To start off, I'd like to thank you a lot for all of the info you've given us. I really do appreciate it. <3
I do have more of the basic questions again, and sorry if I'm being troublesome. Here's more Pit/Palutena related ones.
For Palutena
1: Somewhere mentioned that you could do different tricks with her Down-air. What's the move like?
2: How would you describe Palutena's playing style? I always thought she was a long-ranged defensive heavyweight according to how she sounds and looks.
3: I know what her Final Smash looks like, but can you angle the laser to your liking to hit opponents you may have missed?
4: Looks of some costumes color-wise? You don't have to answer this one, but you can tell I'm generally curious about Pit and Palutena the most.
5: Her taunts and victory taunt(s)?
6: Her throws and other moves I may not know about? (optional)
For Pit
1: I've been hearing about the Pink Pit costume a lot, and it seems to be really popular. Aside from wanting to know a bit about it, what's the purple and new black one like?
2: I know some said that his Guardian Orbitars can block physical attacks, but I'd like to know if it's true, and if they can do physical damage as well.
3: Pit's Final Smash. I know how it works by aiming up or down, but is the arrow-shooting (not the final part) at a random order, or can you decide which kind of arrows you can shoot before the final part happens? (optional)
For both
1: I'm curious if there's a secret Pit or Palutena codec taunt like Starfox has on the respective stage (Reset Bomb Forest). Probably not known yet, but it's all curious.
2: Pit's throws? I'm curious if any have changed compared to Brawl's.
I'm sorry if I don't have much questions as I wanted. Honestly, I'm too focused on knowing every single thing about Pit and Palutena as they are gonna be my mains. I appreciate it in advance.

If there's some questions about my questions you're worried about or want me to explain or something, feel free to ask me.