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Week in Review Issue #24

Do you think DLC will be implemented in Smash 4?

  • Yes, I think so but with additional content.

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • Yes but only with patches and updates.

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • No, I don't think so.

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
Not open for further replies.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
The Week in Review Edition #24
6/23- 6/27

Banner by @ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom


@ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom
@ TumblrFamous TumblrFamous


I would like to take this time to apologize for the lack of content in tWiR. Sadly, I have been very busy so I have not been able to give my 100% all to the articles. Wthin a few weeks, however, I think I will be able to dedicate more time to it. Again, I apologize and I hope you enjoy the articles.

I would like to say a big and huge thank you to:
@ TumblrFamous TumblrFamous and @BigAxle for writing this weeks articles!
To my staff members who help out to make the WiR great!
To all the readers who support us!

Previous Issues
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Issue #9
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Issue #11
Issue #12
Issue #13
Issue #13 Direct
Issue #14
Issue #15
Issue #16
Issue #17
Issue #18
Issue #19
Issue #20
Issue #21
Issue #22
Issue #23

Want to help or contribute?
[collapse=Rules and Other Infos]This is the first edition of "The Week in Review". The Week in Review will be a series of articles I have made throughout the week concerning the Pic of Day through using posts, threads, and MiiVerse to pool information and opinions about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS . However, the articles are not only limited to my own observation but to those of the larger Smash 4 community. Users are encouraged to submit articles and observations as well as opinions concerning the pictures that were updated throughout the week. I will explain how you can contribute later.

So what can you expect from this thread? On Friday, I will update the thread with a new article which will contain the Pic of the Day, other relevant images, information, I will also be pulling out interesting and thought provoking posts that have popped up throughout the week on the various threads such as the Wii U Discussion thread, 3DS Discussion Thread, MiiVerse Photo Thread, Roster Discussion Thread, character support threads as well as the Super Smash Bros, Wii U/3DS Backroom thus linking them altogether. In addition, I will also be adding up any information that Sakurai has revealed outside of the website/MiiVerse such as interviews and news articles.

I will open the thread on the weekend for people to talk about how the week went and comment on the articles. However, I will be closing the thread on Monday in order to prevent premature discussion about the weeks updates. I will be operating on Japanese Standard Time since both myself and Sakurai (OMG both of us in the same sentence?!?!?!) live on JST. View the JST Page in order to fully understand how time works.

Additionally, while this thread will focus on solely the Pic of the Day, I will sometimes allow pieces to be written about Smashboards, the Smash Community, MiiVerse, or Sakurai information. Additionally, once we have more information regarding the nature of the character, I will allow a user to write up an in-depth analysis of a character, veteran or newcomer. So come show your stuff!

Why is this thread needed?

We do have various discussion threads pertaining to various aspects of Smash. However, this is less of a discussion thread and more like a newsletter. I intend to present the facts and portray an unbiased review of the week. It will also serve as a hub to collect information, pictures, and articles that have been released in a weekly format thus allowing users to review the past weeks for better understanding how to predict future updates or to comb through information in an effective manner. It will also serve as a place to users to present their information, opinions, and observations in a semi-academical format. More information is listed below. If you see an interesting, funny, thought-provoking, or ridiculous post either on the SWF or on MiiVerse, PM me about it and I will include it! If you want me to remove you from a certain Tag, PM me and I will take you off.

Also, I wanted to use this space to allow users to be creative and constructive in speculating Smash in a more journalistic manner. I will not edit any posts except if they are inappropriate, bypass the censor, hateful in nature, or irrelevant.

How can I help?

You can contribute to this thread in many ways.
1) You can serve as a guest writer. This is done by contacting me via PM and apply to be a guest writer for the current week. I am able to allow or refuse the guest writer based on past credentials and reputation within the Smash 4 community so please keep that in mind.

After approval, I can either give you a piece to write OR you can choose one yourself. It should be focused on a particular Pic of the Day. Please promptly let me know which one you intend to. If I do not hear from you within a day, I will not accept an article. The article itself should be professionally written with little to no grammar or spelling mistakes. Any sources should be cited with a link to direct readers. While I understand some updates may be hard to write for, please write at least two paragraphs for each update. Unless it is an update of Luigi's nose but I am sure someone can find some Freudian psycho-analysis about that update. Please refer to the first edition post about how to write an article (though I am pretty sure many journalist/lit majors can do a much better job than I can lol).

2) You can help me gather posts that are excellent or at least interesting in nature. PM me any posts concerning a particular update and I will then add it to the articles. I frequent the above mentioned threads on a daily basis but I obviously miss things so I am heavily dependent on everyone getting me those great and thought-provoking posts. I want this thread to showcase what the brilliant minds in the Smash 4 community can do!

3) While you can discuss past and future weeks, please refrain from dissecting or analyzing the previous/future weeks and save that for the current week.

4) Could someone be a dear and make a banner for this thread. It's not urgent but a banner would be grand.[/collapse]

Table of Contents

1.1 Day #1: ...More Ridley Talk
2.1 Day #2: Artful, Artistic Alternates
3.1 Day #3: Flashback to April 22nd
4.1 Day #4: Dagnabbit!
5.1 Day #5: Size Matters!
6.1 Week in Review Interview: Guybrush20X6
7.1 We Want YOU to Vote! Results
9.1 Help Wanted

...More Ridley Talk
Day #1: Monday
Writer: @ TumblrFamous TumblrFamous

Monday's picture was certainly not interesting at first glance. It is simply Rosalina and Luma on the Pac-Land stage. Pac-Land will be appearing as a stage on the Wii U, and will serve as Pac-Man's home stage. Rosalina and Luma appear to be right beside the Fairy Queen. So, yes, not too exciting.

Pac-Land was a scrolling arcade game. The first part of the game, as what we have seen so far, is simply getting the fairy to the Fairy Queen, and then returning home (as Pac-Man of course). There are other parts of the game, which we have yet to see, though the stage may just consist of going to the Fairy Queen and back to Pac-Man's house.

So what's all this Ridley hullabaloo? Well, read the caption:​
"Pic of the day. Is this a match made in heaven? Remember, no matter how big you may be, there is always someone bigger."
-Masahiro Sakurai

Of course, when someone on here sees or hears the word "big", Ridley is automatically thought of. Ridley was teased as a Boss Character on the Pyrosphere stage back in the April Smash Direct. While we have no confirmation, it is likely to assume that he is indeed a boss. But there is still a wildfire of debates concerning his status as a character. Many think that Sakurai is simply teasing and trolling the Ridley fans.​
Dammit Sakurai, you definitely have no pity for the poor Ridley supporters.
@Final Smash Gamer


Oh Sakurai. Immediately thought of Ridley as well.
@ Ryan. Ryan.

Luckily there were some people who actually realized that this caption shouldn't be taken to a point. Sakurai has already made clear that Rosalina is tall, so he's most likely just saying, "Hey, someone's taller!" Some people did think that people are assuming, and some even put in some nice insight on Rosalina's massive height.

I don't know how any of you got Ridley out of this...he was clearly playing on the fact that Rosalina has been observed to be massively tall so far in Smash.

You're reaching if you think this has anything to do with Ridley.
@A Lucky Person

In case people don't really understand the story, a user from DeviantART was able to figure out how tall Rosalina is when she's compared to Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach. He used the Super Mario Galaxy models while working on the size comparisons, and it appears that Rosalina is 7'7", rivaling the height of Mega Mewtwo X, being an inch taller than Ganondorf, who's 7'6", and is surprisingly taller than Dragonite, who's 7'3".

