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Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2014
I'm convinced that someone's putting somethin' in the milk nowadays, I can't fathom why so many young'uns are taller than me.


Feb 18, 2009
That was actually my third and I remember that.

@ Jaedrik Jaedrik was my first reply and called me "rude" for my first post.
Ahh--the good old days.
If I recall, my post was literally that one word. :D
Edit: nevermind. Anyways, enough about me.
Last edited:


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Might as well tag @Erika just in case :4pacman:

Shulk is your average swordsman. He swings his swords of light around because that's how you kill things. He also has Arts which are essentially his special moves. The offensive ones have sweetspots that can cause aftereffects whether it's a buff or an infliction onto the enemy such as Break. His weapon the Monando is very effective against mechanical beings such as the Mechon. His Monado arts also help offensively, most noticeably Buster, which does twice as much damage against the Mechon
Shulk is just your average guy, so he's not the toughest of all tanks, but can take more hits thanks to the Monado. Monado Sheild (unlike the Smash Bros. one) allows him to take no damage from Talent Arts (basically a signature move). Then there is Monado Armour (which is totally like the Smash Bros. one) which reduces damage from physical and ether attacks.
Average Joe Shulk here running around at the speed of average. Again, his speed can be changed by using Monado Speed, which also helps him evade physical attacks.
[I can see into the future intensifies]
His Monado gives him the ability to see into the future. Sometimes these futures can be shown to him within days, hours, or just a few seconds before the initial event happens. During this time, he can change it by going to the source of the event, or if he's in the source already, he can use his Monado arts to prevent that future from happening. As it gets closer to the event, it becomes more apparent to what he should do if he wishes to prevent that future.

FUN FACT : He can also see into the past, as seen in the sidequests such as Paola and Narine.
  • Back Slash - It's a slash. Slash them from behind to deal more damage, there you go.
  • Slit Edge - This attack when it hits the side of an opponent will lower it's defense.
  • Stream Edge - This attack is one giant sweep from the Monando, and once it hits it inflicts Break and fills some of his Talent Gauge
  • Air Slash - It's in the name, dude. If this attack is done from the side, it will inflict Break
  • Shaker Edge - If the opponent is Toppled (fallen down), he can use this attack to Daze the enemy, prolonging the Topple effect for a longer period of time.
  • Light Heal - It is a medium-small health boost that can patch up any minor damage quickly
  • Shadow Eye - Reduces aggro (a state where you deal more damage, but have less defense) while also boosting the power of his next physical art.
  • Battle Soul - Shulk will cut his own health to fill up his Talent Gauge. Most preferred when he really needs it.
  • Turn Strike - Shulk's Talent Art before he picked up the Monado; a giant swing at the enemy that deals major damage and inflicts Break for a long period of time.

All of these Arts cannot be constantly used. It takes a set period of time that differs per Art in order to use them again.
  • Buster - A large swing that does high damage, but even more to mechanical beings like Mechon.
  • Enchant - It allows surrounding users to damage Mechon normally. But Sora isn't a Mechon, so...
  • Shield - Nullifies any Talent Arts (Signature Moves) and only deals a pinch of damage.
  • Purge - A single ranged blast comes from the Monado. It removes any Auras (special unique buffs such as Soul Read which allows you to read your opponent's moves or Crazed where you move around like crazy and unable to do anything) and Spike effects (anything that counterattacks by being too close, toppled, or when being attacked)
  • Eater - A stab-like move that gets rid of any buffs on the enemy and is also inflicted with Bleed
  • Armour - Reduced damage from physical or ether attacks
  • Cyclone - Any enemies around Shulk that are inflicted with Break will be Toppled along with your standard damage.
It's a sword created from scrap parts. This was Shulk's main weapon before he picked up the Monado. However, this is the only way Shulk can use his Talent Art Turn Strike.
Hey, you. You never finished Xenoblade Chronicles? Then you better nope out of this category.
This was the first form of the Monado when it was still restricted of power. In this state, it can cut anything but the people of the Bionis.

It is important that this immunity only goes to the people of Bionis, and not a person from anywhere else.
This is the Monado when the restrictions are gone. It is the same as before, but it it is now apparently a double-edged sword and can now harm any person from Bionis regularly. This version of the weapon is helpful for taking down any faced Mechon like Metal Face.
This is where we get OP.
The True Monado is the strongest variation of the Monado line while also being belonged truly by Shulk. This sword is literally made to kill gods and makes Shulk one as well. This sword is owned by Shulk for the rest of the endgame and can be used in the New Game+
These are other Monados that were created by the Machina. There are five other variants in all.
Although it is weaker than the Original Monado, it can still perform Monado Arts just as well.
This replica is made for standard attack stability, and is one of the most balanced replicas alongside the Agni.
This replica is made for a more defensive play, being able to block attacks easier. It is one of the most balanced replicas alongside the Rudra. Sadly, it has the worst minimum attack rate, but is still very defensive.
This replica is made for pure damage. It has the highest max damage out of all of them and is the only replica with a pure improvement without a downside.
This replica is made for a higher critical hit rate (a higher chance to have a harder hit doing more damage). Despite this, it is referred to as one of the less useful replicas with it being compared to an Abyss with a higher critical hit rate with less defense.
This final replica is made for pure defense. It has a high defense against physical and ether attacks at the cost of reduced damage output.
Something all the Monados have in common is that they are based around Ether and manipulate it, changing the material and immaterial. They all allow Shulk to have foresight with no difference on when it is shown, and can also attract beasts known as the Telethia.

Combat-wise, the Monado Arts can only by used one at a time with a talent gauge, which is set by auto-attacking, Stream Edge, or Battle Soul. However, there is a skill shown from his fifth Skill Tree Bravery which allows him to get his Talent Gauge maxed out immediately once he sees a vision.
Shulk is a nice guy as long as you don't even give his friends a scab. He's a master engineer/mechanic and has created many weapons with his mentor Dickson. His bravery is shown out even when brought into the most serious situations, and doesn't give up because he trusts in the Monado's power and believes he can change the future for the better. Long story short, he's really feeling it. :4shulk:
Hey, you. You never finished Xenoblade Chronicles? Then you better nope out of this category.
  • Killed Gods and Mechon alike
  • Became a God himself, but then rejected the status
  • Defeated the Telethia
  • Created many weapons and machines
  • Variety of Arts to use
  • Able to see the future
  • Able to heal himself
  • Monado's beam length and reach can be increased
  • Arts can inflict debuffs and status ailments
  • All Arts have a cooldown
  • Monado Arts can only be used once at a time
  • Cannot see into the future without the Monado near him (Some have stated he needs to hold the Monado, but he has seen the future without physically holding it before but rather on his back) and is practically useless without it.

