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What to do against people who grab and camp at the edge

Kirby Phelps (PK)

Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
Onett, Ohio
I fight against someone pretty regularly who loves to grab and camp at the edge....and I don't know what to do about it. I can't approach because that's exactly what he wants. He waits patiently until I come at him, ready to grab me and set me up into a combo or throw me off the stage. I try approaching with air attacks, but that doesn't work, he can just easily grab me. Dash attacks are an even worse option. I could try a projectile, but that only works with certain characters. What if I wanna use Shulk or Little Mac or Sonic? What then? And even when I do use a projectile, he'll just dodge and use my end lag to run up and grab me. I know exactly what he's gonna do, but still, I just can't get past it. It's even more frustrating because this is apparently a bad tactic. So if I can't beat a bad tactic, maybe I'm just bad... I've tried tricking him into shielding or dodging or grabbing at the wrong time with empty jumps and false attacks, but he seems to know exactly when I'm gonna do that and when I'm not. If I fake an attack, he knows it and won't do a thing. If I actually attack, he also knows that and grabs me. I've also tried stubbornly waiting at the center of the stage for him to approach me, but he's just as stubborn as me. We've stood there just waiting for the other person to make a move for minutes before. It only ended when I eventually lost my patience and went in to attack, and again, got grabbed. I just don't know what to do. It feels like everything I try, he has an answer to.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
If you want to use Little Mac, don't approach the edge, ever. Sonic is also pretty campy and punish-based.

For Shulk, though, enter either Speed or Jump and approach with fair or nair. Nair has extremely little landing lag, and if you time it right, you can land in front of him and grab him. Shulk has better range than most characters.

Other options would include using command grabs, such as Koopa Klaw, Nosferatu, Monkey Flip, Inhale, Chomp, etc. They go through shields and can be used midair. Alternately, some characters (i.e. Charizard and Donkey Kong) have very strong shield-killing options, so you can use those aerially. Landing with Shield Breaker (Marth, Lucina) serves a similar purpose.

If your attempts at mindgames aren't succeeding, it likely means you're showing your feint too soon. If you cancel your approach from too far away, there's plenty of time for him to realize you aren't attacking. Instead, try to learn options for landing just outside grab range and punishing.


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
A key thing to keep in mind is if someone grabs the ledge, jumps off, and re-grabs it again, they don't have the invunerability window as usual allowing you to punish them off edge granted im not sure how long the window this lasts is.

as for edge camp, try and practice some grab approaches and short hop Fair approaches. With the ladder you can bait out sheilds and get a grab or punish follow up

Kirby Phelps (PK)

Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
Onett, Ohio
I've tried approaching with short hop nair/fair with Shulk many many times, but it just doesn't work because I'll get grabbed the moment my attack hits his shield. Even though Shulk has a long ranged fair, I still end up getting grabbed just because the beam part touched his shield. And if I can't approach the edge with Little Mac, then what else can I do, because he will just stand at the edge the entire match if he has to... (that's never actually happened, but came pretty close)
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2008
You either A get a new training partner because he doesn't sound fun to fight at all. Option B at the start of the match you do damage as fast as possible and as soon as he sets up on the edge you play his game. Go to the other side and wait for him. As long as your percent is lower your still winning; let it go to time out if he is that lame.


Smash Rookie
Jan 4, 2015
hey man, go for jigglypuff. you can float above their grab rang and contuniously b-air-f-air side-b without being in much danger even if he sends u off to the side u can puff back and continue aerial attacks. also spamming your side b while in the air will break his shield so he will be forced to do something.


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
I gotta be honest as was mentioned if he's your friend and feels the need to play that corny perhaps you should mention it to him or just not play with him as much. If one of your mains was dk i'd say approach with arial headbutt and smash his sheild XD


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Edge campers and projectile users ruin the game. I hate them. They think they are the 2nd coming because they win by camping, dodging, and launching projectiles.
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Smash Ace
Jan 8, 2015
You'll want to mix up your approach so that you are can fake him out. The thing with grabs is that a jab combo almost always trumps it. Sometimes you just walk up and jab him in the face. When you short hop, land early and don't attack. You'll be right outside his range from the grab, watch him whiff and beat him off stage. Since you mentioned Shulk, poke his shield with some on grounded tilts and smashes. (Shulk's got more range then even my man Ike at times. Learn the distance you need to strike with the tip and start abusing it) Careful with the smashes though, as if it's a fast character they may be able to cover the distance for a punish. Shulk's smash attack do have a delay that can throw off an opponent's timing though.

Edge campers are something you'll always have to deal with in some cases since edge fighting is part of the game. No matter how hopeless you feel though, there are always options. If he's able to always get you when he's at the edge(which is normally a high risk/reward location), then you aren't mixing up your approach enough.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2015
Ontario, Canada
When people do that I just walk up to them (NOT RUN, NOT DASH ATTACK). Close the distance so your attacks are not as telegraphed, and force them to think more carefully or else you can take advantage of their endlag.
Jab combo beats grabs, as mentioned above. As Little Mac approaching the edge is generally dangerous due to the ease in which you can be edgeguarded and thrown off stage.
Someone else already talked about Shulk so I'll skip him (also cuz I don't know shulk that well)
Sonic is a bit difficult, but you are still the fastest in the game and if you use that speed to your advantage you should be able to approach without a problem. Don't use his laggy attacks.... Dash in and shield to cover your options except for grabs. Try to stop JUST short of his grab range so that if he impulsively grabs you can Ftilt him away. You can also try pivot grabbing if he delays his reaction. But if he grabs you when you try that, just dash grab next time and catch him off guard.
If your opponent is constantly shielding, just run up and grab him. If he reflexively spot dodges, the next time you approach, run up and jab his ass.
This is by no means thorough, but you get the idea. It is all part of adapting to your opponent's playstyle.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 18, 2007
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Just attack him from the air and land behind him. When he shields your aerial attack, grab him when you land. He won't be able to shieldgrab if he's facing the opposite direction. Another option is just to run in and grab him before he grabs you, that's what I do against shield spammers. Spamming shield against Ness(who it looks like you use) is having a death wish.

If his ledge camping involves dropping and regrabbing the ledge, jump off and bair him into the stage. On some stages, this will stage spike him and give you an easy KO.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
I've tried approaching with short hop nair/fair with Shulk many many times, but it just doesn't work because I'll get grabbed the moment my attack hits his shield. Even though Shulk has a long ranged fair, I still end up getting grabbed just because the beam part touched his shield. And if I can't approach the edge with Little Mac, then what else can I do, because he will just stand at the edge the entire match if he has to... (that's never actually happened, but came pretty close)
In situations like this, jump towards him like you're going to do an aerial attack, but don't do anything and jump right in front of him, then immediately side step dodge to avoid his grab, then retaliate. Most players will auto-pilot shield grab and will attempt to shield grab you if you jump towards them at all, regardless of doing an attack or not. Doing something like this sounds reckless considering you're leaving yourself wide open, but its what we call a read and you can trick him into letting you come close to him without any consequences.
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