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Official The 20XX Melee Training Hack Pack (v5.0.2 - 1/20/2023)


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA

20XX Discord Banner.png

20XX is back with a major update!

v5+ features a redesigned code library (allowing new codes to be much more easily integrated without breaking things), SDR updated to version 5.1, a 4th Stage Select Screen with a lot of new stages, new costumes, several upgrades to custom music, UCF and other code mods, two new special game modes, and more. See the full changelogs below:​

- Fixed a bug causing a crash on SSS after using the Debug Menu w/memory card​
- Added a "Freeze Pokemon Stadium" option to the Debug Menu​
- The Pokemon Stadium fixed-transformation stages now work with any Stadium skin*​
- The Custom Platform Battlefield stages now work with other Battlefield skins*​
- Updated SDR Infographic to show correct SDR version (5.1)​
- Reduced the delay after selecting Progressive Scan on boot by half​
- Random Stage Select Screen now populates correctly if accessing it from the CSS​
- Fixed Samus' grab/zair crashing on console​
- Fixed the Yoshi's Surf stage crashing on console​
- Fixed Animelee Stadium's platforms ignoring transformations (Thanks, Primal!)​
- Fixed Beach Dreamland 64 (previously only appeared in the Debug Menu)​
- Falco's blue CSP (& trim colors) updated to match his blue left alt costume​
- Fixed the "Animations" sub-menu headline in the Debug Menu​
- Removed some unused files (GmTitle.dat & GmTitle.usd)​

* Previously, certain random neutral stages were not compatible with the Custom
Battlefield Platforms stage variations or the Pokemon Stadium fixed-transformation
stages, so you would need to select the Default skin (or a similar one) for those
stages to use those features. This could cause a crash if Custom Battlefield 1/2/3 was
selected with the wrong skin, or cause fixed-form Stadiums to be stuck in the base form.
- Changes to the Random Stage Select Screen:​
- Fixed per-page random stage selection settings for pages 2-4​
- Now shows actual stage names for the current page​
- Now shows the current page number in the top-right​
- The game now saves when transitioning from the Debug Menu to the CSS​
- SD Remix updated to version 5.1​
- SDR Falcon's "Shinesplosion" moved from SDR Falcon variant to the Debug Menu*​
- SD Remix Bowser down-throw fixed​
- The option "Display Time at Top Right of CSS" is now saved to the memory card​
- Alt. character icons (Sheik, Giga Bowser, etc.) fixed on the "4.07-Style" CSSs​
- Fixed the version number displayed on the 4.07-Style CSSs (still said 4.07++)​
- Fixed music volume reduction code not reducing volume when volume set very low​
- Fixed various stage variation selection codes on the 2nd stage select screen​
- Fixed texture rendering problems for Great Plateau Tower on console​
- Fixed texture rendering problems for Mirror Chamber on console​
- Falco right alt. costume changed to the 'Murican Eagle costume​
- Flipper life/duration increased from 8 seconds to 1 minute**​
- Metal Box effect duration increased from 10s to 30s​
- Fixed Linux build script (with help from phonos and Mage)​

* This was not meant to be part of SD Remix, so it's no longer part of the SDR variant (when pressing D-pad left on the CSS). Instead, it's now available in the Debug Menu under "Character Codes". It can be toggled ON for any of the standard NTSC, PAL, or SDR Falcon variations.
** Don't look at me like that... Some people like items! I never understood why the timeout was so low on these.
- New MCM Library (major code refactoring), which opens this up to much easier future modding*​
- Optional full UCF v0.8 added (replaces Smash-Turn code and adds shield-drop/tumble aspects)​
- UCF is now compatible with replays. It's toggleable in the Debug Menu, and on by default​
- SD Remix updated from v3.1 to v5.0​
- Prompts on boot to apply Half-Frame Lag Reduction code if playing on console and using HDMI​
- Added many useful and fun codes. Most of which are toggleable in the Debug Menu​
- Super Shine Bros. game mode added (replaces Hot Mr. Saturn)​
- Turbo Mode game mode added (replaces Dodgeball)​
- Swapped in 40 new and/or improved character costumes (see below for details)†​
- Added 80 custom stage mods (see below for details)†. I recommend turning on Random Neutrals!​
- New, blazing-fast transitions between Stage Select Screen pages (special thanks to Punkline)​
- Custom music tracks (e.g. "42.hps") can now be used on ANY stage, without needing a playlist​
- Custom music has now been set by default on many of the custom stages​
- Gave alt. music to some vanilla stages that didn't already have it**​
- Special character selections on the CSS now toggle their icons for Sheik/Wireframes/etc.​
- Added L/R Alt costumes for Master Hand and Crazy Hand (trim color changes not yet available)​
- Changed all Special Melee menu descriptions to reflect their respective game modes​
- Debug Menu now exits to the Character Select Screen instead of the main menus​
- Tri-CSPs are now enabled by default (vanilla CSPs can be toggled on/off in the Debug Menu)​
- New Character Select Screen textures (original textures also still available in Debug Menu)​
- Slight alignment improvements to CSS's closed-port doors w/respect to CSPs***​
- Updated the disc's Image Name and Short/Long Titles (useful for game launcher identification)​
- Resolved conflicts with OSReport Printout code, and enabled it for crash debugging​
- You can now press L+R+A+Start to restart the game after crashes​
- Rainbow FD code modified so that it does not apply to some custom stages (those above .7at)​
- Battlefield BG code modified so that it does not apply to some custom stages (those above .7at)​
- The SSS cursor texture can now be colored and asymmetrical (as seen on SSS pages 3 & 4)​
- Fixed crashes that could occur on the CSS when certain character combinations were selected​
- Fixed a bug in the stage swap code for loading random [non-neutral] stages​
- Fix added for a Debug Menu bug in the "VS. Melee Player Flags" text (thanks to UnclePunch)​
- Fix added to DI Drawing functionality (i.e. memory allocation function fix, by tauKhan)​
- Made a new tier list infographic in the Debug Menu for the current official 2021 tier list​
- Dolphin .map symbol file generated to map all custom code injections​
- Some other textures and aesthetics upgraded​

* See this post for more on what this means
** The new alt. music has a 15% chance to play. Or any player may hold L on stage load to force it to play. The affected stages are Princess Peach's Castle, Rainbow Cruise, Kongo Jungle, Jungle Japes, Green Greens, Corneria, Venom, Flat Zone, Brinstar, Brinstar Depths, Fourside, Mute City, PokeFloats, Dreamland 64, Yoshi's Island 64, and Kongo Jungle 64. Note that playlists will take priority for any stage that uses one.
*** Character Select Portraits (CSPs) were previously slightly visible behind the closed port doors when a player port was turned off.

† I've documented exactly which character costumes and stages have been changed or added in the "20XXHP Costume List.xls" file, which you can find in the GitHub repo.

If you're not already familiar with what the 20XX Hack Pack is, it's a full-game modification to SSBM that adds a ton of content, including:
  • Over 200 character costumes to choose from (not counting all characters' original/default costumes, which are still included)
  • Over 200 stages available, with the addition of multiple Stage Select Screens
  • Over 200 custom music tracks added, along with the ability to set up playlists
  • Play as PAL or SD Remix character variations
  • 8 new Special Game Modes
  • A custom Debug Menu, where you can toggle on or off a large array of gameplay or aesthetic mods
  • Powerful practice and training codes, to help with specific game techniques and scenarios (briefly demonstrated here)
  • Many useful, custom, passive codes added; e.g. UCF, stage striking, default Stock match settings, smarter HUD, skip results screen, etc.
  • Custom CPU AI. More aggressive, faster, wavedashing/waveshining included, better recovery, etc.
  • Plus more!

There's a vast variety of options and option combinations in the Debug Menu. You can turn on random stage skins for tournament neutral stages, to play in a different setting every match! Set custom shield and insignia colors. Adjust how the AI decides to techroll in order to practice tech-chasing. Mess with the mechanics by changing gravity, disabling dodging or aerial attacks, or make the blast zones loop back around! Change how L-canceling works, or make rolling put you to sleep. Give Falcon a shine, or make Samus shoot items! Or make moonwalks longer, just for fun. Allow for grabs in the air! Or give any character the ability to float! Or so much more... The combination of options provides an endless amount of wacky and fun game modes.

Downloads header.png

This ISO creator requires you to have a vanilla (unmodified), NTSC 1.02 copy of the game to build the disc from. Or you may use the prior version of 20XX (v5.0). Either source disc will result in the same 20XX 5.0.1 disc.

20XX HP 5.0.2 Creator ~ 646 MB

New 20XX Hack Pack Code Library

Warning! There's a bug in v5.0.1 that you will probably encounter on the Stage Select Screen after you've visited the Debug Menu! I've released a hotfix that you can apply to this here. This is fixed in v5.0.2.

20XX HP 5.0.1 Creator (Vanilla or 20XX base) ~ 646 MB

20XX HP 5.0 Creator (Vanilla file base) ~ 646 MB
20XX HP 5.0 Creator (20XX 4.07++file base) ~ 108 MB

Both of the above 5.0 creators will create the same v5.0 disc; the difference is that one accepts a vanilla (unmodified) NTSC 1.02 ISO, and the other accepts a 20XXHP v4.07++ disc.

Usage header.png

If Using with Nintendont:

All Options in the Settings should be set to defaults, Off, or Auto. Except for "Native Control", which is recommended to be set to "On" for more accurate analog values. (This will, however, disable the Button combos to reset/return to Loader.)

If Using with Dolphin:

Change these settings in order to enable OS Report Printouts on crash:
  • Enable 'External Frame Buffer'
  • Disable 'Panic Handlers'
  • Enable 'MMU' (find this by right-clicking on the game and going to Properties)
  • On some builds of Dolphin, you may need to set the XFB to "Real" emulation

The new Code Library can be found on the new GitHub repo. You can use that to edit/add/remove code and rebuild the game's executable with the latest version of MCM. I removed ~50 code modules from the old 4.07++ library (some were removed entirely, while most were consolidated with other existing code mods), and added ~90 new mods. Most of which are from code extracted from the original 20XX 4.07++ DOL and reformatted to be included in the new library, or for the new version of SD Remix. Of course, there are also many brand-new useful and/or fun codes thrown in, many of which can be found and toggled on/off in the Debug Menu. All custom code in the DOL has been migrated into the new library, which means it can be applied over a 100% vanilla DOL to make a new one, along with any custom code you might want to add. See the GitHub repo for full instructions.

