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Social The Mii Fighter Thread: Where You and Mii Can Talk! Mii Fighter Social!


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Second: Logically why would people who up to this point only played games with defined characters and art styles suddenly care about the little rayman knock off people that look like they came from a gamecube tech demo?
They don't have to care about the Mii. Much like some could not care for Pichu or Dr. Mario when they were in Melee. Or if there's anyone playable in Brawl that someone dislikes as a character, they may not like they're on the roster, but they don't let one character being included ruin the game for them. But for those who don't mind the Miis, or even like them. They're just another spot filled in by a Nintendo owned character. No big deal.

Another bit of logic: In gameplay what would they even do? Sports equipment? With no voices? Do they have arms or not? Do you customize? If not who's to say what a mii even looks like? It's more trouble then it's worth.
There's plenty of things you can give the Mii in movesets from besides Sports equipment. As there's more then just Wii Sports & Wii Sports Resort. There's some quirky stuff you can borrow from some of the games of Wii Fit, Wii Party, and even some stuff about the Wii Channel itself that Bluepikmin11 brought up for example. Miis don't necessarily have to be customized in Moveset. Considering Sakurai has made a race car driver & a NES peripheral into capable fighters though. This isn't really much of a factor, If needed Sakurai can make stuff up that's still creative enough that it seems natural with the character.

Another bit of logic: Brawl didn't even have a Mii trophy, not even a sticker. The only references to any Mii were a few songs on Pictochat. There's no logic leading up to the reveal, the other new characters (Barring Mega Man and characters that didn't exist before Brawl) are all characters people expected based on appearances in Brawl.
Easy answer to this: Brawl was not focused on representing the Wii too much other then the fact the game was on the Wii. Sure there's references to Wii games within the Music and such. But the newest character by series was Olimar, which started on the Gamecube. While the newest character overall was Lucario. Who hails from a predominantly Handheld series. Brawl focused on celebrating the Gamecube generation, which the Miis were not at all a part of. Much like how Melee did the same for the N64, and SSB64 did for the SNES. As such, SSB4 will be celebrating the Wii generation. Most of the newcomers so far reflect this. (Wii Fit Trainer = Wii Fit, Villager = Default look is the City Folk design on the cover, Rosalina = Super Mario Galaxy, Little Mac = Punch-Out Wii)

Miis were an essential part of the Wii's success. There's no denying that. The Top 2 selling Wii games of all time are Wii Sports & Wii Play. Albeit the former kinda cheated in that it was packaged in with most Wii consoles, Wii Play was not. Right below them at the #3 best selling Wii Game was Wii Fit. And look who we have on the roster already: Wii Fit Trainer. It's safe to say with Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Wii Sports Resort taking nearly half of the top-selling 1st Party games, that there's a pretty strong case for Nintendo to include them this time.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2012
I'd actually like Mii's to get in now, but only if they are clones of existing characters (You can change their moveset to copy someone else) or have a default set.
I mean, who WOULDN'T want to beat the everloving **** out of the person you hate most with your favorite Nintendo character?


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2013
When you're not looking, I'm there.
Eh. I'd rather have Miis playable on their own.

Only if they take a move from Sports Mix, Wii Music, Sports Resort, My Pokemon Ranch, Dr. Mario Online, Mario Kart, Wii Party, and Mario and Sonic Olympics.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I thought I'd post a rebuttal against all the arguments against the Mii in this thread and elsewhere. Again, I'm someone who doesn't mind the Miis so much so that I would not be upset either way if they're in or not. So I would like to remind people that this post does not mean that I'm gung ho for the Miis. But I am basically doing "In Defense of the Miis"

But from what I know, I'll be surprised more if they're not included then if they are. Because literally most of the opposition to them comes from personal bias or from a seemingly different view on what Smash Bros. is about. Some of this or maybe even most of this is something I've already stated actually but it's probably still important to add them anyway.

Please click the spoiler tags to hear my answers against the arguments.

They don't necessarily have to have Customizable Movesets. And even if they do. They have to have a default option that's well-rounded right? Tourneys can simply ban Customized moveset Miis if there's an ability to make them broken, and take the default option as the Miis spot on the tier lists. But I'm not sure how good the chances are anyway that a Mii's moveset could be customizable.

Ironically, the very first game (Wii Sports) Miis were in have Miis in pain worse then anything in the Smash Bros. series. In Boxing, Miis can crumple to the floor. Even if it's cartoon violence, isn't that essentially what Smash Bros. is? Perhaps the fact that the Miis tend to represent real people might be an issue. Taking out your anger on a caricature of a person that's been annoying you or that you hate (Though I suppose it's better then actually hitting that person in real life). But it's not like this is Mortal Kombat, you won't be able to rip internal organs out of characters that might represent your friends, family, etc. So from that end, it can't really be more controversial then how you can have Miis destroy each other in Mario Kart. The controversy is pretty much nonexistent there.

Moving on

This is a generalization that ticks me off. Smash Bros. is for all Nintendo fans. The fact it shows off so much history with the roster, trophies, and more is rewards for long-time fans for recognizing them. While for the more casual fans, they just want to play as their favorite mainstream Nintendo character and have fun fighting as them. For some of those fans, a Mii counts as such even if they usually consider playing as a Mii to be playing as themselves. Part of the appeal of Smash Bros. is actually turning the players who just got them for one character and allowing them to discover firsthand other characters and other games they've never tried. Let's be honest here, unless you got your first Smash game later in life when you heard about the competitive scene or whatever. What was the very reason you bought your first Smash Bros. game? You wanted to play as Mario, or Link, or Pikachu and fight against other Nintendo stars because the idea of a multiplayer mascot fighter particularly from Nintendo is just an awesome concept in it's own right. That's the casual aspect of the game. It only gets into hardcore when the player starts to absorb all the little details that's put into the game. Such as the quirks, strengths, weaknesses, of all the characters playable. Or read carefully all the trophy descriptions.

Some people will want to play this game to play as their Mii. But those same fans could be gradually converted to fans like us that discover the many series in this game just like how we started as Mario, Pokemon, and/or Legend of Zelda fans and found us branching into other Nintendo franchises thanks to Smash Brothers. Fire Emblem sure wouldn't be the international success it is now without Marth and Roy's inclusion in Melee. The Mother series probably would of been made a lot more obscure if Ness or Lucas were never in the series. Perhaps the concern is that many Mii game fans will play the game as their Mii for a little while but once they got bored with that they'd barely play the game again. But I'm pretty sure that won't be the case for everybody. Smash Bros. increases popularity for every franchise that is in because it introduces characters to those who have never heard of them. One of the many reasons it's for both new Nintendo fans and longtime Nintendo fans is the game can convert those who are playing games for only one or a few franchises into many.

