall, his fists clenched, about twenty feet away from the Whomping Willow. His eyes were slightly glazed, and righteous justice emitted from him. Some of his fluffy brown hair poked out of the back of his hat, and it rustled in the air gentley.

The 'gifted' tree glared at him in utter surprise and confusion.

"What is this?!" he shrieked. "Who are YOU?" The bark-covered man crouched slightly in a defensive position.

The teen before him put up his fists before his face, stared him down cooly, and responded with a calm grin about him.

"My name's Mario...And I'm your worst nightmare, pal..."


Pain. It burned through his whole body as it woke up groggily. The pain was unbearable, coarsing all around him. He let out a moan and tried to open his eyes. But when he did, light began to flood in, which caused even more irritation. He squinted them shut again in agony, and growled slightly.

His ears were functioning fine, though, and he could make out voices coming from around him. The first one to meet his eardrums was very sweet, gentle, and sounded a little timid.

"They'll be fine...I'll do what I can..."

Another one responded from a little farther away. This one was kind of cocky, almost. It had spunk and attitude to it, but also a firm sense of justice and freedom.

"Don't worry too much. You look too tense. Just relax, and do what ya do..."

She hummed shyly back, "Mm hm..."

Suddenly, Robin felt a warm breeze blow by him, and he felt his pain begin to melt away. It was gradual, but he could definitely feel it. He was dying to open his eyes, but he did so slower this time. They adjusted to the light well, and he could make out figures standing around him, though it took a while to see the details, as everything was still blurry.

As it turned out, Robin was laying on a carpeted floor in a warm and oddly familiar room. His good pals were sprawled all along the floor of the room, slowly gaining conciousness. Robin was finally able to sit up, but not too fast. Pain was still clear and present, but not so much so, and the memories of what had just happened flashed through his brain like lightning. As quickly as these thoughts flew into his brain, his body was up on its feet, and he was scanning his environs frantically.

In amazement, he soon realized exactly where he was...The living room of Titan Tower. Cyborg was hunched over the round coffee table. Starfire was lying on the red couch. Raven was in the recliner off to the side, and Robin could only see her chin, as her head was propped back. Beastboy was on the ground beside Robin, and the leader of the Titans was now standing in shock, staring at the big screen before him. He was breathing heavily, and realized he was still pretty worn out from his previous fight.

"Whoa, there, buddy," came the male voice Robin had heard. He felt two firm hands latch onto his shoulders, which made him twirl around in fright with a cry.

The figure before him was a teenage boy, about his height. Robin didn't focus on details at the moment- all he knew was that a stranger was in his house.

"Geez, cool yer jets, bro," the kid eased him, sticking his palms out like a sheild. "You still look kinda banged up. Might wanna sit down a bit, huh?"

"Who are you?!" Robin spat out suddenly, backing away a little bit in alarm.

The stranger sighed with a smile, shaking his head slowly.

"Dude, just chill, OK?"

Robin paused, calming slightly. Something about this kid let him know that they were on the same side. It was his face, his sharp expression. The jade eyes that radiated attitude.

The leader sucked in a deep breath, noticing that everyone else was still out of it, and returned his gaze to this odd teen. He didn't look familiar...

Beside his eyes and his arrogant smirk, Robin also noticed he had some small, blach hairs coming out of the bottom of his chin. Poking over his forehead were a few spikey bangs of various sizes. And running down the back of his head was a smooth set of spiney hair that pointed downward, mostly. All of that hair was blue.

He wore a light jacket that was white with puffy blue cuffs. Small yellow lightning bolts ran up his sleeves. In the middle of his chest was a nifty design- a buzzsaw like shape that was a deep blue. A zipper ran down the middle of it. There was no shirt underneath the jacket- not that Robin could notice.

He had sky blue windpantswith white stripes down the sides. On the front of each leg, running lengthwise, the words 'Gotta Jet' were printed in white, block-ish writing. Traces of white socks poked up out of his sneakers, which looked very snazzy.

They were red, with white lines intricately running down them. The heels had glowing greenish circles on their outside.

Robin's breathing was still deep, and he still looked slightly unsure.

The teen rolled his eyes, his arms folded across his chest.

"Listen, buddy, I just helped save your @$$ from that gay tree, and ya don't trust me?"

Robin blinked in confusion. RIGHT! That's what happened! They were getting their butts kicked by that freak...

"Wait," he mumbled, puzzled. "YOU beat that guy up?"

The figure shrugged and nodded. "Well, yea, I helped."

Robin blinked a few times, staring at him in awe.

"You mean, after he beat us up, you came in and finished him off...?" Robin felt strange saying that. Since when were there other other heroes in town?

The blue-haired boy nodded slowly, his eyes wide, as if he thought Robin was a moron.

"Yea, pretty much..."

Robin sighed deeply, abosorbing it in. He glanced at all of his comrades, feeling their were all OK. He crossed his arms and paused in thought.

"So..." he began slowly. "Uh...Who are you? Why did you save us...?"

The kid nodded, flashing a cocky grin. He put his fists on his hips and announced his answer boldy.

"I'm Sonic. And I don't need a reason to help people, do I?"

Robin shrugged, feeling that this guy had strong beliefs in justice.

"I guess...W-Wait...So..." He shook his head, sorting all of his thoughts.

"You beat up the villain, and brought us all back here, all single-handedly...?" There was suspicion in his tone.

Sonic chuckled at him and tossed his right arm.

"Psh! I wish! Nah. I've got groupies, ya know!"

Robin froze and quickly searched the room, but they were the only ones there.

"Groupies...? Where are they?"

This Sonic character tapped his fuzzy chin a little and glanced around the room. Sounding a little unsure, he replied.

"Ehhh...Well, I'll bet they're all lookin' for somethin' to eat." A laugh came out. "Yea, especially Mario..."

Robin cocked his head, curious.


Sonic turned his head back to Robin and muttered, "Oh, yea. He's our leader and everything..."

Robin grinned in realization.

"So you're telling me you're part of a team of crime-fighters, too?!" he asked eagerly.

Sonic shrugged, and as he answered, he slicked back his hair with his left hand, which was encased in a black biker's glove.

"Guess you could say that..." The spikey-headed kid seemed a tad confused as he pondered the thought. Robin's averted to other matters.

"Allright, so...Everybody's gonna be OK, then?" he checked hastily.

"Oh, sure. Everybody's good. Just need a lil' sleep, ya know?" His green eyes narrowed at Robin's white spaces for eyes. "Speakin' of which, you look like you're really missin' out...You need to take a chill pill and nap, dude."

Robin shook his head, frowning.

"I'm good, don't worry. Listen, you need to show me where these other guys are..."

Sonic let his arms drop and tilted his head a little.

"Sure, man, whatever." A devilish smile crawled across him. "Hope you can keep up."

Robin stared at him strangely. "What are you talking about? I LIVE here."

By the time he'd finished his sentence, the kid had whizzed out of the room in a blue blur, yet leaving everything in tact as well.

Robin blinked in amazement for a few seconds before another thought came to his attention.

"Wait a minute...This is OUR HOUSE!! Who invited you in here?!"


The cool air slowly wafted by the teenager's face, which had traces of bristles under the nose. He sniffed the crisp air, his cautious eyes glancing around alertly. A soft hand creeped up to his face and scratched his chin roughly, then disappeared.

A figure was staring at him from behind, unbeknowest to the boy. She was a little younger than him, and was smiling warily.

"Hey," she said calmly.

"Whoa!" the kid jumped, banging his head into the white door of the refridgerator. He yelped quietly, and rubbed his hand through his messy, light brown hair. He spun around slowly to see one of his friends, and he smiled smugly.

"What?" he asked, smiling, as he slowly stood up and closed the door, still tending his 'injury'.

The dark-skinned girl was grinning at him dully.

"Mario..." she mumbled. "This isn't our home...Are you sure it's right to be snooping around their food?" Her eyes were sad and a dark, deep blue.