Now, following Sakurai's description, as tall as Rosalina is, there are creatures other than Bowser and Donkey Kong, who outsize her. This even includes certain Pokemon, such as Rhyperior (7'10") and Beartic (8'6"). Even Rayquaza heavily outsizes Rosalina by several feet.

Personally, I believe two things. One, I feel Sakurai intended that this has nothing to do with Ridley. It is a simple filler pic and all. Two, if Ridley is playable or not, Sakurai needs to just outright disconfirm him. It has gone long enough, and people are getting rather infuriated with him for not being direct about Ridley's status in the game.

Things Confirmed for Monday:
1. Nothing really, unless you're reading too far into Sakurai's comment.

Artful, Artistic Alternates!
Day #2: Tuesday
Writer: @BigAxle

Today, Sakurai confirmed a new palette for Link, one that might look a tad familiar to Skyward Sword players! Sakurai explained it below with this comment:

Sakurai said:
Pic of the day. Here's Link in an outfit based on his ordinary clothes in Skyward Sword! The art style looks a little different, but the actual clothing model is still his usual tunic.
Link’s ordinary clothes he wears before he obtains the iconic tunic from Skyward Sword are reimagined as a palette for Link is Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS! They appear to either be a new palette or possibly replacing his generic white outfit, if characters still are limited to 6 colors per costume. In addition, it’s not 100% faithful to the original, seeing how it’s being used on the Twilight Princess Link, instead of the Skyward Sword one. It’s likely been updated for details and for looking similar to Twilight Princess’s tunic design.

The original outfit's design, lacking a hat, gloves, gauntlets, and chainmail.

This is certainly a welcome change, as it’s always much better to see color palettes be based on existing material, instead of generic ones. This time around, it appears that Sakurai’s made it a better point to make costumes that inspired instead of generic alternates. Some examples of unique palettes include the Dark Suit for Samus, Sonic’s Silver alt and Greninja’s shiny alternate.

In addition, seeing how we’ve only seen characters having 4 colors, the second and final feature this POTD reveals is that characters will have at least 5 color palettes. Link’s Green, Red, Blue and Purple tunics are joined by this new one. Rest your fears, wary Smash fans!

Here's a sampling of what some of you thought about this...
I'm liking these alternate costumes, first Little Mac and now Link. Hopefully we'll be getting more.
Watch toon link have an outset/conducter one, just with his regular blue cap.
1. Take the Hat off. 2. Take the Gauntlets off.
Now Officialy His Ordinary Clothes.
Please, at least take the hat away with it

Seems that a few users liked the alternate and speculated others, but others didn't like the cap!

Things Confirmed for Tuesday:
1. Characters will have at least 5 alternate colors.
2. Link has an alternate color based on his starting clothes in Skyward Sword.

Flashback to April 22nd
Day #3: Wednesday
Writer: @ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

Wednesday's Picture of the Day was head scratch worthy in that this stage had already been shown both in the Smash Bros Direct back in April and the Picture of the Day on April 22nd but the vague comment made by Sakurai further confused Smashers:

"Pic of the day. The all-time classic Balloon Fight returns to the modern age, now playable with four players. This is only a small piece of this jam-packed game."
Asd mentioned before, the Balloon Fight was already shown during the Smash Bros. Direct and in a later PotD on April 22nd:

Sakurai said:
Here's a special stage exclusive to the 3DS version, Balloon Fight!! The stage loops on the left and right sides so you can walk off one side and appear on the other.
However, I feel it is important to note that while this version of the stage resembles Wednesday's PotD, the Balloon Fight stage featured in the Direct had a overall different design:​

While unconfirmed, this could mean that the stage may change layout randomly like on Tortimer Island. In addition, the placement and number of Bumpers also changes between the Direct and the PotD version.

As well, judging by Sakurai's comment about this stage, it is possible that this is not just the stage but showing one of several possibilities:​

1. A new stage mode composed of Villagers fighting on the stage
2. The return of Event Matches with this being one for the 3DS
3. The return of Masterpieces to Smash Bros.

I consider 1 and 2 being highly likely and 3 being fairly unlikely. Not that Masterpieces won't return but that the Masterpieces are basically roms put into the game thus it would mean that the Villager would be replaced by Balloon Fighter. However, this could be a new form of masterpieces where characters from the Smash Bros. roster replace those in the masterpieces (i.e. Link replacing Mario in Super Mario Bros., Fox replacing Samus on Metroid, etc etc.)​

I do feel the 2nd possibility to being very likely as Event Matches will most likely return. This could be an event match that tries to recreate Balloon Fighter using the Villagers who happen to have the Balloon Fighter balloons as a recovery move.

It is also notable that the Villagers have different colored balloons and helmet that most likley correlates with the color of the villager. In addition, this could potentially be a Team Match but it is currently unknown.

With Sakurai's vague comment and the fact this stage has already been revealed in the Direct and 4/22 PotD, it is unclear as what this PotD is showing us. Here are some of the responses from members:

Hey, now we know that the colour of the balloons and helmet change per player.

Sakurai, where's the new details? You could show more details about any stage, move, or character, and we get a picture of the same stage we already saw? You could show a returning veteran like Ness or Captain Falcon, even instigate the community by showing Ridley's tail or something.
Pictures of the Day are serious business.

I wonder how long we're going to be forced to bask in the post E3 information drought.
@ Phaazoid Phaazoid

Looks like nobody noticed what's really being shown... Here's what the stage looked like in the April Direct:

Notice anything different? Like, maybe the entire stage? This means either the stage has been redesigned, or will transition, or will randomly choose from a stage pool like Tortimer's Island.

Maybe Sakurai actually means what he's implying here and there's really a Balloon Fight minigame. It's not like that would be hard to implement, and it would be one more reason to consider buying the 3DS version.

I think this means that Balloon Fight is a mini-game where 4 Villagers go at it to pop each other's balloons.

It's like Sakurai granted me a wish.
Always wanted to play a 4P Balloon Fight.
Too bad that's the Villager there... I really dislike AC, but I can get over it just to play BF.
...this IS an extra mode, of course, isn't it? Because that's what I got from Sakurai's quote.
Otherwise, why would he say the game is "jam-packed".

Things Confirmed for Wednesday:
1. Villager has different colored balloons​

Day #4: Thursday
Writer: @ TumblrFamous TumblrFamous

Well, this was a surprise! It appears that stages from the E3 Demo are not yet done! That's right, because now we have our little thieving trickster as a stage hazard: Nabbit the Rabbit!

Pic of the day. Here's Nabbit, who appears in the Mushroom Kingdom U stage. You can't see him, but Luigi is inside Nabbit's bag.
-Masahiro Sakurai

Nabbit was an enemy from New Super Mario Bros. U (where this stage is based on), and a playable character in New Super Luigi U. This thief would steal items from Toad Houses and run into levels with them. It was the player's job to catch him before time ran out. He marks his playable debut in New Super Luigi U, where he replaces Mario. Playing as Nabbit is very easy, as he cannot get damaged. He also has a playable appearance in Mario Golf: World Tour.

He looks almost identical in Smash!

