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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Kuz I was a town vote blocker in FF9 mafia and got lynched because I was a vote blocker. Was super lame.

I'm asking why he used it on Dabuz be aide that makes zero sense to blow it so soon.
I know there can be town rbers. What im saying is that the fashion in which he used his role block screams self preservation. Not to mention blatantly crumbing other abilities.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm just going to go ahead and confirm that. I assume soup will be fine with it since he's the one who decided to post the action in thread to begin with.

Kary is actually the one player our heads are kind of split on. Last I spoke with soup, he was flatout townreading Kary. I'm more wary. I don't have many issues with Kary's recent play, out of context of everything else. But one of the weirdest things kuz has tried to do toDay is connect me with Kary, and, if I'm right about kuz being scum, then I would consider it within his wheelhouse to try to project a piece of his scummy self onto a townie (in this hypothetical case, a scum partnership with Kary onto me).

But as I explained earlier, that idea isn't really worth entertaining without a flip. Kary isn't a priority for either of us at this point. We're focused on kuz. Kary can be dealt with toMorrow either way. Kuz's scum flip doesn't condemn him; kuz's town flip doesn't clear him. If kuz does flip scum, I expect Kary to be a player that naturally gets some spotlight when everyone inevitably reads over kuz's posts.
Huge towntell that they used their power. Especially knowing it was soup.

Degausser is not a play toDay.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I know there can be town rbers. What im saying is that the fashion in which he used his role block screams self preservation. Not to mention blatantly crumbing other abilities.
This is gross and it's ironic he's talking about self-preservation while making this post. Kuz is lined up for execution and I'm ready to drop the guillotine.

The truth of the matter is, self-preservation for soup would have been to preemptively claim a pro-town power rather than voteblocking (which is typically scummy) someone randomly without explanation. The play was a town lash-out at a slot they don't like (dabuz). While I think the lashing out was at the wrong target, they picked someone they perceived to be a sheep and there is nothing scummy about it. I wouldn't have done it and it was probably a bad play, but I can't see the argument for it being scum desperation.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Do you actually believe what you're saying or are Swiss' genetalia in your mouth for a lord and vassal contract?
You're cute but I see you've been away for a while or something. My stances are my own, and I started your wagon. Swiss' genitalia can be wherever they want, but that's not my business.



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
And you should feel ever worse about dismissing Joey's legitamate point with ad-hominem step your **** up you're better than this even as scum
His legitimate point was part of a series of ****-sucking defense posts on that page with no real content of his own. He's not looking for scum, he's just stating his problems with everyone else's reads. Counter-intuitive and not helpful.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Unvote; Vote: Kantrip
Unvote; Vote: Kantrip
Unvote; Vote: Kantrip
Unvote; Vote: Kantrip
Unvote; Vote: Kantrip

My god.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Degausser explore your theory of me/kary scumteam lets go. I promise I wont lynch you toMorrow when he flips scum, toMorrow is for Kantrip. Do you honestly still believe I can be scum with info available? You know Swishy is just setting up your lynch down the road if mine gets pushed through today by taking that stance on us not being TvT.

Hes opening so many avenues for himself this game yet giving no substantial evidence for anything. So obvious hes looking to pave a way to endgame as his play is complete bs. Lets lynch Kary.

You know you dont want SKswiss alive with me dead regardless of your alignment
If I'm wrong on you then it is TvT and I won't let Swishy push for the lynch. Your argument is null and void and you're just grasping at anything that can save you.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Swishy what's your read on Kary and Kanttip?

Who is scum besides me? I know as the sk you dont want to take too many stances or put any info there and that you'll either respond with "its not protown for me to delve into my reads" or some variation of "bite me" but id rather you take some stances so youll be hanging from a tree before endgame if you feel me
Did you seriously just ask Swishy for his read on the two slots he's said are town multiple times? Son you readin?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
@dabuz: Kantrip was to afraid to straight put forth an OMGUS response and so framed it by saying "or maybe is your blatant OMGUS thats what makes you scummy" or something of that nature. That wayof phrasing an accusation screams an overanalyzed style of posting that is ingerent in scum trying to revise their diction to appear nonchalante and townie.

Its a subtle tell but very telling and something I've learned to look for and heavily trust ovef my years of play
I was trying to sound nonchalant, but that persona doesn't suit me. Should stick to the confident one. Either way, I wasn't throwing out a "maybe" as in displaying doubt and uncertainty.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I know there can be town rbers. What im saying is that the fashion in which he used his role block screams self preservation. Not to mention blatantly crumbing other abilities.
Explain this.

Stop evading my questions.