Well good thing Shulk has ****ing SEVEN of them. :4charizard:

  • He cannot always change the future, whether he thinks the future is okay or he is inflicted and unable to do anything

Sora has much offensive potential. He has defeated so many foes whether they are the Heartless or the Nobodies. He holds the Kingdom Key, which although it's a giant key, it's a great melee tool. He's also nice at magic, summoning fire, ice, lightning, and all your other generic JRPG needs. He can also use Omega Arts to boost all of his stats.
Sora has taken beatings like a man before. He's taken blows from Hercules and he fought both Cloud and Sephiroth and turned out victorious. He can also wear a Buster Band, which increases his defense by 20%.
Sora is actually pretty fast. He has quick reflexes and can roll or jump out of harms way as quick as he can. He's even been able to block a 360-degree attack. Hell, he can even glide and create swift combos with his Keyblade.
Oh hey, he's a wizard too.
  • Firaga - Homing fireballs are shot out of the Keyblade; can also make Fire Shields.
  • Blizzaga - Ice shots are scattered when shot and will freeze anything upon contact.
  • Thundaga - Lightning comes from the sky; can combo up to three times
  • Aeroga - A sphere surrounds Sora and will reduce damage of injury for a short period of time
  • Curaga - Will restore health to maximum, but it will not cure him of any status ailment
  • Reflega - A barrier will pop up for a split second and will counter any physical attacks and reflect any projectiles. However, it must be timed right for that split second or else it will not do anything.

All of these moves are based on MP, which will run out. He can regain it by hitting things with his gigantic key.
I could've just labeled this as attacks but it has abilities in the name and also laziness.
  • Sliding Dash - Sora will fling himself at the enemy then swing his keyblade up front
  • Slapshot - A swing with an upward arc; great for a quick blow to the enemy.
  • Stun Impact - Sora creates an explosive sphere around him that stuns the enemy; combo finisher.
  • Hurricane Period - Sora flips around like a maniac in the air. It can hit anything in front or under him; combo finisher
  • Ripple Drive - A small explosion is created around Sora; combo finisher.
  • Gravity Break - Sora slams his blade on the enemy's head, casting a mini Gravity spell;combo finisher
  • Zantetsuken - Sora whips out a very fast blade swing that does huge damage; combo finisher.
  • Upper Slash - During a combo, it brings the opponent up into the air.
  • Horizontal Slash - Look at the name, it says it for you.
  • Finishing Leap - A powerful combo finisher that ends with a leap slash
  • Retaliating Slash - It's a get-up attack
  • Flash Step - Sora performs a quick step attack that is followed by an uppercut to break and opponent's guard.
  • Guard Break - Sora does a powerful attack that pierces an enemy's guard; combo finisher
  • Round Break - Literally the Spin Attack from Zelda but with a Keyblade.
  • Magnet Burst - Sora brings in enemies via a magnetic force before exploding; combo finisher
  • Aerial Dive - Sora leaps into the air and swipes his blade in a powerful flurry
  • Aerial Finish - This attack is a combination of Hurricane Period and an Aerial Swipe; combo finisher
  • Counterguard - Counterattack

All of these moves use AP, meaning Sora can't have all of these abilities at once.
  • High Jump - Sora jumps higher in general with his regular jumps being increased by 320% max. This also helps him perform aerial combos more swiftly
  • Quick Run - Sora runs faster than usual with his normal speed being increased by 370% max. It can be used for dodging or just for moving around faster
  • Aerial Dodge - Sora is given a boost to help make his aerial combos more smooth and increased by 2 hits max. It is great for avoiding ground attacks
  • Dodge Roll - Basically the opposite of Aerial Dodge. You are able to roll farther away to distance yourself and the enemy, and rolling lets you escape enemy attacks.
  • Glide - You got hit by fairy dust and now you can glide around. It's useful for exploration and a general speed boost. However, he doesn't last in the air forever.

These also use AP.
This keyblade chose Sora, and is always with him. Sora prefers to use this weapon two handed, while also being able to use in a dual-sword fashion via Synch Blade although it having to be a Drive Form, which in that case Sora needs support. which is not allowed. Whatever, it can still do stuff. It can do these attacks special to it.
  • Strike Raid - Sora throws his Keyblade in a boomerang fashion.
  • Sonic Blade - Sora rushes forwards and does a flurry of attacks.
  • Ragnarok - He shoots multiple lasers from his Keyblade.

Not only that, but he can also deflect projectiles and levitate some things. If he loses it, it will simply vanish and wait for Sora to call upon it again. It's also a great tool for any picklocker. :troll:
This beauty was designed by the cute-sounding Moogles. It is said to be 4.7x stronger than the Kingdom Key. Not only that, but it has twice the reach as the Kingdom Key. It also extends the amount of Magic Sora can use in a single go.
It is easily the strongest Keyblade ever made.
Sora is a brave guy, and will do anything to protect others. Sure, you may be too, but when is the last time you stabbed yourself for someone else? He's also really forgiving, even to his enemies. Sora has shown to also be patient, tending for others before tending to his own needs. However, he is quick to act on decisions before thinking it through.
  • Destroyed many of the Heartless and Nobodies
  • Bested Sephiroth and several characters from Greek Mythology including the embodiment of evil. You know who else is the embodiment of evil? Shao Kahn. Maybe Sora and :4dedede: should hang out sometime.
  • Became a Heartless once, but maintained his consciousness.
  • Destroyed 8 members of Organization VIII
  • Lived through when his world was filled with Darkness
  • Swift and Nimble; able to perform quick combos
  • Can level up his magic, making it more efficient.
  • Can summon his Keyblade at will
  • Has shown to be durable
  • Naive
  • Magic does run out, although he can regenerate it by hitting enemies, speedy characters could be an issue
  • Not much formal training; simplistic fighting style
  • Quick to act before thinking through

Who will win?
I don't know, that's for you to read.

NOTE : This explanation's going to have spoilers

This battle was close, like hairstrands close. But there are reasons I picked Shulk, but let's pluck a few arguments first.

"But Sora can outrun Shulk and has a better reaction time!"

Sure he can, but Monado Speed does not only enhance speed, but also reaction time as well. Remember that scene when Shulk first learned Monado Speed and when he gave it to Sharla, she reacted to an attack from underground without even being warned by Shulk? Both Shulk and Sora can match each other out when it comes to speed and reaction.

"What about Sora's magic? Can Shulk dodge them?"

Monado Speed OP pls nerf. So in that same cutscene where Shulk learned Speed, he was also seen dodging fire shots from the Mechon they were trying to defeat. We can assume this is also the same for Blizzaga. As for Thundaga, there's the reaction time factor also along with the visions. Yes, as I said earlier, there are some moves that Shulk cannot avoid with Speed, but you must be talking about Ether attacks, which =/= Magic even if they look similar. Ether is basically the building block of Shulk's home the Bionis. Not every game takes place on a Bionis.

"Can Shulk do anything against Sora's defenses?"

Yes. Monado Eater removes not only any buffs that an opponent has (like the Buster Band increase), but it also inflicts Bleed, which Sora cannot remove completely unless he uses Aeroga, which only cuts the damage from that in half for a short period of time.

"Wait a second, how is Shulk using these Monando arts so quickly? Don't they have a cooldown?"

The final skill in Shulk's fifth skill tree Bravery allows Shulk to have his Talent Gauge for his Monado Arts instantly filled up after he has a vision. Anything else?

"Yes. How is the Monado hurting Sora? I thought it can't cut people!"

Correct you are. The Monado with restrictions cannot cut any person from the Bionis, aka a Homs. I'm 99.99% sure Sora is not a Homs or even from the Bionis.