So what the heck is Nabbit doing here?! We saw Mushroom Kingdom U already, we've seen gameplay. Well, there was a lot of speculation last night when the pic was released. People assumed he was a stage hazard, others assumed it was weird wording and he's an Assist Trophy (I was guessing the latter). While only time will tell, the general consensus is that he is a stage hazard that was not yet implemented in the demos.

This must be a new inclusion, no? I don't remember seeing this in any gameplay videos of the stage.
@Chris Baker

This is a cool pic; is Nabbit an AT? He wasn't a hazard in the Smash demo.

Most likely a Stage Hazard. ^^ And I totally called it, though I did get worried when he never showed up at E3. Guess he wasn't suppose to.

So what does he do? Well, it appears that he will "kidnap"players, stuff him in his bag, and run off with him. As said by Sakurai, Luigi is stuffed in there while Nabbit's running off. Can players get free of him? Will Nabbit run off and KO the opponent? Is Ridley too big to fit in that sack?

An early pic that isn't filler?

What even is this insanity?

Huh, interesting that they threw another hazard on this stage to keep things interesting. I wonder if Nabbit will be able to suicide with Luigi in the bag...

Well gentlemen, Ridley is very obviously too big to fit into that bag... disconfirmed.:(

Still, it's excellent to see Nabbit here! A popular Mario character deserves to have some appearance in this Smash game!

Things Confirmed for Thursday:
1. Nabbit is a stage hazard on Mushroom Kingdom U
2. While officially unknown what he does, he appears to "steal" players and run away with them
3. Stages in the demos are not yet completed; more to come!

Size Matters!
Day #5: Friday
Writer: @BigAxle

Today’s POTD revealed yet another aspect of the Mii Fighters unseen so far as two Mii Brawler prepare to beat the stuffing out of Mario. This new element is explained below with this quote coming with today’s picture:

Sakurai said:
Pic of the day. Some of the physical characteristics of Miis get carried over when you use them as Mii Fighters. The smaller ones become speed fighters and the bigger ones are more akin to power fighters.
This new feature and addition adds yet another layer of customization to the Mii Fighters: Size matters! It appears that, much like the Mario Kart Series (specifically starting in Mario Kart Wii) the physical characteristics like height and weight will factor into a size class. This size class apparently will factor into their overall stats like the Mario Kart series; Smaller and lighter Miis will be faster and weaker, and taller and heavier Miis will be slower and more powerful than their light counterparts. The Mii Fighters have only been shown in 3 general sizes, so it may be factored like the general weight class used in Mario Kart to determine stat boosts and reductions.

The three Miis that showcase each class on the website.

The official website appears to have Mii Fighters that may be on the “medium class” much like Mario Kart, whereas they don’t appear to have any large tradeoffs. Note how all three are almost the same size and weight.

Image from Smash Bros. E3 Mii Fighter trailer. Fun fact: The third Mii in this image is the same one shown today!

Here, we can see Miis of each size. The Sword Fighter on the left will likely have a bit more strength with his blade, but may sacrifice his speed. The Mii Gunner appears to be the same size of the Sword Fighter but kneels down. The third Mii, a Brawler, is noticeably smaller than the others. The fourth and final Mii, another Sword Fighter, is noticeable taller than the Brawler but smaller than the Sword Fighter on the left.

This level of customization is truly deep itself. Miis are being shown to be much deeper characters than anticipated, which is great given the previous worries of speculators and fans about them being too generic and boring. It’s creative to see how one potential character has turned into three styles and fleshed out!

Here’s a sample of your responses to Sakurai completely ignoring a certain wise phrase…

So many options inb4 Mii s-tier
@Red Rice

Miiiiii would like to play

The amount of customization in this game is incredible. So excited!!!!

LOL, what about medium fighters?

Things Confirmed for Friday:

1. Miis have individual weight classes, like Mario Kart Wii.
2. The stats of a Mii Fighters are altered by their weight class. Big Miis are stronger and slower, and smaller Miis are faster and weaker.


Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Week in Review Interview of the Week

This issue of the Week in review features just one interview but it is someone you may have bumped into on the boards. This week's interview features Gunbrush20X6. He is known for his thought-provoking and relevant threads that often requires readers to seriously think about some of the issues. Some notable threads includes The Cost of Amiibos, Straw Geraspin': Find Evidence for Newcomers, E3 2014 Speculation, and more others. He has 5 pages worth of threads he has created. So sit back and I hope you enjoy our interview with Guybrush!

1) How long have you been a member on Smashboards and why did you join?

I joined in 2012 in anticipation for Smash 4 but I started lurking way back during the Brawl hype.

2) What is your favorite part of Smashboards? What is your least favorite part?
My favorite part is the Boards when a new game is on the horizon and we're all peculating how it'll turn out. My least favorite part is the few times I ran into really abrasive casual vs hardcore arguments. Don't happen *** much as the rest of the net would lead you to believe.

3) Will you be getting Super Smash Bros. for Wii U or 3DS?
Both. Possibly two versions of the 3DS one depending on how the multiplayer works.

4) Who are your Mains in 64/Melee/Brawl? Who do you plan to main in Smash 4?
Didn't really get into Smash 64. I used Ness a lot in Melee and in Brawl it's a toss up between Lucario and ROB. I'm gonna see if Mega Man or Pac-Man work for me.

5) Who is your most wanted newcomer for Smash 4? More than one answer is ok.
Mega Man and Little Mac are already in but of the ones unannounced, Shulk.

6) What stages would you like to see included in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS? Past stages included?
I want a Pokemon Stage based of one of the spin-offs. I got a cool idea for a Pokemon Snap stage.

7) What would you like to see improved or expanded from Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
Without the SSE, more refinement of the other Single player modes. I can't be the only one that got bored of the same 5 target stages.

What is your best/favorite Smash Bros. moment/memory?
Finally beating Event 51 in Melee.

9) Where did your username come from? What is your avatar of?
My username is the main character of Monkey Island plus the fictional date that Homestar Runner spin-off "Stinkoman" takes place during. My avatar is from my webcomic and features a very peeved Roll.

10) There are a lot if threads that you've made that asks thought provoking questions? How do you come up with these ideas and facilitate the discussion?
I usually post threads about ideas that gave me a lot of thought and to expand it further I ask everyone else their views.

11) What is your favorite part of Smash Bros. speculation?
My favorite part is when the straw grasping becomes reality, like the Ring Stage being a hint for Mac and all the Kid Icarus content leading up to Palutena.

12) Describe your ideal video game.
If Mario and Sonic got together to go platforming rather than advertise the Olympics. I imagine it Somic Generations style with both characters having different variations of the stages.

13) Please tell us one thing about yourself that we may not know?
I got a Yoshi 3DS yesterday :)
Last edited:

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We Want YOU to Vote! Results
@ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

Do you think Mewtwo will be returning as a character for Super a Smash Bros. For Wii U/3DS?

Last week, we polled readers on if they think Mewtwo being included into the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS roster is a possibility. Mewtwo is often regarded as one of the highest requested characters for Smash Bros. around the world; especially in Japan. He would also be one of the first Melee veterans to appear after skipping a generation. Mewtwo enjoys a high amount of popularity; especially with his focus in Pokemon X and Y. However, with the reveal of both Lucario and Greninja, some feel this chances of reappearing have become slimmer. Some have outrigth said Greninja's appearance deconfirms the character. Yet, his supporters and Smash fans alike still support the character and Sakurai even acknowledged the characters popularity.

