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Violence is on sale today - Anna for DLC! * Waiting for new stock! Bear with us here! *


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?

“Careful, love. Prices aren't the only things I can cut in half!”


Who is Anna?
Anna is a character in the Fire Emblem series. Her roles vary from game to game, though she most often appears as a merchant in charge of one of her ubiquitous Secret Shops. She usually pops up in these hidden stores to sell goods to the player for a reasonable price - her shops are so secretive and high-end that they often contain rare items and weapons that can't be found anywhere else in the game! Anna is renowned for her coy wit, fiery red hair, zealous love of cash and trademark "finger on the lip" pose.

Anna confessing her love to the Avatar in Awakening- isn't she adorable~?

What games does she appear in?
She debuted in the first game in the series, Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Ken, as a shopkeeper who would help the player by offering rare and powerful goods at a reasonable price. Since then, she has appeared in every game in the series in some capacity (except for Gaiden, which does not feature shops as a gameplay mechanic): her roles have included not only a trusty shopkeeper, but also a prompt for data management, a guide to creation of the player character, a tutorial navigator and even a playable character!

It's this latter role that's particularly interesting: in Awakening, Anna appears as a playable character for the first time, and she can be recruited into the player's army in one of the exta-narrative Paralogues. Anna's class is Trickster, a promotion of the Thief class, and she wields swords in addition to healing staves. Anna's unique trait as a playable character is her phenomenal growth in the Luck stat, which - coupled with her impressive speed and agility - makes her a difficult target for enemy units to hit, and her ability to traverse any terrain and heal her allies' wounds makes her an invaluable aid in the heat of battle.

Anna also appears in the most recent game in the series, Fates, as a Spotpass character that can be recruited outside of the main story. In this game, Anna's starting class is Outlaw, a new class that wields bows and staves, with a great Luck stat and a knack for finding quick cash in the middle of battle. In addition to this, Anna can recruit into many new classes, including Adventurer, Strategist, Maid, Witch, Puppeteer, Great Merchant and even Great Lord - yowza!


So why does she deserve to be in Smash 4?

"Good question, sweetie! Wanna know why~?"
Well, I could write a lengthy treatise on why Anna would fit right into the Smash roster: her longstanding pedigree within the Fire Emblem series, her massive moveset potential, her popularity with fans, the fact that she's cute as a button - but here's the tl;dr version:

- Recurring character that's been in the series since the beginning
- Huge moveset potential based on her role as a shopkeeper and Trickster
- Intelligent Systems considers her important and iconic enough to continue appropriating her likeness in the series
- She represents the merchant archetype, a longstanding and integral figure in fantasy narrative


How would she play in Smash?
Okay, I know what you're thinking: "She's just a merchant, albeit a strikingly beautiful and eminently talented one! How's she gonna go toe-to-toe with Bowser and Ganondorf?"

Good question, humble reader! And there's a simple answer to that - or, rather, a few answers:

Cold, hard cash!

Rare weapons!

Thief skills!

A big friggin' sword!

Y'see, Anna's more than just a pretty face and a fat nest egg: she knows how to defend herself, and she's not afraid to shed blood if it means protecting her loot and her friends (we'll leave it up to you to determine which one takes priority). While she admittedly doesn't figure into battle much in the first few games in the series, preferring instead to eke out a comfortable existence from the safety of her mysterious merchant's stall, that doesn't mean she isn't capable of taking care of herself.

Consider, for starters, where Anna inevitably turns up: in the middle of a godsdamn warzone! Who in their right mind would set up shop in a battlefield soaked in blood and resounding with the clash of steel? Anna would, of course! Nobody with two brain cells to rub together would dare look the wrong way at a lady who's got the guts to sell her merchandise in the middle of a heated battle, and especially not one who's packing enough sharp edges and occult tomes in the backroom to end said battle very, very quickly. Clearly she knows what she's doing, since she never seems to come to harm while propping her feet up inside her cozy little hovel and waiting for business to arrive.

Incidentally, every Anna is actually a different Anna: they're actually sisters and descendants of each-other, all of whom happen to be identical. Can't you just picture a no-holds-barred beatdown of a thousand Annas~?

Wait a minute, she isn't even fighting! Are you trying to trick me?
What, you reckon she has to get out and about to to sell her hard-earned haul at some point or another? Good eye, you sharp-sighted so-and-so! For all her Secret Shopkeeping shenanigans, Anna's no stranger to getting her hands dirty and feeling the fresh soil beneath her soles: in Awakening, Anna will occasionally turn up in the middle of battle, hoping to offload her valuable loot on any wayward travelers in the vicinity. While she may not be the best at defending herself in such situations - laden, as she is, with a hefty sack of finest products - she's quite capable of surviving long enough to repay Chrom and his allies for their valiant aid.

And anyway, fighting ability has never been a point against a character's chances of appearing in Smash: just take a look at Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, Duck Hunt and R.O.B., to name but a few non-fighting characters in the roster! None of these characters have any noteworthy experience of roughin' it up in their source material, yet they nevetheless have perfectly functioning and well-crafted movesets in Smash. It's not about what the character does, but what the character can do: in other words, potential trumps presentation!