"What if Shulk loses his Monado?"

Well he can use his Junk Sword, or he can use one of his six Monado replicas. Whatever he's FEELING I guess. As long as he has the Monado or his replicas, he's pretty safe in a fight. Shulk does not have much of a chance if he has a

"Well, can Sora do anything against Shulk?"

Sure. Maybe he can't outrun Shulk completely, but he sure can jump around. His attacks are extremely fast compared to Shulk who on some arts have a start-up of a few seconds before actually doing his attack. However, Shulk is a strategist and might pick up on his jumping and whatever and use Air Slash. If he rolls away, Stream Edge can also do the job. However, this isn't guaranteed because of the sheer speed Sora has, especially in the air where his aerial combos can prove to be devastating.

"How does Shulk do against the Keyblade?"

Well, he doesn't do perfectly fine against it. Sora does have the ability to throw the Kingdom Key and shoot lasers. But Shulk can go against it the best he can. As for the Ultima Weapon, the extended sword and magic use can be an issue for him, but as Zanza stated, the Monado bends to the user's will, meaning Shulk is able to extend the beam length of the Monado as well, because he has done it before.

"How does Shulk do against Sora's magic?"

As I stated before, Shulk can use Speed to avoid the magic attacks and drain Sora's MP, but Sora can easily obtain his MP by whacking Shulk with his Kingdom Key. The only thing Shulk can do to prevent this is to keep distance from Sora, which is a disadvantage for Shulk because Sora has a projectile and he does not. But that does not mean Shulk can deflect the Kingdom Key, for he has deflected Metal Face's Claw attack before despite being pushed back, and that claw just penetrates through an Anti-Air Battery (essentially humungous cannon) like butter.

And now we the best claim for last.

"Isn't Sora fast enough to prevent Shulk from changing the future or counterattacking?"

u wot? Counterattacking? m8 I think you've been playing Smash too much. :denzel:
Shulk is always given time to react to a future, no matter how fast or strong that attack is. At the minimum he's given a couple of seconds to react, which he can do. It's not always a counterattack, but rather an Art to avoid or nullify an attack. Shield nullifies any signature moves/Talent Arts, Armour increases Shulk's defense if he's unable to dodge an attack, and Speed allows him to dodge attacks except for Ether ones which Sora does not have. In fact, Monado Cyclone can topple Sora if he has hit him with Air Slash/Stream Edge, then to Shaker Edge which dazes him and extends the time he is stunned, giving Shulk enough time to do whatever he wants for a short time. Sora has combos, which are really effective, but Shulk has precog/visions, which gives him enough time to get out of those Combos. This doesn't mean Shulk has a guaranteed hit considered Sora's amazing reaction time, but it's more like a hit or miss situation between the two.

Okay, now let's go down with the Strength/Defense/Speed stuff.

Strength/Power/Destructive Capabilities goes to :4shulk:
Yes, I know how powerful Sora can be given his combos, but let's look at what the Monado is capable of.

This is the Monado Wound. See that giant hole? The Monado made a crater into the ground of Sword Valley, and that hole is actually somewhat deep. This was actually caused by the Monado back when it had restrictions. I have not seen the Keyblade or Ultima Weapon do any damage much like this, but again I never played KH, and I could be wrong. What also gives Shulk this one is based on that the Monado bends on the user's will. This thing fought the Mechonis, who is a giant titan, and had it's arm chopped off from it.

Defense/Durability goes to :4shulk:
This was somewhat hard to choose, but let's talk about my definition of Defense.
By Defense, I'm not talking about durability, I'm talking about the ability to defend yourself, and Shulk can do that well thanks to the power of the Monando. Speed, Shield, Amrour, Shulk has the power to tank or avoid hits. Sora has taken beatings from Hercules, sure, that's a sign Sora can take hits, but Shulk can create shields to reduce damage or just remove the damage all together. Sure Sora also has the Buster Bands, but Monado Eater removes that buff and even gives him a status ailment. Nothing can remove the Monado effects given to Shulk. The only worry Shulk needs for his Monado Arts is time, since they all have a limit of time that they are active before disappearing. By then, Shulk needs to have enough on his Talent Gauge by attacking/Battle Soul/Visions to use them again one at a time. Even if he loses the Monado he still has six others to choose upon.

Speed/Agility definitely goes to Sora.
The little guy can dodge attacks from Sephiroth, glide around, double jump, roll, SO MUCH FAST. :4sonic:
Shulk has Monado Speed that makes him around as fast and reactive as Sora, but Sora is still more superior in his agility in the air, which he can pull combos in. Maybe Shulk has a better ground game, but Sora is dominant in the aerial game.

Did I do it? Did I do the goods? :4dk: Wait, this took me 4 hours? Hope it was worth it.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Yeah, I think I'm going to take a break for now.
Also lightning just struck next to me. :4pacman: I have a storm in my area

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Thanks you two!
Every time i see your draw. I so want to do a great draw like you did for me. But i just can't.
mao oc emote.png
Still, every time i the avatar you did for me. It always make me happy. And also when i see your other draw! Really, you draw are great:4pacman:. Now if only you can a second draw for me.


Embwace Twanquility
May 5, 2015
Might as well tag @Erika just in case :4pacman:

Shulk is your average swordsman. He swings his swords of light around because that's how you kill things. He also has Arts which are essentially his special moves. The offensive ones have sweetspots that can cause aftereffects whether it's a buff or an infliction onto the enemy such as Break. His weapon the Monando is very effective against mechanical beings such as the Mechon. His Monado arts also help offensively, most noticeably Buster, which does twice as much damage against the Mechon
Shulk is just your average guy, so he's not the toughest of all tanks, but can take more hits thanks to the Monado. Monado Sheild (unlike the Smash Bros. one) allows him to take no damage from Talent Arts (basically a signature move). Then there is Monado Armour (which is totally like the Smash Bros. one) which reduces damage from physical and ether attacks.
Average Joe Shulk here running around at the speed of average. Again, his speed can be changed by using Monado Speed, which also helps him evade physical attacks.
[I can see into the future intensifies]
His Monado gives him the ability to see into the future. Sometimes these futures can be shown to him within days, hours, or just a few seconds before the initial event happens. During this time, he can change it by going to the source of the event, or if he's in the source already, he can use his Monado arts to prevent that future from happening. As it gets closer to the event, it becomes more apparent to what he should do if he wishes to prevent that future.

FUN FACT : He can also see into the past, as seen in the sidequests such as Paola and Narine.
  • Back Slash - It's a slash. Slash them from behind to deal more damage, there you go.
  • Slit Edge - This attack when it hits the side of an opponent will lower it's defense.
  • Stream Edge - This attack is one giant sweep from the Monando, and once it hits it inflicts Break and fills some of his Talent Gauge
  • Air Slash - It's in the name, dude. If this attack is done from the side, it will inflict Break
  • Shaker Edge - If the opponent is Toppled (fallen down), he can use this attack to Daze the enemy, prolonging the Topple effect for a longer period of time.
  • Light Heal - It is a medium-small health boost that can patch up any minor damage quickly
  • Shadow Eye - Reduces aggro (a state where you deal more damage, but have less defense) while also boosting the power of his next physical art.
  • Battle Soul - Shulk will cut his own health to fill up his Talent Gauge. Most preferred when he really needs it.
  • Turn Strike - Shulk's Talent Art before he picked up the Monado; a giant swing at the enemy that deals major damage and inflicts Break for a long period of time.