Explain why the way they used their voteblock screams of self-preservation, in-detail.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Kary who is scum other than me. I like your 463 not gonna lis. Is there any merit to my 467? Let me see inside your head with other issues other than my alignment. What do you think of Swiss' recent play?
don't you mean 'who do you think is scum' ?

To my 468* excuse me.
Wait wait wait just read back Degausser claimed the votehlock? The ****? How is that a protown at all. That just looks like an attempt to show everyone they aren't vanilla to save their skin wtf
you would do better to ask dgsr why they thought it was a good idea.
your response is fine but doesn't really add anything or go anywhere.

What do you think of Swiss' recent play?
his play or his needless posturing?

being a **** to joey doesn't really do him any favours or get him closer to achieving his goal, unles he just wants to shut joey up and not have an argument about why you're scum.

he's trying to swag through to the lynch he wants. that could be laziness, it could be scum bravado, or it could be not wanting to let his target wriggle out by getting bogged down in an argument.

but what do i think of Swishy? I find it reassuring that they're townreading myself and Kantrip. If we both end up dead in a ditch before Swishy, then I might have something to worry about. Beyond that I haven't seen enough to be able to say. town lean.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Explain what you read through and what convinced you.
I mostly re-read dgsr, and decided I didn't want to vote for them. at least, not now.

and having made that decision, the time looked ripe for a kuz vote. I'm not entirely convinced of anything, but it looks like a good place for my vote.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I mostly re-read dgsr, and decided I didn't want to vote for them. at least, not now.

and having made that decision, the time looked ripe for a kuz vote. I'm not entirely convinced of anything, but it looks like a good place for my vote.
Do you think you could give me more detail than this though? You re-read dgsr. Okay. What did you find? What details made you reconsider your read on them and make you not wanna vote them. Why are you leaving that option open by saying "at least, not now"? I want an actual definitive read on that slot instead of stalling a scumread for later, because right now it looks like you're piggybacking the kuz wagon while it's easy while keeping Deg as an option.

Tell me what you found in your re-read and tell me why it made you want kuz more than Deg.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Do you need me to write the essay or sheep? I'm reporting for duty for either or both, cap'n.
Hit 'im with the case and you'll be rewarded handsomely with a meritorious promotion, private!

Ruy, don't write off the wagon because of its passengers. Scum bus (though I haven't put much thought into this prospect cuz I'm largely voting with homies, but really I just want you to be openminded because kuz is gonna be enough of a pain in the ass largely due to nonvoters/inactives we have floating around)


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Hit 'im with the case and you'll be rewarded handsomely with a meritorious promotion, private!

Ruy, don't write off the wagon because of its passengers. Scum bus (though I haven't put much thought into this prospect cuz I'm largely voting with homies, but really I just want you to be openminded because kuz is gonna be enough of a pain in the *** largely due to nonvoters/inactives we have floating around)
Damn marshy...you're fine as ****. Please can you **** my *****.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Hit 'im with the case and you'll be rewarded handsomely with a meritorious promotion, private!

Ruy, don't write off the wagon because of its passengers. Scum bus (though I haven't put much thought into this prospect cuz I'm largely voting with homies, but really I just want you to be openminded because kuz is gonna be enough of a pain in the *** largely due to nonvoters/inactives we have floating around)
Talk to me about Kary's #504, and only that post out of context from the rest of Kary's play. Then put it in context.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Also guys know what's hilarious? Badwolf just liked one of my posts recently...on page two. I hope this is not an indicator of how caught up he is on current events.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Do you think you could give me more detail than this though? You re-read dgsr. Okay. What did you find? What details made you reconsider your read on them and make you not wanna vote them. Why are you leaving that option open by saying "at least, not now"? I want an actual definitive read on that slot instead of stalling a scumread for later, because right now it looks like you're piggybacking the kuz wagon while it's easy while keeping Deg as an option.

Tell me what you found in your re-read and tell me why it made you want kuz more than Deg.
one minute you're begging me to vote kuz, then when I get around to it, i'm piggybacking. calm down.

If I was going to vote degausser I would've done that. it's halfway through D1 and when I say 'not now' that's because sometimes **** changes. Like dgsr voteblocking dabuz. i'm told you have a solid townread on dgsr (that i'm still not sure the reasoning for), but I don't. If I come back to voting degausser, you can expect an explanation for that. Otherwise he's an 'option', just like every other slot.

I read dgsr as heading towards a tantrum from the moment the game starts, with kuz calling them out.

