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Traffic's Combo Kitchen! - Chronic Cooking Combos for Noobins


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012

Combo Kitchen, what's that?!

We all like get together for smashfests, I mean, what could be better than playing a round of Project:M with a couple of pals, some cool sodas, and- Oh No! Somebody forgot to bring the snacks and Mom's going to be gone all afternoon at the hair salon! Gee whillickers boys, I'll bet one of you wishes he had a girlfriend right about now to go woman up some cookies.

Sounds like a situation we've all been in. 9 out of 10 Kevins agree that Smashfests with snacks are better than Smashfests without snacks. So worry not, Nerds! In the Combo Kitchen, I'll show you how, with just a few basic items and the right attitude, even the most cooking impaired noobin cook up a sick combo to four-stock that hunger!

"But Traffic! I'm already a pro, pillsbury dough tubes are too easy. Skip the beginner stuff, where are the advanced techniques?"

Great question, Billy! In each lesson I'll show you how to take these combos to the next level with some tasty flair. Once you get the hang of it you'll be coming up with your own combos in no time. Many people are surprised at how quickly they can learn to cook, and don't forget boys, ladies think it's real special when you stay in for a fancy dinner!

1. The Basics

If you live on your own, and are a young male, it's likely that you don't have a very well stocked kitchen, living off of papa john's and del taco. Go to any dollar store or walmart, and you can find kitchen supplies for 1-3 dollars a piece. For anyone who still lives at home, or has access to kitchen supplies, you can disregard this supply section. For a very reasonable price range (under 100$) you can stock a kitchen with everything you need to make just about anything.

At walmart, or most supermarkets, you can find 12 piece bakeware sets for around 20 dollars. This includes muffin trays, baking trays, and brownie trays in varying sizes and shapes. These are outstanding since you can use them for cooking just about anything in the oven. For the frugal student, you can pick up these trays individually at many stores and thrifty locations for approx 1-3 dollars a piece. Pans and dishes made out of Pyrex glass, are for things like caseroles and lasagnas. It's worth picking one or two Pyrex dishes, if you know you will be cooking quite a bit.

Mixing Bowls:
It's always important to have a few mixing bowls of varying sizes. You can find cheap plastic bowls at any dollar store. Makes baking 50% easier since you wont be spending so much time cleaning up the mess you made last night stirring brownie and cookie mix in a tiny stove pot because you forgot to pick some up when you went to the store the other day.

Pots and pans:
You really only need one good sized frying pan and a few pots to open your world up to culinary adventure. Instead of microwaving those cup noodles, add in a few vegetables, make a basic sauce, and you've got a stir fry your friends will go mad rage jelly over.

Cookware aisles have walls of this stuff. Peelers, flippers, scoopers, grabbers, wooden spoons, spatulas, tongs. Every tool has a job, but some tools just do more than others. The more you start to explore cooking, you'll find yourself in a situation where you just really need a certain something to get the job done. Most kitchen tools are super cheap and the cookware section of your market will seem like a candy store when you see just how many different toys you can buy for your kitchen.

Cutting Boards & Knives:
For a beginner chef, you should be wary of anyone trying to sell you expensive knives. Until you are experienced enough to really know the different applications of the many styles of knives, you won't need them for most of the cooking a young chap does on his own. A chef's knife is good for 90% of the cutting you'll be doing. A paring knife will be good for everything that requires a little more "finesse." You can find cutting boards in a variety of price ranges, but its best practice that if you are going cheap, getting a few is the wise choice. Chicken, beef, and veggies should be done on separate boards to help prevent cross contamination.

Rookie Cookie's Checklist:

1 Muffin Tray
1 Baking Tray
1 9x9 Brownie Tray
1 Pyrex Caserole Dish (pretty optional)
~ $10

Measuring Cups - Dry - For scoopin flour
Measuring Cups - Liquid - For measuring milk
Measuring Spoons - For little amounts of spices.

3 Mixing Bowls
1 Frying Pan
2 Stovetop Pots (one big and one small)

1 set of Tongs
2 Wooden Spoons
1 Rubber Spatula
1 Whisk
1 Flipper

1-2 Cutting Boards
1 Big Knife
1 Small Knife.