Okay, I get it. She can fight. But what exactly can she do?
Well, for starters, Anna's Trickster class offers her some pretty cool abilities that would translate well into Smash: she's naturally lithe and acrobatic, so she'd be a quick and agile fighter, and she's capable of wielding a sword in addition to healing staves. As a Trickster, she isn't very strong, and she's much more at home with magical weaponry: her official art even depicts her wielding a Levin Sword, which you'll probably recognise as Robin's signature weapon.

Now I know what you're thinking, esteemed visitor: "Robin's already got a Levin Sword! And how would healing even work in a game like this?"

Fine points indeed! Now, how about we just take a moment to consider what Anna, as a merchant, has access to:

Every damn weapon imaginable!

That's right: swords, axes, spears, bows, tomes, staves - you name it, Anna's got it! Imagine a fighting style that allows her to wield such a diverse variety of weapons: as a merchant, she could pull out just about anything form her magical bag o' tricks and use it to her advantage! She could also use items such as healing potions and stat-boosting draughts to restore health or temporarily improve her speed, defense, damage, launching power, anything you want her to do!

In this way, she'd represent not only the Trickster class - and, let's face it, there aren't many rogue-type fighters in Smash - but also the other Fire Emblem weapon and item types that don't appear in Smash. We've got swords and tomes already, but where are the axes, spears, staves and potions? Safely stored away in Anna's road-ready travel pack, of course! One look at Anna's gleaming mug and you know she's just itchin' to set these weapons loose and disembowel...ahh, that is, humbly dissuade from engaging in violent activities anybody foolish enough to stand in her way!

If we're to take into account her most recent appearance in Fates, then Anna's repertoire of talents just gets even more diverse and impressive: this game allows her to wield concealed weapons (throwing blades such as knives and kunai) and even magical puppets as part of her astonishing arsenal! That's not to mention her impressive stats, including a Luck stat that puts every other unit in the game in the shade - not bad for a humble merchant!

The question really comes down to one intrinsic question, and it's not "what can she do?" - rather, the question ought to be asked:

"What can't Anna do?"

The answer, as it turns out, is:

Very, very little~

Okay, that sounds pretty cool. Got any more suggestions?
Of course, valued customer! Just check the Movesets section of this thread for detailed examples of how Anna could fight!

This is why you don't screw with Anna's stuff


Fire Emblem has enough reps already!
I'm just gonna reiterate what I said in the Tiki thread:

The roster isn't divvied up based on "reps". It's based on what seems good and what works - if a series is popular and has good characters to work with, there's no reason why it should be limited because of simple numbers. The same goes for the "slots" argument, as there is no maximum limit of characters that can fit into a roster. Especially with DLC, the developers potentially has as much time as they require to work on new characters, so the theory that "they won't have enough time to make that many newcomers" is now redundant.

Does she appear in Smash at all?
Indeed and she does! Here's her trophy model from the 3DS version:

Of course, we all know that trophies don't mean anything with regards to a character's playable status. If anything, this is a good sign, as it demonstrates that Sakurai considers her important and memorable enough to appear in the first place!

She's not relevant!
Well, she's been in all but one of fourteen (so far) games and Intelligent Systems evidently regards her as important and popular enough to keep her around. Considering the cast of Fire Emblem changes almost every game very few, if any, characters can boast the same pedigree of appearance that she can, I'd say that's pretty remarkable. Her appearance as a playable character in Awakening only further demonstrates her importance to the series, as she's now been promoted to a status that few other NPCs in the games have had the honour of achieving!

Anna's not going anywhere, that much is clear: as long as Fire Emblem continues to thrive and shine, so too will our fair red-headed merchant! Although it's not clear if she'll appear in Fire Emblem: if at this point in time, I'd honestly be shocked and astounded if she doesn't show up in some capacity - watch this space, we'll keep you posted as we find out more!

UPDATE: Anna is confirmed to appear as a playable character in the new game, known over here as Fire Emblem: Fates! She is a Spotpass character that can be recruited into the player's roster as an optional unit, and the player can once again support with her and even marry her! Ain't you lucky~?

There's a lot of info here, though, so I'll just link to what's already been said on that note. Fair warning: expect spoilers!

A concise encapsulation of Anna's role in Fates.

Credit to @Captain Shwampy for gathering these great details! A truly valued customer~

What are her chances?
Again, to reiterate what I said in the Tiki thread:

As of right now, it's difficult to say. Sakurai seems to be content with the amount of Fire Emblem characters thus far and probably isn't considering any more, at least for the time being. Should she appear in a future Fire Emblem game during Smash 4's DLC cycle, and if her role is increased in that game, she has a strong chance of appearing somewhere down the line.


Anna: Fire Emblem’s Other Fiery Redhead

There have been many breakdowns of Anna’s character and the reasoning that would go into her inclusion in the Smash Bros. Roster. Whether to reinforce classic RPG roles with the inclusion of her as the Fire Emblem brigade’s dedicated merchant with a rogue twist, to provide a new personality to contrast against the calm & stoic determinators that make up the group currently, to have a totally different role represented versus the ever mandatory lords introduced to Smash, or even simpler reasons such as to introduce another strong female character to the mix or represent all of Fire Emblem with a character that has ties to every game in the franchise, Anna has an answer for all inquiries. With the opportunity we’ve been given thanks to the Fighter Ballot, Anna now receives a second chance for either notoriety or an inclusion into the roster. As such, it is my aim to make a move set that plays up the complete Anna experience versus one role she’s had through the years.

