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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
How would Ridley not contribute to balance, as the opposite of Little Mac who contributes to balance? A character who is ridiculous on the ground and weak in the air is about as grassed as one who is ridiculous in the air and weak on the ground.

And really, Ridley would be weak on the ground, where he would be most vulnerable. So he has more survivability than Little Mac to compensate.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Looking at Sakurai's criteria:
- The character's inclusion must make people want to buy the game.
- The character must be unique
- The character must fit into the style of Super Smash Bros.
- They must contribute to the game balance.

He would probably be unique, he'll make people buy the game, he fits into the Smash Bros universe.
But does he contribute to game balance despite how complicated he is to make model, balance, and animation wise?

Just a question I wanted to ask.
Pretty important question, I haven't really thought about this in terms of game balance with Ridley.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Hm. You literally have to frame-by-frame it - but you can see him grabbing and holding Pikachu with his feet, his little Pika tail dangling downwards. Can't really make out what happens after. But I want to post a few screens of what I see once I get this up in Vegas.
Nah, you don't have to frame-by-frame it. you can see it easily normally. It's just easy to miss.

Wait a minute, remember someone said that Yellow Devil had a Player 2 symbol above its head and that might hint towards playable bosses via gamepad?

Well GameXplain just pointed out that the player icon indicates which character got the final blow on it before exploding, so the argument that Ridley will be a playable boss (but not a true roster character) might be debunked.
Yeah I think someone already shut down his argument with that info, but I'm not about to go back and check to see if he didn't get an answer.
I like the idea of playable bosses being an optional mode or something though.

Pretty important question, I haven't really thought about this in terms of game balance with Ridley.
Are you aware that you just quoted yourself? :bubblebobble:
My thoughts are similar to Majora_787's. However, we haven't seen Ridley's gameplay yet.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Wait a minute, remember someone said that Yellow Devil had a Player 2 symbol above its head and that might hint towards playable bosses via gamepad?

Well GameXplain just pointed out that the player icon indicates which character got the final blow on it before exploding, so the argument that Ridley will be a playable boss (but not a true roster character) might be debunked.
This playable boss stuff scares me he could crush Ridley, mewtwo, and king k Rools fans in one swift stupid blow.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Yes, I simply posted on this page just so everyone can have their answer on it.
Ah, I see. Since people are usually too lazy to go to previous pages.

This playable boss stuff scares me he could crush Ridley, mewtwo, and king k Rools fans in one swift stupid blow.
When I think of playable bosses, I think of the bosses being huge. However, it'd be either a balancing nightmare, or some silly unbalanced mode. So they probably won't have a playable boss thing going on.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Ah, I see. Since people are usually too lazy to go to previous pages.

When I think of playable bosses, I think of the bosses being huge. However, it'd be either a balancing nightmare, or some silly unbalanced mode. So they probably won't have a playable boss thing going on.
The pictures from game FAQ may have prooved the camera was zoomed in to give the illusion that ridley is hugehuge


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
The pictures from game FAQ may have prooved the camera was zoomed in to give the illusion that ridley is hugehuge
The camera is zoomed way in, the only character around is Pikachu who is on the far small end of the spectrum, and the shadow itself is skewed. Aside from that the only part of Ridley we see aside from his shadow is his tail as it flies right by the zoomed in camera. It's a really bizarre illusion being created.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
The pictures from game FAQ may have prooved the camera was zoomed in to give the illusion that ridley is hugehuge
I kinda assumed that from the start since we were so gosh darn close to the stage. Being so close to the stage was a little distracting making me go "Why the heck are we so close, why do you want to look at Pikachu?". Probably one of the many reasons why I didn't panic like crazy like many people.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
Still I wonder something :
Why is the Yellow Devil the most hyped boss this far when you have a character like Ridley that the whole smash fanbase knows and would be the perfect candidate to represent the boss concept ?

Why would he keep such a boss hidden while giving the Yellow Devil so much attention, I mean the Yellow Devil was at E3, appears in pics of the day and have a full part of this direct dedicate to him and meanwhile you have a 10 seconds video of Ridley's shadow, a fan favorite ?

