Current Rankings [Season 11] (6/1/2014-9/30/2014)
Season 11's Power Rankings List
Zinoto | Ann Arbor |
| | |
A Tier | |
LOE1 | West Bloomfield |
| | |
B Tier | |
lain | Ann Arbor |
| | |
C Tier | |
Anther | Ypsilanti |
| | |
D Tier | |
Ksev | Dearborn |
- Mt. Morris
Azure_Kenny -
- Southfield
Bowyer -
- Ann Arbor
Boxxy -
- Waterford
Coco -
- Bay City
- Hazel Park
fZk -
- East Lansing
Gio -
- Ann Arbor
Judge -
- Sterling Heights
Mikey Lenetia -
- Washington Township
Ori_bro -
- Sylvan Lake
- East Lansing
Roller -
- Ann Arbor/Scotch Plains, NJ
Tech_Chase -
- Ferndale
Tutu -
- Ann Arbor
[/collapse]Bowyer -
Boxxy -
Coco -
fZk -
Gio -
Judge -
Mikey Lenetia -
Ori_bro -
Roller -
Tech_Chase -
Tutu -
Season 12 Info
• Ranking Period for Season 12
6/1/2014 - 9/30/2014
• Season 12 W/L Spreadsheet
• Tournaments that apply for Season 12
• Michigan Ranbats 9: Don't Be Playin' Edition - Livonia, MI - 6/7/2014 - Results Thread
• Gamer's Gauntlet Smash Series #3 - Clinton Township - 6/29/2014 - Results Thread
• Rise of the Phoenix - Ann Arbor - 7/5/2014 - Results Thread
• The Fundamental Theorem of Smash 3 - Ann Arbor - 7/19/2014 - Results Thread
• The Fundamental Theorem of Smash 4 - Ann Arbor - 8/2/2014 - Results Thread
• Michigan Summer Smash Series 2 - Livonia - 8/16/2014 - Results Thread
More will be added as I know about them.
• Gamer's Gauntlet Smash Series #3 - Clinton Township - 6/29/2014 - Results Thread
• Rise of the Phoenix - Ann Arbor - 7/5/2014 - Results Thread
• The Fundamental Theorem of Smash 3 - Ann Arbor - 7/19/2014 - Results Thread
• The Fundamental Theorem of Smash 4 - Ann Arbor - 8/2/2014 - Results Thread
• Michigan Summer Smash Series 2 - Livonia - 8/16/2014 - Results Thread
More will be added as I know about them.
Past Rankings
[collapse="Season 11"]
Zinoto - Ann Arbor
LOE1- Southfield
lain - Ann Arbor
Sparta Kick - Saginaw
Sparta Kick - Saginaw
Anther - Ypsilanti
D!CKS - Dearborn
L_Cancel - Rockford
Oblivion - Ann Arbor
D- TierD!CKS - Dearborn
L_Cancel - Rockford
Oblivion - Ann Arbor
Ksev - Dearborn
Stewyian - Livonia
[/collapse]Stewyian - Livonia
[collapse="Season 10"]
Zinoto - Ann Arbor
LOE1- Southfield
Anther - Ypsilanti
Ksev - Macomb
Ori_bro - Sylvan Lake
Oblivion - Ann Arbor
Stewyian - Livonia
[/collapse]Ori_bro - Sylvan Lake
Oblivion - Ann Arbor
Stewyian - Livonia
[collapse="Season 9"]
Ally - Mount Morris
Zinoto - Ann Arbor
Zinoto - Ann Arbor
LOE1- Southfield
L_Cancel- Rockford
lain - Ann Arbor
Sparta Kick - Saginaw
lain - Ann Arbor
Sparta Kick - Saginaw
FF Ori_bro - Sylvan Lake
FF Stewyian - Livonia
FF Ksev - Macomb
Oblivion - Ann Arbor
[/collapse]FF Stewyian - Livonia
FF Ksev - Macomb
Oblivion - Ann Arbor
[collapse="Season 8"]
1. Ally - Mount Morris
2. Zinoto - Ann Arbor
3. LOE1- Southfield
4. L_Cancel- Rockford
5. Rayquaza - Southfield
6. Roller - Ann Arbor
7. FF Ori_bro - Sylvan Lake
8. FF Stewyian - Livonia
[collapse="Season 7"]
1. Ally - Mount Morris
2. Zinoto - Ann Arbor
3. L_Cancel - Rockford