My previous attempt at creating a move set for our loveable redhead was more skewed to playing up her role as a trickster in her Awakening role. This move set on the other hand aims to pay respects to her general role in the series as its premier merchant for premium goods. Additionally, I have taken the opportunity to add light hints of her rouge like qualities in several of her attack animations as well as add a min/maxing set of complimentary specials to emulate the idea of juggling inventory as a merchant would in their daily affairs. As always, since I aim to give a goal of her gameplay via examples from other fighting game characters, one could see this Anna as being inspired by Villager’s Pocket special, Faust’s “What Could This Be?” item toss special, the mechanics determining Hsien-Ko’s dizzy items on her own item toss special in Vampire Saviour/Darkstalkers 3,

Appearance: Anna dons her memorable Awakening trickster attire with a short blade/dagger that she holds predominantly in a reverse grip. This stance is to convey that while she is proficient with a sword, her usage of it is inherently different from every FE character to date with her specialty being in thievery or rogue like uses of a blade (i.e. executions and opportunist strikes) versus the noble fencing styles practiced by Lords and nobility in the franchise. Along with this, Anna is always seen clutching a large sack of varying size over her shoulder with her non-dominant hand. The stance here implies that whatever is in that sack (or maybe even the sack itself), she is willing to defend to the bitter end. Anna isn’t all about business over pleasure however as she has seen to customize her blade’s hilt with a small tassel that has a bear toy dangling off the end.

Walking animation: Anna walks with a skip in her step, eternally amused at the situation at hand all with a tight grip on her blade (a dagger or short sword) and even tighter grip on a sack of various loot she always has on herself.
Running animation: Anna slings her “fat bag o’ loot” over her shoulder and darts off with her body low to the ground. As a front line merchant, getting into and out of the thick of battle while protecting her wares and (more importantly) her profits is a honed skill.
Running speed: Somewhere between Greninja at the fastest and Marth at the slowest.
Wall Jump: Yes
Wall Cling: No
Tether: No
Reflector: No
Fall Speed: Medium
Weight Class: Medium Heavy
Jump heights: Average

Normal Attacks

Jab: Using a dagger like blade in a reverse grip, Anna performs two horizontal swings similar to Pit then finishes with a straight stab to the midsection.
F-Tilt: Anna pulls out a Spear and stabs this straight forward like a pool stick. This can be angled.
D-Tilt: Anna performs a similar poke to the above with a Brave Lance that pokes the ground in front of her twice. Said move can also force a trip on an opponent.
U-Tilt: Anna pulls out a magic stave which she waves over herself in an arc from behind herself forward casting magic that launches opponents on contact.
F-Smash: Anna swings her bag of profit™ forward smashing opponents with the sound of coins rattling heard loud and clear.
D-Smash: Anna spins and swings her bag of profit™ in front of and behind herself in a manner similar to a hammer throw.
U-Smash: Anna rotates her blade like a propeller above her head. This attack has a suction effect, hits three times and launches upward on the third hit. It has an animation similar to Dante’s Prop Shredder attack in the Devil May Cry series.
N-Air: Anna, using a Light tome, emits a large 360 pulse of light that jolts opponents multiple times.
F-Air: Anna, using a Fire tome, creates a small explosion in front of herself.
B-Air: Anna using a Lightning tome summons a bolt of electricity that coils behind herself and strikes in an upward arc.
U-Air: Anna using a Wind tome generates a small tornado that juggles the opponent before lightly launching them upward.
D-Air: Anna swings her bag of profit™ downward to club an opponent with. This move can meteor smash.
Dash Attack: Anna swings her sack forward swatting opponents in her way.


Neutral Special: Storage

Anna opens her sack and has it swallow up enemy projectiles. As more objects are contained, the bag increases in size with each increase creating a heavier and more powerful bag that she can use for attacks involving the use of the sack. The size increase also influences her Forward Special move seen below. This comes with the tradeoff of making her a tad slower in her movements across the stage.

Forward B: Clearance!

Anna reaches into her sack and tosses the first object she gets her hands on forward. These items can either be weapons from the primary weapon triangles (swords, spears, or axes), tomes that activate on contact with the floor or an opponent, or vulneraries. The strength of these objects varies and items dropped on the floor (with the exception of tomes; they must be caught) can be used by an opponent three times as standard items before being “broken”. As the RNGesus she is however (along with her lineage’s roles as the keepers of the lore of all Fire Emblem events), she is also privy to a few items that would probably shock others. Of these items, Lyn’s Sol Katti, Alondite, the brother sword of Ike’s Ragnell, Hector’s Axe, The Sword of Seals and other such in series legendary weapons have a small chance of being chucked forward. These are uncatchable and disappear after finishing their toss arcs but are also some of the most powerful things in her possession. You have a small percent chance of tossing something like these out at opponents, but holding the special button after inputting the move has Anna fumble through the contents of her sack before throwing something, slightly increasing the chances of getting said legendary weapons.

