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Week in Review Issue #6

What did you think about the Little Mac reveal?

  • It was amazing! He was my most wanted character! My life is complete!

    Votes: 8 11.4%
  • I was very excited! I can't wait to main him

    Votes: 22 31.4%
  • It was good but he wasn't a character I really wanted. I am excited to see him though!

    Votes: 29 41.4%
  • It was ok. I didn't think much either way.

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • I was fairly dissapointed. I think it's a waste of a roster slot that could be used for more unique

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • I hated his reveal. I don't understand why people like Little Mac. He is a waste of a character.

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • No comment.

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not open for further replies.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
The Week in Review Edition #6
2/17 - 2/21

@ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

Banner by @ Rocket Raccoon Rocket Raccoon

Last week started rather dull with a Lucario update, another look at the Nintendogs stage, and an update of the Home Run Bat. In addition, the forums for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS recieved several new moderators in @Fatmanonice, @IsmaR, @BKupa666m @Scoliosis Jones, @---, @ Frostwraith Frostwraith , @ Curious Villager Curious Villager , @Opossum, @Starphoenix, and @ Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei . Not to mention @ KuroganeHammer KuroganeHammer was promoted to Senator so make sure you congratulate him! We will be covering Starphoenix and Swampasaur in this issue.

On Thursday, we recieved news of an upcoming Nintendo Direct and, when Sakurai makes mention of this in a Pic of the Day, it usually means a newcomer announcement. Indeed this was the case with Little Mac being revealed as 5th newcomer! Hailing from the Punch-Out!! franchise, Little Mac is a pungilist with amazing ground options but poor aerial game. He also has an interesting Power meter mechanic that wasnt explained until . So let's take what this week had in store for us!
I would like to say a big and huge thank you to:

[*] @ Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei for interviewing me!

[*} @--- for writing up the Mega Man analysis. Take some time and read it since it is a very good read up!

[*] Lastly, to all of the Smashboards users who posts really make up what the WiR is. Without your insightful (and crazy) posts, this thread would not exist so thank you very much!

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Issue #5

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[collapse=Rules and Other Infos]This is the first edition of "The Week in Review". The Week in Review will be a series of articles I have made throughout the week concerning the Pic of Day through using posts, threads, and MiiVerse to pool information and opinions about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS . However, the articles are not only limited to my own observation but to those of the larger Smash 4 community. Users are encouraged to submit articles and observations as well as opinions concerning the pictures that were updated throughout the week. I will explain how you can contribute later.
So what can you expect from this thread? On Friday, I will update the thread with a new article which will contain the Pic of the Day, other relevant images, information, I will also be pulling out interesting and thought provoking posts that have popped up throughout the week on the various threads such as the Wii U Discussion thread, 3DS Discussion Thread, MiiVerse Photo Thread, Roster Discussion Thread, character support threads as well as the Super Smash Bros, Wii U/3DS Backroom thus linking them altogether. In addition, I will also be adding up any information that Sakurai has revealed outside of the website/MiiVerse such as interviews and news articles.
I will open the thread on the weekend for people to talk about how the week went and comment on the articles. However, I will be closing the thread on Monday in order to prevent premature discussion about the weeks updates. I will be operating on Japanese Standard Time since both myself and Sakurai (OMG both of us in the same sentence?!?!?!) live on JST. View the JST Page in order to fully understand how time works.

Additionally, while this thread will focus on solely the Pic of the Day, I will sometimes allow pieces to be written about Smashboards, the Smash Community, MiiVerse, or Sakurai information. Additionally, once we have more information regarding the nature of the character, I will allow a user to write up an in-depth analysis of a character, veteran or newcomer. So come show your stuff!

Why is this thread needed?
We do have various discussion threads pertaining to various aspects of Smash. However, this is less of a discussion thread and more like a newsletter. I intend to present the facts and portray an unbiased review of the week. It will also serve as a hub to collect information, pictures, and articles that have been released in a weekly format thus allowing users to review the past weeks for better understanding how to predict future updates or to comb through information in an effective manner. It will also serve as a place to users to present their information, opinions, and observations in a semi-academical format. More information is listed below. If you see an interesting, funny, thought-provoking, or ridiculous post either on the SWF or on MiiVerse, PM me about it and I will include it! If you want me to remove you from a certain Tag, PM me and I will take you off.

Also, I wanted to use this space to allow users to be creative and constructive in speculating Smash in a more journalistic manner. I will not edit any posts except if they are inappropriate, bypass the censor, hateful in nature, or irrelevant.

How can I help?

You can contribute to this thread in many ways.
1) You can serve as a guest writer. This is done by contacting me via PM and apply to be a guest writer for the current week. I am able to allow or refuse the guest writer based on past credentials and reputation within the Smash 4 community so please keep that in mind.

After approval, I can either give you a piece to write OR you can choose one yourself. It should be focused on a particular Pic of the Day. Please promptly let me know which one you intend to. If I do not hear from you within a day, I will not accept an article. The article itself should be professionally written with little to no grammar or spelling mistakes. Any sources should be cited with a link to direct readers. While I understand some updates may be hard to write for, please write at least two paragraphs for each update. Unless it is an update of Luigi's nose but I am sure someone can find some Freudian psycho-analysis about that update. Please refer to the first edition post about how to write an article (though I am pretty sure many journalist/lit majors can do a much better job than I can lol).

2) You can help me gather posts that are excellent or at least interesting in nature. PM me any posts concerning a particular update and I will then add it to the articles. I frequent the above mentioned threads on a daily basis but I obviously miss things so I am heavily dependent on everyone getting me those great and thought-provoking posts. I want this thread to showcase what the brilliant minds in the Smash 4 community can do!

3) While you can discuss past and future weeks, please refrain from dissecting or analyzing the previous/future weeks and save that for the current week.

4) Could someone be a dear and make a banner for this thread. It's not urgent but a banner would be grand.[/collapse]
Table of Contents

1.1 Enter Starphoenix and Swampsaur!
1.2 Day #1: Little Mac Wins the Title!
2.1 Day #2: A Wild Fairy-type Fairy has Appeared!
3.1 Day #3: How to Train your Water/Dragon-type Spatial Dragon
4.1 Day #3: Scaling is not an Issue
5.1 Day #4: It's All About Size Comparisons
6.1 Day #5:
7.1 Week Overview
8.1 Editorials
9.1 Week in Review Interview: Venus of the Desert Bloom
10.1 Character Analysis: Mega Man Part 1 by @---
11.1 Stage Analysis: Skyloft
12.1 Thread of the Week: Stage Creation Contetst
13.1 I want YOU to Vote!

Enter: Starphoenix and Swampsaur!
Writer: Venus of the Desert Bloom

In continuation of @Xiivi's series of releasing moderators, two well known members were promoted to moderator status! Let's take a look!

@Starphoenix was promoted on Thursday right before the Nintendo Direct! Known for his electrifying and firey personality, he wields lighting and fire as easily as he does with his modding powers. He is well known in the Smash 4 Boards and is a prolific poster. Please welcome Starphoenix!

@ Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei was the last member to be revealed to be promoted. A fan favorite and widely speculated by many to take th elast remaining spot. Swampasaur often attributed as the "Ridley" of the new Smash mods. Regardless, after days and days of denial, Valentine's Day and the Little Mac reveal was the day for his reveal. Swampsaur is widely known int he Smash 4 Boards and respected. He also hosts the Soundtrack Contest and has participated in many other contests. Let's welcom eour last revealed mod, Swampsaur!