Why ? I don't know anything about the Yellow Devil, but is he as much important to the Megaman series and Capcom than Ridley is to the Metroid series and Nintendo ?

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Before brawl, the big four everybody knew were going to be the stars of the newcomer class were Olimar, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Krystal. We'll....only one of those happened. This time, the big four are Little Mac, Ridley, Mewtwo, and Palutena. We know Mac is in, the other three...who the hell knows what's going on at the Big N but short of a reveal we won't know until the game releases.

Regardless, I sincerely doubt that we'll see a Mewtwo or Ridley announcement even if they are in the game for quite some time. We know Sakurai doesn't reveal unlockables prior to launch (sans 3rd parties), and I'd be pretty shocked if those two weren't unlockables.

As for people arguing that Ridley floating in the video proved anything...Mewtwo floated in melee, he didn't walk.
Do you really think Lucario and Grebinja will be starters
and all the nario chars?


Smash Cadet
Mar 23, 2014
A little thing I found cool. We all know that the height comparisons between Samus and Little Mac flared a few brows but I want to point out (if it hasn't already) that in the Greninja trailer has Samus shooting at Charizard, a dragon-like creature. hint hint hint


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Still I wonder something :
Why is the Yellow Devil the most hyped boss this far when you have a character like Ridley that the whole smash fanbase knows and would be the perfect candidate to represent the boss concept ?

Why would he keep such a boss hidden while giving the Yellow Devil so much attention, I mean the Yellow Devil was at E3, appears in pics of the day and have a full part of this direct dedicate to him and meanwhile you have a 10 seconds video of Ridley's shadow, a fan favorite ?

Why ? I don't know anything about the Yellow Devil, but is he as much important to the Megaman series and Capcom than Ridley is to the Metroid series and Nintendo ?
Megaman is probably the most welcomed of the original newcomers that were announced. Yellow Devil was probably easy to make so he probably was made first. Put them together and that's why he got so much attention.

From what I've heard from many Megaman fans, Megaman isn't important to Capcom, but maybe that's just the vocal minority speaking again. As for Ridley I think they are building up for something special.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Megaman is probably the most welcomed of the original newcomers that were announced. Yellow Devil was probably easy to make so he probably was made first. Put them together and that's why he got so much attention.

From what I've heard from many Megaman fans, Megaman isn't important to Capcom, but maybe that's just the vocal minority speaking again. As for Ridley I think they are building up for something special.
No they aren't lying, Capcom has been sucking lately.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2014
you know i pretty much had the same thing, while i did panic a little - when i saw the shadow the first thing i thought was '' well at least he isn't too big ''

like i said before - i see it this way; sakurai is playing a game, and is on no-ones side. first he started the game by saying an enemy from samus her past may appear at any second, he threw up the ball. people could interpret that however they wanted. he toyed a little with us all showing certain views of the pyrosphere. then he started to choose a side, kind of. he gave us the mother brain assist - on the pyrosphere, the nintendogs size comparison, the mac size comparison. even finished with the metroid assist one day before the direct.

then the direct happened; and the tables were turn again. now we supporters might look ''stupid'', but remember that nothing has been confirmed at all yet.

i think we might be teased again soon, and again, and then he might change things up again. they keep using the yellow devil and '' another boss appearance''. even the official social media pages of smash bros are doing it. and we all know already who he is talking about. it's going to be dragged all along - they might even reveal new boss appearances in the mean time - until the time people - not us supporters - don't even lookt at it anymore.

and then, when it hits; it hits.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
A little thing I found cool. We all know that the height comparisons between Samus and Little Mac flared a few brows but I want to point out (if it hasn't already) that in the Greninja trailer has Samus shooting at Charizard, a dragon-like creature. hint hint hint
Samus - Ridley is her Rival
Link - Volvagia, Argorok, those unicorn dragons from the original Zelda. I'm sure I'm missing some dragons.
Mario - Bowser is basicly a giant turtle/dragon hybrid (no wings though)
Kirby - Fights large bosses regularly, Ridley's boss fight was kirby-like (as with most boss fights but still). Defeated Landia (a dragon)
Olimar - Not familiar with Pikmin, does he ever fight a dragon.... but he quite well known for fighting things that are too big.