Additionally, let's face it. The Smash Bros. series isn't considered as "hardcore" as many other Fighter games that came prior to the series. Yes there's the huge competitive scene for Melee in particular. But I'm sure even that game is disregarded, as unfair as it is, by people who go to tournaments for games like Street Fighter or Tekken.

Completely false. If this was a problem, Miis probably would never be included in games like Mario Kart Wii or games that have the option of using your Mii. Heck all the Mii games themselves would be a hassle if they had to do this. But anyway, it's the system that handles the Mii's different looks. The game's themselves just have a template that reads off the System memory on how the Mii looks. As strange as you can get with the options. Like parts of the face being somewhat off the head. It's as easy to implement as the more normal designed Miis thanks to the system itself handling things. Not the game.

Not really. What makes a character too recent for Smash is if their debut game is released around the start of development of a Smash game. Smash Bros. also tends to celebrate the previous generation. This is obvious in how the most recent series represented in Brawl was Pikmin, which until Pikmin 3 came out was exclusively on the Gamecube at the time. The newest character in general was Lucario. Which was on a predominately handheld series but still generally there as the Gamecube generation was coming to an end. Melee and SSB64 also did similar things for the N64 & SNES respectively. Smash 4 already seems to be following in their footsteps by including stuff from the Wii generation. Just look at most of the newcomers: Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit), Villager (The default design being what the male villager looks like on the cover of City Folk), Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy), and Little Mac (Punch-Out Wii). This is also the reason why Miis weren't put into Brawl. The Miis were too new for Brawl, but this is no longer the case for SSB4 as they've been around for a good 7 years now.

Oh no! An opinion! I guess Miis won't make it in after all since apparently some people dislike them…

On a more serious note, I won't lie that some of the voices they've given the Miis weren't exactly the best choices they could of done… especially the MK7 voices. >_<. But if anything, perhaps Miis could be silent like the Villager is. The Miis were mainly silent in their debut game, so those who are worrying they'll give Miis a voice that makes Jason Griffith's Sonic and the pre-Uprising Pit voice look a lot more tolerable there's a beacon of hope that at least Miis won't make our ears bleed.

Maybe not by seemingly a lot of Smash speculators. But given that the Mii series takes up nearly half of the Top 10 most selling games All-Time for the Wii. The Top 3 happening to be Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Wii Fit. There has to be a large enough base that likes the Mii games. Even if they're not necessarily big Smash Bros. fans… yet at least. Also well-liked hasn't stopped other characters from surprising us by getting in the game. Wii Fit Trainer being the most recent example, ROB being another one. And although he didn't really have a hate base like Miis, WFT, and ROB seemed to have gotten. Mr. Game and Watch was also one that caught people off-guard on not being well-known

This could only happen if you go into With Anyone. Which is a mixed bag anyway, considering you could run into people using the most spamable characters. Or the ones that just run away and try to annoy you with their taunts. The easy solution is just to find some good friends who would never do such a thing.

And on controversial Miis like Hitler or Dickfaced Miis, that didn't get Mario Kart Wii or any other game with Miis playable online any notable flack. Why is suddenly Smash Bros. the great "We must think about the children and/or the sensitive people!"?

Perhaps if you only look at Wii Sports. But that's being a bit shallow and only looking at one game. Since then, Miis have had many other games to borrow a decent moveset from. Quirks from Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, and even the Wii Channel itself could be used for potential moveset ideas. You also have stuff like Streetpass Quest/Find Mii which the Miis were in a full-on RPG with items and even special abilities depending on the Mii's favorite color (Ex: Red colored Miis had Fire magic capabilities).

Even if all they had was sports to go with. Sakurai has done wonders with less then that. He's turned a race car driver into a memetic mutation with his style of play (Captain Falcon), and an NES peripheral into a capable fighter (ROB). Sakurai has enough creative intelligence to come up with something the character has never done before in any games before, but manages to make it natural enough that it oddly fits anyway. The fact Mii's moveset can be based on anything at all is already a step ahead of many others who without knowing if they were going to be in Smash, we'd struggle to come up with a full moveset for.

You have a twisted sense of what Smash Bros. is all about if you think Miis being included would be the so-called "Jump the Shark" moment. Also I'm pretty sure we've had a few characters in the series that we'd hesitate to call Nintendo All-Stars. If you feel any characters that aren't included for All-Star status then I suppose the series went downhill at Melee. Because who considers Pichu an all-star? Or Dr. Mario? Yes I know technically Dr. Mario is still Mario which is probably the most All-Star you can get in Smash Bros. But since he's included as a separate character from Mario for some reason and not an alternate costume. Is Mario's Dr. Mario alter ego really a Nintendo All-Star deserving of his own slot? And while I'm sure there's people who do really believe that it did ruin some of the Nintendo feel to some, but how about when Brawl decided to start including 3rd Party characters? Snake and Sonic are all-stars in a sense. But they're not NINTENDO All-Stars. But I don't think this should be the point: Miis are Nintendo All-Stars, like it or not. Some of you may not recognize them as such. But by now they have a pretty extensive library of games they've been included in and were a big reason the Wii was the success it was. And from the way the 3DS and the Wii U use them, they're not going away anytime soon.

