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Thank you for supporting Simon Belmont: Castlevania's Original Vampire Hunting Hero!


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Simon Belmont.

¿Who is Simon Belmont?
In case you don't know, Simon Belmont is the protagonist of the NES classic, Castlevania from Konami, Released in 1987. (1986 in Japan).
The cover of the first game of the series.

At the age of 22 in 1691, he would be given the opportunity to prove himself worthy of his family's legacy. On Easter Day, 100 years after he was defeated by Christopher Belmont, Count Dracula had returned. He was reawakened by a dark order of humans on Easter Day during a dark mass in an abandoned monastery.

Castlevania is known as an NES gem by many, known for it's amazing soundtrack, constant references to classic horror movies and literature and most notably, it's unforgiving difficulty.
Simon is notorious for beign one of the first well known heroes in video games to use a Whip, which is called the Vampire Killer. This weapon which has been passed for generations to every single member of the Belmont family. (notable members include Richter and Trevor)
Screenshot of Castlevania 1 for the NES.

Simon also appears in the sequel, Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. In this Sequel after Dracula is defeated, Simon is inffected with a Curse that is going to Kill him,
and the only way to prevent this is to gather all of Dracula's parts, ressurrect him and defeat him once more to vanquish the curse.

The cover of Castlevania 2 (yes, the guy in the front with a whip is supposed to be Simon)

Castlevania 2 is known for it's rather noble inovations for the series due to beign a non-linear game and featuring the acclaimed song Bloody Tears, which would become a staple for the series.

Screenshot of Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest.

¿Why Simon?
The Castlevania series has been a very successfull franchise which has managed to sell 20 million across the series.
Not only that, but the franchise that has been loyal to Nintendo since the early 80's.

The list includes:

-Castlevania 1 (starring Simon Belmont) for the Nintendo Entretaiment System. (AKA the NES)
-Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (also Starring Simon) also for the NES.
-Castlevania: The adventure (Starring Christopher Belmont) for the Gameboy.
-Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse (Starring Trevor Belmont) for NES.
-Super Castlevania 4 (Starring once again Simon) for Super Nintendo.
-Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (Starring Christopher Belmont) for the Gameboy.
-Castlevania: Dracula X (starring Richter Belmont) for the Super Nintendo.
-Castlevania: Legends (starring Sonia Belmont) for the Game Boy.
-Castlevania "64" (starring Reinhardt Schneider) for the Nintendo 64.
-Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness (starring Cornell) for the Nintendo 64.
-Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (starring Nathan Graves) for the Game Boy Advance.
-Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (starring Juste Belmont and featuring a playable cameo of Simon Belmont) for the Game Boy Advance.
-Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (starring Soma Cruz and featuring Julius Belmont as an extra playable character) for the Game Boy advance.
-Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (once again having Soma and Julius) for the Nintendo DS.
-Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (starring Jonathan Morris and Charlotte Aulin and also having Richter and Maria Renard as secret characters) for the Nintendo DS.
-Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (starring Shanoa) for the Nintendo DS.
-Castlevania: Judgement (featuring Simon and Trevor Belmont) for the Nintendo Wii.
-Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth (starring Christopher) for the WiiWare.
-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow-Mirror of Fate (starring Trevor and Simon Belmont) for the 3DS.
-Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (Starring Richter and Maria) which was released for the Wii's Virtual Console.

The only Nintendo systems that don't feature a full-fleged Castlevania game are the Gameboy Color, Nintendo Gamecube, Wii U and Virtual Boy.

Out of all the protagonists that have been featured, the Belmonts are the most prominent, and out of those Belmonts, Simon is the most well known and appropiate for the spot of a Castlevania Character.

For instance, outside of Castlevania 1 and 2, Simon also appears in:

-Haunted Castle, a game where Simon has to save his Wife form Dracula.
-Super Castlevania 4: a retelling of the original story with new redone levels, music and Gameplay.
-Vampire Killer for the MSX, a more non-linear take on the Original Castlevania.
-Castlevania X68000 and it's PS1 Port, Castlevania Chronicles, another retelling of the Simon vs Dracula story.
-Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, in which Simon is a secret Playable character in the Boss Rush mode.
-Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, in which Simon has a minor cameo in the "Greatest Five" Dual Crush.
-Simon Belmont appears as a playable Character in Castlevania Judgement for the Wii.
-Simon appears in his playable 8-bit form in Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow-Mirror of Fate features a re-imagined Simon Belmont as a playable main

Super Castlevania 4, one of my favorite games in the series.

There' also a lot of Konami Crossovers in which Simon is the main and sole representative of the Castlevania Series:
-Konami Wai Wai World: Simon Belmont "III" is a playable character.
-In the Sequel Konami Wai Wai World 2: Simon Returns as one of the selectable characters.
-In the MSX2 Game Hai no Majutsushi, Simon is one of the opponents that you can face.
-Simon Belmont also appears in game DreamMix TV World Fighters alongside fellow Konami warrior and Smash veteran, Solid Snake (also Optimus Prime was there too for some reason).
-Simon also appears in New International Track & Field for the Nintendo DS.

