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Week in Review #26

What Level of Changes do you want to see made to the final version of Super Smash Bros Wii U/3DS?

  • I would like to see a complete overhaul from the current version.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
The Week in Review Edition #26
7/07- 7/11

Banner by @Venus of the Desert Bloom


@Venus of the Desert Bloom

@ Pazzo. Pazzo.
@ Gunla Gunla


I would like to say a big and huge thank you to:

@Vegito2727, @ Gunla Gunla and @TumblrFamous for writing the daily articles this week
@ Gunla Gunla for publishing this week's WiR
@Swampasaur for agreeing to an interview
@ Pazzo. Pazzo. for Sakurai's Diary
To my staff members who help out to make the WiR great!
To all the readers who support us!

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Issue #21
Issue #22
E3 in Review
Issue #23
Issue #24
Issue #25

Want to help or contribute?
[collapse=Rules and Other Infos]This is the first edition of "The Week in Review". The Week in Review will be a series of articles I have made throughout the week concerning the Pic of Day through using posts, threads, and MiiVerse to pool information and opinions about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS . However, the articles are not only limited to my own observation but to those of the larger Smash 4 community. Users are encouraged to submit articles and observations as well as opinions concerning the pictures that were updated throughout the week. I will explain how you can contribute later.

So what can you expect from this thread? On Friday, I will update the thread with a new article which will contain the Pic of the Day, other relevant images, information, I will also be pulling out interesting and thought provoking posts that have popped up throughout the week on the various threads such as the Wii U Discussion thread, 3DS Discussion Thread, MiiVerse Photo Thread, Roster Discussion Thread, character support threads as well as the Super Smash Bros, Wii U/3DS Backroom thus linking them altogether. In addition, I will also be adding up any information that Sakurai has revealed outside of the website/MiiVerse such as interviews and news articles.

I will open the thread on the weekend for people to talk about how the week went and comment on the articles. However, I will be closing the thread on Monday in order to prevent premature discussion about the weeks updates. I will be operating on Japanese Standard Time since both myself and Sakurai (OMG both of us in the same sentence?!?!?!) live on JST. View the JST Page in order to fully understand how time works.

Additionally, while this thread will focus on solely the Pic of the Day, I will sometimes allow pieces to be written about Smashboards, the Smash Community, MiiVerse, or Sakurai information. Additionally, once we have more information regarding the nature of the character, I will allow a user to write up an in-depth analysis of a character, veteran or newcomer. So come show your stuff!

Why is this thread needed?

We do have various discussion threads pertaining to various aspects of Smash. However, this is less of a discussion thread and more like a newsletter. I intend to present the facts and portray an unbiased review of the week. It will also serve as a hub to collect information, pictures, and articles that have been released in a weekly format thus allowing users to review the past weeks for better understanding how to predict future updates or to comb through information in an effective manner. It will also serve as a place to users to present their information, opinions, and observations in a semi-academical format. More information is listed below. If you see an interesting, funny, thought-provoking, or ridiculous post either on the SWF or on MiiVerse, PM me about it and I will include it! If you want me to remove you from a certain Tag, PM me and I will take you off.

Also, I wanted to use this space to allow users to be creative and constructive in speculating Smash in a more journalistic manner. I will not edit any posts except if they are inappropriate, bypass the censor, hateful in nature, or irrelevant.

How can I help?

You can contribute to this thread in many ways.
1) You can serve as a guest writer. This is done by contacting me via PM and apply to be a guest writer for the current week. I am able to allow or refuse the guest writer based on past credentials and reputation within the Smash 4 community so please keep that in mind.

After approval, I can either give you a piece to write OR you can choose one yourself. It should be focused on a particular Pic of the Day. Please promptly let me know which one you intend to. If I do not hear from you within a day, I will not accept an article. The article itself should be professionally written with little to no grammar or spelling mistakes. Any sources should be cited with a link to direct readers. While I understand some updates may be hard to write for, please write at least two paragraphs for each update. Unless it is an update of Luigi's nose but I am sure someone can find some Freudian psycho-analysis about that update. Please refer to the first edition post about how to write an article (though I am pretty sure many journalist/lit majors can do a much better job than I can lol).