Here are the results:

Do you think Mewtwo will be returning as a character for Super a Smash Bros. For Wii U/3DS?
  1. Yes
    23 vote(s)
  2. No
    17 vote(s)
  3. Unsure
    17 vote(s)
  4. No Opinion
    1 vote(s)
According to the results, a large amount of readers felt Mewtwo still has a chance of being included in the roster. However, I wonder if people mistook for wanting him in Smash compared to thinking he will be in Smash. 23 votes or 39.7% thought he would be included. Conversly, 17 people votes "No" or 29.3% of the total votes. As well 17 people or 29.3% of the total votes felt unsure about his inclusion. Lastly, only 1 person of 1.7% had No Opinion.

While it's safe to say people feel that Mewtwo will be making his grand and long-awaited return, some are still unsure as to the fate of the genetic being and the reveals of both Lucario and Greninja may have affected this. Prior to thier reveals, more people may have voted for Yes.

With his two Mega Evolutions and being thrust into the spotlight in Pokemon X and Y, his fate within Smash Bros. is still bright but it is slowly descending the closer we get to the games release.

We Want YOU to Vote!

Do you think DLC will be implemented in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS?

With DLC being the next big thing (and curse) in video gaming, Nintendo hasn't really attempted at it in the past. Super Smash Bros. Brawl did not included DLC despite many speculating it would. Several titles such as Pokemon X and Y, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8, and Fire Emblem Awakening have begun to include DLC into the games. Bearing this in mind, do you think Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS will include downloadable content? This includes patches, characters, stages, items, and other features.

1. Yes, I think so
2. No, I don't think so
3. Only patches and updates

Please expalin why you think there won't be any downloadable content. As well, if you there will be, to what extent do you think we will see DLC? For example, do you think we will see a return to cut characters such as Roy or Dr. Mario? Or potential cut Brawl characters such as Snake? Or do you think we will see entirely new characters revealed as DLC?

Please let us know what DLC you think will appear and, if you don't think, why.
Last edited:

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Stage Analysis:
Mushroom Kingdom U

Author: @ TumblrFamous TumblrFamous

Our second new Mario stage for the Wii U, enter Mushroom Kingdom U! This unique stage is based on the latest game in the New Super Mario Bros. series, New Super Mario Bros. U. Released in 2012, this game was the launch title for the Nintendo Wii U.

This stage will draw from the many beautiful, detailed worlds from New Super Mario Bros. U. It will most likely serve as one of the home stages for the Mario crew on the Wii U, along with the other Mario Stage, Mario Galaxy.


The Mushroom Kingdom is the main setting for most of the Super Mario Bros. games. This game is no different. Apart from the improved graphics, not much is different about this Kingdom than the versions in the other Mario games. It features various landscapes and worlds that Mario, Luigi, and most recently Yellow and Blue Toad must travel through.

The Mushroom Kingdom in New Super Mario Bros. U

The story is pretty similar, but added a new twist: instead of Princess Peach being kidnapped and brought to Bowser's Castle, Mario, Luigi, Blue Toad, and Yellow Toad are thrown from Peach's Castle. Bowser occupies Peach's Castle, with the princess as prisoner. The four heroes must then battle Bowser's minions and trek through the eight worlds the game has to offer: Acorn Plains, Layer-Cake Desert, Sparkling Waters, Frosted Glacier, Soda Jungle, Rock-Candy Mines, Meringue Clouds, and ultimately Peach's Castle.

Stage Layout: The Battlefields

This stage is a dramatically dynamic stage. The players start on Acorn Plains (the first picture) for the battle. After a certain amount of time, Kamek appears. For those of you who have never picked up a Mario platformer, Kamek is Bowser's adviser. An incredibly wise Magikoopa, he has the ability to perform various magical tricks and powers. In this case, Kamek appears on his broom, and flies around the stage, cloaking the stage in magical aura. The backdrop changes, and the stage descends into the new stage, based on another world in New Super Mario Bros. U.

Looking at the gameplay demos, it appears there will only be a certain amount of references to only a few worlds. The Battlefield changes between 4 completely different areas. How about we look at some of the worlds that will be featured in the stage?

Acorn Plains

The first world in New Super Mario Bros. U, Acorn Plains is the generic "grassy plains" stage in the game. Here, the stage will be a tall "plateau" of sorts, topped with three grassy platforms the players can play on.

Rock-Candy Mines

Here we have the sixth stage in the Mario game. Players will be warped here, most likely randomly. Rock-Candy Mines is represented here by a flat rock where the players fight on.

Meringue Clouds

The seventh world in New Super Mario Bros. U, Meringue Clouds is the typical "sky level". It features a lovely sunset, cloudy background, two floating platforms, and two raised platforms above the skies.


This stage is based on the Towers, which are a midpoint in the world where you will battle a miniboss. High in the tower, the stage has two moving blocks that move around each other in a perfect rectangle. Additionally, small platforms will travel across.

Stage Layout: The Hazards

Now, pretty cool settings, right? But wouldn't it be a bit better if we got references to the other parts of the worlds? After all, we only have a reference to three of the eight stages. Well, Sakurai is one step ahead of us. He included various stage hazards that reference other worlds in the Mario platformer. Here is a compiled list of what I have found:

Stretch Blocks

Stretch Blocks were primarily found in Rock Candy Mines. They were rather necessary to use in order to progress through the levels. They will randomly pop up and stretch out horizontally into six blocks, until shrinking into merely two blocks.

Water Spouts and the Urchins

Sometimes, the stage will fill with water from World 3: Sparkling Waters. Geysers will shoot out, allowing players to battle on top. They will eventually stop and recede to the water below. Sometimes, an Urchin appears on the geyser. Watch out!


Every now and then, a beanstalk will grow up and sprout, spreading its many leaves for players to fight on. Eventually it'll snap its leaves right up and descend back down.


If you see a little icy bubble fall onto the stage from above, be careful! Immediately after the bubble falls, a nicely-sized icicle will fall. However, you can easily crack and destroy it by attacking it, so it won't be there for long.


Revealed via Pic of the Day on June 26th, Nabbit was shown off as a stage hazard. This concludes that this stage, and all other stages, may not be done yet. The general consensus was that Nabbit is a stage hazard for Mushroom Kingdom U. While unknown what he does, it is assumed that he will steal a player and stuff them in his trademark bag. What he does otherwise is unknown.


As with any Mario game, there is a wide variety of music to choose from. If you listen closely to demos played on Mushroom Kingdom U, you can clearly hear a remade version of the main theme of Super Mario Bros. So what else can we hear? We know that the Wii U will have a nice selection of music pieces, so what could we hear? I assume we will hear some nice, tropical music to go along with the stage. Well, this is what I think (just my opinion on songs that I think would be fitting):

Athletic Theme- New Super Mario Bros. U
Beach Theme- New Super Mario Bros Wii
Delfino Plaza- Super Mario Sunshine
Title/Ending- Super Mario World
Boss Music- Super Mario 3D World
Overworld- Super Mario 3D World
Athletic Theme (Remix)- Super Mario Bros. 3
Dr. Mario- Dr. Mario

Competitive Validity

Sakurai has stated that most of the stages will have a Final Destination counterpart. We have yet to see this. If the stage does indeed have a Final Destination form, then you can conclude that, yes, that will be able to be viable in tournaments. However, the original stage will most likely not be picked. There are many dynamic changes to the stage itself, and the stage is filled to the brim with stage hazards. It has a great chance of being banned.