4. lain - Ann Arbor
5. Azure_Kenny - Southfield
6. Roller - Ann Arbor
7. LOE1 - Southfield
8. Sparta Kick - Alpena
[/collapse]2. Zinoto - Ann Arbor
3. L_Cancel - Rockford
4. lain - Ann Arbor
5. Azure_Kenny - Southfield
6. Roller - Ann Arbor
7. LOE1 - Southfield
8. Sparta Kick - Alpena
[collapse="Season 6"]
1. Ally - Mount Morris
2. Zinoto - Ann Arbor
3. Lain / - Ann Arbor
4. Azure_Kenny - Southfield
5. Rayquaza07 - Canton
6. Tutu - Ann Arbor
7. Sparta Kick - Alpena
8/9. Gio - Ann Arbor
8/9. Tech_Chase / - Ferndale
10. fZk - East Lansing
HM. LOE1 - Southfield
[collapse="Season 5"]
1. Zinoto - Ann Arbor
2. Roller - Ann Arbor
3. Rayquaza07 - Plymouth
4. Mikey Lenetia - Washington Township
5. Lain - Ann Arbor
6. Coco - Bay City
7/8. Tech_Chase - Ferndale
7/8. Tutu - - Ann Arbor
[collapse="Season 4"]
1. Lain - Ann Arbor
2. Sparta Kick - Alpena
3. Zinoto - Ann Arbor
4. Roller - Ann Arbor
5. Tutu - Ann Arbor
6. Mikey Lenetia - Washington Township
7. Coco - Bay City
8. Tech_Chase - - Ferndale
[collapse="Season 3"]
0. Ally - Kalamazoo
1. Lain - Ann Arbor
2. Azure-Kenny - Southfield
3. Sparta Kick - Alpena
4. Bowyer - Ann Arbor
5. Tutu - Ann Arbor
6. fZk - East Lansing
7. Oblivion - Alpena
8. Tech_Chase - Ferndale
[collapse="Season 2"]
1: Lain - - Ann Arbor
2. Judge - - Sterling Heights
3. Sparta Kick - - Alpena
4. Mikey Lenetia - - Washington Township
5. Gio - - Ann Arbor
HM: Bowyer - Ann Arbor
HM: Tutu - Ann Arbor
HM: What's The Point - East Lansing
[collapse="Season 1"]
1: Lain - - Ann Arbor
2. Judge - - Sterling Heights
3/4. L_Cancel - - Rockford
3/4. Sparta Kick - - Alpena
5. Boxxy - - Waterford
6. Azure-Kenny - Southfield
7. Flame - Hazel Park
8. Tutu - Ann Arbor
The Panelists
• Zinoto - Ann Arbor
• Ori_bro - Sylvan Lake
• Tutu - Ypsilanti
• Stewy - Livonia
• Oblivion - Ann Arbor
• Ori_bro - Sylvan Lake
• Tutu - Ypsilanti
• Stewy - Livonia
• Oblivion - Ann Arbor
Mission Statement
To rank people within Michigan to create an accurate list that shows the growth of our scene within the rankings period. This is used to have our players get better and achieve a higher ranking. We as panelists want to inspire improvement, promote competition, and create a better Michigan Smash Scene.
Ranking Criteria
• Who you have beaten and lost to in brackets
• Who you have beaten and lost to in pools, though this does not count as heavily as bracket.
• Tournament results
• Who you have beaten and lost to in pools, though this does not count as heavily as bracket.
• Tournament results
Ranking Eligibility
• Have entered to at least two tournaments during the ranking season
• Live in Michigan
• Live in Michigan
Tournament Eligibility
• Has at least eight entrants
• Entrance fee of at least $5
• Larger tournaments count more towards rankings
• Out of state tournaments count
• Entrance fee of at least $5
• Larger tournaments count more towards rankings
• Out of state tournaments count
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