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Timekeeper's Brawl Roster


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Timekeeper's Super Smash Bros. Brawl Roster

Mario Franchise

1) Mario

STARTER: Nintendo's mascot returns in a blaze of glory, looking better than ever and finally getting some innovative and competitively adapt moves.

2) Peach

STARTER: Mario's leading lady returns, looking not much different move wise then when we last saw her. Visually, though, she has been given quite an aesthetic face lift.

3) Bowser

STARTER: After failing massively in Melee, Bowser returns as one of Brawl's most dangerous veterans and his new deadly looks to match are hyping him up as one of the most exciting Veterans.

4) Luigi

UNLOCKABLE: Featuring moves based on his Poltergust 3000 and his Mario & Luigi RPG techniques, Luigi could be shaping up to step out of Mario's shadow and provide a unique experience.

5)Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario

UNLOCKABLE: The single most requested Mario Franchise Newcomer, Bowser Jr. would provide an interesting paintbrush based movset with a Shadow Mario down B transformation fulfilling the "Alternate Mario" space left open by Dr. Mario's departure.

6) Geno

UNLOCKABLE: Geno, being one of the top five requested Mario Newcomers and the second most requested Third Party character after Sonic, Geno is likely going to be included into Brawl. A cult favorite, Geno would be included under the Mario Franchise and while permission from Square Enix would be required, he wouldn't count as a Third Party franchise. (Image created by an IGN user)

Yoshi Franchise:

7) Yoshi

STARTER: One of the most popular characters to spin out of the Mario Franchise, in Brawl Yoshi is no longer permanently in Rider Stance and now looks to be an innovative and useful character.

WarioWare Franchise:

8) Wario

STARTER: Wario joins the fray with a costume and moveset that few would have predicted in Melee's time. Featuring a comically crude moveset, Wario looks to be a villain that won't soon be forgotten.

Donkey Kong Franchise:

9) Donkey Kong

STARTER: Donkey Kong, the hero of Kongo Jungle, and star of yet another Mario Franchise spin off. While Donkey Kong has often walked the line as an Anti-Hero, it's clear that this is one ape who's heroics will be proven in the Subspace Emissary.

10) Diddy Kong

STARTER: The Luigi to Donkey Kong's Mario, Diddy Kong enters the Smash Bros. series packing a punch. Donkey Kong's nephew features many Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong 64 moves

11) King K. Rool

UNLOCKABLE: The Bowser to Donkey Kong's Mario, King K. Rool would complete the villainous trinity (King Koopa/Bowser, King DeDeDe, and King K. Rool) and provide an interesting super heavy weight character (heavier than perhaps even Ike) with wild power but loose handling.

Legend of Zelda Franchise:

12) Link

STARTER: The hero of time arrives, bringing with him an arsenal of Twilight Princess moves. With the Zelda Franchise reborn with the latest games, Link and company don't look to be going anywhere anytime soon.

13) Zelda

STARTER: Zelda is stepping up as her own woman now, ditching the Shiek she once hid behind. Now bringing with her into the fray some new Twilight Princess moves just like Link, Zelda may be losing some support from Shiek fans.

14) Ganondorf

UNLOCKABLE: Ganondorf, now a heavy weight swordsman with flashy dark magic techniques, appears with his own moveset now in Twilight Princess. Ganondorf would be moderately fast, with a lot of long range magic and close range sword slashes.

15) WindWaker Link

UNLOCKABLE: Young Link returns, only in an exciting new flavor. With an entire array of moveset potential from both WindWaker and Phantom Hourglass, this Link would give us a cartoony and playful experience.

16) Vaati

UNLOCKABLE: The cell-shaded villain is easily the second most important villain in the Zelda franchise and his wind magic would provide an interesting and original moveset. Vaati's inclusion would also ensure that WindWaker Link is not alone on the roster as far as cell shaded characters go.

Kirby Franchise:

17) Kirby

STARTER: Kirby, the former king of Super Smash Bros. and prized creation of director Masahiro Sakurai, returns with an upgrade and a powerful cast of characters for his franchise.

18)Meta Knight

STARTER: The anti-hero and arguably coolest character of the Kirby franchise, Meta Knight appears to be a mix of Kirby and a character from Fire Emblem, as far as game play goes. He's shaping up to be one of the most popular newcomers.

19) King DeDeDe

STARTER: King DeDeDe, the sometimes hero sometimes villain of the Kirby series, appears as the second part of the Royal Villain Trinity, bringing another much needed heavyweight into the series. This heavyweight comes with a twist though- limited flight abilities!