2) You can help me gather posts that are excellent or at least interesting in nature. PM me any posts concerning a particular update and I will then add it to the articles. I frequent the above mentioned threads on a daily basis but I obviously miss things so I am heavily dependent on everyone getting me those great and thought-provoking posts. I want this thread to showcase what the brilliant minds in the Smash 4 community can do!

3) While you can discuss past and future weeks, please refrain from dissecting or analyzing the previous/future weeks and save that for the current week.

4) Could someone be a dear and make a banner for this thread. It's not urgent but a banner would be grand.[/collapse]

Table of Contents

1.1 Day #1: The Range of a Gunner
2.1 Day #2: The Range of a Goddess
3.1 Day #3: Mii Force, Assemble!
4.1 Day #4: AMERICA!
5.1 Day #5: Namco Roulette!!
6.1 Week Overview
7.1 Week in Review Interview: Swampasaur
8.1 We Want YOU to Vote! Results
9.1 Sakurai's Diary
10.1 Help Wanted

The Range of a Gunner
Day #1: Monday
Writer: @ Gunla Gunla

The first pic of the day displayed the Mii Gunner (using the generic standard gunner) firing her side smash attack. It's reach is certainly long, as Sakurai states...

Sakurai said:
Pic of the day. The Mii Gunner's side smash attack may have the farthest reach of all the side smashes…as should be expected from a firearms expert!! Looks like the attack missed this time, though.
The Mii Gunner, having an arm cannon for a weapon, obviously has a long range, and this move displays it! It appears to be one of the longest reaching horizontal moves, and looks menacing. However, it seems to have a drawback in having a miniscule hurtbox, one that a character like Kirby could duck under unscathed. However, bigger characters will have a tough time avoiding this attack and they may need to simply shield it or take the hit.

The overall wording of today's posts teases more about the Mii Gunner's fighting style. The Gunner might focus on having a long reach, which may make them similar to characters such as Mega Man. It's likely that the Gunner's other attacks will have a keep away playstyle with a heavy barrage of long range attacks, but they may be rather easier to avoid than other character's attacks. This means that the Gunner will have to put constant pressure on their opponent to rack up damage and likely will need to use a powerful finisher to do the job. This is yet another of Sakurai's posts that reveals a small amount but hints at a bigger element such as a playstyle.

Here's what a few of you had to say about the ridiculous range of the Mii Gunner:
Interesting to see all these Smash Attacks having so much range.

I'm probably going to be posting the same exact comment when today's PotD post is made.
My thoughts is that the move is probably going to be very unsafe or weak, therefor, not as useful as compared to other smashes.
Miis really have a very dirty range but somehow easy to dodge by a small hedge. Megaman has a bigger side-smash attack overall.
that forward smash looks like it's multi hit. I wonder if it will function like the Up Smash from Zamus as in be many hits with a strong last hit. It could be used really well.

Things Confirmed for Monday:
1. The Mii Gunner's Side Smash has been revealed. It is a multi-shot attack with a small hurtbox.

The Range of a Goddess
Day #2: Tuesday
Writer: @TumblrFamous

After quite some time, the Goddess of Light has graced Miiverse once again! Palutena was shown today by Sakurai, appearing to conjure a pillar of light. This is the same pillar of light we saw in her trailer at E3 2014.

"Pic of the day. I talked about an attack with a far reach in yesterday's post, but it didn't compare to Palutena's up smash attack! No joke, it reaches really far. It reached so far in this shot that even the rocketbarrels got blown up."
-Masahiro Sakurai

It appears we have a direct confirmation of Palutena's Up Smash attack. It is safe to assume conjuring wings are her Side and Down Smashes, and her Up Smash appears to be her striking opponent with a tall beam of light beside her. The range in this attack is quite large, as the pillar beams up to what appears to be the top of the screen. Many people compared this to Snake's Up Smash in Brawl, where he utilizes a grenade launcher. From the trailer, we can see that Palutena's Up Smash in Action has a mediocre amount of vertical knockback.

Palutena's Up Smash

Users on Smashboards predicted that Palutena's Up Smash will be able to shut down aerial games, and could make her essentially unavoidable from the air.

