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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I am legitimately considering being wrong on kuzscum and that we're dealing with a Kary/Swishy scumteam. Tell me your thoughts on that, Nabe. I value your opinion even if you hate me.

This is an awful assumption and I see nothing that particularly leads to it. Why are you so paranoid of yourself? It's unsettling.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
This 180 of opinion just because Kuz drew fangs and back lashed on Potassium is a bit weird considering that he is almost instinctively backing down on Kuz. I don't like it. I haven't properly read the thread, but I don't see reason for Potassium to completely drop his Kuz vote and go after Kary.
Kuz started lashing out at me when I expected him to push harder for either you or Kary. Going for me doesn't make sense in his position which made me doubt the read.

At the exact same time, Kary jumped on the kuz wagon and I questioned him a bit about it to see what his reasoning was for doing so. He got more hostile than I was expecting from that question and it made me doubt my townread on him.

That's what's up with my reconsideration. Also read the thread plz


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
This is an awful assumption and I see nothing that particularly leads to it. Why are you so paranoid of yourself? It's unsettling.
See #522 above. I'm doubting myself for good reasons on both sides of this and it's completely well-founded


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
This 180 of opinion just because Kuz drew fangs and back lashed.
Also, please. Don't misconstrue this. It's not about the backlash. Initially I saw that as OMGUS when he did it the first time. When he brought his vote over though I got a different impression and I can't see any reason for scumkuz to do it. Not to mention that's not the only reason. You've been a bro so far, just read through my thoughts before you jump to conclusions.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Wow, what the ****. This ****ing town. Let me make this abundantly clear.


For the love of GORF, guys. This town doesn't need to have the attention span of ants to play the game especially when we have two people practically screaming, "No, lynch me! No, me! Wait, lynch me first!" Don't complicate this **** it's ****ing day one. Swiss get at me asap.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Oh he's going for the snarky sarcastic AtE approach. Classic. ;)

Seriously. This is your post on the very same page. Why the hell are you backing down on this? Why? This isn't a logical move by you. You should be even more hard on him for him trying to throw you under the damn bus. That's kinda what I think was happening. Kuz is trying to throw you under the bus. What do you think about my theory about all this? I'm not stupid enough to completely change my vote and start preaching to everyone about how it's possible, because it's d1 and **** like Kuz's half-assed Kary/Deg theory has got him into deep **** anyway. Is he still going on about that, by the way? I don't remember. He seems to have changed his direction from Me > Kary and then you, and the weirdest of all of them has to be you. Why the **** are you even thinking for a second that Kuz isn't just trying to scramble on you and he knows he can do it? I literally don't understand your change of heart.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Funny enough, both me and Jerkus hardly care if we get lynched. My vote isn't moving regardless because I don't see any other fruitful lynch besides this one and I genuinely don't buy anything Kuz has been saying. I'll need to quote all this first.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Seriously. This is your post on the very same page. Why the hell are you backing down on this? Why? This isn't a logical move by you. You should be even more hard on him for him trying to throw you under the damn bus. That's kinda what I think was happening. Kuz is trying to throw you under the bus. What do you think about my theory about all this? I'm not stupid enough to completely change my vote and start preaching to everyone about how it's possible, because it's d1 and **** like Kuz's half-***** Kary/Deg theory has got him into deep **** anyway. Is he still going on about that, by the way? I don't remember. He seems to have changed his direction from Me > Kary and then you, and the weirdest of all of them has to be you. Why the **** are you even thinking for a second that Kuz isn't just trying to scramble on you and he knows he can do it? I literally don't understand your change of heart.
I made that post while I was catching up, hadn't gotten to when he goes crazy and votes for me a bunch of times yet. That's what made me hesitate and then look over my stuff again.

Think from a scum perspective for a moment. You have 2 people that you have built good wagons on, and now suddenly people are piling onto you. Do you jump onto a random third party who has no wagon on him? No! You do your best to make sure the other big wagons stay bigger than you! Why on earth would scumkuz jump on me when he did?

