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Videos posted here are subject to community critique.
All library videos will be organized into the following categories:
- Multiplayer
- 1v1
- 2v2
- Fights with custom movesets
- Non-Combat Videos and Additional Resources
- Guides
- ATs
- Combo videos
- Informative videos
- Additional Resources
So, without further delay...Example: Ale (Pac-Man) vs Rain (Rosalina & Luma) - 9/23/14 - UMEBURA 8 (event)
SEPTEMBER - 12 video said:
Dee vs Some - 9/9/15 - SHI-Gaming [1] [2]
PEPESPAIN vs Flinan - 9/5/15 - Nens&Gimps
Maziyah vs Marcel - 9/5/15 - BLACK FISH
Maziyah vs Noe3 - 9/5/15 - BLACK FISH
PEPESPAIN vs deathAlex - 9/7/15 - MM
Maziyah vs TheManaLord - 9/8/15 - BLACK FISH
Dee vs TANISI - 9/9/15 - SHI-Gaming
Maziyah vs PikaPika! - 9/5/15 - BLACK FISH
PEPESPAIN vs Everkill - 9/3/15 - Nens&Gimps
PEPESPAIN vs Guerao - 9/1/15 - MM
PEPESPAIN vs Pefo - 9/7/15 - Nens&Gimps
AUGUST - 23 videos said:
Abadango vs Daiki - 8/9/15 - Umebura18
Zu-min vs Raito - 8/9/15 - Umebura18
Mtn64 vs el jomster - 8/16/15 - Anthers Ladder Match
XJ-9 vs ??? - 8/30/15 - Online Friendlies [1]
PEPESPAIN vs Flinan - 8/30/15 - Nens & Gimps
Dee vs Taranito - 8/3015 - SHI-Gaming
Aaron1997 vs ??? - 8/27/15 - For Glory
Dee vs Keron - 8/30/15 - SHI-Gaming
BSP vs Creatious Craig - 8/28/15 - LUST V
PEPESPAIN vs EverKill - 8/30/15 - Nens & Gimps
XJ-9 vs ??? - 8/17/15 - Online Friendlies [1] [2]
XJ-9 vs ??? - 8/30/15 - Online Friendlies [2]
PEPESPAIN vs Kai - 8/23/15 - XXIII Jornadas de Rol y Simulación ()
BSP vs Bman1K - 8/24/15 - Tourney [1] [2] [3] [4]
PEPESPAIN vs Guerao - 8/30/15 - Money Match
PEPESPAIN vs Pefo - 8/30/15 - Nens & Gimps
Dee vs Hayato. - 8/30/15 - SHI-Gaming
Dee vs POI - 8/30/15 - SHI-Gaming
Dee vs Shky - 8/30/15 - SHI-Gaming
JULY - 23 videos said:
Benify vs ItalianGamer81 - 7/25/15 - Online Tourney ()
BSP vs Denti - 7/8/15 - TPT II
Abadango vs Angel Cortes - 7/18/15 - Evo 2015
Froggy vs Apple - 7/28/15- The Break #319
Abadango vs MVD - 7/18/15 - Evo 2015 ()
Froggy vs Nakat - 7/28/15- The Break #319
BSP vs JSalt - 7/30/15 - MGL 12
Froggy vs James - 7/14/15 - The Break #317
Froggy vs James - 7/28/15- The Break #319
Pika Kong vs Drew - 7/30/15 - For Glory
Benify vs Blueberrykilla5 - 7/25/15 - Online Tourney ()
Dj.D vs ??? - 7/30/15 - For Glory
Dj.D vs BahBahDeg - 7/15/15 - For Glory
Benify vs Kutzvanhulst - 7/25/15 - Online Tourney ()
BSP vs Samsora - 7/30/15 - MGL 12
Abadango vs ESAM - 7/18/15 - Evo 2015 [1] [2]
Pika Kong vs ??? - 7/21/15 - WiFi [1]
BSP vs Brawlman - 7/8/15 - TPT II
Pika Kong vs ??? - 7/21/15 - WiFi [3]
Froggy vs Vex - 7/28/15 - The Break #319
Pika Kong vs ??? - 7/21/15 - WiFi [4]
Dj.D vs ??? - 7/23/15 - For Glory
CEOUNERD vs Fortune Cooky - 7/18/15 - Evo 2015
JUNE - 10 videos said:
Tornado vs Vex - 6/3/15 - Friendlies
Maziyah vs Alphonse - 6/7/15 - Smash Attack #8
BSP vs Dabuz - 6/5/15 - Friendlies [1][2][3] [4] [5]
BSP vs Bman1K - 6/6/15 - Offline Friendlies [1] [2] [3] [4]
MAY - 16 videos said:
Fromundaman vs T-Flex - 5/5/15 - TTT3 ()
PEPESPAIN vs JoseLuisasdfg - 5/9/15 - Densetsu Fighters