As a bonus here's a little known fact: Something like the Miis were once planned for the NES/Famicon at one point. But probably due to technical difficulties, it was canceled and Nintendo wouldn't be able to properly include them until the Wii came around. In other words the Mii was something that's been in over 20 years in the making. Meaning as much as they seem a little too new considerably. This wasn't an idea Nintendo just came up with back in 2005 or 2006 out of the blue to try to appeal to a new audience of gamers. Nintendo has long wanted an Avatar system to be implemented for a long while now. The fact Ice Climbers and ROB are more acceptable it seems is because they're retro reps so they're cool throwbacks to Nintendo's past and it's why not too many people call them out for not being Nintendo icons. But while the fact Miis were almost an NES idea doesn't exactly show why they must be in the same exact way. The point is that the Miis ARE Nintendo Icons. We have a new generation of gamers growing up where their very first system was the Wii. For many, the Wii games are this Nintendo generation's Super Mario World, or Super Mario 64. (As in I mean one of the first games you tend to get on the system, I am by no means saying Wii Sports is as significant as two of the most influential Mario games in history) While you could argue that the Mii Games can't be applied to your experiences with your first game on the SNES or the N64, the point stands that the Mii games are becoming a nostalgic game for a generation growing up. Isn't that what Smash Bros. truly is about? Representing and entertaining our childhood fantasies by letting us play as our favorite Nintendo characters, and meeting up with some of our other favorites? Mii games aren't going to be that nostalgic for a lot of you because you had a much different gaming experience then the young gamers of today. Heck I don't call the Miis as Nostalgia because I grew up in the N64/Gamecube era. But for those much younger then us, using the Mii has the same appeal we had when we played our first Smash game where our first thoughts were that we were just excited to fight as Mario, Link, or Pikachu.

It just comes all down as ironic that one of the reasons people think Miis should not be playable in Smash is for this reason. Yet's it's a little obvious that Miis are actually more representative of Nintendo, at least in terms of recent days, then a lot of the already confirmed characters are. Which may be part of the reason in itself that it's so divisive here since not everyone likes the direction Nintendo has taken with the Wii and them including the Miis would be like a symbol of what they don't like about Nintendo's direction. It's ok if you don't feel Nintendo should have gone the route they did with the Wii. But it should also be important not to be inconsiderate of other Nintendo fans that are ok with or even like the direction they've taken. Like I said against the "Smash Bros. is for hardcore gamers" argument, Smash Bros. is not for just one part of the fanbase. It's supposed to connect with most while at least trying to connect to all. It won't get 100% satisfaction, but no game ever does. But Smash 4 sure as hell is gonna try.

It's just that the Smash Bros. series is more then a game. It's a Time capsule. The games are very much representative of what Nintendo did with the previous console generation. Including the Miis for something that's looking back on what the Wii brought would be a welcome addition in the long run.
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Tetra's Tracker

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2005
Nice post MarioSonic, mind if I do my own version? A lot of it is just going over what you've already said, but adding my own personal feelings to the mix.

CUSTOMISABLE MOVESETS = BADThey don't need and probably won't have customisable movesets because of how much moveset potential of their own they have (see below). Don't worry.

Sakurai, with the exception of Sonic and Wolf who were added last minute, decided the roster in 2005. The Wii came out in 2006. Yeah. You could point to Sonic and Wolf, but unlike Sonic there was not a huge demand to add Miis, and unlike Wolf Miis wouldn't have been a cloneish character that could've been added last minute.

They have as much personality as you give them.

Less recent than Wii Fit Trainer.

Nah, the only thing that needs to change depending on what Mii you're playing as is the face. The body can always stay the same.


Doubt it. Not when you consider what Sakurai has done with much more limited characters, and one thing Miis aren't is limited. The big variety of games Miis have starred in gives them an embarrassment of riches in terms of moveset potential. All the sports equipment (this includes swords, bows and frisbees - cool stuff) from the sports games is an obvious one, you've got jetpacks and hangliders from Pilotwings Resort, you've got a variety of magic spells from StreetPass Mii... People who think they can do nothing but swing a golf club or a tennis racquet either have no imagination or are completely ignorant of the Mii's games.

I've been playing Nintendo games for almost 20 years. I've played everything from Mario to Sky Skipper to For the Frog the Bell Tolls. I own a Virtual Boy. I think I can be considered a hardcore Nintendo fan, and I like Miis and Mii games, so go away.

A pretty dumb claim considering they're the main characters of three of the best selling Nintendo games of all time. It's even dumber considering Miis have featured in a massive number of their own games and other Nintendo games (such as Mario Kart Wii and Pilotwings Resort). It's even even dumber when you consider Miis have been all over Nintendo's marketing since the Wii to the extent you could easily regard them as Nintendo's second mascot. Ha ha, Miis are massive Nintendo icons whether you like it or not. Also, no, they won't ruin what SSB is all about. SSB is all about celebrating Nintendo history, and again, like it or not, Miis and their games are an immense part of Nintendo history. Really that argument just highlights why they SHOULD be in SSB, not why they shouldn't.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I thought I'd post a rebuttal against all the arguments against the Mii in this thread and elsewhere. Again, I'm someone who doesn't mind the Miis so much so that I would not be upset either way if they're in or not. So I would like to remind people that this post means that I'm gung ho for Miis. But I am basically doing "In Defense of the Miis"

But from what I know, I'll be surprised more if they're not included then if they are. Because literally most of the opposition to them comes from personal bias or from a seemingly different view on what Smash Bros. is about. Some of this or maybe even most of this is something I've already stated actually but it's probably still important to add them anyway.

Please click the spoiler tags to hear my answers against the arguments.

They don't necessarily have to have Customizable Movesets. And even if they do. They have to have a default option that's well-rounded right? Tourneys can simply ban Customized moveset Miis if there's an ability to make them broken, and take the default option as the Miis spot on the tier lists. But I'm not sure how good the chances are anyway that a Mii's moveset could be customizable.

Ironically, the very first game (Wii Sports) Miis were in have Miis in pain worse then anything in the Smash Bros. series. In Boxing, Miis can crumple to the floor. Even if it's cartoon violence, isn't that essentially what Smash Bros. is? Perhaps the fact that the Miis tend to represent real people might be an issue. Taking out your anger on a caricature of a person that's been annoying you or that you hate (Though I suppose it's better then actually hitting that person in real life). But it's not like this is Mortal Kombat, you won't be able to rip internal organs out of characters that might represent your friends, family, etc. So from that end, it can't really be more controversial then how you can have Miis destroy each other in Mario Kart. The controversy is pretty much nonexistent there.

Moving on

This is a generalization that ticks me off. Smash Bros. is for all Nintendo fans. The fact it shows off so much history with the roster, trophies, and more is rewards for long-time fans for recognizing them. While for the more casual fans, they just want to play as their favorite mainstream Nintendo character and have fun fighting as them. For some of those fans, a Mii counts as such even if they usually consider playing as a Mii to be playing as themselves. Part of the appeal of Smash Bros. is actually turning the players who just got them for one character and allowing them to discover firsthand other characters and other games they've never tried. Let's be honest here, unless you got your first Smash game later in life when you heard about the competitive scene or whatever. What was the very reason you bought your first Smash Bros. game? You wanted to play as Mario, or Link, or Pikachu and fight against other Nintendo stars because the idea of a multiplayer mascot fighter particularly from Nintendo is just an awesome concept in it's own right. That's the casual aspect of the game. It only gets into hardcore when the player starts to absorb all the little details that's put into the game. Such as the quirks, strengths, weaknesses, of all the characters playable. Or read carefully all the trophy descriptions.