All of these Arts cannot be constantly used. It takes a set period of time that differs per Art in order to use them again.
  • Buster - A large swing that does high damage, but even more to mechanical beings like Mechon.
  • Enchant - It allows surrounding users to damage Mechon normally. But Sora isn't a Mechon, so...
  • Shield - Nullifies any Talent Arts (Signature Moves) and only deals a pinch of damage.
  • Purge - A single ranged blast comes from the Monado. It removes any Auras (special unique buffs such as Soul Read which allows you to read your opponent's moves or Crazed where you move around like crazy and unable to do anything) and Spike effects (anything that counterattacks by being too close, toppled, or when being attacked)
  • Eater - A stab-like move that gets rid of any buffs on the enemy and is also inflicted with Bleed
  • Armour - Reduced damage from physical or ether attacks
  • Cyclone - Any enemies around Shulk that are inflicted with Break will be Toppled along with your standard damage.
It's a sword created from scrap parts. This was Shulk's main weapon before he picked up the Monado. However, this is the only way Shulk can use his Talent Art Turn Strike.
Hey, you. You never finished Xenoblade Chronicles? Then you better nope out of this category.
This was the first form of the Monado when it was still restricted of power. In this state, it can cut anything but the people of the Bionis.

It is important that this immunity only goes to the people of Bionis, and not a person from anywhere else.
This is the Monado when the restrictions are gone. It is the same as before, but it it is now apparently a double-edged sword and can now harm any person from Bionis regularly. This version of the weapon is helpful for taking down any faced Mechon like Metal Face.
This is where we get OP.
The True Monado is the strongest variation of the Monado line while also being belonged truly by Shulk. This sword is literally made to kill gods and makes Shulk one as well. This sword is owned by Shulk for the rest of the endgame and can be used in the New Game+
These are other Monados that were created by the Machina. There are five other variants in all.
Although it is weaker than the Original Monado, it can still perform Monado Arts just as well.
This replica is made for standard attack stability, and is one of the most balanced replicas alongside the Agni.
This replica is made for a more defensive play, being able to block attacks easier. It is one of the most balanced replicas alongside the Rudra. Sadly, it has the worst minimum attack rate, but is still very defensive.
This replica is made for pure damage. It has the highest max damage out of all of them and is the only replica with a pure improvement without a downside.
This replica is made for a higher critical hit rate (a higher chance to have a harder hit doing more damage). Despite this, it is referred to as one of the less useful replicas with it being compared to an Abyss with a higher critical hit rate with less defense.
This final replica is made for pure defense. It has a high defense against physical and ether attacks at the cost of reduced damage output.
Something all the Monados have in common is that they are based around Ether and manipulate it, changing the material and immaterial. They all allow Shulk to have foresight with no difference on when it is shown, and can also attract beasts known as the Telethia.

Combat-wise, the Monado Arts can only by used one at a time with a talent gauge, which is set by auto-attacking, Stream Edge, or Battle Soul. However, there is a skill shown from his fifth Skill Tree Bravery which allows him to get his Talent Gauge maxed out immediately once he sees a vision.
Shulk is a nice guy as long as you don't even give his friends a scab. He's a master engineer/mechanic and has created many weapons with his mentor Dickson. His bravery is shown out even when brought into the most serious situations, and doesn't give up because he trusts in the Monado's power and believes he can change the future for the better. Long story short, he's really feeling it. :4shulk:
Hey, you. You never finished Xenoblade Chronicles? Then you better nope out of this category.
  • Killed Gods and Mechon alike
  • Became a God himself, but then rejected the status
  • Defeated the Telethia
  • Created many weapons and machines
  • Variety of Arts to use
  • Able to see the future
  • Able to heal himself
  • Monado's beam length and reach can be increased
  • Arts can inflict debuffs and status ailments
  • All Arts have a cooldown
  • Monado Arts can only be used once at a time
  • Cannot see into the future without the Monado near him (Some have stated he needs to hold the Monado, but he has seen the future without physically holding it before but rather on his back) and is practically useless without it.

Well good thing Shulk has ****ing SEVEN of them. :4charizard:

  • He cannot always change the future, whether he thinks the future is okay or he is inflicted and unable to do anything

Sora has much offensive potential. He has defeated so many foes whether they are the Heartless or the Nobodies. He holds the Kingdom Key, which although it's a giant key, it's a great melee tool. He's also nice at magic, summoning fire, ice, lightning, and all your other generic JRPG needs. He can also use Omega Arts to boost all of his stats.
Sora has taken beatings like a man before. He's taken blows from Hercules and he fought both Cloud and Sephiroth and turned out victorious. He can also wear a Buster Band, which increases his defense by 20%.
Sora is actually pretty fast. He has quick reflexes and can roll or jump out of harms way as quick as he can. He's even been able to block a 360-degree attack. Hell, he can even glide and create swift combos with his Keyblade.
Oh hey, he's a wizard too.
  • Firaga - Homing fireballs are shot out of the Keyblade; can also make Fire Shields.
  • Blizzaga - Ice shots are scattered when shot and will freeze anything upon contact.
  • Thundaga - Lightning comes from the sky; can combo up to three times
  • Aeroga - A sphere surrounds Sora and will reduce damage of injury for a short period of time
  • Curaga - Will restore health to maximum, but it will not cure him of any status ailment
  • Reflega - A barrier will pop up for a split second and will counter any physical attacks and reflect any projectiles. However, it must be timed right for that split second or else it will not do anything.

All of these moves are based on MP, which will run out. He can regain it by hitting things with his gigantic key.
I could've just labeled this as attacks but it has abilities in the name and also laziness.
  • Sliding Dash - Sora will fling himself at the enemy then swing his keyblade up front
  • Slapshot - A swing with an upward arc; great for a quick blow to the enemy.
  • Stun Impact - Sora creates an explosive sphere around him that stuns the enemy; combo finisher.
  • Hurricane Period - Sora flips around like a maniac in the air. It can hit anything in front or under him; combo finisher
  • Ripple Drive - A small explosion is created around Sora; combo finisher.
  • Gravity Break - Sora slams his blade on the enemy's head, casting a mini Gravity spell;combo finisher
  • Zantetsuken - Sora whips out a very fast blade swing that does huge damage; combo finisher.
  • Upper Slash - During a combo, it brings the opponent up into the air.
  • Horizontal Slash - Look at the name, it says it for you.
  • Finishing Leap - A powerful combo finisher that ends with a leap slash
  • Retaliating Slash - It's a get-up attack
  • Flash Step - Sora performs a quick step attack that is followed by an uppercut to break and opponent's guard.
  • Guard Break - Sora does a powerful attack that pierces an enemy's guard; combo finisher
  • Round Break - Literally the Spin Attack from Zelda but with a Keyblade.
  • Magnet Burst - Sora brings in enemies via a magnetic force before exploding; combo finisher
  • Aerial Dive - Sora leaps into the air and swipes his blade in a powerful flurry
  • Aerial Finish - This attack is a combination of Hurricane Period and an Aerial Swipe; combo finisher
  • Counterguard - Counterattack

All of these moves use AP, meaning Sora can't have all of these abilities at once.
  • High Jump - Sora jumps higher in general with his regular jumps being increased by 320% max. This also helps him perform aerial combos more swiftly
  • Quick Run - Sora runs faster than usual with his normal speed being increased by 370% max. It can be used for dodging or just for moving around faster
  • Aerial Dodge - Sora is given a boost to help make his aerial combos more smooth and increased by 2 hits max. It is great for avoiding ground attacks
  • Dodge Roll - Basically the opposite of Aerial Dodge. You are able to roll farther away to distance yourself and the enemy, and rolling lets you escape enemy attacks.
  • Glide - You got hit by fairy dust and now you can glide around. It's useful for exploration and a general speed boost. However, he doesn't last in the air forever.