Little Mac Wins the Title!
Day#1: Monday
Writer: Venus of the Desert Bloom

As with most of the veterans and newcomers that have been revealed, the days following their reveal is dedicated to updates regarding play styles, mechanics, moves, or random pictures to showcase their model or HD improvements. This was the case for Monday's Pic of the Day with Little Mac not only taking up the PotD but also the second picture as well.

Sakurai said:
Pic of the Day. Little mac can deliver some solid punches while fighting on the ground.
...However, he's not the strongest fighter while airborne. Try keeping his feet on the ground and avoid being blasted into the air when you use him in battles.
Sakurai seems to be hammering even more just how poor Little Mac's aerial game is compared to his grounded attacks. This was also alluded to his reveal trailer, demonstrating that he has poor jumping ability and recovery options...though his Side B is currently being considered a possible recovery option.

This update furthers cements that Little Mac is not fit for air battles and may suffer from stages that are more aerial oriented as well as at the mercy of more aerial fighters such as Lucario, Meta Knight, Pit, and Kirby.

@shinhed-echi had this to say:
I'm still pretty sure Little Mac's uppercuts are solid enough to properly counter aerial characters. I mean heck... his whole game is about reaching super tall opponents!
Which is a perfect segway into just how small Little Mac is. In his profile, he is compared to both Pikachu and Olimar - of who he is almost the same height with. He appears to be both a strong yet small and hard to hit character. This could be quite disastrous when used in the right hands.

@Norm made an interesting observation:

Megaman must have a mushroom or something there he looks way to big especially in comparison to this picture.


(edit added another image)

Yeah there's definitely something going on here with Megaman. Here's a screen cap I went and got from the Little Mac reveal trailer they're pretty close in size normally.

However, @MEWTWOMASTER2002 said:

I think the size is because of the angle it was shot...
So yeah guys, the PotD is just perspective. If you watch the clip of Mac punching Mega Man, you can see Mac is taller.

This is exactly what I thought when I saw this picture. I felt the perspective was just different and could be attributed to the strange angles Sakurai uses. If MySpace angles taught us anything, you can definitely change the shape and form of anythign simply by changing them up.

However, users were able to take some possible game play and move set styles from him:

Based on the trailer, those attacks look to be Mac's F-Tilt or U-Tilt (not sure) and his N-Air or B-Air (also not sure).

I think weak aerials will actually play to his favor. Weak aerials chain great into grounded attacks or grabs at above average percentages will be good.

From the way his body is positioned, it's most likely his B-Air

SH aerial > machine gun upper > Re-launch > Up B
@Eternal phoenix Fire

This is actually a very good point. If that's the case, Mac will definitely be a very interesting character when ti comes to using his aerials onstage.

However, it makes me wonder if he'll have ANY aerial kill moves to use.
@Wave Kusanagi

As per this picture, I dunno how to really evaluate Little Mac's aerials other than taking Sakurai's word that they aren't good, but that animation frame to me kinda looks like it might belong to something overall slower in terms of aerials which is a much better predictor of whether an aerial will be good than how hard it hits; if that's overall as laggy as just doing the uppercut, it really would destroy most reason to jump at the opponent. I look forward to being able to check that out directly, of course. This is also a much better and clearer view on just how small he is than the trailer gave us; Little Mac is about the same size as Mega Man or Mario which is unusually short for a more realistic human, and it's going to have some real gameplay implications that I imagine mostly work out in his favor (being big is mostly just bad in smash).
@Amazing Ampharos

So many agree that Little Mac will have a poor aerial game but it's possible that he can counter aerial-based characters with powerful anti-aerial attacks. As well, it is in the realm of possibility that while his offstage game might be lacking, his onstage aerials might fare better. As well, while Mega Man does look freakishly huge, it could just be the case of perspectives or...

....Big Head Mode...

Things Confirmed for Monday:
1) Little Mac does well on the ground but not well in the air

A Wild Fairy-Type Fairy has Appeared!
Day #2: Tuesday
Writer: Venus of the Desert Bloom

A new item was revealed today in the form of the Fairy from the franchise, Legend of Zelda. This is the second new item to be revealed that is linked ( :troll: ) to the Legend of Zelda series, after the Beetle Unless you don't know much about Legend of Zelda, the Fairies are considered a life saver in the games. They can either heal Link back 7 hearts or Link can use his empty bottle to capture a Fairy and store it for later use. If Link dies anytime during the game and he possesses the Fairy jar, he will be revived through the Fairy. The Fairy then leaves for greener pastures.

Sakurai commented on this:
Pic of the day. Hey look, a bottle!! This is a special item that can even heal fighters who have accumulated over 100% damage.
That is not to say that the Heart Container will be obsolete or even replaced...

I just want to point out that the item probably won't replace Heart Containers, since Sakurai specifically pointed out the "over 100% damage" bit.

I think the maxim tomato and heart container are staying. In Melee and Brawl maxim tomatoes heal 50% and heart containers heal 100%. The new bottle item heals "over 100% damage" so it sounds like it will heal all damage to 0% like the heart container did in Super Smash Bros 64.

I'm actually sad about their using a fairy as an even stronger healing item when it didn't heal all that much in the game (seven hearts out of a maximum of twenty?).

It is also interesting to note that the Fairy looks much like a certain annoying Fairy we all know and love. Could this point to the Fairy being designed from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? It looks like it sense the Fairies found in Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were all pink.

Twilight Princess

This is important to note since this may be some content included from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and one of the few if any items revealed from the 3DS.

Also possibly confirmed:

The only thing I got from this post is "Bowser's dance taunt is back." Yesssss!

Things confirmed for Tuesday:
1) The Fairy makes its debut as an item
2) The Fairy in this picture is blue.

Scaling is not an Issue
Day #3: Wednesday
Writer: Venus of the Desert Bloom

Little Mac wasn't the center of the Pic of the Day on Wednesday and some predicted. In fact, the Nintendog was the focal point and it made a huge impact!

Sakurai said:
Pic of the day. This dog is huge… Wait, no, the playable characters are small. The Smash Bros. series doesn't always stay true to scale.
Wait...the words "huge" coming up in Smash Bros. and Sakurai saying it himself is a recipe for disaster. Not to mention he specifically mentions that Smash Bros. does not stay true to scale. This is most evident in Pikachu and Olimar.

Olimar is 1.9 cm (0.75 inches) http://pikmin.wikia.com/wiki/Captain_Olimar
Roughly the size of a dime.

Pikachu is 1′4″ (0.41m) http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pikachu
So about the size of a small cat.

Little Mac is 5' 7" yet he is almost the same size of Pikachu and Olimar.

He is just about a head taller than Pikachu. It is obvious that this quote from Sakurai holds true that scaling is not a major factor in Smash Bros.

And what does this mean?

Ridley confirmed
Nick on miiVerse

"The Smash Bros. series doesn't always stay true to scale." Ridley confirmed!
Jett on MiiVerse

Tony on MiiVerse

But then again, there were comments like these....

We have a better chance of seeing Trevor Phillips from GTA in Smash than Ridley.
Seamus on MiiVerse

Size comparisons started in the MiiVerse thread

But this, in addition to how other characters have been modified from canon sizes, does lead to some interesting potential subtext. Didn't Sakurai once draw attention to how Kirby is eight inches tall in canon, and Olimar is only one, yet they are about the same size in the Smashverse? I could be mistaken about this, though.

Point being that he said not everything is at scale in the Smashverse. In the context of this particular POTD, the "everything" of course refers to the relative size of the characters in relation to their locales. But as we can already see without needing Sakurai to tell us, this "everything" also clearly extends to the sizes of Smash characters in relation to their canon origins.

This does not confirm anything, but it does bolster the chances of certain Smash candidates whose size has been raised again and again as a potential issue for inclusion.