Simon even appears on the Cover!

As you can see, Simon Belmont has quite the impact and presence on the Castlevania series and to an extent Konami itself.

Simon Belmont also saw an appereance on the cartoon Captain N: The Game Master alongside Smash champions Pit and Mega Man.

Simon on Captain N (yes, the blonde guy with a blue jacket is Simon).

Simon Belmont, alongside the Castlevania series in general were heavily promoted during the run of the official Nintendo game magazine: Nintendo Power (It went as far as having Castlevania-themed cover art on some issues).

One of the many issues of Nintendo Power that feature a Castlevania game on the cover.

¿What does he offer with his moveset?
As already mentioned, Simon Wields the Vampire Killer, a whip which can turn into a chain whip, morning star and even a flamming whip.
There's really barely any whip wielders in smash aside from one, and that's Zero Suit Samus.
However, Comparing Simon to Zero Suit Samus is like comparing a Medieval Knight with a sword to a Samurai.

First up, Simon is a character who is normally seen as a muscular and tallframe character, so it's reasonable to think that Simon would be a heavyweight fighter who relies and Brute strenght and killing power rather than quick moves or acrobatics like Zero Suit Samus does.
Furthermore, he has a different set of Subweapons at his disposal that could be used in his moveset:

-Cross Boomerang: A Boomerang which lacks diagonal movement unlike Link's Boomerang.
-Dagger: A fast projectile weapon that can be used to keep opponents at a distance (it also has a Fire Variaton called the Golden Dagger).
-Axe: A weapon that is used to deal damage to airbone opponents.
-Holy Water: A weapon that if thrown to ground, it can be used to stun and damage opponents.
-Stop Watch: A weapon that allows Simon to STOP TIME.
-A Red Crystal that he can use to summon a tornado that can carry him to different places.
-A Laurel that he can use to make him invincible for a short amount of time.
-The Rib of Vlad that allows him to use a shield than can deflect projectiles.
-A Magic Rosary that can exterminate all enemies on screen.
-A Herb that Simon can use to heal himself.

Simon wielding the afromentioned Cross. (Ignore the sword, he never uses one in the Games, it's just there for decoration)

These weapons, alongside Simon's use of the Vampire Killer, can be used to make him an unique character from the rest of the crowd.

A heavyweight, long ranged, Warrior with both Melee and Projectile attacks at his disposal.

An example of how Simon's Sub-Weapons could be implemented.

¿How would he look like?
Simon has taked many redesings over the years, but his most well know are 2:

-One of them is the "Conan the Barbarian" designs, such as his Neca Figures design, The Castlevania X68000 design, and his appeareance one the Castlevania 1 cover.(as seen above)
-His design from Castlevania Chronicles, designed by Castlevania art veteran Ayami Kojima.

If Pac-Man and Mega Man are any indication, Simon design in Smash would heavily rely on the Old-School and Nostalgia factor Simon has, so it makes sense for him to have his classic "Barbarian" motif.

Hovewer, i think the best way to implementate Simon's desing would be doing something similar to Roy. In other words, make a fusion between his Barbaric and Chronicles desgins and turn them into one.

Just because Simon has different desings doesn't mean he can't be in Smash. For instance, before Pac-Man's reveal, there were debates in which Pacman design would be used, (which were his Classic Pac-Land look or his controversial Ghostly Adventures counterpart) in the end the classic one was Choosen.

It's unlikely that Simon is going to use his Mirror of Fate or Judgement designs, since both of those games are not as remembered as the Original Castlevania games which were the ones that gave Simon the Reputation.

An example on how Simon's design can be handled.

¿Why not Alucard or Dracula?
Now i feel i should tackle this issue, since out of all the other Castlevania characters that are not Simon Belmont, Alucard is the most brought up.

Alucard first appeared in Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse, in which he was one of the optional playable characters that could join your quest.

But Alucard's most famous appereance is obviously Symphony of the Night, in which Alucard has Awaken to solve the mystery of Richter's dissapereance.

Alucard's design by Ayami Kojima on Symphony of the Night is the most well known appereance of the Son of Dracula.

Alucard has also appeared in Aria and Dawn of Sorrow (under the name Arikado) and in Castlevania Judgement as one the playable characters. Overall, he has become one of the most popular characters in Castlevania history.

Hovewer, my main issue with Alucard is that he is NOT a Belmont. As i mentioned earlier, the Belmonts are the most recurring characters in Castlevania franchise.

MY other problem with him is that his popularity mainly comes from Symphony of the Night, which while is one the most famous games in entire franchise, it is also one of the few that haven't seen a release in a Nintendo Console. (at the very least Solid Snake has his game Metal Gear Solid beign released on the Nintendo Gamecube as Metal Gear Solid: the Twin Snakes)

Alucard is to Castlevania what Zero is to Mega Man:
Both characters appeared first as a Side character and then went to have their own games. (Symphony of the Night and the Mega Man Zero series respectively) and while they may be popular, they are still secondary to the original protagonists, which are Simon (and other Belmonts) and Mega Man (and X).