These also use AP.
This keyblade chose Sora, and is always with him. Sora prefers to use this weapon two handed, while also being able to use in a dual-sword fashion via Synch Blade although it having to be a Drive Form, which in that case Sora needs support. which is not allowed. Whatever, it can still do stuff. It can do these attacks special to it.
  • Strike Raid - Sora throws his Keyblade in a boomerang fashion.
  • Sonic Blade - Sora rushes forwards and does a flurry of attacks.
  • Ragnarok - He shoots multiple lasers from his Keyblade.
Not only that, but he can also deflect projectiles and levitate some things. If he loses it, it will simply vanish and wait for Sora to call upon it again. It's also a great tool for any picklocker. :troll:
This beauty was designed by the cute-sounding Moogles. It is said to be 4.7x stronger than the Kingdom Key. Not only that, but it has twice the reach as the Kingdom Key. It also extends the amount of Magic Sora can use in a single go.
It is easily the strongest Keyblade ever made.
Sora is a brave guy, and will do anything to protect others. Sure, you may be too, but when is the last time you stabbed yourself for someone else? He's also really forgiving, even to his enemies. Sora has shown to also be patient, tending for others before tending to his own needs. However, he is quick to act on decisions before thinking it through.
  • Destroyed many of the Heartless and Nobodies
  • Bested Sephiroth and several characters from Greek Mythology including the embodiment of evil. You know who else is the embodiment of evil? Shao Kahn. Maybe Sora and :4dedede: should hang out sometime.
  • Became a Heartless once, but maintained his consciousness.
  • Destroyed 8 members of Organization VIII
  • Lived through when his world was filled with Darkness
  • Swift and Nimble; able to perform quick combos
  • Can level up his magic, making it more efficient.
  • Can summon his Keyblade at will
  • Has shown to be durable
  • Naive
  • Magic does run out, although he can regenerate it by hitting enemies, speedy characters could be an issue
  • Not much formal training; simplistic fighting style
  • Quick to act before thinking through

Who will win?
I don't know, that's for you to read.

NOTE : This explanation's going to have spoilers

This battle was close, like hairstrands close. But there are reasons I picked Shulk, but let's pluck a few arguments first.

"But Sora can outrun Shulk and has a better reaction time!"

Sure he can, but Monado Speed does not only enhance speed, but also reaction time as well. Remember that scene when Shulk first learned Monado Speed and when he gave it to Sharla, she reacted to an attack from underground without even being warned by Shulk? Both Shulk and Sora can match each other out when it comes to speed and reaction.

"What about Sora's magic? Can Shulk dodge them?"

Monado Speed OP pls nerf. So in that same cutscene where Shulk learned Speed, he was also seen dodging fire shots from the Mechon they were trying to defeat. We can assume this is also the same for Blizzaga. As for Thundaga, there's the reaction time factor also along with the visions. Yes, as I said earlier, there are some moves that Shulk cannot avoid with Speed, but you must be talking about Ether attacks, which =/= Magic even if they look similar. Ether is basically the building block of Shulk's home the Bionis. Not every game takes place on a Bionis.

"Can Shulk do anything against Sora's defenses?"

Yes. Monado Eater removes not only any buffs that an opponent has (like the Buster Band increase), but it also inflicts Bleed, which Sora cannot remove completely unless he uses Aeroga, which only cuts the damage from that in half for a short period of time.

"Wait a second, how is Shulk using these Monando arts so quickly? Don't they have a cooldown?"

The final skill in Shulk's fifth skill tree Bravery allows Shulk to have his Talent Gauge for his Monado Arts instantly filled up after he has a vision. Anything else?

"Yes. How is the Monado hurting Sora? I thought it can't cut people!"

Correct you are. The Monado with restrictions cannot cut any person from the Bionis, aka a Homs. I'm 99.99% sure Sora is not a Homs or even from the Bionis.

"What if Shulk loses his Monado?"

Well he can use his Junk Sword, or he can use one of his six Monado replicas. Whatever he's FEELING I guess. As long as he has the Monado or his replicas, he's pretty safe in a fight. Shulk does not have much of a chance if he has a

"Well, can Sora do anything against Shulk?"

Sure. Maybe he can't outrun Shulk completely, but he sure can jump around. His attacks are extremely fast compared to Shulk who on some arts have a start-up of a few seconds before actually doing his attack. However, Shulk is a strategist and might pick up on his jumping and whatever and use Air Slash. If he rolls away, Stream Edge can also do the job. However, this isn't guaranteed because of the sheer speed Sora has, especially in the air where his aerial combos can prove to be devastating.

"How does Shulk do against the Keyblade?"

Well, he doesn't do perfectly fine against it. Sora does have the ability to throw the Kingdom Key and shoot lasers. But Shulk can go against it the best he can. As for the Ultima Weapon, the extended sword and magic use can be an issue for him, but as Zanza stated, the Monado bends to the user's will, meaning Shulk is able to extend the beam length of the Monado as well, because he has done it before.

"How does Shulk do against Sora's magic?"

As I stated before, Shulk can use Speed to avoid the magic attacks and drain Sora's MP, but Sora can easily obtain his MP by whacking Shulk with his Kingdom Key. The only thing Shulk can do to prevent this is to keep distance from Sora, which is a disadvantage for Shulk because Sora has a projectile and he does not. But that does not mean Shulk can deflect the Kingdom Key, for he has deflected Metal Face's Claw attack before despite being pushed back, and that claw just penetrates through an Anti-Air Battery (essentially humungous cannon) like butter.

And now we the best claim for last.

"Isn't Sora fast enough to prevent Shulk from changing the future or counterattacking?"

u wot? Counterattacking? m8 I think you've been playing Smash too much. :denzel:
Shulk is always given time to react to a future, no matter how fast or strong that attack is. At the minimum he's given a couple of seconds to react, which he can do. It's not always a counterattack, but rather an Art to avoid or nullify an attack. Shield nullifies any signature moves/Talent Arts, Armour increases Shulk's defense if he's unable to dodge an attack, and Speed allows him to dodge attacks except for Ether ones which Sora does not have. In fact, Monado Cyclone can topple Sora if he has hit him with Air Slash/Stream Edge, then to Shaker Edge which dazes him and extends the time he is stunned, giving Shulk enough time to do whatever he wants for a short time. Sora has combos, which are really effective, but Shulk has precog/visions, which gives him enough time to get out of those Combos. This doesn't mean Shulk has a guaranteed hit considered Sora's amazing reaction time, but it's more like a hit or miss situation between the two.