Mario chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his bare hand.

"Well, uh...I mean, ya know, if it weren't for us, they'd be screwed. Besides, we've already made ourselves at home, right?"

The girl shook her head slowly and sighed, crossing her thin arms over her chest as she leaned her back against the island that rested in the middle of the kitchen.

"Mario, we did the right thing, but...We shouldn't be poking around their things, ya know...? Besides, I don't feel like I'm at home..." Her depressed blue jewels wandered around the room nervously.

Mario glanced at her from head to toe for a few seconds before he answered calmly, "You've already got your shoes off..."

The brown-skinned young woman tossed her head back in frustration and growled, "Mario, I NEVER wear shoes!"

Mario shrugged lightly, smiling in a bit of embarrassment as he stared at her cute, bare feet.

"Meh, whatever," he mumbled casting the thought aside. His face took on a solemn tone suddenly as his eyes soared around thoughtfully.

"Hey...Tenochtitlan," he mumbled shyly.

She let one smooth arm drop, while the other clung to it gracefully. "Mm...?"

"Do you think...that everything's gonna work out...?" He sounded a little unerved.

As he returned his gaze to hers, he saw the worry in her icey, white eyes.

She let her head bob a little, unsure. She had to think a moment before she could respond.

"Um...Wh-what do you mean...?" she inquired quietly, her gaze gradually returning.

Mario sifted his hand through his puffy maple hair a little, trying to relax his brain as he mumbled, "Well, ya know...Ya think they're gonna accept us...?"

Tenochtitlan's eyes were now furrowed and a dark brown.

"I don't see why not..." she murmured firmly. "We DID save them, afterall. I'm sure that they could use our help...Why else would we be here...?"

Mario nodded slowly in agreement, letting his arm flop over to his side again.

"Yea, I know...I'm as confused as you are...I was just wondering what you thought...You seem to always be right, after all." A smile crept over his face as his sight met hers.

She was smiling warmly back at him, her golden yellow retinas half covered by her eyelids.

Her soft, dark hands wandered onto the counter to gently scoop up the big red cap that had been sitting there. She ran her fingers over it, almost mesmerized, then slowly raised her hand and went to pass it to her friend.

He stepped closer to her and reached out for it with his big, sculpted hand. Much to Tenochtitlan's surprise, he playfully slapped it on her head, messing around her long, braided locks of soft, black hair.

She giggled and pushed him away roughly.

He chuckled a little and countered by shoving his hat down over her beaming, pink eyes and her shining, white grin. He always seemed capable of making her laugh. A familiar voice interrupted them, and they almost jumped. When she realized who it was, though, Tenoch smirked and roughly shoved Mario away, sending him bumping into the refrigerator.

"Whew! I was HOPING you guys didn't chomp all the grub!" Sonic had called out, just before Mario hit the fridge.

As the smooth acting guy slickly walked into the room, he glanced at Tneochtitlan, then at Mario.

"Psh. Get a room, guys," he muttered with a grin, knowing exactly what kind of reaction he was about to get.

"Hmph. Get real, Sonic," Mario protested smugly. "You know nothing's going on..."

Sonic chuckled warmly as he punched Mario on the shoulder, easing him to get out of his way.

"I know, man, I know...I'm just jokin' with ya," he mumbled warmly, reaching his arms into the array of food.

Tenoch was suddenly quiet, her eyes a dark blue. Neither of them noticed, and she let the thought go, her retinas changing into an emerald green before Sonic noticed her standing there, staring at the ground, holding an apple in his hand.

"What's up with you...?" he murmured curiously.

Her head jerked up, her dreadlocks flipping around. She slowly removed the red cap on her head and tossed it to Mario, who caught it with ease.

"Uh...I'm just...-" her kind voice trailed off, not really sure what her problem was.

"We're a little worried about what's goin' on," Mario admitted as he slipped his hat back on, feeling at one with himself as he did so.

Sonic had swallowed a bite, and just before he munched into it again, he responded.

"Ahhh...Yea..." His teeth sank into the sweet, red fruit. He added more, his mouth full. "Ah ohh hut ya mean," he attempted.

Tenochtitlan finally spoke, fiddling with the object wrapped around her forehead.

"Mm hm. I'm a little nervous, I guess..." Now that she thought about it, she was losing confidence. She blanked out for a minute, not paying attention to their conversation, wandering through her thoughts.

Why am I here...? Where did I COME from...? Who AM I...?

She became frightened for a moment when she realized the truth- she didn't have a good answer for ANY of those questions. At least not an answer she knew was correct. She felt she KIND OF knew the answers...She wanted to get out of these thoughts, and she didn't realize her eyes had turned black. As she awoke from her fear, she realized her hands were playing around with her hair, and she hastily dropped them, hoping the other two hadn't noticed. She felt much more comfortable when she noticed they were scarfing food out of the fridge like animals. Then again, they hadn't really eaten all day.

They didn't have any money to get food WITH. They didn't have any home to go to...It was as if they just arrived there out of nowhere...

Tenochtitlan was hoping with all her heart that these 'Titans' would accept her and her friends. They didn't have anywhere else to go...

It suddenly snapped in her brain that this wasn't their place, as much as she wished it WAS, and she scolded, "Guys! What are you doing?!"

Mario poked his head out of the fridge and grinned, his mouth empty for once, and he tossed a banana at her.

"Your favorite, right?" he mumbled as he dug back into the pile of consumables.

Tenoch's stomach growled as she stared at the yellow fruit in awe between her delicate looking fingers. She had to force herself to place it on the island she was next to, wincing from her hunger.

"Yea...Thank you," she murmured back sadly, still not comfortable here. Now that she thought about it...How did he know that...? Ugh...Things were SOOO confusing right now...Maybe it would be best to just forget all the complicated stuff and try and relax.

"Hey...Where's Link...?" she suddenly inquired, her eyes narrow with curiosity.

Mario laughed and muttered, "I dunno...But he better haul @$$ if he wants some food!"

Tenoch placed her palms on her hips and snapped, "Guys! Stop being pigs!"

"Don't WORRY," Sonic assured, removing himself from the cold storage box, traces of color on his face.


End Transmission


So...What do ya think? Seeing some tie-ins there...? Hehe...YES, it DOES connect, Q4D! fans...TRUST me, I know what I'm doing...Oh, yea, the next Chapter will introduce the other two new characters, and I'll have to get down to describing their full appearences, as well as Tenoch's, in that Chapter. I like to gradually paint a picture in a person's mind, leading you into the story one step at a time.

By the way, it's pronounced [TAY-NAWSH-TEET-LAHN] But I sorta slur it a bit when I actually say it, so...Nevermind.

Bah. The name derives from the capital city of the Aztecs.

And yea, she's supposed to look like she's African. :p

Well, gotta jet! ;)


Dec 19, 2002
I think it's good so far but ya don't have to change Link cuz he's already 17.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Who's the writer again? ME- thank you very much. I will change Link is I gosh darn please, and I DO change him.

Physically, he lookes the same, but his clothes are a little more modern. TIGHTS? No thanks, pal.

Tenochtitlan, by the way, is a character I originally created, and this one is based on her Q4D! self.

Hm. That was almost a pointless reply, I was really hoping for more input than that...:( I don't write well when nobody gives a crap. The only thing that's keeping me going with this fic is self-motivation and the simple desire to finish it.

In other words, Chapter 2 isn't turning out as good as Chapter 1 did. But...Then again, it's not the best situation to write well about...

Well, whatever.

I just hope SOME PEOPLE who might be reading this decide to put in a little more effort into their replies. JediMasterYoda at least gave me a sample as to what he liked about it so far.

If you really can't think of whate to say, that's fine, but...Bear in mind that less enthusiactic my readers are, the less enthusiastic I become to write more.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Well don't worry, buddy!