Fromundaman vs Gucci - 5/5/15 - TTT3
Reven vs Xeelt - 5/14/15 - Friendlies [3] [4] [5]
BSP vs Frozen - 5/22/15 - Friendlies [1] [2] [3]
Fromundaman vs H-man - 5/5/15 - TTT3
Fromundaman vs ITT - 5/5/15 - TTT3
Fromundaman vs JT - 5/5/15 - TTT3
PEPESPAIN vs naT - 5/9/15 - Densetsu Fighters
Fromundaman vs The Terrific Tracy - 5/5/15 - TTT3 ()
RoyalUmbreon vs AfroPanda - 5/29/15 - For Glory
Reven vs Xeelt - 5/14/15 - Friendlies [1] [2]
APRIL - 15 videos said:
Fromundaman vs VGMthevagabond - 4/12/15 - Epic Loot Tournament [1] [2] [3]
Abadango vs ground - 4/12/15 - Raven Cup
Fromundaman vs Kobrachain - 4/12/15 - Epic Loot Tournament [1] [2]
BSP vs Matthew Combo - 4/22/15 - LUST I
Fromundaman vs Matt - 4/2/15 - Wifom games ()
BSP vs radbury - 4/29/15 - For Glory [1] [2]
Firedemon0 vs Chris - 4/1/15 - For Glory
BSP vs Jonathon - 4/22/15 - LUST I
Pacman9 vs Brandon - 4/30/15 - Friendlies
BSP vs Chub - 4/22/15 - LUST I
BSP vs Day - 4/20/15 - Friendlies
MARCH - 10 videos said:
Firedemon0 vs Ninja - 3/22/15 - WRS2
Abadango vs Brood - 3/15/15 - Umebura 13
Firedemon0 vs Gio - 3/22/15 - WRS2
Firedemon0 vs Prestige - 3/22/15 - WRS2
tea vs -to- - 3/13/15 - 16th Nico students sudden
tea vs Ron - 3/13/15 - 16th Nico students sudden
Red Panda Killanator vs Kisman - 3/28/15 - Final Round Smash
Red Panda Killanator vs O - 3/25/15 - Final Round Smash
Joraffe vs FOcast - 3/6/15 - Come on and Ban #9
Jords2Good vs N30Bawx - 3/18/15 - Friendly
FEBRUARY - 32 videos said:
BSP vs BSME - 2/21/15 - For Glory [2] [3]
BSP vs Astro - 2/8/15 - LSU Monthly 5 ()
Abadango vs Kentarosu - 2/9/15 - Umebura 12
Abadango vs Player-1 - 2/15/15 - Apex 2015 ()
Abadango vs Aerolink - 2/5/15 - Apex 2015 ()
Abadango vs DKWill - 2/4/15 - Apex 2015
BSP vs BSME - 2/21/15 - For Glory [4] [5] [6] [7]
Jords2Good vs Colin - 2/20/15 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs ??? - 2/9/15 - SmashLadder [1] ()
Pika Kong vs ??? - 2/9/15 - SmashLadder[2] ()
BSP vs BrawlerG31 - 2/8/15 - LSU Monthly 5 ()
Kool Aid vs Mr. ConCon - 2/3/15 - Apex 2015
Pacman9 vs BSP - 2/15/15 - Friendlies
Abadango vs Ninjalink - 2/5/15 - Apex 2015
XJ9 vs Kool Aid - 2/16/15 - LoF Nakat Zero to Hero Week #6 Day #1
Pacman9 vs Nairo - 2/15/15 - Friendlies [2]
Abadango vs Dabus - 2/5/15 - Apex 2015
Zage vs DamuJP - 2/5/15 - Apex 2015
Paper Maribro vs eltoNNNN - 2/18/15 - Friendlies [1] [2] [3]
BSP vs Jonathan - 2/8/15 - LSU Monthly 5 ()
BSP vs BSME - 2/21/15 - For Glory [1] [8]
Kool Aid vs Choco - 2/5/15 - Apex 2015
Pacman9 vs Nairo - 2/14/15 - Friendlies [1]
AceStarThe3rd vs ??? - 2/16/15 - Undefeatable! FG Series
Jords2Good vs Justin, Isaiah, Brawler88 & Matthew - 2/27/15 - For Glory
JANUARY - 34 videos said:
Pacman9 vs Jeremy - 1/24/15
Kool Aid vs Mr. R - 1/14/15 - CLASH Invitational for Smash Wii U
BSP vs ALSC - 1/17/15 - Tourney
Kool Aid vs Mike Ray - 1/20/15 - Wreck the Halls
Abadango vs Keitaro - 1/30/15 - Smash 4-Ever 10
tea vs Maitogai - 1/20/15 - Smash Wii U 10th nice students sudden tournament
Pika Kong vs ??? - 1/11/15 - Tourney
Firedemon0 vs Chance - 1/18/15 - ADAPTChance Smash 4 Worldwide Tournament North America Pool 8