When the sack is fuller, you can throw up to three objects forward on one use. Throwing one object decreases the size of the bag by one level while throwing all three items completely “empties” the sack. Emptying the sack allows space for more projectiles to be put in storage with her neutral special, reduces her weight allowing her to move faster and increases her jump height/duration to normal.

Downward B: Counter (Alt: “Attending to Foreign Business”/”Lucky Day!”)

Anna assumes a defensive stance. When she is struck, instead of performing a counter attack, Anna nimbly slips out of the path of the attack and reappears a set distance away. This reappearance can be determined by a direction input on the control stick. Otherwise, Anna simply dashes behind the opponent, recovers quickly, and is free to do any action afterwards.

Upward B: Warp Staff

Anna casts a small field of magic that teleports anything within itself to a position she determines. Think of Fire Emblem characters’ entrances to the field in Smash Bros. when you imagine this move. When used normally, this move teleports her to another designated position, however, she can also force the spell to teleport opponents and even items elsewhere by moving the magic circle along the stage in a manner similar to Greninja’s Shadow Sneak (holding the special button after the input and moving the circle forward along the ground with left or right inputs).


Spot Dodge: Anna does a spinning hop in place watching her feet in a manner similar to Sonic. Exerting caution in tricky situations is always a priority.
Air Dodge: Anna acrobatically leans back and over her sack using the weight of the sack as ballast as she descends to the ground.


Grab: Anna throws the sack over their heads which triggers a quick animation of a cartoon dust cloud leading to the opponent being in Anna’s sack up to the shoulders.
Pummel: Anna tightens a rope around the mouth of the sack attempting to subdue them further.
Forward throw: Anna grabs the sack and flashes the opponent out forward in front of herself.
Back throw: Anna flashes her sack behind herself in a single motion. The sack ejects its contents behind herself.
Up throw: Anna flash kicks the sack having it expel them upward.
Down Throw: Anna lowers the bag to rest horizontally on the floor and stomps on it. The bag then ejects the captured opponent forward low to the ground.

Final Smash: Family Business

Anna pulls her sisters out from the sack (revealed to be a mini Outrealm Gate) who then charge forward with an even larger sack. If anything is caught in this sweeping snatch, the sisters all converge where the bag was (now filled with opponents) and cast various potent magic from various tomes, beat it with weaponry ranging from the rickshaw to the legendary, or just flat out stomp the bag flat before our playable Anna leaps onto the bag expelling its contents out in the direction the sack’s opening is pointing.

Other Animations

Knockdown: Anna lies on the ground face down, her sword stuck in the ground with a firm grip still on the nose of her sack.
Wake Up Attack: Anna performs a set of sweeping kicks while defending her sack with spread arms before readjusting into her standing stance.
Broken Shield: Anna teeters in place hand on her forehead as treasure chests with wings fly about her head.

Up Taunt: Anna performs the “Anna” pressing her right pointer finger to her lower cheek while stating “Prices aren’t the only thing I can cut!”
Side Taunt: Anna pulls out a legendary weapon wielded by a previous lord and performs the pre-critical animation for each.

Marth: Twirls the classic Falchion upward before it glows.
Ike: Points the full length Alondite outward at an opponent’s eye level before grinning.
Lyn: Pulls out the Sol Katti and poses with it back turned for a second.
Hector: Spins the Ax over her head before slamming it down mimicking Hector’s crit animation startup.

Before returning it to the sack.
Down Taunt: Anna sits on top of her bag of loot in a manner similar to her key art from Awakening while musing to the camera saying “Thanks for your patronage!”

Colors and Alts:


Alt Costume: Merchant Anna

Dressed in her more business oriented garb, Anna takes to the field of negotiation with an eye for new ventures and greater loot.

Anna is a quick, nimble character in both speed and in attacking. She can use her Levin Sword in her Smash to temporarily stun the opponent. Her normal attacks and aerial attacks do electrical damage in short range, but are pretty weak, but can stun the opponent enough for her to do a combo. Her jumps are pretty much equal to Fox's, only much more horizontal, so she can easily get away from a situation. With some of her special moves, she has a quick thunder attack that's much faster to execute than Pikachu's, but much weaker, but can stun. She can use the move Rescue to gain a long line of range, another way to get out of a situation or to trick the opponent from time to time. Her Side-B is a quick dash attack (similar to Ike's), is much faster to execute, but has low KO potential. Her Neutral B is an attack (similar to Marth's Neutral, only she spins and it's a multi-hitting attack) that also stuns the opponent longer depending how long you charge. All in all, her playstyle makes use of stun attacks to get away from opponents, being a tricky character to hit once she jumps away. Being able to use her effectively will give the opponent a hard time to attack her.