2. Getting Started With Something Easy

Since this will be an ongoing thing, I will try to keep this first post free from bloat and get straight to some munchies! Here's what you can expect from the Combo Kitchen:

1. A beginner level recipe for something you won't believe is that easy.
2. Some intermediate level suggestions for how to go deep on these recipes.
3. A next level idea for those cool mother****ers that already know the food-meta-game.

3. That sticky icky ooey gooey brownies WITH COOKIE CHUNKS IN THAT ****

Okay guys, I know what you're thinking. "Those look pretty delicious, but I don't know the first thing about oven science!"

So let's take a look at this 1-2 combo, in the first installment of Traffic's COMBO KITCHEN!

YO REAL TALK - How cheap and easy these snacks can be.

You can get pre-mixed dry cookie/brownie ingredients at the stores for like 2-3 bucks for a pound of this stuff. To give you an idea of this insane value, one 3 dollar bag of cookie mix is enough for 3 batches of these monsters. That's a lot of power per punch! Once you start to buy ingredients that can be used in everything, you'll soon find out you can make a lot more out of so much less. With a bag of cookie mix, and a bag of brownie mix, you can cheat the hard work and for under 10 dollars, get 3-4 batches (16 or so portions to a 9x9 pan)

YO I GOT THIS - what you can get away with:


1 bag of dry cookie mix - OR - pre-made tubes of cookie dough. it's srsly that simple.
1 bag of dry brownie mix
some warm (not melting) butter/icantbelieveitsnotbutter
some vegetable oil
a spoonful of water yo
maybe 2 eggs, if your brownie mix drops combos and misses knees.


An oven, ya dummy.
a bowl or two, for mixin
wooden spoon up in here for mixing and licking
9"x9" metal brownie pan

First things first. Get all your ingredients ready, and clean off the space you'll be cooking. And turn your oven on and ****. to 350 degrees. cause pretty much everything bakes at 350 degrees. Also use 'Bake' mode.

Take about 1/3 or 1/4 of the bag of cookie mix (it's up to you how much cookie dough you want to put in these things) and dump it into a mixing bowl. You'll see a bunch of white powder and chocolate chips. On the bag there are some instructions for how much butter to how much powder, that stuff's not really too important. If it says "use 1 cup of mix, and 1/4 cup of butter" just chill homey, just keep the ratios close and you can make any recipe any size. add a spoonful of water to the cookie mix when you add the butter, and use your wooden spoon to cream that **** together, it'll be weird and lumpy and powder will be everywhere, just keep stirring, mixing, and mashing it until you end up with a sticky ball of cookie dough. If its too true, add in a little butter, making sure to mix it in thoroughly before adding more.

It should look like this homey, maybe a little drier, maybe a little stickier. It's all good homey.

Put this ball of cookie dough aside, and grab your brownie mix. Look at the instructions, you'll probably need a little bit of oil, possibly an egg or two. Whatever man just pick up a bottle of veg oil and you'll be good for everything. when you got the dry mix in a bowl, dig out a little hole in the middle. pour the oil in slow like mix that **** up, till its sticky but still pretty runny, you want brownies to be thick and solid chunks of fudgey goodness, this aint fluffy ***** cake we're talkin' about.

Check it bro, if it looks like this, you dun good. Just mix everything till there ain't no lumps yet.

If you have a whisk, or a wooden spoon, start stirring, because just like the cookie dough, we don't unevenly distribute dry ingredients like a little silly *****. No lumps homey, nobody likes lumpy brownies. Mix it proper.

At this point, you should have a bowl with brownie mix in it, and cookie dough ready to rock. Don't eat too much of it now! Take your 9x9 brownie pan, and using a bit of paper towel, or your fingers, and a little bit of butter or margarine, and lube up every inch and corner of that pan. Just rub it around back and forth, get it in there good. You can use cooking spray too if you like spraypainting your trays with plant fat homey.