Some users became very excited in thinking this update points to Ridley

Today's picture:

Wait--no, the playable characters are small. . . ? B-but that means that Ridley can't be in because--no, but he can be because Sakurai's just talking about the scale relative to the doge--w-what if he's just talking about the stage--no, he's obviously talking about Ridley, I mean, come on, he's all big and small and stuff and he can fit in Smash Bros., right? But, uh, this means that size doesn't matter to Sakurai? Sakurai, and translater dude, I know you have limited space, but please make your posts less prone to misinterpretation! No, it's not me! It's them! It's all their fault that I can't read their words correctly!

Obviously, the correct interpretation of Sakurai's caption is as follows, and in actuality has very little to do with character sizes relative to eachother: The scale of the playable characters relative to the stage, not to eachother, can be changed at any time, and anyone who thinks that having a consistent size between stages matters is quite silly, for example, everyone is tiny in Nintendog stage, while everyone is normal size on the Pilotwings stage. This has very little to do with supposed 'upper bounds' of size in a character relative to other characters that Sakurai supposedly has, and if anything can be reliably said from this it is that Sakurai is bound less and less to the constraints people attempt to attribute to him.


This is the second or third picture mentioning how smash's heights aren't canon or that a character/stage hazard was either scaled up a bit or down a bit. No point getting riled up over this since it is a recurring statement along with him saying the game and things shown aren't final.
@DonkaFjord expressed caution in getting too hyped about it.

Oh man, people blowing the caption out of... proportion... what a surprise! :awesome: *shot*

Seriously, though. What if Ridley was revealed as a stage hazard tomorrow? Imagine the pure, uncontrollable rage. I would fear for Sakurai's life.

Still it is fun to see the Nintendog stage since it represents a franchise that has yet and most likely won't get a newcomer for. It also brings into questioning the scaling issue when, even not attributed to Ridley, is a worth while discussion and is worth looking into since scaling is obviously not dependent on the source material (i.e. Olimar)

Please tell us if you think this update points toward Ridley or not!

Things Confirmed for Wednesday:

1) The dogs on the Nintendog stage is big.
2) Scaling is not an issue

It's all about the sizes
Day #4
Writer: Venus of the Desert Bloom

Sizes seems to be the focus lately with Little Mac being revealed last week. Sakurai seems to be hammering in that Little Mac is small in stature; continuing reminding users his height compared to Samus.

If the Little Mac reveal trailer didn't drive it home for you:


Then the picture will definitely will with both Samus and Little Mac standing side by side as well as the quote from Sakurai:

Pic of the Day. As shown in Little Mac's debut video, here is the height difference between Samus and Little Mac. He's used thos emighty green gloves to punch out many challengers bigger than himself.
The picture as well as the trailer harkens back to the pre-Brawl Little Mac Assist Trophy along with Sakurai Samus' quote:

... But isn’t he a little small?

It is interesting that the last two Pic of the Days had something to do with sizes in regards to the Nintendogs and how scale is not only canon. This brought hordes of "Ridley confirmed" posts here in SWF as well as on MiiVerse. It also brought Ridley detractors who decried the impossibility of the space dragon appearing; quoting his size and awkward proportions. Now with a second size-related Pic of the Day, what did users think that Thursday's Pic of the Day meant:

stop trolling and reveal ridley okys thanks for the pic
Chef Shawn on MiiVerse

Amother potd dealing with height?
Ping on MiiVerse

lol again, the size joke continues
Shadow on MiiVerse

C'mon guys...We all know where all these size-correlated-stuff is going... Wailord for Smash!
(You thought Ridley, uh? Gotcha!)
Francesco on MiiVerse

So how big is playable Ridley compared to Samus? Hahaha.
Caterkiler on MiiVerse

However, Ridley talk on the Pic of the Day article on Smashboards was oddly quiet but, rather, discussion was devoted almost solely to Metroid Other M.

Damn, samus looks so bad in her Other M design.

Some people just don't like the Other M design.
IMO the Metroid Prime look is the best. It has the most sci-fi feeling like it's actually made of metal with high tech circus and weaponry.

Either Samus looks really small here or Mac looks really large. He was as tall as Pikachu on tiptoes in a separate screenshot.

Other M was a much more accurate representation of Metroid gameplay transferred into 3D space than any of the four Prime games.

@IsmaR stepped in to help bring back the discussion from Other M to the PotD:
This isn't the place for an Other M debate. If people like it, that's fine. If people don't like it, also fine. The fact of the matter is we got that suit (and probably more content) in Smash 4.

As for the PotD, I really hope Mac has his "opponent knocked down/health regen" animation as a taunt/idle animation.
However, discussion in the MiiVerse thread was rather sporadic with comments such as

More size comparisons. I'm kind of expecting Ridley to be the next newcomer reveal now. If he's even playable of course.

It's not really a good comparison...

Samus is standing up straight but Mac isn't...
@ Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei

Let's hope Friday will be the non-disappointing pic, with the exception of the Bottled Fairy one being a decent one.
@Admiral Pit

Three inferences from these recent two pics:
1) The devs/localization team obviously know that Ridley is a playable character, know about the whole "Ridley's Too Big!" stuff, and are doing this to troll/poke fun.
2) People are reading way too much into things.
3) I thought I would come up with a third inference while typing, but I didn't. >_>
@ Ascended Ascended

So... place your bets for tomorrow? This week has been pretty low key, but there is a potential Diddy reveal tomorrow...
@ Shroob Shroob

Split between Ridley posts, comparisons between the two sizes, Samus x Little Mac shippings, and hopes for a more exciting Friday, PotD....I think Chris Baker summed this week up as rather low key and uneventful. Since Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is set to be released on the 21st (Friday) in North America, some believed Diddy Kong to be revealed.

Things Confirmed for Thursday:

1) Samus is taller than Little Mac.
2) Little Mac has green gloves.
3) Sakurai knows the trailer clearly showed the differences in sizes and is reminding everyone.

Nintendo isn't Monkeying Around!
Day #5
Writer: Venus of the Desert Bloom

Those who predicted Diddy Kong will be revealed on Friday were right on the money. Due to to Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze being released in North America today, Diddy swings in and graces the Pic of the Day and the roster below.

Here were some reactions to the Diddy reveal:

Please only have one banana.
Please only have one banana.
Omfg please only have one banana.

So Diddy+Dixie team seems out of the question now, right?

Unless Sakurai is purposefully taking these pictures after Dixie got KO'd, she's nowhere to be found.
@ Starbound Starbound

Well we got a veteran! I'm glad diddy is back.
Now I'm sure Dixie won't join, oh well.

I'm also suprised by the amount of reveals we are getting, so close one from another.

So does everyone see how in the Boxing Ring it is back to Smash Bros theme? Looks like only when Lil Mac is being played it turns to Punch Out theme.

So glad hes not a duo like people irrationally thought he would be. Genuinely glad hes in too. Never played him at all in Brawl but hes a good character.

YES!!!!!! Diddy Kong is back in action!!!!!! :D The Smash Bros. hype grows ever stronger, and it's an awesome way to celebrate the release of DKC: Tropical Freeze!!!! Thanks, Sakurai-san! :D
Matthew on MiiVerse

Thank you Mr. Sakurai! :D It's nice that you surprised us with the NA and Europe release for him.
3DESS on MiiVerse

It seemed like the community, while happy and excited for the Diddy Kong reveal, find it odd that Diddy's flexibility has been enhanced and the amount of bananas he can use.

err... diddy kong was crazy enough thanks to his banana's...he was one of those characters that DID NOT need any buffs sakurai...he actually needed some slight nerfs...
Kris on MiiVerse

Diddy kong....with rubber arms...