There is now also a new program that has support for modifying some 20XX features, which you can find here.

Credits header.png

Achilles ~ For creating this project, of course!​
Punkline ~ For many codes, and help in reverse engineering game processes​
UnclePunch ~ Also for many codes, and helping with ASM-related questions​
Ripple ~ For SD Remix v5+​
tauKhan ~ For the DI Draw memory allocation bugfix, and help with the HFLR code​
Ploaj ~ For the audio codec, MeleeMedia​
The Melee Workshop community ~ For character costumes, stages, and more!​

I also have credits for every character costume artist I could find,​
available in the "20XXHP Costume List.xls" file in the repo.​
Last edited:


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
The 20XX Melee Training Hack Pack 4.07

Latest Version

20XX 4.07++
(released 7/10/17)

Two methods are available for download and construction of the ISO:

Root Files (includes all the game files - no previous ISOs necessary, use DTW or GCR to load the extracted root folder and then rebuild the ISO. Read the README included in the download.)
Download --> MediaFire

Xdelta patch (slightly simpler process; requires a vanilla 1.02 SSBM disc), provided by DRGN
Download --> MediaFire

A minimal download for updating 4.06 root files to 4.07++ is available here. Read the README!

Changelog from 4.06 to 4.07 can be found on this Reddit post.

NOTE: 7/10/17 9:45 PM EST
20XX 4.07 download links have been updated to address the following issues:
  • Fixed a bug where Ganondorf's Warlock Punch would freeze the game.
  • Fixed a bug where entering the Event Match menu would freeze the game.
  • Lagless FoD for 4+ players has been changed to 3+ players.
    • Because of the new lagless FoD code, *legal stages only* All-Star mode now includes FoD stages.
  • Toggling 20XXTE Input Display would freeze the game.
  • Game image name updated from "... 4.06" to "...4.07".
VERSION 4.07++ should now be seen on the main Debug Menu page, and on the Back Button texture in the Character Select Screen.

Click below if you desire to support development of the 20XX Hack Pack via money donation!

20XX 4.0+ Guides:
- Modifying the CSP background colors for the alternate costumes: manually | with automation
- How to add HPS files to the game
Pl____.dat = Default costume for said color
Pl____.rat = R-alternate costume
Pl____.lat = L-alternate costume

PlFxNr.dat = Normal Fox color, no toggle
PlFxNr.rat = Normal Fox color, R-alternate
PlFxNr.lat = Normal Fox color, L-alternate

Special Exceptions:
PlCaRe.usd = Red Falcon, no toggle
PlCaRd.usd = Red Falcon, no toggle (again...replace both of these for now if you are changing this costume)
PlCaRl.usd = Red Falcon, L-alternate
PlCaRr.usd = Red Falcon, R-alternate
My naming convention follows the logic of alternate stage skins are numbered, but stages with new collisions use letters. But this logic doesn't work for stages that I wasn't planning on having any alt skins for like Jungle Japes, Trophy Stage, etc.

Final Destination (GrNLa.dat)
GrNLa.0at = Default
GrNLa.2at = Smash Wii U Model Import (no option to change to this in 20XX 4.05)
Green Greens (GrGr.dat)
GrGr.0at = default
GrGr.1at = hacked
Jungle Japes (GrGd.dat)
GrGd.0at = default
GrGd.1at = hacked with platform
GrGd.2at = omega
Yoshi's Island (GrYt.dat)
GrYt.0at = default
GrYt.1at = hacked (omega)
Mushroom Kingdom Adventure
GrNKr.0at = default
GrNKr.1at = hacked (2 plat)
GrnKr.2at = hacked (omega)
Fourside (GrFs.dat)
GrFs.0at = default
GrFs.1at = hacked (smashville)
Hyrule Maze (GrNSr.dat)
GrNSr.0at = default
GrNSr.1at = hacked
Target Test - Luigi (GrTLg.dat)
GrTLg.0at = default
GrTLg.1at = hacked (gamecube)
GrOp.kat = KirbyWare, Inc. (a stage hack I don't think I ever posted, and this should not be in the 20XX 4.05 filesystem, lol. I was going to put it in the 3rd SSS but never got around to it.)
GrOp.rat = Return to Dreamland
GrNBa.bat = Battlefino Plaza
GrTCl.bat = Smash 4 Battlefield
GrPb.usd = Pokemon Stadium No Transformation skin
GrOy.wat = Wario Ware
Trophy Stage
GrNFg.dat = default
GrNFg.0at = two plats
GrNFg.1at = three plats
GrNFg.2at = Omega
(I should go back and switch this to GrNFg.0at = default, GrNFg.1at = two plats, etc.)

Have a problem (not install-process related), comment. or bug you would like to post about? Check the FAQs first!
Wii Modding Guide - From vanilla Wii to hacked Wii with 20XX - Hectohertz <use this if trying to setup from scratch!>

Loading the 20XX Hack Pack via USB - Jackmorgan8
How to Play Gamecube Backups on a Wii U or Newer Wii - DoctorKirby

Video Instructions for Creating the 20XX ISO - Beanwolf
Video Instructions for Creating the 20XX ISO (Concise Version) - smoke070
Mac Installation Instructions - Waterdr1nker

Modify a Hacked Wii to Boot Straight to the Homebrew Channel (Goodbye, Wiimote!) - Achilles

If anyone is curious, I boot via SD card. Class 10 (fast) SDHC cards are a good option.

This method will work with replacing any single file that is smaller than or equal to the original file size of which it is overwriting.

1) Image --> Open --> Load your Melee ISO
2) Search the game filesystem for the file to replace and choose Import --> navigate to the new file.
    • The DOL file is located in the "&&SystemData" folder in the ISO filesystem.

20XX 4.06 (released 4/20/17)

Two methods are available for download and construction of the ISO:

Root Files (includes all the game files - no previous ISOs necessary, use DTW or GCR to load the extracted root folder and then rebuild the ISO. Read the README included in the download.)

Xdelta patch (slightly simpler process; requires a vanilla 1.02 SSBM disc), provided by DRGN

Refer to the Reddit post about this update for the changelog and other important resources.

20XX 4.05 (released 3/17/16)

Xdelta Patch (From vanilla 1.02 ISO to 20XX 4.05)

Root Files (includes all the game files - no previous ISOs necessary, use GCR to load the extracted root folder and then rebuild the ISO. Read the README included in the download.)

Note: In-game CPU toggles (hold shield, action spam, etc.) have not been added back to version 4.0 yet.

The Complete 20XX Hack Pack 3.02 Feature List

20XX Melee Hack Pack 3.02 File Replacements (with Instructions).zip

(SSBM version 1.02 only)

  • DO NOT play on Japanese Mode.
  • DO NOT view trophies.
  • I cannot guarantee that Classic, Adventure, or All-Star Mode will not freeze.
    • Many trophy files have been replaced with alternate costumes. If the game tries to load one of these trophies to drop in-game, it will surely freeze.

General Modifications

Custom 20XX Game Banner [Achilles]

Memory Card Saving Compatibility [Achilles]
  • Debug Menu toggles are loaded on boot-up and saved to memory card after leaving the Debug Menu.

Boot to Character Select Screen [InternetExplorer, Achilles]

Default Tournament Settings [Magus, et all]
  • 4 stock, 8 min stock timer, infinite time for timed matches, items off, tourney legal stages on random select, friendly fire ON, rumble OFF for all players, deflicker off.

Unlock All Characters and Stages [Standardtoaster, JMC, Achilles]
  • All characters and stages will be unlocked.
  • Special messages that would normally appear with unlocking these items have been removed.

Normal C-Stick Functionality in 1P Mode [Zauron]

Normal C-Stick Functionality in Develop Debug Mode [Magus, Achilles]

Unrestricted Pause Camera [Achilles, strikebowler585]
  • Camera can zoom "indefinitely" out and can rotate around 360 degrees.
"Random" is Default Highlighted on the Stage Select Screen [Jorgasms]

CSS Hand Cursors Default to the HMN/CPU Button [Achilles]
  • Small Bug: After creating a new name tag from the CSS, the player port will be switched to a CPU.

Disable Trophy Spawn on "Snag the Trophy" Bonus Stage [wParam]
  • The only permanent stage modification in the pack.
  • Makes the stage playable in VS. Mode.
  • Affects Classic Mode as well.
20XX Closed Player Port Texture [Achilles]
  • File is MnSlChr.usd in the File Replacements Pack.
  • If you do not want this texture mod:
    1. Remove MnSlChr.usd from the File Replacements Pack and rebuild your ISO.
    2. -or- if you already have the ISO made, extract the MnSlChr.usd from a vanilla SSBM ISO and then use that file to overwrite the one in your current ISO.
Debug Menu Replaces Tournament Mode [Magus, donny2112, SypherPhoenix, Jorgasms]
  • Texture mod included to change the menu text.
  • Tournament Mode now replaces Single Button Mode.
Hold A+B for Salty Runback [InternetExplorer]
  • Hold A+B at the end of a match or during a ragequit and the match will be immediately restarted on the same stage, with the same characters.
---> gif <---
Disable Name Tag and KO Star Reset Upon Closing a Character Port [Ato]
---> gif <---
Disable KO Star Reset Upon Exiting the Character Select Screen [Todd Benney]
---> gif <---
Stock Dependent Revival Platform Colors [Achilles]
  • Only active in stock VS matches.
Stage Select Screen Color Modifications [Achilles]
  • Color borders have been added to show [generally accepted] tournament stage legality.
    • Top = Singles/Bottom = Doubles
    • Green = Starter
    • Yellow = Counterpick
    • Red = Banned

  • Past Stages Dream Land, Yoshi's Island, and Kongo Jungle have new icons that actually show the stage.
  • Pixelated background textures have been removed. Looks much cleaner now! [The Realest]
Stage Striking [Sham Rock]
  • Project M esque stage striking available on the Stage Select Screen.
  • Y Button = Strikes all stages except those currently on the random stage toggle.
  • X Button = Strikes currently highlighted stage.
  • Z Button = Unstrikes all stages.
---> gif <---
(This gif is old. Striked stages are now black instead of white.)