Pour in the brownie mix, using your imagination and whatever else you can find to get that dough out of the bowl and into that metal pan. It should be thick enough that you have to help it into the corners, but gooey enough that it slowwwwwwly spreads out. You want that ooey gooey brownie. Then tear off chunks of cookie dough and stuff it into the brownie mix. Once you've got everything in there, and your oven has beeped to let you know it's reached 350 degrees, toss that greasy pig in the oven and look at the brownie mix. The brownies take more time to cook, so you're gonna leave em in for about as long as it says on the brownie mix. If

Now we play the waiting game. Clean up your mess. You got chocolate brownie mix everywhere. You can make this easier on yourself by cleaning up as you go. Making sweet brownies is great and all, but leaving the kitchen a mess will undo your efforts and sully your reputation among men. Put away your **** when you're done with it, and you'll be a legend to your friends, family, or dormmates.

Chill out, it still needs another 15 minutes.

Okay, so it's around 30-35 minutes, you're getting antsy, you NEED these brownies to finish cooking, how do you know if they're done? Sure you'll eat them uncooked and slopping from the tray like the animal you are, but wait those 5 or 10 minutes and you won't be sorry. If you're just starting off and want to know what "cooked long enough" brownies look like, start checking the brownies every 5 minutes after 15-20 go by. You will see the difference as the edges cook first, and the thickest gooiest center takes the longest to finish. Take a toothpick, or a knife, and poke into the thickest middle portion. If it comes out covered in batter and dough, it's not cooked enough. When the toothpick comes out clean, you know its done. Don't stress over if its been 43 or 46 minutes, just check to see if your food is done. If it isn't, just chill, let it cook a bit longer, keep your eye on it. It's more important that you learn to read the food instead of the instruction panel on the box.

Damn son, you just made brownies with chocolate chip cookie chunks in the brownies?! I want that up in my mouth like it was a pair of ladies' underpants. With the most simple combination of "stuff that comes in a bag" and "water" you can easily make these ridiculous treats for yourselves, no matter how lazy and directionless your lazy ass is.

4. Wow, what's next?!

Some of you have read this far and thought to yourself, this is lazy and simple. I can do better. So here's how you can start taking this combo to the next level.

- If you have favourite recipes for cookies and brownies, make them from scratch and combine them just the same! You can make them any kind of brownie with any kind of cookie you want!

- Instead of a 9x9 Brownie Tray, take muffin tins, grease them, and then lay the cookie dough on the bottom, and the brownie mix on top for layered crunch and deliciousness. You can put chocolates or different treats in the middle by placing it in the muffin cups before the brownie mix gets poured on top. Oreos and Reese's Cups come to mind here.

- You can add in things that you like, but remember that you may need to use less of some other ingredients. If you add a bunch of peanut butter, you can omit about the same amount of butter. Great creative! Chocolate and Peanut Butter Brownies with Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Chunks sounds PRETTY DAMN GOOD TO ME WOULDN'T YOU ALL AGREE.

5. I don't understand yet.

Next week, I'll be taking a look at one of my favourite tasty fruit party beverages...

Falcon Punch


Banned via Warnings
Jan 31, 2013
Elgin, IL
What is this? I get all my sugar from ethanol. Teach me how to make something salty and savory!


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
What kind of Middle Eastern stereotype is Ganon if he's not whipping up some falafel? Take some chic peas, chop up some garlic, parsley, and cilantro, process it with cumin and a mix of salt/msg, then add baking powder and flour to complete the batter. Proceed to make little tater tot sized wads, then fry them around 375-400 F. Nice source of protein for the brain juices.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012


Your hands are gripped in a permanent claw, refusing to let go of the troller in your paws because the second you break that iron grasp you are going to fall asleep and die. You're in a cold sweat, sighing a breath of relief whenever you have to go to the bathroom because it's the closest you've been to feeling human in 36 straight hours. Your vision is blurry, the lights flicker and blind you as you try to gain your balance, making a terrible mess in your bathroom. Your mouth is so dry they filmed two thirds of Lawrence of Arabia in it.



It's 3am, your roommate trips over your lifeless corpse as he rolls through the apartment lips pressed to any sign of moisture. You both die, slowly, with gamecube controllers and a copy of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead clutched firmly to your chest as you let loose this mortal coil. As your thirst trails off into dementia and the dimethyltryptamine floods your central nervous system, a being from beyond comprehension, with the head of a black eyeless eagle holds a long papyrus scroll and tells you the wrong doings that led to your untimely death.