*Tremble in fear! EvilPichu is here! Eeheeheeheehee!* :demon:

Anywayz, i'm really liking how this fic is going! I especialy liked the Whomping Willow battle. Lots of juicy detail that sucks you right in like a vacuum cleaner! :D

It's cool how you started a whole 'nuther fic that's in the eyes of only a few individuals, instead of 100 individuals. It's less confusing that way.

Speaking of confusing, I wonder how Tenoch managed to meet up with Mario and Sonic. Oh well, i'm sure it will be revealed soon...

Keep up the nice work, dude! :D

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.


Yes, you're right, you DO have trouble keeing track of the characters, don't you? Even one as crucial and important as Tenoch...


In case you forgot, EP, here's what happened in Q4D! throughout the course of 'The Fall.'

Tenochtitlan's home city was annilated, but she managed to escape because of the efforts of her people to save her. Unfortuantely, that means all of people are now DEAD, leaving her as the sole survivor.

With the help of the Honorable Star Spirits, Tenochtitlan made it to Mobius while that whole ruckus was still going on at Station Square.

In cae you forgot, Kamek seemed very intrigued at the thought of capturing Tenochtitlan, but he didn't quite get around to it.

Tenochtitlan was with everyone else when they escaped from Mobius, in case you forgot.

I guess it would be good to try and type the enxt section of my 'Blue version', huh? Then I could cover EVERYONE who is there. *sigh*

Well, anyway, I guess that sorta let out some information that will confuse some people. :rolleyes: You're going to be kinda hearing about it anyway...

Well, Chapter 2 is totally done, and I'm working on 3, so hang in there.

If all goes well, Chapter 2 of TTX and Chapter 28 of 'Q4D White' will be up by the day's end.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
---*<Begin Transmission>*---

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: Teen Titans- The X Factor

Chapter 2- Home, Sweet Home

"Guys, I'm serious," she whimpered nervously, hopping a little in fear, her purple eyes wandering around the room.

"Tenoch, cool down," Mario mumbled, shaking his head as he, too, pulled his face away. He, however, hadn't eaten as hastily as Sonic, and wasn't nearly as messy-looking.

The dark-skinned young woman sighed and placed her right hand on her forehead tiredly. Her head hurt a little, confused from all the thoughts mixing through it. It was too much compared to what she was used to...What WAS she used to?!

Tenochtitlan was a beautiful girl, who looked about 18 or so, and had a very strange outfit in comarison to the people who lived in the city she was currently in. She had thin, slender arms, and smooth, strong legs. Her arms and legs certainly had muscle in them, that was for sure, and it was clear when she fought. But based on her appearence, you couldn't tell. There were no shoes on her elegant feet, but there were a couple ankle bracelets of gold. She wore an ancient-looking skirt of sorts. It was as black as night, and it was kind of short, cutting off just a little above her knees.

Farther up was her cute stomach, which was showing between her shirt and her skirt. It was a little thin, but not too much so.

Her shirt had no sleeves, and was white in color. A unique illustration of a yellow sun was printed on its front, while a picture of a black moon was on her back. Along her thin arms were various pieces of jewelry. A gold bracelet rested on her left arm, just above her elbow, and was tight enough where it stayed there. On the other arm was a silver one, which ws located down near her wrist. A simple, shining black ring was fitted on her left ring finger. On the other arm's wrist there was a gray bandana with yellow stars pirnted on it, but it was tied around as if it was a bracelet itself. A thin metal chain dangled around her neck, and a flat, black crescent moon of metal was fastened to it, which hung just above her breasts. On each side of her pretty face were ears, of course, and each one had an earring.

Her right ear held a flat, metallic piece that looked just like an item known as a 'Shine Sprite,' which was a glowing gold. And on the opposite ear dangled a similar earring made of silver and shaped into what was known as a 'Power Star.' On her smooth forehead was a shimmering circlet colored gold. A round gem was fastened within it, right in the middle of her head. The color of the gem varied, just like the color of her own mystical eyeballs.

Then there was her soft, straight hair, which she had a decent amount of. It was tied in lots of braided dreadlocks, which loosely hung down a bit past her shoulders. Poking over her circlet a little were individual strands of her puffy, black hair.

Then there were the most important and most noticeable features about her- her eyes. She had stunning eyes that immediately grabbed attention, and there was a very mysterious quality to them. They changed colors like a mood ring. This was because, actually, they were like mood rings. The eyes, they say, are the windows to a person's soul. Tenochtitlan's were a perfect example. They shifted color with her emotions. This way, when one looked into her eyes, you could usually determine how she was feeling in her heart. Which made it a little difficult for her to hide her emotions. And she was a very emotional person, indeed. The jewel that rested on her circlet shared the same quality, and changed with her eyes, at least when she wore it.

The last piece of her ensemble was a wooden staff, which was almost as tall as her, and very strong. Three large, very skinny metal rings hung loosley from a hole just below its tip. Guess what colors they were? That's right- black, silver, and yellow. Odd marks were engraved in its sides, and the top held firmly to a sharp rock with the same properties as the one on her forehead.

Mario, while wiping his mouth, glanced up at her, and instantly felt bad for her when he saw her distraught look.

"Tenoch...You OK?" he murmured, a little puzzled. "There's nothing to worry about...Everything'll work out just fine, you'll see."

She opened her squinted eyes slowly, and Mario saw their purple tone. She looked confused.

"It's not what's going to happen that I'm worried about...It's what ALREADY happened..." She looked away, blushing slightly, and Mario and Sonic exchanged equally perplexed glances.

Suddenly, as interrupting as Sonic had been when he entered the room, was another voice very familiar to them. It was solemn and a little grumpy.

"Gee, guys, thanks for inviting me to dinner..."

Mario's eyes lit up, happy to escape the dreary mood Tenoch had set up.

"Link! Heh-ey, man! Where have YOU been?"

The blond-haired boy shrugged as he stepped in, noting the timid-looking girl and the eager-eyed boys. He looked tired, small bags forming under his eyes.

"Ugh...I've been looking for a good place to sleep, but...I mean, I'm afraid I'll wind up sleepin' in one of these freaks' places..."

Link was a fairly muscular guy, but not too broad. He was a little taller than the others, and a lot more serious-looking, at that. He wore a black leather vest around his chest, which had three golden triangled arranged in a triangular form on it- a symbol known as the Triforce. He wore a dark green sweatshirt, and brown gloves that cut off at his fingers. Baggy pants of an even darker green and deep brown army-style boots finished up the bulk of his outfit. He had a neat set of slightly darkened blonde hair. Bangs poked out over his face, slightly to the left and right, but not in the middle. An odd, short hat sat upon his hair. It was round, short, and a pale blue. Upon its center was a small Triforce contrasted against a red circle. Thin red stripes ran around the hats sides. On his pierced right ear was a small, sky blue earring, completing his look. He looked about 17 or so, and was a handsome young man.

Tenochtitlan huffed, crossing her arms stubbornly, her eyes red and firey.

"See? This is too awkward! I can't deal with this. Hey, are any of them up yet?"

Sonic scratched his short little goatee a bit and mumbled, "Well, that cape kid was up when I was there..."

"Oh, they're wakin' up?" Link wondered sleepily.

Tenoch began to stumble out of the room, tossing her staff haphazardly onto the island as she did so.

"They're in the living room, right?" she hastily questioned as she departed.

"Yea," Sonic called back as he glanced at her walking quickly down the halls.

"Where are you going?!" Mario shouted curiously.

"I'm going to apologize!!" she cried back, not even looking or stopping.


Robin was stepping through the halls of the tower slowly, dazed from the evening's events. He'd decided to leave everyone to rest where they were for the moment, and went off in search of these 'groupies'.

He was really confused, and the headache he was experiencing didn't help.

Who had saved them, why? How did they know where the Titans lived? If they were super heroes, why hadn't he heard of them before? And where the he** was he GOING, anyway?

After he paused, took a deep breath, and squinted around himself in the night's darkness, he realized he was aiming toward the brightly lit kitchen, though it was off a bit, around a corner to his left. Yea...OK, OK...He knew where he was headed, now...

