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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
The thing that I find particular about KevinM's discretion that Degausser is targeting lower profile slots on the wagon i.e. dabuz which compounds on RR's initial reading that Degausser didn't question everyone on the wagon is that I'm not entirely sure there is a solid reason why anyone is really on the wagon or if the wagon really needs a solid reason on the first place. If we've proven there's no reason behind the wagon it doesn't mean that the wagon has to be stopped, it simply means that you're going to die without rational cause. And that's mafia.

The only other slot that I want to free form comment is on Potassium. I read his post, I don't really feel like re-reading it. I was impressed by how much effort he put into his initial post, but then the words ran into each other and I let them gloss over my eyes like inconsequential nothingness. It might have been as th3kuzinator said that the material seemed forced. But I don't see the thought process of making such a bold statement that both Kary and Degausser are town and that th3kuzinator is mafia. Truthfully I'm dubious as in the merit of presenting the rough logic that if someone double disagrees with you and that person is Jesus, then he is mafia and does not have the same interests as you because as we all know a Mafia Jesus would blatantly do a double dutch setup on two middle class Americans to be sacrificed before he is crucified for being a complete fraud. Would a Mafia Jesus really do something so audacious given his influence and why does it seem that God is concerned that Jesus won't be sacrificed immediately following the Degausser procession. We all know Jesus is the ****, but how do we know that this is the final movement or am I the only sap still staring at this wagon and trying to figure out what the bloody hell is going on.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
The thing that I find particular about KevinM's discretion that Degausser is targeting lower profile slots on the wagon i.e. dabuz which compounds on RR's initial reading that Degausser didn't question everyone on the wagon is that I'm not entirely sure there is a solid reason why anyone is really on the wagon or if the wagon really needs a solid reason on the first place. If we've proven there's no reason behind the wagon it doesn't mean that the wagon has to be stopped, it simply means that you're going to die without rational cause. And that's mafia.
Forcing someone to elaborate further on their reasoning sorta circumnavigates your concern here, although I see your intention with being able to hide discreetly on wagons. People aren't going to let it fly.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
I'll tell you what. I am voting Kary. And you know what, no I don't know if she is mafia. But does that matter? I'm frankly watching him play twenty questions, but there's no resolution or development. To me, it looks like he's shooting questions but he's getting nowhere in terms of reads. God, really the questions might as well be about the weather. I don't see an organic or a genuine process in them. Is he simply lost? Am I just not seeing the human element of a townie repeatedly doing inconsequential acts of nothingness. Or has he secretly been keeping all his findings stashed in some .txt file and has already managed to uncover all the hidden relationships the game has to offer and I'm here just being a giant bugger on him when I have nothing and I'm simply gaping at my screen in disinterest as I watch this Degausser wagon and find it very stagnating. Or maybe that's the point. Maybe if we continue to push on Degausser enough, even I will lose enough interest to vote him although voting him seems like a giant mystery. As if soup and th3kuzinator share a sacred mafia psychic link that's been honed over their relationship and instantaneously the connection has been severed resulting one of the party to be the aggressor and the other to cower as he is helplessly beaten repeatedly with a salgo of votes resulting in emotional anguish at being misunderstood by the masses.
Laughed out loud.

Now swap your vote to something more productive - Kary isn;t dying today so better to influence another lynch of your choice.

I'm not explicitly telling you to vote Degauss incase you vote Kuz and so then I have a good excuse to jump on him.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Who said I was worried? Im formulating my read on Swishy.

Is there anyone who challenges you who isn't scum? Karebear, Potato, Degausser, and I'm only worth investigating once I generously let the masses know how badly you need to die from your nasty ass play. You're a ****ing riot kuz, better nightkill me.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013

Yo SK you want to claim Vig lategame?



Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroth Mafia Day 1

Deadline is at midnight on 8/4/2013 MT

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

[0] Swishy:
[3] th3kuzinator: Potassium, Degausser, Kary,
[0] KevinM:
[5] Degausser: Swishy, th3kuzinator, Red Ryu, KevinM, Nabe,
[2] Kary: Acrostic, Rajam,
[0] Nabe:
[0] dabuz:
[0] BadWolf28738:
[0] -Masquerain-:
[0] Potassium:
[0] Red Ryu:
[1] Rajam: -Masquerain-,
[0] Acrostic:

[2] Not voting: dabuz, BadWolf28738,

[collapse=Vote Log Day 1]Swishy: Votes Degausser
Degausser: Votes Kary > Unvotes > Votes th3kuzinator
th3kuzinator: Votes Degausser
Acrostic: Votes Kary
Red Ryu: Votes Degausser
KevinM: Votes Degausser
Rajam: Votes Kary
Potassium: Votes th3kuzinator
-Masquerain-: Votes Rajam
Nabe: Votes Degausser
Kary: Votes th3kuzinator[/collapse]


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
No big post from me obv. Just here to say that my v/la is to midday wednesday. Elongated vacation yay!

Kary, what is your read on degausser? I thought he was a scum lean for you, but I could be remembering wrong.

Not a fan of Swishy framing Kuz with "all of the people voting you are your scumreads" when considering that Kuz disliked 2 out of 3 prior to them having Kuz suspicion, and Kantrip's early Kuz logic was really cruddy. :|


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I like that you've molded a counter attack from my question@ Swishy asking him to elaborate how his situation was different than mine. Your reasoning is bad and your 370 is plain awful and transparant. Your entire argument revolves around meta and the argument that my reads havn't been substantiated, which is completly false if you've ben actually reading the thread.

Just because im witty enough to enrage you into panic AtEflail mode doesn't mean im pushing your lynch on my bravado alone.

RR's got it right.
Already have. Quote for me any specific post you have a problem with or stance I have not substantiated instead of just saying "having things over I agree with the current argumentation which is actually based on nothing."


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Going to start reading now.

Before I do though, want to mention that I have been vote blocked for 24 hours (starting at 7PM EST yesterday), I don't mind voting and therefore giving myself a mod vote to prove that claim to prove that claim. (Note the person who i'm voting has no significance here.)

Vote: Rajam
It's all just suspicion, but my guess is when considering we are so far from deadline and this is only a 24 hour voteblock, this is way for one of the players to be able to prove their claim later in the game.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Are you reading them based on the tantrum alone? What about their play prior to that?
I read dgsr as heading towards a tantrum from the moment the game starts, with kuz calling them out.

To be honest the whole of their play doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but it makes more sense as a townie losing their **** than a scummer trying to avoid suspicion. maybe that was what they were counting on all along, but I would think you'd have better options as a scummer.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroth Mafia Day 1

Deadline is at midnight on 8/4/2013 MT

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

[0] Swishy:
[3] th3kuzinator: Potassium, Degausser, Kary,
[0] KevinM:
[5] Degausser: Swishy, th3kuzinator, Red Ryu, KevinM, Nabe,
[2] Kary: Acrostic, Rajam,
[0] Nabe:
[1] dabuz: MOD,
[0] BadWolf28738:
[0] -Masquerain-:
[0] Potassium:
[0] Red Ryu:
[1] Rajam: -Masquerain-,
[0] Acrostic:

[2] Not voting: dabuz, BadWolf28738,

[collapse=Vote Log Day 1]Swishy: Votes Degausser
Degausser: Votes Kary > Unvotes > Votes th3kuzinator
th3kuzinator: Votes Degausser
Acrostic: Votes Kary
Red Ryu: Votes Degausser
KevinM: Votes Degausser
Rajam: Votes Kary
Potassium: Votes th3kuzinator
-Masquerain-: Votes Rajam
Nabe: Votes Degausser
Kary: Votes th3kuzinator
MOD Votes: dabuz[/collapse]


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
What about me? I've been pushing Kary this whole damn time. Your bias is showing. Asking what now? Really? Elaborate on it maybe?
Your push on Kary didn't look legit to me. It was like: "Oh Kary you should cooperate with me. Oh...you said no? Well screw you! I'm going to push you now."

Feelin' like a weird defensive bus
Feel it, feel it~

Not comfortable with the way this question is phrased to funnel into a binary

These two can go, Doctor Hardbody
Feel it, feel it~
Mind elaborating on why you weren't comfortable with the the question being funneled into a binary?


Oh god my radar is going crazy
Please elaborate on this, what screams scum?