You should have bought 4 cherry energy drinks on sale at your closest gas station for $7.99.

You should have bought 2 liters of cream soda when your mom asked you what groceries you wanted for 2 dollars.

You should have bought 1L of pineapple juice because it's delicious for 2 dollars.

You should have bought 2 packets of cherry red kool-aid for 35 cents.

You should have bought a bottle of cough syrup because your little brother is sick you moral degenerate.

You should have mixed that **** up in a bowl and served it to your party guests.

You should have made...


You awaken, confused and delirious, all memories fading of this glorious far beyond where birds read your mortal sins and beverage recipes are revealed. Your hands feel loose again, your wits are returning to you as you fumble to your feet and find your way back to the couch. Who was that mysterious ethereal bird man? where is your roommate? why are you covered in blood?

The details aren't important anymore, your thirst feels quenched as if by the hand of God.

You shake it off and resume the Bo51 falcon ditto grudge match. The sun rises one more glorious day.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012
Things are really heating up in Combo Kitchen. Don't touch that though, it's hot! *tsssssssssss*


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012


Aight nerds, it's time to get schooled.

Hunger blows. Especially when you're strapped for cash and you're too busy sucking yogurt out of a tube because you think it'll even out all the 7-11 hot dogs. Guess what dummy? That's stupid.

You need vitamins and iron n **** dawg. Ribo-****in-flavin! OM NOM CHOMP *****!

So here's how you can sneak in healthy **** into your garbage pail diet you trash-eating savage.



a pot, or big frying pan
a wooden spoon
a knife and cutting board


Ramen Noodles: 1 pack per eater
some butter or oil.

Vegetables: Get your health on you flabby *****

1/4 Onion (yellow cook better than red) - chop that **** so its smaller than a half inch. Here's a tutorial
Broccoli - high in iron, ****'s like the steak of veggies - chop it into bite size pieces, you can keep the stock if you like it, just trim the petals.
Celery - Your body has to expend more calories to digest celery than you get out of it, that means it's super healthy for you fatty fat fatties.
Green Onions (aka Scallions when you gotta impress people) - chop that into 1/4 - 1/2 inch tubes
Bell Peppers - red, yellow, orange, green, whateva you like dawg - 1/2 chunks. Here's the basic idea, you just need to chop it like they show

Spinach - ****'s really good for you when the farmers aren't ****ed up and get ecoli everywhere. cut it into inch-wide strips, the stems are good too.

Yo I'm exotic and worldly: shut up, add bok choy you yuppie punk.

shut up whiner

chicken - Here's how to cut that ****, remember to sanitize your stuff
tuna - drain a can, ****'s yummy.
steak - stir-fry style, slice it thin enough that it cooks and big enough that you can eat that **** and drool over that chunk of ****in steak in your face

Look stupid, get some spices, they make **** taste better and they make your cooking brain smarter. You wanna learn how to season ****.

Ramen flavour packet - These are handy! keep em around if you ever get extra stuff
Srirachra - Cause you're a chump and don't know your hot sauce you probably got 3 bottles of this ****.
Spices: start stocking up on dried spices, you can start getting them a few at a time and you'll end up with a fully stocked rack, these things are good for EVERYTHING YOU COOK SO YOU SHOULD GET THEM BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ADULT NOW YOU DISGUSTING MANCHILD.


Okay chowderhead, listen the **** up.

Cooking is all about knowing your food, you dont want burnt steak, raw onions, and soggy broccoli, so how the ****????? Here's how you figure that **** out.

Some stuff takes a long time to cook: onions, big chunks of meat, peppers, celery. Other stuff doesn't take long at all, or doesn't need to be cooked: broccoli cooks in like 1-2 minutes in boiling water, green onions dont need to cook. So you gotta add stuff so that they all finish at the same time. Use whatever veggies you want/have, I just give you some basics that have different attributes so you ****in learn something dummy.

Start easy: get your veggies chopped up, you can use bowls to keep em separate if you want, if you aren't fast at chopping stuff, then you're better off doing the prep first so you can focus on cooking everything properly.