That Sonic guy had said something about food, hadn't he...? What gave him the right to go pillaging their kitchen, though?

Just then, Robin had the wits scared out of him as a shadowy figure turned the corner, coming within inches of him before realizing a person was there. It was a girl, slightly taller than he, and she let out a sharp, short shriek of surprise as she jumped back, grasping her chest as if to prevent her heart from pounding out of it. Robin also let go a cry of shock, but not nearly as loud as hers.

A distant voice that sounded vaguely familiar to Robin caled down the halls from the kitchen in concern.

"Tenoch?! You allright?!"

Tenochtitlan's eyes, which were purple at the time, though Robin didn't notice, darted from him to the hallway. She paused a moment and nervously shouted back, "Uh...I'm fine! Just...I just tripped, ya know...It's kinda dark out here..." Her worried expression turned back to Robin's ever perplexed one.

"Ya sure you're OK?" the voice checked.

"Uh, oh, yea...I'm OK, don't worry..."

"Well, be a little more careful, huh?"

Tenoch's left hand was fretting with a small braid, and she yanked it off when she noticed.

"Uh...Hi," she mumbled shakily.

"Y...Y-you must be the leader, right?"

Robin crossed his thin arms over his chest, cocked a brow, and answered cooly, "Yea, that's me. Who are you? Why are you here?"

Tenoch bobbed her head, embarrassed, and attempted to explain.

"Well, uh...See, you guys were in a jam, and we came and helped, and we brought you here, so...-" she trailed off, fidgeting with her hair again, but not realizing it quite yet.

Robin nodded slowly, feeling confident this much was true. Something about this girl made him feel he could trust her, though he didn't even know her one bit.

"Wait. OK, OK...I know that, but...Listen, where are the others?" he demanded, trying to sound like he wasn't angry. He WAS, in a way, but it was more irritation.

The dark girl continued to fiddle with her braid, twirling it between her fingers, and mumbled an answer.

"Umm...Th-they're all in the kitchen, so...Listen," she spoke out firmly. "I'm really sorry about us coming in like this, we just..."

Her eyes, which were still violet, wandered. "We don't really have anyplace to GO..."

Robin felt a wave of sympathy for the girl. She seemed too innocent and honest to be mad at, and Robin felt his annoyance melt away.

"Oh...Well, er...Listen. I just wanna talk with your friends, or whatever, and try to figure out what's going on here, OK?"

Tenoch smiled shyly at him, hoping he wasn't upset.

"Uh huh." She nodded quickly, her hair bobbing around. "Follow me, allright?"

As they paced through the dark, Robin rubbed his temple and thought to himself, "Whoa...This has been one he** of a night so far..."


He stood there, amazed, perplexed, and yet...He felt kind of happy. These strangers, they...They didn't really feel like strangers. They felt like friends. Being the leader of the group, Robin decided that he could make the decision he was about to make.

"Weellll..." He rubbed the back of his neck, hoping he wouldn't regret this choice later. "I guess I don't see why you can't hang out here for the night. It's the least I can do right now after you helped us out back there..."

Mario, who Robin recognized from the 'Pie in the Sky' parlor, grinned and roughly patted him on the back.

"Allright, Cardinal! Thanks a mil, man!"

Robin smiled, somehow feeling sure this guy was just joking with him.

"It's Robin," he corrected with a smirk.

"Right, right. Whatever ya say, Bluebird!"

The baggy-clothed boy wandered off a little from Robin, glancing about the room, his eyes narrow. He propped his red hat up a bit to see better.

The others continued, not noticing.

"So you guys are heroes, too, huh?" Robin murmured, amused. He was leanded up against the island, just as Tenoch had been minutes before.

"Yea...I guess you could call us that," Sonic muttered, tapping his foot, his hands at his hips.

"Didn't you say that before?" Robin inquired slowly.

Sonic's eyes bulged a bit, and he nodded.

"Yea...I'm amazed you remember. You looked STONED, man..."

"Still DOES," Link added, elbowing Sonic.

Robin sighed, shaking his head. It wasn't unlike what he experienced every other day. He pressed a question.

"So...How did you guys GET here? I mean, why don't you have anywhere to go to...?"

He was answered by utter silence and totally puzzled expressions. Tenochtitlan's was pale and afraid, her eyes black as midnight. Robin had noticed the odd way her eyes changed color, but didn't quite ask about it yet. He didn't want to be rude. He could worry about that later. Right now, he wanted to get everything sorted out and go to sleep.

"We don't really have a good answer for that right now," Mario admitted, wondering why everyone else in the room looked so upset. He was still looking around for someone, trying to figure out where they could be. He seemed oddly calm about it amidst the nervous atmosphere.

"...Huh?" Robin muttered, shaking his head quickly in confusion.

"Uh...Nevermind," Mario grumbled, trying to change the subject. "Where's Tikal, guys?"

Everyone instantly glanced at Sonic.

"Wh-what?" he squeaked.

"She's YOUR girlfriend," Link muttered with a huff.

"Well, yea, but...How am I supposed to know? I think last time I saw her she was heading upstairs, but..."

Tenochtitlan shrugged, kicking her bare feet across the tile floor.

"She's fine, I'l bet. Probably looking for us..."

"Yea," Sonic agreed.

Robin know realized there was a fifth of them. Hm.

"Whoa, whoa, wait..." He stood up sraight, sticking up his palms in confusion.

"Allright...So...You guys don't know how you got here...You have no place to go, and you've got super powers?"

They all nodded slowly, looking a bit ashamed of themselves.

"OK..." Robin grinned confidently.

"I've got the perfect idea..." He crossed his arms again, and glanced at them all carefully. "Why don't you guys join the Titans?"

There was another moment of tranquility as they all stared at one another. Tenochtitlan and Mario exchanged glances and practically spoke when they did so.

Tenoch's pink eyes said, "I guess I shouldn't have worried," while Mario's smirk replied, "I told ya so."

"Hmmm..." Mario tapped his chin carefully, rubbed the fuzz under his nose a bit, and acted as if he was really considering his answer carefully. "Why not?"

Robin smiled at that answer as he muttered, "Well, I figured since you were able to take down that stupid tree guy..."

"Yea, yea. You guys could NEED us if you fight like THAT," Sonic added in, punching Robin's shoulder.

They all spat in their comments for a few minutes, kind of in a mixture. Robin broke it by saying, "I'm gonna have to check it out with the other guys tomorrow, but...It's gettin' real late. And I'm bushed."

"Yea," Link added, yawning, which caused Tenochtitlan to yawn drearily and Robin to follow.

"Well..." Robin groaned, beginning to leave the room.

"Let's look for a place for you guys to crash, what do ya say?"

"Sounds friggin' good to me," Sonic mumbled sleepily as he followed Robin out of the room.

"The tower's pretty big, and I'm almost positive we've got some guest rooms around somewhere..." Robin announced quietly as they exited the room, walking out into the black halls.

Mario landed in front of Robin with a light thud- he'd nimbly hopped over them- and stuck up his hand into the air. It ignited in flames, and he kept his arm up like a torch.

"Lead the way, Rooster," he said slyly.


A groan escaped his mouth as his eyes opened slowly, letting in the dim morning light that seeped through his window shades.

His eyelids twitched, not wanting to let too much light in at once, but they finally opened all the way, and the green teen drearily rose himself out of bed. His legs and arms were sore, he noticed, standing up with a stretch.

Blinking at his bedroom in perplexment, he acknowledged the fact that it was a new day. It didn't even ocurr to him what had happened the night before. The toxins of the Willow's strange poison still jarred his memories a bit.

"Man..." He mumbled, scratching his butt roughly. His keen nose quickly picked up a delicious scent that wafted through the Tower. Whatever it was, the source was very nearby. "Sweet!" he cried, dashing for the door with a toothy grin. For once he was excited that it didn't smell like tofu.

