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who's tyler? X 9/27/14


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
*Click link for sad song you're probably sick of hearing during sad posts on the internet: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB-5XG-DbAA *

Well, it's finally over. Exactly 2 years, 1 month, and 30 days later, Who's Tyler? was born. WT?1 had only 17 entrants, with a rise and fall, it looks like the series has come FULL CIRCLE to 18 entrants. I was wrong, Brawl is un-salvageable. That's ok, because SMASH 4 HYPE SMASH 4 HYPE SMASH 4 HYPE

ok so this was probably my favorite tournament ever, not even just to host, but also to attend. We had a lot of laughs, we had internet going out, pretty sure 90% of the entrants commentated at some point which is fun. Brawl has been an awesome, awesome, TRIPpy ride. I've made lots of new friends, learned a lot, and all in all, I wouldn't have rather wasted my money on any other game.

Here it is, the last results of the Who's Tyler? series. Smash 4 is on the horizon, so it won't be long until we can compete together again, in my new series. More info to come(I always play the suspense game ya dig)

Brawl Singles(18 entrants):
1: TLoc | Denti ($90.00 + $50 pot bonus) :olimar:
2: Labernash ($54.00 + $30 pot bonus) :warioc: :kirby2: :dk2:
3: Minifox ($27.00 + $15 pot bonus) :olimar:
4: Gunner ($9.00 + $5 pot bonus) :pikachu2::metaknight::sheik:
5: TxB | Eman :lucario:
5: icecream :metaknight::lucas:
7: Shiro :marth::falco:
7: TxB | Ramsaur :pikachu2::falco::metaknight:
9: Psychoace :metaknight:
9: Lun4 :toonlink:
9: KVLT :wolf:
9: Cod3kill :gw: :ness2:
13: CB:gw:
13: Tawko :snake:
13: Safari Blade
13: T_Rex
17: Jerm :mario2:
17: Special K :fox:

Brawl Doubles(6 teams):
1: Denti and Labernash ($36.00) :olimar: and :warioc:
2: TxB | Ramsaur and TxB | Elam ($18.00) :metaknight::gw:and :lucario::gw:
3: icecream and Tawko ($6.00) :metaknight: and :snake:
4: CB and Shiro
5: Special K and KVLT :fox: and :wolf:
5: Rave and Psy :metaknight: and :lucario:

Brawl Mid/Low Tier Doubles(6 teams):
1: Gunner and TLoc | Denti ($36.00) :sheik: and :kirby2:
2: Labernash and Lun4 ($18.00) :kirby2::bowser2::dk2::luigi2: and :bowser2::samus2:
3: Shiro and CB ($6.00)
4: icecream and Tawko :jigglypuff: :yoshi2: and :ganondorf::sheik:
5: TxB | Eman and TxB | Ramsaur :dk2:
5: KVLT and Special K :pt: and :kirby2: :dk2:

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Smash Lord
May 27, 2014
East Texas
Special K and I played Donkey Kong/Kirby and PT in mid/lows respectively. Can't wait for the matches to be up on youtube

Shoutouts coming in a bit. Busy writing a paper I neglected to write yesterday


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
Shout outs to felicia.

Wish i hadn't gone down in winners like i did, but ah well. Chillest event though. So hyped on the demo i didnt bother practicing lol #smash4plshurry


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2014
It was fun to meet you guys and play a bit. I underplayed a fair bit, but it was all good, had plenty of fun!

I played Falco in singles as well. CB played Game & Watch.

Doubles.. Shiro- Marth, Lucas, Ganon. CB- Game & Watch, Link, Ganon

Mid/low doubles we had.. Shiro- Lucas, Captain Falcon and CB- Link

TxB | Ramsaur

Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2012
Ruston, Louisiana
Oh man, it's been a while since I've done post-tourney shoutouts. This is gonna be a long one.

First @ TM_icecream TM_icecream I played :metaknight:in Brawl singles as well. And:gw:in doubles. I played :dk2: in Mid/Low tiers. Eman used :lucas:in low tiers and you mis-spelled his name as Elam lol.

