Alright, time for some re-evaluating, 2018 style.
Ban FD: Lucas, Sonic
Ban Smashville: Captain Falcon, Roy, Mega Man, Rosalina
Ban Triplats: Cloud, Bayonetta
Shorthand version:
Lucas and Sonic can catch landings. Lucas can infinite you on FD. This gets taken away when there's a platform involved. Any other stage, including Town & City, is better.
Smashville is gimmick heaven for several characters. Captain Falcon can use the platform for extended combos, while Roy and Mega Man have tech that can end your stock extremely quickly via platform. Rosalina will use the platform to camp Luma on.
Triplats is horrible vs. Cloud. He can Uair juggle you on the platforms. You have nowhere to land. And Bayonetta can do a reset loop to exploit your landing after a short combo, continuing it on from the reset, and ending with the kill.
I will certainly add more when I have the time. Diddy and Sheik are both bad to fight on FD and SV, so it's really a tossup here. With FD, however, they don't have a platform to escape to.
Arguably, Ike's best stage is Town & City. You can't go wrong there. Lylat also has its advantages.