Some people will want to play this game to play as their Mii. But those same fans could be gradually converted to fans like us that discover the many series in this game just like how we started as Mario, Pokemon, and/or Legend of Zelda fans and found us branching into other Nintendo franchises thanks to Smash Brothers. Fire Emblem sure wouldn't be the international success it is now without Marth and Roy's inclusion in Melee. The Mother series probably would of been made a lot more obscure if Ness or Lucas were never in the series. Perhaps the concern is that many Mii game fans will play the game as their Mii for a little while but once they got bored with that they'd barely play the game again. But I'm pretty sure that won't be the case for everybody. Smash Bros. increases popularity for every franchise that is in because it introduces characters to those who have never heard of them. One of the many reasons it's for both new Nintendo fans and longtime Nintendo fans is the game can convert those who are playing games for only one or a few franchises into many.

Additionally, let's face it. The Smash Bros. series isn't considered as "hardcore" as many other Fighter games that came prior to the series. Yes there's the huge competitive scene for Melee in particular. But I'm sure even that game is disregarded, as unfair as it is, by people who go to tournaments for games like Street Fighter or Tekken.

Completely false. If this was a problem, Miis probably would never be included in games like Mario Kart Wii or games that have the option of using your Mii. Heck all the Mii games themselves would be a hassle if they had to do this. But anyway, it's the system that handles the Mii's different looks. The game's themselves just have a template that reads off the System memory on how the Mii looks. As strange as you can get with the options. Like parts of the face being somewhat off the head. It's as easy to implement as the more normal designed Miis thanks to the system itself handling things. Not the game.

Not really. What makes a character too recent for Smash is if their debut game is released around the start of development of a Smash game. Smash Bros. also tends to celebrate the previous generation. This is obvious in how the most recent series represented in Brawl was Pikmin, which until Pikmin 3 came out was exclusively on the Gamecube at the time. The newest character in general was Lucario. Which was on a predominately handheld series but still generally there as the Gamecube generation was coming to an end. Melee and SSB64 also did similar things for the N64 & SNES respectively. Smash 4 already seems to be following in their footsteps by including stuff from the Wii generation. Just look at most of the newcomers: Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit), Villager (The default design being what the male villager looks like on the cover of City Folk), Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy), and Little Mac (Punch-Out Wii). This is also the reason why Miis weren't put into Brawl. The Miis were too new for Brawl, but this is no longer the case for SSB4 as they've been around for a good 7 years now.

Oh no! An opinion! I guess Miis won't make it in after all since apparently some people dislike them…

On a more serious note, I won't lie that some of the voices they've given the Miis weren't exactly the best choices they could of done… especially the MK7 voices. >_<. But if anything, perhaps Miis could be silent like the Villager is. The Miis were mainly silent in their debut game, so those who are worrying they'll give Miis a voice that makes Jason Griffith's Sonic and the pre-Uprising Pit voice look a lot more tolerable there's a beacon of hope that at least Miis won't make our ears bleed.

Maybe not by seemingly a lot of Smash speculators. But given that the Mii series takes up nearly half of the Top 10 most selling games All-Time for the Wii. The Top 3 happening to be Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Wii Fit. There has to be a large enough base that likes the Mii games. Even if they're not necessarily big Smash Bros. fans… yet at least. Also well-liked hasn't stopped other characters from surprising us by getting in the game. Wii Fit Trainer being the most recent example, ROB being another one. And although he didn't really have a hate base like Miis, WFT, and ROB seemed to have gotten. Mr. Game and Watch was also one that caught people off-guard on not being well-known

This could only happen if you go into With Anyone. Which is a mixed bag anyway, considering you could run into people using the most spamable characters. Or the ones that just run away and try to annoy you with their taunts. The easy solution is just to find some good friends who would never do such a thing.

And on controversial Miis like Hitler or ****faced Miis, that didn't get Mario Kart Wii or any other game with Miis playable online any notable flack. Why is suddenly Smash Bros. the great "We must think about the children and/or the sensitive people!"?

Perhaps if you only look at Wii Sports. But that's being a bit shallow and only looking at one game. Since then, Miis have had many other games to borrow a decent moveset from. Quirks from Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, and even the Wii Channel itself could be used for potential moveset ideas. You also have stuff like Streetpass Quest/Find Mii which the Miis were in a full-on RPG with items and even special abilities depending on the Mii's favorite color (Ex: Red colored Miis had Fire magic capabilities).

Even if all they had was sports to go with. Sakurai has done wonders with less then that. He's turned a race car driver into a memetic mutation with his style of play (Captain Falcon), and an NES peripheral into a capable fighter (ROB). Sakurai has enough creative intelligence to come up with something the character has never done before in any games before, but manages to make it natural enough that it oddly fits anyway. The fact Mii's moveset can be based on anything at all is already a step ahead of many others who without knowing if they were going to be in Smash, we'd struggle to come up with a full moveset for.

You have a twisted sense of what Smash Bros. is all about if you think Miis being included would be the so-called "Jump the Shark" moment. Also I'm pretty sure we've had a few characters in the series that we'd hesitate to call Nintendo All-Stars. If you feel any characters that aren't included for All-Star status then I suppose the series went downhill at Melee. Because who considers Pichu an all-star? Or Dr. Mario? Yes I know technically Dr. Mario is still Mario which is probably the most All-Star you can get in Smash Bros. But since he's included as a separate character from Mario for some reason and not an alternate costume. Is Mario's Dr. Mario alter ego really a Nintendo All-Star deserving of his own slot? And while I'm sure there's people who do really believe that it did ruin some of the Nintendo feel to some, but how about when Brawl decided to start including 3rd Party characters? Snake and Sonic are all-stars in a sense. But they're not NINTENDO All-Stars. But I don't think this should be the point: Miis are Nintendo All-Stars, like it or not. Some of you may not recognize them as such. But by now they have a pretty extensive library of games they've been included in and were a big reason the Wii was the success it was. And from the way the 3DS and the Wii U use them, they're not going away anytime soon.