But as he burst through his door, and into the still dim halls, he froze at what met his eyes, and he felt his gut get queasy. He felt his face get warm, his eyes glaze over. A very pretty girl was walking through the halls, toting a tray of pancakes drenched in syrup with her. She had brown skin, beautiful eyes, and an arrangement of long, thin braids. It was Tenochtitlan, but Beastboy had never seen her before in his life. Those eyes captivated him, drew him inward...Granted, the 'bod' was to his liking as well, but...Something about those eyes made him feel faint. They were a bright orange at the moment, and as they met his, they shifted to a pink, much to Beastboy's surprise.

"Oh! Hey, good morning...Beastboy, right?" she greeted, giving him an inviting smile.

"Oh, my morning just got REAL good now that YOU'RE here," Beastboy murmured in awe, just quiet enough that she couldn't quite make it out, his face dreamy and lost.

Tenochtitlan cocked her head at him, a little confused, but retained her smile.


Beastboy caught himself hastily and fumbled around.

"Oh, uh, yea. Morning there..." He rubbed his neck a little. "Er...You're a new face. What's your name?"

She squinted her eyes and smiled, answering. "I'm Tenochtitlan. Nice to meet you. Robin's told me all about you." She reached out her soft hand to accept his, grasping the plate she held with the other, and he shook it eagerly.

"Uh...Oh. Pleasure's all mine," he responded, trying to sound calm. "What brings YOU here?"

As her eyelids peeled open to this comment, BB noticed the blue color that rested beneath them.

"Ummm..." She bobbed her head a little, unsure as to how to answer the question.

Beastboy immediately felt pain just looking at her upset face, and he quickly retracted his question.

"Oh. Uh, listen, if it's personal, no big. I understand."

Tenochtitlan's eyes shifted to a pale yellow and she smiled and looked back up at him shyly, blushing just barely.

"That's OK," she mumbled. "Honestly, I don't know how to answer you. I DON'T know what brings me here. All I know is that I'm here..."

Beastboy was a little confused, but it didn't matter.

"Oh!" Tenoch almost jumped, realizing she had a plate of food in her hands. "I...I was bringing breakfast to you. I hope you like it."

Beastboy let his mouth open, almost drooling. He was famished. He wanted to reach out and snatch it like the beast he was, but his concious told him that this would be rude. Amazingly, his conciousness won.

Tenochtitlan grew slightly nervous and turned her head around to the direction she had come from.

"I, uh...I don't know where you like to eat, but..."

Beastboy snapped awake from his gawk and motioned her to follow himt o his room.

"Uh...This is good," he told her as she placed it on his black, ebony dresser. "You make it yourself?" he wondered.

She shrugged, shaking her head.

"No. Mario made 'em. He's a much better cook than I am."

Beastboy cocked a brow as he picked up the fork on the plate, trying to remember how to USE one properly.

"Mario?" he mumbled. "Who's THAT?"

Tenoch lightly slapped her forehead.

"Oh, sorry. He's...He's one my friends."

Beastboy stuck his fork through a single pancake and swallwed it whole.

Tenoch let out a quiet giggle as she continued.

"Actually, soon enough he may be YOUR friend..."

Beastboy licked his lips of the syrup that stuck there, his mind jumping from food to this stranger.

"What do ya mean?" he muttered.

"Well..." Tenochtitlan sat herself down on Beastboy's odd bed gracefully, and as he stood there next to his dresser, fork in hand, he felt captured by the way she landed on his cushion. Her smile, her bright yellow eyes, the way her soft hair was tossed into the air. She totally dominated his mind and heart for a few seconds, until he caught himself staring.

The girl finished her sentence, not looking at Beastboy directly.

"Last night you guys were defeated by a strange creep, and...we saved you from him..." She was speaking slowly and thoughtfully.

Like the roar of a lion, that whole event flashed through BB's brain, and he jumped in realization. He suddenly felt incredibly stupid that he hadn't even thought of how that all turned out.

"After that, we brought you here, and...Your leader, Robin, talked with us..." She had a saddened tone as she ended the little tale. "We...don't really have anywhere to go, and...Robin suggested we join your team..."

Beastboy's eyes lit up with instant delight and he cheered, raising his arms.

"Yes! Sweetness!"

Tenoch was slightly surprised at his sudden act, but quickly recovered and let out a snicker.

"So, I take it you agree with him already, hm?"

Beastboy smiled timidly and answered, "Well, I guess you could say that..."

Tenochtitlan gazed around at the jungle-like room. It was a bit of a mess, but...she didn't mind. For some reason, it...It felt like home. Where WAS home...? NO! She had to stop asking herself these questions, or she'd go mad! After clearing her throat quickly, she jumped off of the bed and began to leave for the door.

"Um...I have to go help Mario in the kicthen, so...I-I'll see ya later. It was very nice to meet you, Beastboy!"

As she left the room in a hurry, Beastboy murmured to himself dreamily, "You have no idea how nice it was..."


"You put them all in their beds?" Sonic asked incredously. "H-How did you manage THAT one?"

The timid and quiet girl he was talking to answered in her soft, slightly low voice. "I used my...my powers..." she mumbled.

The blue-haired young man paused, reflected, and nodded. "Ohhh...So ya just, like, levitated 'em, or something?"

"Yes," she answered calmly, her arms folded up behind her back.

She had a fluffy, long hair that ran down the length of her back. It was a pale orange color, and was like silk in texture. Two poofy sections of it rose over her forehead, and a studden gold headband ran over her head behind the bangs. She had deep, lonely blue eyes. Her build was thin, and she didn't appear very physically strong. A white shirt with short sleeves covered her bosom, and its bottom arched upward over her stomach, leaving it bare. Its color was gold and had a green jem in its center. She wore a very roomy denim skirt, which hung just about where her knees were when she standed erect. Sandals were on her feet, which had straps that crawled across the top of her foot. Her skinny arms had thick, neon blue bracelets on each, the color of the midday sky. Her outfit was simple and more relaxed than the clothes of those around her. She was Tikal.

"Are you guys hungry?" came a relaxed voice from behind them as Mario stood over the stove, cooking pancakes and bacon in frying pans with ease.

"I could go for some chow, man," Sonic answered. He turned to his girlfriend and asked, "You look pretty starved. Why don't you eat some?"

She nodded in agreement, almost smiling.

"That would be a good idea," she muttered.

Two figures entered the room, both in mid conversation. They were Link and Cyborg.

"-then I took my sword and hacked the *******'s arm off," Link said grimly, swiping his arm in a downward motion.

"Aw, ya, baby," Cyborg said with a grin. "You and me- we got some sparring to do later on, lemme tell ya that."

"AFTER we eat," Link added.

"You bet, man," Cyborg agreed heartily, staring at the food being prepared.

"Oh, hey, guys. Morning there," Mario greeted, tipping his red cap slightly.

"Oh, yo, man," Cyborg greeted, nodding. "You this Mario I'm hearin' about?"

"That's me, bro," Mario answered casually, taking a spatula and slapping pancakes onto a plate.

Cyborg's eyes lit up- one literally- when he saw the bacon being cooked.

"Aw, he** yea!!" he cried in joy. "That's what I'm talkin' about! No tofu for me, da**it! You da man!"

Mario chuckled as he added a decent portion of pork to Cyborg's packed plate and handed it to him.

"Enjoy," he said, still laughing a bit.

"Don't worry," the metal-man answered as he ran for the living room merrily.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Link cried out jokingly. "Where's MY food?"

Mario shook his head, still smiling, and answered, "If ya don't leave me alone and let me make it for the other guys, you're not gonna get any," he answered with a sarcastic strictness.

Tenochtitlan came speeding into the kitchen in a rush, and skidded to a halt, slipping a little on the tile floor. A slight thud could be heard as she stopped. She winced and limped a little.

"You allright?" Mario asked, a mix of concern and a laugh coming out.

She had a half-frown on and whimper as she answered, "I think so." She sounded in pain, but holding back a laugh.