Okay, now let's go down with the Strength/Defense/Speed stuff.

Strength/Power/Destructive Capabilities goes to :4shulk:
Yes, I know how powerful Sora can be given his combos, but let's look at what the Monado is capable of.

This is the Monado Wound. See that giant hole? The Monado made a crater into the ground of Sword Valley, and that hole is actually somewhat deep. This was actually caused by the Monado back when it had restrictions. I have not seen the Keyblade or Ultima Weapon do any damage much like this, but again I never played KH, and I could be wrong. What also gives Shulk this one is based on that the Monado bends on the user's will. This thing fought the Mechonis, who is a giant titan, and had it's arm chopped off from it.

Defense/Durability goes to :4shulk:
This was somewhat hard to choose, but let's talk about my definition of Defense.
By Defense, I'm not talking about durability, I'm talking about the ability to defend yourself, and Shulk can do that well thanks to the power of the Monando. Speed, Shield, Amrour, Shulk has the power to tank or avoid hits. Sora has taken beatings from Hercules, sure, that's a sign Sora can take hits, but Shulk can create shields to reduce damage or just remove the damage all together. Sure Sora also has the Buster Bands, but Monado Eater removes that buff and even gives him a status ailment. Nothing can remove the Monado effects given to Shulk. The only worry Shulk needs for his Monado Arts is time, since they all have a limit of time that they are active before disappearing. By then, Shulk needs to have enough on his Talent Gauge by attacking/Battle Soul/Visions to use them again one at a time. Even if he loses the Monado he still has six others to choose upon.

Speed/Agility definitely goes to Sora.
The little guy can dodge attacks from Sephiroth, glide around, double jump, roll, SO MUCH FAST. :4sonic:
Shulk has Monado Speed that makes him around as fast and reactive as Sora, but Sora is still more superior in his agility in the air, which he can pull combos in. Maybe Shulk has a better ground game, but Sora is dominant in the aerial game.

Did I do it? Did I do the goods? :4dk: Wait, this took me 4 hours? Hope it was worth it.
im glad Monado bois won :3
good work though.
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Deleted member

The profile picture looks really cool!
I am not sure if you read my posts... but i might request one...
Haven't read them all since I was working on this. And what would be it? I may need a break though.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2014
Hello again :172:
So I went back to that video game store I told you guys about. I wanted to purchase Ocarina of Time, but it was a bit too much money for me, even used. I may buy it one day, but I'll pass right now.

By the way, I've never played a LoZ game. Sad, isn't it?
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Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Might as well tag @Erika just in case :4pacman:

Shulk is your average swordsman. He swings his swords of light around because that's how you kill things. He also has Arts which are essentially his special moves. The offensive ones have sweetspots that can cause aftereffects whether it's a buff or an infliction onto the enemy such as Break. His weapon the Monando is very effective against mechanical beings such as the Mechon. His Monado arts also help offensively, most noticeably Buster, which does twice as much damage against the Mechon
Shulk is just your average guy, so he's not the toughest of all tanks, but can take more hits thanks to the Monado. Monado Sheild (unlike the Smash Bros. one) allows him to take no damage from Talent Arts (basically a signature move). Then there is Monado Armour (which is totally like the Smash Bros. one) which reduces damage from physical and ether attacks.
Average Joe Shulk here running around at the speed of average. Again, his speed can be changed by using Monado Speed, which also helps him evade physical attacks.
[I can see into the future intensifies]
His Monado gives him the ability to see into the future. Sometimes these futures can be shown to him within days, hours, or just a few seconds before the initial event happens. During this time, he can change it by going to the source of the event, or if he's in the source already, he can use his Monado arts to prevent that future from happening. As it gets closer to the event, it becomes more apparent to what he should do if he wishes to prevent that future.

FUN FACT : He can also see into the past, as seen in the sidequests such as Paola and Narine.
  • Back Slash - It's a slash. Slash them from behind to deal more damage, there you go.
  • Slit Edge - This attack when it hits the side of an opponent will lower it's defense.
  • Stream Edge - This attack is one giant sweep from the Monando, and once it hits it inflicts Break and fills some of his Talent Gauge
  • Air Slash - It's in the name, dude. If this attack is done from the side, it will inflict Break
  • Shaker Edge - If the opponent is Toppled (fallen down), he can use this attack to Daze the enemy, prolonging the Topple effect for a longer period of time.
  • Light Heal - It is a medium-small health boost that can patch up any minor damage quickly
  • Shadow Eye - Reduces aggro (a state where you deal more damage, but have less defense) while also boosting the power of his next physical art.
  • Battle Soul - Shulk will cut his own health to fill up his Talent Gauge. Most preferred when he really needs it.
  • Turn Strike - Shulk's Talent Art before he picked up the Monado; a giant swing at the enemy that deals major damage and inflicts Break for a long period of time.

All of these Arts cannot be constantly used. It takes a set period of time that differs per Art in order to use them again.
  • Buster - A large swing that does high damage, but even more to mechanical beings like Mechon.
  • Enchant - It allows surrounding users to damage Mechon normally. But Sora isn't a Mechon, so...
  • Shield - Nullifies any Talent Arts (Signature Moves) and only deals a pinch of damage.
  • Purge - A single ranged blast comes from the Monado. It removes any Auras (special unique buffs such as Soul Read which allows you to read your opponent's moves or Crazed where you move around like crazy and unable to do anything) and Spike effects (anything that counterattacks by being too close, toppled, or when being attacked)
  • Eater - A stab-like move that gets rid of any buffs on the enemy and is also inflicted with Bleed
  • Armour - Reduced damage from physical or ether attacks
  • Cyclone - Any enemies around Shulk that are inflicted with Break will be Toppled along with your standard damage.
It's a sword created from scrap parts. This was Shulk's main weapon before he picked up the Monado. However, this is the only way Shulk can use his Talent Art Turn Strike.
Hey, you. You never finished Xenoblade Chronicles? Then you better nope out of this category.
This was the first form of the Monado when it was still restricted of power. In this state, it can cut anything but the people of the Bionis.

It is important that this immunity only goes to the people of Bionis, and not a person from anywhere else.
This is the Monado when the restrictions are gone. It is the same as before, but it it is now apparently a double-edged sword and can now harm any person from Bionis regularly. This version of the weapon is helpful for taking down any faced Mechon like Metal Face.
This is where we get OP.
The True Monado is the strongest variation of the Monado line while also being belonged truly by Shulk. This sword is literally made to kill gods and makes Shulk one as well. This sword is owned by Shulk for the rest of the endgame and can be used in the New Game+
These are other Monados that were created by the Machina. There are five other variants in all.
Although it is weaker than the Original Monado, it can still perform Monado Arts just as well.
This replica is made for standard attack stability, and is one of the most balanced replicas alongside the Agni.
This replica is made for a more defensive play, being able to block attacks easier. It is one of the most balanced replicas alongside the Rudra. Sadly, it has the worst minimum attack rate, but is still very defensive.
This replica is made for pure damage. It has the highest max damage out of all of them and is the only replica with a pure improvement without a downside.
This replica is made for a higher critical hit rate (a higher chance to have a harder hit doing more damage). Despite this, it is referred to as one of the less useful replicas with it being compared to an Abyss with a higher critical hit rate with less defense.
This final replica is made for pure defense. It has a high defense against physical and ether attacks at the cost of reduced damage output.
Something all the Monados have in common is that they are based around Ether and manipulate it, changing the material and immaterial. They all allow Shulk to have foresight with no difference on when it is shown, and can also attract beasts known as the Telethia.