Disable CPU Taunting [Achilles]
  • Works for all CPUs

Disable P2 CPU Sheik --> Zelda Transform [Achilles]
  • If P2 CPU started the game as Sheik, transforming into Zelda will be disabled.
    • As soon as Sheik starts to transform, she will be immediately put into the "Wait" action state which interrupts the transform.
    • I think if she tries to transform while airborne, she will teleport to the ground - I haven't done a whole lot of testing with this, but I think I remember that happening.

P2 CPU Jumps Out of Hitstun [Achilles]
  • It is not a frame perfect jump most of the time, nor does it always occur, but jumping will generally be the first thing the P2 CPU will do out of hitstun.
P2 CPU Random DI and Tech Options [Achilles, Stratocaster]

P2 CPU will:
  • Randomly DI attacks.
    • CPU will not smash DI (or else the DI becomes very unrealistic).
  • Randomly tech and sometimes not tech.
  • Random get-up from missed tech (all options including get-up attack).
    • Timing mixups with this.
  • Fox/Falco will shine --> wavedash in place after teching/not teching.
    • I added a check in there so that they do not do this if they are by the edge of the stage, such as if they tech-rolled to the edge. Doing a shine --> wavedash in place would cause them to suicide (we've all done this before...).
    • Will occasionally double shine as well.
---> gif <---

20XX Custom Debug Menu
20XX Custom Debug Menu [Achilles]
  • All players can control the debug menu. [wparam]
  • Hold R to turbo (fast-scroll) menu items! [wparam]
  • Menu selections are saved to memory card after exiting the Debug Menu and loaded upon boot-up.

Memory Card Load
  • Not currently used.
  • Placeholder for future.

In-Game Code Toggles
  • Toggle ON/OFF the ability to use in-game code toggles which are outlined further down in this post.

Spoof Controllers > [Achilles]
  • Makes the game think a controller is plugged in for a specific player port.
  • Spoof controllers available for all player ports.
Use this to make human players without having a physical controller plugged in.

Animations > [Achilles, Akuryu]
  • Brings up a sub-menu for toggling:
    • Characters Face Forward
    • Posing Characters
  • Just fun/interesting things.

Custom Shield Colors > [Achilles]
  • Create custom shield colors for all players!
Control All Humans [Achilles]
  • The player that this toggle is switched to will simultaneously have full control over every human character in a match.
Use in conjuction with Spoof Controllers.

Skip Results Screen [Sham Rock, Achilles]
  • Results/Victory Screen after exiting a match will be skipped.
  • KO Stars = Games Won
Widescreen [InternetExplorer]

Random Stage Music [Sham Rock]

Disable Screen Rumble [Achilles]
  • Disables the screen from shaking in a match.
    • This happens during events like a strong hit, throws, missed techs, Pokemon transforming, etc.

Rainbow Final Destination [Achilles]
  • Final Destination will dynamically change colors in rainbow fashion.

Custom Final Destination Color > [Achilles]

  • Choose your own static Final Destination color!
  • Choose red, green, and blue color values between 0-255.
  • Rainbow FD will take priority over this option if they are both turned ON.

Custom Battlefield > [Achilles]

  • Sub-menu for creating custom Battlefield platform heights!
  • To play on your custom stage, toggle ON Hacked Stages at the CSS, and then choose the new Battlefield icon that was previously Brinstar Depths.
    • The default Battlefield is completely unchanged.
Note: This only works in a multiplayer versus match. Custom BF plats do not work in Training Mode at the moment.
Set a platform at a height of -0.10 to remove it from gameplay.

Target Test Stage [Achilles]
  • The Break the Targets stage chosen on the Hacked Stage Select Screen will be the character's stage that is chosen with this option.
Target Stages Never End [Link Master]
  • Enabling causes any Target Stage match to no longer end when all 10 targets have been hit.
Disable DL64 Wind [Zauron]
  • Whispy Woods will never blow wind.
Disable FoD Fountain Jets [Zauron]
  • Side fountain jets and platforms are removed from Fountain of Dreams.
Disable Yoshi Shy Guys [Zauron]
  • Shy Guys on Yoshi's Story will never appear.

Endless Friendlies [Achilles]
  • After a match ends, another one will be loaded immediately without having to press any buttons.
    • Stage is chosen from the random stage list.
  • Ragequit to get back to the Character Select Screen
  • Salty Runback still works with this mode.
  • Optional additional feature.
  • Each player can select up to three characters to have the game randomly choose between before starting the next match.

Color Overlays [Achilles, InternetExplorer]
  • Characters will turn different colors for specific action states they are currently in.
  • Individually toggle action state color overlays ON/OFF for when the code is active!
Note: I have noticed that teal hitstun overlay does not work correctly on u-throws and elemental attack effects take priority over the color overlay.

Flash Red on Unsuccessful L-Cancel [Achilles]

Flash White on Successful L-Cancel [InternetExplorer]
  • Can be used at the same time as "Flash Red..."

Auto L-Cancel [Achilles]
  • Every aerial attack is automatically L-Cancelled.

Frame Timing Window [Achilles]
  • Gives the ability to change the timing window used for L-Cancelling.
  • Default value is 7 frames (before landing, that L/R/Z must be pressed).
    • Increase this number to make it easier to L-Cancel.
    • Decrease this number to make it harder to L-Cancel.
My thought with this is that practicing L-Cancelling with a 3-4 frame window will make L-Cancelling, when playing normally, seem twice as easy.

N64 Mode [Achilles]
  • Zero landing lag after L-Cancelling.
    • Similar to Z-Cancelling in Smash 64.

Disable Tap Jump [Achilles]
  • Jumping with the joystick will be disabled.
  • Toggle on a per player basis.

Neutral Spawn Points [Achilles, Jorgasms]
  • Spawn Points for legal stages are modified to be in neutral locations.
  • Works for Singles and Doubles.

Dual 1v1 [Zauron, Achilles]

From Zauron (Original Code Creator):

This code allows simultaneous 1v1 matches to be played. All 4 players can play at once, but each "set" of 1v1 players can't directly interfere with the other fight (beyond things like messing with the camera, edge hogging, or "nudging" players).

To Use:
  1. Turn Friendly Fire to OFF.
  2. Switch to Team mode and set the team colors so that each set of players that should fight each other are the same color.Players will only be able to hurt other players set to the same team color.
  3. (Optional) Switch Team mode back off so players can switch to whatever costume they want.
  4. Start the match
Debug Menu Toggle:

OFF = Everything is totally normal and friendly fire being OFF acts the same as it would in vanilla.
WINNERS = Dual 1v1 ON.
  • The moment both set of 1v1's ends:
    • The in-game friendly fire value is switched so that those winners can attack each other and finish out the match.
WINNERS+ = Dual 1v1 ON.
  • The moment both set of 1v1's ends:
    • The in-game friendly fire value is switched so that those winners can attack each other and finish out the match.
    • The winner's from each 1v1 will have their percents reset to 0 and stocks set to 2.
      • So they get to play a little "mini-match".
Important Note:
Even if Dual 1v1 is ON, normal competitive 2v2 matches (with friendly fire ON) are completely unaffected and can be played normally without turning Dual 1v1 OFF in the Debug Menu. So Dual 1v1 only comes into play if:
  1. The debug toggle for it is ON
  2. The match is started with friendly fire OFF

Combo Count as Timer [Achilles]
  • The match timer will function as the "Consecutive Hit Counter" used in Training Mode.
    • Meant to be used for 1v1s or regular training, with the logic that in a 1v1 match, it is impossible for both player's consecutive hit counter to be greater than 0 at the same time.
  • When a combo ends, consecutive hit value will stay on screen for a second after the combo is finished (unless another combo starts up), giving the player enough time to look at the value before it goes back to zero.
  • This function will be applied in all Game Modes, so be sure to turn it off if you want to play a mode that uses the timer in a meaningful manner.
Frame Counter [Achilles]

Check out the instructional video below!

Rolling Forces Death [InternetExplorer, Achilles]
  • Original code has been modified to only apply to humans, not CPUs.
Always Bomb Rain [Achilles]
  • Bombomb rain used in Sudden Death mode will be enabled.
Note: Even with bomb rain ON, bombs will never drop for the first 20 seconds of a match.

B + Z Fires Slow Charge Shot [Achilles]
  • Fires at 25% speed.
  • An interesting mix-up.
Sword Swing Colors
  • Toggles Costume Dependent Marth Sword Swing Colors.
  • Color 1 of Marth's sword swing is changed on a per costume basis.
    • Blue costume [default] = Default swing color (teal)
    • Red costume = Red swing color.
    • Green costume = Green swing color.
    • White costume = Light purple swing color.
    • Black costume = Gold swing color.
Always Misfire [Achilles]
  • Brings a Lvl. 9 Luigi to a whole new level...Try playing three of them!

Always Full Giant Punch
  • No wind up animation at all. Just straight haymakers.

Flame Cancel [Achilles]
  • Enables the Flame Cancel glitch from SSBM version 1.0 /1.01.
    • Start-up lag is cancelled when landing.
Always Pull (Specific Turnips/Items)
  • Toggle Peach to only pull a specific turnip type or Mr. Saturn/Bomb/Beam Sword.
  • "Default" is normal turnip pulling.
Debug Level
  • This is the same vanilla Debug Menu toggle for switching the game level. Only use "Master" or "Develop".
    • Master - default, regular game.
    • Develop - adds button activators for various functions while playing a match.
      • Some of my codes interfere with these built-in toggles and may cause problems/freezing.
      • Frame Advance and Action State Display still work, which are amazingly helpful tools for figuring out frame data.
      • More info.

