Wario losses the Luigi matchup. Its actually pretty bad for Wario... really bad. 65 -35...maybe 60- 40.... Luigi has far too many options to cover most of ours, and to be perfectly honest, has to respect nothing Wario has aside from his fart... nothing. I have heard some say you cant gimp Wario easily, but he really can with his great aerials and cyclone. He can drop much lower than you think, so we are most often forced to recover really high. Our only advantage is our air mobility, but we either lose or trade unfavorably in the air anyway. Attacking from above fireball range is usually the best way to approach those that like to throw them a lot. As I mentioned before, we have to respect Luigis air game, normals, specials, and grab set ups and combos, he has to respect very little. His damage output is far better than ours so after a grab or two he has done massive damage while we have spent the entire time trying to poke here and there to build half of that. I have played a few top Luigis on Anthers and discussed the matchup with them, and they agree. Not one has said the matchup may be even. Most say its free.
As far as combo breaking goes, dont waste the waft, doesnt work unless there is an error on their part, or they are going for an airdodge bait, startup is too slow and you will be left with no gas. Try not to airdodge after any grabs or juggles, its best to just take the follow up instead of an early up B kill or smash attack. I prefer to use forward air to try and break a few of his set ups since its just as fast as Nair and you dont have to worry about whiffing. Up B also fails most of the time and puts us in a bad situation if blocked or dodged.
Edge guarding is def a great option for us, but once again, dont risk anything that will put you under him, such as fast falling a down air. is down B will insure you waste you bike opportunity or he can just spike you. Best best is to waft or use an aerial after the cool down from side B or Cyclone when he tries to recover. Until then try and poke him into the range needed to set it up. I have had a great deal of success with biting off stage as well. If you catch a forward B during cool down, or any other opportunity, the knock back from our bite sends him at a bad angle and his side b becomes useless, and many times cyclone wont be enuff, free stock! Without wasting gas.
Using the bike is also sometimes risky, especially if you face a luigi that does not heavily rely on fireball setups, if they do rely on fire balls ride it, but not for the bike damage, just for the setup. Watch and see if he blocks, rolls, jumps, etc and punish. but dont ride close to him, unless its to absorb a hit on the ground to deal damage and get away.
I am experimenting with uptilt and up air as well. With the invincibility he has in his hands, we may be able to keep a few of his options in check. It is a bit risky, but better than outright losing several trades. Aside from that Uair does great damage compared to our other normals.
Those are the main things I can think of right now.
Yes, Ganon beats Wario. Damage output is insane, range, out prioritizes many of our aerials, kills early, and forces us to respect his horizontal recovery attempts. We can combo and gimp him pretty well tho. Just be annoying and bite as much as possible, punish his ground attacks with dash attack as it is pretty fast. dont ever get greedy, stay patient.