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Metroid Franchise

20) Samus/Zero Suit Samus

STARTER: Samus returns, back and better than ever with a new transformation into Zero Suit Samus, Metroid fans now get two characters for the price of one!

21) Ridley

UNLOCKABLE: Ridley will be an amazing character addition to Smash Bros. With his stage and theme music already in the game, he is all but confirmed. He'll be rounding out the Metorid Franchise as another amazing fighter.

Star Fox Franchise

22) Fox McCloud

STARTER: The hero and leader of Nintendo's other science fiction series, this ace pilot is going to be blasting his way into Brawl, although he won't be quite as powerful as before.

23) Krystal

UNLOCKABLE: Nintendo's other princess will be making her way into Brawl, and I expect it to be as a playable character. Doubters need only look to Krystal's mystical staff as a way to escape a clone moveset. Plus, she adds another female to the fray.

24) Falco Lombardi

UNLOCKABLE: Falco's sporting new red and gray duds along with a new weapon powerhouse moveset that will take away his clone aspects without taking away anything from the character. Former Falco fans won't be pleased no matter what the changes, unfortunately.

Pokemon Franchise:

25) Pikachu

STARTER: The electric rodent is back, folks, and I don't think we'll be seeing much differences here. One of the most recognizable faces of Nintendo, Pikachu is prepared to fight!

26)Pokemon Trainer

STARTER: Red joins the fight and brings with him his all-star line up of Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard. This brings in a lot of first generation support for Pokemon which is why I believe Pokemon Trainer has bumped Mewtwo off of the Pokemon Lineup with the aid of one other newcomer.

27) Jigglypuff

UNLOCKABLE: The annoying puffball is back, unfortunately. Jigglypuff will likely be the last first generation Pokemon character for future installments of Smash Bros.

28) Lucario

UNLOCKABLE: Boasting a "Mewtwo done right" moveset and a cool design to boot, Lucario is the newcomer that is helping to kick Mewtwo out. A movie star and icon of the Fourth Generation, Lucario's fighting/steel and spirit moves will be helping him knock the competition away.

29) Plusle & Minun

UNLOCKABLE; I'm going to see a lot of crap for this suggestion, but I think Plusle and Minun would make a great pair of Pokemon. Imagine Pikachu, but faster and with much different moves. Then imagine using two at the same time, ala Ice Climbers. Plusle and Minun (with the Pichu Bros as an alternate costume) would bring a nice tag team aspect to the Pokemon Franchise and also fit nicely with the rest of the Pokemon Roster.

F-Zero Franchise

30) Captain Falcon

STARTER: The Captain returns, this time a little watered down and a little faster. Captain Falcon will be a popular character as always, only I expect him to be much more on an even playing field with the other characters.

31) Black Shadow

UNLOCKABLE: Captain Falcon's arch rival appears and should have a darker, slightly slower and varied version of Captain Falcon's movset, Black Shadow would be the prime choice for tthe second F-Zero rep.

Mother Franchise

32) Lucas

STARTER: Lucas, AKA the Ness Killer, joins Brawl after narrowly missing the mark in Melee. Everything about Lucas screams "NESS BUT BETTER" and I for one welcome the change!

33) Claus

UNLOCKABLE: Claus, the Masked Boy, provides a unique and villainous character to the deprived Mother Franchise. His cybernetic and darker mysterious moves would be great for Brawl.

34) Kumatora

UNLOCKABLE: Rounding out the Mother franchise is Kumatora, the pink haired girl who would use moves from Duster, Pokey, and some of the moves dropped from Ness to create a unique moveset to bulk up the roster.

Fire Emblem Franchise

35) Ike

STARTER: The heavyweight swordsman boasting a "Roy created correctly" movset, Ike is a powerful and dangerous character. While slow, he can KO at very low percentage points, blasting the competition.

36) Marth

STARTER: The icon of Fire Emblem, Marth returns with a slightly faster and improved moveset. Marth and Ike would be polar opposites, and therefore work wonders in two versus two matches.

37) Micaiah

UNLOCKABLE: Micaiah is a recent and fresh face of the Fire Emblem franchise. She's a female, which is a plus, and the game she starred in was also released in America, which is another plus. She adds yet another magic user to the game, evening things out a bit.

Pikmin Franchise:

38)Captain Olimar

UNLOCKABLE: Shigeru Miyamoto's newest hit creation, Captain Olimar and his Pikmin would bring a fun and innovative moveset to Brawl. Olimar represents a newer franchise to NIntendo and would really up the ante for Brawl.