As seen above in the ¿Why Simon? section, Simon has the most appereances of any Belmont in Castlevania games, and the fact that he's the original only further cements the idea of him beign the best choice for a Castlevania Character.

As For Dracula, i personally feel that putting an antagonist before the main hero is not the right choice.

Yes, Dracula is well known in general, but that's because Count Dracula is a pop culture character, and not every single incarnation in fictional media of the count is the same. It's like putting Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny because they are pop culture icons.

If we are gonna put Dracula as a playable character, it would be because of his own merits IN CASTLEVANIA, not because of the Bram Stoker novel or the movies by Universal.

¿What about Snake?
Ah yes, Solid Snake. Now im going to be blunt on this one and say that i personally think Simon has more associasion and history with Nintendo than Snake ever had before his appereance in Brawl.

HOVEWER, i think that Snake AND Simon Belmont should both join the Smash 4 roster, since Ryu showed that you can have more than 1 character in case you are 3rd party.
Both have their own merits, and i think Simon "replacing" Snake is a bad idea (just like Chrom "replacing" Ike).

¿What are his chances?
Very Low, because of 2 reasons:

1-Konami has been making horrible buisness practices lately, like cancelling Silent Hills and Fire Hideo Kojima. (heck, Snake is also affected by this)
2-The Castlevania Series has been in a long hiatus just like the Mega Man series, it hasen't seen a main release game for quite some time. (the most noteworthy thing the series has done so far is that one shameless pachinko machine)

Simon has also the issue of not beign exactly the most popular choice for a character.

But that's the same reason im writing this, because i want Simon Belmont fans to show their support for him and expand it further.

The K.Rool and Isaac fanbases didn't get popular all of the sudden, they took effort and dedication to spread the word to the Smash community and make their voice heard.

Is not just about Simon making it in Smash, but also to prove that Simon has a fanbase that desires him for Smash.

He most likely will not make it, but i still want to show people the impact and legacy that Simon has. And maybe, just maybe, in the future, our dedication will pay off.

Palutena's Guideance:
Alucard: It's Simon Belmont, member of the Belmont clan.
Pit: Wait, who are you?
Alucard: The name's Alucard, im an ally of the Belmonts ever since the fight against my fahter, Count Dracula alongside Trevor Belmont.
Pit: Talk about a shaky family relationship.
Alucard: Well that's about to be expected when your father wants to wipe out the entire human race.
Pit: Anyway, any strategies about this barbaric dude.
Alucard: Simon Belmont is a man who's armed to the teeth, his main tool is the Vampire Killer, a long-ranged Whip that is used for Melee combat, he also is equipped with Sub-Weapons like a Cross-Shaped Boomerang, Holy Water that can burn and an Axe.
Pit: So how i defeat him.
Alucard: Defeat him? But Belmont's power is supreme among Vampire Hunters, none other could defeat him.
Pit: What? Are you sure he doesn't have a weak point?
Alucard: Well, Simon is a horrible jumper, so you could knock him out of the stage by letting him not recover.
Pit:Ok, i suppose that can work.....here i come.

Boxing Ring title: "The Count's worst Nightmare"

Fanart and other stuff:

House of the Belmont Clan (supporter list):
Azure Warrior
The One Who Wrote This
Wanderer From Roseyard
Fire Rider
Nixon Corral
Wonder Smash
Hank Hill
Tonzura Koite
The Souless One

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The One Who Wrote This

Great Robo Cup Champion
Jul 16, 2014
Parts Burninator
Sucks that the original thread got locked. Ah well, gotta start again then. :)

Anyways, I fully support the inclusion of Simon Belmont as a fully playable character in Smash Bros 4 as DLC from Konami. I played as him in DreamMix TV World Fighters (fun game) and he felt pretty fun to control (Snake as well). I think that he would fit quite well in the current cast of Nintendo's Greats and Mates! He represents the relationship Konami had with Nintendo back in the day. Plus, because both Mega Man and Pit are in Smash 4, adding Simon Belmont would finish the Captain N trio.

I could imagine his moveset involving his whip and subweapons that he accumulates throughout his adventures in Castlevania, Simon's Quest, Haunted Castle, Chronicles, Mirror of Fate, and Super IV. This gives him access to items like Holy Water/Fire Bombs, Axes, Cross Boomerangs, Knives, the Stopwatch, Silver Knives, Gold Knives, Garlic, Ricochet Rocks, Bibles (in Harmony of Despair [dunno if that counts]), Dynamite, Torches, Boomerangs, the White Crystal, the Blue Crystal, the Red Crystal, Javelins (also only in HoD [Soma and Alucard can use Javelins in other games]), Laurels, Rosaries, Oak Stakes, Sacred Flames, and Dracula's Artifacts (Rib for fireball protection and poison negation [it gives him a shield in Simon's Quest], Heart for Ferry Transportation and preventing petrification, Eye for Visibility and preventing curses, Nail for powering up the whip and improving strength, and Ring for giving access to Castlevania and for luck [there is also the Fang of Vlad that boosts defense, but Simon never obtained that]).