@deti Haha I beat your :ganondorf: with my:ganondorf:in P:M you suck gg go home son!
@Labernash Dude, first game I had your :kirby2:on the ropes. But nooooooooooooo! You just HAD to kirbycide me when you were like at 100%+ and I was like at 20%. Then It went close AGAIN game 2 but the labernash technique was too much for me man. GGs, hope we have some good smash 4 sets! Your :warioc:has seen some EPIC improvement!

@Gunnermaniac Dang man, sorry about 4th. But you stuck to :pikachu2:in a terrible matchup...soo yeah. To get a little sappy; thanks for all you've done for me when it comes to brawl. You taught me the ways of the :pikachu2:and just brawl and general. You've taken me to tournaments free of gas charges just to get me out, let me stay at all of your houses to learn the game, spending the whole weekend watching Apex 2014. Just, thanks for all you did for me in brawl. You're one of my best friends and I look forward to our journey in smash 4

@Emanxlr8r dude, Tyler can't handle our anubis!!! Dude...me, you, and @John Alejos had quite the run in Brawl. I remember when I first heard you played Brawl and that you were pretty good, you were playing :pit:and:popo: at the time. I was like," So I heard you play smash, do you play with the items?" and you were like," Heck no dude! If you play with items you might was well flip a coin to see who wins." After that John showed up and we spent that ENTIRE summer playing Brawl. I'd just come through your window and you and John would already be playing. Every week we'd learn something new and worked to apply it to our gameplay whether it was DI, teching. etc. Remember our first tournament? Man that was a trip. I also look forward to our journey in smash 4 was well! Textbook for life dude!

@ TM_icecream TM_icecream GGs again. First time I played you at who's tyler last time, you knocked me into losers. I thought it was a fluke because I SDed twice in BOTH games and I still took you to last stock. So I thought it was the SDs that won not you. Well this tournament proved that wrong. I don't know what it is, but I just cannot beat you dude. GGs. But hey, you ran a great brawl tournament series! Can't wait to see how you run Smash 4! (3 stock 8 minutes please. None of this 2 stock 6 minute BS)

@ TxB | Ramsaur TxB | Ramsaur Dang man. I wish you would have beat labernash but hey, top 8 is fine with me. You're happy with doubles and you had a lot of fun, and at the end of the day, that's what matters right? Oh man it's been a ride. I may have come into the competitive scene very late but me and brawl had some epic times (ima start talking in first person again). I believe it was summer of 2011 when I was hanging out at @safriblade 's house while his folks where gone for a month. We played a LOT of minecraft and he was like,"Hey wanna play smash bros?" "sure why not" I said. I used to be okay at Melee but I never played much brawl, but sure why not. I got my ass handed to me multiple times by :pikachu2:'s downsmash. Then it awoke in me, I really wanted to get better to beat this guy. I watched anther videos and played with safariblade like all the time. Then I found out my ex ( my girl at the time) and her brothers played Brawl. I went over there and ALSO got my ass handed to me by my girl and her brothers. Man that was awkward. But still, I wanted to get better and beat those guys. You see that's how you know if you're a competitive player or not. If you get beat and you're just like,"Eh, that was cool I guess." Or if you're like," NO! I HAVE to beat this guy! I'm gonna train and get better!" That's how you know! Shoutouts to @WSS | JSalt @Brawlman1000 @BSP Li-D and just all the local big dogs that I looked up too! You guys made me strive to get better! I'd be here all day shouting out people so I'll leave it at that. But Brawl, thanks for the awesome times. I think I'm done practicing you but I'll always come back to you every now and again. You hold a special place in my heart and I'll always remember that.

@ Psychoace Psychoace Dude, that death to claw...we finally found out who Tyler was. THE CLAAAAAAAAAAW! I feel bad man, we didn't have a proper set. You died to claw, and then SDed. We should run that back one day so I can face you for real.

@safariblade Thanks for coming out man! I invited you on a whim and hey, you came! I had fun dude! Thanks for introducing me to brawl. Without you I would not have ever met all these friends and found this awesome community!