Kid Icarus Franchise:

39) Pit

STARTER: Pit returns from the dark ages of gaming with a fresh anime inspired look and an original bow and arrow based moveset. Pit represents the earlier stages of Nintendo and really increases hope for a Kid Icarus Wiiquel.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Ice Climbers Franchise:

39) Ice Climbers

STARTER: Nana and Popo return to the fray and aside from their improved visuals, don't look much different.

Animal Crossing Franchise:

40) Villager

STARTER: The nondescript hero of the Animal Crossing series, the Villager enters Brawl with a wide array of item based moves including the fishing pole, wood cutting axe, shovel, and slingshot. Wearing the signature Horned Hat and worker's clothes to differ himself from the villagers in the background.

Custom Robo Franchise:

41) Ray MK II

UNLOCKABLE: The custom robo series has seriously been ignored so far and now that it's been making it's round world wide, it's only natural that Custom Robo gets repped in Brawl. Ray would have an easy to create and unique moveset that would be perfect for Brawl.

Golden Sun Franchise:

42) Isaac

UNLOCKABLE: Isaac's inclusion in Brawl would be the prime factor in keeping Fire Emblem down to three reps. Isaac would have an interesting moveset, consisting of both psynergy and sword strikes.

Balloon Fight Franchise:

43) Balloon Fighter

UNLOCKABLE: After nearly being included in Melee (much in the same vein Lucas was), Balloon Fighter is back in Smash Bros. for Brawl, with an original and interesting moveset, Balloon Fighter also allows Tingle to be playable as an alternate costume. (fanart by Jigglysama)

Advanced Wars Franchise:

44) Andy

UNLOCKABLE: Andy makes the perfect character for Brawl. Switching between using smaller vehicular based moves and weaponry moves, he would provide an interesting and fun to play as character.

Mysterious Murusame Castle Franchise:

45) Takamaru

UNLOCKABLE: Takamaru would be a great addition to the roster as a popular Japan only samurai with an interesting moveset and style.

Game and Watch Franchise:

46) Mr. Game and Watch

UNLOCKABLE: Mr. Game and Watch returns virtually unchanged, why let a good moveset go to waste? Also, he now has the new icon which goes for both the original Game and Watch series and the DS franchise.

Joy Mech Fight Franchise:

47) Sukapon

UNLOCKABLE: The perfect WTF? character for brawl.

Third Party Franchises:

48) Solid Snake

UNLOCKABLE: What can be said that hasn't already been said?

49) Sonic the Hedgehog

UNLOCKABLE: The blue blur enters Brawl! Sonic was the most requested character, third party or otherwise, and now his few doubters are feeling the sting of retribution!

50) Megaman

UNLOCKABLE: There's no doubt that Megaman is going to be the next third party character, as he's the most requested after Sonic and is very popular among the fanbase.

Mario: Mario, Peach, Bowser, Luigi, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, Geno (6)

WarioWare: Wario (1)

Zelda: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, WW Link, Vaati (5)

Pokemon: Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Jigglypuff, Plusle&Minun, Lucario (5)

Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool (3)

Yoshi: Yoshi (1)

Metroid: Samus/ZSS, Ridley (2)

Starfox: Fox, Krystal, Falco (3)

Kirby: Kirby, Metaknight, King DeDeDe (3)

F-Zero: Captain Falcon, Black Shadow (2)

Mother: Lucas, Kumatora, Claus (3)

New Nintendo: Isaac, Villager, Ray MK 01, Andy, Captain Olimar (6)

Retro: Ice Climbers, Pit, Balloon Fighter, Game and Watch (4)

Japan Exclusives: Takamaru, Sukapon (2)

Third Party: Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman (3)


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
No to Vaati, Plusle and Minum, and Takamaru.
And add Dark Samus Mewtwo and Midna.
Otherwise, the roster is good, but it's just a little too many.
I would say this is pretty much a list of the only characters that have a chance of joining the roster.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2007
I love Plusle and Minum, dunno why everyone hates them, just cause they are cute doesnt mean they cant fight


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Plusel&Minun= Pichu+Iceclimbers?

Blackshadow = Ganondorfs Melee Moveset becuase evereyone -knows- Hes coming back with a new moveset.

Jigglypuff last 1st Gen? pikachu much?

Edit: whoops nevermind. read it wrong. nevermind -.-;

Marth for brawl!


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Wow. Plusle and Minum. Worst idea ever. Especially when you didn't even include Mewtwo!

Sorry but there's no way some less important characters like Lucario and the crappy Pichu clones Plusle and Minum are going to replace Mewtwo.

At least you have Geno and Isaac.