Needless to say, he has options. Adding him would add a famous videogame icon into the fray.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
I always thought for standard attacks he could borrow some of Richter's moves, too.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
I too really wanna see Simon as DLC.

His standard moves probably would involve the whip. Think something to Kirby's Whip ability in RTDL.
A- single whip
AAA- multi whip
Up A- Goes straight up.
Down A- Like Link's down A, hits along the ground.

Specials would all involve his many other weapons.
Standard special: Holy water, longer you hold B/special button, the different the arc it is thrown at.

Side special: Cross, functions like a boomerang.

Up: Whip grab, kinda like Olimar's recovery in Brawl.

Down: Not really sure what this could be.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
Nspec: Axe
Sspec: Cross
Dspec: Holy Water
Uspec: that whip uppercut Richter does that I can't be arsed to look up the name of right now, would basically work like Dolphin Slash


Smash Journeyman
Jan 4, 2014
Switch FC
I would love for him to be DLC, he is definitely important to Nintendo, with all the fantastic GBA and DS Castlevania games in addition to the fact that the series originated on NES. It helps that certain things (mainly no more Snake although Sheik losing her chain could help too) increase his chances of being included as well :)
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Well, I posted this in the old Simon thread, guess I will repost it here!

My take on Simon's moveset, originally posted in the Castlevania character's thread. I mixed in a few of Richter's moves as all Belmonts have similar fighting styles and the moves fit Simon. I was careful to make the movelist whip heavy (no punching) and to include all the sub weapons from the original Castlevania.

Simon Belmont's Movelist:

A: Whip Combo. Tapping A results in the standard whip combo from Castlevania Judgement.

A-Side: Over head whip attack. Comes in at an angle, has further range then all but the last attack of the whip combo.

A-up: Vertical Whip Strike. A whip strike straight up into the air, like in Super Castlevania

A-down: Slide kick.

Side Smash: Flame Whip -Castlevania 2's ultimate whip and a (temporary) power up to the Vampire Killer Whip in its other appearances. Hold the whip back and charge it with holy energy, lighting it on fire. The longer you hold the whip the stronger the fire effect.

Up Smash: Axe toss. Toss a battle axe above you, it will descend in a slow arc.

Down Smash: Holy water. Toss a bottle of holy water below you. The bottle will explode into blue flames damaging enemies on both sides of you.

Air Neutral: Spin Kick (See Richter's move's from Harmony of Despair)

Fair: Forward whip strike.

Bair: Reverse Whip Strike

Uair: Vertical whip strike

Dair: Downward whip strike (the air moves might be boring, but they stay true to Super Castlevania, which is probably Simon's most beloved appearance)

B: Dagger. Throws a quick, light damage projectile in front of you. Fairly spammable.

B-Side: Cross boomerang. Throws a slow moving but hard hitting projectile. Moves forward and then backwards in a straight line

B-Up: Upper cut (See Richter's move's from Harmony of Despair - Simon does a similar move in Judgment with more visual flair, it could be based on that move visually )

B-Down: Whip "Shield" - Spin the vampire hunter whip around you rapidly, reflecting all projectiles (at an angle, not back towards your opponent) and dealing small amounts of damage with no knockback at a rapid pace. Move originates in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.

Dash Attack: Tackle (See Richter's move's from Harmony of Despair)

Final Smash: Stop Watch - everyone but Simon is held in place, making it easy for Simon to go up to them and knock them out. Other options include item crashes and the powered up flame whip, which would make all whip attacks hit as hard as a fully charged side smash.

The whip will be used for grabs and tether recovery. Simon should also be able to crawl and whip at the same time, like in Super Castlevania.
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Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
Eh, I'd switch dsmash and dspec. Holy Water is too central a move to be a smash attack, not to mention being a special would allow it to be used in the air (the way most players use it anyway).


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I could see him playable, but in my opinion, he needs an upcoming Castlevania game coming before I can see him as a notable competitor.
I have been playing Castlevania GBA games on Wii U... cleared Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance and currently playing Aria of Sorrow... I really like them all... favorites in order are COTM > AOS > HOD... anyway, I would love to see a new Castlevania game like them (Metroidvania style) starring Simon Belmont on a Nintendo console. Wasn't that Castlevania 3DS game made in Metroidvania style?


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Eh, I'd switch dsmash and dspec. Holy Water is too central a move to be a smash attack, not to mention being a special would allow it to be used in the air (the way most players use it anyway).
Like I said, it was important for me to have all the Classic Castlevania sub weapons present, so I would be okay with putting Holy Water as a down B. I feel like the whip shield makes sense as a down special though, as down specials are often have a defensive capability.

I am also kind of iffy on the slide kick, it might be too similar to what Megaman has. It might make more sense to place it as his dash attack (since the cross is more associated with Richter anyway). His down tilt could be a low whip attack to compensate, or even the bouncing diamond if you want to get fancy.

I could easily see Richter and Trevor as alt costumes.

Some reference footage of Richter from Harmony of Despair for reference:



Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
Regardless of his moveset, I think he deserves to be in along with another NES star - Ryu Hayabusa, but I suppose that's for another thread.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
Dtilt should definitely be a crouching whip attack. He's had that since CV1.

