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Smash Bros. Character Rivals


Retro Gamer
Sep 8, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Switch FC
ok so first things first. if this sort of thread doesn't belong here, or if there's one like this (i tried checking to see if there was and nothing came up), please lock it or transfer it to an appropriate location. that being said:

so you know how certain fighting games like the marvel vs capcom series have rivals in each of their games? i figured we could do something similar for the smash bros. 4 cast. however there are some rules i must impose for this:

1. each character may only have one rival.
2. rivals cannot be part of the same franchise.
3. rivals must have some type of similarities or great differences to be considered rivals.

if there are any other rules i should impose please let me know.

since there are only 55 current characters in the roster, this means one character will not have a rival at the current time. once all future DLC has been done with, the list will be updated one last time. as DLC becomes introduced, this list will be updated as it happens. i will offer an explanation for why i think each character are rivals. if there's anything that you think should be different, please let me know and will put it into consideration. heck, make your own list if you wish to do so. let's have fun with this. ok lets get to it.

Mario Universe

1. Mario vs Sonic

obviously video game rivals in the game industry, with each of their companies being competitors respectively. i don't think anyone can argue with this.

2. Luigi vs Falco

both characters are similar to their counterparts and are 2nd most important characters in their respective franchise. also, both can be considered aerial fighters to an extent as well.

3.Peach vs Zelda

the main damsels in distress in their respective series. both rule a kingdom with servants and such.

4. Bowser vs Ganondorf

both the main villain in their respective franchises and two of the most well known villains in the gaming industry. both capture the princesses of their respective kingdoms in hopes of conquering them. also both have many minions by their side. also both are powerful fighters.

5. Rosalina vs Palutena

both rulers of their own domiain. palutena being the ruler of skyworld, and rosalina being the ruler of, well the galaxy. also both have supporters by their side, luma with rosalina, and the angels of skyworld with palutena.

6. Dr. Mario vs Roy

both fighters are clones of the main protagonists of their respective series, however they have some differences from them as well, making them both close to semi-clones.

DK Universe

7. DK vs Mii Brawler

classic clash of man vs beast. both use physical moves at their disposal in their own fighting style.

8. Diddy Kong vs Pikachu

both based off of animals. one uses its own energy moves as attacks while the other uses items such as bananas, pop guns, etc. both are also very agile fighters.

Zelda Universe

9. Link vs Marth

both poster boys for their respective franchises. both highly skilled in swordsmanship.

10. Zelda vs Peach

as mention above with peach.

11. Sheik vs Greninja

both agile fighters and even fight like ninjas. uses a variety of moves such as projectiles, vanishing moves, etc.

12. Ganondorf Vs Boweser

as mentioned above with bowser.

13. Toon Link vs Mii Swordsman

both swordsman and use moves very similar to link's. also have projectiles in their movesets.

Metroid Universe

14. Samus vs Megaman

both projectile based characters. one fights in a robotic like suit, and one is a robot.

15. Zero Suit Samus vs Captain Falcon

both bounty hunters and very agile fighters.

Kirby Universe

16. Kirby vs Pac-man

both are shaped as balls. both eat a lot, kirby eating anything and pac man eating pellets and ghosts.

17. Meta Knight vs Pit

both sword fighters and have aerial mobility. both also have wings, which allow aerial battles.

18. King Dedede vs Wario

both gluttonous characters. both are considered villains or anti heroes. also both are very greedy and fat.

Star Fox Universe

19. Fox vs Lucario

both are very similar in appearance. also both have physical fighting techniques and projectiles.

20. Falco vs Luigi

as mentioned above with luigi.

Pokemon Universe

21. Pikachu vs Diddy Kong

as mentioned above with diddy kong.

22. Jigglypuff vs Little Mac

both having opposite fighting styles. while jigglypuff is an aerial fighter, little mac is a grounded fighter.

23. Mewtwo vs Lucas

both fighters have psychic abilities and use mostly energy based attacks. also DLC characters.

24. Charizard vs Yoshi

both fighters are based off lizards. also one uses fire in its attacks, while the other one uses its eggs and tongue in his attacks.

25. Lucario vs Fox

as mentioned above with fox.

26. Greninja vs Sheik

as mentioned above with sheik.

Earthbound Universe

27. Ness vs Robin

both have powers in their movesets, ness having psi and robin relying on majic. also both use different types of weapons with ness using yo-yos and bats and robin using swords and a book.

28. Lucas vs Mewtwo

as mentioned above with mewtwo.

Fire Emblem Universe

29. Marth vs Link

as mentioned above with link.

30. Roy vs Dr. Mario

as mentioned above with dr. mario.

31. Ike vs Shulk

both are sword fighters and their swords have a very long range. both also have no projectiles.

32. Robin vs Ness

as mentioned above with ness.

33. Lucina vs Dark Pit

both are clones to their counterparts. also, both have their own personalities from their counterparts.

Kid Icarus Universe

34. Pit vs Meta Knight

as mentioned above with meta knight.

35. Palutena vs Rosalina

as mentioned above with rosalina.

36. Dark Pit vs Lucina

as mentioned above with lucina.