*raises a toast* To Brawl! Let us remember how much fun and good times it brought us! And to the future! For now I'll play P:M and wait for Smash 4. Until then guys!
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Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
a dark place
I wish I could have stayed longer. Results would have been different. But hrt, on Tyler's behalf, thanks for coming!


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
I wish I could have stayed longer. Results would have been different.
Ya there would've been another name in 17th ZINGGGGG

1: TLoc | Denti ($90.00 + $50 pot bonus) :olimar: Thanks so much, for everything. You've been a great mentor to me in smash and I really appreciate all you've taught me, the laughs we've had, Delfino, me struggling with the Oli MU and you sitting down with me for like an hour to grind it. You helped me get so, so much better at this game and I appreciate that more than I can express.
Thanks so much for coming. See you at Apex 2017 GF's

2: Labernash ($54.00 + $30 pot bonus) :warioc: :kirby2: :dk2: You almost beat denti dang

3: Minifox ($27.00 + $15 pot bonus) :olimar: you came into the last two tourneys and stole my PR spot. We battled back and forth for #2 ever since WT?3, so I'll see you in smash 4. GGs, Olimar is stupid.

4: Gunner ($9.00 + $5 pot bonus) :pikachu2::metaknight::sheik: GGs, thanks a ton for coming and bringing people with you. I was expecting just you tbh, and when 4 people walked in I was too turnt. Pikachu is annoying
5: TxB | Eman :lucario: I never did get to play the black trela 1v1, but you seemed pretty good so I wish I would've made time to do so. Maybe someday. Thanks for coming out~
5: icecream :metaknight::lucas: Shouldve used puff against lun4, the rest of my bracket got pretty real lol. Oh well, my goal for this tourney was 4th, and 5th is pretty darn close. Always set the bar a little higher than you're expected to reach :)
7: Shiro :marth: I'm glad I got to host your first tourney :) thanks for coming! I never did play with you guys outside of a lot of doubles lol. But it was fun meeting yall!
7: TxB | Ramsaur :pikachu2::falco: GGs man, I think you need to work on your overall mindset. Enthusiasm and confidence are great, but there is a fine line between that and delusion, and I think during a set you kind of border it. If you just learn to play where you're at in skill, and not where you think you should be, you'll play better and improve faster.
9: Psychoace :metaknight: idk man. Smash 4 hype~ just want you to know that I played denti's copy a little bit and I got bodied by a lvl 7 zelda T.T
9: Lun4 :toonlink: 9th, good stuff! Can you blame me for being surprised you beat Blaine? Lol. I wanna see you working hard in smash 4, I feel like you could get pretty good if you put the time in.
9: KVLT :wolf: GGs you almost beat me that was nuts. My plan was to win game 1 with MK and then play game 2 with puff, and if it goes to game 3 switch back. You won game 1 and RUINED EVERYTHING :( but for real though you got really decent this year, put that kind of work into smash 4!
9: Cod3kill :gw: :ness2: I didn't olay you round 1 this time :O thanks for coming. And playing PM illegally, you dirty thugs.
13: CB Thanks a lot for coming out! It was nice to meet you, wish I could've played with you guys some and given you some pointers but never got the chance. GG's in doubles :)
13: Tawko :snake: YOU LOST TO JOHN WHAT A NERD! But real talk good stuff against Gunner, you played mega well, despite losing. The MU sucks and gunner's good so that's expected, but you played it really well and that's rad.
13: Safari Blade Never did get to play with you. Liked the shirt tho~ thanks for coming out! :)
13: T_Rex I didn't expect to see you make it, glad you were able to enter!
17: Jerm :mario2: when did Mario happen??? Lol this character SLAYS in smash 4, hopefully you'll do well with him.
17: Special K :fox: GGs after the tourney. I like the fox I think, but your Marth was bæ too. Wonder who you'll end up maining in smash 4?

Rave: see ramsaur's shoutout

I'll do personal brawl shoutouts for tyler in our FB group too~ no worries.


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
Yeah ramasaur def want that rematch perhaps in smash 4. Would have loved to download the rest of La but had to dip early, you guys are much better rivals than dayton ;). La vs tyler crew battle next time! Lets go.
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