Palutena: "Oh, you want to approach from the air? **** you."

Her up smash sure has some range. A weakness in using that attack is that it strikes right in front of her, so you'll have to position her correctly. Or, it could be to one's advantage to not have to have the opponent directly above them in order for it to hit. So it comes with its blessing and its curse.
@Jerry Applesauce

Palutena's Up Smash has quite the range, but I'd say it better have some kind of drawback because it might end up being overpowered.

By the looks of it, it seems Palutena becomes vulnerable to attacks from behind when using this attack. Most Up Smashes cover the area above the characters, while this one attacks characters in front of her.

Users agree that it has the potential to shut down air games. However, it seems highly situational. The attack is not above or around her, it is merely to the side. So setting it up will be an issue. Another drawback will be the fact that she will be left vulnerable from behind. So it's clear it has superb range. However, it will take some mastering before it is put to good use.

Speaking of range, Sakurai graciously provided Smashers with a second picture:

"That said, if we're talking just about range, even that can't beat Palutena's power, Heavenly Light. It has quite a damage field. However, this is a no-flinch attack, which means the opponents won't react to the damage!"
-Masahiro Sakurai

Heavenly Light is a power Pit uses in the 3DS game Kid Icarus: Uprising. The power will surround the user and attack foes with minor yet consistent damage. More of the same in this game. For one, the range is spectacular. Palutena's Heavenly Light is all around her: on the sides, and above to what looks like the top of the screen. The attack will be non-flinching, which means opponents will not receive any knockback. If opponents are in the light, they will take rapid damage.

Palutena's Heavenly Light

This week has so far been all about range. So what do fans think of the tremendous range in Palutena's moveset?

Ahaha! I was right!

man Palutena is a beast. Totally gonna try and main her after I likely unlock her.

Finally a Palutena picture. :)

That Up Smash is awesome; clearly the drawback is vulnerability from the back. I wouldn't worry about it being game breaking.

Heavenly Light is a very interesting attack; great range but no flinch. It'll probably be amazing for racking up damage.

I'll admit, I was a little disappointed by Palutena at first, but I'm warming up to her Smash iteration.
She seems like a ranged powerhouse, and I like it.
@Louie G.

Not much chat on heavenly light.

I'm excited for this never before type of attack. In a multi man game, this will be a magnificent trick.

Palutena is range over strength, and is certainly a master at it. But wait! That wasn't the only thing we saw in the pic of the day today? Is that Diddy's yellow palette? Yep! Diddy's rocking the yellow T!

Things Confirmed for Tuesday:
1. Palutena's Up-Smash is a beam of light with great range that is in front of her.
2. Heavenly Light is a no-flinch attack with superb range.
3. Diddy Kong's Yellow palette swap confirmed.

Day #3: Wednesday
Writer: @ Gunla Gunla

Today brought us some long awaited details on what the Dark Emperor will do in the Find Mii stage exclusive to 3DS. Sakurai detailed the pic of the day as follows:
Sakurai said:
Pic of the day. Just like in the original game, the Dark Emperor can cause status changes based on a fighter's color. Red types generally get powered up. On a different subject, the Mii Fighter is wearing a Mii Force Helmet.
Details on the speculated stage hazard, the Dark Emperor, have finally been revealed. While he appears to be going in and out of the stage in many pictures, it appears that he may cause status changes if he is possibly hit, or he may have a Field of Effect ability that affects fighters. Like Find Mii, Dark Emperor will cause status changes, however, whereas in Find Mii, they are negative effects like level-downs and attack reduction, they appear to be positive effects. Perhaps they are given for attacking and defeating the Dark Emperor? While we don't know every single effect, it is confirmed that the general bonus effect is based upon a fighter's color. It's likely that these will correspond to the Team Colors, as it notes that Red fighters can get powered up. This may allude and hint at other general effects, such as a possible defense boost for Blue and Speed boost for Green.

This theory comes from this image regarding customization, which has the three main stats in Red, Green and Blue. Note that Red corresponds with Attack.