Incidentally - making the Axe his usmash is an insanely creative idea. Mad props.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I made a moveset for Simon Belmont! :)

  • Neutral A+A+A: whips normally
  • Hold+A (any direction): swings the whip around like in SCV4 (works like Sheik's old Side+B from Melee)
  • Side+A: throws a dagger
  • Up+A: whips straight up like in SCV4
  • Down+A: whips while crouching (useful when crawling like in SCV4)
  • Dash+A: throws Triple Shot daggers

  • Smash Side+A: whips with morning star; maximum charge for flame whip from CV2
  • Smash Up+A: throws an axe; charge longer for Double Shot axes or Triple Shot axes
  • Smash Down+A: drops garlic from CV2 to stun and paralyze opponent; the effect is like as if their shields broke

  • Aerial Neutral+A: whips while jumping
  • Aerial Forward+A: throws a dagger while jumping
  • Aerial Back+A: jumps back and lands on his knee; based on his NES animations where he gets hit by medusa heads while jumping
  • Aerial Up+A: whips straight up while jumping like in SCV4
  • Aerial Down+A: whips straight down while jumping like in SCV4

  • Shield: uses Dracula's Rib from CV2 to make a shield appear in his hands while shielding
  • Grab
  • Pummel
  • Forward Throw
  • Back Throw
  • Up Throw
  • Down Throw

  • Side Dodge: uses invisibility potion
  • Down Dodge: uses invisibility potion
  • Aerial Dodge: uses laurel from CV2

  • Neutral+B: throws up to three boomerangs at a time; they won't follow Simon like Link's boomerang does on their way back (ideal for making parallel projectiles)
  • Side+B: throws a diamond from CV2; it bounces off surfaces, it deflects projectiles, it makes opponents flinch on contact
  • Up+B: whips the winged ring from SCV4 and swings around (kicking opponents below); automatic tether recovery if performed below the ledge like Ivysaur's Up+B
  • Down+B: throws holy water like Link's bombs; holy water can burn like Ness's PK Fire (one custom move is based on Sacred Flame from CV2)
  • Final Smash: the dialogue box appears and it reads "What a horrible night to have a curse"; green zombies and bats poof into existence all over the stage; Simon immediately whips a candle and picks up the rosary; all enemies spontaneously explode in a flash; opponents get hurt when they are near the exploding enemies; second dialogue box appears and it reads "The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night"

Entrance: eerie fog appears; Simon appears from the fog with his back facing the screen; he pulls out his whip and whips it; eerie fog disappears (based on SCV4 intro)

Sleep: he lies face down like his death animation in the NES games

Victory #1: crystal ball appears in air; Simon jumps to get it; he is frozen in place in middle of his whip animation
Victory #2: Simon uses an oak stake on a crystal ball on a pedestal; crystal ball shatters and reveals a random body part of Dracula; Simon collects it and holds it up high Zelda style
Victory #3: Simon stands tall and valiantly with a breeze blowing his hair like in the ending of the first NES game

Alt#1: Castlevania costume (default)
Alt #2: Simon's Quest costume
Alt #3: Super Castlevania IV costume (Japanese box art - blue)
Alt #4: Super Castlevania IV costume (American box art - gold)
Alt #5: Haunted Castle costume
Alt #6: Vampire Killer costume (black/red version of default costume)
Alt #7: Castlevania Chronicles costume
Alt #8: Mirror of Fate costume

Series Icon: Morning Star

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Here's my overall input: Simon > Bomber Man > Snake

If there's any Konami addition that should happen, it is definitely him due to iconic value. I will be OK with his inclusion as long as he doesn't have that terrible Judgement design. But who am I kidding, the franchise had arguably went downhill soon as that game happened.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Scavenger
Sep 15, 2014
Simon Belmont would make a good character for Smash, so count me in on this one!


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I made a moveset for Simon Belmont! :)

  • Neutral A+A+A: whips normally
  • Hold+A (any direction): swings the whip around like in SCV4 (works like Sheik's old Side+B from Melee)
  • Side+A: throws a dagger
  • Up+A: whips straight up like in SCV4
  • Down+A: whips while crouching (useful when crawling like in SCV4)
  • Dash+A: throws Triple Shot daggers

  • Smash Side+A: whips with morning star; maximum charge for flame whip from CV2
  • Smash Up+A: throws an axe; charge longer for Double Shot axes or Triple Shot axes
  • Smash Down+A: drops garlic from CV2 to stun and paralyze opponent; the effect is like as if their shields broke

  • Aerial Neutral+A: whips while jumping
  • Aerial Forward+A: throws a dagger while jumping
  • Aerial Back+A: jumps back and lands on his knee; based on his NES animations where he gets hit by medusa heads while jumping
  • Aerial Up+A: whips straight up while jumping like in SCV4
  • Aerial Down+A: whips straight down while jumping like in SCV4

  • Shield: uses Dracula's Rib from CV2 to make a shield appear in his hands while shielding
  • Grab
  • Pummel
  • Forward Throw
  • Back Throw
  • Up Throw
  • Down Throw