Sakurai keeps claiming he wants to make smash4 more focused on balance....but yet here he is buffing characters that don't really need any.

Despite that, many Diddy Kong fans are estatic to see Diddy Kong come back for the second time...especially without Dixie Kong.

Now let's look the pictures that were posted on Diddy Kong's website page:

I would like to quote Sakurai on this:
We've increased Diddy Kong's flexibility this time. This picture shows how far his punches stretch during his strong side attack.
It appears that Diddy Kong will recieve a buff in flexibility and can stretch his limbs fairly far

Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong looks great together!

Here's hoping Dixie can join in on this picture at some point..

His Rocketbarrel is also confirmed to return as most likely his recovery Up special.

While unconfirmed, I feel this continues to impress that Little Mac has smaller jumps compared to other characters, such as Diddy.

I am also led to believe that this is his crawl.

It also appears that holding down the B button for his Neutral B leads Diddy Kong's Peanut Popgun to explode. Look at that explosion!

What the heck is Samus doing here?

Looks like speed boost.
@ Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei

Back air maybe?

I am led to believe this is everyone's roll. What do you think?

Diddy's Up taunt confirmed to reappear.

It either deconfirms the Diddy & Dixie team OR the Banana Peel item is confirmed. You never know with Sakurai and his mind games.

Diddy Kong coming back is very good news for Diddy mains and you can view the ongoing discussion here in the Diddy Kong sub-forums:

However, besides the increase in flexibility, there doesn't seem much in the way of changing the attacks or specials. Diddy Kong seems to play much like how he did in Brawl which, to some, may be a good or bad thing. Esepcially with bananas

Things confirmed for Friday

1) Diddy Kong is back
2) His Peanut Popgun is back and explodes
3) His Rocket Barrel is back.
4) His Banana is back
5) His Up Taunt is the same
6) He practicies yoga now and became flexible.


This week was rather tame with some Little mac information, the new Fairy item, a look a the Nintendog stage, and two photos refrencing scaling and sizes. However, the biggest reveal of the week was of course Friday's Diddy Kong reveal. While some thought that the stretching buff that diddy Kong recieved might be a bit over-powered, people were generally happy to see the monkey return for another bout.​
Last edited:

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Okay! It's me Swampasaur! Venus can't interview himself so he asked me to ask the questions! Well here ya go, the last of the "Old Smash 4 Mods." Let's go!

Venus of the Desert Bloom


1) How long have you been a member on Smashboards? How long have you been a moderator of the Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Discussion Forums?

I have been a member since July 2007 back during the Brawl hype. I came looking to talk Smash. I have been a mod since August 2013.

2) What is your favorite part of the job? What is your least favorite part?

The Control :D

And helping members get around the site and the feeling of contributing to a great community. My least favorite part is things get out of hand and I have to put my Hard Mod hat on.

3) Has Smashboards improved since you first joined?

Smashboards was pretty unadulterated back in the Brawl days. However, I feel that Smashboards have become more accepting and friendly of new members.

4) Will you be getting Super Smash Bros. for Wii U or 3DS or both?

I plan to purchase both.

5) Counting Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS, who is your favorite character in the entire franchise? Now who is your favorite to play as?

I really like Ms. Fit and Villager. I am looking forward to seeing Zero Suit Samus in HD. I main mostly Zelda/Shiek but secondary main Zero Suit Samus and Diddy Kong.

6) When was the first time you played a Smash game? Can you recall your feelings or what you were doing at the time?

I first played Smash Bros. 64 when my friend had it back when it first came out in 7th grade. I was pretty shocked by it. In fact, when he first told me about it, I thought he was lying. I've been a diehard fan since then.

7) So... Who is your most wanted newcomer? What about returning veteran?

I don't really have a character I Truly want. But I would say Palutena or Ridley. Unrealistically, Nightmare from Soul Calibur. Like I said before, I am looking forward to Zero Suit Samus.

8) What stages would you like to see included in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS? Past stages included?

I really want to see Ganon's Castle from Ocarina of Time HD. I also would like to see Castella City from Pokemon B/W, Ocean from Endless Ocean, and Phandora Drifts from Metroid Prime.

9) The Stage Builder and Online gameplay was a step in the right direction but some believe they were lacking. What is one thing you would like to see Sakurai improve in the name Smash game? (besides the roster.)

I'd like to see more freedom with the Stage Builder. I would like to see them improve a bit on character balance in order to make characters less nerfed or buffed.

10) If you could describe Super Smash Bros. with one word, what would it be?


11) Where did your username come from?

It was from a poem I penned called "Venus of the Desert Bloom". I was in the middle of a break up and was pretty depressed hence the dark title. I decided to keep it. Plus Venus is taken.

12) What is your favorite type of music and why? What is your favorite tune from Smash Bros?

I really like any music. My favorites are really any type of heavy metal including death, black, hardcore, power, etc. I also like techno, synthpop, experimental, and avantegarde. I am also a sucker for Irish music. My favorite tracks are from Brawl. I love the King K. Rool Galleon song, Midna's Lament, and the Panel de Pon song.

13) Without any outside factors hindering you, what would be your dream job?

A zookeeper. I like animals.

14) Please tell us one thing about yourself that we may not know?

My middle name is Jon.

15) How was the wedding? :D

The wedding isn't until later. The "wedding" was a 3 hour visit to the city hall to submit our papers which took forever. The wedding won't be until later in the fall.

16) Were you around for the Brawl days? What can you tell us about them?

Yes I was. I wasn't extremely active but I felt it was chaotic at times. It is interesting to see ideas and characters popping up that existed previously during the Brawl days. I also felt it was more laxed. I remember a thread putting Ridley's head on Bruce Lee's body and making that into a support thread. Calling it "Rid Lee".

17) So... Ridley... Too big? Or not too big? That is the question.

Never too big. Especially with Wednesday's PotD.

18) What do you think will happen with Smash Wii U and/or 3DS's competitive scene?

I think the competitive scene will view it with much scrutiny, give it a try and pick up on it if it proves to their liking. If so, we will see a Wii U/3DS competitive scene. If not, they will go back to Melee. However, one thing hurting it is the lack of a GC controller support. Wireless controllers wreck havoc on tournaments so that may be an issue.

19) You a dog or cat guy? Why?

I am more of a fish guy actually. I keep tropical and brackish water fish. But I like cats and dogs...maybe dogs more so.

20) Did you want to become a mod before you were made one?

I thought it would be interesting but I never really considered it. I have frequent periods of inactivity but I plan to stay around now that I am a mod. I have modded other forums...most gone or changed staff members a long time ago.

21) Any secret mod secrecies you're willing to spill?

Aerodrome is now a Senator....

22) Any shoutouts to other members?


Lastly, could you please let us know how you think this past week went? Was it a good or bad week for Super Smash Bros. speculation? What was your favorite and least favorite update? What in particular stood out this week? If you could, please let us know why you answered the way you did.

I felt it went pretty good. I enjoyed the Fairy update and seeing Little Mac. I was hoping for a new stage but I'm ok. Especially since we now have Diddy back. My favorite update was obviously Diddy and my least was the Samus/Little Mac comparisons.

Either way, substitute interviewer, singing out!
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Mega Man Character Analysis!
Author: @---

Unarguably one of the largest hype moments during E3 2013 was the reveal, of what is so far, the most requested of the newcomers for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U, the Blue Bomber: Mega Man.

Ever since the conception the original Nintendo crossover, Super Smash Bros., Mega Man was always the 3rd party seen to be the most fitting to enter the ring with Mario, primarily due to the sheer amount of history the Mega Man franchise has on Nintendo systems, with the majority of games being exclusives.