Deg vs Kary is either TvT or TvS
Swishy vs kuz is TvS, one of those two is scum


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
This is an awful assumption and I see nothing that particularly leads to it. Why are you so paranoid of yourself? It's unsettling.
Funny enough, both me and Jerkus hardly care if we get lynched. My vote isn't moving regardless because I don't see any other fruitful lynch besides this one and I genuinely don't buy anything Kuz has been saying. I'll need to quote all this first.
Seriously. This is your post on the very same page. Why the hell are you backing down on this? Why? This isn't a logical move by you. You should be even more hard on him for him trying to throw you under the damn bus. That's kinda what I think was happening. Kuz is trying to throw you under the bus. What do you think about my theory about all this? I'm not stupid enough to completely change my vote and start preaching to everyone about how it's possible, because it's d1 and **** like Kuz's half-***** Kary/Deg theory has got him into deep **** anyway. Is he still going on about that, by the way? I don't remember. He seems to have changed his direction from Me > Kary and then you, and the weirdest of all of them has to be you. Why the **** are you even thinking for a second that Kuz isn't just trying to scramble on you and he knows he can do it? I literally don't understand your change of heart.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Wow, what the ****. This ****ing town. Let me make this abundantly clear.


For the love of GORF, guys. This town doesn't need to have the attention span of ants to play the game especially when we have two people practically screaming, "No, lynch me! No, me! Wait, lynch me first!" Don't complicate this **** it's ****ing day one. Swiss get at me asap.
I am fine with going through with kuz because it is going to be WAY too ****ing hard to get anything else I want, but on a townflip this slot is getting copped.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
I made that post while I was catching up, hadn't gotten to when he goes crazy and votes for me a bunch of times yet. That's what made me hesitate and then look over my stuff again.

Think from a scum perspective for a moment. You have 2 people that you have built good wagons on, and now suddenly people are piling onto you. Do you jump onto a random third party who has no wagon on him? No! You do your best to make sure the other big wagons stay bigger than you! Why on earth would scumkuz jump on me when he did?

Deg vs Kary is either TvT or TvS
Swishy vs kuz is TvS, one of those two is scum

why would he jump on someone like kary if his original stance on me and kary was crumbling and he knew it he needed a new target. nobody was going to buy that he suddenly had a priority switch but he's looking to save his ass and that's literally it i don't need to read a thread to see cower like a little girl after he gets wagoned and try and slam the pressure somewhere else


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
why would he jump on someone like kary if his original stance on me and kary was crumbling and he knew it he needed a new target. nobody was going to buy that he suddenly had a priority switch but he's looking to save his *** and that's literally it i don't need to read a thread to see cower like a little girl after he gets wagoned and try and slam the pressure somewhere else
He switched from you to Kary randomly. Then he switched to me after that. I just don't see the thought process there. It doesn't make the rest of his awful play go away, but it makes it all really confusing because I can't see the scum intent in switching to me when he did and it reads like actual frustration. Town Kuz is more valuable in the long run too. Maybe the healthiest thing to do is get his claim and weigh that, idk

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
8. BadWolf28738 - Shut up and sheep me
Pfftttt hahaha, right. No.
He's not posturing enough to be scum. He's fishing too much.
Who were you referring to in this?
i dislike





am completly netural about you
This made me giggle.
Nabe won't like that answer I can tell you.
Don't care much. Why do you think I would?
Initial post scummy, but the fact that he goes so in depth as to why he's mad (MLP means he's comfortable with it and as such is null not scumtell. Not sure how Kuz went like/dislike as opposes to dislike/neutral .

Kuz please confirm your thought process as the above on this.
.... MLP referred to the game. My Little Pony game. It was newbie 23 I think?
I'm not sure of your intention to post this. You're directly appealing to something that shouldn't even be an issue to a townie. Why would you even bother stating that you don't like being town?
Because I'm salty? It's kinda not a choice as to scummy/townie. It's annoyed/happy.
Kevin pact?

I don't see a problem with it.

Also I will sheep Marshy but not Swiss.
I love your new icon.
Why post the salt regarding this?
Getting real tired of this ****.

In other news: The 130's smell like backpedaling.
Badwolf, let me know when you're ready to play.