Robin's head poked into the doorway as he asked casually, "Nice goin with breakfast, guys. How about we put on some music, wake everybody up, huh?"

"You bet!" Mario said with a nod.

"Sounds good," Link muttered, shrugging.

"Oh, please!" Tenoch agreed, having just recovered from her 'injury'.


End Transmission


There ya have it, folks. PLEASE tell me what you think, allright?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
And another point goes to the DS man!

I love the realism in your writing. It may seem a tad bit confusing at first, but if you take the time to read it seriously, it's more fun than watching a movie! Brilliant!

So some of the Smashers have changed their attire, eh? Some of the descriptions of the characters were rather long, but they were well worth it. I have a perfect picture of Tenoch and the others in my head now.

That whole 'breakfast' scene made me really hungry. Seriously, my stomach is churning for some of that cripsy bacon and eggs, sunny-side up. :hungry: I WANT!! :crazy:

Meh, whatever. I'm eating at Long John Silvers tonight anyway.

Hoo, but I digress...

Listen. I may screw some things up, like forget about an important event from Q4D (like that Tenoch thing on page 1).

If I do, keep in mind that the Blue version of Q4D (early on) wasn't very detailed, so I didn't understand a LOT of things. BUT, now that you're making a new version, i'll understand them.

Sorry if that was a tad confusing. I'm writing this at a semi-fast pace.

Well, see ya later.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
This is good, which is so like you.....Competitions are sucking away all my free time. but are you going to countinue to update Q4D while you write this? Q4D was starting to get really good, so don't stop :(....



Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
This is really good, so like yo, competitions have been sucking away all my free time. Are you going to countinue to update Q4D while you writing this, Q4D is getting real good, so don't stop:(


Dec 19, 2002
Nice update. The descriptions are unique in many ways but things I read don't get into my mind easily but I sorta got the picture of what they look like. Without this fic I can't hear anything about teen titans:D.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Stop writing Q4D!?! Bullsh**!!

This IS Q4D!, don't you understand? I've been devoting most of my writing time toward this, and once in a while typing a little Q4D! Blue or White.

And EP, I made the part where Tenoctitlan's people all got killed pretty da** clear. I even embellished it recently, when Sora from Kingdom Hearts arrived in the ruins, remember?

Anyway, I just...I've kinda lost my motivation right now, so the going is a bit slow...

When you find out the girl you're in love with cares about 'only as a friend, nothing more', it just doesn't feel too good in the stomach, ESPECIALLY when your feelings for her have only been getting stronger in recent weeks.

Man...:freak: :cry: Why do I get my heart broken to pieces TWICE in one year when I've never even really had a girlfriend, and I've NEVER been out on a date?!!? It drives me INSANE, and I get ANGRY about it!...Despite the fact it's not really anyone's FAULT...:(

*whimper* I feel like crawling under a Chomp Rock and decaying into an Undead right now.


Dec 19, 2002
I wasn't tryin to insult this fic I'm saying it's really good. oh yeah I had the same problem except the girl hates me:cry:. Now I don't really care but the fact that people are making fun of me saying I have a crush on these 2 girls which I don't know about but they have a crush on me drives me insane. They even say I have...well you know but I have never made contact with them at all. ya even though you have the problem mentioned it doesn't mean it has something to do with the fic. ya maybe some girl does like you...I mean has a crush on you but doesn't mention it at all. Wait why am I writing something off topic:confused:??? Well um This is one of my most favorite fics like the description. maybe I'll rate this a 5.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.


OK, first of al, I'm glad you gacve me a decent review, i didn't ake offense at all. Secondly, I LOVE going off topic, I like it when people tell me about their lives. Third, my life has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH MY FICTION!!!

Are you insane?! You have no idea how much this story ALREADY has relations to what's going on in my life right now!! I don't write to get away from my life- I write to understand my life better, and to enjoy it more.

And to clear the mess you wrote...

A girl told me she REALLY likes me- she's been one of my best friends for years. Problem is that i USED to like her, and just in time for my birthday, just as my romantic feelings were getting strong, I find out that even though she told me she wanted to be steady, etc., she had been dating SOMEONE ELSE the whole time, and she got ENGAGED with him at the age of 16!!

So now he lives across the country, they never talk, his parents hate her guts, and she comes to me telling me that this whole time she's been in love with me. :crazy: :confused: My heart lies with someone ELSE, though...She had her chance, she threw it away...But the girl I'm in love with right now is in love with SOMEONE else as well, who she won't be able to see EITHER because he's going down to Japan for a year!

*sigh* So, in other words, me and two of my best friends are caught in an ironic web of affection that needs to be sorted out.

The first threads were sifted when the girl I love finally came out and told me that she only cared about me as a friend. That hurt not only because of my romantic feelings toward her, but because she said 'only as a friend, nothing more,' as if a friend was nothing. I'm probably just being really sensitive about it, but STILL...I care about her VERY deeply, no matter what. If she loves someone else, I will do everything in my power to see thats he is happy, despite what pain I myself may go through.

Then there's the other girl, who hasn't talked with me in a long time, and is probably very depressed and angry because she knows I like someone else. I think I should call her tonight...I know understand exactly how she felt two weeks ago...I find myself wondering if perhaps all of my feelings are pointless, and I should just 'get over' them. I find myself questioning whether or not there's even a POINT behind it all.

I have only experienced utter pain in my love life, almost no joy at all. Just pain and frustration. But there HAS to be a point behind it all, doesn't there? Why the he** would people go through this if there wasn't a point?

It surely is not the end of the world, byany means- just merely another huge hurtle for me to clear.

The heart can be a very odd thing. Just months ago all three of us had affections toward someone else...Who knows? Maybe months from now it'll shift again...

The core of romance in any of my fics is my deep passion for emotion. Love is one of the two strongest emotions- the other, and complete opposite, is hatred.

The trick is learning to control BOTH of them. And that's not easy.

This fic, of course, is going to have some romance. I can't tell you how it'll work out- even I don't know for sure. But there WILL be some.

No doubt you've picked up on a bit so far, I hope.

Oh, right. And Q4D! Blue fans, because of all my issues right now, I've found that typing the next update to be much easier than the next Chapter of this. Because it involves a LOT more darkness, despair, and hope.

Meh. I could go on, but...I need to finish my school day, don't I...?

MM, the japanese TT theme sounds just like the American one, only in Japanese! :p Same beat, same tune...Lyrics still rhyme at the right parts, too, so they're not the same lyrics...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Oyyy. Geez, that's certainly a mess, DS. :(

I myself am only beginning to know what love feels like. And since we're on the topic of love, I might as well join in the disussion...

You see... for 2 years now, i've had my eye on this one girl in my school, roughly a year older than myself, quite the fighter-type. We have a strong friendship, and we always give advice to one another. In the 2 year period i've known her, she's had, like, 3 boyfriends, and i've stood by and waited patiently. She just broke up with her current boyfriend, but it will only be a matter of weeks before she gets a new one.

I mean, she knows I want to go out with her, but she's been really bummed out lately because her ex-boyfriends aren't treating her very nicely. Thus, she's taking a break for a few weeks before dating somebody else.

She's moving to a nearby town in January, and eventualy to a distant state! I don't want that to happen, because this girl's one-in-a-million. I don't think i'll find anybody else like her, so I have to take this opportunity seriously.

I've NEVER been so sure about anything in my life. She's the one.

After all, love lifts us up where we belong, right? True love is a lifetime goal for many, many humans.

"Hmph, but I (guess what?) digress..."

(I'll pay you $50 if you can figure out who I got that quote from. Well, $50 in invisible currency. ;) )

I'll cruise over to FF.net, see if anything happened there. Peace out.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
EP, you owe me 50 invisible dollars, because the answer is ME!!

Ahem. Actually, if my memory serves me right, I picked that up off of Teacher's Pet...Freaky...:(


See, right now, Crystal (the girl I love) seems like she very well may be the love of my life. Thing is, I've only been close to her for almost a year, and I, too, have stoo didly by while she goes out with one guy after the next.