Recent controversy over the handling of the series and departure of the series leader and industry icon, Kenji Inafune, from Mega Man’s own company of Capcom, has resulted in much despair for Mega Man fans. Thankfully in time for the series 25th Anniversary his inclusion in Smash has brought much joy to gamers everywhere.


As many would know Smash Bros. isn’t the first time the Blue Bomber has been a playable character in a fighting game. In comparison to his previous appearances in the Marvel vs. Capcom and Street Fighter x Tekken, however, Sakurai and Capcom have opted towards keeping him as close to his run and gun roots as possible; even going as far as to faithfully re-create Mega Man’s 8-Bit style animations in 3D.

The result of this means that Mega Man relies heavily on his signature weapon, the Mega Buster, as well as the large assortment of weapons he has copied from the series’ infamous bosses, the Robot Masters. This concentration on having a variety of unique projectiles has resulted in a fairly unique moveset that has not been seen in Smash Bros. before.

Currently Mega Man the only newcomer whose moveset has been revealed in its majority, with only one move, his Final Smash, not being known in any detail.

Mega Buster – Jab/Forward Tilt/Neutral Aerial:

Mega Man’s signature attack and is arguably the move that sets him apart from most of the Smash Bros. Cast. Unlike the other attacks for the same button presses, the Mega Buster serves as a projectile (it also shoots lemons), giving Mega Man a fair edge over his opponents in range (about ¼ of FD). It is not known if it can be reflected. Currently is it known to do up to 8% with each of the 3 hits doing about 2-3%, each with a very slight hitstun and no knockback.

The most interesting and important aspect is that as his Forward Tilt Mega Man can move while using it similar to the item the Super Scope. This gives Mega Man not only a great approach game, but an easy way to rack up damage on opponents.

Neutral Special – Metal Blade (Metal Man, MM2)

Known for being one of the most overpowered weapons in the series, if not all of gaming, the Metal Blade shouldn’t need much introduction for veteran gamers.

Like in MM2, Mega Man is able to throw a saw blade in 8 different directions, giving this move much versatility. A new gimmick is that throwing it downward onto a stage causes it to become a throwable item. However, currently it is not known if it acts like an item at all times, and can therefore be picked up with some skill. So far it has been shown to do 7% per hit with minor knockback, and that it passes through opponents. It is shown to go ½ of FD.

Because it passes through opponents, this is a move obviously designed for versatility rather than pressure like Mario’s Fireballs. As a throwable item, it can be Bomb/Grenade Dropped to help lose some starting lag, but given you can’t throw it in as many directions and isn’t a good knockback tool, this strategy most likely won’t be as effective as it is for Link/Snake.

Up Special – Rush Coil (MM3)

For Mega Man’s recovery move his faithful dog, Rush, makes a cameo appearance, launching Mega Man into the air via the spring on his back.

This move so far is very similar to Sonic’s Spring, moving both of them at a similar height and speed. One notable different, however, is that from what has been shown it looks like it leaves Mega Man helpless afterwards. While not bad, being his only recovery option, this leaves Mega Man with a somewhat predictable recovery, which could prove bad. It is also not currently known how this move functions when used on the ground.

Side Special – Crash Bomber (Crash Man, MM2)

A powerful weapon, once used to break open walls, serves as a unique projectile similar to the item, the Gooey Bomb. Once attached to the opponent (does no damage on contact), after about 2-3 seconds it explodes causing fair knockback and doing 8%. However, should Mega Man touch the character it is attached to, it could stick onto him and backfire, so users should be careful of close combat attacks.

It is not known if it can still to shields like the Gooey Bomb (would guess probably not). That said, this is move that has not been seen much in play before except for Snake where it used mainly for control of the stage and possibly last resort recoveries. How well this move will turn out is unknown, but there is much potential for creative mind games.

Down Special – Leaf Shield (Wood Man, MM2)

The series’ first shield weapon, which also appeared in MvC, appears yet again on Mega Man’s moveset. It creates a large rotating force field, which can presumably reflect projectiles, around Mega Man that can also be thrown. It has been shown to go through opponents as well has having some fair push back. Considering its range (also ¼-1/3 FD), this will most likely be a good edge guarding tool.

However, like the original attack, it halts Mega Man’s mobility the second you use it, and even throwing it has a large amount of ending lag. While it is not known if it’ll reflect projectiles after thrown or if it disappears if touched before being thrown, considering its huge weakness it’ll most likely only be used for edge guarding.

Up Tilt – Mega Upper (MM2: The Power Fighters)

While many will recognize this as Mega Man’s Shoryuken from MvC, he actually used it before hand in the arcade title: The Power Fighters. What looks to be one of the strongest Up-Tilts in the game, this will most likely be an okay killing move at the end of attack strings such as the Mega Buster.

While it has little startup lag, there is a fair amount of cool down, and considering its poor range it’s a move with some risks attached. That said it does make Mega Man jump up in the air, so there could be slightly less risks involved when using it. There also seems to be some slight follow up potential based on video evidence, but based on DI that could change.

Down Tilt – Sliding (MM3)

Another one of Mega Man’s classic moves, other than it being able to work as a semi-crawl there’s not much to say about it. It does okay knockback but it looks like it has some slight here and there, most likely meaning you can’t spam it for mobility like in the original game. It currently does 5%.

Up Air – NA (Possibly Air Shooter, Air Man (MM2) or Wind Storm, Wind Man (MM6))

Nothing is currently known about this move other than it creates a mini tornado. That said it will most likely be used for juggling and could potentially have blowing effect similar to Mr. Game & Watch’s Up Air.

Down Air – Hard Knuckle (Hard Man, MM3)

As the first projectile Meteor Smash it’ll definitely have its uses (goes ¼ FD down). That said like the original attack itself, it does have a lot of startup and ending lag, combined with Mega Man’s faster than average falling speed, means that it’ll be a very risky move to use midair bar certain edge guarding situations.

Forward Air – Flame Sword (Sword Man, MM8)

Seeing as Mega Man doesn’t have many close combat moves, this will definitely be a key part of his moveset. Similar to Ike’s F-Air, though unlike it, it does seem to have less range at the cost of less lag. It will most likely be an okay killing move based on its currently known knockback. It also does 11% per hit.

Back Air – Slash Claw (Slash Man, MM7)

Like the Flame Sword this will most likely be another key move. Similar to Ike’s B-Air, it comes out relatively quickly and deals a fair amount of knockback, making it another okay killing move.

Dash Attack - Top Spin (Top Man, MM3)

Originally a useless move that hurt Mega Man back when he used it, it now serves as a decent multi-hit Dash attack. It currently carries Mega Man about 1/4 of FD, and similarly to Meta Knight's Mach Tornado it will probably have some fair priority. However, it also has a fair ending lag meaning it will probably be hard to follow up with. It does 1% per hit.

Throws - Super Arm (Guts Man, MM)

Not much is known about this move other than it seems to throw opponents far when used. Presumably to counter this, similar to the original move itself, Mega Man will most likely have one of the worst throw ranges in the game similar to Pikachu.

Forward Smash – Charge Shot (MM5)

The last of Mega Man’s classic attacks, this acts as a projectile Smash (not known if it can be reflected) that goes about ¼ FD. It looks like it has a similar hitbox to Samus’s Charge Shot. It also seems to have basic starting and ending lag for a regular Smash attack. Because it’s a projectile, deals good knockback, and has edge guarding potential, this will most likely be one of Mega Man’s go-to killing moves, and definitely the most used of his Smash attacks.

Up Smash – Spark Shot (Spark Man, MM3)

Unlike in MM3 in which it was a projectile that froze enemies in place, in Smash the Spark Shot acts as a powerful close range attack. Not much is known other than it will most likely deal the most knockback out of his Smashes at the cost of range and ending lag. Because of the latter two reasons this will most likely not be seen much in competitive play.