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I don't agree with Wind Waker Link, Bowser jr. and Pulse and minun. I also think Vaati would be better as an AT, because nobody knows who he is. I also don't know how Andy would work, even though I'd love to see him. And Mewtwo WILL come back. I doubt Lucario could replace him.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
I heard rumors of Bowser Jr. and WW Link. And a lot of people know who Vaati is.
(Unless you've been living in a cave and haven't been playing Foru Swords or Minish Cap)

Can't say much on Mewtwo, but Lucario is pretty much wanted.

I can't believe no one has mentioned Klonoa!!


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I heard rumors of Bowser Jr. and WW Link.
I'm assuming that the very rumor you heard also said that Ice Climbers weren't coming back. It was proved wrong a long time ago. Like more than a year ago.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
I didn't add anything, but I made a few removals. Some just for realistic reasons and others because I don't want them in XD

Mario: Mario, Peach, Bowser, Luigi, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, Geno (5)

WarioWare: Wario (1)

Zelda: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, WW Link, Vaati (3)

Pokemon: Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario (4)

Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool (3)

Yoshi: Yoshi (1)

Metroid: Samus/ZSS, Ridley (2)

Starfox: Fox, Krystal, Falco (3)

Kirby: Kirby, Metaknight, King DeDeDe (3)

F-Zero: Captain Falcon, Black Shadow (2)

Mother: Lucas, Kumatora, Claus (2)

New Nintendo: Isaac, Villager, Ray MK 01, Andy, Captain Olimar (3)

Retro: Ice Climbers, Pit, Balloon Fighter, Game and Watch (3)

Japan Exclusives: Takamaru, Sukapon (1)

Third Party: Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman (3)


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
What's wrong with Andy and Captain Olimar?

and why'd you cross out Mewtwo when he wasn't on Timekeeper's list in the first place?


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Lucario is far more likely than Mewtwo.

And Balloon Fighter IS on there, I just have to fix the image.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Lucario is far more likely than Mewtwo.

And Balloon Fighter IS on there, I just have to fix the image.
how is lucario more likely in than mewtwo? mewtwo was the original pokemon villia, the first and most original legendary, and the most powerful. lucario was just in some dumb pokemon movie and isn't even legendary. also they aren't even similar at all. so tell me again why lucario is replacing mewtwo.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Lucario is more requested as far as polls and stuff go.

Also, I know my roster has only fifty characters, but I can't figure out where my counting mistake is.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
how is lucario more likely in than mewtwo? mewtwo was the original pokemon villia, the first and most original legendary, and the most powerful. lucario was just in some dumb pokemon movie and isn't even legendary. also they aren't even similar at all. so tell me again why lucario is replacing mewtwo.
Aha! But Lucario is pretty prominent, is he not?


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Do we really need a new thread like this everyday?
If you don't want to look at my roster just ignore it, don't come in and act like an idjit.

Oh and this roster is, in case people are wondering, assuming we're getting fifty characters. I have another roster which operates on the basis of only fourty characters, but I think we're getting fifty.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
Lucario is not more likely than M2 >_<
Besides, one cannot replace the other and there's no reason to get rid of him.
Therefore, add him and get rid of P&M, who is ICs+Pichu, and another electric rat.

Lucario is more requested as far as polls and stuff go.
Sources plz? Because M2 wouldn't be on a poll asking for newcomers, so if you're using that, it won't work.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
What's wrong with Andy and Captain Olimar?

and why'd you cross out Mewtwo when he wasn't on Timekeeper's list in the first place?
Andy just because of moveset issues, if Sakurai can come up with something, then I am all for him, but I just don't see how it's going to happen.

Olimar for similar reasons, although he would be easier to come up with a GOOD moveset for in the end. I think he would make a better AT than playable character though.

Mewtwo was on the bottom of his list, in his summary. I figure Lucario will replace Mewtwo, although I don't care either way as long as the character is decent. I don't see both of them getting in though.

Actually those other two electric mice were not in his summary. I think he messed up there. I just went by the summary to cross things off.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Miami Florida
No one's complaining about Isaac's inclusion, that's a good sign.

There are a few I disagree with, but over all, it's pretty good.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Yeah, the summary at the bottom of the list was a bit outdated.

Why do people rally so much for Mewtwo's inclusion, when Mewtwo was terrible? He's a lower tier than Pichu, so why is there really any support for him?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Red/Blue/Green/Yellow are THE important games since they are firsst gen (AKA the best generation)


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
In your opinion they may be the best but they don't have to be the only generation included.

Ruby and Sapphire was a well needed reboot for the series.


Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2007
North Carolina
Pikachu, Red, and Jigglypuff is all the pokemon we need. Adding anything else is just overdoing it IMO.

And lucario would be more agile than mew2, kinda like Fox, maybe a bit heavier, but almost as fast.
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