Height: Equal to the realistic humans (:4myfriends::4lucina::4marth::4robinm::4robinf::4shulk:)
Weight: 96 (:4pit::4darkpit::4wiifit::4wiifitm:)
Ground Speed: 1.8 (Between :4diddy: & :4bowser:)
Air Speed: 1.1 (:4sheik::4falcon::4duckhunt::4megaman:)

Basic MovesJab Combo: A slap followed by a swing of a bag stuffed with coins
Dash Attack: Lunging cut with a knife (same properties as :4sheik:'s)

Get-Up Attack: Same as :4marth:/:4lucina:
Ledge Attack: Slams down a massive sack of coins before climbing up.

U-Tilt: Simple upward slice with a sword
F-Tilt: Simple horizontal slice with a sword
D-Tilt: Pokes out with a sword

U-Smash: Charged stab of a spear (:4marth:/:4lucina:)
F-Smash: Homerun swing with an axe (:4sonic:'s wind up punch)
D-Smash: Slams down a staff, causing a poisonous splurt up on either side (:4megaman:'s)

U-Air: Chucks a hand-axe shortly overhead.
N-Air: Quickly swings a blade forward and behind (:4marth::4lucina::4myfriends: and I think :4robinm::4robinf:)
F-Air: Arcing swing of a staff with slight magical effect lengthening the swing (:4shulk:)
B-Air: Swings back a large bag of coins (:4falcon::4ganondorf: hitbox)
D-Air: Thrusts a lance downwards, (:4olimar:/:4alph:'s pikmin)

Grab & Pummel: Captures & squeezes someone in an empty sack (:4villager:'s net)
U-Throw: Opens up her bag which erupts with coins and the captive
F/B-Throw: Anna spins her bag around until it tears, flinging the captive out of the far end (same animation, just longer/shorter based on input).
D-Throw: Just slams the bag onto the ground, ejecting the captive.

Up B: Warp Staff - A magical circle appears under Anna, she appears at a set distance in one of the 8 cardinal directions a moment later (:4zelda:/:4palutena:/:4mewtwo:)
Up Custom 1: Sleep Staff - The range is lessened, but when appears Anna has an explosion of bubbles that will send anyone close enough asleep (we need ONE move that can somewhat reliably use this effect :4jigglypuff:)
Up Custom 2: Rewarp Staff - Now works like :4pikachu:'s quick attack, with two quick but shorter jumps.

Neutral B: Levin Sword - Spawns an electrical explosion a set distance from Anna with a slight delay.
Neutral Custom 1: Flame Sword - The explosion is slower to appear, but has noticable more damage.
Neutral Custom 2: Wind Sword - The vortex appears almost instantly but is weaker

Side B: Spear - Anna chucks out a spear with angle based on duration the input is held. Has high shield damage.
Side Custom 1: Javelin - Charge time is cut in half for distances, but has lessened strength
Side Custom 2: Shockstick - Slower air speed, but explodes in a small burst of thunder

Down B: Vantage - Anna takes a reduced amount of the damage from a hit (50%) but counters with 1.5x the initial damage and knockback.
Down Custom 1: Vantage+ - Nullifies damage taken, but only deal half of the initial damage/knockback.
Down Custom 2: Counter - Anna takes full damage of the hit, but counters with 2x damage and knockback.

Final Smash: Family Feud - Anna does a golf swing with her bag of cash, holding the opponent in the air like :4myfriends:/:4robinm::4robinf:, then 5 Anna's come in to do a massive combo using a Sword, Lance, Tome, Bow, and Finally Axe, ending with them in unison "Cha-CHING!"

Entrance: Magical circle entrance... shared by :4marth::4lucina::4myfriends::4robinm::4robinf::roypm:

Walk: A carefree walk
Run: Ducked down dash
Crouch: ...Nothing special

Taunt 1: Anna sits down on her bag of coins & stretches, "Don't forget to take frequent breaks!"
Taunt 2: Anna flourishes a silver sword, "I make deep cuts."
Taunt 3: Proudly stands with her iconic finger-on-chin pose "Hope you bet on ME."

Victory 1: Anna appears out of a rune circle, holding a staff, "Y'know what they say, evil never pays."
Victory 2: Anna runs on screen, toting a massive backpack of wares, "The autograph line starts here!"
Victory 3: Anna lazily falls back onto her bag of coins, "What can I say? Winning's in my blood."

Defeat: Looking bored, golf claps


Support icons by @ Frostwraith Frostwraith

Support icons by @ FalKoopa FalKoopa

Oh, and here's some cute fan art of our glorious merchant overlord!


Thank you, please come again~! <3
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
I really like the idea of having a more unique character be a representative for Fire Emblem. While I like the current characters, they are all a bit too similar and the suggested characters(Roy and Krom) really don't bring enough variation to the table. There is so many more classes than just the Lords with their 2 handed swords and a trickster would be a breath of fresh air.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
yeah i like this one. im not big on Fire Emblem so i dont know a lot about it. but it would make sense to have a character who has been in every game be in Smash. plus (not that it really matters in my opinion) she is a female.

man does she like touching her face.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
I think you should change the title. Marth is the Fire Emblem mascot! ;D
Anyway, I think micaiha should get in if Sakurai is looking for now just a sword-fighter for smash.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I may be tweaking the moveset a bit to find a way to include a staff movement, since Tricksters and Sages use them as well.