I'm just really confused about the whole matter. I don't know if I'm meant to be with her or not, but...Something inside me right now is doubtful, she only has no feelings of that type toward me at ALL, or so I believe...

Then again, her heart has been real wacky lately, going from one guy to the next.

And Lacy (The other one) just seems to want to go out with someone for the he** of feeling belonging, or something.

Actually, I've liked Crystal for a LONG time. Ever since I first met her. It was a crush back then, and I finally decided it was pointless and meaningless, like most crushes. Once I convinced myself of that, I felt comfortable being friends with her.

But then those feelings started crawling back, and I've recently realized that maybe it wasn't really a crush I had back then, but rather my guts were telling me that she was the one I should aim for.

She's had a rough life, a lot of love issues, too many boyfriends, and too many she'll never see again.

The problem is that she's too da** independent for her own good, and won't let anyone help her out, no matter how much she needs it. That drives me even MORE insane. I don't even know how much she cares that I like her so much...She never says stuff like that.

For all I know she finds me utterly annoying. I kinda doubt it, but I honestly don't know.

Both Crystal and Lacy rarely return any feelings I shoot at them. I could tell them a hundred times how much I care about them, how much I value them, and how much I love them- whether as a friend or as something more. And they'd probably mutter back twice that they cared about me, too. Which leaves me to wonder whether they actually DO care, or whether the just have trouble talking about it...

EP, that sorta stuff is the type of thing I WANT people to talk with me about. It makes me feel like I'm not alone- though I know I'm not.

I wish you the best of luck.

Gather ye Rosebudes while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying.

Make the best of today, don't wait until tomorrow.

SO...She knows you're in love with you? You told her? How did she RESPOND...?

Listen, EP, I hate to break it to ya, but...

EVERY girl can seem like one-in-a-million. That's not to say she ISN'T one, but...As one of my best friends put it...

'Ed, there's millions of fish in the sea...But you don't know how to use a fishing rod worth CRAP...'

Hm. Here's what I say. Do what your heart tells you NOW before it's too late. Tell this girl how much you love her, man!! You never know...

And, in the end, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If nothing happens, it's not the end of the world. I know that, but I'm still depressed. You WILL feel pain, you WILL feel like crap...But eventually, you'll feel better.

You cannot prove me wrong when I say that SOMEDAY, things will get better. They WILL.

If there's anything I know by now, love is a fickle thing. It's unpredictable, and it's not fair. If it works out, then it does. If not, then too bad. Just remember that you NEVER KNOW who's around the next corner...

If I'm destined to be with Crystal someday, then I WILL be. Right now, I don't see myself getting over her anytime soon. But 6 months ago, that's how I felt about someone ELSE, and now...I'm over my feelings.

Just follow your heart, and live life while you can.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Thats good to hear, this sorta sounds like Q4D, but its no exactly the same, I have enjoyed reading it though. Write more! I love your work...... Oh and I learned something in history today just as a side note:
Tenochtitlan was the name of the Aztecian empire, I've been thinking all alonge that didn't sound like a name.



Dec 19, 2002
ahh I'm only 12 and this stuff is already happening to me:crazy:. ah well...2 girls have a crush on me but I don't really know them and one I've never seen. people think I like them as a crush but I don't really care and they make stuff up which is getting really annoying. it's even becoming a rumor and no one would believe me when I say I don't:(. Ya just because I used to have one in California, then when I move here I had another one, it doesn't mean I like thmany girls. in fact I only have 1 crush now and I only met her in California during the summer but it turns out she hates me like the one I used to have here in Japan:(. I don't get why people have to make stuff up or why the girls I liked hated me:(.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
*chuckle followed by sigh*

Yes, I think that's the whole point. We're not supposed to understand WHY.

Look at it this way- a crush is a crush, nothing more. Ack! There I go saying 'nothing more'...:(

OK. Having a crush and being in love are two TOTALLY different things. I believe I've experienced BOTH.

EP, I think you very well may have more 'experience' than I do. I've only been caught up in crap for 1 year, and I've already had my heart broken twice. It's not easy, but I keep getting back up.

Caba, did it ever ocurr to you that maybe- just maybe :p - things that happen in Q4D! kinda resemble things that happen in my life? That's why I can never tell exactly what's going to happen. I can plan all I want, but it really comes done to the basic blueprint I'v made and what's been going on in my life.

And DUH- of COURSE I know what Tenochtitlan means!! I wouldn't name her something crazy like that if i didn't know what it meant! :rolleyes:

Write more? I told you, I'm trying. It's not easy under the conditions I have been dealt right now.

Part of a Q4D! Blue update as been written, a chunk of the next Chapter of THIS has been written, and I have up to Chapter 30 done on Q4D! White.

And what's this 'that's good to hear' stuff? What's good to hear?! That I feel like total crap, or that I still have some hope?! :beezo:

Bah. Whatever. I still have a whole school day ahead of me...

"Henshin-a-GO GO-baby!"
~ Viewtiful Joe


Dec 19, 2002
hey when I watched Teen titans durin the summer I started to think that Starfire had a crush or loves Robin. had anyone noticed something like that in "Sisters"? ya and the original comics had Robin, the **** Grayson version, loved Starfire and she looked way different and the show on "Sisters" it seemed that Starfire loved Robin, the Tim Drake(newer) version. That is sooo confusing me. God lots of people made fun of me today during Geography saying I had a crush on 2 people named Kaori and Chelsey. I don't even know them but they sorta know me and they had a crush on me. I mean just because they have a crush, or loved me, it doesn't mean I do to them. They still say I have...well ya know but I'm smart enough not to in case I get HIV or AIDS. Well it's sad to know Tenochtitlan is the last of her people. Oo I also watched the one with the arguement between Cyborg and Robin. I liked the phrase that Raven said once in the episode. it goes "People come, people go. It's pointless to be upset" or I might be wrong on the last part.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I won't ruin anything, but soon enough you will begin to understand what I'm talking about when it comes to Tenoch. For any real Q4D! readers, you may have picked up a few hints as to Tenoch's background- which you shoudl already know.

I'll only be throwing more at you, so be on your toes.

Hm...People are being morons? Listen, I don't know what to say. Large groups of stupid people CAN be a a force to be reckoned with. If they don't believe you, and they won't listen to you, then I guess all you can do is ignore them.

OK. Whether or not the comic book are dumb, I honestly don't care. I like the Cartoon Network show, regardless of what the comics are like.

Allright, now...

By the end of Chapter 2, you'll pretty much know who feels fuzzy around who. HOPEFULLY Beastboy's bashfulness around Tenoch is obvious enough.

Yes, I have Starfire like Robin, quite a lot. And...Well, yea, she feels kinda funny when Mario's aroun, but...Meh. Not quite the same way. It not that she has a 'crush' or anything, it's just something mysterious about him.

Um...Well, I don't think I'll be giving Cyborg any romantic stuff...

Sonic and Tikal are connected- duh, I only went out and said it.

But...Don't be surprised if I pull off something between Link and Raven...:cool:

Ahem. Well, uh, where as I...?


So, MM, something is bugging me...

You live in Japan, right? Do you speak english, Japanese, both...?

You can't watch TT in Japanese?!

And lastly, how are you reading this? Like, the words I'm typing right now. Are they in English, or in Japanese...? :confused:

Well, at any rate, I'm STILL in school right now, but...(LUNCH, I WANT LUNCH) Meh. Hm...

Ya know, for some reason, I've had the urge to write up a short, one Chapter story...About ME, for the first time ever...

Merely an odd drama thing about the mess I'm in right now. It would be a true story, too, wouldn't it? Basically documenting what was going through my mind the other night.

I dunno. Whatever. It'd be real easy to write, though, and wouldn't take too much time, either.

Which reminds me!!

I'm trying to think of what my NEXT Winds of Fate short should be...If, by the time I'm done with this, I still am having blockage...

