Smash Apprentice
You play really reckless. I would advise against playing like that since you are playing Link after all. I saw a lot of raw Up Smashes, Dash Attacks among others that are easily punishable.Uploaded a couple of friendly matches between myself and @FSK
This was probably our closest and most hyped match. If you feel like lending me some critique then I'm all ears (I'm more than aware that I need it), but I mostly just wanted to show off my sexy aerial spin attack kill.
And then here's one of him completely trashing my weegee and pulling off all manner of flashy shenanigans, including a reverse bombslide at 1:02
You're also rolling way too much. I'll list some rolls I just don't get.
0:10 You have his back, why roll in front of him?
0:24 He has a bomb, don't roll just shield it if he tosses it.
0:33 Why roll? You're better off holding shield if he dares to Nair into you. Personally, in this particular situation I would have held shield and if I saw him hop back like so I'd do a Forward Bombslide and pressure him with his back to the ledge. You should try and put yourself into more advantageous positions whenever you can but if you needlessly roll back you forgo the opportunities.
3:46 That's the worst kind of roll to do. You gave your opponent your back. As Link if you do this you're better off rolling again to get out of that situation because the two quickest moves you have to reach behind you are Up-Tilt and Spin Attack. That's not fast enough if your opponent is good. As you picked Down Smash it was an easy punish.
4:23 You do it again. I don't get why you did this as you're not being pressured. FSK was holding shield.
You're also doing a lot of rolls into your opponent before jabs and smashes. Yes sometimes it works but it doesn't make sense to roll in front of them. Just turn yourself if you're behind them and it would be faster than rolling. You also generally always have the advantage when you're behind your opponent.
Also please don't use double rolls as a movement option lol. You're playing Link if you can afford to roll twice to move in you should probably short hop instead to draw a bomb or toss a boomerang.
FSK tried to call out your rolls several times though I don't know why FSK wasn't punishing your rolls more safely with pivot Forward-Tilts and short hop back Nairs. He was punishing some of them at a distance with projectiles though. If I were FSK I'd be throwing a lot more projectiles seeing as you do a lot of random rolls.
Also good on FSK to do the approaching. He really didn't need to constantly approach you but if he hadn't I fear the match would have slowed drastically.
I do like how good you were with your Fair. You got most of them to hit. You've also improved a lot since I first saw you play.
General Tips:
1. Up-Tilt instead of Up-Smash when you're not going to get a kill. Up-Tilt comes out only one frame slower than your jab and it's pretty safe. If it connects you are in advantageous position. With Up-Smash if it doesn't hit you're in trouble.
2. Use your tether recovery more. This is your fastest way to recover and often safest. If you have the room once knocked off stage draw a bomb -> air-dodge -> Tether.
3. Saying that you should always draw a bomb if you have the room once knocked off stage. This increases your chances to recover and even opens up offensive options. For example if someone misses their Dair on you and is drifting away from the stage you can Up B into them if you have a bomb in hand and make it back on stage after.
4. Don't charge your arrow. There's really no point against good players (especially other Links) unless you have a good chance to wear their shield down enough to break it after or have them off in a vulnerable position like off stage. Otherwise just do short hop arrow shots. You can do these hoping back, forward, B-reversing, etc. Even try B-reversing on the ground.
5. Work on your decision making. From your recovery (e.g reverse Up B onto the stage, 5:05 air dodging onto the stage), to movement (FSK was way more fluent) to attacks (e.g full jab combo when no hits land, slow jab 2 cancel), etc a lot of this stuff just wasn't ideal. It might be nitpicking but since you're playing Link your success rides on you making as few mistakes as possible.
Oh and I'm not a Luigi main or anything but even then I have to say your Luigi was terrible lol. It's a good thing you're a Link main