Combat-wise, the Monado Arts can only by used one at a time with a talent gauge, which is set by auto-attacking, Stream Edge, or Battle Soul. However, there is a skill shown from his fifth Skill Tree Bravery which allows him to get his Talent Gauge maxed out immediately once he sees a vision.
Shulk is a nice guy as long as you don't even give his friends a scab. He's a master engineer/mechanic and has created many weapons with his mentor Dickson. His bravery is shown out even when brought into the most serious situations, and doesn't give up because he trusts in the Monado's power and believes he can change the future for the better. Long story short, he's really feeling it. :4shulk:
Hey, you. You never finished Xenoblade Chronicles? Then you better nope out of this category.
  • Killed Gods and Mechon alike
  • Became a God himself, but then rejected the status
  • Defeated the Telethia
  • Created many weapons and machines
  • Variety of Arts to use
  • Able to see the future
  • Able to heal himself
  • Monado's beam length and reach can be increased
  • Arts can inflict debuffs and status ailments
  • All Arts have a cooldown
  • Monado Arts can only be used once at a time
  • Cannot see into the future without the Monado near him (Some have stated he needs to hold the Monado, but he has seen the future without physically holding it before but rather on his back) and is practically useless without it.

Well good thing Shulk has ****ing SEVEN of them. :4charizard:

  • He cannot always change the future, whether he thinks the future is okay or he is inflicted and unable to do anything

Sora has much offensive potential. He has defeated so many foes whether they are the Heartless or the Nobodies. He holds the Kingdom Key, which although it's a giant key, it's a great melee tool. He's also nice at magic, summoning fire, ice, lightning, and all your other generic JRPG needs. He can also use Omega Arts to boost all of his stats.
Sora has taken beatings like a man before. He's taken blows from Hercules and he fought both Cloud and Sephiroth and turned out victorious. He can also wear a Buster Band, which increases his defense by 20%.
Sora is actually pretty fast. He has quick reflexes and can roll or jump out of harms way as quick as he can. He's even been able to block a 360-degree attack. Hell, he can even glide and create swift combos with his Keyblade.
Oh hey, he's a wizard too.
  • Firaga - Homing fireballs are shot out of the Keyblade; can also make Fire Shields.
  • Blizzaga - Ice shots are scattered when shot and will freeze anything upon contact.
  • Thundaga - Lightning comes from the sky; can combo up to three times
  • Aeroga - A sphere surrounds Sora and will reduce damage of injury for a short period of time
  • Curaga - Will restore health to maximum, but it will not cure him of any status ailment
  • Reflega - A barrier will pop up for a split second and will counter any physical attacks and reflect any projectiles. However, it must be timed right for that split second or else it will not do anything.

All of these moves are based on MP, which will run out. He can regain it by hitting things with his gigantic key.
I could've just labeled this as attacks but it has abilities in the name and also laziness.
  • Sliding Dash - Sora will fling himself at the enemy then swing his keyblade up front
  • Slapshot - A swing with an upward arc; great for a quick blow to the enemy.
  • Stun Impact - Sora creates an explosive sphere around him that stuns the enemy; combo finisher.
  • Hurricane Period - Sora flips around like a maniac in the air. It can hit anything in front or under him; combo finisher
  • Ripple Drive - A small explosion is created around Sora; combo finisher.
  • Gravity Break - Sora slams his blade on the enemy's head, casting a mini Gravity spell;combo finisher
  • Zantetsuken - Sora whips out a very fast blade swing that does huge damage; combo finisher.
  • Upper Slash - During a combo, it brings the opponent up into the air.
  • Horizontal Slash - Look at the name, it says it for you.
  • Finishing Leap - A powerful combo finisher that ends with a leap slash
  • Retaliating Slash - It's a get-up attack
  • Flash Step - Sora performs a quick step attack that is followed by an uppercut to break and opponent's guard.
  • Guard Break - Sora does a powerful attack that pierces an enemy's guard; combo finisher
  • Round Break - Literally the Spin Attack from Zelda but with a Keyblade.
  • Magnet Burst - Sora brings in enemies via a magnetic force before exploding; combo finisher
  • Aerial Dive - Sora leaps into the air and swipes his blade in a powerful flurry
  • Aerial Finish - This attack is a combination of Hurricane Period and an Aerial Swipe; combo finisher
  • Counterguard - Counterattack

All of these moves use AP, meaning Sora can't have all of these abilities at once.
  • High Jump - Sora jumps higher in general with his regular jumps being increased by 320% max. This also helps him perform aerial combos more swiftly
  • Quick Run - Sora runs faster than usual with his normal speed being increased by 370% max. It can be used for dodging or just for moving around faster
  • Aerial Dodge - Sora is given a boost to help make his aerial combos more smooth and increased by 2 hits max. It is great for avoiding ground attacks
  • Dodge Roll - Basically the opposite of Aerial Dodge. You are able to roll farther away to distance yourself and the enemy, and rolling lets you escape enemy attacks.
  • Glide - You got hit by fairy dust and now you can glide around. It's useful for exploration and a general speed boost. However, he doesn't last in the air forever.

These also use AP.
This keyblade chose Sora, and is always with him. Sora prefers to use this weapon two handed, while also being able to use in a dual-sword fashion via Synch Blade although it having to be a Drive Form, which in that case Sora needs support. which is not allowed. Whatever, it can still do stuff. It can do these attacks special to it.
  • Strike Raid - Sora throws his Keyblade in a boomerang fashion.
  • Sonic Blade - Sora rushes forwards and does a flurry of attacks.
  • Ragnarok - He shoots multiple lasers from his Keyblade.
Not only that, but he can also deflect projectiles and levitate some things. If he loses it, it will simply vanish and wait for Sora to call upon it again. It's also a great tool for any picklocker. :troll:
This beauty was designed by the cute-sounding Moogles. It is said to be 4.7x stronger than the Kingdom Key. Not only that, but it has twice the reach as the Kingdom Key. It also extends the amount of Magic Sora can use in a single go.
It is easily the strongest Keyblade ever made.
Sora is a brave guy, and will do anything to protect others. Sure, you may be too, but when is the last time you stabbed yourself for someone else? He's also really forgiving, even to his enemies. Sora has shown to also be patient, tending for others before tending to his own needs. However, he is quick to act on decisions before thinking it through.
  • Destroyed many of the Heartless and Nobodies
  • Bested Sephiroth and several characters from Greek Mythology including the embodiment of evil. You know who else is the embodiment of evil? Shao Kahn. Maybe Sora and :4dedede: should hang out sometime.
  • Became a Heartless once, but maintained his consciousness.
  • Destroyed 8 members of Organization VIII
  • Lived through when his world was filled with Darkness
  • Swift and Nimble; able to perform quick combos
  • Can level up his magic, making it more efficient.
  • Can summon his Keyblade at will
  • Has shown to be durable
  • Naive
  • Magic does run out, although he can regenerate it by hitting enemies, speedy characters could be an issue
  • Not much formal training; simplistic fighting style
  • Quick to act before thinking through

Who will win?
I don't know, that's for you to read.