Character Select Screen Toggles
  • All players can activate these codes.
(D-Pad Up) Force Load Stage Select Screen [Achilles]
  • This lets you easily play versus matches with only one character.
    • Single character matches must be timed! Otherwise, the match will end immediately after starting.
  • Teams matches with only one team color.
  • If no characters are chosen and the game is started, it will freeze.
  • If at least one character is chosen and there is another human slot opened up but with no character chosen, [see gif], Master Hand will show up as their character.
    • Game must be quit out of or results screen skipped. Otherwise, it will freeze at the Winner's Screen.
---> old gif <---
(D-Pad Down) Alternate / Hacked Stages [Achilles]
  • D-Pad down while on the Character Select Screen toggles Alternate and Hacked Stages.
  • If alternate stages is ON, the Stage Select Screen will now look like this:

  • Hacked Stages have an orange border.
    • Note: Majora's Mask, Entei, Goomba, Home-Run Contest, Bonus: Snag the Trophies, Bonus: Race to the Finish, All-Star Heal, Adventure: F-Zero Grand Prix, Escape from Brinstar, Developer "Coffee Shop", Break the Targets Stages!
      • These stages do not have associated text changes on the left side of the SSS.
Battlefield: Custom Platforms [Achilles]
  • More info in 20XX Debug Menu --> Stage Mod Codes, section of this post.
  • Replaces Planet Zebes: Brinstar Depths

Kanto: Pokemon Stadium [Achilles, Jorgasms]
  • No transformations.
  • Blue stage texture.
  • Replace Mushroom Kingdom I

DK Island: Kongo Jungle [Milun]
  • No horizontally moving barrel.
  • No right side rock platform.
  • No Klap Traps.
  • No disappearing log.

Dream Land: Green Greens
  • No Whispy Woods.
  • No bomb blocks.
  • Islands merged center.

Eagleland: Fourside [Milun]
  • Only consists of horizontally moving crane platform and two flat buildings below it.
  • Original stage textures have been modified so the background buildings have less lights on them (not as strainful on the eyes).
  • Similar to Smashville from Brawl.

Hyrule: Temple [Milun]
  • Only the top left portion of the stage remains.
  • Small raised section on left side has been flattened.
  • Cannot drop through or enter thin floor.
  • Similar to Project: M Hyrule Temple.

Lylat System: Corneria [Zauron]
  • No Arwings.
  • Great Fox gun starts off dead, removing the ability for it to be a platform.
    • "Blown up" gun hitbox will remain for one hit and then disappear for the remainder of the match.
Past Stages: Yoshi's Island [Milun]
  • No top platform.
  • No side cloud platforms.
  • Side stage platforms lowered.

Planet Zebes: Brinstar [Zauron]
  • No rising lava.

Termina: Great Bay [Milun]
  • Only the upper platform remains and it is about as long as Final Destination.
  • Turtle moves to the left and right sides.

  • Hacked stages DO NOT permanently replace the original stages. Both versions can be toggled with D-Pad Down on the Character Select Screen!
  • Random Stage Toggle is automatically updated to include the hacked stages when the alternate/hacked stages toggle is ON. Hacked stages are removed from the Random Stage Toggle when the alternate/hacked stages is turned OFF (and changes back to only legal Singles stages).
See this spreadsheet for more hacked stages not included in the 20XX Pack.

---> gif from version 2.0 <---
(Note: The background for this stage has been changed to have less lights on the buildings to make it easier on the eyes.)
(Z Button) Start Game as Extra Characters [Achilles]
  • Hitting the Z Button while highlighting a specific character icon will toggle [semi-permanently] what character actually gets loaded by that character icon, until toggling back to the default character.

    • :bowsermelee: Bowser --> Giga Bowser [G-Bowser] **includes announcer voice**
    • :zeldamelee: Zelda --> Sheik [Sheik] **includes announcer voice**
    • :falconmelee: C. Falcon --> Male Wireframe [M Wirefrme] **includes announcer voice**
    • :peachmelee: Peach --> Female Wireframe [F Wirefrme] **includes announcer voice**
    • :icsmelee: Ice Climbers --> Solo Popo (always) [-blank-]
Tip: Change Zelda to Sheik and move CPU cursor token to Sheik to force the CPU to start the game as Sheik.
---> gif 1 <---
---> gif 2 <---
(L Button) Alternate Costumes [Achilles]
  • Hitting the L Button while a specific character costume is highlighted or selected, will cause the character's Character Select Portrait (CSP) background to change color and will turn the alternate costume ON.
    • If the character is fully selected and the alternate costume is ON, hitting L will turn the alternate costume OFF, but the CSP will not revert back to the default color value. At this point, if you remove your selection token from the character icon, the CSP color will change back to normal (since the toggle is truly OFF).
  • If an alternate costume is turned ON, it is permanently ON until being toggled OFF by a human.
:foxmelee: Fox
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
Normal (PlFxNr.dat) | Golden Brawl (TyRoyR.dat) |
Orange (PlFxOr.dat) | Goku (TyFoxR.dat) |
Lavendar (PlFxLa.dat) | Cloud9 (TyFood.dat) |
Green (PlFxGr.dat) | Ground Mission (TyFire.dat) |

:falcomelee: Falco
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
Normal (PlFcNr.dat) | Pink & White (TyMapB.dat) |
Red (PlFcRe.dat) | SS Falku (TyStar.dat) |
Blue (PlFcBu.dat) | Shiny Wargle (TyMapA.dat) |
Green (PlFcGr.dat) | Zombie (TyMapC.dat) |
[DarK LinK -X-]

:marthmelee: Marth
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
Normal [Blue] (PlMsNr.dat) | CATS (TyLink.dat) |
Red (PlMsRe.dat) | Pein (TyEtcE.dat) |
Green (PlMsGr.dat) | Hylian Soldier(TyPola.dat) |
Black (PlMsBk.dat) | Empire Arcadia (TyEtcD.dat) |
White (PlMsWh.dat) | Robin (TyMars.dat) |

:falconmelee: C. Falcon
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
Normal (PlCaNr.dat) | SNES (TyMapD.dat) |
Grey (PlCaGy.dat) | Batman (TyMapE.dat) |
Red (PlCaRe.usd) | LowLandLions (PlCaRe.dat) |
White (PlCaWh.dat) | Twitch TV (TyRick.dat) |
[Veggies, TerryJ]
Green (PlCaGr.dat) | Green Ranger (TyMew2.dat) |
Blue (PlCaBu.dat) | Captain America (TySeak.dat) |

:sheikmelee: Sheik
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
Blue (PlSkBu.dat) | Midna (TyPlum.dat) |
Green (PlSkGr.dat) | Sothe (TyNoko.dat) |

:peachmelee: Peach
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
White (PlPeWh.dat) | Gold & Black (TyMoon.dat) |
Blue (PlPeBu.dat) | Rosalina (TyMnBg.dat) |

:samusmelee: Samus
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
Normal [Red] (PlSsNr.dat) | Iron Man (TyJeff.dat) |
[God with a Wavebird]
Lavender (PlSsLa.dat) | Dark Samus: Corruption (TyKart.dat) |

:ganondorfmelee: Ganondorf
Default | 20XX Alternate | Costume Picture
Normal (PlGnNr.dat) | Black & White (TyBalf.dat) |
Green (PlGnGr.dat) | Toon Ganon (TyCoin.dat) |

Want different alternate costumes than the default ones listed above?

Head to the Official Melee Texture Hack Thread to find others!
  • Overwrite the 20XX Alternate Costume File, defined in the tables above, in your 20XX 3.0 ISO with a new costume file for the same character color.
Know how to use Photoshop or other image editors?

---> gif 1 <---
---> gif 2 <---
---> gif 3 <---
(R Button) PAL Characters [Achilles]

The following PAL character versions can now be toggled at the Character Select Screen:

:foxmelee: Fox
Weighs 75 (All NTSC)
Weighs 73 (PAL)
Can tech out of Falco's Down Throw (PAL)
Down Smash does 15% damage (All NTSC)
Down Smash does 13% damage (PAL)
Up Smash does 18% damage (All NTSC)
Up Smash does 17% damage (PAL)
Up B does 14% damage (All NTSC)
Up B does 12% damage, and travels a distance halfway between Falco's Up B and Fox's NTSC Up B (PAL)

:falcomelee: Falco
Weighs 80 (All NTSC & PAL)

Down Aerial spikes during all frames (All NTSC)
Down Aerial weakly sends opponent up and away for the second half of the animation (PAL)
Down Throw allows Fox to tech out (PAL)

:sheikmelee: Sheik
Weighs 90 (All NTSC & PAL)

Up Smash tipper does 17% (All NTSC)
Up Smash tipper does 16% (PAL)
Up Aerial does 12%, and has 120 Knockback Growth (All NTSC)
Up Aerial does 10%, and has 110 Knockback Growth (PAL)
Down Throw allows immediate follow-up into most other moves (Trajectory: 80) (All NTSC)
Down Throw only allows immediate follow-up into dash attack (Trajectory: 60) (PAL)

:marthmelee: Marth
Weighs 87 (All NTSC)
Weighs 85 (PAL)
Maximum Aerial Velocity 0.90 (All NTSC)
Maximum Aerial Velocity 0.85 (PAL)

Down Aerial functions as a spike (All NTSC)
Down Aerial functions as a Meteor Smash (PAL)

:falconmelee: C. Falcon
Weighs 104 (All NTSC & PAL)
Rapid Jab starts automatically after 3 A-button taps, unless canceled (All NTSC)
Rapid Jab will only start after 4 A-button taps (PAL)
Weak Knee (the latter 2/3 of the animation) does 6% damage and has 35 base knockback (All NTSC)
Weak Knee (the latter 2/3 of the animation) does 3% damage and has 30 base knockback (PAL)

*Version difference information taken from this thread by Varist.
  • Press R Button with the selection cursor token hovering over the respective character select icon.
  • When a PAL version is toggled ON, the player's CSP will turn yellow with light blue trim.
    • PAL CSP colors will take priority over alternate costume CSP colors, so you will always know if PAL version is selected.
  • Alternate costumes can still be used with PAL characters, though!
  • An NTSC version of a character cannot play a PAL version of the same character. Just don't even try, it won't work.
  • Also see "Name Tag Hacks" section.