Joey, I expect you to be gone the whole game, we're probably going to have to vig you.
Was pretty sure both of you hate me.....
Badwolf answered Swishy but not Cheerilee, who he thought at the time to be new. He didn't feel threatened by Cheerilee asking him something so he brushed the question off, but Swishy asking for more detail pushed him to give it. If Badwolf and Cheerilee were scum mates, he would have answered. If Badwolf and Swishy were scummates, he would have maintained his reluctance to answer to distance (not necessarily true, but this is what I believe he would do in that situation). I can conclude that Badwolf is not on a scum team with Cheerilee nor Swishy.
Not quite sure how you got there but ok.
Badwolf, do you have something against that slot or just think that you wouldn't agree with them?
I dislike marshy in the way that I dislike having bamboo shoots shoved under my fingernails.
Badwolf is adorable.
Finally someone sees it .-.
Badwolf, why are you trying to draw attention to yourself like this?
Getting really ****ing annoyed with this question over and over. I SAID THIS CAUSE SOMEONE ASKED FOR ME TO EXPLAIN! /caps
It's really not that hard guys.
Why is it relevant to you that Degausser cited you as an example here?
Was skimming for my name really. Didn't really read until tonight.
It's how I play. I think you would be used to this by now. Getting mad at Mafia means nothing else other than that I care. I had a huge talk with marshy about this because I felt I was getting far too aggressive and I needed to try and cool my head, but even he said players like EE get upset about things. It's completely normal.
Depends on your definition of normal.
Badwolf, post something.
Serious question time: Why is everyone so intent on me speaking?
hey, RR, Red Ryu !


who would you look at tomorrow, if DGSR flipped town?
I know this is only addressed to him but Imma gonna answer it anyway.
Pale Horse: dabuz
Um.... Explain?
So both halves have talked it over and agree on the following.

Doc on us. Less importantly, vig hits kuz on a Degausser townflip. If he flips scum, hit Rajam.

Kary, tomorrow kuz will start off the dayphase coming for your jugular if the vig is too much of a ****ing moron to do his job and kill him. So if he's still alive marshy has a hard enough town read on you and Potato to pull the rug out from underneath kuz tomorrow and unleash the hardbody. Potato, I will need your help on this due to SWF Town's general incompetence at lynching scummy people without a ****ing essay handed to them on a silver platter and Kary's nigh unrivaled propensity of getting himself killed.

Nabe, as my sword I'm going to need to talk over Kary with you because we are obviously of different opinions regarding his alignment when I want us to be in sync. Does kuz not disgust the utter **** out of you especially on a Degausser townflip? Feel free to withhold your response until tomorrow.

Degausser, you are a complete ****ing moron for not killing who we would have ordered if your latest shenanigans are legit.
Good with this.
By the way, that's not a killing action. I'm trying to get you people to get off your ego high and start thinking logically. I'm really tempted to say '**** you' to every last one of you because the current mindset is going to have us lose this game. We both have presented sound arguments and you refuse to even recognize our efforts. You are not only wrong about us, but you're also ********.
Wow I forgot how much I hated Soup in game. Dude, do what everyone's telling you to do and cool the **** off.
As for the whole Badwolf opening sequence, do you really think Badwolf as someone capable of doing something so entirely **** as coming into the opening of a game and roughly saying, "**** **** balls I'm town **** my life" as a mafia gambit? Oh sure, there are plenty of die hard people who might pursue such a gambit. I admit that in the back of my head I could potentially see Badwolf guffawing behind his computer monitor at the brilliant genius he has in playing his own irrational weakness as an early card and turning it into a strength. Then I weigh the possibilities, it's not likely. It's certainly possible, but from what I remember of Badwolf's play it's weak because it's not committed and if it is true that it has been awhile since he has gotten scum shoed as scum, my mental image of Badwolf would be for his play to side more conservative rather than gambiting ****. I know the pretense that Badwolf is a relatively anti-town player. But surely that doesn't necessarily follow that he would imitate such bald-faced play as mafia. Then again there is a game where he was mafia right? And if there was an act where he did something so ninny as mafia then this entire paragraph is rendered moot and I'm back to mindlessly rewriting twelve names on my A4 scrap paper with absolutely no rhyme or reason.
This almost had me off my chair. Oh the places you'll go.
Also guys know what's hilarious? Badwolf just liked one of my posts recently...on page two. I hope this is not an indicator of how caught up he is on current events.
Oh it was.