I think you should change the title. Marth is the Fire Emblem mascot! ;D
Anyway, I think micaiha should get in if Sakurai is looking for now just a sword-fighter for smash.
Are you sure about that? I have seen some sources claiming that Anna is a sort of mascot...

I didn't understand your comment about Micaiah at all.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
From the rest of his sentence I think he meant that Micaiah should be added if they want a character that isn't a swordfighter.
Could be a nice choice, but I've put some magical attacks on Anna's moveset, since she can also become a mage in Awakening.

The OP has been updated with her grabs and throws.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
I know, that's why I said if Sakurai wanted a character that uses spells and such to represent FE, then it should (and probably will) be Micaiah.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Updated the OP with Aerial moves and a new suggestion for the Up Special, featuring a magic weapon from FE4.


Smash Master
Jun 27, 2012
Plastic Beach
the problem with her is that although she has been throughout the series, she hasn't been in a playable or in a major role until the most recent game, and as jigglover said, she has to compete with micaiah, lyn, and other prominent females


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
If her being in every FE game (but one) helps her chances, then Youngster Joey must be in. He has been in every single Pokemon game ever, how has it not been seen before!? :troll:

Edit: Actually, a bit of research, he wasn't in gen 3 or 5. Still, being the most recurring trainer in the series must count for something (and that is fact).

Edit 2: With even further research, he is in fact in gen 5, only hidden in the dream yard! Just gen 3 he missed!

Edit 3: With even more research, he was in gen 3 twice! This means that he has been in every generation to date and therefore must be in smash.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
If her being in every FE game (but one) helps her chances, then Youngster Joey must be in. He has been in every single Pokemon game ever, how has it not been seen before!? :troll:

Edit: Actually, a bit of research, he wasn't in gen 3 or 5. Still, being the most recurring trainer in the series must count for something (and that is fact).

Edit 2: With even further research, he is in fact in gen 5, only hidden in the dream yard! Just gen 3 he missed!
he only appeared in the Gen IV remakes of a Gen II game, meaning he didn't appear in Diamond / Pearl. your logic is flawed because Anna appears in 12 out of 13 Fire Emblem games and Youngster Joey appears in... one game and its respective remake and Black / White... what are those games compared to the sheer number of Pokémon games? maybe... he doesn't seem so recurrent, right?

NOTE: I am not counting Gen III appearence because in the Japanese version they have a different name. Joey's GSC + HGSS + BW name in Japan: ゴロウ Gorō and for RSE + FRLG: タケオ Takeo. going by the Japanese names, they are different characters. and it's more than likely that the dev team will refer to Japanese names instead of the localized ones. you can see it all here.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
That's where I was doing my research! :/
Joey is also extremely recognizable, look in the trivia section: Joey, his Rattata, and the phrase "top percentage of Rattata" have achieved memetic status.
I'm actually going to make a Joey thread now!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
Fire emblem already has Krom and Roy to worry about
Both are characters I really don't want as Fire Emblem representatives, more diversity is desperately needed among the FE characters.

Deleted member

Personally I support this green haired beauty over here.

But your concept sounds cool, but she seems too Gimmicky to actually make the cut. She's not iconic to anyone who isn't a huge fan of the series already. Roy and the new guy Krom have better odds.

I still support Lyn mostly due to the Iai style swordplay, I want a Samurai chick DAMMIT!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
But your concept sounds cool, but she seems too Gimmicky to actually make the cut. She's not iconic to anyone who isn't a huge fan of the series already. Roy and the new guy Krom have better odds.

I still support Lyn mostly due to the Iai style swordplay, I want a Samurai chick DAMMIT!
we already have Marth as the main representant of the FE series, being the first character. and Roy or Ike aren't really that iconic, they're just popular because they are known for those who don't know about FE, which is a majority of players in the West.

and pretty much the reason Roy and Ike are popular is more or less the same as C. Falcon: internet memes and other such jokes like ROY HAS T3H PH1RE!!! or Ike FIGHTS FOR HIS FRIENDZ AND HAZ NO SYMPATHY!!!

I dare someone to go ahead and tell me I'm wrong. unlike some people, and I'm likely not alone, I want Roy to return because I liked using him in Melee, because of his playstyle and the fact that I don't appreciate when characters are removed from the roster.

besides, the moveset I made for Anna is only gimmicky because of the weapon switch Down B, which could be replaced with a Counter move or something like that. this moveset conveys almost all aspects of FE: she has a sword, she uses magic and also has a bow for long range. her FS has her riding a Pegasus, another staple mount in FE besides horses and wyverns.

all right, she's a sword user, but is more of a Mage Fighter style, using weapons and magic, representing both aspects of combat in FE. can you think of another character who can pull something like this?

Deleted member

and Roy or Ike aren't really that iconic

and pretty much the reason Roy and Ike are popular is more or less the same as C. Falcon: internet memes and other such jokes like ROY HAS T3H PH1RE!!! or Ike FIGHTS FOR HIS FRIENDZ AND HAZ NO SYMPATHY!!!