Yay for crazy theories.

No they aren't lying, Capcom has been sucking lately.
Yeah, I wonder when they'll get better.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
For now I'm leaving this thread and Smash Boards over all. There's nothing else to say for me & I feel like were just marking time. Though, I'd be glad to see you all back when E3 hits. I really enjoyed discussing and reading through your posts. Till then, don't lose hope yet.
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Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Alright. As mentioned on the last page, here's my interpretation of the footage.

First off...
It's definitely Other M Ridley. Besides the tail spike, some other noteworthy features.

The spikes on his arms seen right around when Ridley's shadow appears, (pardon the really crude outline)

and his notorious duck bill face, a little further into the video.

Now the interesting part people have started pointing out.
Ridley is grabbing Pikachu.

Can't see it?
I'll slow it down a little...

Pause #1: Ridley's grab animation begins; he reaches out with a massive hand to the out of screen Pikachu.
Pause #2: Ridley hoists Pikachu in his hands. To me, it looks like he's placing Pikachu in his feet, like how an eagle grabs its prey. Still hard to make out what's going on here.
Pause #3: A full-body shot of Ridley and Pikachu.

Yellow blotch is what I see as Pikachu, purple line is what I see as Ridley's tail. The shadow to the right of the tail could be either Ridley's arm or leg shadow.

Lastly, after a few seconds of grab animation, Pikachu breaks free of Ridley's grasp, like any fighter does when grabbed for too long and not thrown. It's only a few frames long, so it can be hard to miss, but it's right before Ridley resumes flying across the stage. Pikachu's tail is outlined in yellow.

It's not much, but it does raise one interesting question to me. Boss grabs (Master Hand, Crazy Hand, even Tabuu's whip) all activate an attack animation where they squeeze/pummel the opponent. Here, Ridley is very clearly holding Pikachu but not doing anything other than flying idle, swaying back and forth for several seconds. Why?
...Also, why is Ridley only shown as a shadow?

Curse you all for giving me hope.
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
For now I'm leaving this thread and Smash Boards over all. There's nothing else to say for me & I feel like were just marking time. Though, I'd be glad to see you all back when E3 hits. I really enjoyed discussing and reading through your posts. Till then, don't lose hope yet.
Thanks for hanging around to talk in the first place. We'll see you later. I'm not worried at all about Ridley at this point. Can't wait for E3.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England

People are disappointed that Ridley would be a stage hazard.......but do you think that Ridley would be ONLY A STAGE HAZARD?

Ridley has the capability to be BOTH a stage hazard and a playable character.
I think that Sakurai is building hype by making us think that Ridley's fate is sealed as a stage hazard....I guess we just have to wait for E3 2014.

If Ridley is chosen as a playable character in the Pyrosphere.......nothing shows up as a stage hazard since the stage hazard himself is on the battlefield.
This would make Ridley a unique one-of-a-kind character.
He always says ''May appear''
says it in thr dirrct and the trauma pic i guess he appears depending on if your playing as him or not.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
There's only one thing I want to see more than Ridley at this point. And if I'm lucky, they'll both come true at E3.

Worst case scenario though, we get teased a THIRD time, and have to wait another month or two for the roster to come out.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Alright. As mentioned on the last page, here's my interpretation of the footage.

First off...
It's definitely Other M Ridley. Besides the tail spike, some other noteworthy features.

The spikes on his arms seen right around when Ridley's shadow appears, (pardon the really crude outline)

and his notorious duck bill face, a little further into the video.

Now the interesting part people have started pointing out.
Ridley is grabbing Pikachu.

Can't see it?
I'll slow it down a little...

Pause #1: Ridley's grab animation begins; he reaches out with a massive hand to the out of screen Pikachu.
Pause #2: Ridley hoists Pikachu in his hands. To me, it looks like he's placing Pikachu in his feet, like how an eagle grabs its prey. Still hard to make out what's going on here.
Pause #3: A full-body shot of Ridley and Pikachu.