I KNOW that whether I make it into a short or not, I'm adding in the main cast of Golden Sun and it sequel.

Cool thing is, though...That instead of Isaac...

Well, when I went through the original, I named Isaac Eddy.

And, well, he doesn't really TALK, so...

In the sequel, I named him Eddy, as well. Haven't run into him yet, but...

Sheba- "Aren't you and Eddy...an item? can't you work something out...?"

Jenna (sprite is neon red)- "Wh...What?! An ITEM? D-don't be ridiculous! W-we're not...like that...Stupid Sheba..."

Needless to say, it's fairly amusing, because I try to fit my own persnality into the character named by default Isaac.

So when I add them to Q4D!, Isaac will look the way he does, etc...But he'll be Eddy, and act the way I would. It would be the first time I've ever actually put a character that is 100% ME into my work. Kinda fun, methinks.

Well, just some blabbing. HOPEFULLY I will have Chapter 3 done by the weekend, and the next Chapter of Q4D! White will be up, too.

Peace out.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Okay now...

Took me a while to read all those replies.

First of all, DS, you don't get 50 invisible bucks. I didn't get "I digress" from you. Actually, I first heard it from Blathers, that owl who runs the museum in the game Animal Crossing. But, that was kind of a cheap shot on my part, so i'll give you 25 invisi's. ;)

Second... Aaah, so THAT'S how you named your Crystal character in Q4D! I get it now... :chuckle:

Third... well...

It seems like everybody reading this fic has some girl problems. That's perfectly normal. But, I usually try not to think about it all the time, and then find some way to relieve my stress. I usually meditate in silence, but that's just me.

Anywayz, i'm lookin' forward to the next update! :D Go Teen Titans, GO!

Well, uhh, believe it or not, i've never (don't laugh) heard about Teen Titans until I started reading this fic.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Actually this is one reader with no girl problems, "you see, I don't roll that way"

(Can any one figure out that clue about me?)


Dec 19, 2002
hehehe funny that you say that cuz I was born in the US, lived there for ten years, and it's my third year here and I dunno much Japanese:p. too obvious about beastboy. oh Raven likes to be alone for some reason in the show. usually an arm-length apart...I think so why would she date Link:confused:???

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

When did I say she dates Link? I never said that, I said they LIKE eachother. :p

Did you ever see the episode with Aqua Lad? Raven was crazy for him, but still relatively retained her Ravenness. She hasn't seen Link just yet, now has she?

Anyway...Where was I...?


EP, I was saying, 'But I digress,' BEFORE Animal Crossing came out, which, by teh way, I have never played. So there. :p



Honestly, I DIDN'T name Crystal because of that...If I did, I didn't have any conciousness about it.

Funny thing is that the two are REALLY similar, and I made up Crystal's personality/background before I really knew the one I like all too well.

They both have had rough pasts, they both are very independent, and don't like taking help from others...They're both very lonely, or at least they seem it. They both don't like to share their emotions with very many people. And they're both afraid of their past repeating itself.

'Course, they're also both very important to me. :rolleyes: One because of crucial storyline, the other as a friend, and more some.

Another of those odd, creepy coincidences. But, now that I know this real Crystal kinda well- she knows me a heck of lot better than I do her- I will probably try to connect the Dragoshi and the human more as far as what I know of them, etc.


Caba, what are you talking about? :confused:

EP, if you've never heard of Teen Titans, then you must never watch Cartoon Network.

I can't meditate in silence like Raven can. I need to talk, to think, to kick butt in Melee, or kill Tediz in Conker's bad Fur Day (which isn't what I was expecting...exactly...), or do Matrix moves in Viewtiful Joe (which I can only play a demo of right now), or play P.N. 03 (which is addictive) or...well, write my story, but...That hasn't been workin' too well lately.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Bah. I used to watch Cartoon Network a long time ago, before all those japanese shows took over and when Looney Tunes reigned supreme. But now I don't. I prefer channels such as FOX or Spike TV (and sometimes Nickelodeon, to watch my daily SpongeBob Squarepants episodes).

But enough of that.

Firstly, in a day or so, I shall add another home-made game to the "Games" list in my signature.

Secondly, update yer fics ASAP. Q4D Blue version is collecting dust. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
No kidding, EP, and do people CARE that Q4d! Blue is collecing dust...?

I don't see it. Nobody seems to want me to write more of it, almost every reader I've ever HAD for the fic barely replies to it anymore...

I'm honestly not all too interested in writing more of THAT one right now, especially since people arent REPLYING TO IT. :o

Anyway, last night I had, like, no writing flair. I couldn't write. So, instead, I played Conker's Bad Fur Day. :rolleyes: And listened to some of Beethoven's Last Night.

Then I went to bed, being flooded by al those thoughts that have been rushing in my head lately. :(

I actually have had trouble sleeping, which usually never happens to me...:confused: I'll stay up for who knows how long in the night simply simmering in my own feelings... :beezo: Any time of day when I would otherwise be pondering my next update to whichever, or what I'm going to write next...I'm NOT thinking about my fic.

I'm thinking about all that other stuff. My :o , my O_O , my :dizzy: , my :confused: , my :mad: , my :freak:...

And probably the biggest ones...

:love: :grrr: :cry:

Yep. So don't get on my back about writing, I don't see YOU doing it. And even when I DO write, I barely ever get any reviews that have meaning toward it. So right now, I don't really care too much. Granted, I DO care about my story, but...Since other people don't seem to right now, I don't right now either.

Time is what I need.


Dec 19, 2002
hey I care about reading and even though I have problems I try to update mines. oh man the problems coming back. NOooooo I hate my past and present problems. Why won't they go away. Um if the problems get to you just try to write so your mind isn't in it too much.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Thanks for the...er...support.

You don't get it...

I DO write to cure myself of my problems...And lately, that hasn't been working!! So I've found other ways of meditation.

I'm not writing right now because I have BLOCKAGE, andif I DID write, it would be CRAP, so I'm NOT writing right this minute. Maybe, in, like, two days, after I've watched more Sonic X and Teen Titans, and after I've watched the Varsity Girls play another game...(which gives me good time to think, and a good, logical excuse to support that girl I like...)

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting

I DO get it. I've listened to you the past few weeks about your problems. Trust me, you aren't alone. I know what these kinds of things feel like.

Sometimes, I wish I was really dumb. That way, I wouldn't be intelligent enough to understand complicated emotions such as love and hatred. Only then could I live the happiest life.

But alas, i'm nothing short of a digital genious. I KNOW TOO MUCH, and that scares me. My brain is so huuuge from playing the computer all these years, that it's tipped my heart completely upside-down. I cry about the simplest things, like chopping onions or listening to sad music, and yet, I won't shed a tear when really bad things happen (did I cry when my parents got divorced? No.)

And for some bizzare reason, I have a feeling that the world is going to end very soon. Why? I think I was watching a TV article a long time ago. They said some stuff about an asteroid, a REAL asteroid, that's on a collision course with Earth, and that it will hit sometime in 2024. Since then, i've been TERRIFIED by the thought. Who knows? Maybe they were telling the truth, and then decided not to talk about it anymore to avoid panic.

Bah, i'm wandering off-topic too much...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
If it makes any difference...... I want you to update blue version. I know how difficult writing can be, and thats comeing from a person who's easily distracted. Nobody figured out my clue? Guess you'll never know then. But here it is agian anyways. "This is one reader with no girl problem, because I do't roll that way" What is the clue about me?

Oh yah and if you want you can take a look at my art, the link is in my sig, the art goes all the way to page three, I need more people to grade it.

About your girl problems, girls always think its true love when they find a guy they like, but most guys only want them for sex, I try to tell them but they never listen. If you want to win a girls heart you have to come striaght out and say you like them, and if they don't like you...you'll know, because they won't be so quike to sign on with you, thats called reluctancy. A girls trust is a fragile thing, if one guy breaks it they might give others problems. I know this first hand..... By the way that was another clue about me.

See if you can peice those two clue together ;)
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