As a bonus here's a little known fact: Something like the Miis were once planned for the NES/Famicon at one point. But probably due to technical difficulties, it was canceled and Nintendo wouldn't be able to properly include them until the Wii came around. In other words the Mii was something that's been in over 20 years in the making. Meaning as much as they seem a little too new considerably. This wasn't an idea Nintendo just came up with back in 2005 or 2006 out of the blue to try to appeal to a new audience of gamers. Nintendo has long wanted an Avatar system to be implemented for a long while now. The fact Ice Climbers and ROB are more acceptable it seems is because they're retro reps so they're cool throwbacks to Nintendo's past and it's why not too many people call them out for not being Nintendo icons. But while the fact Miis were almost an NES idea doesn't exactly show why they must be in the same exact way. The point is that the Miis ARE Nintendo Icons. We have a new generation of gamers growing up where their very first system was the Wii. For many, the Wii games are this Nintendo generation's Super Mario World, or Super Mario 64. (As in I mean one of the first games you tend to get on the system, I am by no means saying Wii Sports is as significant as two of the most influential Mario games in history) While you could argue that the Mii Games can't be applied to your experiences with your first game on the SNES or the N64, the point stands that the Mii games are becoming a nostalgic game for a generation growing up. Isn't that what Smash Bros. truly is about? Representing and entertaining our childhood fantasies by letting us play as our favorite Nintendo characters, and meeting up with some of our other favorites? Mii games aren't going to be that nostalgic for a lot of you because you had a much different gaming experience then the young gamers of today. Heck I don't call the Miis as Nostalgia because I grew up in the N64/Gamecube era. But for those much younger then us, using the Mii has the same appeal we had when we played our first Smash game where our first thoughts were that we were just excited to fight as Mario, Link, or Pikachu.

It just comes all down as ironic that one of the reasons people think Miis should not be playable in Smash is for this reason. Yet's it's a little obvious that Miis are actually more representative of Nintendo, at least in terms of recent days, then a lot of the already confirmed characters are. Which may be part of the reason in itself that it's so divisive here since not everyone likes the direction Nintendo has taken with the Wii and them including the Miis would be like a symbol of what they don't like about Nintendo's direction. It's ok if you don't feel Nintendo should have gone the route they did with the Wii. But it should also be important not to be inconsiderate of other Nintendo fans that are ok with or even like the direction they've taken. Like I said against the "Smash Bros. is for hardcore gamers" argument, Smash Bros. is not for just one part of the fanbase. It's supposed to connect with most while at least trying to connect to all. It won't get 100% satisfaction, but no game ever does. But Smash 4 sure as hell is gonna try.

It's just that the Smash Bros. series is more then a game. It's a Time capsule. The games are very much representative of what Nintendo did with the previous console generation. Including the Miis for something that's looking back on what the Wii brought would be a welcome addition in the long run.
This should probably be put in the OP.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
So there was a thread were people were discussing wether Miis should be customizable in terms of moveset or not, and I was having a debate with someone, and thought I'd continue it here.

Note: this a response to a post that I made prior. So you may not understand it if you didn't read the thread it was originally on.

@ smashbro29 smashbro29

Being by Shigeru Miyamoto is not some free pass to being called creative.

You could make an avatar without being so bland and generic. Miis look like something you'd see on an ad to encourage you to brush your teeth.

"And it is someone you play as in a video game. That automatically defines it as a character."

Tetris confirmed for smash bros.

Yes of course, it's my job to be creative. If only I had something besides penis noses and hitler mustaches.
While being Miyamoto doesn't give him a free pass to being called creative, he is known for being the god of creative games, and almost everything he has made is deemed genius (even Nintendogs).
I'm saying that he is known for seeing the best in things, and trying to make everything to perfection. Saying he did something unoriginal would be like saying Einstein did something stupid.

Again, it is suppose to look bland. YOUR'E SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT OTHERWISE! That's your job.
You can't really make a blank slate that you are supposed to customize not looks generic and bland at the start. Unless you make the default one look like a model, which kind of defeats the whole purpose.

That tetris remark is just a troll.
I said that someONE you play as is a character, because you said that a Mii Isn't a character. I never said anything you play as in a game is a great choice for Smash.
Plus, you don't really play as anything in Tetris. You just move around Tetrominos (an actually term that was around before Tetris, hence "Tetris" being a combination between "Tetromino" and "Tennis")

I'm glad you agree with me that it is your job to be creative. Now if you're looking for something to make, I'd suggest making your friggin' face. You seem to have all materials there to make it, as no other person seems to have trouble creating his/her own face on a Mii. Though if you weren't kidding on that "penis nose and Hitler mustache" comment, and you actually are a weenie-nosed Nazi, I feel truly sorry for you, and have no idea what cruelty you experience everyday in public.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
So there was a thread were people were discussing wether Miis should be customizable in terms of moveset or not, and I was having a debate with someone, and thought I'd continue it here.

Note: this a response to a post that I made prior. So you may not understand it if you didn't read the thread it was originally on.

@ smashbro29 smashbro29

While being Miyamoto doesn't give him a free pass to being called creative, he is known for being the god of creative games, and almost everything he has made is deemed genius (even Nintendogs).
I'm saying that he is known for seeing the best in things, and trying to make everything to perfection. Saying he did something unoriginal would be like saying Einstein did something stupid.

Again, it is suppose to look bland. YOUR'E SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT OTHERWISE! That's your job.
You can't really make a blank slate that you are supposed to customize not looks generic and bland at the start. Unless you make the default one look like a model, which kind of defeats the whole purpose.

That tetris remark is just a troll.
I said that someONE you play as is a character, because you said that a Mii Isn't a character. I never said anything you play as in a game is a great choice for Smash.
Plus, you don't really play as anything in Tetris. You just move around Tetrominos (an actually term that was around before Tetris, hence "Tetris" being a combination between "Tetromino" and "Tennis")

I'm glad you agree with me that it is your job to be creative. Now if you're looking for something to make, I'd suggest making your friggin' face. You seem to have all materials there to make it, as no other person seems to have trouble creating his/her own face on a Mii. Though if you weren't kidding on that "penis nose and Hitler mustache" comment, and you actually are a weenie-nosed Nazi, I feel truly sorry for you, and have no idea what cruelty you experience everyday in public.
Einstein did plenty stupid, you ever see that outfit? And that haircut! No creator is free from making bad things.