SO this is the end is it?

Feels good.

After that wonderfully long reading of the entire damn game, I've come to the conclusion of this: Either Kuz or Degusser can die. I could care less which atm, both will give me the information that I want from a lynch.

Swiss, lead me.

Marshy, die.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
kantrip what the **** is wrong with you

hostile =/= scummy I don't even.

Think from a scum perspective for a moment. You have 2 people that you have built good wagons on, and now suddenly people are piling onto you. Do you jump onto a random third party who has no wagon on him? No! You do your best to make sure the other big wagons stay bigger than you! Why on earth would scumkuz jump on me when he did?
by this logic I could vote acro now and that would be so wacky that I wouldn't be scum


oh and also you're worried about a me/swishy scumteam. because you're looking for the scumteam now? i don't even

hostile =/= scummy

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Kary, I don't like how you've been so very fine with my slot, and as soon as I say something negative about you I get phrases like "i'm told you have a solid townread on dgsr (that i'm still not sure the reasoning for)" when before, to my knowledge, you did not have a problem with that because I was also townreading you without reasoning.

It bugs me that you immediately act differently towards me when I show the slightest sliver of question and doubt. It's jumping the gun a little because all I did was ask you for elaboration and your demeanor instantly shifts to a much more feral, vicious Kary.
yeah you definitely seem to be confusing

me thinking you're scum

with me thinking you're a moron

I apologize for being pissy but you coming in with mad dislike for my slot just because I finally voted someone (didn't switch my vote) has made me a little bit exasperated when i thought I had a townbro I could rely on.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Kary is actually the one player our heads are kind of split on. Last I spoke with soup, he was flatout townreading Kary. I'm more wary. I don't have many issues with Kary's recent play, out of context of everything else. But one of the weirdest things kuz has tried to do toDay is connect me with Kary, and, if I'm right about kuz being scum, then I would consider it within his wheelhouse to try to project a piece of his scummy self onto a townie (in this hypothetical case, a scum partnership with Kary onto me).

But as I explained earlier, that idea isn't really worth entertaining without a flip. Kary isn't a priority for either of us at this point. We're focused on kuz. Kary can be dealt with toMorrow either way. Kuz's scum flip doesn't condemn him; kuz's town flip doesn't clear him. If kuz does flip scum, I expect Kary to be a player that naturally gets some spotlight when everyone inevitably reads over kuz's posts.
You've been pushing Kary for a lot of this game and unless I missed it in this thread, I haven't seen this slot discuss Kary as a town read. Can Soup explain why he no longer has a scum read on Kary?

Otherwise, I like the fact that you don't want to entertain connection theories before the lynch, means you're not trying to jump to conclusions too early but still have a plan on where to look.

Also, why the voteblock on me?

Quote a single argument that he, or anyone else for that matter, has that I have not already responded to. No one is doing any legwork just taking Swiss' word for it despite completly innaccurate reasoning.

Joey actually nailing it with his analysis like come on people
Going to quote the entire conversation between you and Potassium

I do still think you're involved. I think you're trying to go the route of "lets do what we're being accused of despite being called out on it, maybe that will throw others off." What are you on about wrt Dabuz?

I think Kantrip is individually scummy and his posts read weird and forced as fack. He'd be my third pick.
Kuzi you're really going to have to elaborate. I feel like you dislike my posts merely because I am working very hard to stay composed. Also because you like to OMGUS or something, I'm not too sure.
When did Kary say this?

I don't like this post. It doesn't serve any purpose but being a ****. If kuz thinks something needs clarification, he could ask for it. If he thinks there's a contradiction that is scummy, he could point it out. Instead, he just pushes soup's buttons because he knows he can make soup look scummy by pushing his buttons.

Also, @everyone: I actually want the questions I posed in my large posts answered, please and thank you.