Down Smash – Flame Blast (Flame Man, MM6)

As shown in the Vs. Mario video, this attack does massive damage within its 3 hits 18%/18%/9%, at what looked like to it's uncharged state. However, it was shown to do little knockback (easy to DI?) and has a massive ending lag to it. In spite of the damage output, that ending lag with potential easy DIing will most likely be the least seen of his Smash attacks.

I'll be back next week for a smaller discussion on extra attacks/taunts, his unknown Final Smash, and currently known stats. For any questions on Mega Man himself and the weapons he uses check out Mega Man Wiki.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Stage Analysis
Author: @ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

As many you know, here in the WiR, we strive for excellence and providing you with the best of Smash. Character are constantly what brings the most amount of attention and hype but I want to look at an aspect of something I really find my interest in: Stages.

Stages are a pivotal and focus on many fighting games and has been a staple in fighting game history since its birth. The Temple Roof in Street Fighter, The Dead Pool in Mortal Kombat 2, Hyrule Castle in Super Smash Bros. 64, and many others! Stages have become an important part in Smash history as a way to include elements from the many franchises that are apart of Super Smash Bros.

After the end of every character analysis, I plan on releasing a stage analysis which will try to pick apart and hopefully shed some light on one of the stages that will be released on the Wii U and 3DS games.

The first stage is one I am really looking forward to playing on and one that will be my first pick upon picking up the Wii U version of the game. This is none other than...


Skyloft is from the Legend of Zelda franchise and originated from Skyward Sword. Skyloft is a set of floating islands where many people live on. It has a Knight Academy where esteemed individuals learn how to ride flying mounts called Loftwings and protect Skyloft from any dangers. Skyloft is the birthplace of Link and Zelda; destined heros/heroinines of Hyrule and is seen as possibly being the orginator of the Hyrulian species.
The island has several landmarks and buildings such as the aforementioned Knights Academy, the Bazaar, Beedles Air Shop, the Waterfall cave, and the Statue of the Goddess which becomes an important location in Skyward Sword. For a more in-depth (and spoiler ridden) read, go to the Skyloft Wiki page: http://zeldawiki.org/Skyloft

One thing we know about Skyloft that is is a tour-type stage much like Delfino Plaza from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The stage consists of a single brick platform with smaller moving platforms that seems to glow with a mysterious energy. The stage seems to soar over and around Skyloft like on the wings of a Loftwing.

The stage will periodically stop in several areas around Skyloft such as:

The Bridge

I appears that players will be able to walk and fight on top of the bridge that spans over the river. I imagine that we may see the citizens of Skyloft going about their affairs or butterflies flapping in the wind.

The Light Tower

It appears the stage will settle on the Light Tower, a beacon for Skyloft. There appears to be a platform connecting it to the Light Tower as well as the ability to fight on top or inside of it. It is possible to KO opponents downwards.
The Statue of the Goddess

The Statue of the Goddess is visible in almost every screenshot and seems to be the focal point of the stage.

The Bazaar

The stage also makes a stop in front of the Bazaar and shows that the stage will "meld" with the ground when it touches it. We could see several Skyloftians going to and from from the Bazaar. The ground itself appears very straight and even with walkoffable edges.

Waterfall Island

The stage also seems to settle on Waterfall Island as seen from these images.

It is possible that we may be able enter into the small pond that lies on Waterfall Island.
The Windmill

The portion of the stage will also be fought on top of the windmill. It hasn7t appeared much in videos or pictures. It wouldn't be surprising to find out it moves.

The stairs leading up to the Knight Academy

This portion of the stage brings the players to the stairs that lead upwards. It is unsure if this means that the fight will be taken to the Knight Academy itself but, given its important role, it has a good chance of appearing. However, the way the stage moves from the stairs to the landing leads me to think this portion (or even leading from the Bazaar) is a side-scrolling level much like Mushroomy Kingdom is Brawl. We may see Knights going to and fro from their missions here.

Isle of the Goddess

While the focal point of the stage, it also appears the stage will land in front of statue. What this entails is unknown.

Batreux's House

The platform also seems to settle in front of Batreux's House. While not confirmed, we will most likely see Batreux during this portion of the stage.

All in all, this stage seems to be very fast-paced and changes locations frequently which belies Skyloft's rather tranquil and unchaotic nature. It is amazing to see all of these locations in such high detail and HD.

Background Elements

One disconcerting part of this stage is the seemingly absence of any Skyloftian. The floating island is usually full of people; going too and fro.. However, in all of the videos and pictures, it seems devoid of life and rather lonely. While these pictures and videos do not showcase the final product, the possibility of these characters appearing seem slimmer and slimmer after each picture shown. However, the sky seems full of life as Knights on Skywings patrol the skies and Beedle's Air Shop floats in the distance.

The pink beams that connects The Sky to the Surface is also apparent and is featured as an important part of the background.

This model of Skyloft is almost entirely made verbatim from "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword". Even the heart flowers were included in the stage.

I am really shocked about seeing an absence of inhabitants. There are a full range of characters that can be included to really enrich the stage:

Found near the Knight Academy
Groose (Sorry @Groose !)

Found near the Bazaar
Gondo - I really wanna see a trophy of him

Found near the Bridge

Found near Batreux's House
Batreux - Both forms

Found flying around Skyloft

Found around Skyloft at night


What kind of music would appear for Skyloft? I think there is no better place than the Soundtrack Contest! The content is ran by @ Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei and challenges users to choose songs that best fits the stage; using several guidelines such as importance, popularity, variety, and fit (does the song fit well with the stage)?

Here is the winner of the Skyloft stage and the tracks chosen:


Name: Skyloft
Universe: The Legend of Zelda
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii, 2011)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH4T38gw6Wk

Name: Ballad of the Goddess
Universe: The Legend of Zelda
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii, 2011)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23hJeaLotEw

Name: Bazaar
Universe: The Legend of Zelda
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii, 2011)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHCXwA18EHA

Name: Koloktos / Moldarach
Universe: The Legend of Zelda
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii, 2011)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzL4IA16k78

Name: Clock Town (Day One)
Universe: The Legend of Zelda
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64, 2000)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtz-qGWKNOw

Name: Windfall Island (HD)
Universe: The Legend of Zelda
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (HD) (NGC / Wii U, 2003 / 2013)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utczy4Mwdjg

Name: Hyrule Castle Town
Universe: The Legend of Zelda
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii / NGC, 2006)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSoTsfU102o

Name: Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda) (Brawl)
Universe: The Legend of
Zelda / Super Smash Bros
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda (NES, 1987) / Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-mNw11ZXbY

Name: Temple (Melee)
Universe: The Legend of Zelda / Super Smash Bros
Game of Origin: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES, 1988) / Super Smash Bros Melee (NGC, 2001)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD2Il7Ys0us

To view what the judges had to say about the choices, please click here.


While it is a bit earlier to truly say anything about tournament viability, Delfino Plaza is generally accepted and Skyloft is similiar in design (at least now anyway). However, its tournament potential may be limited or even banned should the stage roll horizontally. As well, while there doesn't seem to be any hazards present; hazards may hurt its tournmanet chances. If some of the monsters such as Keese or Remlit appears, the stage may end up being hurt.

The stage seems perfectly suited for all types of characters but characters with limited aerial options such as Little Mac, Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Ike may have trouble on the aerial portions of the stage but may excel on the single platform portions.