Riako vs Neely - 1/2/15 - Friendlies [1] [2]
MachoCheeze vs Calm - 1/7/15 - WiFi [1]
MachoCheeze vs Calm - 1/7/15 - WiFi [2]
Riako vs Kodystri - 1/10/12 - Friendlies [1] [2] [3]
Abadango vs RekRP - 1/29/15 - Smash 4-Ever 10
Paper Maribro vs Ex - 1/7/15 - Friendlies [1] [2] [3] [4]
Kool Aid vs Dabuz - 1/14/15 - CLASH Invitational for Smash Wii U
Riako vs Cobbs - 1/15/15 - Cobb Commentates
mmik vs cpt.proton - 1/5/15 - For Glory
BSP vs Denti - 1/17/15 - Tourney
Abadango vs Nietono - 1/29/15 - Smash 4-Ever 10
Conda vs ??? - 1/1/15 - For Glory
Paper Maribro vs eltoNNNN - 1/4/15 - Friendlies [1] [2] [3]
Kool Aid vs Tom Nook - 1/11/15 - Wreck the Halls
Killanator90 vs Scotty OB - 1/13/15 - Frame Perfect Saturdays
tea vs sea slug - 1/20/15 - Smash Wii U 10th nico students sudden tournament
AceStarThe3rd vs ??? - 1/15/15 - Undefeatable! FG Series
AceStarThe3rd vs ??? - 1/29/15 - Undefeatable! FG Series
DECEMBER - 35 videos said:
Pika Kong vs ??? - 12/26/14 - For Glory [1]
BSP vs V - 12/21/14 - SALT
Abadango vs Brood - 12/28/14 - Umebura 11
Abadango vs Nietono - 12/24/14 - Umebura 11 [1]
Goggalor vs Fede - 12/8/14 - For Glory
Goggalor vs ??? - 12/8/14 - For Glory [2]
Pika Kong vs ??? - 12/26/14 - For Glory [2]
Pika Kong vs ??? - 12/26/14 - For Glory [4]
BSP vs V - 12/21/14 - SALT [1] [2]
Pika Kong vs Diddle Dee - 12/14/14 - Local Tourney
BSP vs Jonathan - 12/19/14 - The Cove 3.12 Smash 4 Singles
BSP vs MrConCon - 12/23/14 - Wi-Fi
BSP vs Byron - 12/19/14 - The Cove 3.12 Smash 4 Singles
Cars vs ??? - 12/24/14 - For Glory
AGES vs tmann - 12/27/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs ??? - 12/26/14 - For Glory [3]
Conda vs Kodystri - 12/24/14 - r/smashbros Reddit Tournament [1] [2] [3]
Po3T vs Zinth - 12/29/14 - The Salty Runback
Abadango vs Nietono - 12/24/14 - Umebura 11 [2]
Goggalor vs Big - 12/15/14 - For Glory
Conda vs Miidas - 12/24/14 - r/smashbros Reddit Tournament [1] [2]
Rich Brown vs Xzax - 12/8/14
Goggalor vs ??? - 12/8/14 - For Glory [1]
Goggalor vs Nar - 12/15/14 - For Glory
BSP vs TKbreezy - 12/23/14 - Wi-Fi (starts @ 3:13:35)
BSP vs V - 12/21/14 - SALT [1] [2]
Goggalor vs pakohareth - 12/8/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs ??? - 12/26/14 - For Glory [5]
ch vs D2 - 12/20/14 - Pre KVO
Cobi vs Misc. FG - 12/6/14 - For Glory
NOVEMBER - 6 videos said:
NOVEMBER - 39 videos said:
Pika Kong vs Anustard - 11/3/14 - For Glory
Paper Maribro vs ??? - 11/23/14 - For Glory [3]
ComboSe... vs Tigana - 12/28/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs Cosmo - 11/9/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs Zakky - 11/9/14 - For Glory
Paper Maribro vs Orlando - 11/23/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs ??? - 11/3/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs Sechwan - 11/9/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs Mantel - 11/3/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs Deatrick - 11/9/14 - For Glory
Firedemon0 vs RJ - 11/19/14 - For Glory [1] [2] [3]
Firedemon0 vs A.J. - 11/19/14 - For Glory
Abadango vs Komorikiri - 11/2/14 - First to 10 (FT10)