NOTE : This explanation's going to have spoilers

This battle was close, like hairstrands close. But there are reasons I picked Shulk, but let's pluck a few arguments first.

"But Sora can outrun Shulk and has a better reaction time!"

Sure he can, but Monado Speed does not only enhance speed, but also reaction time as well. Remember that scene when Shulk first learned Monado Speed and when he gave it to Sharla, she reacted to an attack from underground without even being warned by Shulk? Both Shulk and Sora can match each other out when it comes to speed and reaction.

"What about Sora's magic? Can Shulk dodge them?"

Monado Speed OP pls nerf. So in that same cutscene where Shulk learned Speed, he was also seen dodging fire shots from the Mechon they were trying to defeat. We can assume this is also the same for Blizzaga. As for Thundaga, there's the reaction time factor also along with the visions. Yes, as I said earlier, there are some moves that Shulk cannot avoid with Speed, but you must be talking about Ether attacks, which =/= Magic even if they look similar. Ether is basically the building block of Shulk's home the Bionis. Not every game takes place on a Bionis.

"Can Shulk do anything against Sora's defenses?"

Yes. Monado Eater removes not only any buffs that an opponent has (like the Buster Band increase), but it also inflicts Bleed, which Sora cannot remove completely unless he uses Aeroga, which only cuts the damage from that in half for a short period of time.

"Wait a second, how is Shulk using these Monando arts so quickly? Don't they have a cooldown?"

The final skill in Shulk's fifth skill tree Bravery allows Shulk to have his Talent Gauge for his Monado Arts instantly filled up after he has a vision. Anything else?

"Yes. How is the Monado hurting Sora? I thought it can't cut people!"

Correct you are. The Monado with restrictions cannot cut any person from the Bionis, aka a Homs. I'm 99.99% sure Sora is not a Homs or even from the Bionis.

"What if Shulk loses his Monado?"

Well he can use his Junk Sword, or he can use one of his six Monado replicas. Whatever he's FEELING I guess. As long as he has the Monado or his replicas, he's pretty safe in a fight. Shulk does not have much of a chance if he has a

"Well, can Sora do anything against Shulk?"

Sure. Maybe he can't outrun Shulk completely, but he sure can jump around. His attacks are extremely fast compared to Shulk who on some arts have a start-up of a few seconds before actually doing his attack. However, Shulk is a strategist and might pick up on his jumping and whatever and use Air Slash. If he rolls away, Stream Edge can also do the job. However, this isn't guaranteed because of the sheer speed Sora has, especially in the air where his aerial combos can prove to be devastating.

"How does Shulk do against the Keyblade?"

Well, he doesn't do perfectly fine against it. Sora does have the ability to throw the Kingdom Key and shoot lasers. But Shulk can go against it the best he can. As for the Ultima Weapon, the extended sword and magic use can be an issue for him, but as Zanza stated, the Monado bends to the user's will, meaning Shulk is able to extend the beam length of the Monado as well, because he has done it before.

"How does Shulk do against Sora's magic?"

As I stated before, Shulk can use Speed to avoid the magic attacks and drain Sora's MP, but Sora can easily obtain his MP by whacking Shulk with his Kingdom Key. The only thing Shulk can do to prevent this is to keep distance from Sora, which is a disadvantage for Shulk because Sora has a projectile and he does not. But that does not mean Shulk can deflect the Kingdom Key, for he has deflected Metal Face's Claw attack before despite being pushed back, and that claw just penetrates through an Anti-Air Battery (essentially humungous cannon) like butter.

And now we the best claim for last.

"Isn't Sora fast enough to prevent Shulk from changing the future or counterattacking?"

u wot? Counterattacking? m8 I think you've been playing Smash too much. :denzel:
Shulk is always given time to react to a future, no matter how fast or strong that attack is. At the minimum he's given a couple of seconds to react, which he can do. It's not always a counterattack, but rather an Art to avoid or nullify an attack. Shield nullifies any signature moves/Talent Arts, Armour increases Shulk's defense if he's unable to dodge an attack, and Speed allows him to dodge attacks except for Ether ones which Sora does not have. In fact, Monado Cyclone can topple Sora if he has hit him with Air Slash/Stream Edge, then to Shaker Edge which dazes him and extends the time he is stunned, giving Shulk enough time to do whatever he wants for a short time. Sora has combos, which are really effective, but Shulk has precog/visions, which gives him enough time to get out of those Combos. This doesn't mean Shulk has a guaranteed hit considered Sora's amazing reaction time, but it's more like a hit or miss situation between the two.

Okay, now let's go down with the Strength/Defense/Speed stuff.

Strength/Power/Destructive Capabilities goes to :4shulk:
Yes, I know how powerful Sora can be given his combos, but let's look at what the Monado is capable of.

This is the Monado Wound. See that giant hole? The Monado made a crater into the ground of Sword Valley, and that hole is actually somewhat deep. This was actually caused by the Monado back when it had restrictions. I have not seen the Keyblade or Ultima Weapon do any damage much like this, but again I never played KH, and I could be wrong. What also gives Shulk this one is based on that the Monado bends on the user's will. This thing fought the Mechonis, who is a giant titan, and had it's arm chopped off from it.

Defense/Durability goes to :4shulk:
This was somewhat hard to choose, but let's talk about my definition of Defense.
By Defense, I'm not talking about durability, I'm talking about the ability to defend yourself, and Shulk can do that well thanks to the power of the Monando. Speed, Shield, Amrour, Shulk has the power to tank or avoid hits. Sora has taken beatings from Hercules, sure, that's a sign Sora can take hits, but Shulk can create shields to reduce damage or just remove the damage all together. Sure Sora also has the Buster Bands, but Monado Eater removes that buff and even gives him a status ailment. Nothing can remove the Monado effects given to Shulk. The only worry Shulk needs for his Monado Arts is time, since they all have a limit of time that they are active before disappearing. By then, Shulk needs to have enough on his Talent Gauge by attacking/Battle Soul/Visions to use them again one at a time. Even if he loses the Monado he still has six others to choose upon.

Speed/Agility definitely goes to Sora.
The little guy can dodge attacks from Sephiroth, glide around, double jump, roll, SO MUCH FAST. :4sonic:
Shulk has Monado Speed that makes him around as fast and reactive as Sora, but Sora is still more superior in his agility in the air, which he can pull combos in. Maybe Shulk has a better ground game, but Sora is dominant in the aerial game.

Did I do it? Did I do the goods? :4dk: Wait, this took me 4 hours? Hope it was worth it.
Impressive as always. Good work!


Smash Hero
May 6, 2013
I'm about average in weight.

Can't remember what my actual weight is. Never have the need to check the scales.
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