I dare someone to go ahead and tell me I'm wrong.
You're wrong. Ike is popular outside the west as well. In a recent Japanese poll for FE Lords he was ranked 2nd behind Krom as the most popular. Now, if we take Krom's victory as a "flavor of the month" victory, one could argue Ike is the most Popular and Iconic FE Lord out of all. Sure, Marth was the original, but he isn't liked by many outside of smash, he doesn't really stand out.

Now, I wish I could post the image, but I can't find it for the life of me.

Look, I'd like Roy to return as well, bet he needs a major overhaul. Not to mention Ike and Marth could use some fine-tuning. But personally I still support Lyn over any other newcoming FE lord. Her Iaijutsu style swordplay is promising.

Speaking of which, there's no Lyn support thread is there? I guess I'll go make it and see if I can get some hype built.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
we already have Marth as the main representant of the FE series, being the first character. and Roy or Ike aren't really that iconic, they're just popular because they are known for those who don't know about FE, which is a majority of players in the West.

and pretty much the reason Roy and Ike are popular is more or less the same as C. Falcon: internet memes and other such jokes like ROY HAS T3H PH1RE!!! or Ike FIGHTS FOR HIS FRIENDZ AND HAZ NO SYMPATHY!!!

I dare someone to go ahead and tell me I'm wrong. unlike some people, and I'm likely not alone, I want Roy to return because I liked using him in Melee, because of his playstyle and the fact that I don't appreciate when characters are removed from the roster.
Roy doesn't have any games in the West so I get that argument, but Ike? Path of Radiance is the first Fire Emblem game to be in 3D and the first to be on a home console since the SNES era, for many in the West it was also the first Fire Emblem game they played. He's also the first returning lord since Marth, which allowed him to be much more fleshed out than any other Fire Emblem character.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
well, Ike is indeed popular, but I get this feeling that some of his popularity comes from memes and such jokes but, of course, also comes from FE players since Ike's games were the first in 3D and very recognized in the West, more than FE7 and Sacred Stones. of course, you can't also deny FE's popularity in Japan.

but I think Anna could be a nice character to represent the series as a whole and use the many weapons and magic from the FE series, because most of the characters in the series that aren't the lords themselves or the main villains usually get overshadowed by them. and Anna holds the honor of appearing in all but one game of the series, hence my support.

for FE, I also support the Black Knight for being a recognized antagonist both in Japan and West. I don't think other villains in FE have the same degree of popularity as the Black Knight himself. of course if we had Marth, Roy, Ike, Anna and the Black Knight, it would be a lot for a lesser known series, then again, EarthBound has only 3 games and is much lesser known than FE, and yet gets 2 characters, more stages and even items representing the series... oh, and did I mention that EarthBound never had a game released in Europe?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
My prefered roster for Fire Emblem would be Marth, Ike and then someone with a completely different fighting style like Black Knight, Lyn, Hector, Ephraim/Eirika, Anna, Micaiah,... It really doesn't matter as long as it isn't another lord similar to Ike and Marth(i.e. Krom, Roy, Eliwood) because there needs to be more variance.

Your idea for Anna sounds great, though it does seem unlikely that she'll be in the game because she has only played really minor roles in the games so far.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
My prefered roster for Fire Emblem would be Marth, Ike and then someone with a completely different fighting style like Black Knight, Lyn, Hector, Ephraim/Eirika, Anna, Micaiah,... It really doesn't matter as long as it isn't another lord similar to Ike and Marth(i.e. Krom, Roy, Eliwood) because there needs to be more variance.

Your idea for Anna sounds great, though it does seem unlikely that she'll be in the game because she has only played really minor roles in the games so far.
that's the great obstacle standing in Anna's way, she only has a more significant role in Awakening, where she finally appears as a playable character... so, it doesn't help her much.

the other FE characters I want are Roy back and... the Black Knight, because I'd really like to have an FE villain this time and he's the most recognizable one. or maybe Medeus, but I only played Radiant Dawn, so I prefer the Black Knight for now, since I'm looking forward to Awakening and if that game has a memorable villain, I might change my mind.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
the other FE characters I want are Roy back and... the Black Knight, because I'd really like to have an FE villain this time and he's the most recognizable one. or maybe Medeus, but I only played Radiant Dawn, so I prefer the Black Knight for now, since I'm looking forward to Awakening and if that game has a memorable villain, I might change my mind.
I definitely recommend atleast playing Shadow Dragon, the remake is done really well and it gives you a lot of backstory on Marth and how he became a hero. While both Fire Emblem(Rekka no Ken) and Sacred Stones feel dated nowadays, Shadow Dragon is newer and feels more recogniseable if you're coming from the GC/Wii games.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I definitely recommend atleast playing Shadow Dragon, the remake is done really well and it gives you a lot of backstory on Marth and how he became a hero. While both Fire Emblem(Rekka no Ken) and Sacred Stones feel dated nowadays, Shadow Dragon is newer and feels more recogniseable if you're coming from the GC/Wii games.
unfortunately, I never seen it on sale... if I was an ambassador I would've downloaded Sacred Stones. ever since I've played Radiant Dawn, I really started to like Fire Emblem.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
I definitely recommend atleast playing Shadow Dragon, the remake is done really well and it gives you a lot of backstory on Marth and how he became a hero. While both Fire Emblem(Rekka no Ken) and Sacred Stones feel dated nowadays, Shadow Dragon is newer and feels more recogniseable if you're coming from the GC/Wii games.
Really? From what I heard, Shadow Dragon was panned because they DIDN'T update very much. Regardless, I imagine I wouldn't enjoy it much, since I'm OCD and the game forces you to kill units to unlock the Gaiden chapters.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
Really? From what I heard, Shadow Dragon was panned because they DIDN'T update very much. Regardless, I imagine I wouldn't enjoy it much, since I'm OCD and the game forces you to kill units to unlock the Gaiden chapters.
Visually I meant, some gameplay things like Master Seals and savepoints are kept in. There's just so much info missing in the older games, like the exact amount of dmg characters do, the stats on your character and items without going into other menus, better overview of the map,..