In-Game Toggles
  • All players can activate these codes.
(D-Pad Up) Frame Counter - Freeze P1 [Achilles]
  • This toggle only takes effect when Frame Counter is turned ON!
  • Taunt is disabled when Frame Counter is ON.
  • This toggle causes P1's character to freeze.
    • Only while P1 is frozen, can on-screen percentages be mapped as action state frame counters.
      • See more info for Frame Counter in 20XX Debug Menu --> Gameplay Codes.
(D-Pad Right/Left) "Save State" Store/Load" [Achilles]
  • I use the term "save state" for this code, but it is not a true save state, like one that can be achieved with an emulator.
  • What this code does though, is save the following information for each player currently in the match when D-Pad Right is pressed:
    • Action state
    • Animation state
    • Horizontal velocity (air, self-induced)
    • Vertical velocity (self-induced)
    • Horizontal velocity (attack-induced)
    • Vertical velocity (attack-induced)
    • Horizontal position
    • Vertical position
    • Horizontal velocity (ground, self-induced)
    • Platform [currently on] ID
    • Action state frame counter
    • Decimal percentage
    • On-screen integer percentage
    • Number of jumps used
  • Pressing D-Pad Left will load this stored data back in to each player.
  • A new save state can be stored at any time and will overwrite the previously stored state.
  • A save state can be loaded as many times as you'd like.
  • In summary:
    • D-Pad Right = Save State
    • D-Pad Left = Load State
---> Practicing U-Throw U-Air with Save States gif <---

[Notice how loading a "save state" only affects the players and nothing else (contrary to an emulator save state). As a reference, look at the background and game timer.]

Platforms are a little funky with this code as well. If you saved in the middle of a platform, it can't load the character back into that precise location on the platform, unless you are directly below/above the platform. Otherwise, it will just put you onto the closest edge of the platform. And if you are on a platform but saved on the ground, when the state is loaded, you will just move to the edge of the platform closest to the spot where you saved. It's kind of weird, check out the below gif. I shoot a laser after I save a state.

---> gif <---

  • Not all action states can be successfully stored and loaded. The action states that every character shares that aren't "weird" (ones like stand, nair, dash, tumble, etc.) seem to have no problem being synced. Loading special move action states is one occasion where problems come into play (game freezing). I don't have specific details as to why this happens - maybe InternetExplorer can shed some more light on this subject because action state loading is accomplished using his action state hack. I'm sure it has to do with other values.
  • Do not load a state when a character is in a "weirder" action state such as entering in on the trophy stand thing at the beginning of a match or while a character is on their revival platform.
  • Do not load a state stored during a different match.
  • If you save a state while holding a ledge, the game will crash if you load the state while not being on a ledge.
  • Avoid loading or saving a state while a character is grabbed.
I feel as though this is the most revolutionary new code in this entire pack that relates to training potential. Never has console smash ever had a tool quite like this. Practice efficiency for specific move combinations such as uthrow --> uair with Fox is literally increased ten fold. Coupled with the fact that P2 CPU randomly DI's and also [somewhat] buffers jump, the potential this provides for perfecting techniques is quite scary. Another amazing thing this code provides is the ability to consistently practice team combos and even things like recovering against a friend over and over and over to figure out all your recovery options at specific locations and percentages.
(D-Pad Down) Infinite Shields [Achilles]
  • Once toggled ON, shield depletion rate is set to zero, shield damage is disabled, and shield regeneration rate is set to extremely high.
  • If a player/CPU is holding shield while the code is activated, their shield size will freeze at whatever health it was currently at (Can practice pokes using this). It will stay at this size until it gets “regenerated”, which is only done when a player is NOT in shield. So the second after the shield is dropped, it will regenerate insanely quickly and become full again (so if this is used in combination with one of the CPU holds shield codes, just run up and grab them and next time they put their shield up, it will be at full health). Shield health will remain full until it is toggled off and rates/damage returned to normal.
---> gif <---
[OFF --> ON --> OFF]

(X+D-Pad Up) Invincibility [Achilles, JAY007]
  • Players suffer no knockback/stun but still suffer damage.
  • Affects all players.
  • Useful for nudging Player 2 around the stage as they are spamming moves.
---> gif <---
(X+D-Pad Left) Fixed Camera [Achilles, madewokherd]
  • Camera will show the entire stage and will remain stationary regardless of player movement.
  • Great to use in combination with “(D-Pad Up) Force Load Stage Select Screen" for playing solo vs. matches.
---> gif <---
(X+D-Pad Right) Collision Bubbles - Single Character [Achilles]
  • Collision Bubble Counter increases by 1 for only the character who activated the code.

  • Collision Bubble Counter:
    • 01 = Default.
    • 02 = Collision bubbles with no character texture. *[first press]
    • 03 = Character textures with overlayed collision bubbles. *[second press]
    • 04 = Repeat back to 01. *[third press]
---> gif <---
(X+D-Pad Down) Disable HUD [Achilles]
  • Removes the Heads Up Display items such as percentages, stock icons, game timer, name tags.
  • Same functionality as the toggle in vanilla Develop Debug Mode.
---> gif <---

(Y+D-Pad Up) P2 Percent Becomes Max Allowable Damage [Achilles]
  • The 999% damage limit is changed to P2's percent.
    • Affects all players.
  • The effect persists until toggled OFF.
Use this to "freeze" your opponent's percent.
(Y+D-Pad Left) SDI Freeze [Achilles]
  • After toggled ON, this player will be put into a frozen "damage receiving" state the next time they are hit.
    • Player will remain frozen until toggled OFF.
  • The only action available to this player while frozen is to Smash DI any further attacks.
(Y+D-Pad Right) Collision Bubbles - All Characters [Achilles]
  • All characters on screen increase collision bubble counter by 01.
  • Collision Bubble Counter:
    • 01 = Default.
    • 02 = Collision bubbles with no character texture. *[first press]
    • 03 = Character textures with overlayed collision bubbles. *[second press]
    • 04 = Repeat back to 01. *[third press]
---> gif <---

(L+R+D-Pad Up) P1 Choose P2 Action Spam [Achilles]
  • After button activator is pressed, P2 stands still and a color tint is given to P2 for 3 seconds.
  • After 3 seconds has elapsed, P2 will spam whatever input P1 is inputting at that exact moment.
    • So remember, it's not the last move you did. It's the button input you are doing after 3 seconds runs out.
  • Only applies to buttons and joystick. C-STICK IS NOT REGISTERED.
---> gif <---
(L+R+D-Pad Left) Frame Counter - Map Frozen Action State to a Percentage [Achilles]
  • This toggle will only take effect when Frame Counter is turned ON!
  • This toggle cycles through on-screen player percents and will program an action state frame counter to a percentage for the action state that P1 is currently frozen in.
    • The on-screen percent "to program next" is the one that was turned to 999% the last time this toggle was hit.

- Continuing to work on this description tonight -
(L+R+D-Pad Right) P2 Hitbox Freeze Repeater [Achilles]

Use with P1 Choose P2 Action Spam!
  • After toggling ON, P2 will be frozen in place and become intangible.
    • P2's hitbox will remain active if that character was frozen in the middle of an attack.
  • If another player is damaged by P2's frozen hitbox, P2 will immediately upon hit:
    1. Become unfrozen (and continue to spam a move like normal)
    2. Will freeze again at the exact same frame at which they were previously frozen with an active hitbox out.
This allows for amazing ledgetech practice!
  1. Have P2 spam a move by the edge (such as Falco d-smash).
  2. Freeze P2 when the hitbox is out in a location that will hit you as you are trying to recover to the ledge.
  3. Run towards edge of stage and jump over the frozen character --> *Save State*.
  4. Go below the stage and try to recover / ledgetech!
  5. When you are about to die...*Load State*.
  6. Repeat 4-5.
If you ever clank a hitbox with P2 or are invincible (halo) to the hitbox, then P2 will not repeat and freeze the move and a dead hitbox (inactive, but visible) will remain. At this point, you will need to just toggle the freeze repeater OFF and then ON again.
(L+R+D-Pad Down) Disable Any P2 Action Code [Achilles]
  • Currently enabled P2 action code will be disabled.
  • P2 is returned to a normal CPU.
  • Seen in some gifs below. Specifically, the end of the "Hold Shield" gif.

(L+D-Pad Up) P2 Grab OoS [Achilles]
  • P2 will shield grab after suffering shield stun.
---> gif <---
(L+D-Pad Left) P2 Hold Shield [Achilles]
  • P2 will hold the L button.
---> gif <---
(Infinite Shield code is ON in gif)
(L+D-Pad Right) P2 Nair OoS [Achilles]
  • P2 will buffer jump forward out of shield stun and do a frame perfect neutral air.
---> gif <---
(L+D-Pad Down) P2 Random C-Stick Buffer OoS / Roll Backwards OoS [Achilles]
  • P2 will hold shield and buffer a random c-stick direction out of shield stun.
    • If P2 buffers jump, they will do a frame perfect nair in place.
  • Hit the toggle a second time to make P2 always buffer a backwards roll out of shield stun.
---> gif <---

(R+D-Pad Up) P2 [Fox] Dair --> Grab --> UThrow --> *Intelligent* Uair [Achilles]
  • The uair after the throw will only work against P1
  • Fox will spam dair --> grab (grab doesn't always come out after a successful dair)
    • If he successfully grabs his opponent, he will then *intelligently* uthrow --> uair (straight up).
      • Intelligently: When fox is jumping, the difference in vertical positioning between P1 and P2 is calculated. If this value falls within a certain window, Fox will double jump and then uair. If the value is below the window (meaning the characters are too close to double jump uair), Fox will not double jump and will simply uair. If the value is above the window (meaning the chars are too far away to double jump uair), then Fox will input nothing. The thing to remember at this point is that he is still moving up from his jump, and hence getting closer to the opponent. This vertical position subtraction is executed every frame, so the moment he gets close enough and the value falls within the designated window, Fox will double jump uair to hit Player 1.
      • Works well against floaties. For ex., the uthrow --> uair will hit Marth every time from 0 - death.
      • Only works against fastfallers when they are at higher percent.
  • Useful for practicing smash DI (on the dair and uair).
---> gif <---
(Disable P2 action was input at the end)
(R+D-Pad Left) P2 [Spacie] Offensive Shine Pressure [Achilles]
  • Insane (yet 20XX realistic) spacie shine pressure.
  • Random dairs or nairs after a forward jump.
  • Random aerial timing mixups
  • Random double shine and shine-grab mixups
    • If second shine is aerial --> wavedash down in place (Westballz - 20XX certified member).
    • If P2 successfully grabs an opponent, the uthrow --> uair command is executed (only works against P1).
  • Practice your out of shield options.
---> Falco gif <---
---> Fox gif <---
(R+D-Pad Right) P2 [Falco] Short Hop Lasers [Achilles]
  • Falco will short hop laser in place.
  • Powershield practice.
---> gif <---
(R+D-Pad Down) P2 [Spacie] Shine OoS [Achilles]
  • Frame perfect shine out of shield after suffering shield stun and then a wavedash in place.
  • InternetExplorer's action state hack is used for the shine to get it to be frame perfect. This makes the shine look weird/not really appear sometimes, but I can guarantee you the hitbox comes out.
  • Will more than likely cause the game to freeze if this code is toggled ON and P2 is not Fox or Falco.
---> gif <---

Name Tag Hacks

(Z Button) While Selecting an Alphabet Character to Force Lowercase [Achilles]

Symbol Additions [Achilles]
  • The following symbols have been added to the English Alphabet page:
# .......... number sign/hash
| ............ bar
_ ......... underscore

(D-Pad Right/Left) Extended Name Tag Length [Achilles]
  • Create name tags up to 8 characters long by combining two separate name tags.
  • Only works on the Character Select Screen.
    • Instructions:
    • 1) On the Character Select Screen, select a name tag that you want to "store" (these will be the last 1-4 characters of your extended name tag).
    • 2) Hit d-pad right to store the name tag (no visual feedback for this is given).
    • 3) Select another name tag that you want to use as the base for the extended name tag (the first 4 characters).
    • 4) Hit d-pad left to combine the stored name tag onto the end of the base name tag.
    • 5) Open up the menu to choose another name tag and you will now see your new 4+ character name tag.
Note: The code to constantly write "Achilles" to the first name tag slot has been removed.