Additional Screenshots

In Conclusion

Many people figured another version of the Mushroom Kingdom will appear on the Wii U Version. And yes, we got one! Mushroom Kingdom U is innovative and colorful, and has a lot of cool gimmicks and designs. While there are other worlds that could have been picked as well (Painted Swampland, anyone?), it is still a great addition to the stage roster!​
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Pokeball Pokemon Analysis

Pokeballs have been a reoccuring item since the 64 days. Upon picking up a Pokeball, the player is able to throw it to release the creature inside. Upon release, the Pokemon would perform some sort of attack or ability to aid the player (or potentially hurt him or her). The Pokeball item has been a staple of the Super Smash Bros. series and this is no exception for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS.

In Super Smash Bros. 64, we had a total of 13 Pokemon:

Some of them were vastly powerful while others did nothing but look pretty.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee, the number was increased to 29 Pokemon though some of the previous Pokemon were removed such as Beedrill, Hitmonlee, and Onix.

Melee was the first game to add Legendaries (aside from Mew) in the form of the 3 Legendary Birds: Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres as well as the 2 Legendary Johto Birds: Lugia and Ho-ho. As well, the 3 Legendary Dogs: Entei, Suicune, and raikou also made an appearance as did Mew and Celebi. Most of these Pokemon were from Generation I and II.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the number was increased to 31 Pokemon with many from Melee not returning such as: Articuno, Blastoise, Chansey, Charizard, Clefairy, Cyndaquil, Ditto, Marill, Porygon2, Raikou, Scizor, Unown, Wheezing, Venusaur, and Zapdos. Obviously, Blastoise, Charizard, and Venusaur would not return as Charizard, Squirtle, and Ivysaur were apart of the Pokemon Trainer. It is also important to note that Zapdos and Raikou also did not appear. Brawl Pokeball Pokemon focused largely on Generation III and IV.

Now with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, we have a new set of Pokeball Pokemon. Judging from those shown during the Direct and in Picture of the Days, they focus heavily on Generations V and VI. Also confirmed is the appearance of the Master Ball which holds Rare of Legendary Pokemon that have powerful attacks. Here is a current list of known Pokemon:
Returning as a Pokeball Pokemon is Bellossom, Deoxys, Electrode, Entei, Goldeen, Latias, Meowth, Metagross, Mew, Snorlax, and Staryu. Palkia returns as a Pokeball Pokemon rather than a stage hazard. Additionally, several Pokemon including the Pokeball Pokemon were seen in the Greninja reeveal trailer:

...as well as Promotional Pictures.

While in the Trailer, Giratina and Zoroark are unconfirmed as being Pokeball Pokemon but the possibility exists.

And This is How the Pokemon Do

Let's take a look at these new Pokeball Pokemon and possibly look at what the footage showed us in the Direct as well as the Promotional Pictures:

Name: Arceus
Type: Normal
Debut: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Status: Legendary
Move: Unknown

Arceus was the first Master Ball Pokemon revealed. While the move is performs is unknown, some speculate it could be a form of Judgement. It emits powerful attacks that causes players airborne with attacks that deal Meteor Smashes thus sending them to the bottom of the screen.

Name: Chespin
Type: Grass
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Status: Starter
Move: Unknown

It is unknown what kind of attack Chespin does though attacks such as Seed Bomb, Wood Hammer, or the signature move for his final evolution, Chestnaught Spiky Shield. These all offer various types of situations such as offensive or defensive capabilities.

Name: Darkrai
Type: Dark
Debut: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Attack: Unknown
Status: Legendary

Darkrai was rumored to be in Brawl but is confirmed to appear in Smash 4. In this above picture, it put players to sleep and is often speculated to perform either Nightmare or Dream Eater; both moves that need the opponent to be asleep before executing it.

Name: Dedenne
Type: Electric/Fairy
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: Unknown
Status: Regular

Dedenne was revealed in a previous PotD. While unknown, it is speculated to perform Parabolic Charge as the attack hurts everything around it. It is possible that this may also harm the summoner as well.

Name: Eevee
Type: Normal
Debut: Pokemon Red and Blue
Move: Take Down
Status: Regular

Eevee emerges and performs a tackeling attack that may be Take Down or Tackle. It seems to be pretty fast and curious hits near its backside. Often speculated is that it can possibly transform into one of its many Eeveelutions:
  1. Flareon (fire)
  2. Jolteon (electric)
  3. Vaporeon (water)
  4. Umbreon (dark)
  5. Espeon (pyschic)
  6. Glaceon (ice)
  7. Leafeon (grass)
  8. Slypheon (fairy)
This is especially the case as the Fairy type will most likely recieve a fair amount of representation in Smash Bros. since it is most recent type in the Pokemon series.

Name: Fennekin
Type: Fire
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: Ember
Status: Starter

Fennekin performs a Fire-type attack that resembles Ember. It contiously burns for quite some time. The nature and appearance of this attack slightly resembles that of Ness's PK Fire attack. It is one of the X and Y starters, alongside Chespin.

Name: Gogoat
Type: Grass
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: None
Status: Regular

Gogoat emerges and gives its summoner a free ride. This is not so much an attack but something that it is able to do outside of battle. It is unknown if it can damage players as it runs through the stage but is speculated to. It is draws concern that it might Pokecide along with its rider. This Pokemon present some interesting strategies and situations.

Name: Keldeo
Type: Water/Fighting
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Secret Sword or Sacred Sword
Status: Legendary

Keldeo appears and begisn slashing the opponents with its enlarged horn. The attack it performs is either the signature move o fthe Three Swords of Jusitce, Sacred Sword or it's own signature attack Secret Sword when it achieves its Resolute Form. Considering that it appears in its Resolute Form, the later seems much more likely.

Name: Kyurem
Type: Dragon/Ice
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Glaciate or Icy Wind
Status: Kyurem is most likely a Master Ball Pokemon. It emits icy cold winds that freezes opponents. This attack is most likely Glaciate or Icy Wind. It is unknown if it can transform into White Kyurem or Black Kyurem. It might act like Suicune, freezing opponents with a powerful area damaging ice blast.

Name: Meloetta
Type: Normal/Psychic
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Unknown
Status: Legendary

Again another Master Ball Pokemon as it's a Legendary. It is unknown what attack is performs but some sources point at Hyper Voice or Perish Song. The attack causes musical notes to emit forth and travel the stage; attacking opponents. It seems like a strong Pokeball Pokemon with area widfe damage. It is uknown if it can transform into its other form, Piroutte Forme.

Name: Spewpa
Type: Bug
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: Unknown
Status: Regular

A Bug-type Pokemon that is largely unknown to what it actually does. Judging from its appearance and its move pool, it can perform a number of attacks such as;

    • Harden: Hardens itself and players can pick it up and throw it.
    • Sleep, Poison, Stun, or Rage Powder or a mixture of them all. Causes status ailements to opponents.
    • String Shot: Slows down users by encasing them in silk.

Name: Victini
Type: Fire/Psychic
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Unknown
Status: Legendary

Victini appears and seemingly flies to the top of the screen. While speculation of the move it does is ongoing, many think it performs Searing Shot, it's signature attack. As it is a Legendary, it will most likely appear from a Master Ball.