Oh god my radar is going crazy
Your diction is so forced its comical, frankly.
Stop being useless. These questions do nothing. Not to mention that you've completely misconstrued the original interaction. If you actually read the post in its context you'd see I wasn't poking at the slot, but was genuinely calling out their contradiction.
Never explained why you are putting Kantrip as scummy besides a generalized "his posts feel weird and forced", you completely ignored elaborating when Potassium asked you too.

Your radar is broken, as evidenced by your scum reads being absolute ****.

You think that Deg and Kary are on the same team. I've already said this, but look at their interactions on page 5. Hell, look at their interactions all game and tell me you honestly think they could be scum partners.
From my experience with scumkuz (read: not very much but I spent a lot of time idolizing and analyzing his play after our win in Awkward Moments), he is very good at leading mislynches. I'd almost consider that to be his strongest aspect of scum play. In Awkward Moments he rallied all of town and scum behind basically whatever lynches he wanted. That's not to say you can call him scum when he starts leading lynches, because I'm sure that's a strong suit for him as town as well. Both the large wagons right now are his top 2 scum reads, who he's made a case for being partners.

This brings me to how I would go about pinning scumkuz. Since you can expect him to lead lynches if he's invested in the game, that's what you're going to want to look at. You can look for if you agree with his reads (I don't), and you can look for if his reasoning checks out. Kuz's reads haven't really been explained much in this game, so there's really not much you can go off of there. What you can use is the fact that he thinks Kary and Deg are partners, and he's continued to cling to this even after the idea has gone from whackjob theory to downright ********. Everyone has commented on the wagons, so if he was doing this as a clever way to get reads and connections between everyone and these two players, he could have stopped it and gotten all he needed. The fact that he's still going with this craziness says to me that he buys it. In a bit I'm going to outline why I think Kary and Deg are town, why I knowthey cannot be scum together, and why kuz's assertions that they are are disingenuous and stupid.
You knowing they aren't scum together implies you know who scum is.

Your stance is pretty strong for the ampunt of information we have and I highly dislike it.
When Potassium is asking you about how you can be certain regarding Deg/ Kary scum team, you respond by stating Potassium is implying he knows how the scum team is. You never actually justified yourself there, instead you're just taking what Potassium says out of context to put suspicion towards him while not explaining yourself there.

It's actually ironic for you to call Potassium's stance strong for his amount of information when you never explained yourself about your Kantrip read within this convo, what information do you have for your stance there?

I like taking strong stances. Makes people think you're confident and they'll be more likely to follow you. Even if you don't have 100% certainty, you say _____ is scum. Not "I think _____ may be scum". Even you employ these tactics, kuz.
Nice reach though. "You know they're not scum implies you know who scum is"? Umm... no it doesn't bro. Stop.
End of the exchange. You should be able to see how it's evasive.

@dabuz: Kantrip was to afraid to straight put forth an OMGUS response and so framed it by saying "or maybe is your blatant OMGUS thats what makes you scummy" or something of that nature. That wayof phrasing an accusation screams an overanalyzed style of posting that is ingerent in scum trying to revise their diction to appear nonchalante and townie.

Its a subtle tell but very telling and something I've learned to look for and heavily trust ovef my years of play
Then why not just say it before? I don't see why you avoided it at first. Eh, I can't comment on that specific kind of tell since that sounds like something only a more experienced player would have.


you can explain why i'm scum while you're at it, preferably without reference to any magic or bull****.

and you can explain why you've switched onto me, after pushing degausser all day

and why it was me you switched onto, instead of say kantrip

and why it is your switch to me happens just as a waggon forms on you

and if you get through all of that, we can talk about why you're misreading me.


On phone cant be ****ed to pull up quotes will after work tomorrow.

Quoting just because I would like these questions answered as well.

I know there can be town rbers. What im saying is that the fashion in which he used his role block screams self preservation. Not to mention blatantly crumbing other abilities.
How does it scream self preservation when it's only a 24 hour voteblock? In essence: I have my vote back by now way before the day is over. What does blatantly crumbing abilities say?

Stopped reading at 482, will finish later today sometime if not soon.