  • Side Dodge: uses invisibility potion
  • Down Dodge: uses invisibility potion
  • Aerial Dodge: uses laurel from CV2

  • Neutral+B: throws up to three boomerangs at a time; they won't follow Simon like Link's boomerang does on their way back (ideal for making parallel projectiles)
  • Side+B: throws a diamond from CV2; it bounces off surfaces, it deflects projectiles, it makes opponents flinch on contact
  • Up+B: whips the winged ring from SCV4 and swings around (kicking opponents below); automatic tether recovery if performed below the ledge like Ivysaur's Up+B
  • Down+B: throws holy water like Link's bombs; holy water can burn like Ness's PK Fire (one custom move is based on Sacred Flame from CV2)
  • Final Smash: the dialogue box appears and it reads "What a horrible night to have a curse"; green zombies and bats poof into existence all over the stage; Simon immediately whips a candle and picks up the rosary; all enemies spontaneously explode in a flash; opponents get hurt when they are near the exploding enemies; second dialogue box appears and it reads "The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night"

Entrance: eerie fog appears; Simon appears from the fog with his back facing the screen; he pulls out his whip and whips it; eerie fog disappears (based on SCV4 intro)

Sleep: he lies face down like his death animation in the NES games

Victory #1: crystal ball appears in air; Simon jumps to get it; he is frozen in place in middle of his whip animation
Victory #2: Simon uses an oak stake on a crystal ball on a pedestal; crystal ball shatters and reveals a random body part of Dracula; Simon collects it and holds it up high Zelda style
Victory #3: Simon stands tall and valiantly with a breeze blowing his hair like in the ending of the first NES game

Alt#1: Castlevania costume (default)
Alt #2: Simon's Quest costume
Alt #3: Super Castlevania IV costume (Japanese box art - blue)
Alt #4: Super Castlevania IV costume (American box art - gold)
Alt #5: Haunted Castle costume
Alt #6: Vampire Killer costume (black/red version of default costume)
Alt #7: Castlevania Chronicles costume
Alt #8: Mirror of Fate costume

Series Icon: Morning Star
I like the idea of the dagger as his neutral b since it could be used to tack up a lot of damage while the cross boomerang could be used more for spacing and gimping. The daggers would basically be a slightly slower version of Fox's lasers in this case.

The series icon would have to be a version of the whip upgrade item or a combination of the moon and castle if they wanted to get fancy.



Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
I feel like the other subweapons (diamond, sacred flame, maybe even stuff from SotN or PoR) would be best suited for custom specials, rather than A moves. The A moves are best left for various whip attacks, I think.
One of his aerials should be a downward diagonal strike, the kind everyone does in SCV4 to hit opponents on the ground while moving forward.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
So questions for you guys: 1. Is there a supporter list 2. Is everyone on here against Snake returning? I love Snake but I love Simon as well that's not going to be a problem is it?

Hank Hill

Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
Arlen, Texas
As awesome as Simon Belmont would be, I don't know about him being the most likely Konami rep, but he definitely is my preferred choice!


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
There's not a supporter list yet but I'd be glad to start one.

And I'm certainly not a Snake hater, but given a choice I'd rather have Simon. Both is the ideal, of course.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Snake is okay but I want Simon more. Metal Gear is more of a Sony thing whereas Castlevania feels more like a Nintendo thing.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
There's not a supporter list yet but I'd be glad to start one.

And I'm certainly not a Snake hater, but given a choice I'd rather have Simon. Both is the ideal, of course.
Snake is okay but I want Simon more. Metal Gear is more of a Sony thing whereas Castlevania feels more like a Nintendo thing.
I'm cool with these opinions, put me down on the new supporter list @ Lilfut Lilfut .


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Put me on this support list,here I am cheering the whip master to be our next megaman.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
Added @ S Strofirko , sorry for the delay.

What would Simon's Boxing Ring title be? "The Vampire Killer", perhaps?

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Added @ S Strofirko , sorry for the delay.

What would Simon's Boxing Ring title be? "The Vampire Killer", perhaps?
Eh, either that or "Hunter from the Belmont Clan" would be fitting. Though the Vampire Killer would be the best option since it also refers to his legendary weapon of choice and the franchise's iconic theme.

Tonzura Koite

Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2014
Super Castlevania IV was one of the games that shaped my childhood. There's only one character who should be allowed to wave around an 8-directional whip all spastic-like, and it ain't Sheik. Count me in for the true vampire killer.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Added @ S Strofirko , sorry for the delay.

What would Simon's Boxing Ring title be? "The Vampire Killer", perhaps?
Monster fighting whip man, judging from just how underwhelming some of the other titles are.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Monster fighting whip man, judging from just how underwhelming some of the other titles are.
I think that the people who made Punch-Out!! games should be in charge of coming up with titles...

What else can we do to garner fan support for Simon Belmont in Smash? How did the Mega Man fanbase do it?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I thought I would list out most (if not all) Castlevania games to show that Castlevania does have a stronger connection to Nintendo consoles than it did for other consoles.