Name: Xerneas
Type: Fairy
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: Unknown
Status: Legendary

Xerneas appears and emits a powerful light display. It could potential be Geomancy which, in the Pokemon games, buffs up its Special Attack, Special Defense, and speed. This could lead to Xerneas buffing up character tremendously. As it is a Legendary Pokemon, it will emerge from a Master Ball.

Next, I want to touch on Pokemon that appeared in the Greninja trailer. While not confirmed to be Pokeball Pokemon, it is highly suggested and speculated that they are:

Name: Fletchling
Type: Normal/Flying
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: Unknown
Status: Regular

Fletchling appears in the Greninja trailer. In the above screen, it's located to the far right. Despite ebing a Normal/Flying type, it's later evolutions replace Normal with Fire. Considering that, it is possible for it combine a mixture of these two types in its attack. One idea would be Flame Charge where is charges forward while wreathed in fire.

Name: Giratina
Type: Ghost/Dragon
Debut: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Move: Unknown
Status: Legendary

Most likely emerging from a Master Ball, Giratina was a prime canidate during the pre-Brawl speculation for a Pokeball Pokemon. If one this time around, it could perform a number of attacks such as:

    • Shadow Force: Giratina's signature attack. It opens a black portal where it moves through dimensions. It then reappears to strike unseen. It could be a very damaging and surprising attack to catch opponents off guard.
    • Hex: Curses opponents and debuffing them and making their controls inverted.
    • Shadow Claw: Strikes at the opponents with a powerful claw attack.

Name: Inkay
Type: Dark/Psychic
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: Unknown
Status: Regular

Inkay is able to control others around it and can inverse stats with its attacks. While the attack is utilizes is unknown, some speculate it to be it's signature attack, Topsy-Turvy which causes positive stat changes like increasing attack power to negative thus decreasing attack power. It may use this attack to disable players, inverse controls, etc.

Name: Oshawott
Type: Water
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Unknown
Status: Starter

Oshawott is the starting Pokemon for Black and White along with Snivy and Tepig. It will most likely utilize its shell for attacks. One of the more accepted attack ideas is Razor Shell where it will travel along the stage; slashing its shell at opponents.

Name: Snivy
Type: Grass
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Unknown
Status: Starter

Appearing in the new Smash Bros. game alongside Oshawott, Snivy is speculated to use its attack Leaf Tornado which causes leafs to form around the opponent and attack them randomly. While laregly unknown how it would be incorporated into Smash Bros., the tornado could potentially travel the stage while damaging players.

Name: Swirlix
Type: Fairy
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: Unknown
Status: Regular

Swirlix is yet another Fairy-type potentially appearing. There are a number of attacks or movesit could perform in battle.

    • Draining Kiss: It kisses the nearest opponent and draining and racks up damage. It would function much like the Metroid assist.
    • Cotton Guard: Wraps the summoner in a cotton guard that decreasing damage given by opponents.
    • Fairy Wind: Summon a powerful blast of wind that causes high knockback.

Name: Zoroark
Type: Dark
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Unknown
Status: Regular

Zoroark was largely considered as a playable character but appears to be regulated to that of a Pokeball Pokemon. While it could perform a number of atatcks such as Night Slash or Night Daze, it seems more likely for it to perform its ability Illussion. This allows it to take the appearance of either the summoner or even any one of the characters on the screen and cause confusion. Attack it may cause it to do Night Slash like a counter.

Name: Genesect
Type: Bug/Steel
Debut: Pokemon Black and White
Move: Unknown
Status: Legendary

Genesect was the one of two Pokeball Pokemon revealed during E3. While unconfirmed what attack it does, it fires a singular beam of energy that highly resembles Techno Blast. Unconfirmed if the nature of the beam changes ifif it is holding a Drive which changes the type of its attack.

Name: Abomasnow
Type: Grass/Ice
Debut: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Move: Unknown
Status: Starter

The second Pokeball Pokemon revealed during E3, surprisingly, it does not perform an ice attack or ability such as Snow Warning. Rather, it is able to draw in opponents and attack with its brutal strength. Also unconfirmed if it can transform into it's mega form, Mega Abomasnow.

Mega Evolutionary Changes

We all now know that Lucario and Charizard both utilize thier Mega Evolutions for thier Final Smashes with Mewtwo speculated to use either of it's Mega Evolution if playable. That being said, what if the Pokeball Pokemon could Mega Evolve as well. Of the all of the Pokeball Pokemon that have been in Smash Bros,m, the following can do Mega Evolutions: Latios/Latias, Gardevoir (who is confirmed), Venusaur, Blastoise, Scizor, Abomasnow, and, to an extent, Blaziken.

It is possible that we may see these Pokemon appear but in thier Mega Evolution forms. Mega Blaziken may be a slight stretch as Torchic was in Brawl who is the first evolution of the Blaziken line. Likewise, Pokemon that have never appeared as a Pokeball Pokemon before could potentially appear as a Mega Pokemon. To view the full list of Mega Pokemon, follow this link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mega_Evolution

Potential Pokeball Pokemon

I for one do not think we have seen all of the Pokeball Pokemon and we could potentially see more at E3 and the months to come. Here are some Pokeball Pokemon ideas that people have including some of my own:



If Krookodile is released from its Poke Ball, it'll use Outrage, damaging any players who are in its path.

Interestingly, the power of this attack is determined by how strong its target's physical strength is; a reference to the attack, Foul Play, which uses the target's physical attack stat against it. Outrage's power is not affected by magic attack strength, however, so if Rosalina is a weak physical attacker, but has powerful magic attacks, Outrage won't damage her much, due to her low physical strength. For a character like Ganondorf, however, because his physical strength is very high, he'll take a lot of damage from Krookodile's Outrage.

If the player releases Haxorus from its Poke Ball, it'll use Guillotine.

Anyone who gets caught in this attack's path is guaranteed to get KO'd. The attack bypasses shields, and can easily KO even giants and metallic players (similar to Marth's Critical Hit). It can't KO those who are impervious to flinching (such as Giga Bowser and Wario-Man), however. Likewise, if the attack doesn't KO, it'll still send targets flying a great distance. Also, there is a delay before Haxorus executes its attack, giving opposing players a chance to flee before it strikes.

Tornadus is a legendary Pokemon who, like all other legendaries, will rarely pop out from a Poke Ball. However, it is likely to come out of a Master Ball, as Master Balls ensure that you'll release a legendary Pokemon. When Tornadus is released, it'll create a powerful cyclone, which moves around the battlefield. Anyone caught in the cyclone will take large amounts of damage, and the damage is consecutive. On some occasions, Tornadus will appear in its Therian Form, and create two cyclones, instead of just one.


Thundurus is a legendary Pokemon who, like all other legendaries, will rarely pop out from a Poke Ball. However, it is likely to come out of a Master Ball, as Master Balls ensure that you'll release a legendary Pokemon. When Thundurus is released, it'll create a thunderstorm, and lightning bolts will start raining down onto the battlefield. Anyone caught in the onslaught will be heavily damaged, and sent flying. On some occasions, Thundurus will appear in its Therian Form. If the Therian Form appears, the lightning bolts will be much wider, and the damage that they deal will also increase.