If they made it a generic anime face at the very least it's an anime face. This is like a 3d stick figure.

How are Tetris blocks related to green creatures that live under bridges? English please.

I mean to say there's almost nothing remarkable to really use. It's an ok function but it's nothing I haven't seen done in a million other flash games.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Einstein did plenty stupid, you ever see that outfit? And that haircut! No creator is free from making bad things.
I'm not even going to respond to the bolded, but I do agree with you on the un-bolded.

If they made it a generic anime face at the very least it's an anime face. This is like a 3d stick figure.
It's supposed to be a stick figure, with a face you customize. You're suppose to be looking at the face, and not the stick-figure body. That's why the body is simple. It's simple so you don't focus on it, and you focus on the face.
Also, Mr. Game & Watch is literally the definition of a stick-figure.

How are Tetris blocks related to green creatures that live under bridges? English please.
In Tetris you don't actually play as anything. You move around Tetrominos (an actual thing that was around before Tetris was made) in certain orders. You don't really play as them.

Plus, I was just going against you're case of saying Miis aren't even characters. They are characters. Whether they are characters that should be in Smash is an opinion.

I mean to say there's almost nothing remarkable to really use. It's an ok function but it's nothing I haven't seen done in a million other flash games.
Well, there isn't supposed to be anything out of the ordinary. It's you're face. A normal human face. Nothing special, you see 100s of them every day. And it wasn't supposed to be ground-breaking work. It was supposed to be an avatar, that puts "you" in the game.

If a feature is specifically designed to put your image in a game, why shouldn't if be in Smash. Smash is one of the perfect opportunities to implement Miis in a fun way.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Made this in Chicago, I'm just going to go around to each corresponding thread and post 'em, because people liked my K. Rool and Ridley ones.



Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
I'm not even going to respond to the bolded, but I do agree with you on the un-bolded.

It's supposed to be a stick figure, with a face you customize. You're suppose to be looking at the face, and not the stick-figure body. That's why the body is simple. It's simple so you don't focus on it, and you focus on the face.
Also, Mr. Game & Watch is literally the definition of a stick-figure.

In Tetris you don't actually play as anything. You move around Tetrominos (an actual thing that was around before Tetris was made) in certain orders. You don't really play as them.

Plus, I was just going against you're case of saying Miis aren't even characters. They are characters. Whether they are characters that should be in Smash is an opinion.

Well, there isn't supposed to be anything out of the ordinary. It's you're face. A normal human face. Nothing special, you see 100s of them every day. And it wasn't supposed to be ground-breaking work. It was supposed to be an avatar, that puts "you" in the game.

If a feature is specifically designed to put your image in a game, why shouldn't if be in Smash. Smash is one of the perfect opportunities to implement Miis in a fun way.[/quote]

Because you can't take a joke.

Game & Watch is an homage to the first electronic handheld games they made. Miis are a system feature that definitely wasn't even innovative when it came out.

So every random create a avatar thing counts a character?

So basically it's a way to self insert yourself into games?

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Because you can't take a joke.
Sorry, I thought you were actually using that to back up your argument.

Game & Watch is an homage to the first electronic handheld games they made. Miis are a system feature that definitely wasn't even innovative when it came out.
Yeah, but you were saying that a stick-figure can't be a character.
And I just proved to you that a stick-figure is indeed a character, and in fact a character already in smash Bros.

So every random create a avatar thing counts a character?
No. The concept of a Mii (the character that you edit to suit your needs) counts as a character.

So basically it's a way to self insert yourself into games?
Pretty much. That's what Miyamoto was aiming for when he started this project. And when a concept is designed to put you're own image into video games, wouldn't it make sense to be able to you're image into a game were the main focus is the characters?


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Sorry, I thought you were actually using that to back up your argument.

Yeah, but you were saying that a stick-figure can't be a character.
And I just proved to you that a stick-figure is indeed a character, and in fact a character already in smash Bros.

No. The concept of a Mii (the character that you edit to suit your needs) counts as a character.

Pretty much. That's what Miyamoto was aiming for when he started this project. And when a concept is designed to put you're own image into video games, wouldn't it make sense to be able to you're image into a game were the main focus is the characters?
No it actually makes less sense, there's already so many characters to pick why pick the generic template?

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
No it actually makes less sense, there's already so many characters to pick why pick the generic template?
So you can have yourself fighting against some of the biggest icons in video game history?

Sounds cool to me.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I would like to hear what makes them a good implementation.
At this point I could write essays about it, but you wouldn't be swayed. There is a bias there. And justified or not, it's too strong to way.

The only thing that can convince you is Sakurai implementing them and having them somehow blow you out of the water.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
At this point I could write essays about it, but you wouldn't be swayed. There is a bias there. And justified or not, it's too strong to way.

The only thing that can convince you is Sakurai implementing them and having them somehow blow you out of the water.
Bull****. Write the essay or go home. I can be swayed, I have been swayed it's just something about a discussion causes people to just say "it's my opinion" and forget about it. I know it's your opinion by virtue of you being the person posting it. Follow up your opinions with reason or at least an explanation because otherwise, what's the point?

I can give justification for my opinion. The implementation within some games may work in the sense that there is a stick figure person that kind of resembles you (more if you're a man) but they don't act like you. They don't do anything that's uniquely you. All miis do the exact same thing with the exact same disturbingly generic grunts and groans.

So you changed their shirt color and made a face that kind of resembles you. It's a piss poor version of you. You don't even get to pick stats on how they perform in games. It's literally the world's simplest 3D model that you can kind of add your face to. It's not special, go to newgrounds I bet you can find at least 5 "mii type" things hat predate the Wii. Go to those old sites like miniclip you could probably find 100.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Nintendo have always been a company that uses gameplay and the user experience to inform character.
Mario is athletic, energised and optimistic, because his games make the player feel that way. Link is cautious, intrepid and observant, because Zelda games are designed and scripted with those qualities in mind. Neither character directly tells the player about themselves, thus the player is free to only make the observations that are relevant to their own experience.