From what we can see, this stage does not have any hazards save for when the main platform moves without the characters ala Delfino Plaza. It is full of rich detail and stays true to its Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword model. The general lack of Skyloftians (with the exception of Knights and Loftwings) makes the island seem a bit lonely so let's hope the team brings some life into it. The stage itself moves into various locations of the floating island, making brief stops at certain areas as well as doing fly by's over the island itself. It is a stage I am looking forward to playing on and may be the first one I pick. What are your thoughts on Skyloft?​
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thread of the Week!
Author: @ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

In addition with adding the Stage Analysis, I will also be adding a weekly addition to the WiR. This is titled the "Thread of the Week". It will highlight some of the notable threads that have sprung up around the Smash 4 forums as well as, periodically, threads found in other parts of Smashboards. How I choose these threads are based on several factors:

1) Popularity: Is it a popular thread that stands the test of time?
2) Relevant: How relevant is it? Is it applicable to Smash 4 and relevant to the week?
3) Potential: Does it have potential to be a great thread? Will being featured in tWiR bring more attention and members to it?
4) Importance to Smashboards: Does it has an positive influence/impact on the forums? Does it contribute to discussion?

This weeks "Thread of the Week" is:

"Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS - Stage Creation Contest"
Creator: @D-idara

Recently created on February 13th, 2014, it is a contest-type thread that challenges users to create a stage intended for Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS based on several guidelines. These are:

Popularity: Is the stage taken from a well-known and iconic area?

Creativity: Did you just lift this stage from the game, or did you change a few things to make it similar yet different? For example, Wily's Castle has those moving platforms, Battlefield has the day-to-night cycle, and Yoshi's Island has the season cycle.

Playability: Final Destination and Battlefield would be high playability, while 75m and Mario Bros. would be low playability. Something like Pokemon Stadium would be in the middle, where there's hazards and things changing, but you can still have a fight going on.
Judges then judge the stage based on the above criteria and give their thoughts/opinions of the stage submissions. The judges are:

@D-idara (creator)


@ Ascended Ascended


Users are given a topic on what to base their stage on. So far, this topic has been limited to stages based on franchises from the Wii U and 3DS. This past weeks was based on:
The Legend of Zelda and limited to a Wii U only stage.

The template to submit consists of:
Name of Stage: What the stage would be called on the stage select screen.
Game of Origin: Obviously, the game where the stage is from.
Description: A physical description of the stage. Should be accompanied by a few images from the game or a rough drawing of the layout.
Gimmicks/Hazards: Information such as whether it is scrolling/stationary, what elements on the stage can interfere with the fight and interact with players, or whether there are any physics alterations or added mechanics.
Unlockable?: Whether it would be on the starting stage line-up, or whether it would require unlocking - possibly a method of how to unlock could be listed.
Extra: Visual Effects overall, Graphical Filters, one or two pieces of Music...etc. Any little details that aren't covered anywhere else.
In it's first round, the thread saw 11 contestants submitting their stages:
@BigAxle - Hyrule Castle
@Olekidsf - Forsaken Fortress
@andimidna - Palace of Twilight
@Croco - Hyrule River Raft
@liets - Sealed Grounds
@Souless_shadow - Private Oasis
@Zzuxon - Lanaryu desert
@stan423321 - The Sandship
@PixelPasta - Outset Island
@9Volt - Ganon's Tower
@Violenceman - Palace of the Winds

For a new thread to recieve 11 contestants shows that the thread has potential and that many users are interested in participating. The contest went for five days before closing where then the judges tallied up their votes and wrote thier comments.

To view the grades of the thread, follow this link:

After the dust settled, the the winner stood out among the rest:

Submission: Hyrule River Raft

Name of Stage: Hyrule River Raft
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda (NES)
Stage begins on the bridge touching the water and shoreline near the first dungeon. The stage is about the length of Final Destination. I have included a picture below showing the bridge.

The bridge brakes suddenly and begins to move down river turning into a raft. Elements from the over-world map are shown in the background scrolling by. Enemies like Lynels, Octoroks, River Zoras, Peahats, and Tektit etc. are seen in the background and occasionally might interact with the players. Example: A moblin might throw a spear as the raft passes by.

As the raft moves down river and passes by recognizable locations and environments; spears, burns marks, and broken pieces of raft become more and more evident. Even boulders fall from death mountain and land on the raft until the match is over. The raft enters a cave. Randomly for each play you might see a character from Legend of Zelda, Merchant, Impa, Old Man, old woman etc. the rarest is the Old Man. Through the cave a dungeon suddenly appears and the music changes into the dungeon theme. Enemies appear in the background like before but now bosses randomly appear attacking the players from the background. A wall blows open and now the players are up on death mountain.. music changes back to the over-world music. As the raft goes along, boulders falling from above with water falls in the background. The raft then drops down a waterfall and the stage starts all over again.
The raft moves so the stage is actually stationary with the background scrolling in multiple directions. Think brawl's 'Pirate Ship' stage but with just a flat service and no docking. Stage hazards are the enemies and bosses from the LoZ NES game which sit in the background and randomly attack the players. Boulders have some warning with falling dirt before impact.
YES and unlockable in 2 ways.
Knock out 1986 (Year 1986 which LoZ came out..) characters as Princess Zelda.
Super Secret Unlockable way - Enter 'ZELDA' in all caps as your player name.
Music -
The graphics are original but inspired by the NES 8 bit colors and concept art from the booklets which I included some in the concept above description.

This stage also allows player to choose 2 different music tracks.. one for the outside and one for the cave/dungeon sections.

Croco recieved many high marks due to the originality of the stage, the fact it's based of a Retro series which I something that hasn't been done in Smash, as well as paying homage to the many years of Legend of Zelda.

Croco had this to say:
To answer any of the questions the judges asked..

I wanted to recreate that nostalgic vibe of the first LoZ game the best possible way. It also was a challenge because of many reasons. The top overworld style etc. I started thinking about a large mine car type gameplay.. but it was too spirit tracks. Then I realized there was the water areas and rivers etc. and that bridge you pass over to the first dungeon. Then thinking it would be cool traveling around the world on the river if the bridge gave in. Entering the caves and dungeons soon came after.. having characters as cameos and some enemies as hazards. Wouldn't it be cool to even have the old man as a very ultra rare moment attack the players.. A character's final smash that covers the entire stage activate it?
Well, Croco, it was a great idea for a stage and one that might of took people by surprise. Of course, the other contestants entries were great as well so please take some time to check out the other entries! They really did capture the atmosphere of Legend of Zelda well - in all of its forms.

Finally, I sat down with the owner of the thread, @D-idara and had some questions regarding the Stage Creation Contest

1) How did you get the idea for this thread?

It was kind of an evolution and a mixture between the Stage Discussion thread and the Soundtrack Contest thread, since people were always submitting stages on the former, we though it would be awesome if all those fanmade stages could compete againist each other. Plus, the concept allowed for a little more creativity than the Soundtrack Contest thread, being a little more 'free' in nature.

2) What are your hopes and/or goals for this thread?

Well, what I hope for? For people to express their creativity through something they truly love, like Smash. The Smash Bros. series has always been a game with a huge community, and even though Brawl/Melee debates divide the community, we can all still agree on the fact that Smash celebrates Nintendo, so I just want the contest to be another way of celebrating Nintendo and gaming as a whole on a friendly, creative enviroment.

3) How do you feel the thread has progressed so far? Are you satisfied with the results or feel there could be more?

I feel very satisfied with the entries we got, people showed a great deal of enthusiasm and I can only say that so much participation was a very pleasant surprise! At first we felt scared that the contest wouldn't be a big hit because designing a stage takes up a little more time and thought than making a list, but apparently people's interest won againist lazyness.

4) How do you think this thread can positively impact Smash World Forums?