Landorus is a legendary Pokemon who, like all other legendaries, will rarely pop out from a Poke Ball.
However, it is likely to come out of a Master Ball, as Master Balls ensure that you'll release a legendary Pokemon. When Landorus is released, it'll create powerful tremors with Earth Power. Anyone who gets caught in the tremors will be damaged, and sent flying vertically. On some occasions, Landorus will appear in its Therian Form. If the Therian Form appears, it'll instead use Fissure. Anyone caught in the Fissure will almost always end up being KO'd. If it doesn't KO though, it'll still send foes flying great distances.

Genesect is an unlockable Poke Ball Pokemon, which is very rare to get from a Poke Ball, but has higher odds of appearing from a Master Ball. When released, Genesect will utilize Techno Blast against opponents, and the attack's effects are determined by which drive Genesect is equipped with. While Techno Blast is merely average powered, the drive that Genesect is equipped with can add additional effects to the attack.

No Drive: If Genesect isn't equipped with a drive, Techno Blast will only deal moderate damage and deliver normal knockback.

Burn Drive: If Genesect is equipped with the Burn Drive, Techno Blast will deal moderate damage, and have flame effects. Knockback is fairly strong.

Shock Drive: If Genesect is equipped with the Shock Drive, Techno Blast will deal moderate damage, and can temporarily paralyze opponents. No knockback is delivered, due to the paralysis effect.

Douse Drive: If Genesect is equipped with the Douse Drive, Techno Blast will deal moderate damage, and can send opponents flying at low angles. Knockback is fairly strong.

Chill Drive: If Genesect is equipped with the Chill Drive, Techno Blast will deal moderate damage, and temporarily freeze opponents. This move has a set knockback value, which does not change, regardless of the opponents' current damage.

When released from a Poke Ball, Pawniard will start to chase down a random opponent, and then deliver a series of Fury Cutter attacks. The attack will gradually increase in power, which could potentially result in KOing whoever Pawniard is attacking.


When released from a Poke Ball, Bisharp will call forth three Pawniard to chase after the opposing players. It'll then pursue the opponent who has the most damage and finish him/her off with Guillotine. Evading Bisharp and the Pawniard at the same time can be tricky, but it should be noted that Bisharp appears less frequently than Pawniard.

When released from the Pokeball, Sigilyph will use Air Slash and create a pseudo-barrier of saw blade wind that surrounds itself, then disperses the wind which damages all opponents. It preforms this action about 3 times before leaving.


Castform first appears from the Poke Ball, floating about and smiling.

Isn't he cute? Yeah...

About three seconds of him floating around, he changes into one of his three forms.

They include:

Sunny Form:

Sunny Form Castform releases bright rays of sunlight onto the battlefield. Due to the intense temperature, the foes become sluggish, reducing their speed to 1/2. Castform then shoots out a Weather Ball. In the sun, the blazing fireball is shot at the foe for 25% damage plus 5% additional burn damage.

Rainy Form:

In this case, Castform becomes its Rainy form and floods the battlefield in a torrential downpour. This reduces the foe's traction, causing them to be more likely to trip and slide. Castform uses Weather Ball, launching a water ball at the foe which does only 5%, but has extremely good knockback.

Snowy Form

Here, Castform covers the field in a blizzard of snow and hail. As it falls, the foe take gradual damage from the hail while Castform launches a block of ice at the foe for 10%, and also encases them in ice for a few seconds.

In either case, Castform ends its massacre after about 13 or so seconds, smiles, and disappears.

Whismur - Hyper Voice
Whismur screams, letting out vocal shockwaves that hurt the summoner's opponents, in a similar but weaker version of Donkey Kong's final smash.

Plusle and Minun - Assist
Either of the two can pop up out of the Pokéball, and when that happens the second jumps in from the background. Both of them jump around a bit, letting out tiny sparks. When the two are close, the sparks connect, creating an electric field the size of Pikachu's final smash.

Ninjask - Agility
Taking the role of Beedrill, Unown and Latios/Latias in previous games, Ninjask flies across the screen. His speed increases continually, until he flies off screen.

Rotom - Substitute
Rotom flies towards the nearest item to him, and possesses it. For the duration of Rotom being on screen, that item is used as if a character is using it (the Super Scope would fire off shots, the Beam Sword would swing arount etc.). Thrown items, like Bob-ombs or Pokéballs can not be possessed.

Lake trio - Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf - Extrasensory
Either of the three can pop out of a Pokéball, and when that happens the other two fly on screen. Each of the three faces a different direction - Uxie upwards, Mesprit to the bottom right and Azelf to the bottom left. Their eyes glow gold, and a rainbow-colored beam is launched from the gems on their head, effectively creating an upside-down Y of pain.

Darkrai - Dark Void
Darkrai levitates upwards a tiny bit and creates an orb around him. Any of the summoner's opponents that are in that orb will fall asleep, and get dealt a certain percentage every second they're asleep.

Excadrill - Earthquake
Venusaur, Metagross and now Excadrill fit the role of the Earthquake Pokémon. Excadrill digs in the ground for a tiny bit, until his bottom half is buried, and then shakes the stage. This has the same hitbox size as Metagross in Brawl. If Excadrill is summoned on a fall-through platform, he'll move down towards the nearest solid platform.

Cofa grigus - Destiny Bond
Cofa grigus flails his arms around, and when his hands connect with any of the summoner's opponents, they are held in place for a while.
On a sidenote: this Pokémon has the unluckiest name ever. It is censored everywhere.


As a Ghost and Fire type Pokémon, it could use Will-o-Wisp, a move almost exclusive to these two types so it fits it nicely. Upon call, Chandelure uses this move and shoots a blue fire ball. This fireball follows a random opponent, damaging every other foe in its path with low damage (around 2-5%) and little knockback (not enough to KO at 100%), however, upon touching the opponent it seeks, it will explode dealing around 10-15% damage, with medium knockback that can KO at 120%+ damage. If the opponent manages to stay away from this peculiar projectile, it will eventually fade away along with Chandelure itself. Not useful on large stages, but deadly on smaller ones.


Part of the only Ghost type evolution chain in the original Red / Blue, Ol' Haunter is a Ghost and Poison type Pokémon. Its signature move is Lick. As soon as it emerges from the Poké Ball, Haunter starts laughing and floats around the stage. When it spots a foe, it begins laughing and starts to follow him/her, and once close enough, it sticks the tongue out and licks the foe for 3-5% damage and stunning him (like what happens with broken shields) if the foe is in the ground or dealing moderate knockback if in midair. After the attack, Haunter laughs once more and begins floating around the stage again, repeating the process until it eventually vanishes like the other Poké Ball Pokémon or Assist Trophies.

Ice Cream!!

Vanilluxe will follow any nearby player and then stop to create a Blizzard from it's horn around itself. Anyone who gets caught in the Blizzard will take damage and temporarily freeze if they are at high % (kinda like Suicune in Melee). After the Blizzard is over, Vanilluxe will stay for a little longer, but will not attack. During that time, if any one jumps on it's head, they will start eating it until they jump off or the ice cream disappears.

Name: Noivern

Item: Poke Ball

Play Style: Offensive

Rarity: Very Uncommon

Description: Upon being sent out, Noivern roars, then uses Boomburst, which fires 4 noise pulses from both sides of itself. These pulses stun and damage enemies. If an opponent is hit by 4 pulses, the final pulse deals great damage and knockback.