Paper Maribro vs Mr. Epic - 11/23/14 - For Glory [1] [2]
Paper Maribro vs jaffa - 11/23/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs Deatrick - 11/9/14 - For Glory
Pika Kong vs Peter - 11/3/14 - For Glory
Paper Maribro vs ??? - 11/23/14 - For Glory [1] [2]
Abadango vs moss - 11/5/14 - Shi Gaming
Pika Kong vs King J - 11/9/14 - For Glory
Firedemon0 vs Gavi - 11/19/14 - For Glory
Abadango vs Shu - 11/5/14 - Shi Gaming
Abadango vs Otori - 11/5/14 - Shi Gaming
Pacman9 vs dink - 11/14/14 - WiFi [1] [2]
Lord Cruxis vs Jay - 11/6/14 - For Glory
Paper Maribro vs Kazmir - 11/23/14 - For Glory
Lord Cruxis vs shade - 11/6/14 - For Glory
Pacman9 vs dink - 11/14/14 - WiFi [3]
Pika Kong vs Faisal - 11/3/14 - For Glory
OCTOBER - 32 videos said:
AGES vs Yamato - 10/14/14 - For Glory
Pacman9 vs Grounder - 10/25/14 - For Glory [1] [2]
AGES vs Yamato - 10/14/14 - For Glory
AGES vs Batman - 10/19/14 - For Glory
ch vs Sukiuti - 10/28/14 - Sumabura
AGES vs しぶお - 10/19/14 - For Glory
Pacman9 vs Grounder - 10/25/14 - For Glory
Firedemon0 vs ??? - 10/16/14 - For Glory
Firedemon0 vs adam - 10/25/14 - For Glory
CostLow vs Franck - 10/23/14 - For Glory
mmik vs dene92 - 10/26/14 - For Glory [1] [2]
Firedemon0 vs Schlont - 10/25/14 - For Glory
Pacman9 vs Ludovic - 10/25/14 - For Glory
Firedemon0 vs Bulby - 10/25/14 - For Glory
Pacman9 vs ??? - 10/25/14 - For Glory
Abadango vs Shu - 10/1/14 Friendly
Abadango vs Otori - 10/1/14 Friendly
AGES vs しぶお - 10/19/14 - For Glory [1] [2]
Pacman9 vs Izaw - 10/26/14 - For Glory [1] [2]
Firedemon0 vs gb13roc - 10/17/14 - For Glory
Lord Cruxis vs OniTheWolf - 10/21/14 - Sm4sh Weekly (event)
Firedemon0 vs Kapil - 10/25/14 - For Glory
S3R4PH vs Blub - 10/8/14 - For Glory
S3R4PH vs CJ - 10/8/14 - For Glory
EarthBoundRules vs KoiKazma - Smash 3DS Tournament 10/11/14 [1] [2]
EarthBoundRules vs Orngeblu - Smash 3DS Tournament 10/11/14 [1] [2]
SEPTEMBER - 5 videos said:
Abadango vs Nietono - 9/23/14 - UMEBURA 8 (event)
ptrk83 vs ksizzle - 9/22/14 - WiFi [1] [2]
ptrk83 vs Ken? - 9/19/14 - For Glory
Ale vs Rain - 9/23/14 - UMEBURA 8 (event)
MARCH - 1 video said:
FEBRUARY - 26 videos said:
Fights w/ Custom Movesets
JULY - 6 videos said:
omarP vs ??? - 7/12/15 - For Glory [1]
Froggy vs Chaos - 7/21/15 - The Break #318
Froggy vs Zoan - 7/21/15 - The Break #318 ()
Pika Kong vs ??? - 7/21/15 - WiFi [2]
omarP vs ??? - 7/12/15 - For Glory [2]
omarP vs ??? - 7/12/15 - For Glory [3]
MAY - 1 video said:
APRIL - 7 videos said:
MachoCheeze vs TimKO - 4/11/15 - High Elevation 2
MachoCheeze vs Ryan - 4/11/15 - High Elevation 2
Froggy vs Tokyo - 4/7/15 - The Break #303
Froggy vs Keitaro - 4/7/15 - The Break #303 ()
MachoCheeze vs Beegs - 4/11/15 - High Elevation 2
Pika Kong vs ROM - 4/4/15 - The Gaming Zone
MachoCheeze vs Jeist - 4/11/15 - High Elevation 2
MARCH - 3 videos said:
FEBRUARY - 3 videos said:
JANUARY - 1 video said:
NOVEMBER - 3 videos said:
Firedemon0 vs FLB | Gigan - 11/10/14 - Portable Platypus Sm4sh Tourney 2
Firedemon0 vs OreoKirby - 11/10/14 - Portable Platypus Sm4sh Tourney 2 [1] [2]
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