In addition, the other part of today's POTD hints at more of the possible Mii Fighter outfits, and confirms that at least a few will reference Mii Plaza titles. The Mii Force outfit is shown on the Mii Brawler in this image. This is based off the game of the same name, released in the Mii Plaza 3.0 update as a paid DLC game. It's certainly possible that other outfits for Miis could reference other Mii games, such as Flower Plaza, Ghost Patrol, or Warrior's Way (some of the customization options in Smash Wii U and 3DS so appear to be from the Mii Plaza, including the Mii Force Helmet). The extensive customization is a unique approach at Miis and having references to other games and Mii Plaza hats that adds more layers of depth.

Here's how some of you felt about today's POTD:
So.... go red ranger?
@Strawhat Jiggs
Why does Sakurai loves gimmicks so much???!!! Also, the Mii looks like a rebel pilot.
Well that strikes another stage out for competitive play on the 3DS, but it is a seriously unique mechanic that I never would have seen coming. I'm looking forward to messing around on this!
Mii the force be with you.

Things Confirmed for Wednesday:
1. The Dark Emperor will give off a positive boost to characters based on their color. It is unknown how this boost is earned, however.
2. Red colored characters or players on the Red Team get an attack boost from the Dark Emperor.
3. The Mii Force Helmet is a customization option for the Mii Fighters.

Day #4: Thursday
Writer: @Vegito2727

Thursday brought us a two-for-one with alternate costumes. On the left, we have the-perfect-clone-of-the-best solider-but-can't-aim-at-all, Stormtrooper Samus. And if you look to the right you can see that puppet from Osaka without his drum dressed as Mario. All joking aside, let's see what Sakurai had to say about these two new costumes.

Pic of the day. The character farther in the back isn't from the Imperial forces, and the character in the front is not the infamous drum-playing puppet in Osaka. No, Mario is actually wearing an outfit from Family Computer Golf: U.S. Course! NES Open Tournament Golf might be a more familiar title.
These two new costumes come from two games.

Let's take a look at what Samus's Light Suit is.

Samus Aran's Light Suit is a fusion of Luminoth and Chozo technology. It was created by the Luminoth as the ultimate armor with which to combat the Ing . It renders Samus completely invulnerable to the damaging effects of Dark Aether. The Light Suit itself is powered by the Light of Aether, and as such is only obtained after she has returned the planetary energy to all three temples. Once all three have been restored, U-Mos will give her the Light Suit upon her return to the Great Temple. The suit allows Samus to traverse Dark Water without taking damage, as well as walk through swarms of Ingstorm and ride on Light Shafts. These beams of light teleport Samus between the four main temples, aiding her final quest in recovering the Sky Temple Keys.
Strangely, Project M Backroom is already using this in the upcoming update.

Light Suit Samus in Project M.

Mario's American costume comes from the NES title NES Open Tournament Golf.

Luigi has a similar costume, should we expect this from him too?

NES Open Tournament Golf, known as Mario Open Golf (マリオオープンゴルフ Mario Ōpun Gorufu?) in Japan, is asports game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991. NES Open Tournament Golf is the second Nintendo published golf-based video game released for the NES, the first game being Golf. In addition to the Famicom version of Golf, there were two other Nintendo published golf-based video games released in Japan. These games were released in disk format on the Family Computer Disk System in 1987. These two games were Family Computer Golf: Japan Course and Family Computer Golf: U.S. Course.

Like most Mario games released around the time, the first player played as Mario, and the second player played asLuigi. At certain points during gameplay, the Mario Bros. are offered advice by their caddies, Princess Toadstool(Peach) and Princess Daisy. Another non-playable character was Mario's old nemesis Donkey Kong, who now works as an accountant securing the prize money for Mario and Luigi.
What did fans have to say about this?

Yar, tis beautiful.

Sakurai beat Project M to the punch!! At this point, I also don't see a Dr. Mario costume NOT being in the game.

A Wild Uncle Sam and Robocop appeared to collect tax money!

What will Little Mac and Doc Louis do?

Fight Bag


Taxes ain't no joke

Sakurai made a freaking Star Wars reference in a Pic of the Day.

This is now the best Pic of the Day ever. No exceptions.
@Mega Bidoof

Well since i'm Canadian I will be avoiding that America Mario like the plague. Now that Light Suit color i'll definitely be wearing for sure!