Also going to re-read the thread and look at some of the other player slots.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Leaning town on Badwolf's wall there.
yeah you definitely seem to be confusing

me thinking you're scum

with me thinking you're a moron

I apologize for being pissy but you coming in with mad dislike for my slot just because I finally voted someone (didn't switch my vote) has made me a little bit exasperated when i thought I had a townbro I could rely on.
Did I say you were thinking I was scum? What bothered me is that I asked you questions and you brought up how my Deg town read wasn't substantiated all of a sudden. What was the point of that? That's what bugs me and I didn't bring your alignment, or what you think of my alignment, into it.

I'd rather have kuz still, I just questioned you a bit and your answers bugged me. Just chill a little, please?


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
I'll be continuing V/LA I'm afraid. Down two staff in a three man team and I'm the one remaining - so will likely be working 12 hour days again for the next day or two.

Will catch up ASAP

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I'd rather have kuz still, I just questioned you a bit and your answers bugged me. Just chill a little, please?
then why are you voting for me?

I would love to chill out, man, but you're all over the place. Your #1 all Day scumread votes you for no reason, and so in response you decide he's probably ok and jump on the same waggon as him?

It's very simple.

I don't want to vote for DGSR. If I did, I would've put them at L-1.

Since I don't want to vote for DGSR, I'm voting for kuz. It should be blindingly obvious why kuz is suspect.

In the future, I might want to vote for DGSR, but for now I am fine with them living.

/not scummy

/your vote is bad

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I am legitimately considering being wrong on kuzscum and that we're dealing with a Kary/Swishy scumteam. Tell me your thoughts on that, Nabe. I value your opinion even if you hate me.
Your demeanor is bizarre, and your conclusion (red paragraph) is sudden, and it comes following a push on you by Kuz and myself, two players who you know put voice to Kary suspicion and might listen to a Kary twist. Dislike. I don't think the sentiment is any more likely than not.

Swishy's push on Kuz is a little sudden and unexplained from a Swiss head, but not Marshy, who darts forward in hydras to comfortably voice scumreads when the other head is open to a) logical follow-through and b) commitment to appearance (read: thread control). It's nulltown.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Nabe lets do this, Kantrip can go toMorrow potentially possibly probably shirley temple with a cherry on the side


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Cuz you know when deg pops scum and Swiss nks me you'll be able to push through whoever you want toMorrow.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
There's alao zero way marshy legitamatly believes im scum. Such an opportunistic push i dont even. Clear as day they're not putting ANY content out there. Just setting up a Degu/Kuz TvS connection which works in their favor regardless of who is lynched.

Yall better remember this fckin post if they win as an indepenant I swear to god ya'll need to wake up.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroth Mafia Day 1

Deadline is at midnight on 8/4/2013 MT

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

[0] Swishy:
[3] th3kuzinator: Degausser, Kary, Swishy,
[0] KevinM:
[4] Degausser: Red Ryu, KevinM, th3kuzinator, Nabe,
[3] Kary: Acrostic, Rajam, Potassium,
[0] Nabe:
[1] dabuz: MOD,
[0] BadWolf28738:
[0] -Masquerain-:
[0] Potassium:
[0] Red Ryu:
[1] Rajam: -Masquerain-,
[0] Acrostic:

[2] Not voting: dabuz, BadWolf28738,

[collapse=Vote Log Day 1]Swishy: Votes Degausser > Votes th3kuzinator
Degausser: Votes Kary > Unvotes > Votes th3kuzinator
th3kuzinator: Votes Degausser > Votes Kary > Votes Degausser > Votes Swishy > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Votes Degausser
Acrostic: Votes Kary
Red Ryu: Votes Degausser
KevinM: Votes Degausser
Rajam: Votes Kary
Potassium: Votes th3kuzinator > Votes Kary
-Masquerain-: Votes Rajam
Nabe: Votes Degausser > Votes Potassium > Votes Degausser
Kary: Votes th3kuzinator
MOD Votes: dabuz[/collapse]


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Joey will join. Acro or raj will closer to deadline and Swiss will hammer because we must be TvS apparantly


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Not scum but someone I want to look at if players were to flip town. I'm not 100% ok with how he approached Degu and others but if Degu flipped scum I wouldn't mind him.
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