I dunno how the thread can help the Forums, aside from serving as a way to unite the community a little...but I strongly believe that the Smash team (Sakurai, Namco, Translators, etc.) is looking at fan content to make this game as good as it can be, so it might benefit the game itself with some vague ideas~!
Thank you D-idara for the small interview! While the next round hasn't been decided yet, if you are interested in stages and creating your own; I suggest going over the the Stage Creation Contest and submitting your entry for Round 2! Winners get special recognition and induction in the Hall of Fame!

Thank you to the judges and the contestants for a job well done! Check back next week for a new page in "Thread of the Week"!​
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I want YOU to Vote!

Starting new in this issue will be a section where I put up a poll and people vote on what best applies to them. I will then present the poll results and hopefully provide some feedback on what Smashboards thinks on a given topic.

This polls question: What did you think about the Little Mac reveal?

1) It was amazing! He was my most wanted character! My life is complete!

2) I was very excited! I can't wait to main him

3) It was good but he wasn't a character I really wanted. I am excited to see him though!

3) It was ok. I didn't think much either way.

4) I was fairly dissapointed. I think it's a waste of a roster slot that could be used for more unique and cooler characters.

5) I hated his reveal. I don't understand why people like Little Mac. He is a waste of a character.

6) No comment.​
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Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2013
Great Week in Review! Excited about Diddy Kong.

As for the poll, I voted for this option:

"It was good but he wasn't a character I really wanted. I am excited to see him though!"

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Things Confirmed for Thursday:
2) Little Mac has green gloves.
Thank god, for a second I was in serious doubt. Thanks!

To make an actual useful comment: It's always great reading these, the interview part is slowly becoming my favorite thing about them since I learn about my fellow users around here.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Great week you did well again

Ps I diden't notice that tornado move was used in the demo gameplay that could be a sign to airman or tornado man


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑

Dash Attack - Top Spin (Top Man, MM3)

Originally a useless move that hurt Mega Man back when he used it, it now serves as a decent multi-hit Dash attack. It currently carries Mega Man about 1/4 of FD, and similarly to Meta Knight's Mach Tornado it will probably have some fair priority. However, it also has a fair ending lag meaning it will probably be hard to follow up with. It does 1% per hit.



Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2013
Angel Grove
Great issue! I find it funny that my comment got sampled as I was wondering what one had to do to be featured here. Also, props for highlighting our Stage Contest Thread!

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I've been..... left behind..... again..... :urg:

Nice issue. Will be looking forward to Didz ^^
Ack! I'm sorry! I put you in!!!

Thank you everyone! I'm glad you liked it!

I really want to help, even one of my friends go to write. :(
In what capacity would you be willing to help?


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I always enjoy reading these, because it shows me reactions to certain things I wouldn't see otherwise, and I enjoy that.

Also, just like Vegito up yonder, I would like to help this thread in some fashion. That is, if I'm allowed to.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I could always need help writing, finding posts, proof reading, and organization.

Finding posts take up almost half of the time. I typically spend an hour, depending on the PotD, on an article. Diddy was around a hour and 30 and the Mac reveal was nigh 3 hours.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I could always need help writing, finding posts, proof reading, and organization.

Finding posts take up almost half of the time. I typically spend an hour, depending on the PotD, on an article. Diddy was around a hour and 30 and the Mac reveal was nigh 3 hours.
Well, should you find yourself low on hands to help with any of those, just know I can offer my services.

Also, I noticed a Rosalina analysis hasn't been done yet, or at least, I think it hasn't. Despite the fact that she's talked about a bit in the OPs of WiRs where appropriate, if you ever decide to do an analysis on her, I would more than happily volunteer for that role. ;)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
@ Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy is on it. Feel free to contact him if you have something to add.

I'll add this to the OP but here's the following Character Analysis schedule:

Mega Man @---
Set for 2-3 weeks - ongoing

Rosalina and Luma - Mario_and_Sonic_Guy
Set to come out early March

Wii Fit Trainer
@ Starbound Starbound
Set to come out mid to late March.

Little Mac
None so far
Early April
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Ah, I see. Well then, I'll leave him to that. He'd probably do a better job of it than I could. :laugh:

However, I would still like to do a character analysis, should the opportunity ever arise. But beyond that, I'll be happy with helping you ease the workload on yourself a bit.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
If you have anything you want me to include in my Wii Fit Trainer analysis, be sure to PM me.

I'm sad those new mod gifs won't be coming around anymore. They were pretty hilarious.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Following what Venus pointed out, I have started development on the Rosalina article. I'll need all the time that I have right now to go through not just her known moveset, but also the aesthetics. And of course, this will give people more time to offer me some information that I could implement onto the article.

If you have anything, simply contact me with a conversation.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I added a banner made by @ Rocket Raccoon Rocket Raccoon . Thank you for the great banner :)

Following what Venus pointed out, I have started development on the Rosalina article. I'll need all the time that I have right now to go through not just her known moveset, but also the aesthetics. And of course, this will give people more time to offer me some information that I could implement onto the article.

If you have anything, simply contact me with a conversation.
Thanks M&SG! I look forward to reading it!

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
If you have anything you want me to include in my Wii Fit Trainer analysis, be sure to PM me.

I'm sad those new mod gifs won't be coming around anymore. They were pretty hilarious.
They were epic. Props to @Xiivi for those! When the time arrives, we will have a nice chat about Ms. Fit.

Ah, I see. Well then, I'll leave him to that. He'd probably do a better job of it than I could. :laugh:

However, I would still like to do a character analysis, should the opportunity ever arise. But beyond that, I'll be happy with helping you ease the workload on yourself a bit.
If you'd like, you could write about a PotD if it concerns Rosalina.

That goes for anyone else and their favorite character.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The banner appears broken to me. I followed the URL and it seems to be an attachment on this site that I can't access as it gives me a "You don't have permission to view this content" error.

@ Rocket Raccoon Rocket Raccoon : I'd suggest uploading the image to a image hosting site such as imgur.

@ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom : I'm thinking of writing a stage article for this weekly thread. I haven't chosen which stage and I'm not sure if I have the time to do it, but I'll send a PM when I make up my mind.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
The banner appears broken to me. I followed the URL and it seems to be an attachment on this site that I can't access as it gives me a "You don't have permission to view this content" error.

@ Rocket Raccoon Rocket Raccoon : I'd suggest uploading the image to a image hosting site such as imgur.

@ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom : I'm thinking of writing a stage article for this weekly thread. I haven't chosen which stage and I'm not sure if I have the time to do it, but I'll send a PM when I make up my mind.
Thanks Frost.

My only access to Smashboards was via my phone today. I'll have time tomorrow to upload the banner to my photo bucket. I was worried that would be the case (people unable to view it)

As for the stage analysis, feel free to hit me up and let me know! I think I'll make it every other week but I'm not sure yet.

And with that, off to bed. Went to bed last night at 3 am last night, woke up at 6 am, visited a shrine and prayed, had lunch with in-laws, officially bought wedding bands, met some extended in-laws, walked the dogs, and drank some wasp liquor. Dead tired but good day!
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Sorry for the double post. @ Rocket Raccoon Rocket Raccoon I added up your banner but I slightly edited it. Just added drop shadows tot he characters and touched up the artifacts to clear up the picture.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2013
I feel like there needs to be another poll option, as he was one of my most wanted newcomers, but i never planned on maining him :p

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I feel like there needs to be another poll option, as he was one of my most wanted newcomers, but i never planned on maining him :p
Then choose option number 1....
" It was amazing! He was my most wanted character! My life is complete!"


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2013
But Chrom was my most wanted newcomer :(...

nah jk dont worry about it
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