Easter Eggs
Ganondorf Sword Mod [Achilles]
  • Hold A+B while starting a match as Ganondorf to have him hold his sword throughout the entire match.
    • Does not affect gameplay.

---> gif <---
Spacies Gun Size Mod [Achilles, Bazza]
  • Hold A+B while starting a match as Fox or Falco to have huge guns (~6x the size).
    • Both space animals share the same memory location for gun size.

---> gif <---


(20XX v3.02) - 11/03/14
20XX Melee Hack Pack 3.02 File Replacements (with Instructions).zip
Affected Files:
  • Start.dol
  • TyWtCat.dat (Termina Great Bay Hack)
  • MnSlMap.dat (Hacked Stage Select Screen)

Bug Fixes
  • Matches with Items enabled no longer freeze Rainbow & Custom Color Final Destination and Custom Platforms Battlefield.
  • New stages added to the Hacked Stage Select Screen!
    • All-Star Heal
    • Bonus: Race to the Finish [Classic]
    • F-Zero Grand Prix [Adventure Mode]
    • Escape from Brinstar [Adventure Mode]
    • Termina Great Bay Hacked [Milun]
    • Target Test Stages!
      • Choose which character's Target Test Stage is to be loaded in the Stage Codes Menu.

  • Target Stages Never End
    • Enabling causes any Target Stage match to no longer end when all 10 targets have been hit.
  • Disable Screen Rumble
    • Screen does not shake during matches. This happens during events like dying, throwing, landing a strong attack, etc. It's subtle, but when you disable it, you notice it immediately. In a good/cool/smooth way. It makes you see the game in way you never have before.

(20XX v3.01) - 10/19/14

Bug Fixes
  • If Hacked Stages was loaded as being ON from bootup, Brinstar lava and Corneria ships/gun would still be on.
  • Deleting a name tag would remove characters from an 8+ character name tag one slot higher.
  • Creating a new name tag on the CSS would ignore the Rumble flag for that player and always default the name tag to Rumble off.
  • "Random" is Default Highlighted on the Stage Select Screen
  • CSS Hand Cursors Default to the HMN/CPU Button
    • Small Bug: After creating a new name tag from the CSS, the player port will be switched to a CPU.
  • Tournament Mode now replaces Fixed Camera Mode
  • Disable CPU Taunting

  • Debug Menu Toggles:
    • General Codes --> Custom Shield Color
      • Create your own shield colors for all players!
    • Character Codes --> DK - Always Full Punch
    • Character Codes --> Peach - Always Pull Specific Turnip/Item

  • SNES Alternate Costume for normal C. Falcon!
    • Cyborg Ninja has been removed.

  • Link/Young Link Super Boomerang Jump
    • It did enable the superjump but caused other unwanted side effects as well when the boomerang was caught.
  • Cyborg Ninja alt costume, as stated above.

Planning to update this later.
(20XX 3.00) - 9/28/14
20XX 3.00 Download Link
(20XX v2.07)

(20XX v2.06)
Download Link with Instructions
- P2 CPU has an increased chance of hard DI'ing throws left/right.
- P2 CPU get-up attacks after a missed tech less often.
- Added the ability to make 8 character name tags [see the feature list below].
- Flash red on unsuccessful l-cancel is now a separate toggle in the Debug Menu, termed "FLASH NO L".
- The Debug Menu toggle "COLORS" now makes characters turn purple in shield stun and teal in hitstun.
- Teal hitstun overlay does not go into affect if the attack the character was hit with induces a color tint of it's own (e.g. shine, Falcon punch...elemental attacks).​
- Default game time limit set to infinite. (This is not the stock game timer, which is still set to 8 minutes)
- In-game code toggles now work when matches are started using d-pad up at the CSS.
- Disable KO star reset upon exiting the CSS is fixed and now works again.

- Load Save State is now D-Pad Left
- This change was made to hopefully avoid accidentally saving/loading a state when you are trying to do the opposite action.​
- Infinite Shield toggle is now D-Pad Down

(20XX v2.05)
Download Link with Instructions
- P2 CPU no longer Smash DI's hits.
- P2 CPU has an increased chance of teching.
- Easter Egg button activator is changed to holding A+B instead of just A at the start of a match.
- Unrestricted pause camera.
- New 20XX start screen (compliments of Qual_).

(20XX v2.04)
Download Link with Instructions
- Adds a toggle to the debug menu, termed "COLORS", that will make characters turn white during shield stun and flash red during an unsuccessful L cancel.
1 = Colors OFF (default)
2 = Colors ON
- Pressing d-pad down on the stage select screen no longer causes the game to freeze.
- Loading a save state when one has yet to be stored will no longer cause the game to freeze.

Variations that I have made for others:
20XX 2.04 - Rumble default ON.dol

(20XX v2.03)
Download Link with Instructions
- Adds a toggle to the debug menu, termed "INGAME OFF", for turning in-game button activator codes completely off.
1 = In-game code toggles ON (default)
2 = in-game code toggles OFF
3 = 1
- Fixes a bug that would cause the game to freeze if a P2 action toggle was executed when P2 was not present in the game.

(20XX v2.02)
Download Link with Instructions
- Fixes the bug where the game would not load a stage if P2 wasn't present in the match.
-Fixes 1P mode and force loading the SSS to play by yourself.​

- Boot to Character Select Screen removed. Better compatibility with Stage Striking and Random Stage Select.

(20XX v2.00)
Download Link with Instructions
Last edited:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2004
Columbus, OH
Can't believe you've come up with so much despite only learning this stuff a couple of weeks ago. I thought everything I tested out with you a few days ago was neat, though -- I hope this gets the recognition it deserves!


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
Awesome work! We now need the most important thing of all, being able to decide DI in training mode!! (With C-stick being available)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2014
well done! for the sake of thoroughness, i think it would be great if you could use the offsets to put the cheats for version 1.00 and 1.01 in the txt file!

also, i was able to get it working in configurable usb loader (that way i don't have to use a different loader for melee and project m :-p). i deleted the blank line at the top of the txt file in your post and also changed the encoding to utf-8. this can be easily done in window's built-in notepad (just change the encoding in the save as dialog box) or the text editor of your choice. i'm not sure if you needed the txt file in the format you had it, but if not, perhaps consider reuploading the txt file in the first post with the removed blank line and changed encoding so people don't need to worry about this :-p.

after changing the txt file, i just put it on my usb drive at usb:/usb-loader/codes/GALE01.txt. then i can select the game in configurable usb loader, select 'Manage', then 'Manage Cheats', and then it should list all the cheats from the txt file. you can then scroll down and select all the cheats you want and then select '<Save .gct>'. then you can exit out of that, select 'Options', and then turn on 'Ocarina (cheats)'. then you can select start to load the game with the cheats you selected.

note, i believe there is a limitation to the size of the gct file when using dios mios. if it's too big, it won't load it and will just run the game as normal. so be careful to not go overboard when selecting the cheats ;-). i suppose you could just edit main.dol directly to get around this, but that would require considerable more effort :-p.

oh, and perhaps you should remind people to backup their memory cards before starting the game with cheats as using the cheats will sometimes destroy the contents of the memory card.

p.s. i'm using configurable usb loader v70r65, dios mios 2.10, and melee v1.02. also, in case anyone wants to know, here is my results for testing the cheats:
Unlock All Characters and Stages (1.02) [Datel] WORKS
Unlock All 293 Trophies (1.02) [Datel] WORKS
Infinite Shield P1 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Infinite Shield P2 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Infinite Shield P3 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Infinite Shield P4 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Default Tournament Settings (1.02) [Magus, et all] WORKS
Boot to Character Select Screen (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS, BUT DOES NOT LOAD ALL CHARACTERS AT FIRST
C-Stick in 1Player Modes (1.02) [Zauron] WORKS
Normal C-Stick Functionality in Develop Mode (1.02) [Magus, Achilles] WORKS
Debug Menu Replaces Tournament Mode (1.02) [Magus, donny2112] WORKS
Disable Stage Transformations on Pokemon Stadium (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Tree Blow on Dreamland (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Rising Lava on Brinstar (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Rising Platforms and Water Jets on Fountain of Dreams (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Ship Spawn on Corneria (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Great Fox's Gun (starts out dead) on Corneria (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Initial Bricks on Green Greens (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Falling Bricks on Green Greens (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Tree Wind and Apples on Green Greens (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Shy Guys on Yoshi's Story (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Switches and Bullets on Princess Peach's Castle (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Trophy Spawn on Snag the Trophies Stage (FigureGet) (1.02) [wparam] DIDN'T TRY
16:9 Widescreen Support (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
D-Pad Controls Damage (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Rolling Results in Immediate Death (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Enable Taunt Cancelling (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Input Delay Tester (1.02) [InternetExplorer] FREEZES GAME
Turn White During Shield Stun (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Turn Yellow During Shield Stun (1.02) [InternetExplorer, Standardtoaster, Stratocaster] FREEZES GAME
Aerials are Automatically L-Cancelled (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Flash on Successful L-Cancel (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
L-Cancel Training Wheels (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Taunt Battle (r2) (1.02) [InternetExplorer] DIDN'T TRY
Hold A+B for Salty Runback (1.02) [InternetExplorer, Sham Rock] WORKS
Skip Result Screen & Stock Count = Placement (1.02) [Sham Rock] WORKS
Skip Result Screen & Normal KO Counter (1.02) [Sham Rock, Achilles] WORKS
D-Pad Up Starts vs. Match (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
Stock Dependency Revival Platform Colors (1.02) [Achilles] DIDN'T TRY
D-Pad Right (P1 Only) Toggles Fixed Camera (1.02) [InternetExplorer, Achilles] WORKS
D-Pad Left (P1 Only) Triggers Infinite Shield (All Players) (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
D-Pad Down (P1 only) Toggles Bomb Rain, All Players Invinc, 2x Shield Deplete (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Left (P1 Only) Triggers P2 CPU to Hold Shield (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Up (P1 Only) Triggers P2 CPU to Hold Shield + Jump/Grab (if applicable) (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Right (P1 only) Triggers All CPUs to Shoot Projectiles and Guard Edge (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Down (P1 only) Triggers All Players Stamina Mode, 999% Hp (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
R+D-Pad Right Toggles Overlayed Yellow Collision Bubbles, Player Port Specific (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
R+D-Pad Up Toggles Yellow Collision Bubbles, Player Port Specific (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
Mushroom Kingdom is Pokemon Stadium - No Transformations (1.02) [Achilles] DIDN'T TRY
Last edited:


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Awesome work! We now need the most important thing of all, being able to decide DI in training mode!! (With C-stick being available)
Possibly some day...

well done! for the sake of thoroughness, i think it would be great if you could use the offsets to put the cheats for version 1.00 and 1.01 in the txt file!

also, i was able to get it working in configurable usb loader (that way i don't have to use a different loader for melee and project m :-p). i deleted the blank line at the top of the txt file in your post and also changed the encoding to utf-8. this can be easily done in window's built-in notepad (just change the encoding in the save as dialog box) or the text editor of your choice. i'm not sure if you needed the txt file in the format you had it, but if not, perhaps consider reuploading the txt file in the first post with the removed blank line and changed encoding so people don't need to worry about this :-p.

after changing the txt file, i just put it on my usb drive at usb:/usb-loader/codes/GALE01.txt. then i can select the game in configurable usb loader, select 'Manage', then 'Manage Cheats', and then it should list all the cheats from the txt file. you can then scroll down and select all the cheats you want and then select '<Save .gct>'. then you can exit out of that, select 'Options', and then turn on 'Ocarina (cheats)'. then you can select start to load the game with the cheats you selected.

note, i believe there is a limitation to the size of the gct file when using dios mios. if it's too big, it won't load it and will just run the game as normal. so be careful to not go overboard when selecting the cheats ;-). i suppose you could just edit main.dol directly to get around this, but that would require considerable more effort :-p.

oh, and perhaps you should remind people to backup their memory cards before starting the game with cheats as using the cheats will sometimes destroy the contents of the memory card.

p.s. i'm using configurable usb loader v70r65, dios mios 2.10, and melee v1.02. also, in case anyone wants to know, here is my results for testing the cheats:
Unlock All Characters and Stages (1.02) [Datel] WORKS
Unlock All 293 Trophies (1.02) [Datel] WORKS
Infinite Shield P1 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Infinite Shield P2 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Infinite Shield P3 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Infinite Shield P4 (1.02) [JAY007] DIDN'T TRY
Default Tournament Settings (1.02) [Magus, et all] WORKS
Boot to Character Select Screen (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS, BUT DOES NOT LOAD ALL CHARACTERS AT FIRST
C-Stick in 1Player Modes (1.02) [Zauron] WORKS
Normal C-Stick Functionality in Develop Mode (1.02) [Magus, Achilles] WORKS
Debug Menu Replaces Tournament Mode (1.02) [Magus, donny2112] WORKS
Disable Stage Transformations on Pokemon Stadium (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Tree Blow on Dreamland (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Rising Lava on Brinstar (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Rising Platforms and Water Jets on Fountain of Dreams (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Ship Spawn on Corneria (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Great Fox's Gun (starts out dead) on Corneria (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Initial Bricks on Green Greens (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Falling Bricks on Green Greens (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Tree Wind and Apples on Green Greens (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Shy Guys on Yoshi's Story (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Switches and Bullets on Princess Peach's Castle (1.02) [Zauron] DIDN'T TRY
Disable Trophy Spawn on Snag the Trophies Stage (FigureGet) (1.02) [wparam] DIDN'T TRY
16:9 Widescreen Support (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
D-Pad Controls Damage (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Rolling Results in Immediate Death (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Enable Taunt Cancelling (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Input Delay Tester (1.02) [InternetExplorer] FREEZES GAME
Turn White During Shield Stun (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Turn Yellow During Shield Stun (1.02) [InternetExplorer, Standardtoaster, Stratocaster] FREEZES GAME
Aerials are Automatically L-Cancelled (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Flash on Successful L-Cancel (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
L-Cancel Training Wheels (1.02) [InternetExplorer] WORKS
Taunt Battle (r2) (1.02) [InternetExplorer] DIDN'T TRY
Hold A+B for Salty Runback (1.02) [InternetExplorer, Sham Rock] WORKS
Skip Result Screen & Stock Count = Placement (1.02) [Sham Rock] WORKS
Skip Result Screen & Normal KO Counter (1.02) [Sham Rock, Achilles] WORKS
D-Pad Up Starts vs. Match (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
Stock Dependency Revival Platform Colors (1.02) [Achilles] DIDN'T TRY
D-Pad Right (P1 Only) Toggles Fixed Camera (1.02) [InternetExplorer, Achilles] WORKS
D-Pad Left (P1 Only) Triggers Infinite Shield (All Players) (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
D-Pad Down (P1 only) Toggles Bomb Rain, All Players Invinc, 2x Shield Deplete (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Left (P1 Only) Triggers P2 CPU to Hold Shield (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Up (P1 Only) Triggers P2 CPU to Hold Shield + Jump/Grab (if applicable) (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Right (P1 only) Triggers All CPUs to Shoot Projectiles and Guard Edge (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
L+D-Pad Down (P1 only) Triggers All Players Stamina Mode, 999% Hp (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
R+D-Pad Right Toggles Overlayed Yellow Collision Bubbles, Player Port Specific (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
R+D-Pad Up Toggles Yellow Collision Bubbles, Player Port Specific (1.02) [Achilles] WORKS
Mushroom Kingdom is Pokemon Stadium - No Transformations (1.02) [Achilles] DIDN'T TRY
nqztv, thanks for the informative post! I guess I now realize my problem I had when I was trying to get cheats to work on CFG; I was trying to use a premade .gct and not just putting the codes in a text file and having CFG do it for you. Good to know, though.

I think I ran into the maximum amount of lines of Gecko codes problem on Dolphin (231 lines?). I imediately got scared when this happened, thinking that might be the limit using Dios Mios as well. So I applied all the cheats I had on when I went overboard with Dolphin, on my wii, and everything still worked...phew! I'm not sure what the max is but I plan on pushing it to the limit! :bee:

Thanks for doing a through test of the codes as well.


Smash Cadet
Jun 19, 2013
Brampton, Ontario
About time basement grinding became actually worth your time.
Now I can practise shield pressure, learn hitboxes, get dash-dance spacing down, and learn to approach projectile spammers. All without leaving my house. Like a true warrior.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2010
Hot damn! I know you said you were working on some big stuff but I didn't think you were working on EVERYTHING!

All I can really say is THANK YOU! Not very many people have put in this much work to hacking the game. <3<3<3<3

I'm probably gonna use every one of these codes.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2014
you can use a premade gct as well, you just have to put it at usb:/usb-loader/codes/GALE01.gct for configurable usb loader. i just suggested the other way since i figured people would want to try out different codes at different times and rather than switching your drive back and forth between your computer and wii, you can do it all within the wii ;-).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2011
Achilles, maybe we can't find "D-Pad Down (P1 only) Toggles Bomb Rain, All Players Invinc, 2x Shield Deplete (1.02)" codes in the OP of this thread.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Is there any way to do the shield grab/jump codes with Action Replay, or is it Dolphin/Wii exclusive?
dashdancedan, do you have an actual GC Action Replay or something? I don't know how to do the one button toggles that all these codes use (that seems to be a Gecko only codetype) but I could write you an AR code that uses Z+D-Pad Up to toggle it off, if that will work for you.


Try this:
(1.02, Action Replay)
L+D-Pad Up Turns On CPU Holding Shield and Jump/Grab
Z+D-Pad Up Turns it Off

4A46B108 00000048
00480845 00000000
00480848 0000000C
0A46B108 00000018
00480848 00000000

I'm not on my desktop where I can actually test this code but I think it will work. When you turn it off, the P2 CPU might act like a human, but closing the port and opening it back up might alleviate that problem. Not sure exactly, but let me know if you get around to testing this.
Last edited:

The Prince

Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2013
Could somebody please post a pre made .gct for 1.02? I am having so much trouble getting a .gct as I have a Mac and Ocarina Code Manager doesn't work. Thanks!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2014
@ The Prince The Prince if you can't get the ocarina code manager on your computer to generate the file for you, you can try to generate it on your wii with configurable usb loader as i described in a previous post. it would probably be best if you figured it out on your end so you can turn codes on and off at will as opposed to being stuck with the one configuration you request at this time (btw, you didn't even specify what you want enabled... there are almost 90 different "cheats" in the txt file provided in the first post). and this thread has the potential to turn into a request thread where it's just pages and pages of people requesting gcts of different configurations. if you have problems with getting configurable usb loader to work as well, let us know and we can try to walk you through things.


Smash Rookie
Feb 13, 2014
With what version of Dolphin does the L+D-Pad-Left work?