In crew battles, Mango will always use this color.
@Captain Zack

Uncle Mario wants you!

Things Confirmed for Thursday:
1. Light Suit Samus will serve as an alternate costume for Samus.
2. Mario's possibly only alternate costume is his design from NES Open Tournament Golf.

Namco Roulette!!

Day #5: Friday
Writer: @MaskO’Gears

The final pic of the day for the week brought us our second look at the much speculated move seen in Pac-Man’s trailer… now revealed as Namco Roulette, Pac-Man’s up taunt.

Sakurai said:
Pic of the day. Pac-Man's up taunt is known as Namco Roulette! Namco characters from the 1980s will randomly appear.
The character shown here is Mappy, from the game of the same name.

The second picture also revealed more information…

Sakurai said:
See? There's a variety of characters. Huh? One of them looks pretty recent.

In a similar fashion to his neutral special, Pac-Man shows off multiple Namcocharacters in a random order. The ones shown here (from top right) are The Solvalou from Xevious, Pooka from Dig-Dug, Galaga Space Ship, Don Chan from Taiko: Drum Master, and the main character of Dragon Buster. (Apologies on not knowing the upper right character.)

So far, Pac-Man’s moveset seems to largely be based around various Namco games, making him similar to Mr. Game and Watch in the sense that both movesets reference various games.

Smash and Pac-Fans were very vocal about this new information…

I totally called this as a Taunt when some people were saying that this was a move or something like that. TY Sakurai for clarification and pretty cool taunt.

I got irrationally excited seeing a Taiko drum in Smash

Cool taunt, and I love the Namco cameos.

I'm highly impressed with how Pac man is turning out in this new smash, hes not just a homage to Namco hes practically bringing the whole Namco onterouge with him to smash. the nostalgia couldn't be more real for this guy :D

Wait, so characters have official names for their taunts?
Captain Hotcakes

Had a feeling it was a taunt.


The one in his hand is Mappy, who's game also lends the trampoline to Pac-Man

Maybe it could get weird and Ms. Pac Man and Jr. Pac Man get summoned

It's almost like we had the taunt picture to lower our guard for that annoucement.

I don't mind this update. I'm a taunt spammer so I like finding out these kind of things.

I'm warming up to Pac Man more and more every day. I... actually... like him.... definitely excited to give him a go!
Radical Beam

With our expectations to Monday...

Things Confirmed for Friday:
1. Pac-Man’s Up-Taunt is called Namco Roulette, and will show various Namco characters in a random order.

Writer: @TumblrFamous

Well, well, well. What a shock! It appears that on Monday, July 14th, we will be introduced to a new fighter. This came as a surprise to many Smash fanatics. According to Sakurai:

Up until now, newcomers have been revealed via special Nintendo events (Directs and E3). Being that there is only a few months left, Sakurai is desperately trying to push in the rest of the newcomers before release. Most likely we will see all of the newcomers before release.

Another thing to note is that Sakurai said that "we're nearing the bottom of new challenger videos". This implies we have seen almost all of the newcomers. The event will be on the site, live, at 7 AM US Pacific Time. Find out what time it is for your time zone and set your clocks, people! This is BIG.

So, who will we see? Well, the obvious choices are the remaining three Gematsu newcomers: Shulk, Chrom, and the Chorus Kids. All three have been heavily supported by Smashers and have a great shot of being shown Monday. After all, they could possibly be the last remaining newcomers.

The remaining Gematsu newcomers. Could they be shown Monday?

Out of the three, the character people find most likely is Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles. After posting the announcement, the creator of Shulk retweeted Sakurai's comment, leading people to believe that this implies a Shulk reveal. However, Platinum Games retweeted Sakurai's announcements before, and we have yet to see a character reveal from that company.

Many people are speculating who will be revealed. While the consensus is one of the aforementioned three, other people have different ideas. Let's look at what is being predicted!

It could either be Chrom or Shulk to get people hyped, or the Chorus Boys because they're possibly complicated playstyle could be explained within those 3 minutes.

Holy ****, I just realized that if it IS Shulk, we may get a Xenoblade STAGE as well!

