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The Official Thread For the Sal Romano/Gematsu Leak

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Deleted member

The Official Thread For the Sal Romano/Gematsu Leak

This is the official thread to discuss everything and anything related to the Sal Romano/Gematsu leak. I have talked to the moderators about creating a new thread and they have approved this thread. If new information regarding the leak comes by, please make sure to post it in the thread. I will immediately add it to the OP. Expect this thread to be updated relatively frequently.

What exactly is the leak about?
The Sal Romano/Gematsu Leak is a long on-going leak that has remained alive for nearly a year and yet to be disproved in any way so far. On June 10th, 2013, Sal Romano stated an "unlikely prediction" where he leaked out Mega Man, Animal Crossing Guy (which turned out to be Villager), Wii Fit Trainer, Little Mac, Mii and Pac-Man. After Mega Man, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer were confirmed, the article was then quickly posted on Gematsu. CAW Evolution, a well known fighting game leaker, verified Sal Romano as legitimate the next day. Gematsu then posted another leak on April 8th, 2014 (the same day as the Smash Direct) by the same person containing five characters; Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, Chorus Men and a Pokémon from X & Y (which turned out to be Greninja/Gekkouga). To this date, the leak has yet to be confirmed true, although so far, there has only been evidence pointing towards its legitimacy (such as the reveal of Wii Fit Trainer and no character from this list being disconfirmed yet). Right before E3 2014, Sal Romano leaked various information that would be announced there such as character DLC and that Lucas is likely going to get cut. Whenever or not this is the case remains to be seen.

Before you post...:
Do note that there are rules that must be followed while posting in the thread and that things will be handled quite differently from the Leak & Rumors thread that plague this forum just recently. Moderators will be heavily watching over these forums to limit drama in this thread, so please keep all of these things in mind while discussing the leak.

STRICT MODERATION ARE PRESENT: The Rumors & Leak thread was a complete mess. Too many people went off-topic and flame wars were frequent. Keeping the thread afloat was hell for the moderating staff and since leak threads have the tendency to do that, expect the moderating staff to be strict.

ALL DISCUSSION MUST BE RELEVANT TO THE LEAK: There are no successors to the Rumor & Leak thread. This thread's primary purpose is to discuss Sal Romano/Getmatsu's leak, not to discuss the latest false rumor created by a person to get his fifteen minutes of fame or to complain about your next door neighbor. The reason why this leak has a thread is because the leak hasn't been dismissed within minutes of creation and in fact, has legitimate evidence supporting the leak. No other leaks may be discussed here UNLESS you are trying to discuss a leak with relevance to the Sal Romano/Gematsu Leak.

THERE WILL BE MINIMAL TO NO SPECULATION DISCUSSION ALLOWED: There are numerous other threads where you can discuss the possibility of X character getting into the next Smash or speculation other aspects of the game. Use them, don't clog up this thread with Fire Emblem General or discussing whenever or not Ridley is going to be playable.

THIS THREAD IS NOT USED TO CONTACT SAL ROMANO TO OBTAIN LEAK INFORMATION ABOUT CHARACTERS: This thread is used for discussing the leak. It will NOT be used for getting Sal Romano to obtain information for leaking more characters and it won't be used for you to become one of the bazillion people to bother Sal Romano about this. If you come into this thread trying to start a campaign to get Sal Romano to go out and leak more characters because you think you deserve to know, it will be harshly punished. Sal Romano is going to obtain leak information what he gets and constantly asking him if Ridley/King K. Rool/Mewtwo are in is disrespectful and doesn't take into account that he is a busy person and is not Sakurai.


Can we discuss the validity of the leak?
Of course. The purpose of this thread is to discuss anything and everything in regards to the Sal Romano leak and that does include discussing whenever or not the leak is valid. Feel free to take either side, just make sure to keep in mind the opposing arguments.

Does Sal Romano directly leak the information himself?

No. Sal Romano does not directly leak the information, he gets his information from a tipper. When Sal Romano is able to leak information, it is when the tipper gives him access to said information, not when Sal Romano feels like leaking it.

Notable Posts:
Scoliosis Jones's #341
Well I'm finally home. I'll take my time with this one.

I see a lot of the detractors of this leak state that it's definitely just a lucky guess, or the guy is making it up and running with it. Let's run a background check on our friend Sal Romano.

Sal Romano:
-Owner of a website
-has leaked legitimate information before
-would lose credibility should he be wrong
(yet guesses Wii Fit Trainer who, prior to E3, would have been shot down by basically 99.9999% of the Smash Bros fanbase. Don't even try to argue that.) Animal Crossing Guy, to the average joe isn't a questionable choice, but to the people who follow Sakurai and the series very closely, it was a highly doubted idea for awhile due to his comments about the Villager.

This guy has some credibility if I do say so myself. That's my take on that part of it.

Sal came to Smashboards briefly after the second leak, and explained what he knew. He received the supposed email for E3 awhile before the event (pretty sure it was a few months beforehand), and he saved it until just before as a guess. He claims that he questioned the leak, and he still does. He gets the concern with the fact that Rosalina was missed, and that X/Y Pokemon was questionable.

Let's look back at the first leak.

Sal says, "Villager, Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer, Little Mac, Pac-Man, Mii will appear at E3"

Detractors will say that because all six of them didn't appear, the leak is automatically fake. So it didn't come to fruition just yet. Guess where else there was inaccurate information? A Pokemon X/Y leak. However, in that particular Pokemon X/Y leak, a majority of the information the leaker gave was actually CORRECT, save for a few parts (by few, I mean VERY few). On the flip side, while Little Mac, Pac-Man, and Mii hadn't appeared at E3, the other three did. Two of which are arguably dark horse characters that would have been the most questionable choices.

Later on, Little Mac was confirmed at a later date. That's character number four that Sal's leaker got. However, Little Mac isn't a difficult character to predict...if you're a North American fan. Most Japanese Smash Bros fans didn't recognize Little Mac, nor did some understand why he was picked. Little Mac, while seemingly an obvious pick to western fans, was incredibly obscure to Japanese fans. He's not as obvious as some think.

Pac-Man has yet to appear, but should you deny the likelihood of this guy showing up, you're getting your hopes up. Namco already has a presence in Smash Bros in the form of items, and I think it should make perfect sense for Namco to receive a character, especially one in the echelon of Pac-Man, who happens to still be a major gaming icon. Maybe not modern gaming, but classic gaming for sure. Smash covers all facets of gaming history and Nintendo, and Pac-Man fits that bill.
Don't even bring in that Sakurai quote about Namco not getting special treatment. That doesn't rule out just one Namco character. Multiple Namco characters was never likely anyway.

The Mii's haven't appeared either. However, they still have quite the chance to get in. There really isn't anything to draw from as far as their potential appearance just yet, but that doesn't take away the fact that they could easily happen.

So now, let's look at the second Sal Romano leak.

Sal says, " Leaker has sent a second email, saying that Pac-Man and Mii's are still coming, but there are other newcomers as well. They are: Chrom, Shulk, Palutena, Chorus Men, and an X/Y Pokemon"

Let's look at these characters one by one.

Chrom: A fairly likely Fire Emblem pick, as the protagonist from the latest Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem: Awakening. You could say he was a "safe" choice should this leak be fake. But that's asinine logic, based on the fact that the rest of the newcomer roster is filled with characters few expected should this be real. Do you expect off the wall characters along with Wii Fit Trainer and Chorus Men (and to a lesser extent, Villager)?

Shulk: Protagonist from the critically acclaimed Xenoblade Chronicles. He's a fairly popular character in Japan (being at least top 10 I believe) and has quite the following in the western fanbases. He's a reasonable choice, but I'm not entirely convinced that he's a "safe" choice. If you want to get into there being too many "safe" choices, see the section on Chrom.

Palutena: a character that has been hinted at multiple times now, is very likely to be in Smash Wii U/3DS. Another "safe choice" but again, read "Chrom".

Chorus Men: This is where it gets icky. This is yet another character that nobody saw coming. This, in my honest opinion, is the only thing that will make or break this leak. If they aren't playable characters (or whatever Chorus Men consists of), the leak can be deemed fake. If they are playable, I find it highly likely that the leak will turn out to be real. This is probably another case of the character being revealed, and then speculators going on about how they were likely the whole time. I'm telling you now, they're an off the wall choice, and their position in Smash Bros 4 will make or break this leak.

X/Y Pokemon: Oh the controversial character, a Pokemon from Pokemon X/Y. This was not highly considered by many fans out there. There are many people who claim that because it was Greninja specifically, that it debunks the leak. Let me tell you why that's bad logic...you see, before Ike was chosen for Brawl, Sakurai simply had the concept of a slow moving, heavy sword user. There is proof of this, and once I get a hold of it, I will add it to this post. For the time being (before Ike was actually chosen for that spot) it could quite simply be argued, that the Fire Emblem newcomer...was simply labeled as "Fire Emblem character" just as the choice from Pokemon X/Y is possibly be labeled "X/Y Pokemon". It's happened before, no reason it can't happen again. No matter how you slice it, it is entirely accurate that an "X/Y Pokemon" turned out to be Greninja. Greninja is a Pokemon that debuted in Pokemon X/Y, therefore, he fits in the category of "X/Y Pokemon". I don't see what the problem is here.

What I'm getting at here, is that there is presently nothing that can prove either side.

You can say it's fake, but that would bypass the fact that Sal Romano is a fairly credible source, so it should be assumed he wouldn't be making this up himself. If the guy wanted the leak to spread (which he wouldn't) that would be when he would go to a mod on IGN or a big name website. Sal, who is the owner of Gematsu, which is a small website most people have probably never heard of, claims to have gotten the information from a separate source. He did not make this leak himself. Why would he? Claiming otherwise would be going directly against the information we have. He has talked to Smashboards Staff after being asked for information. He is not bragging he's getting things right. I could go on, but I think you're getting my point.

What do I think? Well, if I'm being honest, I do believe this leak. The "safe" picks make sense, and don't make it unbelievable (which doesn't take from the credibility of the leak). It makes sense to have a Pokemon from the latest gen, as Melee and Brawl both had one from their current Pokemon Generations.

Don't get any scientific terms in here, because they don't do anything for this right now. It's all speculation at this point. It all hinges on the Rhythm Heaven Chorus Men. Should they be confirmed, it should be heavily considered that this leak is real.

That's pretty much my view on it.

EDIT: Here is a journal entry from Sakurai about the Fire Emblem character:
New work of "Fire Emblem" is produced in the Wii at the stage of July 2005 announced the creation of "Smash Bros. X"
I've found that. There is no information about the character, because I did not know anything, is at the stage of making a proposal
where he was referred to as "someone in the Fire Emblem". "I feel the heavy contrary to appearance from the developer of the original Ike
if there is a demand to put out ", was aimed at rough character with a large sword. The attack for heavy movement
easily dodged, though that painful mess it hits. In the original, the enemies far away with something like shock wave
Is there also situations to attack, but do you accommodate phase and Ike image that should aim at "Smash Bros. X".
In addition, rather than in terms of character of, when you embody a quality of character on the game, will be accepted
out did you think that it is whether to become balance. After all, the character if Tsukkome remains of the original, such as the skill
but I was not the case in any way speaking likeness restrictor is, or get out.

It's a rough translation, but it's pretty much understandable.

Thank you and enjoy discussing the leak. I'll be editing the OP quite regularly, so do check back for updates. Criticism and suggestions to improve the OP is highly wanted.​
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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Good thread.

For what it's worth I believe the rumor is true due to the sheer unlikelyhood of someone properly predicting 2 very unlikely characters for the E3 reveal: Villager and WFT. And yes BOTH Villager and WFT were unlikely picks. Please don't try to dispute this because I'm tired of bringing this up ad-nauseum.

I'm also of the belief that wherever Sal is getting his information from, it's not as accurate as many might think which is why we didn't see Pacman, Miis, and Little Mac during the reveal.

That's all I have to say about this topic for now since there's no way for either side to "prove" the other wrong.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
.....we're baaaaaaaack.

(Still think Sal was tipped off by someone that new something at least.)


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
don't clog up this thread with Fire Emblem General or discussing whenever or not Ridley is going to be playable.

Anyway, it's pretty clear that the Salromano leak is true. The biggest question that hasn't been answered is why Pacman, Little Mac, and Mii weren't revealed and why did Salromano's source think they would be.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
I have this gut feeling this thread will be locked.
Just because when the Rumors and Leaks thread was locked, it specifically said not to make any threads about rumors or leaks.
But I'm not sure, considering this is a big leak that does deserve its own thread.

But whatever.

So, on the topic of the Salramono leak, do you think that the newcomers he said will be all the newcomers we are getting?
It seems to be missing some big candidates like King K. Rool, a Zelda newcomer, and a retro newcomer.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Okay, so we have the following characters yet to be confirmed:
Chorus Men

So, a disconfirmation of any of them would falsify the leak.

Seeing that the next newcomer is probably a couple of months away, it is safe for the time being.


YouTube: SewerBuddies
Apr 21, 2013
Yoshi Isle
Switch FC
SW 5178 3144 4326
For those of us that haven't seen the actual leak, could we have links?

Is it known whether the leaker is strictly focusing on new characters, or does the fact that unannounced veterans aren't mentioned mean they aren't returning?


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
The first part of this leak is fairly easy to accept; with four of the original six characters confirmed already, and the remaining two very likely to be included I'd be surprised if Mii and Pac-Man don't make the roster.

The recent part of the leak, however, I have a problem with. This game is releasing in about three months, yeah? By that point in Brawl's timeline we'd seen the majority of newcomers. According to this leak, we've seen at most half of them.

If there's at least twelve newcomers, why have we so far only seen six of them? Seems like a lot to keep secret so late.

Of course, given that within that time we have E3, characters could be revealed en masse, with enough time until launch to sneak in one last newcomer in an early August direct before the game is released. Hmm... well, perhaps it isn't actually that farfetched.
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Cereal Bawks

Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2012
I really hope he's right about Shulk being a newcomer. Xenoblade is one of my favorite games, and I'd love to see some representation in Sm4sh.

Rosalina suporter

Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2011
I believe the leak,Also i think the leak should be posted in the op.:grin:

I dont know how to make it in to a spoiler thing.

Last year, Gematsu was tipped off prior to E3 about six new characters supposedly set to appear in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and for Nintendo 3DS.

They were: Mega Man, Villager (Animal Crossing), Wii Fit Trainer, Little Mac (Punch Out), Pac-Man, and Mii (Wii series).

So far, all but Pac-Man and Mii have been confirmed.

Today, we received a new e-mail from the same tipster, who claims Pac-Man and Mii are still on the way, and the following characters will also appear:

  • Shulk (Xenoblade)
  • Palutena (Kid Icarus)
  • Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
  • Chorus Men (Rhythm Heaven)
  • Pokemon from Pokemon X and Y
Take it all with a grain of salt for now, but there’s a Super Smash Bros.-focused Nintendo Directhappening later today. If these claims are accurate, it’s likely we’ll hear about at least one of these new characters there.

I’ve e-mailed the tipster requesting a few more details, but have yet to hear back.


Smashboards post by @salromano
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
The first part of this leak is fairly easy to accept; with four of the original six characters confirmed already, and the remaining two very likely to be included I'd be surprised if Mii and Pac-Man don't make the roster.

The recent part of the leak, however, I have a problem with. This game is releasing in about three months, yeah? By that point in Brawl's timeline we'd seen the majority of newcomers. According to this leak, we've seen at most half of them.

If there's at least twelve newcomers, why have we so far only seen six of them? Seems like a lot to keep secret so late.

Of course, given that within that time we have E3, characters could be revealed en masse, with enough time until launch to sneak in one last newcomer in an early August direct before the game is released. Hmm... well, perhaps it isn't actually that farfetched.
9 out of the 14 newcomers in melee were hidden characters. If unlockables are coming back, there is a good chance that Sakurai has decided to make the newcomer to veteran unlockable more even then in Brawl (where 4 out of 16 were unlockable) since the backlash from that strategy was...unpleasant.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
9 out of the 14 newcomers in melee were hidden characters. If unlockables are coming back, there is a good chance that Sakurai has decided to make the newcomer to veteran unlockable more even then in Brawl (where 4 out of 16 were unlockable) since the backlash from that strategy was...unpleasant.
What? The only newcomers we didn't know about before launch were Lucario, ROB, Wolf and Toon Link. That's four, not nine.

Deleted member

The more I think about the idea of a Rhythm Heaven rep, the more I like it. It's just so quirky and fun AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Sorry, my brain isn't good at things sometimes. Yeah, you might be right.
No problem, happens to the best of us.

Melee Starting Newcomers:
Ice Climbers

Melee Unlockable Newcomers:
Dr. Mario
Young Link
Mr. Game & Watch

I really think part of the reason there was so much hate for the Brawl roster upon release is that we all expected a ton of unlockable newcomers based off of Melee. I could see Sakurai splitting the difference between the two strategies this time, as finding a happy medium between Melee and Brawl is practically the theme of the game.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
No problem, happens to the best of us.

Melee Starting Newcomers:
Ice Climbers

Melee Unlockable Newcomers:
Dr. Mario
Young Link
Mr. Game & Watch

I really think part of the reason there was so much hate for the Brawl roster upon release is that we all expected a ton of unlockable newcomers based off of Melee. I could see Sakurai splitting the difference between the two strategies this time, as finding a happy medium between Melee and Brawl is practically the theme of the game.
Most of those unlockables are clones, though. Only Marth, Mewtwo and G&W are unique characters.
I don't know if Sakurai even noticed the backlash from Brawl's (actually awesome) roster. I'm expecting two or three unlockable newcomers.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Most of those unlockables are clones, though. Only Marth, Mewtwo and G&W are unique characters.
I don't know if Sakurai even noticed the backlash from Brawl's (actually awesome) roster. I'm expecting two or three unlockable newcomers.
Well, Sakurai has said he could had the choice of adding the clones or a fully unique character (such as Dedede), and it is a reasonable assumption to believe that he would have been an unlockable. That would put the ratio at 5:4, still much closer then what we saw in Brawl. Let's say the following characters are unlockable:

Captain Falcon
Game and Watch
Jiggly Puff

If that's the case I wouldn't doubt having 5 or so unlockable newcomers. (although Megaman would probably be included in that.)
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YouTube: SewerBuddies
Apr 21, 2013
Yoshi Isle
Switch FC
SW 5178 3144 4326
Something's really bugging me about this leak... Where's Rosalina? I'd think she'd have been mentioned earlier on, unless the leaker intended to reveal only characters they thought were appearing in the initial announcement.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Something's really bugging me about this leak... Where's Rosalina? I'd think she'd have been mentioned earlier on, unless the leaker intended to reveal only characters they thought were appearing in the initial announcement.
a.) He never claimed those were ALL the newcomers
b.) We don't know ANYTHING about Sal's source, so he could have been sharing what he thought was at E3 or the only new comers he actually had information on.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007

Anyway, it's pretty clear that the Salromano leak is true. The biggest question that hasn't been answered is why Pacman, Little Mac, and Mii weren't revealed and why did Salromano's source think they would be.
My best guess why all 6 of them weren't released is because we're probably not getting a whole bunch of newcomers like in Brawl. And 6 at once is a lot, especially if we're getting less than Brawl.
What? The only newcomers we didn't know about before launch were Lucario, ROB, Wolf and Toon Link. That's four, not nine.
Even though you were talking about Brawl, i wanted to bring this up and say that's why a lot of people were upset at Brawl's roster. I'd like to see more veterans as default for this reason alone.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
You know, although I'm pretty firmly in the camp that believes the Sal leak, I just want to point out that some guy in the Smash reddit did guess that the newcomers for the Nintendo Direct were going to be Greninja, Solo Charizard, and Mewtwo. So crazy guesses DO happen. (Or he is secretly Sal's tipper.)


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I'd say he is legit, 6 out of 11 so far is pretty good, that's more then 50 percent. Anyway I don't think his leak should be added to the RosalinaX leak, as I believe his source is in marketing and that at E3 his source will send him the last batch or almost the last batch of newcomers for the game, since release would be like 3 months away and he got his first tip at E3. So I would wait till E3 to compare his leak to anything else.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Honestly; the leak is plausible, it isn't absolutely outlandish. However, I do take issue with Pac-Man, Mii, AND Chorus Men all being on the same roster. I suppose that if the leak were true, and we received minimal cuts, the roster would entail 12 newcomers. That is already a lot of newcomers, and we still aren't sure about heavy-hitters like Mewtwo, Ridley, or King K. Rool. It could be true, something doesn't feel correct though. That is probably because I avidly believe Mewtwo and Ridley are already in the game, thus a 14 newcomer roster. It just feels like "too much."

I suppose if we got a few more cuts, like Snake or Ice Climbers, the amount would be more reasonable and coincide with statements made by Sakurai.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
Honestly; the leak is plausible, it isn't absolutely outlandish. However, I do take issue with Pac-Man, Mii, AND Chorus Men all being on the same roster. I suppose that if the leak were true, and we received minimal cuts, the roster would entail 12 newcomers. That is already a lot of newcomers, and we still aren't sure about heavy-hitters like Mewtwo, Ridley, or King K. Rool. It could be true, something doesn't feel correct though. That is probably because I avidly believe Mewtwo and Ridley are already in the game, thus a 14 newcomer roster. It just feels like "too much."

I suppose if we got a few more cuts, like Snake or Ice Climbers, the amount would be more reasonable and coincide with statements made by Sakurai.
Yeah, Pac-Man, Mii, and Chorus Men on the same roster does feel weird. Especially without those heavy-hitters. Yeah, we got Little Mac and Mega Man, but without those heavy-hitters, it still feels too light.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Honestly; the leak is plausible, it isn't absolutely outlandish. However, I do take issue with Pac-Man, Mii, AND Chorus Men all being on the same roster. I suppose that if the leak were true, and we received minimal cuts, the roster would entail 12 newcomers. That is already a lot of newcomers, and we still aren't sure about heavy-hitters like Mewtwo, Ridley, or King K. Rool. It could be true, something doesn't feel correct though. That is probably because I avidly believe Mewtwo and Ridley are already in the game, thus a 14 newcomer roster. It just feels like "too much."

I suppose if we got a few more cuts, like Snake or Ice Climbers, the amount would be more reasonable and coincide with statements made by Sakurai.
Mewtwo isn't a newcomer and shouldn't be treated as such on a roster count. True, he would be retooled, but it wouldn't be any more work to bring him from melee with some tweaks then to bring Bowser from brawl and change him up the way they did.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
My Two Cents!
I'm skeptical of the leak as it doesn't really say everything or make direct notices.
The additional constant hammering of Mii and Pac-Man after the E3 flop-up by the chap has also led me to suspicion.

I have no problem with most of the newcomers, barring Pac-Man and Mii. But I feel like a few of these choices are a little too outlandish in Sakurai's patterns, even when there's heavy hitters that would make the game sell. Pac-Man? Yes. Chorus Men? Not really. We haven't seen as many cuts, and if we don't, really, I'm going to start questioning this leak further and further. 14 Newcomers?


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
Yeah, Pac-Man, Mii, and Chorus Men on the same roster does feel weird. Especially without those heavy-hitters. Yeah, we got Little Mac and Mega Man, but without those heavy-hitters, it still feels too light.
We're never going to get the characters we want, though. Ultimately, the quality of the roster is determined by the number of unique characters, and the difference between the top and bottom of the tier list.

Fan preference is almost totally unimportant once the game's out. If Mii and Chorus Kids are great characters, then the roster is that much better for it. Doesn't matter if you didn't get Ridley; if the rest of the roster is solid, that's great.

Anyway, we already know the roster is great.
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Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2014
I do believe the guy who tipped Sal Romano is right but they made last minute changes for the e3 last year that's why we got some confirmations but not others. A possible Pacman or Mii reveal for this year will have a major impact.
Also hopefully there are more newcomers than the mentioned on the list. The more the merrier.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Mewtwo isn't a newcomer and shouldn't be treated as such on a roster count. True, he would be retooled, but it wouldn't be any more work to bring him from melee with some tweaks then to bring Bowser from brawl and change him up the way they did.
I respect your opinion; however, I do not adhere to that perspective.

We're never going to get the characters we want, though. Ultimately, the quality of the roster is determined by the number of unique characters, and the difference between the top and bottom of the tier list.

Fan preference is almost totally unimportant once the game's out. If Mii and Chorus Kids are great characters, then the roster is that much better for it. Doesn't matter if you didn't get Ridley; if the rest of the roster is solid, that's great.

Anyway, we already know the roster is great.
I think it is safe to assume that Sakurai wants to make EVERY character unique, so operating under that assumption, most would rather a unique character that they care about over a unique character that they do not relate with.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
While I'm skeptical on whether Sal truly leaked information or had some damn lucky guess on Wii Fit Trainer, if the Chrous Men are revealed as playable, I'll definitely think of this a legit leak.

There's no way in hell you would guess both Wii Fit Trainer and Chrous Men.

If all characters Sal leaked are in the game, it is definitely legit. No ifs, no buts, no nothing.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
While I'm skeptical on whether Sal truly leaked information or had some damn lucky guess on Wii Fit Trainer, if the Chrous Men are revealed as playable, I'll definitely think of this a legit leak.

There's no way in hell you would guess both Wii Fit Trainer and Chrous Men.

If all characters Sal leaked are in the game, it is definitely legit. No ifs, no buts, no nothing.
With that character list, the next reveals would almost certainly be Mii and Pac-Man at this year's E3. The second half of the leak is going to be harder to confirm.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
While I'm skeptical on whether Sal truly leaked information or had some damn lucky guess on Wii Fit Trainer, if the Chrous Men are revealed as playable, I'll definitely think of this a legit leak.

There's no way in hell you would guess both Wii Fit Trainer and Chrous Men.

If all characters Sal leaked are in the game, it is definitely legit. No ifs, no buts, no nothing.
Precisely; the moment Chorus Men are revealed, I will have to admit that the leak is positively accurate. That is the one thing that would definitively and objectively incite everyone to recognize it as the truth.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2014
I have this gut feeling this thread will be locked.
Just because when the Rumors and Leaks thread was locked, it specifically said not to make any threads about rumors or leaks.
But I'm not sure, considering this is a big leak that does deserve its own thread.

But whatever.

So, on the topic of the Salramono leak, do you think that the newcomers he said will be all the newcomers we are getting?
It seems to be missing some big candidates like King K. Rool, a Zelda newcomer, and a retro newcomer.
Well if u notice he didn't call out Rosalina which is only one character so far before e3. Maybe it could be the same pattern where there will be 1 extra character that he did not mention before Nintendo direct. Possible.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
With that character list, the next reveals would almost certainly be Mii and Pac-Man at this year's E3. The second half of the leak is going to be harder to confirm.
We may get chorus men if it is true as well to be the counter to wii fit trainer this year. Or they may be saved for release. Also I think we will get all of the heavy hitters as well to not disappoint those who dislike mii, pac man, and chorus boy.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2014
We may get chorus men if it is true as well to be the counter to wii fit trainer this year. Or they may be saved for release. Also I think we will get all of the heavy hitters as well to not disappoint those who dislike mii, pac man, and chorus boy.
Ye pac man, mii, chorus boy don't feel like characters that will bring hype for most people, instead people that hate those kind of characters will avoid the game/think about buying it or not instead. The type of people that prefer the "cool" type of characters.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Ye pac man, mii, chorus boy don't feel like characters that will bring hype for most people, instead people that hate those kind of characters will avoid the game/think about buying it or not instead. The type of people that prefer the "cool" type of characters.
Exactly why we probably will get at least 2 of the big hitters to go alongside them to keep the hype in check.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
Exactly why we probably will get at least 2 of the big hitters to go alongside them to keep the hype in check.
Smash Bros. hype has never been kept in check before. It runs rampant, and people are deservedly disappointed. We already have two big hitters; Megaman and Little Mac. Will nothing slake your thirst for fanservice?
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