To be honest the whole of their play doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but it makes more sense as a townie losing their **** than a scummer trying to avoid suspicion. maybe that was what they were counting on all along, but I would think you'd have better options as a scummer.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroth Mafia Day 1

Deadline is at midnight on 8/4/2013 MT

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

[0] Swishy:
[4] th3kuzinator: Potassium, Degausser, Kary, Swishy,
[0] KevinM:
[3] Degausser: Red Ryu, KevinM, Nabe,
[2] Kary: Acrostic, Rajam,
[0] Nabe:
[1] dabuz: MOD,
[0] BadWolf28738:
[0] -Masquerain-:
[1] Potassium: th3kuzinator,
[0] Red Ryu:
[1] Rajam: -Masquerain-,
[0] Acrostic:

[2] Not voting: dabuz, BadWolf28738,

[collapse=Vote Log Day 1]Swishy: Votes Degausser > Votes th3kuzinator
Degausser: Votes Kary > Unvotes > Votes th3kuzinator
th3kuzinator: Votes Degausser > Votes Kary > Votes Degausser > Votes Swishy > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium > Unvotes > Votes Potassium
Acrostic: Votes Kary
Red Ryu: Votes Degausser
KevinM: Votes Degausser
Rajam: Votes Kary
Potassium: Votes th3kuzinator
-Masquerain-: Votes Rajam
Nabe: Votes Degausser
Kary: Votes th3kuzinator
MOD Votes: dabuz[/collapse]


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
kuz jumping on me like this is making me doubt my read on him now.

Still solid on Deg town, it's Kary I need to review

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Does kuz not disgust the utter **** out of you especially on a Degausser townflip?
I'm sorry Swishy but our relationship isn't destined to ****

Agreed that Joey is legit, and I'm not understanding a Kuzscum POV or a switch from Degausser, who is still where this Day needs to g-

This is gross and it's ironic he's talking about self-preservation while making this post. Kuz is lined up for execution and I'm ready to drop the guillotine.

The truth of the matter is, self-preservation for soup would have been to preemptively claim a pro-town power rather than voteblocking (which is typically scummy) someone randomly without explanation. The play was a town lash-out at a slot they don't like (dabuz). While I think the lashing out was at the wrong target, they picked someone they perceived to be a sheep and there is nothing scummy about it. I wouldn't have done it and it was probably a bad play, but I can't see the argument for it being scum desperation.
Hold that thought
You're cute but I see you've been away for a while or something. My stances are my own, and I started your wagon. Swiss' genitalia can be wherever they want, but that's not my business.

Where is this coming from
kuz jumping on me like this is making me doubt my read on him now.

Still solid on Deg town, it's Kary I need to review
kuz jumping on me

Vote: Tater Tot


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
If kuz was lashing out in desperation to get a lynch other than his, he would go for a wagon he's already set in motion. Going for me as the first vote in the fashion he did is not logical in such a situation and looks more like legit frustration.

Kary, I don't like how you've been so very fine with my slot, and as soon as I say something negative about you I get phrases like "i'm told you have a solid townread on dgsr (that i'm still not sure the reasoning for)" when before, to my knowledge, you did not have a problem with that because I was also townreading you without reasoning.

It bugs me that you immediately act differently towards me when I show the slightest sliver of question and doubt. It's jumping the gun a little because all I did was ask you for elaboration and your demeanor instantly shifts to a much more feral, vicious Kary.

kuz has bugged me because he has latched onto a silly connection case he made in RvS phase and has continued to push for it. He calls you and Deg scum, and says you are scum independently from each other, yet his case revolves around some sort of bussing/distancing connection that, frankly, is utter crap. I will not be swayed from my belief that at least one of the two of you is town.

I was totally content with trucking along with my Kary and Deg townreads and lynching kuz, but now I think Kary got too hasty and revealed himself as a little scummy in the confusion of the shift of power. Kary was riding the Deg train along with Swishy and kuz. Kuz was spouting that Kary and Deg were both scum. I came in and called them both town and called kuz scum (in part cuz his theory was bad, in part cuz I didn't like how all his reads were wrong). Swishy catches the scent of a new wagon and hops on kuz instead of Deg. Kary swaps over to the new kuz wagon while keeping the option to switch back to Deg open, and using very non-committed wording as shown in his #504. Kary's reasoning for switching is something about "rereading Deg" but I'm really not satisfied with his answer and when I asked for more I didn't get a whole lot. Instead, Kary started acting more hostile towards me when he hadn't had a problem with me all game.

Vote: Kary

Read that guys, it's good for you. And give me thoughts. My mind is still very open to kuz but that move by Kary bugs me a lot more.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I am legitimately considering being wrong on kuzscum and that we're dealing with a Kary/Swishy scumteam. Tell me your thoughts on that, Nabe. I value your opinion even if you hate me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
This 180 of opinion just because Kuz drew fangs and back lashed on Potassium is a bit weird considering that he is almost instinctively backing down on Kuz. I don't like it. I haven't properly read the thread, but I don't see reason for Potassium to completely drop his Kuz vote and go after Kary.
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