Yellow = Simon Belmont is a playable character
Green = a Belmont ancestor/descendant/relative is a playable character regardless of last name

Nintendo Castlevania games
  1. Castlevania (NES, 1986)
  2. Castlevania II: Simon's Belmont (NES, 1987)
  3. Castlevania: The Adventure (GB, 1989)
  4. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES, 1989)
  5. Kid Dracula (Famicom, 1990)
  6. Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (GB, 1991)
  7. Super Castlevania IV (SNES, 1991)
  8. Kid Dracula (GB, 1993)
  9. Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES, 1995)
  10. Castlevania Legends (GB, 1997)
  11. Castlevania (N64, 1999)
  12. Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness (N64, 1999)
  13. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA, 2001)
  14. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA, 2002) (Boss Rush mode only)
  15. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA, 2003)
  16. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS, 2005)
  17. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS, 2006)
  18. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS, 2008)
  19. Castlevania Judgment (Wii, 2008)
  20. Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (WiiWare, 2009)
  21. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate (3DS, 2013)

Non-Nintendo Castlevania games
  1. Vampire Killer (MSX2, 1986)
  2. Haunted Castle (Arcade, 1988)
  3. Castlevania Chronicles (Sharp X68000, 1993)
  4. Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine, 1993)
  5. Castlevania: Bloodlines (Genesis, 1994)
  6. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1, 1997)
  7. Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2, 2003)
  8. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (PS2, 2005)
  9. Castlevania: Order of Shadows (Mobile Phone, 2007)
  10. Castlevania: The Arcade (Arcade, 2009)
  11. Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, 2010) (DLC)
  12. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Xbox 360 and PS3, 2010)
  13. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (Microsoft Windows and PS3 and Xbox 360, 2014)
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Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
I feel like you should split the greens into games that feature someone with a Belmont name and games that feature a Belmont descendent with a different name. The latter category would include (if memory serves) Bloodlines, 64/Legacy of Darkness and Portrait of Ruin. It's pedantic, but ultimately the line between the Schneiders/Morrises and the likes of Nathan Graves is very thin.

Also, Symphony of the Night should be green because of Richter Mode.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
A = Simple combo that ends with a whip swing.
Side A = Classic Whip Lash with a short reach(around Leather whip reach). Can tilt-up before swinging to swing the Whip up-diagonal.
Smash Side A = Flame Whip with a longer reach. Basically, a reference to Rondo of Blood in which you could make the whip longer by moving the Pad to the attacking direction when swinging it. Can up-tilt when swinging to swing the Flame Whip up-diagonal.

Up A = Swings the Whip up.
Up Smash = Throws an Axe that goes up then descends down.
Down A = Does a whip attack while crouching.
Down Smash = Does a Sliding attack.
Dash A = Does a tackle while swinging the whip. A reference to Richter Belmont's Tackle skill.

Neutral Air = Swings the whip around in a circle.
Forward Air = Swings the whip forward. Can swing up-diagonal or down-diagonal like you could in Super Castlevania IV.
Up Air = Swings the whip up.
Back Air = Does a short, but damaging backhand-like attack.
Down Air = Does a downward kick that sends Simon down fast. If it hits the opponent, Simon bounces off of them. Can slightly move to the right or left while moving down. A reference to the Jump Kick from later games.

Grab = Swings the whip to grab an opponent. Can be used as a tether recovery.
Pummel = Punches the opponent in the head.
Forward throw = Throws the opponent forward like a pitcher.
Back throw = Throws the opponent backwards.
Up throw = Throws the opponent upwards.
Down throw = Slams the opponent down.

Side dodge = Simply dodges.
Forward dodge = Somersaults forward than faces the opponent.
Back Dodge = Dodges with a backdash. A reference to the Backdash.

Neutral B 1 = Throws a set of 3 daggers with one going straight, one going straight, but slightly up and one going straight, but slightly down. Each one does around 2.5%-3% damage for a total of 7.5%-9% damage if all three hit. Disappears when far enough.
Neutral B 2 = Throws a fast Silver Dagger that doesn't disappear and keeps going. Deals 5%-6% damage if it hits.
Neutral B 3 = Throws a slow Gold Dagger that deals fire damage and keeps the opponent in place for a bit of time(like ZS Samus' Paralyzer) if it hits. Deals 5%-6% damage if it hits.

Side B 1 = Throws a boomerang that pierces through foes before slowly stopping for a bit then moves back towards Simon, like it did in Rondo of Blood. Deals 2%-3% damage per hit.
Side B 2 = Throws a fast boomerang that pierces through foes before it immediately moves back toward Simon, like it did in Castlevania. Deals 2%-3% damage per hit.
Side B 3 = Throws a boomerang that launches foes it hits. Comes back immediately to Simon like in Castlevania. Deals 3%-5% damage when it hits.