Can you imagine fighting on the Gaur Plains or Satorl Marsh? Yes please!

3 minutes = 1 minute per chorus kid

I would like to emphasize on the word "New" But maybe they will have some veterans too as a bonus hopefully.

Ridley is who I want revealed, but my gut tells me it will probably be a gematsu leak character...
What im annoyed is that I leave for vacation 3 hours before the livestream starts, and i'll be gone for a week, with there likely being no internet there, meaning i'll have to wait a week to see the reveal. :glare:

I still don't believe in that character leak. We'll just have to wait and see.

I hope it's a character that we wouldn't expect again.
Many people are hoping that it is not one of the three leaked characters. Either way, a character is in store for us on Monday. Make sure to watch it live! If you want to throw in your support for the reveals of the three remaining Gematsu characters, check out the threads for Shulk, Chrom, and the Chorus Kids.

If you want to continue speculating, visit the two threads for it: New Challenger for Smash Bros Wii U/3DS To Be Announced July 14th, New Character to be Shown Monday

Things Confirmed for Special Announcement
1. New Challenger revealed on Monday

This week brought more snippets of details to us. Monday displayed the Mii Gunner's Side Smash, calling it one of the longest attacks, but with a small hurtbox. Tuesday gave us details on Palutena's Up Smash, which is even longer than the Mii Gunner's Side Smash! He also gave details on what appears to be a special attack, Heavenly Light. It appears to have one of the biggest hurtboxes in Smash Wii U and 3DS, but it cannot flinch fighters. Wednesday revealed details on the Dark Emperor in Find Mii, noting that the monster will affect the status of a fighter depending on their color (For instance, Red characters get powered up). He also teased another outfit for the Mii Fighter, the Mii Force outfit from the eponymous game from the Streetpass Mii Plaza. Thursday showcased the Light Suit color for Samus (matching her already confirmed Dark Suit color from Metroid Prime 2) and Mario's overalls from NES Open Tournament Golf's US Course. Friday showcased Pac-Man's up taunt in it's sweet, retro fashion, and Sakurai's tease for a newcomer reveal on Monday!
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wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Week In Review Interview is coming soon!
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wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
We Want YOU to Vote! Results

Should Ganondorf's move set change for the next Smnash Bros.?
Last week, readers were polled on how they think Ganondorf should be implemented in the next Smash Bros. game. Ganondorf is notoriously known for being a slow yet "copy-paste" clone of Captain Falcon when he was introduced in Melee. When Brawl was announced, many gamers figured that Ganondorf would be reworked for the game. However, he was still more or less a Captain Falcon clone. Smashers wanted Ganondorf with a sword, as he appeared to have one in Melee in his character art and in Brawl as a taunt. With Smash 4 coming out soon, many fans have to this day speculated on how Ganondorf would be implemented this time around. We asked what people think he will have in this upcoming game.

And the results are in!

1. He should keep his Brawl move set. --- 1 Vote: 4.8%
2. He should only be able to use his sword; thus removing in Brawl move set. --- 0 Votes: 0%
3. He should be able to change between a magic move set and a sword move set. --- 1 Vote: 4.8%
4. His custom moves should be split between magical, sword, and melee attacks. --- 6 Votes: 28.6%
5. He should have a mixture of sword fighting and his Brawl move set. --- 13 Votes: 61.9%

Unsurprisingly, 62% of the votes said answer choice 5: Ganondorf should have a mixture of swordfighting and his Brawl set. With veteran changes evident, it's clear that Ganondorf could very well be getting some changes. His swordfighting capability has been shown in games, as has his brute strength. The majority agreed that a mixture of the two would be best. Some people did say that three sets of sword, magic, and melee attacks would be best as well for his custom moves, too. Unconfirmed right now, we are waiting for Ganondorf to see what Sakurai will do with him.

We Want YOU to Vote!
What Level of Changes do you want to see made to the final version of Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS?

The version of Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS shown at E3 and the World Hobby Fair was certainly not a finished product. However, the general consensus for changes from this version to the final version has never had a strong majority in all the levels of Smashers. Previous games such as Brawl have had major changes when it comes from public prototypes to final versions, and it's likely that we'll see some changes in the final product.

