Welcome to the Grand SWF Pokemon Rate for Generation 1! The rules are simple, rate the Pokemon of the first generation as you see fit! After a certain timeframe has passed; the votes will be tallied and the rankings will be revealed and we will move on to the next generation; eventually covering all six generations of Pokemon! Once done, the top 10% (is your Rattata in the top percentage of all Rattatas?) from each generation will enter the final rating round.
Rules regarding voting scores:
You must give all Pokemon on the ballot a rating; leaving any unscored will invalidate your vote!
In order to make voting balanced, each round (based on the number of Pokemon in the round) you will have guidelines for what scores you can give. This is to avoid those who want to just give their favourite pokemon a bunch of 10s and their least favourite pokemon a bunch of 0s and nothing in between.
For the Generation I rate, here are your restrictions!
15 - You may give [1] Pokemon this score.
10 - You may give [10] Pokemon this score.
9 - You may give [11] Pokemon this score.
8 - You may give [12] Pokemon this score.
7 - You may give [13] Pokemon this score.
6 - You may give [15] Pokemon this score.
5 - You may give [28] Pokemon this score.
4 - You may give [15] Pokemon this score.
3 - You may give [13] Pokemon this score.
2 - You may give [12] Pokemon this score.
1 - You may give [11] Pokemon this score.
0 - You may give [10] Pokemon this score.
-1 - You may give [1] Pokemon this score.
Submit the following form to me via PM; other methods of submitting your ballot (such as posting in this thread) will not count:
000: Missingno. -
001: Bulbasaur -
002: Ivysaur -
003: Venusaur -
004: Charmander -
005: Charmeleon -
006: Charizard -
007: Squirtle -
008: Wartortle -
009: Blastoise -
010: Caterpie -
011: Metapod -
012: Butterfree -
013: Weedle -
014: Kakuna -
015: Beedrill -
016: Pidgey -
017: Pidgeotto -
018: Pidgeot -
019: Rattata -
020: Raticate -
021: Spearow -
022: Fearow -
023: Ekans -
024: Arbok -
025: Pikachu -
026: Raichu -
027: Sandshrew -
028: Sandslash -
029: Nidoran -
030: Nidorina -
031: Nidoqueen -
032: Nidoran -
033: Nidorino -
034: Nidoking -
035: Clefairy -
036: Clefable -
037: Vulpix -
038: Ninetales -
039: Jigglypuff -
040: Wigglytuff -
041: Zubat -
042: Golbat -
043: Oddish -
044: Gloom -
045: Vileplume -
046: Paras -
047: Parasect -
048: Venonat -
049: Venomoth -
050: Diglett -
051: Dugtrio -
052: Meowth -
053: Persian -
054: Psyduck -
055: Golduck -
056: Mankey -
057: Primeape -
058: Growlithe -
059: Arcanine -
060: Poliwag -
061: Poliwhirl -
062: Poliwrath -
063: Abra -
064: Kadabra -
065: Alakazam -
066: Machop -
067: Machoke -
068: Machamp -
069: Bellsprout -
070: Weepinbell -
071: Victreebell -
072: Tentacool -
073: Tentacruel -
074: Geodude -
075: Graveler -
076: Golem -
077: Ponyta -
078: Rapidash -
079: Slowpoke -
080: Slowbro -
081: Magnemite -
082: Magneton -
083: Farfetch'd -
084: Doduo -
085: Dodrio -
086: Seel -
087: Dewgong -
088: Grimer -
089: Muk -
090: Shellder -
091: Cloyster -
092: Gastly -
093: Haunter -
094: Gengar -
095: Onix -
096: Drowsee -
097: Hypno -
098: Krabby -
099: Kingler -
100: Voltorb -
101: Electrode -
102: Exeggcute -
103: Exeggutor -
104: Cubone -
105: Marowak -
106: Hitmonlee -
107: Hitmonchan -
108: Lickitung -
109: Koffing -
110: Weezing -
111: Rhyhorn -
112: Rhydon -
113: Chansey -
114: Tangela -
115: Kangaskhan -
116: Horsea -
117: Seadra -
118: Goldeen -
119: Seaking -
120: Staryu -
121: Starmie -
122: Mr. Mime -
123: Scyther -
124: Jynx -
125: Electabuzz -
126: Magmar -
127: Pinsir -
128: Tauros -
129: Magikarp -
130: Gyarados -
131: Lapras -
132: Ditto -
133: Eevee -
134: Vaporeon -
135: Jolteon -
136: Flareon -
137: Porygon -
138: Omanyte -
139: Omastar -
140: Kabuto -
141: Kabutops -
142: Aerodactyl -
143: Snorlax -
144: Articuno -
145: Zapdos -
146: Moltres -
147: Dratini -
148: Dragonair -
149: Dragonite -
150: Mewtwo -
151: Mew -
Feel free to use this thread for discussion; the results will be posted here once the voting period ends. There is no deadline for the voting period at this time; but one will be imposed shortly once interest is gauged!