What sets Miis apart, is that they are social characters. Miis and Mii games exist as tools for both social interaction and for helping non-gamers immerse themselves in the act of controlling a character. Because the character is ostensibly "you", the actions miis perform are quirky projections of your own behaviour. This kind of thing is critically important for a party atmosphere game, and the Miis' success has everything to do with how they are designed and characterised for that kind of experience.
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Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
No it actually makes less sense, there's already so many characters to pick why pick the generic template?
Because you can have a Nintendo-like design of yourself in a game, which was the point of Miis in the first place.

Bull****. Write the essay or go home. I can be swayed, I have been swayed it's just something about a discussion causes people to just say "it's my opinion" and forget about it. I know it's your opinion by virtue of you being the person posting it. Follow up your opinions with reason or at least an explanation because otherwise, what's the point?

I can give justification for my opinion. The implementation within some games may work in the sense that there is a stick figure person that kind of resembles you (more if you're a man) but they don't act like you. They don't do anything that's uniquely you. All miis do the exact same thing with the exact same disturbingly generic grunts and groans.

So you changed their shirt color and made a face that kind of resembles you. It's a piss poor version of you. You don't even get to pick stats on how they perform in games. It's literally the world's simplest 3D model that you can kind of add your face to. It's not special, go to newgrounds I bet you can find at least 5 "mii type" things hat predate the Wii. Go to those old sites like miniclip you could probably find 100.
Even if it is bland and generic, it has been established to look like that. The Mii (even with its "generic" design) is a very iconic Nintedo character, that was basically the mascot of the best selling console and game of all time.
In Wii Sports, it filled it's purpose: to put you in the game. Yes, you! It's not suppose to look exactly like you. It's supposed to look like you if you were in a Nitmendo game, we're your design Ian suppose to be super complex. If a Mii was a spot-on image of your face, that would be uncanny valley.

Even if a Mii is boring and generic, that doesn't mean anything in terms of whether it Gould be in Smash or not. What matters is who or what it is, and a Mii has a very important history with Nintendo, even if it was only around for the last 8 years. It was in the best selling game of all time, one that boosted Nintendo up there, and brought the whole "casual gamer" market to them which helpe pave the future.
But besides that, a character has to be important to be in Smash. And who exactly is a Mii? It is you (or at least it is supposed to be). As aren't you the most important person in a game? You are the one it was made for, the player. The player is basically the god of a game, and I think that makes you, and a Mii, important.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Because you can have a Nintendo-like design of yourself in a game, which was the point of Miis in the first place.

Even if it is bland and generic, it has been established to look like that. The Mii (even with its "generic" design) is a very iconic Nintedo character, that was basically the mascot of the best selling console and game of all time.
In Wii Sports, it filled it's purpose: to put you in the game. Yes, you! It's not suppose to look exactly like you. It's supposed to look like you if you were in a Nitmendo game, we're your design Ian suppose to be super complex. If a Mii was a spot-on image of your face, that would be uncanny valley.

Even if a Mii is boring and generic, that doesn't mean anything in terms of whether it Gould be in Smash or not. What matters is who or what it is, and a Mii has a very important history with Nintendo, even if it was only around for the last 8 years. It was in the best selling game of all time, one that boosted Nintendo up there, and brought the whole "casual gamer" market to them which helpe pave the future.
But besides that, a character has to be important to be in Smash. And who exactly is a Mii? It is you (or at least it is supposed to be). As aren't you the most important person in a game? You are the one it was made for, the player. The player is basically the god of a game, and I think that makes you, and a Mii, important.
Being visually uninteresting is grounds for being left out, it took animal crossing 4 games to finally get a character because by comparison he is bland as ****.

We have reality represented. Master hand and Final Destination are just that.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Being visually uninteresting is grounds for being left out, it took animal crossing 4 games to finally get a character because by comparison he is bland as ****.
Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that Animal Crossing didn't exist before 64, was a Japan exclusive game that wasn't really popular before Melee, and was considered too peaceful by Sakurai before Brawl. And we got him now because Sakurai must have had some sort of genius revalation of Villager using common items to attack, and realized he wasn't to peaceful.

And one can't be automatically not in just because he/she is "visually uninteresting." Especially when that character is extrememly popular and important to Nintendo, like the stick-figure in Melee. And again, thinking something looks boring is just opinion. Everyone sees things differently, and we don't know for a fact that Sakurai sees Miis as generic and boring.

And as I said many times, Miis are supposed to be blank! That's the whole point! They are an empty slate that you design! The body is not suppose to be detailed, and the face is. You make te face, an make it whatever the heck you want.
That's the whole point of Miis.

They aren't supposed to be this great strike of genius design. They are suppose to be generic people with nothing special in appearence, just like you and me compared to everyone else in the world.

We have reality represented. Master hand and Final Destination are just that.
I could see we're you are going with Master Hand, as you could say he is the hand of the player or he is controlling the characters, but I don't see your logic on Final Destination at all. Could you please elaborate on that?


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that Animal Crossing didn't exist before 64, was a Japan exclusive game that wasn't really popular before Melee, and was considered too peaceful by Sakurai before Brawl. And we got him now because Sakurai must have had some sort of genius revalation of Villager using common items to attack, and realized he wasn't to peaceful.

And one can't be automatically not in just because he/she is "visually uninteresting." Especially when that character is extrememly popular and important to Nintendo, like the stick-figure in Melee. And again, thinking something looks boring is just opinion. Everyone sees things differently, and we don't know for a fact that Sakurai sees Miis as generic and boring.

And as I said many times, Miis are supposed to be blank! That's the whole point! They are an empty slate that you design! The body is not suppose to be detailed, and the face is. You make te face, an make it whatever the heck you want.
That's the whole point of Miis.

They aren't supposed to be this great strike of genius design. They are suppose to be generic people with nothing special in appearence, just like you and me compared to everyone else in the world.

I could see we're you are going with Master Hand, as you could say he is the hand of the player or he is controlling the characters, but I don't see your logic on Final Destination at all. Could you please elaborate on that?
FD literally goes from magical space land to reality, that's kind of the point of fighting the hands there.

Japan exclusive means very little, G&W is very visually interesting. He's 2-D! That's badass!

Just because a character is supposed to be something it doesn't mean that something is interesting.

Why do you want generic people in a game with so many exciting possibilities? Think about the camera in Smash, could you even see the face for much of it? Majority of the game you're facing the side the sole unique identifier is downplayed considerably in the context of the game you so badly want it included in.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Think about the camera in Smash, could you even see the face for much of it? Majority of the game you're facing the side the sole unique identifier is downplayed considerably in the context of the game you so badly want it included in.
I used to think this was an issue too. However, Miis also exist in Mario Kart, a game in which you view your character exclusively from behind.