Lastly, after a few seconds of grab animation, Pikachu breaks free of Ridley's grasp, like any fighter does when grabbed for too long and not thrown. It's only a few frames long, so it can be hard to miss, but it's right before Ridley resumes flying across the stage. Pikachu's tail is outlined in yellow.

It's not much, but it does raise one interesting question to me. Boss grabs (Master Hand, Crazy Hand, even Tabuu's whip) all activate an attack animation where they squeeze/pummel the opponent. Here, Ridley is very clearly holding Pikachu but not doing anything other than flying idle, swaying back and forth for several seconds. Why?
...Also, why is Ridley only shown as a shadow?

Curse you all for giving me hope.
Ah thank you very much for summarizing lots of the things we've seen about the shadow in the thread, but placing it in one big post with images. Hope you don't mind me linking these images later so I can just copy+paste a message so we dont have to have 5 people explain Ridley's Shadow when someone asks about it.

There's only one thing I want to see more than Ridley at this point. And if I'm lucky, they'll both come true at E3.

Worst case scenario though, we get teased a THIRD time, and have to wait another month or two for the roster to come out.
Meow, just curious, what is the one thing you want to see more than Ridley?


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
While I usually talk about Medusa pretty exclusively for a number of reasons, my most wanted thing is a Palutena vs Medusa double reveal trailer which would be fantastic for E3. But that's obviously not Ridley-oriented. Unless Ridley shows up in the trailer and makes everyone uncomfortable. :p


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
I think the important thing to note is that if Ridley IS playable, it certainly isn't as the Ridley that flew by on Pyrosphere. That one bit you see of his tail is so low-rez, there's no way it's from a playable character.

The only chance Ridley has now is the original (non-clone) Ridley to be playable.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I think the important thing to note is that if Ridley IS playable, it certainly isn't as the Ridley that flew by on Pyrosphere. That one bit you see of his tail is so low-rez, there's no way it's from a playable character.

The only chance Ridley has now is the original (non-clone) Ridley to be playable.
I think anything would look more low-res than it is if you zoomed in on it enough. I'm just saying. Even if it's a playable character.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
So guys...

Listening to some music, making some considerations (about 8 hours ago)...



*Picks his worn down weapon of debating and stands tall once more.*

...I'm getting back into this. Just once more.

Consider me once again believing that Ridley will be PLAYABLE.

I had to realize that I'm not and should not be the kind of person that gives up hope out of fear of hurt and disappointment. Not when I TRULY want something. Call it a life lesson, but it still needs to apply here, even if ultimately over a video game.

I just think if a bunch of other people can stand firm in the face of Tuesday's direct, I can to.
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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
It's me, or judging by his shadow Ridley looks very stiff animated? maybe Sakurai is tricking us to believe things?
Nah, probaly Ridley is in a very early state of his development as a boss.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
So guys...

Listening to some music, making some considerations (about 8 hours ago)...



*Picks his worn down weapon of debating and stands tall once more.*

...I'm getting back into this. Just once more.

Consider me once again believing that Ridley will be PLAYABLE.

I had to realize that I'm not and should not be the kind of person that gives up hope out of fear of hurt and disappointment. Not when I TRULY want something. Call it a life lesson, but it still needs to apply here, even if ultimately over a video game.

I just think if a bunch of other people can stand firm in the face of Tuesday's direct, I can to.
Things are not always as they seem. Especially with Sakurai. Just make sure your little life lesson doesn't make you paranoid about everything. Strike a balance. :bubblebobble:


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
Guys, the answer as to why we only see Ridley's shadow is obvious, because Sakurai is foreshadowing his appearance in the future.


I'm sorry...
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
For now I'm leaving this thread and Smash Boards over all. There's nothing else to say for me & I feel like were just marking time. Though, I'd be glad to see you all back when E3 hits. I really enjoyed discussing and reading through your posts. Till then, don't lose hope yet.
See ya later, alligator. K. Rool for Smash!