STEP ONE HOMEY: turn your frying pan or pot to 3-4 on your stovetop. add a scoop of butter (or some oil), and your onions (not green onions!) you want to let these simmer for a while, as onions cook, they go see-through, so when they're about 30%, add in your bell peppers and celery, and the flavour pack from your ramen. stir it up, get it all even, you want this stuff to simmer without burning off your butter. if your butter is browning, you're cooking it too hot. You want it to stay yellow and see-through. Let these guys keep going.

STEP TWO NYUCKA: Once your onions are about 50-60% done, and your peppers are starting to soften up, turn up your stove to 5-6. You wanna add your meat, stir it up, make sure it's getting evenly cooked, that type of ****. if you got sauces or spices you like, add that ****! you want your flavours to cook up together, and fill your ****ty little dorm room or apartment kitchen with foodgasm smells. If you like trees, your food should be done soon, but it'll be super hot and the noodles take a while to soften up, so you got some time to... burn.

STEP THREE *****: You add in your vegetables that don't take long to cook, your meat's pretty much all done, your onions and peppers should be at like 80-90% cooked, and the flavours are dancing in your nose like strippers and cocaine. ****in ace. **** for this step: Broccoli, Spinach, Bok Choy, etc. Let like 30-60sec go by. Add in water. How much water? How much soup you eat dummy? Use your wooden spoon to scrape and work up any flavour goodies that are stuck to the bottom, if its burnt you suck and you should feel bad.

STEP FOUR WUTWUT: You let this **** heat up. Stir it, get it goin, doesn't take long. You just want the water to start boilin up.

STEP FIVE: OH **** **** ITS READY ITS READY WHAT DO I DO WITH MY NOODLES?!?!?! Aight, so here's what you do: if you're just gonna eat your **** out of the pot, ****in add the noodles and eat em when they're ready. If you're not a waste of human life, get a ****ing bowl and put your noodles in there. Or two bowls and two noodlebricks. Figure this **** out, goof troop. Scoop up the goods out of the pot, and then pour enough soup on top to fill the bowl and start softening up the noodles.

STEP SIX, MORE LIKE STEP SEX, TIME TO DECORATE THIS MA: Okay dude, you got noodlebrick with soup around it and a pile of meat and veggies and sex all over the ****in place. Time to get laid. Take some **** sauce, and zig zag it over top of your dish, make it look good, people eat with their eyes before their mouths. Take the green onions you chopped up nice and small, and put them neatly in a bunch in the middle, on top of the red zigs. I like to matchstick cut cucumber for garnish too.

You can make delicious and healthy (aside from all the salt, but whatever dawg ****in salt is part of smash) meals out of **** dollar store noodles, and some vegetables. If you figure you will be cooking regularly, buy veggies you know you'll eat. The more you cook with vegetables, the more you'll learn how to cook them together. Cook on low heat, you're learning and if you cook low, you can watch how they change over more time. It's important to learn how to "read" your food, so you should be paying attention. Start cooking before you're REALLY hungry, so you don't rush or **** up.

Okay listen up dopesmoker, here's some **** that will BLOW YOUR MIND. You can make this into a stirfry, A TASTY DELICIOUS STIR FRY. Here's how this **** works.

Making a sauce doesn't need to be hard. You can buy a bottle of whatever sauce, I don't give a ****, cheater. I'll show you how to take garbage-tier ingredients and explode your fragile little chimp mind. Before you add your "quick cooking" veggies and water, you can turn this into some fancy ****.

MAYONNAISE - A spoonful of mayo. Mayo thins out and the oil emulsion will pick up all your flavour.
HOT SAUCE - A squirt of srirachra. Mix it with ^
SOY SAUCE - get some leftover packets from take-out, or get a bottle its ****in tasty. Not too much, since the ramen packet is already really salty, you might just want to use half the packet if you're doing this.
WATER - You just need like 1/4-1/2 cup, enough to steam and soften up your noodlebrick.


Add in your mayo, hot sauce, soy sauce, BUT NO WATER SON. Stir it up! Use your spoon and get all the flavour thats cooking around in that pan.

PUT YOUR QUICK VEGGIES ON TOP: these things take like 30-60 seconds to wilt, so you can stir em in, and then

ADD IN YOUR WATER: you want to mix up everything here, the sauce will spread out in the water, it'll thin up, and coat everything evenly.