Name: Honedge

Item: Poke Ball

Play Style: Item-Like

Rarity: Uncommon

Description: When sent out, Honedge lands on the ground like an item. Pick it up if you dare- Though it deals more damage than any Melee item, Honedge sucks the life out of the user per hit, dealing damage according to what attack type lands. It disappears once dropped, snickering before it leaves.

Name : Goomy
Effect : As Goomy appears on stage, he'll begin scuttling and slugging across the platform it's on with his happy face. If any opponent comes in contact with Goomy, Goomy will just stick to them like gum.
During contact time, Goomy will slowly sap away the victim's health and rack up damage, 1% every 2 secs. Goomy can be passed between players. After a minute of contact time, Goomy will fall off and return to it's pokeball.

As a bonus effect, (should Goomy be avoided at all costs in its duration time), on a rare occasion, Goomy will shake vigorously and use Draco Meteor, decimating the whole stage and anyone who steps in the way. This will let everyone know Goomy is still a dragon that means business.

Hydreigon - Tri Attack - Hydreigon flies around and spouts 3 beams from his mouth, one electric, one fire, one ice. The fire one burns and the ice one freezes, the electric one doesn't have any statuses to give, but has some heavy knockback

Xerneas - Geomany - When sent out, Xerneas does a roar, then executes the move. The Summoner gets a free final smash. Cannot be summoned if Smash Ball has been turned off in the items menu
Yveltel - Oblivion Wing - Yveltel will fly up to one of the upper corners and will lock onto an opponent. The summoner will get half of the dealt damaged healed.
Excadrill - Dig/Drill Run - Excadrill will drill into the ground, and will pop out of a few random spots before disappearing.
Ferrothorn - ?????? - Essentially a moving bumper, it will spin around the stage, and whoever gets into contact with it will lose little damage, but will be sent back like a bumper
Avalugg - ????? - Avalugg does no damage at all, and only moves around slowly. Instead, he can be jumped on as if he was a platform. If there's water in the stage and he falls in, he can float and people can still get on his back.
Zorua - Illusion - When summoned, Zorua goes around and suddenly turns into any character you unlocked in the roster so far, and uses their moveset. This effect lasts for around 20 seconds or so
Inkay - Topsy Turvy - When summoned, Inkay will flip the entire screen upside down like Palkia in Spear Pillar. This effect lasts for about 20 seconds or so.

Yveltal: Apperance: very rare

-Move: Oblivion Wing-

Yveltal is one of the few Pokemon who damages both opponents and the user who summoned it.

When summoned, Yveltal spreads its wings and releases a dark aura around itself, sucking life energy (increasing damage %) from all who are near it.
@Rebellious Treecko

Venus' Selected Pokeball Pokemon

Here are a few additional Pokemon that I would like to see included as Pokeballs.

Name: Gengar
Type: Ghost/Poison
Debut: Pokemon Red and Blue
Move: Destiny Bond
Status: Regular

Gengar appears and places a curse on the closest opponent. If it is attacked and defeated by anyone, including its, trainer, it will faint and vanish. This causes an immediate KO to the player who had the curse placed on. However, this time window for it to faint is around 10 seconds and it is fairly strong and will move around thus being fairly hard to hit.

Name: Tyranitar
Type: Rock/Dark
Debut: Pokemon Gold and Silver
Move: Sand Stream
Status: Regular

Instead of performing a direct attack, it performs it's ability Sand Stream. This causes sand to appear and blowing around the stage. It ddoesn't damage players but severely limits visibility to the point of 0% visibility. In addition, it creates strong winds that push opponents around.

Name: Trapinch
Type: Ground
Debut: Pokemon Ruby and Saphire
Move: Arena Trap
Status: Regular

Let another Pokemon who uses an ability. Its head is barely visible as it lays in wait for opponents. When any players comes close, it will start to vacuum it in making it hard for the player to escape. They are unable to even jump. When the players comes close to it, it will immediately grab hold and begin chomp dealing minimal damage. However, other players can take advantage and begin attacking the opponent. The downside is they can become stuck to in the trap and caught by the Trapinch.

Name: Dusclops
Type: Ghost
Debut: Pokemon Ruby and Saphire
Move: Hex
Status: Regular

Dusclops appears and begins placing Hexes on random people. While the attack doesn't affect normal characters, those who are under a certain affected are affected and retain damage as well as slower movement. This includes the following:

  • Sleeping (Jigglypuff's attack or Bellossom)
  • Shield Break
  • Frozen
  • On Fire
  • Electric
  • Aura-enhanced techniques
  • Copy Ability
  • Yoshi's Egg Lay
  • Franklin Badge
  • Rabbit Hood
  • Hammer and Golden Hammer
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Mushroom/Poison Mushroom
  • Metal Box
  • Lip's Stick
  • Pitfall and any burying attack
  • Screw Attack (not counting Samus)
  • Deep Breathing (Ms. Fit)
  • Superspicy Curry
  • Timer
  • Rocket Belt
  • Super Leaf
This is not the extent of what this attack affects players but gives a general idea. For those holding a Lip's Stick, is is very beneficial as it adds additional damage. However,t hose who pick up the Metal Box are doomed to rack up damage until the affect goes away.

Name: Garchomp
Type: Ground/Dragon
Debut: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Move: Dragon Force
Status: Regular

Garchomp flies off to the far end of the stage and begins to roar while powerring itself up. It then rushes forward, slamming into any opponent with is within its range and throwing them up in the air. It only makes once pass before vanishing.

Name: Probopass
Type: Rock/Steel
Debut: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Move: Magnet Pull
Status: Regular

Probopass uses it's ability to grab ahold of nearby opponents and pull them into its magnetic zone. Any players within this zone are forced to to Probopass and stuck. Shaking the control stick may cause the player a respite and a chance to escape but hesitating will cause they be stuck to the Pokemon until it vanishes.

In Conclusion

While we often focus most of our speculation on the characters and game play, the Pokemon are an important aspect of Super Smash Bros. and something that has been apart of the series since the 64 days. The number of Pokeball Pokemon have continued to climb in each installment and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS is not an exception. Showcasing many 5th and 6th generation Pokemon as well as some fan favorites from older generations and Pokemon from the previous Smash games. For Pokemon fans around the world, the prospect of summoning thier favorites is something truly magical.[/URL][/URL]
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Added a Pokemon article! I couldnt add in my 5th and 6th gen ideas as there was a problem with formatting but I will add them when I can.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2014

Name: Gogoat
Type: Grass
Debut: Pokemon X and Y
Move: None
Status: Regular

Gogoat emerges and gives its summoner a free ride. This is not so much an attack but something that it is able to do outside of battle. It is unknown if it can damage players as it runs through the stage but is speculated to. It is draws concern that it might Pokecide along with its rider. This Pokemon present some interesting strategies and situations.
I forgot where I saw this, probably in the Invitational, but Gogoat runs across the stage, damaging people (I don't know if it damages it's summoner), and presumably you can hop on and ride it. Also, it ran off the edge, then performed a double jump and hopped back on.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2013
Oh hey I see my post in there haha. Yeah I know the caption wasn't about Ridley, but I still think of him right away for some reason whenever Sakurai talks size comparisons in the pic of the day.

Great Week in Review! Love all the info we got. I expected lots of repeat E3 information but we are getting so much more than that. It was a great week.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Just a notice that I added "with additional content" for the poll. To explain, it means that patches and updates AND additional content.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2014
Just patches and updates, no DLC characters and stages
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