Wii Twerk Trainer

Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2014
Lake elsinore
Sakurai is trolling. I highly doubt he'd want to do this crap on purpose to piss off fans. Ridley is gonna be playable he's just trolling really bad at this point


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014

I'm trying to stay positive for Ridley....so I let him have a little bit of fun...quick sketchy drawing as always...
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Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
Things are not always as they seem. Especially with Sakurai. Just make sure your little life lesson doesn't make you paranoid about everything. Strike a balance. :bubblebobble:
Paranoid about what? What do you mean balance? I'm not crazy! Stop assuming you know me! THAT'S IT I'M DONE WITH YOU GUYS!! I'M DONE WITH EVERYTHING!!! *deletes account and breaks computer*


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2009
Jacksonville FL

Don't worry i found a leaked photo of ridley's smash 4 character since everyone wants him scaled down and not true his actual apperance.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....

Don't worry i found a leaked photo of ridley's smash 4 character since everyone wants him scaled down and not true his actual apperance.
If Spyro ever came into smash, he could easily be one of my mains.

Pointless story time:
Spyro was basicly the main reason why I wanted to get a Playstation for the longest time. I loved it for the very short time I was able to play it. I was incredibly surprised to not see Spyro or Crash Bandicoot in Playstation All-Stars. However, my knowledge of playstation is limited, as everyone who owns one in my town almost never plays on the playstation for some reason. They just leave it around to collect dust.
Anyways, I've always loved dragon characters (especially when they are intelligent and clever), especially when I was younger. Little annoying that I don't know exactly why I have a weakness for dragon characters, but whatever. :bubblebobble: Though, when dragons are just mindless beasts it's annoying. I don't really view Charizard as mindless because of how he acts sometimes in the anime. He's not just destroying everything in his path, he's just fighting because he's full of himself and has some pride to it and leads to competition. Though, with the many expressions he makes in the anime helped a lot (when I still watched the anime that is). Normally I don't like the personality type that Charizard has, but somehow the anime makes it work.

Ridley on the other hand is a special case. For me, it was the first time a character in a game was wrecking my ****, without actually beating me *cough* NES Meta Knight *cough* (yes there are other non-nintendo chars on the NES that did the same thing). Then later on in the game, Ridley did a vile thing by having his actual boss fight after those friggin Ninja Space Pirates (which wounded me greatly) and after a ton of enemies without a save point. Not only that, but the intimidation factor of how fast he moves, and the spammy fireballs he made. In Metroid Prime, he was awesome the first time I fought him, but way too easy because I got a bunch of energy tanks, and there wasn't any reason to be injured beforehand. Any other playthrough his first phase where he flies is annoying as heck because I have to wait so long and it's pretty easy to avoid his attacks, but I do love the speed of his attacks in the second form when he's on the ground. I haven't had the pleasure of fighting Ridley in any other game yet (someday!), but I've watched people fight him and he looks cool every time.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
Wait a minute, remember someone said that Yellow Devil had a Player 2 symbol above its head and that might hint towards playable bosses via gamepad?

Well GameXplain just pointed out that the player icon indicates which character got the final blow on it before exploding, so the argument that Ridley will be a playable boss (but not a true roster character) might be debunked.
Yellow Devil had an Indicator above it's head to show who hit it last.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2014
The Pokemon World
I wonder if ridley's reveal trailer will be a reference to super metroid
or Other M.

Edit: And if your wondering why I listed these its because other M is connected to super metroid and both reveal ridley with glowing eyes.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I wonder if ridley's reveal trailer will be a reference to super metroid
or Other M.

Edit: And if your wondering why I listed these its because other M is connected to super metroid and both reveal ridley with glowing eyes.
When Other Ridley made his intro, that was probably the clone's most badass moment in its final stage. Came off literally like a bat out of hell.

But then when he comes out of the shadows we saw the rest of his design. :urg: During that short moment in the gif though he looked pretty badass. So regardless of the role, I hope Other Ridley at least makes an entrance like that.

And this might be a long shot, but the thing with Ridley and shadows in the direct... Was it possibly taken from this part of the manga? Look at Ridley's shadow at the bottom.

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