PUT YOUR NOODLEBRICK ON THIS *****: just right on top of everything, DGAF HOMEY.

THEN SLAP A LID ON IT AND TURN IT DOWN SUCKA: You want to let the steam soften up the noodles, and the water will cook down til it's like a sauce. The mayo will make all of the stuff cook into a sauce instead of just burnt flava, so you know, watch it, break up the noodles once they start softing up, and stir it all around. the noodles dont need to be soup soggy since you're frying up a stirfry, so just figure it out as you go.

****in Pro.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Yo man, I heard you liked making them ooey gooey brownies with cookie chunks in that ****. Man, I was hungry as ****, so you know, naturally, I had to try that **** out for myself. I did it reeeeaaaal good, pimpin'. Cookie on the top, with brownie on the bottom. I feel like I'm a ****in' genius or something. Thanks brah.



Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
Nothing screams party like Mexicano comida dipping sauces!
So prepare for my personal favorites to have during a gathering!
Paradoxium's black salsa!
1- Grill 7 tomatoes and 2 jalapeños until they are completely burned, which should take over an hour. Be sure to remove the stems and blacken all the sides. Remember you want them charred.
2- remove the contents of the grill and allow them to cool for 15 minutes.
3- Place all the tomatoes and jalapeños into the blender along with a clove of garlic and around 1 teaspoon of salt( the amount of salt depends on your liking), and add around 1 cup of water( also depend on your liking)
4- blend it as long as you want depending on how mushy you want it.
5- pour the contents of the blender into a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of white onion(diced) and 2 tablespoons of cilantro
6- use lemon juice to bend the flavor to your liking
7- make sure your wrist strap is secure to contain the hype

And if you want cheap bean dip..

Paradoxium's cheap as hell bean dip

1- start warming a can of your favorite refrained beans
2- add 1/2 to 1 cup of water depending on how watery you want it
3- add 1 diced jalapeño
4- add as much chedder cheese as you want (but don't go adding like a ****ton!, it will cause the dip to thicken, if it is too thick add more water, if it too watery add more cheese.
5- add cholula and tapatio for a flavor Boost
6- add pepper for a flavor boost
7- buy a new wrist strap, your previous one was probably destroyed

And that's that. I was gonna also post one for nacho cheese but I'm to lazy.



Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Oh ****! Where has this thread been all my life?
Everything in this thread sounds great except for the cough syrup what the actual **** is up with that

Generically Epic

Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2013
Galveston, Texas
I love these so much that I'm doing a cooking party based off of these when I get back home.

... but we need to address the elephant in the room:
WHERE IN THE DITTO IS FALCO'S PIZZA CAKE? (People must have not kept their hands off his bread)

(6:06 is a good place to start)


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
This thread...is back...but how...somebody pinch me....I don't believe it.....

Traffic is gone, but his spirit still lives on...

God bless the combo kitchen


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
K if you ever need recipes hit me up

Now here is my recipe for 3.0 TURBO TACOS!

Here is what you need
A medium size jar of salsa (store bought is fine)
6-7 chicken breasts (raw)
A packet of taco seasoning

1- take out you raw pieces of chicken, these bad boys are packen mad stacks of protein a piece. They are gonna get you buff as ****! These *****s are gonna crank you out of your ***. So what you want to is drop in about 6 or 7 of these raw badasses into you currently empty crockpot.

2-next we got some salsa, this stuff cranks. So dump the entire jar into a large bowl, and proceed to the next step *****!

3- dump the taco seasoning into the same bowl as the salsa, and mix dat **** up. You can also mix in spices and sauces of Spanish culture to the bowl, but it is not required.

4- next, dump the contents of the bowl into the crockpot and try to get it on all the prices of chicken.

5- Turn the crockpot on high and close the lid

6- play smash bros for like 6 hours cus that's how long this stuff takes to cook

7- open the crockpot and observe the sheer amount of deliciousness you have brought upon this world. If it is done, the chicken should come right apart when you grab it with tongs.

8- Now you put some chicken in a tortilla with cheese, salsa, lettuce, and sour cream

9- Now start Grubbin ***!

You usually start making this early in the day so in the middle of the day it is ready for grubbin.
It feeds a decent number of people




Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
I just realized I can't cook. Thanks.
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