Up B 1 = Does a powerful one-hit uppercut like one of Richter's moves that deals around 6%-8% when going up and around 12%-14% if sweet-spotted(like the Megaman's Mega Upper). Has around the same reach as Mario's Up-B, albeit a bit higher.
Up B 2 = Doesn't deal any damage, but does a high jump that allows Simon to still be able to attack. Based on the High Jump skill from multiple Castlevania games.
Up B 3 = Doesn't deal any damage, but when used allows Simon to double jump multiple times for a short time. Based on the Infinite Boots from Harmony of Dissonance.

Down B 1 = Throws a Holy Water that breaks into a pillar of flame when it hits an opponent or hits the ground. The flame pillar moves forward. Deals 3%-4% damage per hit.
Down B 2 = Throws a Holy Water that breaks into a pillar of flame when it hits the opponent or the ground. The flame pillar stays in place. Deals 2%-3% damage per hit.
Down B 3 = Throws a Holy Water that causes a explosion and launches foes when it hits an opponent or the ground. Deals 5%-7% if it hits.

Entrance = A gate similar to the one from the first game opens up with fog spewing out. Simon comes out from the fog through the gate and gets his whip ready as the gate and fog disappears.

Original outfit = Castlevania Chronicles with red hair.
Alt#1 = Castlevania NES Colors, with brown hair and brown outfit.
Alt#2 = Castlevania II NES colors, with black hair and dark red outfit.
Alt#3 = Haunted Castle colors, with blue hair and green outfit.
Alt#4 = Castlevania IV colors, with dark brown hair and blue outfit.
Alt#5 = Castlevania II artwork colors, with blonde hair and dull red & yellow outfit.
Alt#6 = Juste Belmont colors with white hair and bright red outfit
Alt#7 = Doppelganger from Castlevania Chronicles. Has blonde hair, green skin, yellow outfit and even has the Snake whip.

That's my version of Simon, who I think is a perfect fit for Smash. When I was thinking of something for him, I think the fact that he can attack diagonally would allow him to have his own little thing for Smash. Also, yeah I think the Doppelganger from Castlevania Chronicles would be a perfect Alt for him.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
I like to think that the alternate costumes would just be other Belmonts, like Bowser Jr. with the Koopalings.

1. Simon
2. Trevor
3. Richter
4. Julius
5. Juste
6. Leon
7. Christopher
8. Sonia


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Other Belmonts as Simon's alts sounds good... but I want Simon's other alts from different games (except Judgment, I don't want to acknowledge its existence).


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
Something I just realized... if both Snake and Simon get in, and Snake keeps his codecs, they could play with the fact that those two characters have already faced off in a party fighter.

Something else I thought of, since most of Simon's playable appearances give him really weak jumping abilities, what if that was one of Simon's weaknesses? Having a powerful, relatively speedy character who can barely jump higher than Ganon could be an interesting dynamic.

Tonzura Koite

Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2014
I like to think that the alternate costumes would just be other Belmonts, like Bowser Jr. with the Koopalings.

1. Simon
2. Trevor
3. Richter
4. Julius
5. Juste
6. Leon
7. Christopher
8. Sonia
I'm thinking splitting it up into 4 Simon costumes and 4 alternate characters would be better. Simon certainly has a legacy and his diverse designs over the years should be represented. The other members of the Belmont clan that appeared in earlier Nintendo games and played like Simon would make good alts.

1. Fresh-faced
2. Nostalgic
3. Grizzled
4. Red Armor
5. Christopher
6. Trevor
7. Richter
8. Sonia

I love Simon's original barbarian look as much as any other Classicvania fan, but his bishi design seems to be the standard and probably what Konami would push for as his default costume. I'm fine with that. All of his incarnations except Judgment have been cool in different ways.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I'm thinking splitting it up into 4 Simon costumes and 4 alternate characters would be better. Simon certainly has a legacy and his diverse designs over the years should be represented. The other members of the Belmont clan that appeared in earlier Nintendo games and played like Simon would make good alts.

1. Fresh-faced
2. Nostalgic
3. Grizzled
4. Red Armor
5. Christopher
6. Trevor
7. Richter
8. Sonia

I love Simon's original barbarian look as much as any other Classicvania fan, but his bishi design seems to be the standard and probably what Konami would push for as his default costume. I'm fine with that. All of his incarnations except Judgment have been cool in different ways.
Other Belmonts as Simon's alts sounds good... but I want Simon's other alts from different games (except Judgment, I don't want to acknowledge its existence).
Ah Judgement, where do I begin?

Terrible dialogue? Check.
Pointless Otaku Pandering? Check.
Designs that ruin a majority of the characters? Check.
A Giant Space Ghoul Out of Nowhere as the Final Boss? Check.
Voice acting even worse than Symphony of the Night? Check.
Terrible controls and fighting system? Check.

While the idea of Castlevania having it's own fighter was cool, it was poorly executed and could have been better if these flaws hadn't exist. Simon in that game was a disgrace since he became "Light Yagami 2.0" and only three characters weren't that bad when it game to the game's wannabe Death Note artstyle (Cornella, Carmilla, and Sypha).


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
It wasn't a wannabe Death Note artstyle.

It was a literal Death Note artstyle - the guy who did the manga was the lead artist for Judgment.
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