Yoshi Universe

37. Yoshi vs Charizard

as mentioned above with charizard.

F-Zero Universe

38. Captain Falcon vs Zero Suit Samus

as mentioned above with zero suit samus.

Warioware Universe

39. Wario vs King Dedede

as mention above with king dedede.

Pikmin Universe

40. Olimar/Alph vs Duck Hunt

both have unique fighting style. also both use some types of projectiles, olimar with pikmin, and duck hunt with cans, henchman, etc.

Animal Crossing Universe

41. Villager vs Mr. Game and Watch

both uses tools and weapons in their attacks. also have some type of aerial recovery, villager with balloons, and mr. game and watch with trampoline and parachute.

Punch Out Universe

42. Little Mac vs Jigglypuff

as mentioned above with jigglypuff.

Wii Fit Universe

43. Wii Fit trainer vs Ryu

both fighters have their own style of fighting, wii fit with yoga, and ryu with karate. also both have a form of energy projectiles.

Xenoblade Universe

44. Shulk vs Ike

as mentioned above with ike.

Duck Hunt Universe

45. Duck Hunt vs Olimar/Alph

as mentioned above with olimar.

Nintendo Universe

46. R.O.B. vs Mii Gunner

both projectile fighters. one is a robot and the other half a robot. also both not from any respective franchise.

Game and Watch Universe

47. Mr. Game and Watch vs Villager

as mentioned above with villager.

Pac-man Universe

48. Pac-man vs Kirby

as mentioned above with kirby.

Megaman Universe

49. Megaman vs Samus

as mentioned above with samus.

Sonic Universe

50. Sonic vs Mario

as mentioned above with mario.

Street Fighter Universe

51. Ryu vs Wii Fit Trainer

as mentioned above with wii fit trainer.

Super Smash Bros. Universe

52. Mii Brawler vs DK

as mentioned above with dk.

53. Mii Swordsman vs Toon Link

as mentioned above with toon link.

54. Mii Gunner vs R.O.B.

as mentioned above with r.o.b.

the only fighter that i couldn't find a rival for was bowser jr. unless of course you guys find someone suitable in the current roster.

so to make this list easier to see:

Mario Universe
1. Mario vs Sonic
2. Luigi vs Falco
3. Peach vs Zelda
4. Bowser vs Ganondorf
5. Rosalina vs Palutena
6. Dr. Mario vs Roy

DK Universe
7. DK vs Mii Brawler
8. Diddy Kong vs Pikachu

Zelda Universe
9. Link vs Marth
10. Zelda vs Peach
11. Sheik vs Greninja
12. Ganondorf vs Bowser
13. Toon Link vs Mii Swordsman

Metroid Universe
14. Samus vs Megaman
15. Zero Suit Samus vs Captain Falcon

Kirby Universe
16. Kirby vs Pac-man
17. Meta Knight vs Pit
18. King Dedede vs Wario

Star Fox Universe
19. Fox vs Lucario
20. Falco vs Luigi

Pokemon Universe
21. Pikachu vs Diddy Kong
22. Jigglypuff vs Little Mac
23. Mewtwo vs Lucas
24. Charizard vs Yoshi
25. Lucario vs Fox
26. Greninja vs Sheik

Earthbound Universe
27. Ness vs Robin
28. Lucas vs Mewtwo

Fire Emblem Universe
29. Marth vs Link
30. Roy vs Dr. Mario
31. Ike vs Shulk
32. Robin vs Ness
33. Lucina vs Dark Pit

Kid Icarus Universe

34. Pit vs Meta Knight
35. Palutena vs Rosalina
36. Dark Pit vs Lucina

Yoshi Universe
37. Yoshi vs Charizard

F-Zero Universe
38. Captain Falcon vs Zero Suit Samus

Warioware Universe
39. Wario vs King Dedede

Pikmin Universe
40. Olimar vs Duck Hunt

Animal Crossing Universe
41. Villager vs Mr. Game and Watch

Punch Out Universe
42. Little Mac vs Jigglypuff

Wii Fit Universe
43. Wii Fit Trainer vs Ryu

Xenoblade Universe
44. Shulk vs Ike

Duck Hunt Universe
45. Duck Hunt vs Olimar

Nintendo Universe
46. R.O.B. vs Mii Gunner

Game and Watch Universe
47. Mr. Game and Watch vs Villager

Pac-man Universe
48. Pac-man vs Kirby

Megaman Universe
49. Megaman vs Samus

Sonic Universe
50. Sonic vs Mario

Street Fighter Universe
51. Ryu vs Wii Fit Trainer

Smash Bro. Universe
52. Mii Brawler vs DK
53. Mii Swordsman vs Toon Link
54. Mii Gunner vs R.O.B.

now this list will be updated as new DLC rolls in and it will be updated one last time when sakurai officially finishes with DLC. hopefully it will end with an even number of fighters but until then tell me what you think. what changes should be made? how would you make your own list? comment below and lets have some fun with this.


Retro Gamer
Sep 8, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Switch FC
ok man thanx. i looked but nothing came up. i'll post my two cents there.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Haha... I made a thread before both of you. Finally I have precedence, its from like april of last year.
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