I think Smash Bros would be able to make the miis work by giving them an asymetrical stance, where the head is always turned slightly toward the screen.
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Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
I used to think this was an issue too. However, Miis also exist in Mario Kart, a game in which you view your character exclusively from behind.

I think Smash Bros would be able to make the miis work by giving them an asymetrical stance, where the head is always turned slightly toward the screen.
The difference is in Mario Kart characters are basically just skins for slightly different stats. So the inclusion isn't a huge undertaking.

Even if they stood that way, there's still facing the other way, jumping, tumbling etc.


Floor | Defiant of Destiny
Feb 17, 2014
DFW, Texas
Customizable movesets would be good, but I hope they are not in. I think they are though... *sigh*

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
FD literally goes from magical space land to reality, that's kind of the point of fighting the hands there.

Japan exclusive means very little, G&W is very visually interesting. He's 2-D! That's badass!

Just because a character is supposed to be something it doesn't mean that something is interesting.

Why do you want generic people in a game with so many exciting possibilities? Think about the camera in Smash, could you even see the face for much of it? Majority of the game you're facing the side the sole unique identifier is downplayed considerably in the context of the game you so badly want it included in.
Because 2-D definitely means badass by definition.

Let me get something straight. I don't really care of Miis are in the game or not. Yes, I think they can be interesting, but no, I don't want them that badly. I am arguing the fact that they aren't generic, and even if they were that doesn't stop them from being in Smash as long as they are iconic an popular, which Miis are.

I am also arguing that Miis are LIKLELY! No matter if they are stupid, generic, or whatever you say they are, Nintendo is putting there face on everything. Why wouldn't they put their face in Smash, which is a game with multiple video game characters, when the whole point of a Mii is to put yourself into the game with other characters?


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Even if they stood that way, there's still facing the other way, jumping, tumbling etc.
I have faith that the team is good enough at animation design for this to not be an issue, assuming they decide to implement Miis as playable characters.
There are left & right versions of certain animations in Brawl (i.e. the animation is different depending on which direction the character is facing). The same could be applied to various Mii attacks and motions.

And if that sounds like too much work, you could have the Mii's head rotation procedurally set to keep it at a near-constant 3/4 view, regardless of orientation.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Because 2-D definitely means badass by definition.

Let me get something straight. I don't really care of Miis are in the game or not. Yes, I think they can be interesting, but no, I don't want them that badly. I am arguing the fact that they aren't generic, and even if they were that doesn't stop them from being in Smash as long as they are iconic an popular, which Miis are.

I am also arguing that Miis are LIKLELY! No matter if they are stupid, generic, or whatever you say they are, Nintendo is putting there face on everything. Why wouldn't they put their face in Smash, which is a game with multiple video game characters, when the whole point of a Mii is to put yourself into the game with other characters?
If they're likely is a completely different story. They have a shot. Though I think Wii Fit Trainer kinda took the "Wii" spot.

Yes, a paper thin character in a game with only 3-D characters is really cool if not only for the stark contrast.

I have faith that the team is good enough at animation design for this to not be an issue, assuming they decide to implement Miis as playable characters.
There are left & right versions of certain animations in Brawl (i.e. the animation is different depending on which direction the character is facing). The same could be applied to various Mii attacks and motions.

And if that sounds like too much work, you could have the Mii's head rotation procedurally set to keep it at a near-constant 3/4 view, regardless of orientation.
I'm not saying it's unworkable, I'm saying if they were implemented like every other character it would be really pointless to have your face on it. Especially on 3DS.
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Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Seeing your face in battle isn't important. All you have to know is that you're playing as your Mii from the character selection screen. And the face is only important for if you're doing extra things like taking screenshots of your Mii fighting your favorite Nintendo characters. People who enjoy the concept of having themselves fighting with or against their favorite Nintendo characters will like the ability to take a screenshot of this happening. Miis having a taunt where they can pose while a different character taunts as well. Sonic fans taking a picture of their Mii next to Sonic while he's doing either his side taunt or up taunt for example. Or Megaman fans doing the same. Or whatever character is the player's favorite.

Also personally, I think Wii FIt Trainer & Villager both work to increase Mii's chances more then decreases them. Especially Wii Fit Trainer.

The only way I see the Villager decreases the Mii's chances is if you're able to somehow import your New Leaf character or something to that end. I however don't know if that'd even work since I'm not sure they'd plan it like that from the get go with the developers of that game. It's easier to import Miis into the game though because the system handles that. And everyone has the capability of making a Mii. If the only customization available was importing from New Leaf. Well not everybody has New Leaf, so it'd be a bit unfair.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Are people seriously saying that fighting Hitler as Megaman and Link could ever be a bad thing?


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2012
Are people seriously saying that fighting Hitler as Megaman and Link could ever be a bad thing?
Of course, I'd spend more time annihilating the assholes in my life with Kirby.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Also, customizable movesets are a HORRIBLE idea! The Mii series has already become huge enough to draw movesets from lots of games, the Miis know how to play Sports, wield swords, drive karts, use elemental magic, etc.

Not to mention, most people who hate the idea of Miis are those 'hardcore' gamers who feel like they're somehow less 'gamer' because they can also enjoy casual games and/or cellphone games. Those people seriously need to get their heads out of their asses and stop caring so much about what people think about them...they're the same as the people who don't play Nintendo because the games are colorful.

The Miis are an IMPORTANT part of Nintendo's History...I don't care if you're too serious to have fun with the Mii series, they are relevant and iconic.
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Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2014
Addicted to Miitomo
Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that Animal Crossing didn't exist before 64, was a Japan exclusive game that wasn't really popular before Melee, and was considered too peaceful by Sakurai before Brawl. And we got him now because Sakurai must have had some sort of genius revalation of Villager using common items to attack, and realized he wasn't to peaceful.
Eggzaktlee. Since when did the world of Animal Crossing become Cloud Cuckoo Land? You can hit people on the head, there's a minigame about beating the crabcakes out of a lawnmower, one of my villagers mentioned being in a "wild" professional pillow fight tournament, and there's an Easter Egg where late at night, an ALIEN interrupts the TV and delivers his announcements to invade (In TV Gibberish of course!).
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