It crashes for me with:
Dolphin 4.02
Dolphin 4.0-1337
Dolphin 4.0-648
Dolphin 4.0-652


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
Brooklyn, NY
really impressive stuff dude! glad to see the melee hacking scene is still alive

would you post some technical details of what memlocs you found for what? i'm particularly interested in the cpu one, but a writeup for any/all would be really cool to read as well. feel free to shoot me a msg.


also perhaps you could display the consecutive hit counter in one of the not-used slots percent counter. ajp_anton did something like that in melee impossible.



Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
With what version of Dolphin does the L+D-Pad-Left work?

It crashes for me with:
Dolphin 4.02
Dolphin 4.0-1337
Dolphin 4.0-648
Dolphin 4.0-652
It should work with every version of Dolphin that supports Gecko codes. Do ANY Gecko codes work for you? Try any of these.

really impressive stuff dude! glad to see the melee hacking scene is still alive

would you post some technical details of what memlocs you found for what? i'm particularly interested in the cpu one, but a writeup for any/all would be really cool to read as well. feel free to shoot me a msg.


also perhaps you could display the consecutive hit counter in one of the not-used slots percent counter. ajp_anton did something like that in melee impossible.
I do plan on doing a little writeup of what changes were made, among other things. And I had the exact same thought yesterday of possibly using unused percentage slots as the counter. I'll have to look into it!
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
Ill surely try this out when i know it can be used on pal.
Im sure that ll help me getting some real 20xx(iceage) IC practice in, being able to actually try out how good ICs desynched pressure is on shield is and practice the reactions is something thats now available that hasnt and im sure thats gonna help alot. Foxes being better att pressuring shields is making it more fun too.


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2013
I have some problems loading cheats, I put the GCT in USB:games/GALE01/GALE01.gct but it doesn't work.

I'm using Dios Mios Booter with Ocarina ON and SSBM v1.2.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Ill surely try this out when i know it can be used on pal.
Im sure that ll help me getting some real 20xx(iceage) IC practice in, being able to actually try out how good ICs desynched pressure is on shield is and practice the reactions is something thats now available that hasnt and im sure thats gonna help alot. Foxes being better att pressuring shields is making it more fun too.
I'm actually working on porting most of the codes to PAL and 1.00 right now. Should be up within an hour or two

I have some problems loading cheats, I put the GCT in USB:games/GALE01/GALE01.gct but it doesn't work.

I'm using Dios Mios Booter with Ocarina ON and SSBM v1.2.
Hmm weird. Sounds like its all in the right place. I guess try using a different loader then, assuming you know for certain your ISO is v1.02 and that you correctly made the gct file. nqztv gives instructions for CFG Loader a few posts up and InternetExplorer has instructions for GeckoOS on the the Gecko codes thread stickied in this forum.


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2013
Thanks, now it works!
But there's a problem :\ I can't activate all of your 10 codes, because as nqztv said, there's a limit :\
Can you do anything about that?

Anyway you should include the miniguide made by nqztv. Basically you just have to delet the first blank line of your .txt file, chenge the encode to UTF-8 and put it in USB:/usb-loader/codes/GALE01.txt.

Load cfg usb loader mod v70 r65 -> Select the game -> Manage -> Manage cheats -> Select all the codes you want (you can't select too many or the cfg won't load anything!) -> <Save .gct> then you load the game with ocarina activated.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Thanks, now it works!
But there's a problem :\ I can't activate all of your 10 codes, because as nqztv said, there's a limit :\
Can you do anything about that?

Anyway you should include the miniguide made by nqztv. Basically you just have to delet the first blank line of your .txt file, chenge the encode to UTF-8 and put it in USB:/usb-loader/codes/GALE01.txt.

Load cfg usb loader mod v70 r65 -> Select the game -> Manage -> Manage cheats -> Select all the codes you want (you can't select too many or the cfg won't load anything!) -> <Save .gct> then you load the game with ocarina activated.
So when you select all these codes on CFG Loader, it won't load anything? I was using them all on Dios-Mios-Booter and it was working just fine. and yes, I'll put this information in the main post after I update a few more things


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2012
This is ****ing awesome. Will try this out as soon as possible.

Random DI (or at least for being thrown)
Random teching descisions (left, right, in place, or no tech. Possibly random getup options and timing before doing so [although this is asking a lot])

This is SO COOL. Keep it up.


Smash Rookie
Feb 13, 2014
It should work with every version of Dolphin that supports Gecko codes. Do ANY Gecko codes work for you? Try any of these.
Most of those work.
that's the way i named them, but should be clear which codes they are

CSS(force SSS)
All C&S
Developer Mode
all work.

CPUShield(used in CSS crashes while having the ready countdown up, after the stage has loaded)
c-stick(Crashes before loading stage)
don't work
Last edited:


Smash Cadet
Dec 9, 2012
Monterrey, Mexico
I tried it but every hook type option I choose freezes my game at the intro video, I already installed everything you said :/

Deleted member

Is there a way to do this kind of stuff in projectm? If so, is anyone working on it? I'm mainly a pm player and some of this stuff would be awesome for pm.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
These codes are used for AR right?
Not Action Replay. They are Gecko Codes

I tried it but every hook type option I choose freezes my game at the intro video, I already installed everything you said :/
What app are you using as the loader? CFG? This sounds like you are using codes for the wrong version of the game you are using, because most of the time the game freezes immediately.

Is there a way to do this kind of stuff in projectm? If so, is anyone working on it? I'm mainly a pm player and some of this stuff would be awesome for pm.
I know nothing about coding P:M / Brawl so I have no clue
Last edited:


Smash Rookie
Oct 22, 2013
NorCal Peninsula
"Also, anytime Zelda is chosen for P2, she will automatically start as Sheik." Can this get its own code?

And btw, this code causes Dolphin to crash when I launch SSBM:
Choosing Icicle Mountain Stage from Stage Select Screen loads Trophy Stage instead
0C480684 006E0019
04480684 006E0053
0C480684 FF6E0019
04480684 FF6E0053
Last edited:


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
"Also, anytime Zelda is chosen for P2, she will automatically start as Sheik." Can this get its own code?
LyeN, remember when I said I found a "development" in making my previous code Zelda is always Sheik code? Well it turns out in works on every other character except Zelda...for some unknown reason.

You can use this code, but you'll easily be able to see why I said it wasn't perfect. When the character select screen shows up after a game, it will try and load Sheik's character select portrait...but one does not exist. Therefore, the game doesnt really know what to do and it will just set the character values back to the default upon bootup and act like that player has not chosen a character yet. So after every game, if you want to play as Zelda/Sheik again, you'll have to repick them. You'll see what I mean when you try it. And it's not just after a match. Anytime Zelda is chosen, her character ID will be immediately changed to Sheik. So anytime Zelda is chosen and then you exit out of the Character select screen (playing a game, exiting to menus, or going to game options), you will have to repick her.

It technically does what you want though, if Zelda is chosen, she will start the match as Sheik.

(Gecko Codes, version 1.02)

P1 Zelda will start match as Sheik
28480820 00FF1200
00480820 00000013
E2000001 00000000

P2 Zelda will start match as Sheik
28480844 00FF1200
00480844 00000013
E2000001 00000000

P3 Zelda will start match as Sheik
28480868 00FF1200
00480868 00000013
E2000001 00000000

P4 Zelda will start match as Sheik
2848088C 00FF1200
0048088C 00000013
E2000001 00000000

12 is Zelda's character ID and Sheik's is 13. What this is doing is saying "if character ID for Player X is 12 (Zelda) then change it to 13 (Sheik)".

You can just put them all together as one code if that's what you want. But if you want to do that, it can be a shorter code than just copy and pasting all the above. PM me if this is what you're interested in.
Last edited:


Smash Rookie
Oct 22, 2013
NorCal Peninsula
LyeN, remember when I said I found a "development" in making my previous code Zelda is always Shiek code? Well it turns out in works on every other character except Zelda...for some unknown reason.

You can use this code, but you'll easily be able to see why I said it wasn't perfect. When the character select screen shows up after a game, it will try and load Shiek's character select portrait...but one does not exist. Therefore, the game doesnt really know what to do and it will just set the character values back to the default upon bootup and act like that player has not chosen a character yet. So after every game, if you want to play as Zelda/Shiek again, you'll have to repick them. You'll see what I mean when you try it. And it's not just after a match. Anytime Zelda is chosen, her character ID will be immediately changed to Shiek. So anytime Zelda is chosen and then you exit out of the Character select screen (playing a game, exiting to menus, or going to game options), you will have to repick her.

It technically does what you want though, if Zelda is chosen, she will start the match as Shiek.

(Gecko Codes, version 1.02)

P1 Zelda will start match as Shiek
28480820 00FF1200
00480820 00000013
E2000001 00000000

P2 Zelda will start match as Shiek
28480844 00FF1200
00480844 00000013
E2000001 00000000

P3 Zelda will start match as Shiek
28480868 00FF1200
00480868 00000013
E2000001 00000000

P4 Zelda will start match as Shiek
2848088C 00FF1200
0048088C 00000013
E2000001 00000000

12 is Zelda's character ID and Shiek's is 13. What this is doing is saying "if character ID for Player X is 12 (Zelda) then change it to 13 (Shiek)".

You can just put them all together as one code if that's what you want. But if you want to do that, it can be a shorter code than just copy and pasting all the above. PM me if this is what you're interested in.
Thanks a lot! FYI: Sheik is spelled as "Sheik", not "Shiek" :D

Any idea what's wrong with this?
"And btw, this code causes Dolphin to crash when I launch SSBM:
Choosing Icicle Mountain Stage from Stage Select Screen loads Trophy Stage instead
0C480684 006E0019
04480684 006E0053
0C480684 FF6E0019
04480684 FF6E0053"


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Thanks a lot! FYI: Sheik is spelled as "Sheik", not "Shiek" :D

Any idea what's wrong with this?
"And btw, this code causes Dolphin to crash when I launch SSBM:
Choosing Icicle Mountain Stage from Stage Select Screen loads Trophy Stage instead
0C480684 006E0019
04480684 006E0053
0C480684 FF6E0019
04480684 FF6E0053"
Lol, thanks for informing me of the Sheik spelling mistake. I guess I'll update that post because I said it like 50 times.

Do you have that in as an Action Replay code? Because it is AR, not Gecko. If that is by chance the problem, visit the other thread I made in this forum about loading different stages. And really, the codes used there are better than this one anyway (they change only what is necessary) so you should do that to update this code anyway.
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