Pale Horse: dabuz
Oh, could this be what voteblocked me?

I hate that response.

Vote solidified.

What do you think of Kuz at this point in the game based on his past few posts?

Rajam, you have a lot of people to respond to in your next post.

Degaus, clarify something, do you still have a scum read on Kary? If so do you see Kary/ Kuz scum team as a possibility?

Kuz's and Potassium's interaction reads to me as evasive from Kuz, like I didn't see him try to respond to Potassium's points.

Will probably re-read later since I feel like I missed some stuff.



Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Not a fan of Swishy framing Kuz with "all of the people voting you are your scumreads" when considering that Kuz disliked 2 out of 3 prior to them having Kuz suspicion, and Kantrip's early Kuz logic was really cruddy. :|
And this is why you're a bad player. Neither Kary or Potato is a play today and kuz's insistence that they're obvious scum is consistent with scum holding a knife to his challengers. Look at 415, suck kuz's **** and you get a pat on the back, good job dude. You're one of those players who let verbose scum like EE/ OS/kuz dazzle you with walls and logic of bull**** then congratulate them after eating their **** instead of looking at yourself and properly asking, "What the **** is wrong with me?"


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Ah, kuz is almost dead. Excellent.

Ruy, Nabe, I am looking at you guys to hop on this wagon. Joey is unreliable in la la land while Acro is busy having a nervous breakdown regarding what the **** is happening in this game. Badwolf is inactive and Kevin will need to be the hammer due being the least likeliest player to flinch when it matters and let kuz wiggle his way out of the noose through a claim. This day can end.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Oh, could this be what voteblocked me?
I'm just going to go ahead and confirm that. I assume soup will be fine with it since he's the one who decided to post the action in thread to begin with.

Degaus, clarify something, do you still have a scum read on Kary? If so do you see Kary/ Kuz scum team as a possibility?
Kary is actually the one player our heads are kind of split on. Last I spoke with soup, he was flatout townreading Kary. I'm more wary. I don't have many issues with Kary's recent play, out of context of everything else. But one of the weirdest things kuz has tried to do toDay is connect me with Kary, and, if I'm right about kuz being scum, then I would consider it within his wheelhouse to try to project a piece of his scummy self onto a townie (in this hypothetical case, a scum partnership with Kary onto me).

But as I explained earlier, that idea isn't really worth entertaining without a flip. Kary isn't a priority for either of us at this point. We're focused on kuz. Kary can be dealt with toMorrow either way. Kuz's scum flip doesn't condemn him; kuz's town flip doesn't clear him. If kuz does flip scum, I expect Kary to be a player that naturally gets some spotlight when everyone inevitably reads over kuz's posts.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Swishy, what? I'm not riding Kuz' ego in the slightest. The fact of the matter is that your post I was previously referring to was total crap. The fact that you're riding a wagon on this looks like total BS as well. Kuz sticking to his initial reads isn't scummy in the slightest :|. Especially when you consider where we are in the game and how little Degausser, Kary, and Kantrip have changed from page 3-5.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
"Oh wow what a surprise Kuz is omgusing me cuz i voted him wow so oportunistic must be scum every scum read is coincidently voting him as well despite the fact that he called them on their BS before they even began to posture themselves into fighting back gollee"

Now I remember why I take such long breaks from this game


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Kuz's and Potassium's interaction reads to me as evasive from Kuz, like I didn't see him try to respond to Potassium's points.

Will probably re-read later since I feel like I missed some stuff.

Quote a single argument that he, or anyone else for that matter, has that I have not already responded to. No one is doing any legwork just taking Swiss' word for it despite completly innaccurate reasoning.

Joey actually nailing it with his analysis like come on people


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
"Oh wow what a surprise Kuz is omgusing me cuz i voted him wow so oportunistic must be scum every scum read is coincidently voting him as well despite the fact that he called them on their BS before they even began to posture themselves into fighting back gollee"

Now I remember why I take such long breaks from this game
oh yeah it must really suck when someone jumps on you for **** you think is null wow i cant imagine


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Unvote; Vote: Kary

Post reads list later when im back home but ive got scum team down to 4 people + Swiss sk if I had to choose one of the three I could be wrong about being scum I'd say Deg.
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