Hi guys I'm new to the melee modding community and I thought I would start off with a very basic recolor of Fox's blue costume to match Falco's blue costume. I don't want to release it until I get the CSP stuff figured, or if someone would be willing to do it for me? I want this to look flush with the game as if it was vanilla, but I can't seem to get it right for some reason. Anyway, here are the screenshots.
If anyone wants to convert this into MenSlChr.usd for me, that would be immensely helpful and very appreciated. If you do do it, please also provide the TCS and TPL so others may add it into their MenSlChr if they already have a modified one. Thank you!
Read through the thread and saw that most have issues with the CSP hex editing and saw no one else helping so I guess I'm more than likely out of luck if I can't do it myself.
Here is the costume link:
I tried to make Falco's red costume look more like fox's. Same deal with the CSP, if anyone wants to give it a shot, go ahead.
Here is Falco's green costume with Fox's green costume color scheme. Same deal with CSP.
Download Link Here:
Here is Falco with Fox's blue color scheme
CSP Image:
Download Link Here:
Fox's red outfit with Falco's red color scheme
Download Link Here: