- Joined
- Apr 7, 2008
- Messages
- 7,681
- OctagonalWalnut
- 3DS FC
- 0619-4291-4974
This is the thread for all online Pokémon activity. Here, you can request trades, battles, and everything in between, for any and all online-compatible generations of Pokemon.
In addition, this post will serve as a means of compiling 3DS friend codes for Sixth Gen, for battling, trading, the Friend Safari, and everything in between. If you'd like your friend code included in the list, post it in this thread. Also, feel free to note what is in your Friend Safari, what Pokemon you have for the Battle Maisen, and if you're up for random battles/trades, etc.
Friend Codes & Other Information
The information is presented in the following format, in alphabetical order by SmashBoards username:
SmashBoards Username (In-game name)
Friend Code: The user’s friend code
Friend Safari: The type and Pokémon presently available in the person’s Friend Safari (asterisked is the third Pokémon only available after beating the Elite Four)
Open For: What kind of multiplayer interaction the player is available for, and whether or not you should contact them before initiating such action
Battle Maison: The Pokémon (plus their items and movesets) available to use from their trainer in the Battle Maison’s Multi-Battle function
:mad : (Rikka)
Friend Code: 3351-4631-7285
Friend Safari: Rock: Dwebble, Magcargo, Barbaracle*
Open for: Anything and everything
Battle Maison:
Slaking@Choice Band (Giga Impact, Hammer Arm, Shadow Claw, EQ)
Mismagius@Sitrus Berry (Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond)
Aerodrome (Pierre)
Friend Code: 3179-6090-7643 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Steel: Metang, Ferroseed, Klefki*
Open for: Anything and everything
Battle Maison:
Salamence@Yache Berry (Draco Meteor, EQ, Dragon Rush, Brick Break)
Gastrodon@Leftovers (Sandstorm, Surf, Earth Power, Recover)
Aleate (Kevin)
Friend Code: 0216-0918-5299
Friend Safari: Dark: Crawdaunt, Nuzleaf, Sableye*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Trevenant@Choice Band (Horn Leech, EQ, Shadow Claw, X-Scissor)
Raichu@Focus Sash (Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Reversal, Fake Out)
Friend Code: 3093-7221-2099
Friend Safari: Ground: Sandshrew, Marowak, Diggersby*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Druddigon@Quick Claw (Crunch, EQ, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide)
Vaporeon@Leftovers (Muddy Water, Aqua Ring, Blizzard, Yawn)
BaPr (Ram)
Friend Code: 1091-9057-0681
Friend Safari: Bergmite, Snover
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Cherished Doll
Friend Code: 2277-7914-9551
Friend Safari: Rock: Dwebble, Magcargo
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Gothitelle@Kee Berry (Charm, Psychic, Safeguard, Charge Beam)
Noivern@Razor Fang (Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Psychic)
Friend Code: 1891-2120-4792
Friend Safari: Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo, Tyrogue*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Delphox@Heat Rock(Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Psychic)
Froslass@Icy Rock (Hail, Ice Shard, Blizzard, Shadow Ball)
CyanideOxide (Chad)
Friend Code: 5155-3005-3584
Friend Safari: Electric: Pachirisu, Pikachu, Manectric*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison
Jolteon@King’s Rock (Thunder, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Yawn)
Shuckle@Lax Incense (Gyro Ball, Substitute, Double Team, Power Trick)
Firus (John)
Friend Code: 0619-4291-4974
Friend Safari: Flying: Pidgey, Swanna, Fletchinder*
Open For: Anything; contact first
Battle Maison: Talonflame@Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Flail, Quick Attack, Acrobatics)
Gardevoir@Lum Berry (Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam)
Friend Code: 4940-6585-2366 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Fire: Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Noivern@Razor Fang (Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Psychic)
Torterra@Custap Berry (EQ, Seed Bomb, Crunch, Iron Head)
Gamegenie222 (Nathan)
Friend Code: 3411-1825-3363
Friend Safari: Ground: Sandshrew, Dugtrio
Open for: Anything
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 0473-9196-9918
Friend Safari: Electric: Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Goodra@Damp Rock (Dragon Pulse, Thunder, Rain Dance, Muddy Water)
Samurott@Custap Berry (Aerial Ace, X-Scissor, Waterfall, Aqua Jet)
Holder of the Heel
Friend Code: 1332-7720-7283
Friend Safari: Electric: Pikachu, Electrode, Manectric*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Gogoat@Big Root (Horn Leech, Protect, Leech Seed, Payback)
Whiscash@Expert Belt (Earth Power, Blizzard, Surf, Protect)
Friend Code: 3453-9816-8856
Friend Safari:
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
IsmaR (Yukima)
Friend Code: 3179-6068-0031
Friend Safari: Water: Panpour, Gyarados, Frogadier*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Heatran@Shuca Berry (Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Fire Blast, Earth Power)
Claydol@Luminous Moss (Earth Power, Ally Switch, Psychic, Ice Beam)
KaBlamJamDan (Daniel)
Friend Code: 5129-0509-8499
Friend Safari: Ledyba, Illumise and Venomoth
Open For: Trading *Check out my info on my profile to see what Pokemon I have*
Battle Maison: Lucario@Muscle Band *Close Combat, Earthquake, Blaze Kick, Shadow Claw)
Latios@Choice Specs (Draco Meteor, Thunder, Psychic, Energy Ball)
Friend Code: 2836-0255-8809
Friend Safari: Fairy: Jigglypuff, Dedenne, Floette*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Trevenant@Choice Band (Horn Leech, EQ, Shadow Claw, X-Scissor)
Torterra@Custap Berry (EQ, Seed Bomb, Crunch, Iron Head)
Friend Code: 5327-1637-5096
Friend Safari: Fighting: Mankey, Sawk, Tyrogue*
Battle Maison:
Manetric@Air Balloon (Thunderbolt, Overheat, Volt Switch, Quick Attack)
Talonflame@Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Quick Attack, Flail, Acrobatics)
Friend Code: 2922-0496-2962
Friend Safari: Normal: Aipom, Audino, Ditto*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Hydreigon@White Herb (Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Taunt, Flamethrower)
Durant@Occa Berry (X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Shadow Claw)
mood4food77 (Hiro)
Friend Code: 0877-0361-2281
Friend Safari: Ghost: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Carracosta@Damp Rock (Rain Dance, Rock Slide, Waterfall, EQ)
Druddigon@Quick Claw (Crunch, EQ, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide)
Friend Code: 0920-1036-0870
Friend Safari: Dark: Pawniard, Absol, Cacturne*
Open For: Anything
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 2578-3193-4141
Friend Safari: Fire: Ponyta, Fletchinder, Larvesta*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Ampharos@Chesto Berry (Thunder Wave, Hyper Beam, Charge Beam, Rest)
Floatzel@Damp Rock (Surf, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Rain Dance)
Friend Code: 0087-2694-8630 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Xatu*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Manectric@Air Balloon (Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Overheat, Quick Attack)
Electrode@Sitrus Berry (Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Mirror Coat, Protect)
The Original Robot boy (Xeire)
Friend Code: 0173-2317-7445
Friend Safari: Psychic: Grumpig, Espurr, Gothorita*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Yanmega@Lum Berry (Silver Wind, Detect, Air Slash, Giga Drain)
Gardevoir@Sitrus Berry (Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam)
Friend Code:1633-4179-6506
Friend Safari: Steel: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong*
Open For: Traaaades
Battle Maison: N/A
PsychoIncarnate (1) (DarkVision)
Friend Code: 4570-8032-9548
Friend Safari: Psychic: Wobbuffet, Drowzee, Girafarig*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Thundurus@Sitrus Berry (Wild Charge, Crunch, U-turn, Sky Drop)
Roserade@White Herb (Leaf Storm, Hyper Beam, Sludge Bomb, Grass Whistle)
PsychoIncarnate (2) (Psycho)
Friend Code: 4554-0155-5885
Friend Safari: Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, Luxio*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Typhlosion@Choice Scarf (Eruption, Heat Wave, Focus Blast, Extrasensory)
Weezing@Black Sludge (Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Thunder, Shadow Ball)
Friend Code: 0430-9272-5124
Friend Safari: Normal: Teddiursa, Audino, Chansey*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Vileplume@Big Root (Double Team, Toxic, Ingrain, Giga Drain)
Dusknoir@Leftovers (Toxic, Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Double Team)
Reizilla (Rei)
Friend Code: 3969-4669-8685 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Psychic: Drowzee, Espurr, Xatu*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Torterra@Custap Berry (EQ, Seed Bomb, Crunch, Iron Head)
Lapras@Bright Powder (Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic)
Friend Code: 5129-1436-0975
Friend Safari: Fairy: Dedenne, Swirlix, Clefairy*
Open for: Trade; contact first
Battle Maison
Eelektross@Assault Vest (Brick Break, U-Turn, Grass Knot, Wild Charge)
Golem@Focus Sash (Rock Slide, Earthquake, Explosion, Autotomize)
Friend Code: 1375-7204-7431 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Poison: Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Kangaskhan@Chople Berry (Fake Out, Circle Throw, Double-Edge, Sucker Punch)
Lilligant@Leftovers (Quiver Dance, Leech Seed, Energy Ball, Protect)
Shadocat (Shadocat)
Friend Code: 3737-9651-3260 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Psychic: Sigilyph, Drowzee, Xatu*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Archeops@Choice Band (Aerial Ace, Head Smash, EQ, U-turn)
Suicune@Leftovers (Surf, Calm Mind, Blizzard, Protect)
Friend Code: 3136-6583-3704
Friend Safari: Water: Wartortle, Bibarel, Azumarill*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Tyhplosion@Choice Scarf (Eruption, Heat Wave, Focus Blast, Extrasensory)
Sylveon@Razor Claw (Moonblast, Shadow Ball, Round, Psyshock)
Friend Code: 4382-2031-9930
Friend Safari: Grass: Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
smashkng (SK)
Friend Code: 0318-7423-9293
Friend Safari: Dark: Nuzleaf, Sneasel, Sableye*
Open For: Trading and battling
Battle Maison:
Zapdos@Petaya Berry (Thunder, Rain Dance, Light Screen, Drill Peck)
Aggron@Wide Lens (Iron Tail, Avalanche, Dragon Rush, Stone Edge)
Friend Code: 4425-1488-9023
Friend Safari: Fighting: Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue*
Open for: Anything and everything
Battle Maison:
Raikou@Air Balloon (Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Volt Switch, Protect)
Entei@Choice Scarf (Eruption, Extrasensory, Heat Wave, Solar Beam)
Sol_Vent (Garrett)
Friend Code: 1375-8278-3354
Friend Safari: Flying: Pidgey, Hoothoot, Hawlucha*
Open For: Mostly trade
Battle Maison:
Cofagrigus@Maranga Berry (Will-O-Wisp, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Trick Room)
Jolteon@King’s Rock (Thunder, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Yawn)
Friend Code: 2938-7131-6068
Friend Safari: Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Kingdra@Maranga Berry (Rain Dance, Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam)
Ambipom@Life Orb (Fake Out, Payback, Double Hit, Brick Break)
Friend Code: 4141-2776-0914
Friend Safari: Dragon: Fraxure, Shelgon, Druddigon*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Skarmory@Choice Scarf (Brave Bird, Night Slash, Steel Wing, Rock Slide)
Probopass@Scope Lens (Stone Edge, EQ, Iron Head, Explosion)
Tyrannotaur (Rob)
Friend Code: 2595-1082-4370
Friend Safari: Ghost: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk*
Open For: Friend Safari/Trading. Need to train a team before I can accept battle requests.
Battle Maison: N/A
Friend Code: 1719-3180-2455
Friend Safari: Ice: Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Reuniclus@Colbur Berry (Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Psychic, Shadow Ball)
Infernape@Life Orb (Fake Out, Overheat, Close Combat, Stone Edge)
UltraMario (UltraMario)
Friend Code: 1719-3180-2455
Friend Safari: N/A
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 4613-6716-2183
Friend Safari: Bug: Paras, Beautifly, Vivillon*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Unfezant@Power Herb (Sky Attack, Detect, Return, U-turn)
Shuckle@Lax Incense (Gyro Ball, Substitute, Double Team, Power Trick)
Friend Code: 5300-8534-5872
Friend Safari: Meditite, Pancham, Breloom*
Open For: Anything
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 2492-4632-9466
Friend Safari: Bug: Paras, Volbeat, Venomoth*
Open For: NO BATTLES; trading only
Battle Maison:
Wave Kusanagi (Crimson)
Friend Code: 1306-4980-2598
Friend Safari: Grass: Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 4184-2201-1910
Friend Safari: Normal: Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto*
Open For: Battle/Trading (contact me first)
Battle Maison:
Porygon 2 @ Choice Specs, Moves: Thunderbolt, Psychic, Tri Attack, Ice Beam
Manectric @ Air Balloon, Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Overheat, Quick Attack
Yoshi8984 (Timmy)FC: 1375-7410-4627
Friend Safari: Rock - Onix, Barbaracle, Boldore*
Open for: Preferably Battles (non-Ubers), contact for Trades
Battle Maison: N/A
Yuchi (Angel)
Friend Code: 0130-2970-6312
Friend Safari: Dragon: Gabite, Noibat, Druddigon*
Open For: Battles or Trades; contact first
Battle Maison:
Aerodactyl@Expert Belt (Iron Head, Rock Slide, EQ, Thunder Fang)
Hydreigon@White Herb (Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Taunt, Flamethrower)
Z'zgashi (ZzShy)
Friend Code: 1521-3678-2980
Friend Safari: Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Luxio
Open for: Anything
Battle Maison:
ZeldaMaster_1 (Diana)
Friend Code: 0490-4999-6284
Friend Safari: Ice: Spheal, Beartic, Cloyster*
Open For: Trading or battling (contact first)
Battle Maison:
Excadrill@Bright Powder (Sandstorm, Rock Slide, EQ, Poison Jab)
In addition, this post will serve as a means of compiling 3DS friend codes for Sixth Gen, for battling, trading, the Friend Safari, and everything in between. If you'd like your friend code included in the list, post it in this thread. Also, feel free to note what is in your Friend Safari, what Pokemon you have for the Battle Maisen, and if you're up for random battles/trades, etc.
Friend Codes & Other Information
The information is presented in the following format, in alphabetical order by SmashBoards username:
SmashBoards Username (In-game name)
Friend Code: The user’s friend code
Friend Safari: The type and Pokémon presently available in the person’s Friend Safari (asterisked is the third Pokémon only available after beating the Elite Four)
Open For: What kind of multiplayer interaction the player is available for, and whether or not you should contact them before initiating such action
Battle Maison: The Pokémon (plus their items and movesets) available to use from their trainer in the Battle Maison’s Multi-Battle function
:mad : (Rikka)
Friend Code: 3351-4631-7285
Friend Safari: Rock: Dwebble, Magcargo, Barbaracle*
Open for: Anything and everything
Battle Maison:
Slaking@Choice Band (Giga Impact, Hammer Arm, Shadow Claw, EQ)
Mismagius@Sitrus Berry (Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond)
Aerodrome (Pierre)
Friend Code: 3179-6090-7643 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Steel: Metang, Ferroseed, Klefki*
Open for: Anything and everything
Battle Maison:
Salamence@Yache Berry (Draco Meteor, EQ, Dragon Rush, Brick Break)
Gastrodon@Leftovers (Sandstorm, Surf, Earth Power, Recover)
Aleate (Kevin)
Friend Code: 0216-0918-5299
Friend Safari: Dark: Crawdaunt, Nuzleaf, Sableye*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Trevenant@Choice Band (Horn Leech, EQ, Shadow Claw, X-Scissor)
Raichu@Focus Sash (Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Reversal, Fake Out)
Friend Code: 3093-7221-2099
Friend Safari: Ground: Sandshrew, Marowak, Diggersby*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Druddigon@Quick Claw (Crunch, EQ, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide)
Vaporeon@Leftovers (Muddy Water, Aqua Ring, Blizzard, Yawn)
BaPr (Ram)
Friend Code: 1091-9057-0681
Friend Safari: Bergmite, Snover
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Cherished Doll
Friend Code: 2277-7914-9551
Friend Safari: Rock: Dwebble, Magcargo
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Gothitelle@Kee Berry (Charm, Psychic, Safeguard, Charge Beam)
Noivern@Razor Fang (Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Psychic)
Friend Code: 1891-2120-4792
Friend Safari: Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo, Tyrogue*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Delphox@Heat Rock(Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Psychic)
Froslass@Icy Rock (Hail, Ice Shard, Blizzard, Shadow Ball)
CyanideOxide (Chad)
Friend Code: 5155-3005-3584
Friend Safari: Electric: Pachirisu, Pikachu, Manectric*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison
Jolteon@King’s Rock (Thunder, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Yawn)
Shuckle@Lax Incense (Gyro Ball, Substitute, Double Team, Power Trick)
Firus (John)
Friend Code: 0619-4291-4974
Friend Safari: Flying: Pidgey, Swanna, Fletchinder*
Open For: Anything; contact first
Battle Maison: Talonflame@Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Flail, Quick Attack, Acrobatics)
Gardevoir@Lum Berry (Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam)
Friend Code: 4940-6585-2366 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Fire: Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Noivern@Razor Fang (Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Psychic)
Torterra@Custap Berry (EQ, Seed Bomb, Crunch, Iron Head)
Gamegenie222 (Nathan)
Friend Code: 3411-1825-3363
Friend Safari: Ground: Sandshrew, Dugtrio
Open for: Anything
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 0473-9196-9918
Friend Safari: Electric: Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Goodra@Damp Rock (Dragon Pulse, Thunder, Rain Dance, Muddy Water)
Samurott@Custap Berry (Aerial Ace, X-Scissor, Waterfall, Aqua Jet)
Holder of the Heel
Friend Code: 1332-7720-7283
Friend Safari: Electric: Pikachu, Electrode, Manectric*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Gogoat@Big Root (Horn Leech, Protect, Leech Seed, Payback)
Whiscash@Expert Belt (Earth Power, Blizzard, Surf, Protect)
Friend Code: 3453-9816-8856
Friend Safari:
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
IsmaR (Yukima)
Friend Code: 3179-6068-0031
Friend Safari: Water: Panpour, Gyarados, Frogadier*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Heatran@Shuca Berry (Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Fire Blast, Earth Power)
Claydol@Luminous Moss (Earth Power, Ally Switch, Psychic, Ice Beam)
KaBlamJamDan (Daniel)
Friend Code: 5129-0509-8499
Friend Safari: Ledyba, Illumise and Venomoth
Open For: Trading *Check out my info on my profile to see what Pokemon I have*
Battle Maison: Lucario@Muscle Band *Close Combat, Earthquake, Blaze Kick, Shadow Claw)
Latios@Choice Specs (Draco Meteor, Thunder, Psychic, Energy Ball)
Friend Code: 2836-0255-8809
Friend Safari: Fairy: Jigglypuff, Dedenne, Floette*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Trevenant@Choice Band (Horn Leech, EQ, Shadow Claw, X-Scissor)
Torterra@Custap Berry (EQ, Seed Bomb, Crunch, Iron Head)
Friend Code: 5327-1637-5096
Friend Safari: Fighting: Mankey, Sawk, Tyrogue*
Battle Maison:
Manetric@Air Balloon (Thunderbolt, Overheat, Volt Switch, Quick Attack)
Talonflame@Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Quick Attack, Flail, Acrobatics)
Friend Code: 2922-0496-2962
Friend Safari: Normal: Aipom, Audino, Ditto*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Hydreigon@White Herb (Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Taunt, Flamethrower)
Durant@Occa Berry (X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Shadow Claw)
mood4food77 (Hiro)
Friend Code: 0877-0361-2281
Friend Safari: Ghost: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Carracosta@Damp Rock (Rain Dance, Rock Slide, Waterfall, EQ)
Druddigon@Quick Claw (Crunch, EQ, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide)
Friend Code: 0920-1036-0870
Friend Safari: Dark: Pawniard, Absol, Cacturne*
Open For: Anything
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 2578-3193-4141
Friend Safari: Fire: Ponyta, Fletchinder, Larvesta*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Ampharos@Chesto Berry (Thunder Wave, Hyper Beam, Charge Beam, Rest)
Floatzel@Damp Rock (Surf, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Rain Dance)
Friend Code: 0087-2694-8630 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Xatu*
Open for: N/A
Battle Maison:
Manectric@Air Balloon (Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Overheat, Quick Attack)
Electrode@Sitrus Berry (Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Mirror Coat, Protect)
The Original Robot boy (Xeire)
Friend Code: 0173-2317-7445
Friend Safari: Psychic: Grumpig, Espurr, Gothorita*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Yanmega@Lum Berry (Silver Wind, Detect, Air Slash, Giga Drain)
Gardevoir@Sitrus Berry (Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam)
Friend Code:1633-4179-6506
Friend Safari: Steel: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong*
Open For: Traaaades
Battle Maison: N/A
PsychoIncarnate (1) (DarkVision)
Friend Code: 4570-8032-9548
Friend Safari: Psychic: Wobbuffet, Drowzee, Girafarig*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Thundurus@Sitrus Berry (Wild Charge, Crunch, U-turn, Sky Drop)
Roserade@White Herb (Leaf Storm, Hyper Beam, Sludge Bomb, Grass Whistle)
PsychoIncarnate (2) (Psycho)
Friend Code: 4554-0155-5885
Friend Safari: Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, Luxio*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Typhlosion@Choice Scarf (Eruption, Heat Wave, Focus Blast, Extrasensory)
Weezing@Black Sludge (Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Thunder, Shadow Ball)
Friend Code: 0430-9272-5124
Friend Safari: Normal: Teddiursa, Audino, Chansey*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Vileplume@Big Root (Double Team, Toxic, Ingrain, Giga Drain)
Dusknoir@Leftovers (Toxic, Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Double Team)
Reizilla (Rei)
Friend Code: 3969-4669-8685 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Psychic: Drowzee, Espurr, Xatu*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Torterra@Custap Berry (EQ, Seed Bomb, Crunch, Iron Head)
Lapras@Bright Powder (Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic)
Friend Code: 5129-1436-0975
Friend Safari: Fairy: Dedenne, Swirlix, Clefairy*
Open for: Trade; contact first
Battle Maison
Eelektross@Assault Vest (Brick Break, U-Turn, Grass Knot, Wild Charge)
Golem@Focus Sash (Rock Slide, Earthquake, Explosion, Autotomize)
Friend Code: 1375-7204-7431 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Poison: Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Kangaskhan@Chople Berry (Fake Out, Circle Throw, Double-Edge, Sucker Punch)
Lilligant@Leftovers (Quiver Dance, Leech Seed, Energy Ball, Protect)
Shadocat (Shadocat)
Friend Code: 3737-9651-3260 (PM to be added back)
Friend Safari: Psychic: Sigilyph, Drowzee, Xatu*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Archeops@Choice Band (Aerial Ace, Head Smash, EQ, U-turn)
Suicune@Leftovers (Surf, Calm Mind, Blizzard, Protect)
Friend Code: 3136-6583-3704
Friend Safari: Water: Wartortle, Bibarel, Azumarill*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Tyhplosion@Choice Scarf (Eruption, Heat Wave, Focus Blast, Extrasensory)
Sylveon@Razor Claw (Moonblast, Shadow Ball, Round, Psyshock)
Friend Code: 4382-2031-9930
Friend Safari: Grass: Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
smashkng (SK)
Friend Code: 0318-7423-9293
Friend Safari: Dark: Nuzleaf, Sneasel, Sableye*
Open For: Trading and battling
Battle Maison:
Zapdos@Petaya Berry (Thunder, Rain Dance, Light Screen, Drill Peck)
Aggron@Wide Lens (Iron Tail, Avalanche, Dragon Rush, Stone Edge)
Friend Code: 4425-1488-9023
Friend Safari: Fighting: Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue*
Open for: Anything and everything
Battle Maison:
Raikou@Air Balloon (Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Volt Switch, Protect)
Entei@Choice Scarf (Eruption, Extrasensory, Heat Wave, Solar Beam)
Sol_Vent (Garrett)
Friend Code: 1375-8278-3354
Friend Safari: Flying: Pidgey, Hoothoot, Hawlucha*
Open For: Mostly trade
Battle Maison:
Cofagrigus@Maranga Berry (Will-O-Wisp, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Trick Room)
Jolteon@King’s Rock (Thunder, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Yawn)
Friend Code: 2938-7131-6068
Friend Safari: Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Kingdra@Maranga Berry (Rain Dance, Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam)
Ambipom@Life Orb (Fake Out, Payback, Double Hit, Brick Break)
Friend Code: 4141-2776-0914
Friend Safari: Dragon: Fraxure, Shelgon, Druddigon*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Skarmory@Choice Scarf (Brave Bird, Night Slash, Steel Wing, Rock Slide)
Probopass@Scope Lens (Stone Edge, EQ, Iron Head, Explosion)
Tyrannotaur (Rob)
Friend Code: 2595-1082-4370
Friend Safari: Ghost: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk*
Open For: Friend Safari/Trading. Need to train a team before I can accept battle requests.
Battle Maison: N/A
Friend Code: 1719-3180-2455
Friend Safari: Ice: Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Reuniclus@Colbur Berry (Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Psychic, Shadow Ball)
Infernape@Life Orb (Fake Out, Overheat, Close Combat, Stone Edge)
UltraMario (UltraMario)
Friend Code: 1719-3180-2455
Friend Safari: N/A
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 4613-6716-2183
Friend Safari: Bug: Paras, Beautifly, Vivillon*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Unfezant@Power Herb (Sky Attack, Detect, Return, U-turn)
Shuckle@Lax Incense (Gyro Ball, Substitute, Double Team, Power Trick)
Friend Code: 5300-8534-5872
Friend Safari: Meditite, Pancham, Breloom*
Open For: Anything
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 2492-4632-9466
Friend Safari: Bug: Paras, Volbeat, Venomoth*
Open For: NO BATTLES; trading only
Battle Maison:
Wave Kusanagi (Crimson)
Friend Code: 1306-4980-2598
Friend Safari: Grass: Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat*
Open For: N/A
Battle Maison:
Friend Code: 4184-2201-1910
Friend Safari: Normal: Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto*
Open For: Battle/Trading (contact me first)
Battle Maison:
Porygon 2 @ Choice Specs, Moves: Thunderbolt, Psychic, Tri Attack, Ice Beam
Manectric @ Air Balloon, Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Overheat, Quick Attack
Yoshi8984 (Timmy)FC: 1375-7410-4627
Friend Safari: Rock - Onix, Barbaracle, Boldore*
Open for: Preferably Battles (non-Ubers), contact for Trades
Battle Maison: N/A
Yuchi (Angel)
Friend Code: 0130-2970-6312
Friend Safari: Dragon: Gabite, Noibat, Druddigon*
Open For: Battles or Trades; contact first
Battle Maison:
Aerodactyl@Expert Belt (Iron Head, Rock Slide, EQ, Thunder Fang)
Hydreigon@White Herb (Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Taunt, Flamethrower)
Z'zgashi (ZzShy)
Friend Code: 1521-3678-2980
Friend Safari: Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Luxio
Open for: Anything
Battle Maison:
ZeldaMaster_1 (Diana)
Friend Code: 0490-4999-6284
Friend Safari: Ice: Spheal, Beartic, Cloyster*
Open For: Trading or battling (contact first)
Battle Maison:
Excadrill@Bright Powder (Sandstorm, Rock Slide, EQ, Poison Jab)
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