As for the Gaiden chapters, you aren't missing much. The majority of them are simply to give you (slightly worse) replacement characters in case you lost a few too many along the way. They're not worth losing so many characters for, you're better off ignoring that they even exist.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
As for the Gaiden chapters, you aren't missing much. The majority of them are simply to give you (slightly worse) replacement characters in case you lost a few too many along the way. They're not worth losing so many characters for, you're better off ignoring that they even exist.
I know, but I just know it's going to be something that bugs me. I like to go for 100% completion and it annoys me when you have to do stupid s**t to get it.

Deleted member

I definitely recommend atleast playing Shadow Dragon, the remake is done really well and it gives you a lot of backstory on Marth and how he became a hero. While both Fire Emblem(Rekka no Ken) and Sacred Stones feel dated nowadays, Shadow Dragon is newer and feels more recogniseable if you're coming from the GC/Wii games.
that game and couldn't get past the first few couple chapters given how AWFUL the art style was... I simply could NOT get into it. I dropped and deleted the game after a couple tries. Whose genius idea was it to replace the charming and pleasant looking sprites of the 2D Fire Emblems for those ugly looking CG models. I've played the 3D FE games, but at least they were bearable, Shadow Dragon however, is whole different story.


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2012

I definitely support Anna, but I think the fact that her default Trickster class has her use Staves means they should be represented in her moveset.

I was thinking something like a Sleep Staff to work akin to Mewtwo's Disable, or the Silence Staff to prevent the opponent from using their B moves (except obviously Up B because it's a recovery). I'd swap out the Bow for Staff given that we already have three people who use Bows as their Neutral B (both Links, and Pit).

I'd keep Down B as a Sword Switch, but have it affect all her Sword moves (I'm not sure if you meant for it to do that already).

All the other moves sound great. I prefer the sword-based Up B to the magic dragon one. Nice job!


Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I really enjoyed having this girl in my team in Fire Emblem Awakening as she quickly became one of my favourite units and characters in the Fire Emblem series (despite that Awakening is my first and currently only Fire Emblem game). I definitely wouldn't mind her in smash 4 even though I don't think she's likely. I'd definitely be very happy if she (or Lyn) did make it in though. :)


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
I think you should change the title. Marth is the Fire Emblem mascot! ;D
Anyway, I think micaiha should get in if Sakurai is looking for now just a sword-fighter for smash.
To the ones who didn't play Fire Emblem would consider Marth as the mascot, since he's been in both Melee and Brawl. But regarding Anna, she's always made a cameo of sorts in every Fire Emblem game except for Gaiden. Either as an NPC, or as the girl who appears when you choose to Suspend your game.

Eh, I dunno. I wouldn't mind having Anna around, but she's only relevant to Fire Emblem fans. She's pretty much unknown to those who haven't played the games.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Eh, I dunno. I wouldn't mind having Anna around, but she's only relevant to Fire Emblem fans. She's pretty much unknown to those who haven't played the games.
Well every character from a series that people are unfamiliar with would be unkown to them really. Same thing was with Marth and Roy during the Melee day's and some other characters too for the West etc. :/


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I support Anna and because Awkakenig revealed her to be the Fantasy Equivalent of Nurse Joy she can have any moveset really. Hope she at least gets a trophy. Melee only had the PCs and Brawl only had one's from Ike's games because they were already made.


Feb 18, 2009
I really support her.
Because she was my first S support.
Oh and don't forget, the Levin Sword IS the tome. As per her trickster class, she should have some sort of staff use, like straight up heals, dawg, or a version of Rescue that teleports her for the Up-B.
I'd rather the Levin Sword be her mainstay, as per some of her other artwork and good magic stats.

Deleted member

I support Anna.
Though I'm not really liking the moveset given.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I support Anna as well. Though not as wanted as Lyn, I would definitely be happy to see her.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
Well every character from a series that people are unfamiliar with would be unkown to them really. Same thing was with Marth and Roy during the Melee day's and some other characters too for the West etc. :/
Hmm, I can't find the right words to respond to that, other than I agree with you. Then again now that Fire Emblem has been known to everyone in the world, things are different.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Anna. But I'm just pointing out a possible obstacle for her.
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