1. I would like to see minimal or no change from the current version.
2. I would like to see some changes, but not many, from the current version.
3. I would like to see moderate changes from the current version.
4. I would like to see a large amount of changes from the current version.
5. I would like to see a complete overhaul from the current version.

Let us know what you think down below!


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
While working late into the night, a mysterious manuscript turned up on my desk just labeled...


Digging through its contents, I was amazed at the treasure trophy I have stumbled upon. I quickly translated a random entry into English and held onto it until today. Thus, I present to you, Smashboardians.....

Sakurai's Diary


Sakurai said:
With E3 finally over, I can get back to my normal routine... the entire event threw my writings here off by several weeks. Once again, I am indebted to my cat Momo for sticking with me through the heartache and the pain.
Sakurai said:
Monday I'm supposed to reveal a new character... I planned on Shulk, but the director of Xenoblade re-tweeted my announcement, and thus throwing off the surprise. It's definitely going to be Bidoof now.

As the final preparations for the 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. 4 are going through, I must reflect on all the years of the game's development... and I must say, it would have been the time of my life if not for the insolent fans. I'm definitely taking a long vacation to nurse my arm back to health and open a cat daycare center.

Recently I've seen a few of these diary entries come up on the internet... I'll have to dispatch the team that Reggie sent me to take out the translator and the rest of the staff of the absurd weekly review on that 'Smashboards'. Whether I tell them to dispatch them in their homes or bring them back here for torture is still being decided.

On second thought, that's a bit harsh. I'll just tease Ridley again to drive them all insane.
The translating process takes around one week, as Sakurai apparently writes in a coded Swahili, which has to be translated to Japanese, then English. Until next time readers!


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Misc Information/Requests
The WiR is a huge commitment for me. I typically spend anywhere from an hour to 5 hours of my day making sure the WiR is as good as it can be. But I do have a job that I constantly have to prepare and study for as long as taking online classes myself and studying Japanese to further my career. Not to mention I have a social life, a wife, and commitments that conflicts with the WiR.

Therefore, I depend A LOT on outside help. If you would like to help write a WiR, please contact me via Private Message and we can work out the details. If you have any idea or would like to contribute something different, I am open to ideas. For example, the veteran analysis was entirely @APC99’s idea. I could also use some help in finding quotes, watching threads, and proofreading. If you see some interesting posts that you think may help me in writing the WiR, simply quote it in a Private Message or quote/tag me in your post on that thread. That way, I am sure to read it and within its context.

Secondly, I want to open to three Requests I have for people. If you are interested in helping out, please put "____________ Submission" so I know what you are applying for.

Little Mac Newcomer Analysis

Are you planning on maining Mac? Was he one of your most wanted characters? Or are you interested in writing about him? I am looking for a capable writer to help cover the Little Mac analysis.

If you want to write up a analysis on Little Mac, hit me up on PM.


Link Veteran Analysis

Are you a Link main and want to try your hand at writing an analysis? Contact me and we can work out the details!

Potential Character Analysis: Ridley

Are you an avid supporter of Ridley! Show your knowledge of the space dragon by writing up an analysis of how Ridley would be incorporated into Smash! Everything from move sets, stats, game play, and more! Contact me for more details!

Stage Analysis

Are you interested in writing about stages? Feel free to contact me and apply to write about a Stage Analysis!

Here is a list that you can choose from!

1. Tomodachi Collection

2. Garden of Hope

Let me know if you are able to write an analysis for either one of these stages!


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
I do think Ganondorf's moveset should change in the next Smnash Bros.

Twas a good week, can't wait to see what the new one brings us.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Another great WiR. I voted for moderate changes, as I'd like to see less landing lag, and the edge-stealing system to be touched up.


Smash Hero
May 6, 2013
Oh the 3DS version gets a Tomodachi Life level? I'm not surprised, but I'm surprised I somehow didn't know.
We know very little about it atm, outside of the one screenshot Sakurai left us with ages ago. I still want to see more info. on the Kalos League stage on Wii U.

P.S. your animation work is awesome. You probably get plenty of that comment though. ;)
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